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Design to Succeed in LEGO WeDo Robotics Challenges

An Enrichment Unit for Ages 7 to 1

!" Ste#e Co$on htt%&''ste#eco$on(com co$onste#e)hotmail(com * 1 This unit is free to use, distribute, copy, expand, and revise for non-profit educational purposes so long as it maintains my name and contact information. I greatly enjoy hearing where and how my free units are utilized.

+able of Contents 3 urpose ! "nit overview # $ssessment-aligned goals and outcomes % &esson '( re-assessments, Introduction to gracious professionalism, )egin *hallenge '( *ar + re-assessment( ,ystems '- re-assessment( Technology .esign &oop '! re-assessment( /obot design '0 &esson 1( Introduction to the systems concept, Introduction to the Technology .esign &oop, )egin *hallenge 1( &ift 11 &esson 3( /eview the Technology .esign &oop and gracious professionalism, $pply the systems concept, *omplete *hallenge 1( &ift 1# &esson !( $pply the systems concept, Introduction to ,cratch, )egin *hallenge 3( 2ame 3- &esson #( ost-assessments, *omplete *hallenge 3( 2ame and share 3' ost-assessment( ,ystems 31 ost-assessment( .esign &oop 3! ost-assessment( /obot design 3# &iterature review of robotics in education !% /esources !' /eferences

,ur%ose This unit has been designed to challenge a variety of learners, including the gifted. It may come as a surprise to many readers, but advanced learners tend to ma3e the lowest achievement gains in schools 4,anders 5 6orn, '77+8. This is li3ely due to classroom experiences where advanced students have little opportunity to learn advanced content, concepts, and processes. .ue to the scaffolding provided by the models used in this unit and the open-endedness of the challenges, students with a wide range of abilities will be challenged, including the gifted. 2ifted students are defined here as those whose abilities in one or more domains are far enough beyond average that curriculum and instruction appropriate for the majority of their age peers is not challenging for them in their area4s8 of strength. $s increasingly challenging educational activities are re9uired for continued talent development 4/ogers, 1--08, gifted students must receive special education services such as differentiation and acceleration in order that they are allowed to continue to develop their strengths 4*olangelo, $ssouline, 5 2ross 1--!: *oleman 5 *ross, 1--#: .avis 5 /imm, '77+: ;eihart, 1--0: /ogers, 1--0: <anTassel)as3a, 1--38. &eft out of the Individuals with .isabilities =ducation $ct 4I.=$8 4'77-, 1--!8 while often differing more from average ability than those with disabilities protected by I.=$, gifted students are in need of special education services that they often do not receive as decisions are made at state and local levels too often based on inaccurate myths about gifted people and budgetary constraints 4*larenbach, 1--08. >hen denied opportunities to continue learning in school, gifted students are prone to underachievement 4?c*oach 5 ,iegle, 1--08 and depression 4/ogers, 1--08. ,uch wasted time in the classroom tends to have a long-term negative impact on achievement 4;ova3, 1--#: ,anders 5 6orn, '77+8. $s schools focus on language and mathematical ability almost exclusively, students who are gifted in other domains, such as spatial ability, are especially unli3ely to receive opportunities to develop their strengths 4*oxon, 1--7: >ai, &ubins3i, 5 )enbow, 1--78. ,patial ability is defined as a human difference in @the ability to generate, retain, retrieve, and transform well-structured visual imagesA 4&ohman, '773, p. 38. ,patial ability is important to success in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics 4,T=?8 fields 4,uper 5 )achman, '7#0: Blanagan, '707: >ai, et al., 1--78 and there are too few well-prepared ,T=? graduates in the ".,. to fill demand 4$merican *ompetitiveness Initiative, 1--%: ;ational $cademy of ,ciences C;$,D, 1--#8. This is especially concerning as ,T=? fields are responsible both for the majority of improvements to our 9uality of life and the majority of economic growth in the ".,. 4;$,, 1--#8. The good news is that spatial abilities are improvable with educational experiences 4&im, 1--#: &iu, "ttal, ?arulis, 5 ;ewcombe, 1--+: &ohman, '773: Enyancha, .erov, 5 Finsey, 1--7: otter, <an der ?erwe, Bridjhon, Faufman, .elacour, 5 ?o3one, 1--7: ,orby, 1--#: "rhahne, ;ic3, 5 ,chanze, 1--7: <erner, 1--!8. 6owever, waiting until secondary and postsecondary education to challenge studentsG spatial abilities in ,T=? subjects is li3ely too late to avoid losing talent 4;ova3, 1--#8. ,uch education canHand shouldHbegin in the primary years. rograms, including those involving &=2E robotics, are available to provide appropriate spatial challenge for all students, including the spatially gifted 4*oxon, 1-'-8. This unit see3s to further such opportunities, allowing spatial abilities, as well as other helpful s3ills, to be further developed through robotics challenges.

Unit O#er#ieThis unit has been designed to be taught in a five-day summer enrichment course for gifted students lasting three hours per day for a total of '# hours. The unit may be easily modified to suit the schedule of a classroom or afterschool program by dividing the lessons into a greater number of shorter bloc3s of time. $lso, while the unit has been designed to challenge the spatially gifted, it unit is suitable for a variety of learners due to the open-ended nature of the challenges and the inclusion of a .esign &oop model for young children from the *hildrenGs =ngineering =ducators 41-'-8, the Taba 4'7%18 systems concept model as adapted by the *enter for 2ifted =ducation at the *ollege of >illiam and ?ary, and the Brayer 4'7%78 model of vocabulary as adapted by the *enter for 2ifted =ducation at the *ollege of >illiam and ?ary. >ith teaching models designed to scaffold instruction and organize thin3ing for meta-cognition such as these, students of many ages, bac3grounds, and abilities, including gifted learners, generally demonstrate growth in achievement 4<anTassel-)as3a 5 ,tambaugh, 1--+8. This unit has been designed to be comprehensive curriculum. $ccording to the Integrated *urriculum ?odel 4I*?8, content, process, and concept are needed for comprehensive curriculum. This unit features the Technology .esign &oop as the primary process, systems as the overarching concept, and robot design as the content. The unit contains pre- and postassessments of the Technology .esign &oop, the systems concept, and robot design. In the first lesson, students are as3ed to complete three, brief pre-assessments. $fter the unit has been taught, students are as3ed to complete post-assessments. This feature allows educators to observe growth for students in all aspects of the I*?. This unit does not see3 to replicate the available tutorials or robot instructions included with the >e.o software nor those included with ,cratch, but instead assumes that students have already garnered experience with the basics and are ready for more open-ended challenges. "sing a design loop approach to solving the challenges, students will wor3 toward solving three open-ended challenges that re9uire building and programming robots using the &=2E >e.o system. $ robot is a machine that acts autonomously based on a computer program in which a motor or motors reacts based on input from a sensor or sensors. The &=2E >e.o system has two sensors, tilt and motionIdistance, and one motor. >hile the 3it comes with instructions for several robots, the nature of &=2E bric3s allows for possibilities limited only by studentsG imaginations. The >e.o also features a drag-and-drop programming language in which students write programs telling their robotGs motor how to react based on input from a sensor. ,tudents will come to understand that robots are systems, allowing for easy connections to other subjects and facilitating student understanding. The last challenge also ma3es use of >e.oGs connection to ,cratch, a free programming platform for children available from ?IT at http( "sing ,cratch, students can create computer games that interact with their >e.o. Through the ,cratch website, students may also share their creations with a larger audience. Binally, Bor Inspiration and /ecognition in ,cience and Technology 4BI/,T8, the nonprofit that runs the BI/,T &=2E &eague, uses the phrase @gracious professionalismA to demonstrate that @fierce competition and mutual gain are not separate notions. 2racious professionals learn and compete li3e crazy, but treat one another with respect and 3indness in the processA 4BI/,T, n.d., J08. The concept of gracious professionalism is integrated into the unit through whole class activities and facilitates student partnerships in solving the challenges.

Assessment.aligned Goals and Outcomes 2oal '( ,tudents will understand that many concepts can be seen as s"stems or facets of systems. Eutcome '( ,tudent performance on the systems post-assessment will be higher than reassessment performance. 2oal 1( ,tudents will learn to use the +echnolog" Design Loo% to aid in designing robots to solve challenges. Eutcome 1a( ,tudent performance on the Technology .esign &oop post-assessment will be higher than re-assessment performance. Eutcome 1I3b( ,tudents will successfully solve each challenge. 2oal 3( ,tudents will demonstrate 9uality robot design including an innovative design, logical programming, and sound structure. Eutcome 3a( ,tudent performance on the /obot .esign post-assessment rubric will be higher than re-assessment performance. Eutcome 1I3b( ,tudents will successfully solve each challenge. 2oal !( ,tudents will practice gracious %rofessionalism both with their partners, instructor, and the whole class. Eutcome !a( ,tudents will use polite language including the words @pleaseA and @than3 youA as appropriate with their partners, instructor, and the whole class. Eutcome !b( ,tudents will use fair sharing with their partners. Eutcome !c( ,tudents will provide constructive feedbac3 to their partners. Eutcome !d( ,tudents will use @I messagesA when tal3ing to their partners.

Lesson 1 urpose( To pre-assess students for systems, the Technology .esign &oop, and robot design: to introduce gracious professionalism, and to complete *hallenge '( *ar $lignment to outcomes( 1I3b, !abcd ?aterials( &=2E >e.o set and computer with &=2E >e.o software per pair, one copy of each of the three pre-assessments per student 4teachers complete the /obot .esign rubric for each student at the end of the first lesson as the /obot .esign pre-assessment8, one copy of the Brayer vocabulary model per student, student log $ctivities( '8 Introduce yourself and as3 students to introduce themselves 4name, grade and school Cif differingD, a favorite, etc.8 18 2ive a brief overview of what will occur during over the course of the class. 38 Tell students that you want to see what they already 3now about systems and designing to solve challenges. /emind them that it is o3ay to leave parts of a pre-assessment blan3 if they do not understand them. Kou will teach everything they need to 3now during the class, and they will have a chance to show how much they have learned on the last day. !8 2ive the systems pre-assessment. /eview the terms of the systems model if they are not already familiar with it. Kou may wish to give examples that are not related to robots, such as explaining how an a9uarium can be seen as a system. The goal is to gauge student understanding of robots as systems and not of the systems model itself. #8 2ive the Technology .esign &oop pre-assessment. %8 Tell students that before they may wor3 on the first >e.o challenge, they must agree to wor3 with each other as gracious professionals. This involves the use of polite language including the words @pleaseA and @than3 youA as appropriate with their partners, instructor, and the whole class: fair sharing with their partners: providing constructive feedbac3 to their partners: and the use of @I messagesA when tal3ing to their partners. To facilitate understanding, provide each student with a copy of the Brayer vocabulary model and complete it together. It is recommended that you provide the students with the four outcomes of gracious professionalism list under goal ! as the characteristics, then allow students to brainstorm examples and non-examples of each. Binally, have students create their own definitions. 08 Introduce students to >e.oGs special pieces( the motion and tilt sensors, the motor, and the ",) port. Introduce students to any organizational scheme that you expect them to follow. .isorganization can become a major problem, slowing progress because finding pieces has become arduous. .ealt with proactively, organization can be a breeze. It is recommended that

you provide students with a picture of a properly organized 3it via computer projector 4see the example following this lesson8. Introduce them to the >e.o programming language if needed. Tutorials are available within the software for novices. +8 Introduce *hallenge '( *ar and assist students only as needed in solving the problem. *hallenge '( *ar( ?a3e a car that repeats going forward until it senses a wall or other object, then runs bac3ward between % and '- inches, then goes forward again until it senses a wall. 78 The Technology .esign &oop is not taught until the next lesson, allowing the teacher to assess what students already 3now during the first challenge. ,till, as often as possible, lead assistance see3ing students using in9uiry instead of merely providing suggestions for them. Luestions might include( 6ow could you use one motor to move two wheels at the same timeM 6ow can you tell your robot to 3eep running a programM >hat does a robot need to @seeA a barrier in front of itM

'-8 If time allows, as3 students to go around the room and observe their peersG robots. =ncourage them to give constructive feedbac3. Bor example, a student might tell a peer( @I li3e how you placed your sensor far forward of the wheels so that the robot stopped in time.A Er @I thin3 your design could be strengthened if you attached the motor li3e this.A ''8 6ave students organize and turn in their 3its about '# minutes before the end of the day. 6ave them fill out the dayGs student log. '18 $ssess final products using the rubric as the pre-assessment for /obot .esign. $ssessment( $ssess final products 4&=2E cars8 using the rubric as the pre-assessment for /obot .esign. Feep the rubrics to compare with post-assessments on the final day. $ssess their final products using the rubric as the pre-assessment for /obot .esign. Feep the rubrics to compare with post-assessments on the final day. ,core and 3eep the systems model and the Technology .esign &oop pre-assessments to compare with the post-assessments on the last day. =xtension( ?a3e a car that repeats going forward until it is on a ramp, then runs bac3ward between % and '- inches, then goes forward again until it senses that it is on a ramp again.

;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ,re.assessment& S"stems

Analyzing a robot as a system (Pre-assessment)






//// Score

0acets of a s"stem& =lement( a distinct %art of the system )oundary( something that indicates or fixes a limit on the si1e or s%read of a system Interaction( the nature of connections made bet-een elements and in%uts of a system Input( something that is %ut in the system Eutput( something that is %roduced by the system: a %roduct of the interactions +eacher2s hints& TeacherGs hints for understanding a robot as a system 4this is not an answer 3ey as answers may vary8( Inputs could include electricity, computer program, design )oundaries could include metal or plastic, the range of the robot, the computer program, the sensor and motor capabilities =lements could include batteries, wires, &=2E bric3s, motors, sensors, computer processor, memory, attachments Interactions could include sensing, reading the computer program, moving, Eutputs could include wor3, movement, sound Scoring the S"stems assessments& 2ive students ' point for every response that fits in the category in which the student wrote it. 2ive students O point for every response that you are unsure if it fits in the category in which it is placed 4however, some items may fit well in multiple categories and should be scored as multiple correct responses8. ;ote that some items may belong in more than one category 4e.g., software may be an input, a boundary, an element, and something the robot interacts with8. 2ive students no point for any response that does not fit in the category in which the student wrote it. Total the points for each student, writing their score in the correct location. There is no maximum possible score 4no ceiling8. Ence complete, the pre- and post-assessments can be compared to show student growth.

;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ,re.assessment& +he +echnolog" Design Loo%

,tep '(

,tep #(

What ste%s should "ou use to design a robot to com%lete a challenge3

,tep 1(

,tep !(

,tep 3(

/// Score


$dapted from the *hildrenGs =ngineering =ducatorGs 41-'-8 Technology .esign &oop


Scoring the +echnolog" Design Loo% Assessments 2ive students ' point for each response with a similar meaning to the correct step in the Technology .esign &oop. ,core based on studentsG meaning, not exact wording. 2ive students O point for each answer that is a correct step in the process, but in the wrong se9uence or of which you are unsure of if the meaning matches the Technology .esign &oop. The latter option should be used only rarely, in cases of teacher uncertainty. It is best to clarify meaning verbally with the student in such cases. 2ive no points for blan3s or for answers for which the meaning does not match the Technology .esign &oop. ;ote( $s the class is aimed at a variety of learners, pre-writing students may draw their answers to this assessment and then tell you what their drawings mean afterward for scoring purposes. In fact, there is some suggestion that spatially gifted students may be more li3ely to suffer from reading disabilities than students with similar gifts in math and verbal domains 4?ann, 1--%8. Total the points for each student, writing their score in the correct location. There is a maximum possible score of # for this assessment. This is an achievable score by almost all students. It is the open-endedness of usage possibilities that ma3es the Technology .esign &oop suitable for all learners, including the gifted. Ence complete, the pre- and post-assessments can be compared to show student growth.


A %ro%erl" organi1ed WeDo 4it


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 0ra"er 5ocabular" 6odel

Vocabulary Building
Definition Characteristics


Gracious Professionalism


Center for ifted Education! "#e College of $illiam and %ary! &''(


Categories8 9nno#ati#e Design :%rogram and structure in unison;



;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ,re.assessment& Robot design 7eeds 0air Good E$cellent 9m%ro#ement :7o#ice; < = 1 * .esign is .esign is ,ome uni9ue The design is substandard: not standard with no features that surprisingly able to achieve surprises or ma3e the design uni9ue, ma3ing it the challenge: innovation: better than superior to motor movement achieves the average: achieves others: achieves is inaccurate: challenge at least the challenge all the challenge misuse of sensors some of the time: or almost all of every time: standard use of the time: superior use of sensors thoughtful use of sensors sensors ,tructure is ,tructure often ,tructure is ,tructure is both fragile, falling holds together strong and solid and elegant: apart under under normal efficient: almost holds up against normal use use, but is always holds mishandling cumbersome or together under inefficient normal use rogram unable rogram often rogram is rogram is to complete the completes the logical and surprisingly challenge: not challenge, but efficient: sophisticated: lin3ed to sensors: inconsistently, achieves the achieves the illogical inaccurately, or challenge all or challenge all of ta3ing more time almost all of the the time than needed time Score& ///

$dapted from the BI/,T &=2E &eague Judges Handbook /obot .esign rubric


Scoring the Robot Design Rubric *ircle one box per category. >hen in doubt, score the lower point value. Bours should be avoided except in exceptional cases. ,um the three scores. The maximum is '1 points, but this score will almost never be achieved. There is almost always room for growth. Ence complete, the pre- and post-assessments can be compared to show student growth.


Student Log 2racious professionalism( NNN I showed politeness NNN I shared fairly NNN I gave my partner constructive feedbac3 NNN I used @I messagesA when tal3ing to my partner >hat I did today(

>hat I learned today(

I thin3 that the most important thing to remember is that(

>hat I still want to 3now(


Lesson * urpose( To introduce the systems concept, to introduce the Technology .esign &oop, to begin *hallenge 1( &ift $lignment to outcomes( ', 1a, 3a ?aterials( &=2E >e.o set and computer with &=2E >e.o software per pair, one copy of the systemGs model per student, student log $ctivities( '8 Tell students that many things can be seen as systems( There are economic systems, solar systems, ecosystems. $ classroom can be seen as a system as can a family. Today students will explore a very different system than a robot, but one that can be understood through the same model to facilitate learning( an a9uarium. 6ave students draw a large rectangle on the bac3 of their systems model. This is to be the a9uarium glass. Introduce the systems concept to students, explaining each of terms. Tell them that they have just drawn a boundary for their a9uarium system. 4;ote( other boundaries exist, including the water, the atmosphere, the electrical system, the size, etc. These can be discussed as appropriate to aid discussion.8 Then as3 them to brainstorm elements and add them to their a9uarium 4examples may include fish, plants, roc3s, driftwood, decorations, filters, heater, the light fixture, thermometer, crayfish, etc.8. ;ext as3 them to brainstorm and draw inputs needed to 3eep the a9uarium system functional 4examples may include light for the plants, food for the fish, new medium for the filters, new water to top off for evaporation, etc.8. ;ext as3 students to consider what interactions are occurring in the a9uarium 4examples may include growing, eating, fighting, the nutrient cycle, mating, etc.8. They may choose whether to draw one or more of these or to write them down. Binally, students should brainstorm and draw outputs from the system 4examples may include dirty water, evaporating water, algae, filter medium, baby fish, deceased Cor @sleepingAD fish, etc.8. 18 6ave students complete the systems model for their a9uarium. &ead discussion, reminders, and further brainstorming as necessary. 38 2ive students a copy of the Technology .esign &oop. .iscuss the # steps and how they apply to robot design to solve challenges. Kou may wish to discuss *hallenge 1( &ift at this point to allow students to ma3e direct connections to their efforts. '. What is the problem? This is an important point for students to clarify the challenge with the teacher. 1. Brainstorm solutions. >ith &=2E, there are nearly infinite possibilities for design. ?any different possibilities may exist for success, waiting to be innovated, and some have better chances for success than others. 3. Create the solution you think is best. ,tarting with a s3etch or s3etches is highly recommended. This is a challenging, but important step for students to demonstrate gracious professionalism with their partner.


!. Test your solution. The first attempt rarely wor3s perfectly. .esigns can nearly always be improved. ,tudent should prepare for multiple unsuccessful or only partly successful attempts and redesigns. #. Evaluate your solution. =ach robot should be tested against the re9uirements of the challenge. ,tudents should step bac3 to step one to consider even minor problems, even if it only affects part of their robot or program, then move bac3 through the steps to test and evaluate their redesign. !8 Introduce *hallenge 1( &ift and assist students only as needed in solving the problem, using in9uiry to help lead students solve the challenge themselves. &et students 3now that this is li3ely more challenging than yesterdayGs challenge and that they will have more time in the next class to wor3 on this challenge. *hallenge 1( &ift( ?a3e a lifter that can move a ball from within ' inch of the table to + or more inches in the air 4without letting go of the ball8. #8 6ave students organize and turn in their 3its about '# minutes before the end of the day. 6ave them fill out the dayGs student log. $ssessment( ,tudents can be observed informally for their use of the Technology .esign &oop, gracious professionalism, and robot design. Teachers may wish to ma3e notes from these observations on student strengths and wea3nesses to guide the lesson tomorrow. Teachers are also encouraged to read and consider student responses to the student log. =xtension( ?a3e a launcher that launches the ball at least + inches into the air andIor '1 inches across the table.


Anal"1e an a>uarium as a s"stem

Analyzing a )ystem



Student Log 2racious professionalism( NNN I showed politeness NNN I shared fairly NNN I gave my partner constructive feedbac3 NNN I used @I messagesA when tal3ing to my partner >hat I did today(

>hat I learned today(

I thin3 that the most important thing to remember is that(

>hat I still want to 3now(


Lesson <& Re#ie- the +echnolog" Design Loo% and gracious %rofessionalism? A%%l" the s"stems conce%t? Com%lete Challenge *& Lift urpose( To review the Technology .esign &oop, to review gracious professionalism, to apply the systems concept to computers, to complete *hallenge 1( &ift $lignment to outcomes( ', 1a, 1I3b, 3a, !abcd ?aterials( &=2E >e.o set and computer with &=2E >e.o software per pair, one copy of the systemGs model per student, student log $ctivities( '8 6ave students access their copies of the Technology .esign &oop. $s3 them to describe how they used the process in their challenge so far. $s3 students to describe how they used gracious professionalism during their wor3 yesterday and, possibly, how they might improve today. 18 Tell students that today they are going to apply the systems concept to computers, a closely related subject to robotics. Teachers may wish to have students draw a computer and label the parts according to the systems model, or, if students seem to be advancing readily without this scaffold, they may proceed directly to brainstorming together to complete the systems model as a class, in small groups, or individually at the teacherGs discretion. ,uggested responses to the model for boundaries include the physical plastic casing of the computer, the networ3 or the Internet, electricity, user competence, the software it has, etc. Bor elements, students may consider the mouse, 3eyboard, monitor, wires, hard drive, dis3 drives, printer, software, etc. Bor inputs, students may consider data, software, e-mail, webpages, scanned or digital images, *.-/E?s and .<.s, ",) drives, etc. Interactions may include programming, typing, critical thin3ing, researching, gaming, completing homewor3, etc. Eutputs may include software 4such as programs written for a &=2E robot8, research papers, sounds, print outs, e-mail, videos, etc. 38 *ontinue with the previous challenge, *hallenge 1( &ift or the extension. )oth may be found in lesson 1. !8 6ave students organize and turn in their 3its about '# minutes before the end of the day. 6ave them fill out the dayGs student log. $ssessment( If desired, teachers may use the robot design rubric to assess studentsG final products. $gain, students can be observed informally for their use of the Technology .esign &oop, gracious professionalism, and robot design. Teachers may wish to ma3e notes from these observations on student strengths and wea3nesses to guide the lesson tomorrow. Teachers are also encouraged to read and consider student responses to the student log. =xtension( If students have completed both *hallenge 1 and its extension, It is recommended that students spend time with ,cratchGs >e.o page at http(>e.o to begin understanding ,cratch for tomorrow.


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Anal"1e a com%uter as a s"stem

Analyzing a )ystem


Student Log 2racious professionalism( NNN I showed politeness NNN I shared fairly NNN I gave my partner constructive feedbac3 NNN I used @I messagesA when tal3ing to my partner >hat I did today(

>hat I learned today(

I thin3 that the most important thing to remember is that(

>hat I still want to 3now(


Lesson =& A%%l" the s"stems conce%t? 9ntroduction to Scratch? !egin Challenge <& Game urpose( To apply the systems concept to robots, to introduce ,cratch, and to begin *hallenge 3( 2ame $lignment to outcomes( ', 1a, 3a ?aterials( &=2E >e.o set and computer with &=2E >e.o software and ?ITGs ,cratch software 4available free from http( per pair, one copy of the systemGs model per student, student log $ctivities( '8 If possible, watch several videos featuring robots, such as those available from =xample search terms include, but are not limited to( robot, /oomba, 6onda robot, 6exbug, robot dance 4which usually feature people, but are 9uite entertaining8, )I2.E2 robot, robot fish, robotic submarine, autonomous underwater vehicle, etc. lease note that teachers are highly encouraged to preview all videos before sharing with children. $lso, alternate sources of robotics videos can be found if has been bloc3ed from your schoolGs networ3 including 18 "se the Brayer model of vocabulary to help students understand robots. In this case, you may wish to start with the definition and then have students brainstorm examples and non-examples, concluding with characteristics. $ robot is defined here as @a machine that acts autonomously based on a computer program in which a motor or motors reacts based on input from a sensor or sensors.A $s a non-example, it is notable that a remote controlled car is not a robot. It does not act autonomously 4which children may understand as @on its ownA8. ,uch non-examples are very helpful in building understanding of the term. 38 *omplete a systems model for robots as a group. )oundaries may include the body of the robot, the program or programmer, the length of the cable 4for >e.o8, batteries or other electricity, the depth of the ocean 4for robotic submarines8, etc. =lements may include &=2E bric3s, motors, sensors, gears, cables, etc. Inputs may include programs, design, information from sensors, etc. Interactions may include manipulating, finding trapped people 4for rescue robots8, repairing things underwater 4for robotic submarines8, solving challenges, following directionsIprograms, etc. Eutputs may include sound, motion, solved challenges, etc. /eview all ideas with the group. !8 Tell students that they will be learning a new programming language today where they can ma3e interactive animations and games. It is recommended that students spend time with ,cratchGs >e.o page at http(>e.o. It may be most helpful to begin with the >e.o starter projects. #8 Ence students have gone through some of the basics of programming >e.o with ,cratch, introduce students to *hallenge 3( 2ame and assist students only as needed in solving the problem, using in9uiry to help lead students solve the challenge themselves. &et students 3now


that this is li3ely more challenging than the previous two challenges and that they will have time in the next class to wor3 more on this challenge. *hallenge 3( 2ame( *reate a game in ,cratch that is controlled by a >e.o sensor. The game should have instructions at the beginning and a victory note at the end. %8 6ave students organize and turn in their 3its about '# minutes before the end of the day. 6ave them fill out the dayGs student log. $ssessment( Teachers should observe how the class does in completing their systems model. ;ow is an opportune time to correct any misunderstandings about robots as systems. ,tudents can be observed informally for their use of the Technology .esign &oop, gracious professionalism, and robot design. Teachers may wish to ma3e notes from these observations on student strengths and wea3nesses to guide the lesson tomorrow. Teachers are also encouraged to read and consider student responses to the student log. =xtension( *reate a game in ,cratch that is controlled by a >e.o sensor and reacts both with an animation on the screen and with the >e.o motor.


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 0ra"er 5ocabular" 6odel

Vocabulary Building
Definition Characteristics




Center for ifted Education! "#e College of $illiam and %ary! &''(


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Anal"1e a robot as a s"stem

Analyzing a )ystem


Student Log 2racious professionalism( NNN I showed politeness NNN I shared fairly NNN I gave my partner constructive feedbac3 NNN I used @I messagesA when tal3ing to my partner >hat I did today(

>hat I learned today(

I thin3 that the most important thing to remember is that(

>hat I still want to 3now(


Lesson @& ,ost.assessments? Com%lete Challenge <& Game and share urpose( To post-assess students for systems, the Technology .esign &oop, and robot design: to complete *hallenge 3( 2ame: and to share the final product $lignment to outcomes( ', 1a, 1I3b, 3a, !abcd ?aterials( &=2E >e.o set and computer with &=2E >e.o software and ?ITGs ,cratch software 4available free from http( per pair, one copy of each of the three preassessments per student, student log $ctivities( '8 2ive the systems post-assessment followed by the design loop post-assessment. ,coring will be the same as with the pre-assessments and directions for scoring all assessments have been provided in lesson '. 18 $llow students the majority of the period to continue *hallenge 3( 2ame. ,tudents who finish that are encouraged to share their game with others, including online via the ,cratch website and to continue on with the extension. *hallenge( *ontinued from lesson !. 38 Teachers may wish to arrange a time for families to visit on the last day so that students can share their creations. !8 6ave students organize and turn in their 3its about '# minutes before the end of the day. 6ave them fill out the dayGs student log. $ssessment( $s students complete *hallenge 3( 2ame, teachers should complete the robot design post-assessment rubric. re- and post-assessments can now be compared to loo3 at student growth and teachers can provide this information for students and their families. Teachers are encouraged to ma3e notes on overall student strengths and wea3nesses in order to improve instruction for future classes. =xtension( *ontinued from lesson ! and widely extendable. ,tudents who are able to complete both in the given time frame may be interested in exploring other features of ,cratch such as the '.' million submissions of games and animations that have been submitted to date. &i3ely, students will become interested in creating another game in ,cratch, with or without >e.o or to create and program a new robot with or without ,cratch. The possibilities are endless.


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ,ost.assessment& Anal"1e a robot as a s"stem

Analyzing a )ystem

/// Score


;ame( NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ,ost.assessment& +he +echnolog" Design Loo%

,tep '(

,tep #(

What ste%s should "ou use to design a robot to com%lete a challenge3

,tep 1(

,tep !(

,tep 3(

/// Score


$dapted from the *hildrenGs =ngineering =ducatorGs 41-'-8 Technology .esign &oop


9nno#ati#e Design :%rogram and structure in unison;



,ost.assessment& Robot design 7eeds 0air Good E$cellent 9m%ro#ement :7o#ice; < = 1 * .esign is .esign is ,ome uni9ue The design is substandard: not standard with no features that surprisingly able to achieve surprises or ma3e the design uni9ue, ma3ing it the challenge: innovation: better than superior to motor movement achieves the average: achieves others: achieves is inaccurate: challenge at least the challenge all the challenge misuse of sensors some of the time: or almost all of every time: standard use of the time: superior use of sensors thoughtful use of sensors sensors ,tructure is ,tructure often ,tructure is ,tructure is both fragile, falling holds together strong and solid and elegant: apart under under normal efficient: almost holds up against normal use use, but is always holds mishandling cumbersome or together under inefficient normal use rogram unable rogram often rogram is rogram is to complete the completes the logical and surprisingly challenge: not challenge, but efficient: sophisticated: lin3ed to sensors: inconsistently, achieves the achieves the illogical inaccurately, or challenge all or challenge all of ta3ing more time almost all of the the time than needed time Score& ///

$dapted from the BI/,T &=2E &eague Judges Handbook /obot .esign rubric


Student Log 2racious professionalism( NNN I showed politeness NNN I shared fairly NNN I gave my partner constructive feedbac3 NNN I used @I messagesA when tal3ing to my partner >hat I did today(

>hat I learned today(

I thin3 that the most important thing to remember is that(

>hat I still want to 3now(


Robotics in the A.1* Classroom& A !rief Literature Re#ie9ntroduction /obot is a term first coined in '71- by *zech playwright Farel *ape3 from the *zech word for forced labor, robota 4Pames 5 &eon, n.d.8. $lthough once only a playwrightGs fancy, today robots labor around the world and beyond, and they are playing increasingly important roles in society. Brom autonomous submarines wor3ing to stop the ) oil pipe disaster in water too deep for humans to travel 4))* ;ews, 1-'-8, to robotic prosthetics 4Bischman, 1-'-8, and for space exploration 4Pames 5 &eon, n.d.8, robots advance the human condition. The fields of science, technology, engineering, and math 4,T=?8 account for the majority of $mericaGs economic growth and tremendous improvement of the human condition 4;ational $cademy of ,ciences, 1--#8. $mong these are innovations in robotics. In the ".,., however, too few college students are majoring in ,T=? fields to fill demand in the job mar3et 4$merican *ompetitiveness Initiative, 1--%8. $ 3ey ingredient in this may be a lac3 of emphasis for science education at the elementary level 4;ational /esearch *ouncil, 1--08. $s the typical elementary school divides its days among the core subjects of language arts, social studies, math, and science, robotics could be most appropriately studied during math or science time. 6owever, spatial reasoning, which is so important to success in ,T=? fields and used in engineering robotics, is an ability distinctly separate from math ability 4>ai, &ubins3i, 5 )enbow, 1--78. ,cience is therefore li3ely the best subject in which schools could situate robotics. $lso, the most widespread robotics competitions for children, the BI/,T programs, revolve around a specific real-world science theme each year 4*oxon, 1-'-8. >hile many options exist for learning with robotics at young ages, few schools provide their students with such possibilities until secondary school, if at all. $t such a late point, many


students with the potential to be ,T=? innovators have li3ely found other passions more in line with schoolGs verbal focus 4>ai, &ubins3i, and )enbow, 1--78. This is potentially limiting for students. The science literature suggests that students do not tend to ma3e up for such lost learning. Bor example, ;ova3Gs 41--#8 longitudinal wor3 on science learning over the course of 3- years has demonstrated that students who receive science education starting in second grade continue to have greater conceptual understanding than those who do not receive science education until sixth grade throughout their senior years of high school. >hile science instruction typically starts earlier now, it is still largely of poor 9uality at the elementary level 4;/*, 1--08. This missed learning is li3ely limiting the number of students going into ,T=? majors in college. $s a part of improving science education and more future ,T=? majors, robotics learning should be available to elementary students. roblem-based learning, such as can be conducted with robotics, is engaging for children 4$llen, '77%8. ,uch engagement in science learning through real-world problem-solving potentially leads to college majors in ,T=? fields 4>ai, &ubins3i, 5 )enbow, 1--78. &i3ewise, numerous robotics programs and academic competitions, such as the Bor Inspiration and /ecognition in ,cience and Technology 4BI/,T8 &=2E &eague 4B&&8, ma3e for ready robotics interaction in schools and other educational settings. ?eta-analysis has revealed that, with an effect size of '.!+, enhanced context strategies have the highest effect size on achievement of all researched forms of science education 4,chroeder, ,cott, Tolson, 6uang, 5 &ee, 1--08. $ccording to ,chroeder et al. 41--08, enhanced context strategies include real-world learning and problem-based learning. /obotics is especially appropriate for aiding with both of these enhanced contexts in the classroom. The same metaanalysis found that instructional technology use has an overall effect size of .!+ on science


achievement. /obotics falls into this category as well. >hile a smaller effect size, it is still a powerful one. ,ome research already exists specifically on the effects of robotics use in classrooms, which will be explored here. Robotics Education The launch of ,putni3 had such a large impact on $merican ,T=? education 4Blanagan, '707: ,uper 5 )achrach, '7#0: >ai, &ubins3i, 5 )enbow, 1--78 that it could arguably be considered the impetus for robotics education in the ".,., despite the fact that the first programmable robot had only just been developed 4/, n.d.8. /obotics use in the classroom was not immediate, but began sooner than many people might guess. >hile robots were just becoming common to industry in the '70-s 4/, n.d.8, &=2E &ogo, which connects &=2E bric3s and motors to the popular programming language, was introduced for children in the early-'7+-s 4Box, 1--0: &ogo Boundation, 1---8. ,till, there is not evidence that the use of robotics in schools was widespread until the advent of &=2E ?indstorms and the corresponding B&& competition in the late '77-s. Today, many 3its exist for engaging students in robotics including with the popular building toy, FGnex, &=2E >e.o, &=2E ;QT, the T)ot mechanical arm, and Tetrix, which allows students to build sturdy robots with aircraft-grade aluminum. *urriculum units are available for several of the 3its both from some of the companies that produce the 3its and from third parties 4e.g., *oxon, 1-'-: Toye 5 >illiams, n.d.8. There are also several dozen robotics competitions available to students F-'1 at international, national, and regional levels including BI/,T /obotics *ompetition 4B/*8, Punior B&&, B&&, Bire Bighting /obot *ontest, <=Q /obotics, and *arnegie ?ellon ?obot /aces 4*oxon, 1--7: / Tallent-/unnels 5 *andler-&otven, 1--+8. Ef particular importance for elementary age children are the Punior B&& for ages %-7 utilizing the &=2E >e.o 3it and


B&& for ages 7-'! utilizing the ;QT 3it. )oth are academic competitions in which students build robots to manipulate &=2E objects built based on a real-world science theme. Bor example, in a recent B&& competition, ower uzzle, the theme was energy production and use. articipants were re9uired to build and program a robot that could add a solar panel to a house and replace a pic3-up truc3 in its driveway with a fuel cell carHall made from &=2E bric3s. The competitions have multiple facets. ;ot only do robots compete, but participants also compete for awards in teamwor3, robot design, and a presentation on a public service research project that they conduct before the competition. These competitions are widely available. BI/,T programs have a total reach of more than 1'1,--- F-'1 students in about %- countries 4", BI/,T, 1-'-8. $s is common to educational technology, the research on participant outcomes lags behind usage. The use of robots in education has rarely been researched in F-'1 classrooms. $ search on =/I* using the 3eyword @robotA revealed '+0 articles, only %1 of which were published since 1---, which this review will be limited due to the rapidly changing nature of technology. Burther discounting many that were not research studies, the majority of those remaining either report on studies of post-secondary programs 4e.g., >allace, ?c*artney, 5 /ussell, 1-'-8, studies of assistive technology 4e.g., Frebs, &andenheim, 6ippolyte, ?onterroso, 5 ?ast, 1--78, studies that use robotics to study child behavior 4e.g., ?origuchi, Fanda, Ishiguro, 5 Ita3ura, 1-'-8, and studies in which robots are used to study cognition 4e.g., ,himada, 1-'-8. In total, only nine studies were identified for this review. Ef the F-'1 studies available, the largest number involve the BI/,T competitions, the largest and most widely distributed robotics programs, followed by those that use the same &=2E robotics sets in the classroom. erhaps the largest scale research to date was conducted with participants involved in the B/*, a high school level competition, by the *enter for Kouth


and *ommunities 4*K*8 at )randeis "niversity. ?elchior, *ohen, *utter, and &eavitt 41--#8 conducted a survey, finding that, in comparison to their peers, B/* participants were 3#R more li3ely to attend college, twice as li3ely to major in a ,T=? field, nine times as li3ely to have an internship during their college freshman year, and even twice as li3ely to perform community service. Ef course, it is unclear if those differences were created by B/* participation or if they are simply indicative of students interested in such competitions. In a similar study from *K* of the B&&, ?elchior, *utter, and *ohen 41--!8 conducted a survey of B&& participants, coaches, and parents. Ef those surveyed, 7!R or more believed that B&& participants had increases in such areas as programming s3ills, understanding of how science and technology can solve real world problems, problem-solving s3ills, and leadership s3ills. .efinitive pre- and postassessment studies are still lac3ing. ,ome studies of B&& suggest that student learning in robotics competitions may generalize to other contexts. In a 9ualitative study, etre and rice 41--!8 observed several robotics competitions in the ,eattle area, including B&&, and interviewed participants and coaches. Fey themes that emerged included studentsG desires to complete the tas3s, the openendedness of competition, and the social context. )ased on these interviews, the researchers suggest that robotics wor3s effectively to increase understanding of programming and engineering principles, and that this learning was generalizeable to other programming and engineering situations. 2eeter, 2older, and ;ordin 41--18 were attempting to increase the number of B&& teams in Iowa through a university-based program. )ased on their observations during this time, they reported that middle school students competing in B&& gained a better understanding of engineering: improved creative thin3ing, critical thin3ing, and problem-solving s3ills: and increased self-confidence levels, interest, and involvement in science and math. They


suggest that these s3ills will help students regardless of the career path that they choose, but do not report on their methods for ma3ing these assertions aside from observation during their program. /obotics has been less well studied in the classroom. The studies that do exist continue to explore robotics education through 9ualitative means. Forchnov and <erner 41-'-8 conducted a 9ualitative study of student teachers and their pupils involved in a robotics curriculum. They found that self-confidence, learning effort, and coping with learning pressures improved along other variables. <erner and 6ersh3o 41--38 followed students through a robotics curriculum and found that they were motivated to complete their projects. /obotics has also been studied in a remedial classroom. $ thesis study which included a &i3ert survey found that a &=2E robotics curriculum helped students ages '' and '1 in a remedial group to better understand their learning styles and to improve in their problem-solving s3ills 4,wartz, 1--08. $n even smaller amount of research has been 9uantitative. >illiams, ?a, rejean, Bord, and &ai 41--08 found that middle school students using &=2E /*Q 4the predecessor to the ;QT8 in the classroom improved in physics content 3nowledge using a pre- and postassessment. The researchers also loo3ed for student gains in scientific in9uiry s3ills but did not find significant changes. Their study suffered from attrition and a small sample. <erner 41--!8 conducted one of the most rigorous studies using /obocell, a robotic arm that can move through five joints. 6e loo3ed specifically at middle and high school studentsG 4nS'1+8 gains in spatial abilities on '1 spatial tas3s. Ever the course of treatment with /obocell curriculum, students improved from an average of !%.#R correct on the pre-assessment to %1.!R. This study is especially important both because its large sample and number of assessments may ma3e it more convincing for those ma3ing financial and policy decisions in schools, such as for the inclusion


of robotics programs, as well as because spatial abilities and future success in ,T=? fields are strongly correlated 4>ai, &ubins3i, 5 )enbow, 1--78. ?ore studies such as this are sorely needed. Conclusion /obotics education has expanded to hundreds of thousands of F-'1 students, but little research has been thus far conducted that demonstrates the benefits of such involvement through pre- and post-gains on reliable instruments. 6owever, the benefits, such as increased interest and ability in ,T=? fields, are potentially great and the little existing research does suggest that those benefits are attainable. ?ore research is demanded from a society that increasingly benefits from and even depends upon ,T=? innovations, such as those in robotics. /esearch showing post-assessment gains in needed faculties such as spatial ability may be most helpful in convincing policy ma3ers to include robotics programs in school budgets and curriculum.


References $llen, .. =. 4'77%8. The power of problem-based learning in teaching introductory science courses. Ne !ire"tions #or Tea"hing and $earning, %&, !3-#1. $merican *ompetitiveness Initiative. 41--%8. 'meri"an "ompetitive initiative( $eading the orld in innovation. >ashington .*( .omestic olicy *ouncil Effice of ,cience and Technology. /etrieved from http(IIwww.innovationtas3force.orgIdocsI$*I R1-boo3let.pdf ))* ;ews. 41-'-, $pril 1%8. Eil rig spill off &ouisiana could threaten coastline. ))* ;ews. /etrieved from http(!1#'+.stm *oxon, ,. <. 41--78. *hallenging neglected spatially gifted students with BI/,T &=2E &eague. 'ddendum to $eading Change in )i#ted Edu"ation. >illiamsburg, <$( *enter for 2ifted =ducation. /etrieved from http(IIcfge.wm.eduI.ocumentsIBestschrift ,upplement.pdfTpageS1# *oxon, ,. <. 41-'-8. ,T=?botics. *teve Co+ons Web( ,resentations. /etrieved from http(IIstevecoxon.comI Bischman, P. 41-'-, Panuary8. $ better life with bionics. National )eographi"- ./04'8, 3!-#3. Blanagan, P. *. 4'7078. Bindings from roject T$&=;T. Edu"ational 1orum- 234!8, !+7-7-. Box, 6. >. 41--08. "sing robotics in the engineering technology classroom. The Te"hnology 4nter#a"e. /etrieved from http(IItechnologyinterface.nmsu.eduI,pring-0I'+NBoxIindex.pdf 2eeter, .. .., 2older, P. =., 5 ;ordin, T. $. 41--18. Creating engineers #or the #uture. roceedings of the 1--1 $merican ,ociety for =ngineering =ducation $nnual *onference 5 =xposition, '-0.


Pames, .., 5 &eon, ?. 4n.d.8. &iftoff to learning( &etGs tal3 robotics. N'*' 5uest. /etrieved from http(II9uest.nasa.govIspaceIteachersIliftoffIrobotics.html Forchnov, =., 5 <erner, I. ?. 41-'-8. *haracteristics of learning computer-controlled mechanisms by teachers and students in a common laboratory environment. 4nternational Journal o# Te"hnology and !esign Edu"ation- .6418, 1'0-130. Frebs, 6. I., &andenheim, )., 6ippolyte, *., ?onterroso, &., 5 ?ast, P. 41--78. /obot-assisted tas3-specific training in cerebral palsy. !evelopmental 7edi"ine 8 Child Neurology9/4!8, '!--'!#. &E2E Boundation. 41---8. >hat is &E2EM /etrieved from http( ?elchior, $., *ohen, B., *utter, T., 5 &eavitt, T. 41--#8. ?ore than robots( $n =valuation of the BI/,T /obotics *ompetition participant and institutional impacts. >altham, ?$( *enter for Kouth and *ommunities, )randeis "niversity. /etrieved from http(IIwww.usfirst.orgIwhoIcontent.aspxMidS!% ?elchior, $., *utter, T., 5 *ohen, B. 41--!8. =valuation of BI/,T &=2E &eague. >altham, ?$( *enter for Kouth and *ommunities, )randeis "niversity. /etrieved from http(IIwww.usfirst.orgIwhoIcontent.aspxMidS!% ?origuchi, K., Fanda, T., Ishiguro, 6., 5 Ita3ura, ,. 41-'-8. *hildren perseverate to a humanUs actions but not to a robotUs actions. !evelopmental *"ien"e,/34'8, %1-%+. ;ational $cademy of ,ciences. 41--#8. :ising above the gathering storm. >ashington, .*( ;ational $cademy ress. /etrieved from http(IIwww.nap.eduIcatalog.phpM recordNidS''!%3


;ational /esearch *ouncil. 41--08. Taking *"ien"e to *"hool( $earning and Tea"hing *"ien"e in )rades ;<&. *ommittee on ,cience &earning, Findergarten Through =ighth 2rade. /. $. .uschl, 6. $. ,chweingruber, and $. >. ,house, 4=ds.8. )oard on ,cience =ducation, *enter for =ducation. .ivision of )ehavioral and ,ocial ,ciences and =ducation. >ashington, .*( The ;ational $cademies ress. ;ova3, P. .. 41--#8. /esults and implications of a '1-year longitudinal study of science concept learning. :esear"h in *"ien"e Edu"ation- 394'8, 13-!-. etre, ?., 5 rice, ). 41--!8. "sing robotics to motivate Vbac3 doorG learning. Edu"ation and 4n#ormation Te"hnologies, =418, '!0-'#+. / 4n.d.8. Industrial robot history. / /etrieved from http(IIwww.robots.comIrobot-education.phpMpageSindustrialWhistory / 4n.d.8. /obot competitions. / /etrieved from http(IIrobots.netIrcfa9.html ,chroeder, *. ?., ,cott, T. ., Tolson, 6., 6uang, T. XK., 5 &ee, K. X6. 41--08. $ meta-analysis of national research( =ffects of teaching strategies on student achievement in science in the "nited ,tates. Journal o# :esear"h in *"ien"e Tea"hing- 224'-8, '!3%-'!%-. ,uper, .. =., 5 )achrach, . ). 4'7#08. *"ienti#i" "areers and vo"ational development theory. ;ew Kor3( )ureau of ublications, Teachers *ollege, *olumbia "niversity. ,wartz, T. P. 41--08. 4ntegrating $E)> 7indstorms :oboti"s into the "lassroom. "npublished masterGs thesis, =mporia ,tate "niversity, =mporia, F,. >allace, ,. $., ?c*artney, /., 5 /ussell, I. 41-'-8. 2ames and machine learning( $ powerful combination in an artificial intelligence course. Computer *"ien"e Edu"ation, .64'8, '03%.


Tallent-/unnels, ?. F., 5 *andler-&otven, $. *. 41--+8. '"ademi" "ompetitions #or gi#ted students( ' resour"e book #or tea"hers and parents 41nd ed.8. Thousand Ea3s, *$( *orwin. Toye, $., 5 >illiams, ). 4n.d.8. /obotics in the classroom( Introduction to /obiotics. >right, E6( >right- atterson $ir Borce )ase =ducational Eutreach Effice. /etrieved from http( ", BI/,T. 41-'-8. BI/,T $t-$-2lance. /etrieved from http(IIwww.usfirst.orgIwhoIcontent.aspxMidS'%<erner, I. ?., 5 6ersh3o, =. 41--38. ,chool graduation project in robot design( $ case study of team learning experiences and outcomes. Journal o# Te"hnology Edu"ation- /2418, !--##. <erner, I. ?. 41--!8. /obot manipulations( $ synergy of visualization, computation and action for spatial instruction. 4nternational Journal o# Computers #or 7athemati"al $earning- =, 1'3-13!. >ai, P., &ubins3i, .., 5 )enbow, *. . 41--78. ,patial ability for ,T=? .omains( $ligning over #- years of cumulative psychological 3nowledge solidifies its importance. Journal o# Edu"ational ,sy"hology- /6/4!8, +'0-+3#. >illiams, .. *., ?a, K., rejean, &., Bord, ?. P., 5 &ai, 2. 41--08. $c9uisition of physics content 3nowledge and scientific in9uiry s3ills in a robotics summer camp. Journal o# :esear"h on Te"hnology in Edu"ation, 26418, 1-'-1'%.


Online Resources The &=2E >e.o software comes with tutorials for the basics of >e.o building and programming and the novice will be best served by starting there. ,eparate introductory curriculum can be purchased through the &=2E >e.o website. $s of this writing, there are no other third party boo3s or curriculum units available to the authorGs 3nowledge. 6owever, a great deal of information is available online( &=2E =ducation homepage( http( Bor Inspiration and /ecognition of ,cience and Technology 4BI/,T8 competitions, including the Punior BI/,T &=2E &eague that utilizes &=2E >e.o 4search for available wor3shops in your area8( http(IIwww.usfirst.orgI ,cratch download and sharing 4excellent tutorials available8( http( ,cratchGs >e.o page( http(>e.o *hildrenGs =ngineering =ducators 4search for available wor3shops in your area8( http(IIwww.childrensengineering.comI Instructables, an online @how toA forum that includes many >e.o ideasY( http(IIwww.instructables.comI $n introduction to >e.o video by &=2E( http(>e.oN#?).mov $n introduction to >e.o video by the authorYY( http(>+%ol? Y,ome features of this website are only available for a small fee. YY?any more educational videos on ,cratch and >e.o are available by searching those terms on =ducators are encouraged to preview all videos to be used with children for 9uality and suitability.


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