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Viterbo University

Educational Leadership Programs Connecting Courses with Wisconsin Administrator Standards

SUBCHAPTER IX - A !I"ISTRATI#" CATE$#RIES %Includes onl& principalship related in'ormation( PI 34.32 Administration Categories . (1) GENE A!. !i"enses may be iss#ed in t$e administration "ategories %isted #nder s#bs. (2) t$ro#g$ (1&) at t$e ear%y "$i%d$ood t$ro#g$ ado%es"ent %eve% to individ#a%s '$o are endorsed by an instit#tion as $aving "om(%eted an a((roved (rogram t$at "erti)ies "om(eten"e in t$e standards %isted in s. PI 34.&3 and '$o meet t$e re*#irements #nder t$is s#b"$a(ter. +(e"i)i" "om(eten"ies )or t$e se(arate %i"ense "ategories s$a%% be determined by t$e state s#(erintendent based on re"ommendations made by t$e (ro)essiona% standards "o#n"i% #nder s. 11,.42,- +tats. A %i"ense #nder s#bs. (2) t$ro#g$ (,)- (.)- or (/) is re*#ired )or individ#a%s '$o s#(ervise and eva%#ate ot$er (ro)essiona% sta)). An a((%i"ant )or a %i"ense #nder t$is s#b"$a(ter s$a%% meet a%% o) t$e )o%%o'ing re*#irements0 (a) Degree. 1. An a((%i"ant )or a s#(erintendent %i"ense s$a%% $ave "om(%eted a s(e"ia%ist degree or t$e e*#iva%ent. E1"e(t as s(e"i)ied #nder s#bd. 2.)or a%% ot$er %i"enses #nder t$is s#b"$a(ter- t$e a((%i"ant s$a%% $ave "om(%eted an a((roved master2s degree (rogram or t$e e*#iva%ent in t$e area o) administration3 or a master2s degree or t$e e*#iva%ent and an a((roved (rogram %eading to a %i"ense #nder t$is s#b"$a(ter. 2. An a((%i"ant )or any (rogram "oordinator %i"ense is re*#ired to $o%d a ba"$e%or4s degree. (b) Professional education. 1. E1"e(t as s(e"i)ied in s#bd. 2.- t$e a((%i"ant s$a%% meet one o) t$e )o%%o'ing re*#irements0 a. 5$e a((%i"ant s$a%% $o%d or be e%igib%e to $o%d any %i"ense to tea"$ at t$e ear%y "$i%d$ood t$ro#g$ ado%es"en"e %eve% or s$a%% $ave "om(%eted an a((roved (rogram %eading to a %i"ense to tea"$. b. 5$e a((%i"ant s$a%% $o%d or be e%igib%e to $o%d a %i"ense as a s"$oo% "o#nse%or- a s"$oo% (sy"$o%ogist- or a s"$oo% so"ia% 'or6er- or s$a%% $ave "om(%eted an a((roved (rogram %eading to one o) t$ese %i"enses. 2. An a((%i"ant )or s"$oo% b#siness administrator %i"ense or a (rogram "oordinator %i"ense is not re*#ired to meet t$e re*#irements in s#bd. 1.- e1"e(t as s(e"i)ied #nder s#b. (7)- #n%ess $e or s$e 'ants to be"ome "erti)ied in anot$er administrative "ategory. (c) Experience. 1. E1"e(t as s(e"i)ied in s#bd. 2.- t$e a((%i"ant s$a%% $ave "om(%eted one o) t$e )o%%o'ing0 a. 5$ree years o) s#""ess)#% )#%%8time "%assroom tea"$ing at any o) t$e grades at t$e ear%y "$i%d$ood t$ro#g$ ado%es"en"e %eve%. b. 5$ree years o) s#""ess)#% e1(erien"e as a s"$oo% "o#nse%or- a s"$oo% (sy"$o%ogist- or a s"$oo% so"ia% 'or6er- '$i"$ in"%#des eviden"e o) at %east ,4& $o#rs o) s#""ess)#% "%assroom tea"$ing e1(erien"e. 2. An a((%i"ant )or s"$oo% b#siness administrator %i"ense or any (rogram "oordinator %i"ense is not re*#ired to meet t$e re*#irement in s#bd. 1. #n%ess $e or s$e a((%ies to be"ome "erti)ied in anot$er administrative "ategory. (2) P INCIPA!. 5$e (rin"i(a% %i"ense is re*#ired )or a (erson to serve as a (rin"i(a% or an assistant (rin"i(a% in an e%ementary- midd%e- or se"ondary %eve% s"$oo%. 9or a %i"ense #nder t$is s#bse"tion- t$e a((%i"ant s$a%% $ave "om(%eted an a((roved (rogram or t$e e*#iva%ent %eading to %i"ens#re as a (rin"i(a%.

)isconsin Administrator Standard * The administrator has an understanding of and demonstrates competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02
*+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)1.1.&1 t$e ten tea"$er %i"ense standards %isted #nder s. PI 34.&2 *+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 1.2.&1 (roviding (ro)essiona% deve%o(ment a"tivities )or sta)) members t$at are "onsistent 'it$ t$e ten tea"$er standards %isted #nder s. PI 34.&2 *+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 1.3.&1 (ro)essiona% deve%o(ment o((ort#nities re%ating to t$e tea"$er standards %isted #nder s. PI 34.&2 are made avai%ab%e to s"$oo% sta)) members




4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard . The administrator leads ! facilitating the de"elopment# articulation# implementation# and stewardship of a "ision of learning that is shared ! the school communit!.
.+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)$ 2.1.&1 %earning goa%s in a (%#ra%isti" so"iety 2.1.&2 in)ormation so#r"es- data "o%%e"tion- and data ana%ysis strategies 2.1.&3 t$e (rin"i(%es o) deve%o(ing and im(%ementing strategi" (%ans 2.1.&4 e))e"tive "omm#ni"ation 2.1.&, systems t$eory 2.1.&: e))e"tive "onsens#s8b#i%ding and negotiation s6i%%s .+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 2.2.&1 t$e ed#"abi%ity o) a%% 2.2.&2 a s"$oo% vision o) $ig$ standards o) %earning 2.2.&3 "ontin#o#s s"$oo% im(rovement 2.2.&4 t$e in"%#sion o) a%% members o) t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity 2.2., ens#ring t$at st#dents $ave t$e 6no'%edge- s6i%%s- and va%#es needed to be"ome s#""ess)#% ad#%ts 2.2.&: a 'i%%ingness to "ontin#o#s%y e1amine one4s o'n ass#m(tions- be%ie)s- and (ra"ti"es 2.2.&7 doing t$e 'or6 re*#ired )or $ig$ %eve%s o) (ersona% and organi=ation (er)orman"e

:3,-:4& :3,-:4& :3,-:4& :3,-:37 :3,-:3:-:4& :3,

:3,-:3.-:3/ :3,-:4& :3,-:4& :3,-:37 :3,-:4& :34-7&7-:3,-7:7 :3,-:4&

.+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 2.3.1 t$e vision and mission o) t$e s"$oo% are e))e"tive%y "omm#ni"ated to sta))- (arents- st#dents- and "omm#nity members 2.3.&2 t$e vision and mission are "omm#ni"ated t$ro#g$ t$e #se o) symbo%s- "eremonies- stories- and simi%ar a"tivities 2.3.&3 t$e "ore be%ie)s o) t$e s"$oo% vision are mode%ed )or a%% sta6e$o%ders 2.3.&4 t$e vision is deve%o(ed 'it$ and among sta6e$o%ders 2.3.&, t$e "ontrib#tions o) s"$oo% "omm#nity members to t$e rea%i=ation o) t$e vision are re"ogni=ed and "e%ebrated 2.3.&: (rogress to'ard t$e vision and mission is "omm#ni"ated to a%% sta6e$o%ders 2.3.&7 t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity is invo%ved in s"$oo% im(rovement e))orts 2.3.&. t$e vision s$a(es t$e ed#"ationa% (rograms- (%ans- and a"tions 2.3.&/ an im(%ementation (%an is deve%o(ed in '$i"$ ob>e"tives and strategies to a"$ieve t$e vision and goa%s are "%ear%y arti"#%ated 2.3.1& assessment data re%ated to st#dent %earning are #sed to deve%o( t$e s"$oo% vision and goa%s 2.3.11 re%evant demogra($i" data (ertaining to st#dents and t$eir )ami%ies are #sed in deve%o(ing t$e s"$oo% mission and goa%s 2.3.12 barriers to a"$ieving t$e vision are identi)ied- "%ari)ied- and addressed 2.3.13 needed reso#r"es are so#g$t and obtained to s#((ort t$e im(%ementation o) t$e s"$oo% mission and goa%s 2.3.14 e1isting reso#r"es are #sed in s#((ort o) t$e s"$oo% vision and goa%s 2.3.1, t$e vision- mission- and im(%ementation (%ans are reg#%ar%y monitored- eva%#ated- and revised

:3,-:37 :3,-:37 :3,-:37 :3,-:3: :3,-:37 :3,-:37 :3,- :3:- :37 :3,- :3:- :4& :3,- :3:- :4& :3,- :4& :3, :3,- :4& :3: :3: :3,- :4&

4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard / The administrator manages ! ad"ocating# nurturing# and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conduci"e to pupil learning en"ironment.
/+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)0 3.1.&1 st#dent gro't$ and deve%o(ment 3.1.&2 diversity and its meaning )or ed#"ationa% (rograms 3.1.&3 a((%ied %earning t$eories 3.1.&4 ad#%t %earning and (ro)essiona% deve%o(ment mode%s 3.1.&, a((%ied motivationa% t$eories 3.1.&: "#rri"#%#m design- im(%ementation- eva%#ation- and re)inement 3.1.&7 (rin"i(%es o) e))e"tive instr#"tion 3.1.&. meas#rement- eva%#ation- and assessment strategies 3.1.&/ t$e "$ange (ro"ess )or systems- organi=ations- and individ#a%s 3.1.1& t$e ro%e o) te"$no%ogy in (romoting st#dent %earning and (ro)essiona% gro't$ 3.1.11 s"$oo% "#%t#res /+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 3.2.&1 st#dent %earning as t$e )#ndamenta% (#r(ose o) s"$oo%ing 3.2.&2 t$e (ro(osition t$at a%% st#dents "an %earn 3.2.&3 t$e variety o) 'ays in '$i"$ st#dents "an %earn 3.2.&4 %i)e %ong %earning )or se%) and ot$ers 3.2.&, (ro)essiona% deve%o(ment as an integra% (art o) s"$oo% im(rovement 3.2.&: t$e bene)its t$at diversity brings to t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity 3.2.&7 a sa)e and s#((ortive %earning environment 3.2.&. (re(aring st#dents to be "ontrib#ting members o) so"iety /+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 3.3.&1 a%% individ#a%s are treated 'it$ )airness- dignity- and res(e"t 3.3.&2 (ro)essiona% deve%o(ment (romotes a )o"#s on st#dent %earning "onsistent 'it$ t$e s"$oo% vision 3.3.&3 st#dents and sta)) )ee% va%#ed and im(ortant 3.3.&4 t$e res(onsibi%ities and "ontrib#tions o) ea"$ individ#a% are a"6no'%edged 3.3.&, barriers to st#dent %earning are identi)ied- "%ari)ied- and addressed 3.3.&: diversity is "onsidered in deve%o(ing %earning e1(erien"es 3.3.&7 %i)e %ong %earning is en"o#raged and mode%ed 3.3.&. t$ere is a "#%t#re o) $ig$ e1(e"tations )or se%)- st#dent- and sta)) (er)orman"e 3.3.&/ te"$no%ogies are #sed in tea"$ing and %earning 3.3.1& st#dent and sta)) a""om(%is$ments are re"ogni=ed and "e%ebrated 3.3.11 m#%ti(%e o((ort#nities to %earn are avai%ab%e to a%% st#dents 3.3.12 t$e s"$oo% is organi=ed and a%igned )or s#""ess 3.3.13 "#rri"#%ar- "o8"#rri"#%ar- and e1tra8"#rri"#%ar (rograms are designed- im(%emented- eva%#ated- and re)ined 3.3.14 "#rri"#%#m de"isions are based on resear"$- e1(ertise o) tea"$ers- and t$e re"ommendations o) %earned so"ieties 3.3.1, t$e s"$oo% "#%t#re and "%imate are assessed on a reg#%ar basis 3.3.1: a variety o) so#r"es o) in)ormation is #sed to ma6e de"isions 3.3.17 st#dent %earning is assessed #sing a variety o) te"$ni*#es 3.3.1. m#%ti(%e so#r"es o) in)ormation regarding (er)orman"e are #sed by sta)) and st#dents 3.3.1/ a variety o) s#(ervisory and eva%#ation mode%s is em(%oyed 3.3.2& (#(i% (ersonne% (rograms are deve%o(ed to meet t$e needs o) st#dents and t$eir )ami%ies

:4& :3,-:3/ :3,-:4& :3/ :34-:3/ :4& :3,-:4& :4& :3,-:3:-:3/ :3:-:3/ :3,

:3,-:4& :3,-:4& :3,-:4& :3/-7:7 :3/-:4& :3/ :3,-:3: :4&

:3,-:3.-:3/ :3,-:3/-:4& :3,-:3/ :3,-:3/ :4& :3,-:3/-:4& :3/-:4& :3,-:3/-:4& :3:-:4& :3,-:3/-:4& :3/-:4& :3: :3:-:4& :4& :3, :3, :3,-:4& :3/-:4& :3/ :3/

4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard 1 The administrator ensures management of the organi%ation# operations# finances# and resources for a safe# efficient# and effecti"e learning en"ironment.
1+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)0 4.1.&1 t$eories and mode%s o) organi=ations and t$e (rin"i(%es o) organi=ationa% deve%o(ment 4.1.&2 o(erationa% (ro"ed#res at t$e s"$oo% and distri"t %eve% 4.1.&3 (rin"i(%es and iss#es re%ating to s"$oo% sa)ety and se"#rity 4.1.&4 $#man reso#r"es management and deve%o(ment 4.1.&, (rin"i(%es and iss#es re%ating to )is"a% o(erations o) s"$oo% management 4.1.&: 4.1.&7 4.1.&. (rin"i(%es and iss#es re%ating to s"$oo% )a"i%ities and #se o) s(a"e %ega% iss#es im(a"ting s"$oo% o(erations "#rrent te"$no%ogies t$at s#((ort management )#n"tions

:3,-:3: :3:-:37 :3:-:3. :3/ :3:-:3. :3:-:37-:3. :3. :3:

1+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 4.2.1 ma6ing management de"isions to en$an"e %earning and tea"$ing 4.2.2 $ig$8*#a%ity standards- e1(e"tations- and (er)orman"es 4.2.3 ta6ing ris6s to im(rove s"$oo%s 4.2.4 invo%ving sta6e$o%ders in management (ro"esses 4.2.&, tr#sting (eo(%e and t$eir >#dgments 4.2.&: a""e(ting res(onsibi%ity 4.2.&7 a sa)e environment 1+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 4.3.1 6no'%edge o) %earning- tea"$ing- and st#dent deve%o(ment is #sed to in)orm management de"isions 4.3.2 o(erationa% (ro"ed#res are designed and managed to ma1imi=e o((ort#nities )or s#""ess)#% %earning 4.3.&3 emerging trends are re"ogni=ed- st#died- and a((%ied as a((ro(riate 4.3.4 o(erationa% (%ans and (ro"ed#res to a"$ieve t$e vision and goa%s o) t$e s"$oo% are in (%a"e 4.3., "o%%e"tive bargaining and ot$er "ontra"t#a% agreements re%ated to t$e s"$oo% e))e"tive%y managed 4.3.: t$e s"$oo% (%ant- e*#i(ment- and s#((ort systems o(erate sa)e%y- e))i"ient%y- and e))e"tive%y 4.3.&7 time is managed to ma1imi=e attainment o) organi=ationa% goa%s 4.3.&. (otentia% (rob%ems and o((ort#nities are identi)ied 4.3.&/ (rob%ems are "on)ronted and reso%ved in a time%y manner 4.3.1& )inan"ia%- $#man- and materia% reso#r"es are a%igned to t$e goa%s o) s"$oo%s 4.3.11 t$e s"$oo% a"ts entre(rene#ra%%y to s#((ort "ontin#o#s im(rovement 4.3.12 organi=ationa% systems are reg#%ar%y monitored and modi)ied as needed 4.3.13 sta6e$o%ders are invo%ved in de"isions a))e"ting s"$oo%s 4.3.14 res(onsibi%ity is s$ared to ma1imi=e o'ners$i( and a""o#ntabi%ity 4.3.1, e))e"tive (rob%em8)raming and (rob%em8so%ving s6i%%s are #sed 4.3.1: e))e"tive "on)%i"t reso%#tion s6i%%s are #sed 4.3.17 e))e"tive gro#(8(ro"ess and "onsens#s8b#i%ding s6i%%s are #sed 4.3.1. e))e"tive "omm#ni"ation s6i%%s are #sed 4.3.1/ t$ere is e))e"tive #se o) te"$no%ogy to manage s"$oo% o(erations 4.3.2& )is"a% reso#r"es o) t$e s"$oo% are managed res(onsib%y- e))i"ient%y- and e))e"tive%y 4.3.21 a sa)e- "%ean- and aest$eti"a%%y (%easing s"$oo% environment is "reated and maintained 4.3.22 $#man reso#r"e )#n"tions s#((ort t$e attainment o) s"$oo% goa%s 4.3.23 "on)identia%ity and (riva"y o) s"$oo% re"ords are maintained

:3,-:3: :3,-:3/-:4& :3,-:4& :3,-:37 :3,-:3/ :3, :3:

:3,-:3: :3,-:3: :3: :3: :3/ :3: :3: :3,-:3:-:3/ :3,-:3:-:3/ :3: :3:-:3/-:4& :3: :3,-:37 :3,-:37 :3,-:3: :3, :3,-:37 :3,-:37 :3: :3: :3: :3:-:3/ :3:-:37-:3.

4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard 2 The administrator models colla orating with families and communit! mem ers# responding to di"erse communit! interests and needs# and mo ili%ing communit! resources.
2+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)0 ,.1.&1 emerging iss#es and trends t$at (otentia%%y im(a"t t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity ,.1.&2 t$e "onditions and dynami"s o) t$e diverse s"$oo% "omm#nity ,.1.&3 "omm#nity reso#r"es ,.1.&4 "omm#nity re%ations and mar6eting strategies and (ro"esses ,.1., s#""ess)#% mode%s o) s"$oo%- )ami%y- b#siness- "omm#nity- government and $ig$er ed#"ation (artners$i(s 2+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 ,.2.&1 s"$oo%s o(erating as an integra% (art o) t$e %arger "omm#nity ,.2.&2 "o%%aboration and "omm#ni"ation 'it$ )ami%ies ,.2.&3 invo%vement o) )ami%ies and ot$er sta6e$o%ders in s"$oo% de"ision8ma6ing (ro"esses ,.2.&4 t$e (ro(osition t$at diversity enri"$es t$e s"$oo% ,.2.&, )ami%ies as (artners in t$e ed#"ation o) t$eir "$i%dren ,.2.&: t$e (ro(osition t$at )ami%ies $ave t$e best interests o) t$eir "$i%dren in mind ,.2.7 reso#r"es o) t$e )ami%y and "omm#nity needing to be bro#g$t to bear on t$e ed#"ation o) st#dents ,.2.&. an in)ormed (#b%i" 2+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 ,.3.1 $ig$ visibi%ity- a"tive invo%vement- and "omm#ni"ation 'it$ t$e %arger "omm#nity is a (riority ,.3.&2 re%ations$i(s 'it$ "omm#nity %eaders are identi)ied and n#rt#red ,.3.3 in)ormation abo#t )ami%y and "omm#nity "on"erns- e1(e"tations- and needs is #sed reg#%ar%y ,.3.4 t$ere is o#trea"$ to di))erent b#siness- re%igio#s- (o%iti"a%- and servi"e agen"ies and organi=ations ,.3.&, "reden"e is given to individ#a%s and gro#(s '$ose va%#es and o(inions may "on)%i"t ,.3.&: t$e s"$oo% and "omm#nity serve one anot$er as reso#r"es ,.3.7 avai%ab%e "omm#nity reso#r"es are se"#red to $e%( t$e s"$oo% so%ve (rob%ems and a"$ieve goa%s ,.3.. (artners$i(s are estab%is$ed 'it$ area b#sinesses- instit#tions o) $ig$er ed#"ation- and "omm#nity gro#(s to strengt$en (rograms and s#((ort s"$oo% goa%s ,.3.&/ "omm#nity yo#t$ )ami%y servi"es are integrated 'it$ s"$oo% (rograms ,.3.1& "omm#nity sta6e$o%ders are treated e*#itab%y ,.3.11 diversity is re"ogni=ed and va%#ed ,.3.12 e))e"tive media re%ations are deve%o(ed and maintained ,.3.13 a "om(re$ensive (rogram o) "omm#nity re%ations is estab%is$ed ,.3.14 (#b%i" reso#r"es and )#nds are #sed a((ro(riate%y and 'ise%y ,.3.1, "omm#nity "o%%aboration is mode%ed )or sta)) ,.3.1: o((ort#nities )or sta)) to deve%o( "o%%aborative s6i%%s are (rovided

:37-:4& :37-:4& :37 :37 :37

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:37 :37 :37 :37 :3,-:37 :37 :3:-:37 :3,-:37 :37-:3/ :37 :37-:3/ :37 :37 :3: :37 :3/

4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard 3

The administrator acts with integrit!# fairness# and in an ethical manner.
3+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)0 :.1.&1 t$e (#r(ose o) ed#"ation and t$e ro%e o) %eaders$i( in modern so"iety :.1.&2 t$e va%#es o) t$e diverse s"$oo% "omm#nity :.1.&3 vario#s et$i"a% )rame'or6s and (ers(e"tives on et$i"s :.1.&4 (ro)essiona% "odes o) et$i"s :.1.&, t$e ($i%oso($y and $istory o) ed#"ation 3+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 :.2.&1 t$e idea% o) t$e "ommon good :.2.&2 t$e (rin"i(%es in t$e ?i%% o) ig$ts :.2.&3 t$e rig$t o) every st#dent to a )ree- *#a%ity ed#"ation :.2.&4 bringing et$i"a% (rin"i(%es to t$e de"ision8ma6ing (ro"ess :.2.&, s#bordinating one4s o'n interest to t$e good o) t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity :.2.&: a""e(ting t$e "onse*#en"es )or #($o%ding one4s (rin"i(%es and a"tions :.2.7 #sing t$e in)%#en"e o) one4s o))i"e "onstr#"tive%y and (rod#"tive%y in t$e servi"e o) a%% st#dents and t$eir )ami%ies :.2.&. deve%o(ment o) a "aring s"$oo% "omm#nity 3+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 :.3.&1 e1amines (ersona% and (ro)essiona% va%#es :.3.&2 demonstrates a (ersona% and (ro)essiona% "ode o) et$i"s :.3.3 demonstrates va%#es- be%ie)s- and attit#des t$at ins(ire ot$ers to $ig$er %eve%s o) (er)orman"e :.3.&4 serves as a ro%e mode% :.3.&, a""e(ts res(onsibi%ity )or s"$oo% o(erations :.3.&: "onsiders t$e im(a"t o) one4s administrative (ra"ti"es on ot$ers :.3.7 #ses t$e in)%#en"e o) t$e o))i"e to en$an"e t$e ed#"ationa% (rogram rat$er t$an )or (ersona% gain :.3.&. treats (eo(%e )air%y- e*#itab%y- and 'it$ dignity and res(e"t :.3.&/ (rote"ts t$e rig$ts and "on)identia%ity o) st#dents and sta)) :.3.1& demonstrates a((re"iation )or and sensitivity to t$e diversity in t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity :.3.11 re"ogni=es and res(e"ts t$e %egitimate a#t$ority o) ot$ers :.3.12 e1amines and "onsiders t$e (revai%ing va%#es o) t$e diverse s"$oo% "omm#nity :.3.13 e1(e"ts t$at ot$ers in t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity 'i%% demonstrate integrity and e1er"ise et$i"a% be$avior :.3.14 o(ens t$e s"$oo% to (#b%i" s"r#tiny :.3.1, )#%)i%%s %ega% and "ontra"t#a% ob%igations :.3.1: a((%ies %a's and (ro"ed#res )air%y- 'ise%y- and "onsiderate%y

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4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

)isconsin Administrator Standard 4 The administrator understands# responds to# and interacts with the larger political# social# economic# legal# and cultural conte&t that affects schooling.
4+* ,"#)LE $E 5$e administrator $as 6no'%edge and #nderstanding o)0 7.1.&1 (rin"i(%es o) re(resentative governan"e t$at #ndergird t$e system o) Ameri"an s"$oo%s 7.1.2 t$e ro%e o) (#b%i" ed#"ation in deve%o(ing and rene'ing a demo"rati" so"iety and an e"onomi"a%%y (rod#"tive nation 7.1.&3 t$e %a' as re%ated to ed#"ation and s"$oo%ing 7.1.&4 t$e (o%iti"a%- so"ia%- "#%t#ra% and e"onomi" systems and (ro"esses t$at im(a"t s"$oo%s 7.1.&, g%oba% iss#es and )or"es a))e"ting tea"$ing and %earning 7.1.: t$e dynami"s o) (o%i"y deve%o(ment and advo"a"y #nder o#r demo"rati" (o%iti"a% system 7.1.&7 t$e im(ortan"e o) diversity and e*#ity in a demo"rati" so"iety 7.1.. mode%s and strategies o) "$ange and "on)%i"t reso%#tion as a((%ied to t$e %arger (o%iti"a%- so"ia%- "#%t#ra% and e"onomi" "onte1ts o) s"$oo%ing 4+. ISP#SITI#"S 5$e administrator be%ieves in- va%#es- and is "ommitted to0 7.2.&1 ed#"ation as a 6ey to o((ort#nity and so"ia% mobi%ity 7.2.&2 re"ogni=ing a variety o) ideas- va%#es- and "#%t#res 7.2.&3 im(ortan"e o) a "ontin#ing dia%og#e 'it$ ot$er de"ision ma6ers a))e"ting ed#"ation 7.2.4 a"tive%y (arti"i(ating in t$e (o%iti"a% and (o%i"y8 ma6ing "onte1t in t$e servi"e o) ed#"ation 7.2.&, #sing %ega% systems to (rote"t st#dent rig$ts and im(rove st#dent o((ort#nities 4+/ PER0#R!A"CES 5$e administrator )a"i%itates (ro"esses and engages in a"tivities ens#ring t$at0 7.3.&1 t$e environment in '$i"$ s"$oo%s o(erate is in)%#en"ed on be$a%) o) st#dents and t$eir )ami%ies 7.3.2 "omm#ni"ation o""#rs among t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity "on"erning trends- iss#es- and (otentia% "$anges in t$e environment in '$i"$ s"$oo%s o(erate 7.3.3 t$ere is ongoing dia%og#e 'it$ re(resentatives o) diverse "omm#nity gro#(s 7.3.4 t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity 'or6s 'it$in t$e )rame'or6 o) (o%i"ies- %a's- and reg#%ations ena"ted by %o"a%state- and )edera% a#t$orities 7.3., (#b%i" (o%i"y is s$a(ed to (rovide *#a%ity ed#"ation )or st#dents 7.3.: %ines o) "omm#ni"ation are deve%o(ed 'it$ de"ision ma6ers o#tside t$e s"$oo% "omm#nity

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4;1&;2&14 Viterbo University <is"onsin Administrator !i"ense +tandards

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