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through Bertha Dudde 7609

The end will come unexpectedl ....

!nd unu"ual inter#ention $ God will ta%e place when the time i" right .... Thi" ha" $een announced to ou o#er and o#er again& et ou dou$t it& $ecau"e the time ' "till grant to ou a" a reprie#e "eem" too long (or ou) howe#er& ou (ail to con"ider that ' regard time di((erentl & that a "hort exten"ion o( time i" irrele#ant in #iew o( the magnitude o( * inter#ention& in #iew o( the o#erwhelming act o( de"truction which thi" inter#ention a" well a" the (orthcoming end will mean to humanit . +ou (orget the (act that ou were ne#erthele"" onl granted a "hort time o( grace $ut that e#en the longe"t period o( time will one da come to an end and that ou "hould& there(ore& expect e#er da that * announcement" will (ul(il them"el#e". !nd thi" i" how ou "hould al"o loo% at our li(e& alwa " thin%ing that e#er da could $e the la"t da (or ou. One da & when ou no longer li#e on earth in the (le"h& ou will reali"e how "hort our whole li(etime on earth ha" $een. !nd then ou will al"o under"tand the urgenc o( * admonition" and warning"& (or onl then will ou reali"e that our concept o( time on earth i" di((erent (rom that in the "piritual realm. ,owe#er& ou "hould alread recogni"e thi" while ou are li#ing on earth and there(ore accept * admonition" and warning"& ou "hould not dou$t e#en i( ou thin% it ta%e" a long time until * inter#ention will ta%e place. 't will ne#erthele"" come unexpectedl and cau"e tremendou" ad#er"it to tho"e people who are not et "o united with *e that& in their di"tre""& the "impl ta%e re(uge with *e.

The da will come unexpectedl & li%e all $ig natural di"a"ter" o( a "imilar %ind& which ou human" are una$le to pre#ent or e#aluate in ad#ance .... -#en "o& it will come without (ail .... ' will repeat thi" time and again with all urgenc & $ecau"e it i" nece""ar (or ou to prepare our"el#e" (or it& (or ou to $elie#e and alwa " li#e our li(e in #iew o( thi" natural e#ent. For no human $eing will %now whether he will $elong to the "ur#i#or"& will %now where the e#ent will ta%e place and which countrie" will $e a((ected $ it. +ou all "hould count on it and $e than%(ul to *e i( it pa""e" ou $ . For in that ca"e ou will "till ha#e to (ul(il the ta"% o( carr ing out la$our" o( lo#e (or tho"e a((ected un(ortunate people and o( "howing them the path to *e& "o that ' can com(ort and upli(t them and lead them out o( all ad#er"it . For trul & nothing i" impo""i$le (or *e& and an intimate pra er can a#ert much "u((ering and hard"hip& where#er it ma $e. Thi" i" wh ' repeatedl come in the Word to ou& "o that ou can draw "trength (rom it in ad#ance and calml (ace whate#er will a((ect ou. !nd time and again ' "a to ou/ ta%e care that ou $elong to * Own& who will (ind re(uge and protection with *e& whom ' will "trengthen o#er and o#er again and to whom ' will impart extraordinar "trength to wor% (or *e and * name. !nd then the end will not $e (ar awa an more. !nd ou "hould all prepare our"el#e" (or thi" end and learn to $elie#e e#er more (irml what i" proclaimed to ou through * Word .... For e#er thing will come to pa"" when the time i" right ....

!men 0u$li"hed $ (riend" o( new re#elation" o( God 1 'n(ormation& download o( all tran"lated re#elation"& theme.$oo%let" at/ http/22www.$"h2index.html 3 http/22en.$ertha.dudde.org2

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