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Pecan Trees Lime tree Tawny Milkcap Muchroom Guelder Rose Orange tree Shagbark hickory

1.- The Pecan tree grows very well in climates

Plants and Climate

Forest The Deciduous forest biomes

are found in these locations of the map in the East coast of North America, southern Chile and Paraguay , West Europe, East Asia, New Zealand and west coast Australia. These forest are full of green trees, rich soil, and variety of plants. In this biome rainfalls in a year is to 30-60 inches. The climate can also vary from 28 to 70 F or 1 to 21 C even higher depending the year.

that are humid places like Florida. These are also great crops trees in a way they last you a life time have shallow roots to absorb water much quicker easy to maintain and one tree produces as many as 500lbs in one year. 2.- The lime tree is another crop in humid climates that is common through the east coasts of USA, and parts of Europe. These trees produce Limes within 3 years and live to be about 500 years old with continuous production of limes. Planting a lime tree takes time but worth the 3 years rich soil or rich acidic soils help this tree grow with careful care as a seedling to water every day. 3.- Tawny Milkcap Mushroom is thrives in rich soils that are mostly damp. Creating a greenhouse with just soil base to keep the soil humid to allow the mushroom to thrive underground where it begins as a smaller fungus that comes from mycelia. The mushroom is orange brown on top with a white sticky underneath. 4.- Guelder rose is a simple bundle of white flowers that grow from the same stem and grow i

Geography 12 03/Poaceae/73015/Economic-and-ecologicalimportance

5.- Millet there are five different types of millet grain all used in different cereal products. These different types of millet can be found in places like Africa and Asia so this grain can take severe heat when needed and still grow. Once planted the millet matures very quickly within 30 days. You can even plant 1lbs per square feet to and make sure to have extremely good draining or youll see your little yellow seeds floating away. 6.- Sorghum is also a common used grain to make cereal. This grain is also grown in places like Africa so this grain can also take extreme heat and grows well in poor soil. Sorghum is rich in proteins and its sap can be made into molasses. This crop also matures at a fast rate of 30 days.

What are in grasslands?

Grasslands consist of exactly what it says grass! But the grasslands are also places with good weather is good for 190 days. They get temperatures of 70F or 21C in the summer and in Autumn or Spring they 45-55 F or 15 C which allows them to crop in those times before winter where temperatures reach to even -40 F so 4 C. The grasslands also have two types of grasslands such as tall grasslands that are wet or humid and short grasslands that are dry at times with some rain. Crops such as: purple cone flower, wheat, rye, barley, millet, and sorghum. 1.- Purple cone flower that is a tough cookie to dry. In times of dry seasons this flower will die, but once it gets a little water the flower will always come back to you. So if youre wanting to keep it alive and well water every other day is just fine and soil that has good drainage is enough. 2.- Wheat is a crop we all need it is what our carbohydrates come from in other words bread. Wheat is a good source of plant since in occasional dry places takes longer for rainfall wheat is very much resistant and can be planted in medium or neutral soil with well drainage. With wheat to much water will over flow and kill the plant so make sure you have good draining. 3.- Rye is another type of grain that grows well in land that has medium to dry soil depending the year. Grows well under the sun and heat this grain is also made to make different types of beer. Also makes rye bread which is almost like a sourdough bread finish thicker. This plant also need a good irrigation system or it will drown. Rye also grows better then wheat in the winter. 4.- Barley is a type of cereal grain and if planted correctly in spring can mature as fast as 70 days. Also is low in gluten and can be milled to remove husks like on corn. This plant can survive some hot weather with some water.

On many other stems this is basically a giant bush of flowers used in cool climate places to decorate. These flowers grow well and the soil must be damp for it to grow, but grows well in shaded areas as well were soil is cooler. Watering this plant every other day. 5.- Orange trees grow in these biomes as well. Orange trees need very rich soil or acidic soil with good drainage. Orange trees thrive from humidity which makes the deciduous forest a perfect place for them as they do take much water in since oranges take lots of the supply. Starting with an orange tree takes time also much care watering every day and oranges dont grow until 2-3 years depending on growth of the tree and how well the weather is since its best growth is in warm weather. 6.- Shagbark Hickory tree can be found among Oak trees. This tree has a rougher texture to it and grow in wet or in dry areas, but grows better in well-drained soil. Because of it unique exterior of bark that sheds pieces off you can make it smoke or eat the nuts from this tree.

Chapparl Forest or shrublands?

Chapparl is both it can be a shrub-land or a Mediterranean forest. Occurs in the worlds five mediterranean climate zones, on the west coast of continents in: the Mediterranean Basin, California, Central Chile, Southwest Australia, the Cape Province of South Africa and as far north as the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island, Canada. Chapparl is by far one of the most diverse biomes. So climates like there can reach between 0 to 70 F or -10 to 21 C so the rain in all different parts are different some can be up to 30-60 inches of rain and others 10 to 15 inches of rain. So this also includes the type of vegetation that you will find such as forest, woodlands, deserts, or shrublands this will also factor the different types of animals you could encounter in each different habitat.

Grass lands are found in all parts of the world such as middle of North America, Canada, South America, Africa Australia, and other parts of Europe.

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