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Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

This project is based on the principle of photoplethysmography (PPG) which is a non-invasive method of measuring the variation in blood volume in tissues using a light source and a detector. Since the change in blood volume is synchronous to the heart beat this techni!ue can be used to calculate the heart rate. Transmittance and reflectance are two basic types of photoplethysmography. "or the transmittance PPG a light source is emitted in to the tissue and a light detector is placed in the opposite side of the tissue to measure the resultant light. #ecause of the limited penetration depth of the light through organ tissue the transmittance PPG is applicable to a restricted body part such as the finger or the ear lobe. $owever in the reflectance PPG the light source and the light detector are both placed on the same side of a body part. The light is emitted into the tissue and the reflected light is measured by the detector. %s the light doesn&t have to penetrate the body the reflectance PPG can be applied to any parts of human body. 'n either case the detected light reflected from or transmitted through the body part will fluctuate according to the pulsatile blood flow caused by the beating of the heart. There is a reflectance PPG probe to e(tract the pulse signal from the fingertip. % subject&s finger is illuminated by an infrared light-emitting diode. )ore or less light is absorbed depending on the tissue blood volume. *onse!uently the reflected light intensity varies with the pulsing of the blood with heart beat. % plot for this variation against time is referred to be a photoplethysmographic or PPG signal. The PPG signal has two components fre!uently referred to as %* and +*. The %* component is mainly caused by pulsatile changes in arterial blood volume which is synchronous with the heart beat. So the %* component can be used as a source of heart rate information. This %* component is superimposed onto a large +* component that relates to the tissues and to the average blood volume. The +* component must be removed to measure the %* waveform with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Since the useful %* signal is only a very small portion of the whole signal an effective amplification circuit is also re!uired to e(tract desired information from it. The use of T*,T-.. simplifies the build process of the sensor part of the project as both the infrared light emitter diode and the detector are arranged side by side in a leaded pac/age thus bloc/ing the surrounding ambient light which could otherwise affect the sensor performance. The output pulse can be fed to either an %+* channel or a digital input pin of a microcontroller for further processing and retrieving the heart rate in beats per minute (#P)).

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


The $eart rate measurement through fingertip project the infrared 01+ and photodiode used for finger photoplethysmography were actually from salvaged parts and therefore could not provide specifications for them in the article. %s a result of that it ta/es !uite a bit of time to replicate that project with a different set of ', 01+ and photodiode as the values of the current limiting and biasing resistors may have to be changed for the new sensor to wor/ properly. This is a revised version of the same project but with all the components specified this time. The new version uses the T*,T-... reflective optical sensor for photoplethysmography. The use of T*,T-.. simplifies the build process of the sensor part of the project as both the infrared light emitter diode and the detector are arranged side by side in a leaded pac/age thus bloc/ing the surrounding ambient light which could otherwise affect the sensor performance.

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


3.1 Amplifie !"# C$%"&e 'e(&i$"

)i* 3.1 #loc/ diagram of %mplifier and *ounter section

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

3.2 P$+e S%ppl,

)i*. 3.2 #loc/ diagram of Power supply

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


-.1. AMPLI)IER AND COUNTER The sensor used in this project is T*,T-... which is a reflective optical sensor with both the infrared light emitter and phototransistor placed side by side and are enclosed inside a leaded pac/age so that there is minimum effect of surrounding visible light. Pulling the enable pin high will turn the ', emitter 01+ on and activate the sensor. % fingertip placed over the sensor will act as a reflector of the incident light. The amount of light reflected bac/ from the fingertip is monitored by the phototransistor. The output (2S13S4,) from the sensor is a periodic physiological waveform attributed to small variations in the reflected ', light which is caused by the pulsatile tissue blood volume inside the finger. The waveform is therefore synchronous with the heartbeat. The %* signal is amplified by the transistor #*567. 4utput of monostable 555 multivibrator remains in its stable state until it gets a trigger. Primarily the transistor and capacitor are shorted to ground this state is considered as the stable state of monostable 555 multivibrator.%s we /now that when the voltage at the second pin of 555 '* goes below -89 2cc the output becomes high. The high state is /nown as :;uasi stable&. The trigger causes the transition from stable state to ;uasi stable state. So when we press the button (Trigger) the voltage at <nd pin become less than -89 2cc (+isconnected from 2cc) hence the output is high. Then the discharge transistor is cut off and capacitor starts charging towards 2cc (refer internal circuit) internal *harging of capacitor is through the resistor ,- with a time constant ,-*-. %s the capacitor voltage increases and finally e(ceeds <89 2cc it will reset the internal control flip flop there by turning off the 555 timer '*. (more than <89

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

voltage at the threshold pin (=th pin) causes '* to reset).Thus the output goes bac/ to its stable state from ;uasi stable state. The *+568>6$*-?. are asynchronously presettable #*+ decade counters whereas the *+568>6$*-?- and *+568>6$*T-?- are asynchronously presettable binary counters. Presetting the counter to the number on preset data inputs (%@+) is accomplished by a low asynchronous parallel load (04%+) input. *ounting occurs when 04%+ is high count enable (*T13) is low and the down8up (+8A) input is either high for down counting or low for up counting. The counter is decremented or incremented synchronously with the low-to-high transition of the cloc/. Bhen an overflow or underflow of the counter occurs the )%C8)'3 output which is low during counting goes high and remains high for one cloc/ cycle. This output can be used for loo/-ahead carry in high-speed cascading. The )%C8)'3 output also initiates the ripple cloc/ (,*4) output which normally is high goes low and remains low for the low-level portion of the cloc/ pulse. These counters can be cascaded using ,*4. The decoder converts #*+ input data into control signals. The output form the control signals for the > segment display +isplay is the machine man interface in every unit. This section displays information from the microcontroller. Be are planning to use alpha numeric display since it can display both alphabets and numerals. The display units are incorporated to perform the machine man interface through which the machine interacts with the user. The user is first of all advised to enter his 8 her card in the soc/et and remove it once the system read the data. %lso other commands to the user are conveyed through this.

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


PO.ER SUPPLY The correct voltage is of almost important for the proper functioning of

'*&s used in the system. Power supply in the circuit is built by using centre tapped full wave rectifier filter and regulator. >7-< and >7.5 is used for -<2 and 52 respectively. 'n the receiver with a transformer <9.2 %* source is stepped for <62 pea/ to pea/. The down converter is then passed through a bridge rectifier to be converted to -<2 +* supply. *apacitor /eeps the voltage to be constant but as e(pected the wave form contain a lot of ripples. Therefore voltage regulator is needed to correct the imperfection of the transformer. % -<2 >7-< is used to generate -<2 and 52 regulator >7.5 is used to generate 52 that is needed. 'n addition large capacitors are coupled with the regulator to offset any ripples or imperfection generated by the transformer. The rectifier and filter circuit which are used in the initial stages of a +* power supply is essential for the operation of almost all electronic devices. % rectifier circuit is a circuit which convert %* voltage to pulsating +*. There are < type of rectifier circuit are half wave rectifier and full Bave rectifier 3ow in the case of full wave rectifier circuit this allows a unidirectional current to flow through the load during the entire input cycle. %s a result of this output voltage that pulsates every half cycle of the input. % transformer is static piece of apparatus by means of which electric power in - circuit is transformed in to electrical power of the same fre!uency in another circuit. 't can raise or lower the voltage in a circuit but with corresponding decrease or increase in current

Department of ECE


Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip



)i*0 /.1 *ircuit diagram of Sensor and %mplifier

Department of ECE

Al - Ameen Engineering College

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


)i* 0 /.2 *ircuit diagram of *ounter and +isplay

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


)i*0 /.3 *ircuit diagram of Power Supply

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


1.1 Amplifie !"# C$%"&e 'e(&i$" The sensor used in this project is T*,T-... which is a reflective optical sensor with both the infrared light emitter and phototransistor placed side by side and are enclosed inside a leaded pac/age so that there is minimum effect of surrounding visible light. The circuit diagram below shows the e(ternal biasing circuit for the T*,T-... sensor. Pulling the enable pin high will turn the ', emitter 01+ on and activate the sensor. % fingertip placed over the sensor will act as a reflector of the incident light. The amount of light reflected bac/ from the fingertip is monitored by the phototransistor.T*,T-... used for sensing pulse from fingertip

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

)i* 1.10 Se"'$ (i (%i& The output (2S13S4,) from the sensor is a periodic physiological waveform attributed to small variations in the reflected ', light which is caused by the pulsatile tissue blood volume inside the finger. The waveform is therefore synchronous with the heartbeat. The following circuit diagram describes the first stage of the signal conditioning which will suppress the large +* component and boost the wea/ pulsatile %* component which carries the re!uired information. The %* signal is amplified by the transistor #*567.

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

)i* 1.20 BC/-2 1.1.1 M$"$'&!3le M%l&i4i3 !&$ 4utput of monostable 555 multivibrator remains in its stable state until it gets a trigger. Primarily the transistor and capacitor are shorted to ground this state is considered as the stable state of monostable 555 multivibrator. %s we /now that when the voltage at the second pin of 555 '* goes below -89 2cc the output becomes high. The high state is /nown as :;uasi stable&. The trigger causes the transition from stable state to ;uasi stable state. So when we press the button (Trigger) the voltage at <nd pin become less than -89 2cc (+isconnected from 2cc) hence the output is high. Then the discharge transistor is cut off and capacitor starts charging towards 2cc (refer internal circuit) internal *harging of capacitor is through the resistor ,- with a time constant ,-*-. %s the capacitor voltage increases and finally e(ceeds <89 2cc it will reset the internal control flip flop there by turning off the 555 timer '*. (more than <89 voltage at Department of ECE College

Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip the threshold pin (=th pin) causes '* to reset).Thus the output goes bac/ to its stable state from ;uasi stable state. +esign e!uation for monostable multivibrator 4n time TD-.- ,- *- "or time period E 9. seconds %ssuming *D6>.F" we get ,D5=/G "or time periodE <. seconds %ssuming *D6>.F" we get ,D9?/G "or time periodE 9 minutes %ssuming *D6>.F" we get ,D99.HI 1.1.2 /// Time IC .$ 5i"* P i"(iple *omparator - has a threshold input (pin =) and a control input (pin 5). 'n most applications the control input is not used so that the control voltage e!uals J<89 2**. 4utput of this comparator is applied to set (S) input of the flip-flop. Bhenever the threshold voltage e(ceeds the control voltage comparator - will set the flip-flop and its output is high$ A high output from the flip-flop saturates the discharge transistor and discharge the capacitor connected e(ternally to pin >. The complementary signal out of the flip-flop goes to pin 9 the output. The output available at pin 9 is low $ These conditions will prevail until comparator < triggers the flip-flop. 1ven if the voltage at the threshold input falls below <89 2** that is comparator - cannot cause the flip-flop to change again. 't means that the comparator - can only force the flip-flop&s output high.To change the output of flip-flop to low% the voltage at the trigger input must fall below J -89 2cc. Bhen this occurs comparator < triggers the flip-flop forcing its

output low$ The low output from the flip-flop turns the discharge transistor off and forces the power amplifier to output a high. These conditions will continue independent of the voltage on the trigger input. *omparator < can only cause the flip-flop to output low. Department of ECE College

Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

)i* "$0 1.3 I"&e "!l #i!* !m $f /// Time IC

1.1.3 /// &ime

"rom the above discussion it is concluded that for the having low output from the timer 555 the voltage on the threshold input must e(ceed the control voltage or J <89 2**. They also turn the discharge transistor on. To force the output from the timer high the voltage on the trigger input must drop below J-89 2**. This also turns the discharge transistor off. % voltage may be applied to the control input to change the levels at which the switching occurs. Bhen not in use a ...- nano"arad capacitor should be connected between pin 5 and ground to prevent noise coupled onto this pin from causing false triggering.

*onnecting the reset (pin 6) to a logic low will place a high on the output of flip-flop. The discharge transistor will go on and the power amplifier will output a

Department of ECE College

Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip low. This condition will continue until reset is ta/en high. This allows synchroniKation or resetting of the circuit&s operation. Bhen not in use reset should be tied to J2**. 1.1.- C$%"&e !"# Di'pl!, The *+568>6$*-?. are asynchronously presettable #*+ decade counters whereas the *+568>6$*-?- and *+568>6$*T-?- are asynchronously presettable binary counters. Presetting the counter to the number on preset data inputs (%@+) is accomplished by a low asynchronous parallel load (04%+) input. *ounting occurs when 04%+ is high count enable (*T13) is low and the down8up (+8A) input is either high for down counting or low for up counting. The counter is decremented or incremented synchronously with the low-to-high transition of the cloc/. Bhen an overflow or underflow of the counter occurs the )%C8)'3 output which is low during counting goes high and remains high for one cloc/ cycle. This output can be used for loo/-ahead carry in high-speed cascading. The )%C8)'3 output also initiates the ripple cloc/ (,*4) output which normally is high goes low and remains low for the low-level portion of the cloc/ pulse. These counters can be cascaded using ,*4. The decoder converts #*+ input data into control signals. The output form the control signals for the > segment display . 1.2 P$+e S%ppl, The system re!uires a regulated J5v supply for the semiconductors and circuit. These can be delivered from the <9.2 domestic supply. #efore applying this to the system we must step down this high voltage to an appropriate value. %fter that it should be rectified. This will provide a unidirectional current. To achieve a J52 +* we should regulate this. %ll these are done in the power supply circuitry which is e(plained below. "ull-wave rectification converts both polarities of the input waveform to +* and is more efficient. $owever in a circuit with a non-center tapped transformer four

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip rectifiers are re!uired instead of the one needed for half-wave rectification. This is due to each output polarity re!uiring two rectifiers each for e(ample one for when %* terminal LCL is positive and one for when %* terminal LML is positive. The other +* output re!uires e(actly the same resulting in four individual junctions (See semiconductors8diode). "our rectifiers arranged this way are called a bridge rectifierE % full wave rectifier converts the whole of the input waveform to one of constant polarity (positive or negative) at its output by reversing the negative (or positive) portions of the alternating current waveform. The positive (negative) portions thus combine with the reversed negative (positive) portions to produce an entirely positive (negative) voltage8current waveform

)i* 1.- Ce"&e &!ppe# e(&ifie 1.2.1 Re(&ifie $%&p%& 'm$$&6i"* Bhile half- and full-wave rectification suffices to deliver a form of +* output neither produces constant voltage +*. 'n order to produce steady +* from a rectified %* supply a smoothing circuit sometimes called a filter is re!uired. 'n its simplest form this can be what is /nown as a reservoir capacitor "ilter capacitor or smoothing capacitor placed at the +* output of the rectifier. There will still remain an amount of %* ripple voltage where the voltage is not completely smoothed. SiKing of the capacitor represents a tradeoff. "or a given load a larger capacitor will reduce ripple but will cost more and will create higher pea/ currents in the transformer secondary and

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

in the supply feeding it. 'n e(treme cases where many rectifiers are loaded onto a power distribution circuit it may prove difficult for the power distribution authority to maintain a correctly shaped sinusoidal voltage curve. "or a given tolerable ripple the re!uired capacitor siKe is proportional to the load current and inversely proportional to the supply fre!uency and the number of output pea/s of the rectifier per input cycle. The load current and the supply fre!uency are generally outside the control of the designer of the rectifier system but the number of pea/s per input cycle can be effected by the choice of rectifier design. % half wave rectifier will only give one pea/ per cycle and for this and other reasons is only used in very small power supplies. % full wave rectifier achieves two pea/s per cycle and this is the best that can be done with single phase input. "or three phase inputs a three phase bridge will give si( pea/s per cycle and even higher numbers of pea/s can be achieved by using transformer networ/s placed before the rectifier to convert to a higher phase order. To further reduce this ripple a capacitorinput filter can be used. This complements the reservoir capacitor with a cho/e and a second filter capacitor so that a steadier +* output can be obtained across the terminals of the filter capacitor. The cho/e presents a high impedance to the ripple current. 'f the +* load is very demanding of a smooth supply voltage a voltage regulator will be used either instead of or in addition to the capacitor-input filter both to remove the last of the ripple and to deal with variations in supply and load characteristics. 1.2.2 3 &e mi"!l 4$l&!*e e*%l!&$ f$ 7 / 4 The 0>7.. series of three-terminal positive regulators is available in T4<<. 'S4B%TT<<. T4-9 and +<P%H pac/ages and several fi(ed output voltages ma/ing it useful in a wide range of applications. These regulators can provide local oncard regulation eliminating the distribution problems associated with single point

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Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip regulation. 1ach type employs internal current limiting thermal shut-down and safe area protection ma/ing it essentially indestructible. 'f ade!uate heat sin/ing is

provided they can deliver over -% output current. %lthough designed primarily as fi(ed voltage regulators these devices can be used with e(ternal components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.

)i* "$0 1./ V$l&!*e e*%l!&$

Three-terminal '* power regulators include on-chip overload protection against virtually any normal fault condition. *urrent limiting protects against short circuits fusing the aluminum interconnects on the chip. Safe-area protection decreases the available output current at high input voltages to insure that the internal power transistor operates within its safe area. "inally thermal overload protection turns off the regulator at chip temperatures of about ->.N* preventing destruction due to e(cessive heating. 1ven though the '* is fully protected against normal overloads careful design must be used to insure reliable operation in the system. )EATURES -. 4utput current up to -.5 % Department of ECE College

Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip <. 4utput voltages of 5O 5.<O =O 7O 7.5O ?O-<O -5O -7O <62 9. Thermal overload protection

6. Short circuit protection 5. 4utput transition safe operating area protection

+12V 230V T1 1 D1 1n4007 230V 12 - 0-12V / 1A 1 D3 1n4007 2 2200MFD GND C1 + 3 2 1 VIN VOUT 2

VCC D2 LED + C2 10MFD U1 L7805/T O220 C3 CAP NP R1 1K


)i* 1.2.3 /V P$+e '%ppl,

This ac supply goes to a center tap rectifier which converts the ac into a unidirectional voltage. The ripples in the resulting supply is filtered and smoothed by a <<.."+8<52 capacitor. The ..-" capacitor bypasses any high fre!uency noises. The resulting supply has the magnitude above ->2. This voltage is fed to the regulator '* >7.5. This '* provides a regulated 52 positive supply at its 9rd pin. The re!uired input for this is more than >.52. %lso there is an 01+ in series with a -H resistor. This will act as a power 43 indicator. Department of ECE College

Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


8.1 ADVANTAGES The patient&s heart beat rate is monitored using a photoelectric sensor which can sense the patients&s pulse rate. This method of trac/ing the heart rate is more efficient than traditional method #y derives the same from the 1*G graph. The duty nurse or doctors can easily identify the problems. This saves the life of the patient. #y using the system labor wor/ can be reduced i.e. there&s no need to go and chec/ the patients consistently. 't provides increased accuracy in identifying the breathing rhythm.

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip


The information updated through these devices sent to a doctor or medical adviser for chec/ing the health status of the person. The device is of great application since we are in a world of less time and space. %ll basic diagnosis involve heartbeat. 't provide a cost effective method to improve chronic disaster management. % graphical 0*+ can be used to display a graph of the change of heart rate over time. Sound can be added to the device so that a sound is output each time a pulse is received. The ma(imum and minimum heart rates over a period of time can be displayed.Serial output can be attached to the device so that the heart rates can be sent to a pc for further online or offline analysis.

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

% remote patient monitoring system was developed to facilitate patient empowerment and also to provide accurate and timely data to the care provider to help with disease management. This system has been evaluated in populations with hypertension. 't provides a cost effective method to improve chronic disease management. *ontrolling a parameter such as blood pressure in complications such as renal and cardiovascular disease can result in improved health outcomes and increased !uality of life. %c!uiring biological signal and ade!uately amplifying biological signal. Semi functional heart rate counter and use of low power components for battery operation

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

P-Q +r. %.H. G%AT%) R%ntenna and Bave propagationS S.H K!&! i! T Sons Publishers "ourth 1dition <..7 U .?. P<Q +r.S.H. Sahwaney S1lectronics )easurement and instrument. P9Q ,obert 0. #oylestad R1lectronics +evice and *ircuit Theory by R P6Q *ommunication System byE #.P. 0athi. P5Q S. 1dwards. R$eart rate )onitor #oo/S 0eisure systems international +ec.-??9. P=Q ). )ali/ and %. V. *amm. R$eart ,ate 2ariabilityS. "utura Publishing *o. 'nc. sept. -??5. P>Q V. ,. $ampton. RThe 1*G 'n PracticeS. *hurchill 0ivingstone. )ar. <..9.

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Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip P7Q %. ,. $oughton and +. Gray. Rma/ing sense of the 1*GS. $odder %rnold Publishing.m <..9. P?Q )icrochip Beb siteE P-.Q %merican $eart %ssociation. R*ardiovascular +isease StatisticsS P4nline +ocumentQ <..7 P*ited ? +ec <..7Q %vailable $TTPE WhttpE88www.americanheart.org8presenter.jhtmlXidentifierD66> P--Q *enters for +isease *ontrol and Prevention. R$eart +isease "acts and StatisticsS P4nline +ocumentQ -. Sept <..7 P*ited 6 +ec <..7Q %vailable $TTPE W httpE88www.cdc.gov8heartdisease8statistics.htmY.

P-<Q ,.S. Hhandpur. &iome'ical (nstrumentation) *echnolog+ an' Applications )cGraw-$ill *ompanies 'nc. <..5. P-9Q 2. 2irgilio. RPrototype of a Portable 1*G )onitoring System ($olter )onitor) with ,eal Time +etection of #eat %bnormalitieS )aster thesis %alborg Aniversity <..=. P-6Q V. $ailong ). #ing. R+esign of $olter 1*G System #ased on )SP69. and AS# TechnologyS '111 (<..>) ?>=-?>?. P-5Q The 1lectricity and the $eart website. %vailable from EhttpE88www.naspe.org8library8electricityZandZtheZheart. [16] 1lectronics for you website. P->Q 1mbedded lab website. %vailable

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Mini project 2013 Heart rate measurement through finger tip fromE httpE88www.'ntroducing1asy Pulse % +'M photoplethysmographic sensor for measuring heart rate 1mbedded 0ab.htm.


Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

Mini project 2013

Heart rate measurement through finger tip

Department of ECE College


Al - Ameen Engineering

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