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FIRST TERM WEEK 1 DATE 4/1/10 8/1/10 C)A*TER + , 2 11/1/10 15/1/10 SCIENTIFIC &a!!y o"t a scientific investigation( e.g. investigate ho% s"!face a!ea affects the !ate of cooling St"dents %ill ) a. identify the *!o#le+ #. identify the va!ia#les c. +a,e a hy*othesis d. *lan the investigation to ) i. dete!+ine the a**a!at"s and +ate!ials needed ii. dete!+ine the *!oced"!e of the investigation( the +ethod of data collection and data analysis e. ca!!y o"t the investigation f. collect data g. analyse and inte!*!et data h. %!ite a !e*o!t -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of scientific investigation +ethod in ac."i!ing scientific ,no%ledge. 1.2 Realising the Need to !actise Scientific Attit"des and No#le $al"es %hen &a!!ying '"t Scientific Investigations $ie% a video o! co+*"te! si+"lation then gathe! and inte!*!et data on the scientific attit"des and no#le val"es *!actised #y scientists. -isc"ss the need to *!actise scientific attit"des and no#le val"es %hen ca!!ying o"t scientific A st"dent is a#le to ) identify the scientific attit"des and no#le val"es *!actised #y scientists e/*lain the need to *!actise scientific attit"des and no#le val"es %hen ca!!ying o"t a scientific investigation No#le val"es nilai +"!ni !actise +enga+al,an Scientific attit"des Si,a* saintifi, A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain the ste*s in scientific investigation ca!!y o"t a scientific investigation %!ite a !e*o!t on a scientific investigation e/*lain the i+*o!tance of scientific investigation. !oced"!e *!osed"!( tataca!a Ste*s lang,ah0 lang,ah $a!ia#les *e+#oleh "#ah IN ESTIGATIO N 1.1 Analysing Method of Scientific Investigation LEARNING AREA & Learnin g Objectives SUGGESTED LEARNING ACTI ITIES LEARNING OUTCOMES OCA!ULAR"

Orient a ti#n Wee$ %#r F#r& F#'r St'(en ts


*!actise scientific attit"des and no#le val"es %hen ca!!ying o"t a scientific investigation 3ody coo!dination ,oo!dinasi #adan

18/1/10 22/1/10

C)A*TER - , !OD" COORDINATION 2.1 2nde!standing 3ody &oo!dination

&a!!y o"t activities to o#se!ve and disc"ss #ody coo!dination 5/a+ine +odels( vie% cha!ts o! video to identify the #ody syste+s %hich cont!ol coo!dination( i.e. the ne!vo"s syste+ and the endoc!ine syste+ -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of #ody coo!dination in daily activities

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e %hat #ody coo!dination is identify the #ody syste+s that cont!ol and !eg"late coo!dination state the i+*o!tance of #ody coo!dination

5ndoc!ine syste+ siste+ endo,!in Ne!vo"s syste+ siste+ sa!af A/on a,son &ell #ody #adan sel &ent!al ne!vo"s syste+ siste+ sa!af *"sat Moto! ne"!one ne"!on +oto! Myelin shealth sal"t +yelin e!i*he!al ne!vo"s siste+ syste+ sa!af *e!ife!i Relay ne"!one ne"!on *e!anta!aan Senso!y ne"!one ne"!on de!ia Refle/ action tinda,an !efle,s Refle/ a!c a!,a !efle,s

2.2 2nde!standing the 4"+an

Ne!vo"s Syste+

'#se!ve +odels( vie% cha!ts o! video and identify the h"+an ne!vo"s syste+ %hich consist of ) a. cent!al ne!vo"s syste+( i.e. #!ain and s*inal co!d #. *e!i*he!al ne!vo"s syste+( i.e. c!anial and s*inal ne!ves and thei! #!anches %hich lin, the !ece*to!s and effecto!s %ith the cent!al ne!vo"s syste+. -isc"ss the f"nction of each co+*onent *a!t of the ne!vo"s syste+

A st"dent is a#le to ) identify the co+*onent *a!ts of the h"+an ne!vo"s syste+ state the f"nction of each co+*onent *a!t of the ne!vo"s syste+ state %hat a ne"!one is identify the *a!ts of a ne"!one state the f"nction of each *a!t of the ne"!one identify the diffe!ent ty*es of ne"!one state the f"nction of each ty*e of ne"!one A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat !ece*to!s and effecto!s a!e state the f"nctions of !ece*to!s and effecto!s e/*lain %ith e/a+*les %hat

2.1 Analysing Ne!vo"s &oo!dination

-isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. +eaning of !ece*to!s and effecto!s #. f"nctions of !ece*to!s and effecto!s

&a!!ying o"t activities to de+onst!ate the !eactions of senso!y o!gans to va!io"s sti+"li &a!!y o"t activities and disc"ss !efle/ actions s"ch as ,nee 6e!, and !eaction to to"ching a hot o! sha!* o#6ect $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations o! cha!t sho%ing the *ath ta,en #y an i+*"lse in a !efle/ a!c. -!a% a diag!a+ to sho% the *ath ta,en #y an i+*"lse in a !efle/ a!c 2.4 2nde!standing the !ole of *!o*!ioce*to!s in +aintaining #alance and coo!dination &a!!y o"t the follo%ing activities to sho% the i+*o!tance of *!o*!ioce*to!s ) a. stac,ing o#6ects %ith #oth eyes closed #. +aintaining #alance of the #ody $ie% cha!ts( videos( o! co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. *!o*!ioce*to!s and thei! f"nctions #. the i+*o!tance of *!o*!ioce*to!s in +aintaining #alance and coo!dination 2.5 2nde!standing the h"+an #!ain and its co+*le/ity 5/a+ine +odels( vie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations to identify the st!"ct"!e of the h"+an #!ain( i.e. ce!e#!"+( ce!e#ell"+ and +ed"lla o#longata. -isc"ss the f"nction of the va!io"s *a!ts of the #!ain &a!!y o"t activities and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. vol"nta!y actions s"ch as %!iting and dancing

a !efle/ action is desc!i#e a !efle/ action ill"st!ate the *ath ta,en #y an i+*"lse in the !efle/ a!c.

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain %hat *!o*!ioce*to!s a!e e/*lain the i+*o!tance of *!o*!ioce*to!s

!o*!ioce*to!s !ese*to! !egang

A st"dent is a#le to ) identify the +ain *a!ts of the h"+an #!ain state the f"nction of each *a!t of the h"+an #!ain e/*lain %hat vol"nta!y action is give e/a+*les of vol"nta!y actions

&onst!iction *eng"nc"*an -ilation *e+#esa!an

4ea!t #eat deg"*an 6ant"ng


invol"nta!y actions s"ch as dilation and const!iction of the *"*il and the #eating of the hea!t

-isc"ss the effects of in6"!ies to s*ecific *a!ts of the h"+an #!ain 4 25/1/10 27/1/10 2.8 2nde!standing 4o!+onal &oo!dination In 9he 4"+an 3ody &a!!y o"t ga+es s"ch as :+atch and %in; o! *"<<les to identify the follo%ing ) a. ho!+one and the +ain endoc!ine glands #. the ho!+ones sec!eted #y each of endoc!ine glands c. f"nction of the ho!+ones sec!eted #y each endoc!ine glands -!a% a la#elled diag!a+ to sho% the locations of the +ain endoc!ine glands -isc"ss the effects of ho!+onal i+#alance on health and *!esent in a g!a*hic o!ganise!

e/*lain %hat invol"nta!y action is give e/a+*les of invol"nta!y actions e/*lain the effects of in6"!ies to s*ecific *a!ts of the h"+an #!ain

Invol"nta!y actions tinda,an l"a! ,a%al $ol"nta!y actions tinda,an te!,a%al

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e %hat ho!+one is desc!i#e %hat endoc!ine glands a!e identify the +ain endoc!ine glands and thei! !es*ective locations in the #ody state the f"nction of ho!+ones sec!eted #y the endoc!ine glands desc!i#e the effects of ho!+onal i+#alance on health

Ad!enal gland ,elen6a! ad!enal 'va!y ova!i anc!eas *anc!eas it"ita!y *it"ita!y 9estes testis 9hy!oid 0 ti!oid


Analysing &oo!dination 3et%een the Ne!vo"s Syste+ and the 5ndoc!ine Syste+

&a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast ne!vo"s coo!dination %ith ho!+onal coo!dination and *!esent the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise! Si+"late :f!ight and flight; sit"ations o! !elate an incident to disc"ss the follo%ing) a. coo!dination #et%een ne!vo"s syste+ and the endoc!ine syste+ in *!od"cing a !es*onse to a sti+"l"s #. the i+*o!tance of coo!dination #et%een the ne!vo"s syste+ and the endoc!ine syste+ in ens"!ing a s+ooth and a**!o*!iate !es*onse

A st"dent is a#le to ) co+*a!e and cont!ast ne!vo"s coo!dination %ith ho!+onal coo!dination e/*lain %ith e/a+*les the coo!dination #et%een the ne!vo"s syste+ and the endoc!ine syste+ in !es*onse to a s*ecific sti+"l"s e/*lain the i+*o!tance of coo!dination #et%een the ne!vo"s syste+ and the endoc!ine syste+ in !es*onse to a s*ecific sti+"l"s

Res*onse ge!a, #alas Sti+"l"s !angsangan


5val"ating the 5ffects of -!"gs on 3ody &oo!dination and 4ealth

Invite a !e*!esentative f!o+ A->( -RM( 5MA-AM to give a tal, o! an e/hi#ition on d!"gs( d!"g a#"se and the effect of d!"gs St"dents +a,e *!esentations on d!"g a#"se th!o"gh *"#lic s*ea,ing( e/hi#iting folio o! +"lti+edia o%e! oint

A st"dent is a#le to ) define %hat d!"gs a!e list e/a+*les of d!"gs e/*lain %hat d!"g a#"se is desc!i#e the effects of d!"g a#"se on #ody coo!dination desc!i#e the effects of d!"g a#"se on health

-!"g a#"se *enyalahg"naan dadah

1/2/10 5/2/10

2.7 Analysing the 5ffects of 5/cessive cons"+*tion of Alcohol on 3ody &oo!dination and 4ealth

?athe! info!+ation f!o+ #oo,s( +aga<ines o! Inte!net and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. e/a+*les of alcoholic d!in,s #. effects of e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol on #ody coo!dination and health c. the i+*o!tance of avoiding e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol !esent and e/hi#it the collected info!+ation

A st"dent is a#le to ) list e/a+*les of alcoholic d!in,s desc!i#e the effects of e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol on #ody coo!dination desc!i#e the effects of e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol on health 6"stify the i+*o!tance of avoiding e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol

Alcoholic d!in,s +in"+an #e!al,ohol 5/cessive cons"+*tion *enga+#ilan #e!le#ihan !eaction ti+e +asa tinda, #alas

2.10 Realising 9he I+*o!tance of So"nd and 4ealthy Mind

?athe! info!+ation f!o+ #oo,s( +aga<ines o! Inte!net and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. the +eaning of +ind #. facto!s that affect the +ind( %hich incl"de ho!+one i+#alance( e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol( d!"g a#"se( +ental st!ess and #!ain in6"!y c. ho% ho!+one i+#alance( e/cessive cons"+*tion of alcohol and d!"g a#"se can affect the +ind d. the i+*o!tance of a healthy and so"nd +ind

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat +ind is identify facto!s that affect +ind e/*lain ho% s"#stance a#"se can affect the +ind 6"stify the i+*o!tance of a healthy and so"nd +ind

4o!+onal i+#alance ,etida,sei+#angan ho!+one Mind +inda Mental st!ess te,anan +ental 4ealthy and so"nd +ind +inda yang sihat dan #ai,

C)A*TER . , AND 8 8/2/10 12/2/10

)EREDIT" $ie% videos( co+*"te! si+"lations o! cha!t to st"dy the follo%ing ) a. gene( -NA and ch!o+oso+e #. +itosis and +eiosis Si+"late the *!ocess of +itosis and +eiosis A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat gene( -NA and ch!o+oso+e a!e desc!i#e the !elationshi* #et%een gene( -NA and ch!o+oso+e state %hat +itosis is state %hat +eiosis is desc!i#e the *!ocess of +itosis desc!i#e the *!ocess of +eiosis co+*a!e and cont!ast +itosis and +eiosis e/*lain the i+*o!tance of +itosis and +eiosis &ell division *e+#ahagian sel &ent!o+e!es sent!o+e! &h!o+oso+e ,!o+oso+

ARIATION 1.1 2nde!standing &ell -ivision

&a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast +itosis %ith +eiosis and *!esent the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise! -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of +itosis and +eiosis = 1=/2/10 17/2/10 ./- Un(ersta n ( ing t0e *rinci12es an( Mec0anis& #r In0eri t a n ce '#se!ve and identify do+inant and !ecessive t!aits a+ong st"dents and thei! fa+ily +e+#e!s. -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. do+inant genes and do+inant

-eo/y!i#on"cleic acid asid deo,si!i#on",lei, ?ene gen

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain %hat do+inant and !ecessive genes a!e identify do+inant and !ecessive t!aits in h"+an

oli!isation *eng"t"#an S*indle fi#!es gentian s*indle/


t!aits !ecessive genes and !ecessive t!aits

$ie% video o! co+*"te! si+"lations on genetic e/*e!i+ents ca!!ied o"t #y ?!ego! Mendel to st"dy the +echanis+ of t!ait inhe!itance 1.1 2nde!standing Se/ -ete!+ination and the 'cc"!!ence of 9%ins in 4"+an 3eings 2se sche+atic diag!a+s to ill"st!ate +onohy#!id c!osses and *!edict the follo%ing "sing Mendel;s @a% ) a. genoty*e !atio of the :fi!st filial; o! A1 gene!ation and the :second filial; o! A2 gene!ation #. *henoty*e !atio of A1 and A2 gene!ation $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations( videos o! cha!ts and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. se/ ch!o+oso+es #. dete!+ination of se/ c. the occ"!!ence of identical and non identical t%ins d. the occ"!!ence of Sia+ese t%ins 2se sche+atic diag!a+s to ill"st!ate the follo%ing ) a. ho% se/ is dete!+ine #. ho% identical and non identical t%ins a!e fo!+ &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast identical t%ins %ith non identical t%ins and ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise! Read and inte!*!et data f!o+ #oo,s( +aga<ines( a!ticles o! inte!net on Sia+ese t%ins

ill"st!ate the +echanis+ of inhe!itance of t!aits "sing sche+atic diag!a+ *!edict the genoty*e and *henoty*e !atios of a +onohy#!id c!oss

gelend"ng Mendel;s @a% 4","+ Mendel Monohy#!id c!oss ,ac",an +onohi#!id henoty*e fenoti* Recessive t!aits sifat !esesif Identical t%ins ,e+#a! sei!as Non identical t%ins ,e+#a! ta, sei!as Se/ ch!o+oso+es ,!o+oso+ se,s Se/ dete!+ination *enent"an 6antina Sia+ese t%ins ,e+#a! sia+

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain %hat se/ ch!o+oso+es a!e e/*lain ho% se/ is dete!+ined e/*lain the fo!+ation of identical and non identical t%ins co+*a!e and cont!ast identical %ith non identical t%ins e/*lain %hat Sia+ese t%ins a!e

22/2/10 25/2/10

1.4 2nde!standing M"tation

$ie% videos( co+*"te! si+"lations o! cha!ts and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. +"tation and ty*es of +"tation s"ch as ch!o+oso+es +"tations and gene +"tations #. conse."ences of ch!o+oso+e +"tation in h"+an c. conse."ences of gene +"tation in h"+an s"ch as al#inis+( 9halasse+ia &a!!y o"t an activity to test colo"! #lindness a+ong *"*ils -isc"ss the advantages and disadvantages of +"tation

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat +"tation is state the ty*es of +"tation list e/a+*les of +"tation identify ca"ses of +"tation state the advantages and disadvantages of +"tation

Al#inis+ al#inis+e &olo"! #lindness #"ta %a!na -o%n;s synd!o+e 0 Sind!o+ -o%n

>linefelte!;s synd!o+e Sind!o+ >linefelte! M"tation +"tasi A st"dent is a#le to ) list the cont!i#"tions of genetic !esea!ch in va!io"s field e/*lain selective #!eeding in *lants and livestoc, state the i+*o!tance of selective #!eeding in *lants and livestoc, desc!i#e the technology "sed fo! selective #!eeding *!esent a!g"+ents fo! and against genetic !esea!ch 9"!ne!;s synd!o+e Sind!o+ 9"!ne! @ivestoc, te!na,an Selective #!eeding *e+#ia,#a,aan *ilihan

1.5 5val"ating the 5ffects of ?enetic Resea!ches on 4"+an @ife

Sea!ch the Inte!net( !ead #oo,s( +aga<ine and ne%s*a*e!s fo! info!+ations on genetic !esea!ch and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. genetic !esea!ch in the field of +edicine #. genetic !esea!ch in the field of ag!ic"lt"!e -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. selective #!eeding in *lants and livestoc,s #. the i+*o!tance of selective #!eeding $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations on the technology "sed fo! selective #!eeding

1/1/10 5/1/10

1.8 Analysing $a!iation A+ong @iving 9hings

&a!!y o"t activities to identify and classify va!iation a+ong st"dents in a class. -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. contin"o"s and discontin"o"s va!iation #. e/a+*les of contin"o"s and discontin"o"s va!iation c. facto!s %hich ca"se va!iation d. the i+*o!tance of va!iation &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast contin"o"s and discontin"o"s va!iation

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat va!iation is list va!iation in h"+ans classify va!iation into contin"o"s and discontin"o"s va!iation co+*a!e and cont!ast contin"o"s and discontin"o"s va!iation identify facto! that ca"ses va!iation e/*lain the i+*o!tance of va!iation

&ontin"o"s selan6a! -iscontin"o"s ta, selan6a! Aa+ily t!ee salasilah @eft handed ,idal $a!iation 0 va!iasi

1.= Realising th! Need to Adhe!e to a &ode of 5thics in ?enetic Resea!ches

Read #oo,s( a!ticles( +aga<ine o! sea!ch the Inte!net and disc"ss ho% +is"se of ,no%ledge in the field of genetics can endange! life. -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of esta#lishing and adhe!ing to ethics and +o!als in scientific !esea!ch fo! the #enefit of +an,ind.

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain ho% the +is"se of ,no%ledge in the field of genetics can endange! life desc!i#e the i+*o!tance of esta#lishing and adhe!ing to ethics and +o!als in scientific !esea!ch fo! #enefit of +an,ind


8/1/10 12/1/10 FIRST MONT)L" TEST

MID TERM !REAK +.3.3+ 4 5 -+3.3+ 4 C)A*TER 6 , MATTER AND SU!STANCES 4.1 &hanges in Matte! &a!!y o"t an activity to o#se!ve changes in the states of +atte! %hen heat is a#so!#ed o! !eleased. $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. the ,inetic theo!y of +atte!( #. changes in ,inetic ene!gy of A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain the ,inetic theo!y of +atte! !elate changes in heat to changes in ,inetic ene!gy of the *a!ticles in +atte! e/*lain the inte!conve!sion of the


27/1/10 2/4/10

A#so!#ed dise!a* &ondensation ,ondensasi

A!ee<ing *e+#e,"an Inte!convension *e!"#ahan da!i sat" ,eadaan lain dan se#ali,nya *a!ticles in +atte! d"!ing heat change( change in the states of +atte! involving the a#so!*tion o! !elease of heat( changes in +atte! d"!ing +elting(#oiling(condensation(f!e e<ing and s"#li+ation #ased on the ,inetic theo!y of +atte!. >inetic ene!gy tenaga ,ineti, >inetic theo!y of +atte! teo!i ,ineti, 6i!i+ Melting *ele#"!an a!ticle +ove+ent *e!ge!a,an <a!ah a!ticles in +atte! <a!ah0 <a!ah dala+ 6i!i+ Released di#e#as,an States of +atte! ,eadaan 6i!i+ 12 27/1/10 2/4/10 4.2 Ato+ St!"ct"!e 5/a+ine +odels(vie% co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. the st!"ct"!e of an ato+( #. the s"#ato+ic *a!ticles na+ely *!oton(elect!on( and ne"t!on. -!a% a la#elled diag!a+ of a +odel of an ato+. &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast the s"#ato+ic *a!ticles in te!+s of ocation(!elative +ass and cha!ge.Ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat *!oton n"+#e! is state %hat n"cleon is !elate the n"+#e! of *!otons( ne"t!ons and elect!ons in an ato+ to its *!oton n"+#e! and n"cleon n"+#e! ded"ce the n"+#e! of *!otons( ne"t!ons and elect!ons in ato+s of diffe!ent ele+ents Isoto*es isoto*0 isoto* Ma,e gene!alisation +e+#"at *engitla,an N"cleon n"+#e! no+#o! n"cleon !oton n"+#e! no+#o! *!oton



th!ee states of +atte! #ased on the ,inetic theo!y of +atte!


!oton N"+#e!( N"cleon N"+#e! in Ato+

diffe!ences of s"#ato+ic *a!ticles in a g!a*hic o!ganise!. &ollect and inte!*!et follo%ing) a. *!oton n"+#e! #. n"cleon n"+#e! c. isoto*es 11 5/4/10 7/4/10 data on the

+a,e gene!alisation on the n"+#e! of *!otons and elect!ons in ato+s of diffe!ent ele+ents state %hat isoto*es a!e give e/a+*les of isoto*es

4.4 9he

e!iodic 9a#le

&onst!"ct a ta#le to sho% the !elationshi* #et%een the n"+#e! of *!oton( ne"t!ons and elect!ons in an ato+ and its *!oton n"+#e! and n"cleon n"+#e!. -isc"ss and +a,e a gene!alisation that ato+s of diffe!ent ele+ents consist of diffe!ent n"+#e!s of *!otons and elect!ons. -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. isoto*es #. e/a+*les of isoto*es s"ch as isoto*es of hyd!ogen and ca!#on. $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations o! cha!ts and disc"ss the follo%ing as*ects of the e!iodic 9a#le) a. a!!ange+ent of ele+ents #ased on inc!easing *!oton n"+#e! #. g!o"* as ve!tical col"+n containing ele+ents %ith si+ila! che+ical *!o*e!ties. c. *e!iod as ho!i<ontal !o% containing ele+ents that change thei! che+ical and *hysical *!o*e!ties g!ad"ally f!o+ those !eflecting non0 +etal d. locations of +etals( non0 +etals and se+i+etals. &a!!y o"t a ca!d ga+e to fill "* the +issing ele+ents in e!iodic 9a#le. 9he ca!ds contain the follo%ing

A st"dent is a#le to) desc!i#e the a!!ange+ent of ele+ents in the e!iodic9a#le desc!i#e %hat is +eant #y g!o"*s and *e!iods in the e!iodic 9a#le identify the locations of +etals( non0 +etals and se+i+etals in the e!iodic 9a#le state the i+*o!tance of e!iodic 9a#le

&a!d ga+e *e!+ainan ,ad &he+ical *!o*e!ties sifat ,i+ia ?!o"* ,"+*"lan 4o!i<ontal !o%s #a!is +endata! Metals loga+ Non0 +etals #",an loga+ e!iod ,ala e!iodic ta#le 6ad"al #e!,ala Se+i+etals se*a!"h loga+ $e!ticals col"+n t"!"s +enega,

details) a. *!oton n"+#e! #. n"cleon n"+#e! c. +etal( non0 +etal and se+i+etal -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of the e!iodic 9a#le in te!+s of) a. assisting in an o!de!ly and syste+atic a**!oach to the st"dy of ele+ents #. ,no%ing the *!o*e!ties of the ele+ents c. *!edicting the *!o*e!ties and "ses of ele+ents 14 12/4/10 18/4/10 4.5 !o*e!ties of S"#stances $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations o! cha!ts to st"dy the follo%ing) a. ato+s( +olec"les and ions( #. s"#stances %hich a!e +ade of ato+s( +olec"les and ions( c. *hysical *!o*e!ties of s"#stances +ade ato+s( +olec"les and ions s"ch as) iB *hysical state at !oo+ te+*e!at"!e( iiB +elting *oint( iiiB #oiling *oint( ivB elect!ical cond"ctivity. d. a!!ange+ent of *a!ticles and the fo!ces of att!action #et%een *a!ticles in s"#stances +ade of ato+s( +olec"les and ions. &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast s"#stances that a!e +ade of ato+s( +olec"les and ions #ased on thei! *hysical *!o*e!ties. Ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!gani<e!. -isc"ss the a!!ange+ent of *a!ticles and the fo!ces of att!action #et%een *a!ticles in !elation to the *hysical *!o*e!ties of s"#stances +ade "* of ato+s( +olec"les and ions. A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e %hat ato+s( +olec"les and ions a!e identify the *a!ticles in s"#stances as ato+s( +olec"les and ions state e/a+*les of s"#stances +ade of ato+s( +olec"les and ions co+*a!e and cont!ast s"#stances that a!e +ade of ato+s( +olec"les and ions #ased on thei! *hysical *!o*e!ties !elate the *hysical *!o*e!ties of s"#stances +ade "* of ato+s( +olec"les and ions to the a!!ange+ent of *a!ticles and the fo!ces of att!action #et%een the+ 3oiling *oint ta,at didih 5lect!ical cond"ctivity ,e,ond",sian ele,t!i, Ao!ces of att!action daya ta!i,an Melting *oint ta,at le#"! Roo+ te+*e!at"!e s"h" #ili, &hlo!ine ,lo!in &o**e! ,"*!"+ -"ctility ,e+"l"!an 5lect!ical and heat cond"ctivity ,e,ond",sian ele,t!i, dan ha#a

4.8 Non

!o*e!ties of Metals and Metals &a!!y o"t an activity to identify o#6ects in he class!oo+ %hich a!e +ade of +etals and non0 +etals. &ollect and inte!*!et data on the *!o*e!ties and "ses of +etals s"ch as i!on( al"+ini"+ <inc( co**e!( lead( tin( gold( and non0 +etals s"ch as ca!#on( s"l*h"! and chlo!ine. &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast the *!o*e!ties of things +ade of +etal and non0 +etal and ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!gani<e!. &a!!y o"t an activity to st"dy the *hysical *!o*e!ties of +etals and non0 +etals s"ch as) a. l"+inosity #. d"ctility c. +allea#ilitytensile st!ength d. elect!ical and heat cond"ctivity -isc"ss the *hysical *!o*e!ties of +etals and non0 +etals !elating to thei! "ses in daily life ?old e+as I!on #esi A st"dent is a#le to ) list e/a+*les of +etals and non0 +etals list the *!o*e!ties of +etals and non0 +etals list the "ses of +etals and non0 +etals in daily life co+*a!e and cont!ast +etals and non0 +etals #ased on thei! *hysical *!o*e!ties !elate the *hysical *!o*e!ties of +etals and non0 +etals to thei! "ses in daily life @ead *l"+#"+ @"+inosity ,e,ila"an Mallea#ility ,ete!te+*aan S"l*h"! s"lf"! 9ensile st!ength ,e,"atan !egangan 9in ti+ah


17/4/10 21/4/10


"!ification of S"#stances &ollect and inte!*!et data on the follo%ing ) a. cha!acte!istic of *"!e s"#stances( #. diffe!ent +ethods of *"!ification of s"#stances. &a!!y o"t activities to st"dy the follo%ing ) a. ho% the *!esence of i+*"!ities s"ch as salts affects the #oiling *oint of %ate!( #. *"!ifications of s"#stances #y the follo%ing +ethods ) A st"dent is a#le to ) state the cha!acte!istics of *"!e s"#stances desc!i#e the diffe!ent +ethods of *"!ification of s"#stances !elate the cha!acte!istics of s"#stances to the +ethods of *"!ification "sed e/*lain %ith e/a+*les the +ethods of *"!ification "sed to *!od"ce s"#stances "sed &!ystallisation *engha#l"!an -istillation *eny"lingan -istilled %ate! ai! s"ling I+*"!ities #endasing et!ole"+ f!actions


distillation(e.g *"!ifying alcohol f!o+ a +i/t"!e of alcohol and %ate!( iiB c!ystallisation(e.g *"!ifying salt f!o+ a sat"!ed sol"tion of co++on salt. ?athe! info!+ation and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. facto!s to #e conside!ed %hen selecting the +ethods of *"!ification.5/a+*les a!e as follo% ) i. se*a!ating a li."id f!o+ a sol"tion of a solid in a li."id(s"ch as *!od"cing *"!e %ate! f!o+ sea %ate!( ii. se*a!ating a li."id f!o+ a +i/t"!e of +isci#le li."ids s"ch as !e+oving ethanol f!o+ a +i/t"!e of ethanol and %ate!( iii. se*a!ating insol"#le i+*"!ities f!o+ a sol"#le s"#stances s"ch as !e+oving sand and othe! i+*"!ities f!o+ salt. #. +ethods of *"!ification "sed in *!od"cing s"#stances needed daily s"ch as salt(s"ga!(*et!ole"+ f!actions and distilled %ate!. -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. ho% va!io"s s"#stances of diffe!ent cha!acte!istics can #e "tilised to #enefit +an,ind( #. the i+*o!tance of the e/istance of va!io"s s"#stances of diffe!ent cha!acte!istics.

in daily life

*ecahan *et!ole"+ "!e s"#stances #ahan t"len "!ification of s"#stances *en"lenan #ahan Sat"!ated sol"tions la!"tan te*" Sol"tes <at0 <at te!la!"t Misci#le la!"t ca+*"!

4.8 2ses of $a!io"s S"#stances

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e ho% +an "ses va!io"s s"#stances of diffe!ent cha!acte!istics and states in eve!yday life 6"stify the i+*o!tance of the e/istence of va!io"s s"#stances of diffe!ent cha!acte!istics and states that #enefit +an,ind.


28/4/10 10/4/10

C)A*TER 7 ,

ENERG" AND C)EMICAL C)ANGES 5.1 hysical and &he+ical &hanges

-isc"ss the follo%ing in te!+s of *hysical and che+ical changes) a. #"!ning of *a*e!( #. +elting of ice( c. change in colo"! of sliced a**les( d. eva*o!ation of %ate!. &a!!y o"t the follo%ing activities to st"dy *hysical and che+ical changes) a. heating i!on %ith s"l*h"!( #. #"!ning +agnesi"+ in ai!( c. +i/ing <inc %ith co**e! s"l*hate sol"tion( d. so,ing clean i!on nails in %ate! "ntil they !"st( e. heating co**e! ca!#onate( f. +i/ing *otassi"+ iodide %ith lead nit!ate( g. dissolving s"ga! in %ate!( h. 15 !ystalli<ing sodi"+ chlo!ide f!o+ its sat"!ated sol"tion( i. heating iodine c!ystals in a closed containe!( 6. slo% heating of %a/. &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast *hysical change and ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!gani<e!.

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain %hat *hysical change is e/*lain %hat che+ical change is give e/a+*les of *hysical changes in daily life give e/a+*les of che+ical changes in daily life co+*a!e and cont!ast *hysical changes and che+ical changes

&he+ical changes *e!"#ahan ,i+ia &o**e! ca!#onate salt ga!a+ ,"*!"+ ,a!#onat &o**e! s"l*hate sol"tion la!"tan ,"*!"+ s"lfat 5va*o!ation of %ate! *enye6atan ai! @ead nit!ate *l"+#"+ nit!at hysical changes *e!"#ahan fi<i, otassi"+ iodide ,ali"+ iodide Reaction tinda, #alas Sat"!ated sol"tion la!"tan te*"

5.2 4eat &hange in &he+ical Reaction

&a!!y o"t the follo%ing activities to st"dy heat changes in che+ical !eactions) a. dissolving a++oni"+ chlo!ide in %ate!( #. dissolving sodi"+ hyd!o/ide in %ate!. -isc"ss the follo%ing) a. the !elationshi* #et%een heat loss o! heat gain and changes in te+*e!at"!e(

A st"dent is a#le to ) state that che+ical !eactions involve heat change identify !eactions involving heat loss identify !eactions involving heat gain !elate changes in te+*e!at"!e of !eactants to e/othe!+ic !eactions

Sodi"+ chlo!ide nat!i"+ ,lo!ida Ca/ lilin &he+ical !eaction tinda, #alas ,i+ia 5ndothe!+ic se!a* ha#a


e/othe!+ic and endothe!+ic !eactions #ased on changes in heat.

$ie% co+*"te! si+"lations then gathe! and inte!*!et data on heat changes that occ"! d"!ing ind"st!ial che+ical !eactions( s"ch as) a. the *!od"ction in a++onia f!o+ a++oni"+ *!od"cts( #. the *!od"ction of s"l*h"!ic acid. 1= 1/5/10 8/5/10 5.1 9he Reactivity Se!ies of Metals &a!!y o"t activities to st"dy the follo%ing !eactions) a. sodi"+(calci"+(+agnesi"+(al" +ini"+(<inc and co**e! %ith %ate!. #. Magnesi"+(al"+ini"+(<inc and co**e! %ith dil"te acids. c. Magnesi"+(al"+ini"+(<inc(co** e! %ith o/ygen. &a!!y o"t activities to co+*a!e and cont!ast the !eactivity of +etals %ith %ate!(acids and o/ygen.Ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise!. -isc"ss and a!!ange +etals in o!de! of !eactivity. &ollect and inte!*!et data on the !eactivity of +etals %ith o/ygen to const!"ct the !eactivity se!ies of +etals. &a!!y o"t an e/*e!i+ent to dete!+ine the *osition of ca!#on in the !eactivity se!ies. 18 10/5/10 14/5/10 5.4 A**lying the &once*ts of Reactivity Se!ies of Metals $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations o! videos on +ethods of e/t!acting +etals f!o+ thei! o!es and then ca!!y o"t the follo%ing activities) a. !elate the *osition of +etals in the !eactivity se!ies to the +ethod of e/t!acting +etals f!o+

!elate changes in te+*e!at"!e of !eactants to endothe!+ic !eactions e/*lain th!o"gh e/a+*les heat changes that occ"! d"!ing ind"st!ial che+ical !eactions

5/othe!+ic #"ang ha#a 4eat change *e!"#ahan ha#a Reactant #ahan tinda, #alas

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e the !eactivity of +etals %ith %ate! desc!i#e the !eactivity of +etals %ith acids desc!i#e the !eactivity of +etals %ith o/ygen co+*a!e and cont!ast the !eactivity of +etals %ith %ate!( acids and o/ygen a!!ange +etals in o!de! of !eactivity const!"ct the !eactivity se!ies of +etals #ased on !eactivity of +etals %ith o/ygen identify the *osition of ca!#on in the !eactivity se!ies

-il"te acids asid cai! Reactivity se!ies si!i ,e!ea,tifan

A st"dent is a#le to ) !elate the *osition of +etals in the !eactivity se!ies to the +ethods of e/t!action of +etals f!o+ thei! o!es e/*lain %ith e/a+*les

5lect!olysis ele,t!olisis 5/t!action *engest!a,an '!e #i6ih

thei! o!es(s"ch as "sing ca!#on and #y elect!olyisis( #. disc"ss the *!ocess of e/t!acting tin f!o+ its o!e. -isc"ss the i+*o!tance !eactivity se!ies. 17 1=/5/10 21/5/10 5.5 5lect!olysis of the

the *!ocess of e/t!action of a +etal f!o+ its o!e "sing ca!#on state the i+*o!tance of the !eactivity se!ies

9in ti+ah

&a!!y o"t activities on elect!olysis and disc"ss the follo%ing) a. definition of elect!olysis #. %hat anode( cathode( anion( cation and elect!olyte a!e( c. the *!ocess and *!od"ct of elect!olysis of an elect!olyte "sing ca!#on elect!odes( d. "se of elect!olysis in elect!o*lating +etal o#6ects. $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations and st"dy the follo%ing *!ocesses) a. elect!olysis of +olten lead #!o+ide "sing ca!#on elect!odes( #. elect!o*lating o#6ects +ade of i!on %ith co**e!. $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the "ses of elect!olysis in ind"st!y( incl"ding the e/t!action of +etals( *"!ification of +etals and elect!o*lating.

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat elect!olysis is state %hat anode( cathode( anion( cation and elect!olyte a!e desc!i#e the elect!olysis of an elect!olyte "sing ca!#on elect!odes e/*lain the "ses of elect!olysis in ind"st!y

Anode anod &athode ,atod 5lect!ode ele,t!od 5lect!olyte ele,t!olit

5lect!o*lating *enyad"!an ele,t!i, @ead #!o+ide *l"+#"+ #!o+ide Molten le#"!

20 21

24/5/100 2=/5/10 11/5/100 4/8/10 5/8/10 20/8/10




21/8/10 25/8/10

5.8 5lect!ic 5ne!gy f!o+ &he+ical Reactions

&a!!y o"t an activity to st"dy the *!od"ction of elect!ical ene!gy #y a si+*le cell. 5/a+ine va!io"s ty*es of cells s"ch as d!y cells(lead0 acid acc"+"lato!s(al,aline #atte!ies and nic,el0 cad+i"+ #atte!ies and disc"ss) a. thei! "ses( #. the advantages and disadvantages in "sing each of these ty*es of cells.

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e ho% a si+*le cell %o!,s list the va!io"s ty*es of cells and thei! "ses state the advantages and disadvantages of va!io"s ty*es of cells

Al,aline #atte!ies #ate!i al,ali @ead0 acid acc"+"lato!s a,"+"lato! asid *l"+#"+ Si+*le cell sel !ing,as


28/8/10 2/=/10

5.= @ight and &he+ical Reactions

-isc"ss the follo%ing) a. che+ical !eactions %hich !e."i!e light fo! e/a+*le *hotosynthesis in g!een *lants( #. the effect of light on *hotosensitive che+icals. &a!!y o"t an activity to st"dy the effect of light on *hotog!a*hic *a*e! and silve! chlo!ide. -isc"ss ho% *hotosensitive che+icals a!e sto!ed #y !elating to the effect of light on these che+icals. !e*a!e folio and sc!a* #oo, on the follo%ing to*ics) a. ho% ene!gy o#tained f!o+ che+ical !eactions sho"ld #e "sed efficiently to *!event %astage( #. ho% e."i*+ent "tilising che+ical !eactions as so"!ces of ene!gy sho"ld #e dis*osed to !ed"ce envi!on+ental *oll"tion(

A st"dent is a#le to ) give e/a+*les of che+ical !eactions %hich !e."i!e light e/*lain the effect of light on *hotosensitive che+icals e/*lain %hy ce!tain che+icals a!e sto!ed in da!, #ottles

hotog!a*hic *a*e! ,e!tas fotog!afi hotosensitive che+icals #ahan ,i+ia yang *e,a cahaya hotosynthesis fotosintesis Silve! chlo!ide a!gent"+ ,lo!ida

5.8 9he 3enefits of &he+ical Reactions

A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e ho% ene!gy o#tained f!o+ che+ical !eactions sho"ld #e "sed efficiently to *!event %astage desc!i#e ho% e."i*+ent "tilising che+ical !eactions as so"!ces of ene!gy sho"ld #e dis*osed to !ed"ce envi!on+ental *oll"tion

&a!!y o"t a #!ainsto!+ing session on ne% %ays of "sing che+ical !eactions as so"!ces of ene!gy fo! e."i*+ent. &a!!y o"t activities to ill"st!ate good ha#its of "sing and dis*osing e."i*+ent that "ses che+ical !eaction as a so"!ce of ene!gy.

give s"ggestions on ne% %ays of "sing che+ical !eactions as so"!ces of ene!gy fo! e."i*+ent *"t into *!actise god ha#its %hen "sing and dis*osing e."i*+ent that "ses che+ical !eaction as so"!ces of ene!gy enet!ation *o%e! 0,"asa *ene+#"san Radiation 0 sina!an Radioactive decay 0*e!e*"tan !adioa,tif Radioisoto*e 0!adioisoto*


5/=/10 7/=/10

C)A*TER 9 , NUCLEAR ENERG" 8.1 2nde!standing Radioactive S"#stances

$ie% co+*"te! si+"lations( videos o! cha!ts and st"dy ) a. !adioactive s"#stances #. !adioactive !adiations c. !adioisoto*es -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. !adioactive s"#stances # !adioisoto*es of ca!#on( co#alt and iodine c. the *!ocess of !adioactive decay and the e+ission of al*ha *a!ticles( #eta *a!ticles and ga++a !adiation ca!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast the cha!acte!istics of the th!ee ty*es of !adioactive !adiations i.e. al*ha( #eta and ga++a !adiation in te!+s of) a. ty*es of *a!ticles #. cha!ge c. *enet!ating *o%e!s Ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise! $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations( videos o! cha!ts and disc"ss the "ses of !adioactive s"#stances in the follo%ing fields)

A st"dent is a#le to) state %hat !adioactive s"#stance a!e give e/a+*les of !adioactive s"#stances desc!i#e the *!ocess of !adioactive decay na+e th!ee ty*es of !adioactive !adiation desc!i#e the cha!acte!istics of each ty*e of !adioactive !adiation co+*a!e and cont!ast !adioactive !adiations e/*lain %hat !adioisoto*es a!e give e/a+*les of !adioisoto*es e/*lain the "ses of !adioactive s"#stances

a. #. c. d. e. 8.2 2nde!standing 9he !od"ction of N"clea! 5ne!gy and Its 2ses

ag!ic"lt"!e +edicine a!chaeology ind"st!y food *!ese!vative Aission 0 *e+#elahan A"sion 0 *ela,"!an A st"dent is a#le to) desc!i#e the *!od"ction of n"clea! ene!gy th!o"gh fission desc!i#e the *!od"ction of n"clea! ene!gy th!o"gh f"sion state the "ses of n"clea! ene!gy desc!i#e the *!ocess of gene!ating elect!icity f!o+ n"clea! ene!gy e/*lain the effects of n"clea! ene!gy *!od"ction N"clea! ene!gy 0 tenaga n"clea!

Access %e#sites o! visit Malaysian Instit"te of N"clea! 9echnology DMIN9B to collect info!+ation on !adioactive s"#stances and n"clea! ene!gy $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations( videos and cha!ts and disc"ss the *!od"ction of n"clea! ene!gy th!o"gh the follo%ing ) a. fission #. f"sion -isc"ss the *!ocess of gene!ating elect!icity f!o+ n"clea! ene!gy Read the a!ticles and do a g!o"* *!esentation on the follo%ing ) a. the "ses of n"clea! ene!gy #. the effects of n"clea! ene!gy *!od"ction


12/=/10 18/=/10

8.1 A%a!eness of the Need fo! !o*e! 4andling Radioactive S"#stances

Read the a!ticles( vie% videos o! cha!ts and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. &he!no#yl n"clea! disaste! and othe! n"clea! disaste! #. handling *f !adioactive s"#stances and !adioactive %aste -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. sho!t te!+ and long te!+ effects of !adioactive s"#stances and !adioactive %aste #. the need fo! *!o*e! handling of !adioactive s"#stances and !adioactive %aste

A st"dent is a#le to) state the effects of !adioactive !adiations on living things desc!i#e the co!!ect %ay of handling !adioactive s"#stances and !adioactive %aste e/*lain the need fo! *!o*e! handling of !adioactive s"#stances and !adioactive %aste

Radioactive %aste 0 sisa !adioa,tif N"clea! *o%e! station 0stesen tenaga n"clea!

-e#ate on the need to have n"clea! *o%e! station 28 17/0=/10 21/0=/10 C)A*TER : , LIG)T; COLOUR; SIG)T =.1 Synthesising the Ao!+ation of I+age #y lane Mi!!o!s and @enses &a!!y o"t activities to o#se!ve the follo%ing ) a. i+ages fo!+ed #y an *lane +i!!o! #. i+ages fo!+ed #y conve/ land concave lenses &a!!ied o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast i+ages of distant o#6ects fo!+ed #y conve/ and concave lenses. Ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in a g!a*hic o!ganise! 2se co+*"te! si+"lation( videos o! cha!ts to de+onst!ate the const!"ction of !ay diag!a+s -!a% !ay diag!a+s fo! light *assing th!o"gh) a. conve/ lens %ith o#6ects located at va!io"s distances #. concave lens @a#el the follo%ing on the !ay diag!a+s ) a. *!inci*al a/is #. o*tical cent!e c. focal *oint d. focal length e. o#6ect distance f. i+age distance -isc"ss ho% cha!acte!istics of i+age fo!+ed #y conve/ lenses va!y %ith o#6ect distance lan and ca!!y o"t an activity to dete!+ine the focal length of conve/ lens A st"dent is a#le to) state the cha!acte!istics of i+ages fo!+ed #y a *lane +i!!o! state the cha!acte!istics of i+ages fo!+ed #y a conve/ lens state the cha!acte!istics of i+ages fo!+ed #y a concave lens co+*a!e and cont!ast i+ages of distant o#6ects fo!+ed #y conve/ lens and concave lens d!a% and la#el !ay diag!a+ to sho% the i+age #y light !ays *assing th!o"gh a conve/ lens d!a% and la#el !ay diag!a+ to sho% the i+age #y light !ays *assing th!o"gh a concave lens d!a% !ay diag!a+ to e/*lain ho% cha!acte!istics of i+ages fo!+ed #y conve/ lens va!y %ith o#6ect distance dete!+ine the focal length of a conve/ lens &oncave lens 0 ,anta ce,"ng &onve/ lens 0 ,anta ce+#"ng -istant o#6ect 0 6a!a, o#6e, Aocal length 0 *an6ang foc"s Aocal *oint 0 titi, foc"s I+age distance 0 6a!a, i+e6 '#6ect distance 0 6a!a, o#6e, '*tical cent!e 0 *"sat o*tic lane +i!!o! 0 ce!+in satah !inci*le a/is 0 *a,si "ta+a Ray diag!a+ 0 sina! ga+a


28/=/10 10/=/100

=.2 Synthesising the Ao!+ation of I+ages #y '*tical Inst!"+ents

Investigate the i+age fo!+ed in a ca+e!a "sing a *in0 hole ca+e!a %ith and %itho"t lens &onst!"ct a si+*le *e!isco*e and telesco*e. -isc"ss the fo!+ation of i+age #y these o*tical inst!"+ents 2se co+*"te! si+"lations to de+onst!ate const!"ction of !ay diag!a+s fo! the light !ays *assing th!o"gh the eye and o*tical inst!"+ents 3ased on the si+"lations( d!a% and la#el !ay diag!a+s to sho% the fo!+ations of i+ages in the follo%ing o*tical inst!"+ents ) a. ca+e!a #. *e!isco*e c. telesco*e d. eye -isc"ss the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences #et%een ca+e!a and eye in te!+s of foc"sing and cont!olling the a+o"nt of light 5/a+ine a +odel ca+e!a and !elate its st!"ct"!e and f"nctions to those of the eyes

A st"dent is a#le to ) identify the *a!ts of o*tical inst!"+ents involved in i+age fo!+ation d!a% !ay diag!a+s fo! light !ays *assing th!o"gh an o*tical inst!"+ent co+*a!e and cont!ast the +echanis+s in foc"sing and cont!olling the a+o"nt of light that ente!s h"+an eyes and a ca+e!a e/*lain the st!"ct"!e and f"nction of va!io"s *a!ts of the "sing a ca+e!a as an analogy

I+age fo!+ation 0*e+#ent",an i+e6 Magnifying glass 0 ,anta *e+#esa! '*tical inst!"+ent 0 alatan o*tic in0hole ca+e!a 0,a+e!a l"#ang 6a!"+


2/8/10 0 8/8/10

=.1 Analysing @ight -is*e!sion

&a!!y o"t activities to investigate the follo%ing ) a. light dis*e!sion "sing a *!is+

A st"dent is a#le to )

@ight dis*e!sion 0*enye#a!an cahaya


!ain#o% fo!+ation

-isc"ss %hat light dis*e!sion is 2se co+*"te! si+"lations to de+onst!ate light dis*e!sion -!a% a la#elled diag!a+ to sho% dis*e!sion of light -isc"ss light dis*e!sion in a *heno+enon( s"ch as the fo!+ation of !ain#o% =.4 Analysing @ight Scatte!ing &a!!y o"t an activity to st"dy light scatte!ing and its effects 2se co+*"te! si+"lations to de+onst!ate the *!ocess of light scatte!ing -isc"ss light scatte!ing in *heno+ena s"ch as #l"e s,ies and !ed s"nset

state %hat light dis*e!sion is e/*lain th!o"gh e/a+*les ho% dis*e!sion of light occ"!s

heno+enon 0feno+ena Rain#o% 0 *elangi

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat light scatte!ing is give e/a+*les of *heno+ena !elated to light scatte!ing e/*lain th!o"gh e/a+*les ho% scatte!ing of light occ"!s in nat"!al *heno+ena A st"dent is a#le to ) identify the *!i+a!y and seconda!y colo"!s e/*lain ho% addition of *!i+a!y colo"!s *!od"ces seconda!y colo"!s e/*lain the s"#t!action of colo"!s #y colo"!ed filte!s &olo"!ed filte!s 0*ena*is %a!na !i+a!y colo"! 0 %a!na *!i+e! Seconda!y colo"! 0 %a!na se,"nde! S"#t!action of colo"!ed light 0 *enola,an cahaya #e%a!na


7/8/10 11/8/10

=.5 Analysing the Addition and S"#t!action of &olo"!ed @ights

&a!!y o"t an activity to int!od"ce *!i+a!y and seconda!y colo"!s &a!!y o"t an activities to ) a. investigate the addition of *!i+a!y colo"!s to fo!+ seconda!y colo"!s #. investigate the effects of *!i+a!y and seconda!y colo"!ed filte!s on %hite and colo"!ed light 2se co+*"te! si+"lations to de+onst!ate the addition and s"#t!action of colo"!ed light -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. ho% seconda!y colo"!s a!e

=.8 A**lying the !inci*le of S"#t!action of &olo"!ed @ights to 5/*lain the A**ea!ance of &olo"!ed '#6ects

o#tained f!o+ the addition and s"#t!action of colo"!ed lights #y colo"!ed filte!s &a!!y o"t activities to o#se!ve and st"dy the colo"! of o#6ects "nde! %hite and colo"!ed lights $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the s"#t!action of colo"!ed lights #y colo"!ed o#6ects -isc"ss the follo%ing ) a. f"nction of !od and cone cells #. the a**ea!ance of colo"!ed o#6ects "nde! %hite and colo"!ed light

A st"dent is a#le to ) e/*lain s"#t!action of colo"!ed lights #y colo"!ed o#6ects e/*lain the a**ea!ance of colo"!ed o#6ects "nde! %hite light e/*lain the a**ea!ance of colo"!ed o#6ects "nde! colo"!ed light state the f"nction of !od and cone cells in the eye &one cell 0 sel ,on Rod cell 0 sel !od


18/8/10 20/8/10

=.= Analysing 9he 5ffects of Mi/ing ig+ents

&a!!y o"t activities to o#se!ve and st"dy *ig+ents and the effects of +i/ing *ig+ents $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss the +i/ing of *ig+ents and the effects of *ig+ents on light &a!!y o"t an activity to co+*a!e and cont!ast the +i/ing of *ig+ents %ith the addition of colo"!ed lights( ill"st!ate the si+ila!ities and diffe!ences in g!a*hic o!ganise! 3ased on the a#ove activities +a,e concl"sions a#o"t the +i/ing of *ig+ents and disc"ss the "ses of *ig+ents $ie% co+*"te! si+"lations o! videos to gathe! info!+ation and disc"ss the follo%ing ) a. the "ses of colo"! in *!inting( #. elect!ical %i!ing( t!affic lights(

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat *ig+ent is list the "ses of *ig+ents co+*a!e and cont!ast the +i/ing of *ig+ents %ith the addition of colo"!ed lights e/*lain th!o"gh e/a+*les the effects of *ig+ents on light +a,e concl"sions a#o"t the +i/ing of *ig+ents

Mi/ing of *ig+ents 0*e!ca+*"!an *ig+en ig+ent *ig+en

=.8 5val"ating 9he I+*o!tance of &olo"! in -aily @ife

A st"dent is a#le to ) list the "ses of colo"! in daily life state %ith e/a+*les the

c. d.

sy+#ol and signals the i+*o!tance of colo"! to h"+ans( ani+als and *lants

=.7 A**!eciating the 3enefits of $a!io"s 9y*es of '*tical Inst!"+ents to Man,ind

-isc"ss %hat life is li,e %itho"t colo"! -isc"ss the advantages of having va!io"s ,inds of o*tical inst!"+ents s"ch as ) a. to ove!co+e the li+itation of the sense of light #. e/tending the ca*a#ility o! *o%e! of vision c. inc!easing h"+an ,no%ledge and "nde!standing a#o"t nat"!e

i+*o!tance of colo"! to living things 6"stify the i+*o!tance of colo"! to living things '*tical inst!"+ents 0*e!alatan o*ti,

A st"dent is a#le to ) !elate the inventions of va!io"s ty*es of o*tical inst!"+ents to thei! cont!i#"tions to +an,ind

11 12

21/8/10 28/8/10 SECOND MONT)L" TEST 10/8/10 1/7/10 4/7/10 12/7/10 MID TERM !REAK


11/7/10 1=/7/10

C)A*TER < ,

C)EMICALS IN INDUSTR" 8.1 2ndestanding !o*e!ties of Alloys and 9hei! 2ses In Ind"st!y

5/a+ine things +ade of alloys and disc"ss the thei! co+*osition( *!o*e!ties and "ses &ollect and inte!*!et data on the follo%ing ) %hat alloy is e/a+*les of alloys co+*osition( *!o*e!ties and the "ses of va!io"s alloy incl"ding steel( *e%te!( #!on<e( #!ass and d"!al"+in $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations and disc"ss ) ho% fo!+ation of alloys can change the *!o*e!ties of +etals( s"ch as to inc!ease ha!dness( *!event co!!osion and i+*!ove a**ea!ance %hat s"*e!cond"cto! alloys a!e -isc"ss the i+*o!tance of alloys in ind"st!y

A st"dent is a#le to ) state %hat an alloy is give an e/a+*les of alloys e/*lain ho% the fo!+ation of alloy can change the *!o*e!ties of +etal !elate the changes in the *!o*e!ties of +etals %hen they a!e conve!ted to alloys to the a!!ange+ent of *a!ticles in the alloys !elate the *!o*e!ties of alloys to thei! "ses in daily life desc!i#e the i+*o!tance of alloys in ind"st!y state %hat s"*e!cond"cto! alloys a!e

Alloy 0 aloi 3!ass 0 loyang 3!on<e 0 gangsa &o!!osion 0 *enga,isan Steel 0 ,el"li S"*e!cond"cto! alloy 0aloi s"*e!,ond",to!

8.2 Analysing !od"ction and 2ses of A++onia in Ind"st!y

&ollect and st"dy *!od"ct la#els to identify the a++oni"+ co+*o"nds *!esent -isc"ss the "ses of a++onia and its co+*o"nds in the +a,ing of s"#stances s"ch as fe!tilise!s( nit!ic acid( colo"!ing( cleaning agents and e/*losives $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations to gathe! and inte!*!et data on the follo%ing ) a. the *!ocess of *!od"cing a++onia in ind"st!y #. facto!s %hich affect the o*ti+"+ *!od"ction of a++onia s"ch as

A st"dent is a#le to ) list the "ses of a++onia and its co+*o"nds in daily life desc!i#e ho% a++onia is *!od"ced in ind"st!y state the facto!s %hich affect the *!od"ction of a++onia in ind"st!y state the ind"st!ial "ses of a++onia desc!i#e ho% a++onia is "sed to *!od"ce a++oni"+ salt fe!tilise!s and "!ea

A++oni"+ salt 0 ga!a+ a++oni"+ &atalyst 0 +ang,in &leaning agents 0 agen *e+#e!sih &olo"!ing 0 *e%a!na 5/*losives 0 #ahan let"*an Ae!tilise!s 0 #a6a Alo% cha!t 0 ca!ta ali! !ess"!e 0 te,anan

te+*e!at"!e( *!ess"!e and catalysts -!a% a flo% cha!t to sho% the *!od"ction of a++onia &ollect and inte!*!et data on the la!ge scale "ses of a++onia in ind"st!y s"ch as +an"fact"!ing fe!tilise! and nit!ic acid &a!!y o"t activity to *!e*a!e a++oni"+ fe!tilise! s"ch as a++oni"+ s"l*hate( a++oni"+ nit!ate and a++oni"+ *hos*hate


20/10/10 24/7/10

8.1 Analysing 9he 5ffects of Ind"st!ial Caste -is*osal

$ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations to gathe! and inte!*!et data on envi!on+ental *oll"tion a!ising f!o+ ) a. #"!ning of fossils f"els #. dis*osal of ind"st!ial %aste s"ch as to/ic s"#stances f!o+ the che+ical ind"st!y( !adioactive %aste( oil *al+ and !"##e! %aste f!o+ the ag!ic"lt"!al ind"st!y c. effects of i+*!o*e! ind"st!ial %aste dis*osal on the envi!on+ent d. +ethods of cont!olling ind"st!y ind"st!ial %aste dis*osal to avoid envi!on+ental *oll"tion -isc"ss and !elate the effects of i+*!o*e! dis*osal of ind"st!ial %aste to the s"!vival of living things Select an ind"st!y and do a *!esentation on ho% %astes a!e +anaged in the ind"st!y

A st"dent is a#le to ) identify +an"fact"!ing activities %hich a!e so"!ces of *oll"tion e/*lain the effects of i+*!o*e! ind"st!ial %aste dis*osal !elate the effects of ind"st!ial %aste dis*osal to the s"!vival of living things state %ith e/a+*les the +ethods of cont!olling ind"st!ial %aste dis*osal to avoid *oll"tion

5nvi!on+ental *!o#le+ 0 *ence+a!an ala+ se,ita! Aossil f"els 0 #ahan a*i fosil Ind"st!ial %aste 0 #ahan sisa ind"st!i


!ese!vation and &onse!vation of the

5nvi!on+ent $ie% videos o! co+*"te! si+"lations on ind"st!ial %aste *oll"tion and its effects on envi!on+ent -isc"ss ) a. conse."ences of "ncont!olled and ha*ha<a!d dis*osal of ind"st!ial %aste #. the need to t!eat ind"st!ial *oll"tion se!io"sly in o!de! to *!ese!ve and conse!ve the envi!on+ent c. the i+*o!tance of *!actising !es*onsi#le %ay of dis*osing ind"st!ial %aste 150 18 170 42 2=/7/10 22/10/10 28/10/10 17/10/10 20/11/10 RE ISION FINAL E8AM SC)OOL !REAK A st"dent is a#le to ) desc!i#e the conse."ences of "ncont!olled and ha*ha<a!d dis*osal of ind"st!ial %aste e/*lain the i+*o!tance of *!actising !es*onsi#le %ay of dis*osing ind"st!ial %aste

5nvi!on+ental *!o#le+ 0 *ence+a!an ala+ se,ita! &onse!vation 0*e+"liha!aan !ese!vation 0*e+eliha!aan

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