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Luke Tyler Mrs.

Hensel English III April 2, 2014 Global Warming

Global warming is becoming more of an issue as the years go on as a result of the green gas pollution. Green gas pollution is causing waters to warm, changes in regional ocean currents to occur as well as significant climate changes. Economics and agriculture are negatively impacted by green gas pollution. As a result of these negative impacts of green gas pollution, the United States have set new regulations in order to reduce the emission of green gas. In order to understand global warming, one must look at climate change, economics and agriculture, and how the United States is putting forth the effort to reduce green gas pollution. Due to drastic climate change many plants and animals will need to relocate in order to survive (Poppick). One example of animal relocation is the long-spined sea urchin, previously only found as far south as southern New South Wales in Australia, [which have migrated] farther south along the eastern Tasmanian coast; therefore, having to stay within temperature in which they are accustom (Poppick). There is a team of researchers that have identified potential paths of [temperature] twists and turns by mapping out climate velocities the speed and intensity with which climate change occurs in a given region averaged from 50 years of satellite data from 1960 through 2009, and projected for the duration of the 21st century (Poppick). The shift in the temperature will be, for some species, a fairly direct adjustment toward higher latitudes to stay within cooler temperatures while others will have a more indirect adjustment (Poppick).

Satellite images found in the research shows a shift in temperatures in certain areas and can predict future weather patterns based on the previous research. Economics and agriculture are two of many issues that have been impacted negatively by green gas pollution. The negative effects on agriculture are based on many studies covering a wide range of regions and crops, negative impacts of climate change on crop yields have been more common than positive impacts (Revkin). Climate change has had a negative impact on wheat, rice and soy bean yields. Food and cereal prices increase following periods of climate extremes in certain regions, which indicate a sensitivity of some markets to climate change (Revkin). Climate-change impacts are projected to slow down economic growth, make poverty reduction more difficult, further erode food security, and prolong existing and create new poverty traps (Revkin); these negative impacts will take place particularly in urban areas.

In efforts to reduce the green gas pollution the United States have set new regulations on fuel standards. New standards have been put in place by the United States the nations fleet of heavy-duty trucks as part of what aides say will be an increasingly muscular and unilateral campaign to tackle climate change through the use of the presidents executive power the new standard should prove to meet goals of reducing pollution by twenty percent by 2020 (Baker). The United States is trying to gather all the nations to come together and reduce our green gas pollution. Gathering other nations will be a great improvement to the effect of the reduction of green gas pollution no matter what the United States does on its own, it may not matter if Washington fails to persuade other nations, like China and India, to commit to similar actions in hopes of success this will be a way for everyone to come together to tackle the green gas pollution problem (Baker).

Global warming is a growing problem not only in our environment, but also economics. The environmental side is the climate change and how it is causing many plants and animals to migrate as a result. The climate change is also affecting agriculture it has negatively affected certain crops like wheat, rice and soy, due to this the economics on food is being affected. World markets suffer with global warming because it has an impact on prices. The United States is setting the example with new regulations on fuel efficiency and attempting to get other nations to join in on the effort to stop global warming.

Works Cited

Baker, Peter. "Obama Orders New Efficiency for Big Trucks."New York Times. 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.

Poppick, Laura. New Maps Show Habitats Shifting With Climate Change. Live Science Publishing Co., 21 Feb. 2014. Web. 3 Apr. 2014

Revkin, Andrew. "Climate Panel Sees Global Warming Impacts on All Continents, Worse to Come." New York Times. 30 Mar 2014. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.

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