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Do you struggle to lose weight? According to the CDC (U Centres !or Dise"se Control "nd #revention$ %&' o! A(eric"ns over 21 "re o)ese* +urther$ o)esity rel"ted conditions including he"rt dise"se$ stro,e$ di")etes "nd cert"in types o! c"ncer$ "re so(e o! the le"ding c"uses o! prevent")le de"th* -he result? .e "re he"ding !or person"l (isery$ potenti"l !"(ily tr"gedy with pre("ture de"ths$ "nd even !in"nci"l ruin* -he (onet"ry costs "re st"ggering "t over /200 )illion U D* 0edic"l costs !or people who "re o)ese "re ne"rly /2$000

higher th"n those o! nor("l weight* 1ther developed !irst world n"tions such "s Austr"li" "nd the U2 "re "lso !"cing "n o)esity epide(ic* 3ven poorer n"tions "re getting !"tter* tr"ngely$ even though we "ll ,now we "re getting !"tter$ the e4perts do not "gree on why this is h"ppening* 5s there " single c"use? 5s it the l"rge 6u"ntity o! !"st !ood so ("ny o! us now e"t? 1r is it our sedent"ry li!estyle "nd l"c, o! e4ercise? Does such " )ig pro)le( even h"ve " single or si(ple c"use? .e "re in love with " cele)rity culture o! )e"uty$ gl"(or "nd sli($ slin,y (odels* 7ut the 8re"l people9 go on getting !"tter* 5t see(s "ll our e!!orts to lose weight through e4tre(e diets$ "voiding (e"t "nd !"t$ "nd relying on c"rd)o"rd diet !ood "re only (",ing things worse$ "nd our e"ting is only h"l! o! the e6u"tion* 7eing sedent"ry "nd in"ctive is the other re"son we !"ce "n o)esity epide(ic* -he )iggest single !"ctor in weight g"in is diet* +itness gurus h"ve long c"utioned 8c"nnot out-tr"in " )"d diet9* :owever$ it is "lso true th"t unless we tr"in s("rt "nd e4ercise$ especi"lly "s we "ge$ get older$ weight control is h"rder )ec"use (uscle declines "nd (et")olis( slows down* 0illions o! us const"ntly )"ttle to lose weight "nd desper"tely need to tr"ns!or( our unhe"lthy rel"tionship with !ood "nd e4ercise* o why is it so h"rd to lose weight? +or " !ew o! us$ there ("y )e (edic"l conditions th"t i(pede !"t loss* 7ut

(ost o! us "re si(ply stuc, on the !"d diet roller co"ster or ("y even h"ve given up trying* 1ur e!!orts "re thw"rted due to co((on weight loss (yths$ con!usion over how to c"lcul"te the correct "(ounts "nd types o! !oods to e"t e"ch d"y$ or the !"ilure to discover the !un "nd e!!ective w"y to e4ercise* Re"d on$ "nd you will discover co((on sense solutions !or losing the weight$ once "nd !or "ll*

Chapter 1

Common Weight Loss Myths

As you progress through your weight loss ;ourney one o! the (ost d"ngerous )"rriers you will !"ce is (isin!or("tion* -here "re ("ny weight loss (yths th"t c"use con!usion "nd le"d in turn to !rustr"tion$ l"c, o! progress$ "nd the see(ingly inevit")le cycle o! discour"ge(ent "nd 6uitting* D1 <1- =5>3 U#* =et in!or(ed inste"d* 1! "ll the ("ny weight loss (yths out there let?s highlight three th"t illustr"te so(e o! the (ost co((on (isunderst"ndings*

Myth Number 1: Eat Less to Lose More

<o@ Aou do <1- need to st"rve yoursel!@ 5n !"ct$ the whole ide" o! the 8st"rv"tion diet9 is pro)")ly the (ost d"ngerous (yth o! "ll* 3"ting too +3. c"lories c"uses your (et")olis( to slow down "nd le"ds to (uscle loss "nd unnecess"ry "nd un("n"ge")le hunger* 5! you set your d"ily c"lorie li(it too low$ your )ody will "ctiv"te its st"rv"tion response* Aour )ody will !ight li,e cr"By to conserve energy C !"t stores C "nd will resist "ll your e!!orts to drop the pounds* 5nste"d$ you need to tric, your )ody with

" ste"dy stre"( o! nourish(ent so th"t your (et")olis( does not shut down* Aour )ody "nd your )r"in need to !eel con!ident th"t there is plenty o! !ood "round "nd it is s"!e to )urn up !"t* 1! course you 0U - ("int"in " c"lorie de!icit* As we "ll ,now$ people g"in weight )ec"use they "re in " c"lorie surplus$ (e"ning they consu(e (ore c"lories th"n they )urn* A!ter "ll$ even " s("ll surplus o! 100 (ore !ood c"lories " d"y th"n you )urn soon "dds up to " weight g"in o! "l(ost one pound per (onth$ or ten pounds in " ye"r* :owever$ "n overly restrictive diet slows down your (et")olis( )ec"use your )ody goes into 8st"rv"tion (ode9 "nd does everything it c"n to conserve )ody weight* -he (ost e!!ective "ppro"ch is to h"ve " s("ll c"lorie de!icit so th"t your (et")olis( st"ys "ctive "nd )urns !"t* Aou see$ our "ncient "ncestors were hunter g"therers who h"d no concept o! 8dieting9* -hey "te every ch"nce they got )ec"use they could never predict when their !ood supply would )e cut o!!$ !or e4"(ple i! g"(e )ec"(e sc"rce or n"tur"l produce !ell into short supply* uch !"(ine events triggered wh"t we now ,now to )e the 8st"rv"tion response9 - sudden reductions in !ood c"use our )odies to go into preserv"tion (ode "nd si(ply shut down* 3ven in (odern ti(es our )odies "re evolved to respond to "ny r"dic"l !ood short"ge in e4"ctly the s"(e w"y*

Aou w"nt " !"ster (et")olis( th"t )urns !"t (ore e!!iciently$ not " slow (et")olis( th"t is terri!ied o! st"rving* -his (e"ns you (ust "void sending your )ody st"rv"tion (ess"ges* According to the A(eric"n College o! ports 0edicine$ you should <3>3R cut c"lories to )elow 1200 per d"y !or wo(en$ or 1800 per d"y !or (en* Also$ you should never cut your d"ily c"lories )y (ore th"n 1000 c"lories )elow your d"ily c"lorie re6uire(ents* +in"lly$ you should not cut your d"ily c"lories )y (ore th"n 20' o! your person"l d"ily c"lorie re6uire(ents* (Don?t worry i! this sounds con!using* D"ter on we will e4pl"in how to c"lcul"te how ("ny c"lories you "s "n individu"l need e"ch d"y*E 5t see(s li,e " p"r"do4$ )ut you will "chieve strong "nd l"sting results through " slow ste"dy weight loss o! 1-2 pounds per wee,* t"rv"tion diets "re not the "nswer@

Myth Number 2: Eating Meat Makes You Fat

-his (yth t",es sever"l di!!erent !or(s* Another v"ri"tion is 8e"ting !"t (",es you !"t9* 0"inly we see( this (yth in the !or( o! the old !"shioned !ood pyr"(id th"t encour"ges lot o! st"rchy gr"ins$ !ruits "nd veget")les "nd only s("ll "(ounts o! "ni("l protein* -he truth is th"t le"n red (e"t "nd other (e"t such "s !ish "nd

poultry "re so(e o! your very )est weight loss !riends* Aou should not )e "!r"id to e"t (e"t* 5n !"ct$ you will pro)")ly "chieve (uch )etter weight loss results )y e"ting (ore$ r"ther th"n less$ (e"t* .hy is (e"t such " gre"t "id in weight loss? :ere "re si4 re"sonsF 1* 0e"t is protein "nd protein is essenti"l !or )uilding (uscle* 0ore (uscle (e"ns " (ore e!!icient$ !"t-)urning (et")olis(* 0e"t is "lso " highly ther(ic !ood$ (e"ning your )ody (ust )urn " high percent"ge o! the c"lories in (e"t "s p"rt o! digesting it* Aou )urn "s little "s G' o! so(e veget")les when you digest the($ )ut %0' o! so(e (e"ts* 2* 0e"t cont"ins essenti"l nutrients such "s vit"(in 712$ he"lthy o(eg" !"ts "nd essenti"l "(ino "cids th"t c"nnot )e o)t"ined !ro( pl"nts* De!iciencies in "ny o! these nutrients will "ctu"lly slow your (et")olis($ inter!ere with he"lthy (uscle "nd tissue develop(ent$ "nd i(p"ir nor("l hor(one "nd other !unctions* -his is " sure w"y to "ctu"lly i(pede weight loss*

0e"t is digested slowly "nd does not c"use spi,es in insulin* 5n this w"y$ e"ting (e"t (",es it e"sier to stic, to " c"lorie controlled !ood pl"n )ec"use it pro(otes st")le )lood sug"r "nd prevents c"r)ohydr"te cr"vings*


Rel"ted to the point ")ove$ (e"t gives you ste"dy$ long l"sting energy th"t (",es it (uch e"sier to e4ercise "nd wor,out*

G* -he critic"l nutrients in (e"t such "s vit"(in 712$ iron$ Binc$ "nd cre"tine "re critic"l !or (ent"l he"lth$ h"ppiness "nd (otiv"tion* Aou need these nutrients to "void depression "nd )r"in !og* An "ctive "nd vi)r"nt !"t)urning li!estyle is (uch e"sier when your )r"in "nd )ody "re )oth )eing properly nourished*

-he (yth th"t e"ting (e"t will (",e you !"t ste(s !ro( the !e"r o! the s"tur"ted !"t th"t (e"t cont"ins* :owever$ not "ll (e"t is cre"ted e6u"l* #rocessed (e"ts such "s hot dogs h"ve too (uch !"t "nd not enough )ene!ici"l nutrients* 3ven so(e n"tur"l "nd unprocessed (e"t cuts c"n )e diet )o()s* +or e4"(ple$ " l"rge one pound ste", "t " ste", house ("y h"ve "s (uch "s 100 gr"(s o! !"t "nd conse6uently " ton o! c"lories* 7ut " proper portion controlled serving o! red (e"t such "s & ounces o! le"n$ tri((ed top round ste", h"s only H gr"(s o! !"t* Anyw"y$ s"tur"ted !"t is re"lly only " pro)le( in your diet )ec"use it is rel"tively high c"lorie* -he ide" th"t s"tur"ted !"t will give you " he"rt "tt"c, is "nother p"rt o! the "nti(e"t (yth* 5n !"ct$ in 2010 :"rv"rd scientists studied the scienti!ic liter"ture "nd per!or(ed " (et"-"n"lysis o! "ll the studies they could !ind on (e"t consu(ption "nd he"rt dise"se* -hey c"tegoric"lly concluded th"t e"ting unprocessed red (e"t is <1- "ssoci"ted with c"rdiov"scul"r dise"se@

-he truth is th"t hu("nity evolved "s " species e"ting " (i4ture o! (e"t "nd pl"nt )"sed !oods* .e h"ve )een engineered over tens o! thous"nds o! ye"rs "nd countless gener"tions to thrive on (e"t* 0e"t is "n "ncient "nd tr"dition"l !ood source "nd "s " ("tter o! co((on sense c"nnot )e )l"(ed !or (odern weight pro)le(s th"t only developed in the l"st G0 ye"rs*

Myth Number : !moothies "re a #ood $iet Food

-here is nothing s"dder th"n seeing so(eone try to do "ll the right things to lose weight "nd get nowhere$ "nd then give up in !rustr"tion* -ypic"lly these "re the people who strictly li(it their c"lories to "n unre"listic"lly low level$ (0yth I1E$ "void e"ting (e"t (0yth I2E "nd "tte(pt to live on supposed he"lth !oods such "s !ruit )"sed s(oothies C our third "nd !in"l gi"nt diet (yth* Did you ,now " s(oothie ("y cont"in (ore sug"r "nd c"lories th"n " l"rge Co,e or " chocol"te (il,sh",e? D"ter on we will e4"(ine the )ene!its o! e"ting whole !resh !ruit "nd drin,ing veget")le ;uice* Un!ortun"tely$ ("ny s(oothie drin,s h"ve little or nothing in co((on with such sensi)le diet !oods* 5nste"d they "re lo"ded with sug"r c"lories "nd devoid o! !i)er* -he result is " spi,e in insulin which pro(otes hunger$ )loc,s your ")ility to )urn stored )ody !"t$ "nd "dds ")out "s (uch v"lue to your !ood pl"n "s " c"ndy )"r* According to Dr 7"rry #op,in in " 201% study$ 8 alerting people to the potential risks of smoothies and fruit juices is the next step in the battle against

obesity. . . Juicing removes fibre and some of the nutrients that would be found in a fruit or vegetable. The natural fruit sugars in smoothies can also add hundreds of extra calories to your daily intake*9 +or e4"(ple$ " 20 ounce tr"w)erry +ruit (oothie !ro( onic cont"ins &J0 c"lories$ 1&& gr"(s o! c"r)ohydr"te$ "nd only G gr"(s o! protein "nd only 4 gr"(s o! !i)re* A 20 ounce -he :ul,- tr"w)erry s(oothie !ro( (oothie 2ing h"s HH0 c"lories$ G2 gr"(s tot"l !"t$ "nd 121 gr"(s o! c"r)ohydr"te* Kust how )"d is th"t? -o put this supposedly he"lthy drin, in perspective$ th"t is (ore c"lories th"n " 7urger 2ing Dou)le Cheese)urger$ #DU +rench !ries* Aou could throw " nic,ers 7"r in " )lender with " !ull 8 ounce serve o! whole (il, "nd still only h"ve " tot"l o! %8& c"lories$ 1H gr"(s o! !"t "nd %J gr"(s o! c"r)ohydr"te* At le"st with the nic,ers 7"r sh",e you would get 11 gr"(s o! protein@ 0yth % is represent"tive o! one o! the )iggest weight loss ch"llenges o! "ll* #r"ctic"lly everything we thin, we ,now ")out 8he"lthy9 e"ting is wrong* A s("ll ste", is )etter !or us !or " s(oothie$ "nd "n overweight "nd in"ctive (iddle-"ged wo("n c"n o!ten end up losing (ore weight "nd ,eeping it o!! )y e"ting 1$400 c"lories " d"y inste"d o! 1$000* 7ut don?t worry* .or, your w"y through this weight loss guide "nd try the proven str"tegies !or yoursel!* Aou CA< lose weight without st"rving@ Aou c"n continue to

e"t ste",$ chic,en$ tur,ey$ !ish "nd other he"lthy (e"ts in s"tis!ying "(ounts* And you c"n le"rn to "void diet tr"ps li,e the gre"t s(oothie sc"(* All you need is "ccur"te in!or("tion* 0"ny so-c"lled 8!ood !"cts9 "re re"lly !ood (yths th"t "re circul"ted )y " gig"ntic$ (ulti-)illion diet "nd co((erci"l !ood industry th"t is (uch (ore interested in your (oney th"n your he"lth*

More myths:
Skipping Meals Will Make You Lose Weight C -his is ;ust " v"ri"tion on the (yth th"t you should st"rve yoursel! !or ("4i(u( weight loss* 5! "nything$ s,ipping (e"ls is (ore li,ely to (",e you g"in weight* As we h"ve discussed$ "ny ti(e your )ody thin,s it is )eing st"rved$ it will try to protect itsel!* 0et")olis( slows "nd !"t is stored inste"d o! )urnt* Fat Free Foods are a Free Pass C ("ny !"t !ree !oods "re !ull o! c"lories !ro( sug"r or "re synthetic$ highly processed or "rti!ici"l !oods th"t re"lly only provide e(pty c"lories* #ortion control "nd " d"ily c"lorie int",e in proportion to your "ctivity level "nd (uscle ("ss "re critic"l* Eating Fat Makes You Fat C -his is rel"ted to the (yth th"t e"ting (e"t will (",e you !"t* As you will see in the ne4t ch"pter$ we "ll need to e"t !"t in order to survive "nd ("int"in he"lthy )odily !unctions* .h"t re"lly ("tters is to e"t he"lthy !"ts

th"t help your )ody "nd not the )"d !"ts th"t c"use he"rt dise"se$ high cholesterol$ "nd other he"lth pro)le(s* -his is "ctu"lly "n e"sy distinction to le"rn* #l"nt derived !"ts such "s olive oil$ nuts (!or e4"(ple "l(ond )utterE$ or the !"t in "voc"do "re "ll 8good9 !"ts* +"tty !ish such "s s"l(on$ tun"$ ("c,erel$ trout "nd s"rdines "re especi"lly he"lth!ul* "tur"ted !"ts such "s you !ind in " cheese)urger "re less he"lthy "nd (ust )e restricted* Cabbage Soup, Celery, or Grapefruit Burn Fat and Make You Lose Weight Faster -here is no 8("gic !ood9 th"t you c"n consu(e !or " neg"tive c"lorie result* .hen you e"t A<A !ood you "re "dding c"lories* :owever$ "s you will see in the ne4t ch"pter$ so(e !oods "re processed di!!erently )y the )ody "nd "re wiser 8c"lorie invest(ents9* Aou "lre"dy ,now wh"t these "re C le"n protein$ green veget")les$ "nd whole gr"ins* !airy Food is Fattening C Actu"lly there is (ore "nd (ore rese"rch to show th"t e"ting (il,$ cheese "nd yoghurt will :3D# weight loss$ especi"lly !or wo(en* Aour weight loss e!!orts will )e (ore success!ul i! you h"ve plenty o! c"lciu( "nd vit"(in D* D"iry !oods "re " (uch e"sier "nd (ore e!!icient w"y o! ensuring you ingest enough c"lciu( "nd vit"(in D* D"iry intoler"nce is " pro)le( !or so(e people )ut these "re " (inority* -he truth is th"t (ost o! us c"n toler"te " (oder"te "(ount o! d"iry !oods per!ectly well* -here "re reli")le studies showing th"t drin,ing (il,

when you "re trying to lose weight is help!ul "nd is especi"lly good !or helping reduce sto("ch "nd ")do(in"l !"t* 5n !"ct$ so(e o! this rese"rch d"t" shows th"t drin,ing 24 ounces o! (il, every d"y c"n help reduce your w"ist siBe )y sever"l inches* o co()ining (il, with " sensi)le e"ting pl"n "nd lots o! e4ercise c"n

"ctu"lly help you lose weight*

Coming up ne%t & & &

5n the ne4t ch"pter we will drill down into the di!!erent !ood groups such "s proteins$ c"r)ohydr"tes$ "nd !"ts$ "nd le"rn e4"ctly how to co()ine the( !or ("4i(u( he"lth$ energy A<D !"t loss* .e will "lso get to ,now the c"lorie counts o! the (ost co((only consu(ed !oods$ "nd why not "ll c"lories "re cre"ted e6u"l*

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