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PLAN Introduction Definition of punishment: unwelcome treatment or actions in regards to prior inappropriate or unlawful behaviour.

. This unwelcome sanction is intended to serve as a deterrent to the individual being punished so they do not continue to engage in criminal behaviour. pains of imprisonment what we associate to be the norm for prisoners. What do they suffer? What do we e pect them to suffer? Why do we e pect this? !hould we approach the situation from another standpoint i.e. "estorative "ather than retributive #ustice? $ntroduce the idea that punishment is not actually the most effective deterrent.

Paragraph One (Why do we punish) The %rigins of punishment &ow the criminal #ustice system has changed from retributive to restorative Why has it changed?

Section 2 (Retributive ustice) What it is' punishment as deterrent. Why should prisoners be punished in this manner? (ery %ffender oriented' ignores the victim. What effect does retributive #ustice have on recidivism rates? )riti*ue of "etributive +ustice

Section ! (Restorative ustice) Definition of restorative #ustice. Why prisoners should be treated in this manner instead of being made to suffer the psychological pains of imprisonment $t is more victim oriented and focuses on how the victim should be restored to their previous state before the crime rather than simply treating the offender for their actions.

&ow does this effect recidivism rates ,loo- at .orway/ )riti*ue of restorative #ustice

Section " Which prisoners are more li-ely to suffer the psychological pains of imprisonment? Why are they more li-ely to suffer this? Why would these cause them to be less li-ely to reoffend? 0ender gap. 1re psychological pains of improsnment actually inevitable? $f some are why are others not? Section # &ow do these pains of imprisonment have a negative impact' not only upon those incarcerated by the criminal #ustice system' but also on the criminal #ustice system itself. 2aybe ac-nowledge that some pains of imprisonment are actually necessary and that eradicating all of them may not be the best course for the future of the criminal #ustice system. 1re the pains of imprisonment worse or better in private prisons? T&3%"$!T! 21"4 5%6)167T W383" etc $onc%usion $f we simply wanted to harm the offender then we should continue with retributive #ustice $f we want to reduce crime and improve society then we should use restorative #ustice criti*ue of using either retributive or restorative' should use a mi ture of both' maybe. conclude that restorative #ustice reduces recidivism more than punishment.

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