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Unit (1)

The World Of Work Word Word Word grandchildren card office primary operation surgeon article mention qualify transplant idea world famous heart surgeon retired treatment leadership teach-taught village different from professor stop normal abnormal society main qualities organization benefit from pass fail address fill in relative call

world surgeon charity meeting leader headline surname marital status special historic modern air conditioning delegation research enjoy train efficient hard heat bridge trade paper report interview opinion work for program international interested in reason for spelling civil engineer maths advertisement

uniform company smart comfortable friendly come back inside outside noise machine proud of road dam exciting news weekend business magic famous=well known national do research on university kind-type-sort pronounce pronunciation refer to take place habit repeat meeting light action period adapt to

discuss apply for nationality education married single partner experience project architect application form title fireman
2- Words and opposites Word modern hard rich inside dark different special full-time single

situation decide to medicine qualifications centre healthy retire retirement human difference cell die of make decision

speak for keen on childhood general charitable excellent arrange part-time full-time accounting take photos member adopt

opposite ancient-historic soft-easy poor outside light the same general part-time return

heavy comfortable well-known healthy normal private single single dead


light uncomfortable unknown unhealthy-ill abnormal public married double alive


Language Notes 1-Work job occupation career - profession-post 1-Work is what you do to earn money ! a "!

#amy can$t find work%

&-job the kind of work you do! 'e got a job as a teacher% % !"#$ (-occupation means official job! ,-.( *)(+'& # )lease fill in the form with* name and occupation% +-career ,he job you do for most of your life! /0( 12! -/0( !

'is successful career began in &--1% .-profession a job that needs special training and education! ,eaching profession is very interesting and enjoyable% 2-decide to + '7( / decide on + 89+ /decide that + (: 'e decided to buy a new mobile% 'e decided on his goal% 'e decided that he would buy a car% 3-apply for 46< !;# 0pply to :>"= 9+ !;# 0pply in writing 46+ <#: !;# 0 lot of youth applied for the job% 'e will apply to her next week% .-proud of =take pride in ? ')"% We all are proud of 1r 2agdi 3acoub% 6-arrive in + >: @( arrive at + >A @( reach + @+ get to + )<7< @+ 7 4bama arrived in 5airo on ,hursday% 'e arrived at 5airo 0irport at 6 o$clock% 'e reached 5airo happily% We get to the station * at last% -well known to + C+ B!! "= (> well-known for ? ')09( ,he pyramids are well- known to all people% 0hmad is well- known for his courage% "-cause / reason 1- % 7 cause 7 D) (7 to 7 '7( ---------------------- 1*(+/5'#+/46+ !.( 4 '#+ 3#* /0(

,he flood caused the house to collapse% &-cause of = reason for= reason why D '>(/ 4 8 don$t know the cause of his absence% 8 don$t know why he is absent% #-hard / hardly the exam was very hard% 4A 8 don$t know the reason for his absence%

wood is a very hard material % 4A

'e is a hard worker% 0#(/ ( 8 can hardly remember his name%

9 8)< ;> 7</F+ </ (hardly ! : E2,-(

3ou must study hard% </ (D2

,here is hardly any sugar * we need some%

Tape script (Listening Text)

Wo$an 1 % & enjoy $y work' (he co$pany trains us well and gives us a s$art unifor$ to wear' &t is very co$fortable working in a $odern building with air conditioning' )eople co$e here fro$ all over the world- $ost of the$ don*t speak +rabic, so & use $y -nglish a lot' &t is i$portant that & *$ friendly and efficient . that way they will probably co$e back again' /an % &t is a hard job . working outside in the heat with the noise of heavy $achines around you all the ti$e' 0ut & a$ proud to be helping to build a $odern country' 1ur roads , bridges and da$s will help to $ake -gypt richer , and that will be good for our children and our grandchildren' Wo$an 2 % /y work is very e2citing ' 3ince & started the job two years ago & have $et i$portant people fro$ all over the world' + trade delegation fro$ -urope arrived in -gypt two weeks ago, so last week & was reporting on that story al$ost every day' & even $et leaders of 4rance and 5er$any' /y report was headline news in our paper at the weekend' 6esterday, & was interviewing business leaders in 7airo' Wo$an 3 % & have wanted to do this kind of work since & saw $y first co$puter at school' &n $y opinion, co$puters are $agic and &*ve worked and played with the$ ever since that day at school'' 8ow & work for a well-known -gyptian co$pany that writes co$puter progra$$es for i$portant national and international co$panies ' +t the $o$ent, & a$ doing a research on a co$puter progra$$e for an +ustralian co$pany' Exercises

1-9espond to each of the following situation%

1-0 friend wants to know what job you would like to do when you leave school% &-0 friend asks you why you want to be a doctor% (-0 relative wants to know the best thing about your school% +-3ou ask a passer-by about the time% 2-3ay where this $ini-dialogue takes place and who the speakers are% 0 9 8 have pain in my stomach% : 9 since when% )lace9 09 yesterday% -------------------------------------:9 ;et me examine you #peaker 0 9 ----------------------------#peaker :9 3-7hoose the correct answer% 1-,he sun--------------------in the ------------------------------east% 0 " rise a-is always a- drew a-single a-teacher a-heater a- study a- sinks b-rises b-always is b-draws b-double b-engineer b-oven b-studies b-is sinking c-rose c" usually is c-is drawing c-return c-oculist c-air conditioning c-studying c-sunk d-is rising d" never is d-is being drawn d-signal d-surgeon d-,> d-studys d-sank &-'e-------------on time for school% (-'e-----------------pictures at the moment% +-2y friend is not married* he is----------------------.-0-----------------is a person who carries out operations% <-8t is very hot here* please can you turn on the---------------------= ?-'e never-------------------late at night% @-;ook A the ship-----------------------

6-0fter he-----------------------------* he will sleep% a- arrives b-had arrived c-arriving d-arrive

1--When her daughter had a new baby* she became--------------a "grandfather a-0re you thinking c-1o you thinking a-group a " delegation a " shoes a " of a " teacher b-worker b " group b " uniforms b " to b " engineer b-grandmother c-grandchildren b-3ou are thinking d-1o you think c-car c " team c " boots c " with c " reporter


11-----------------people should work in their ?-s or @-s=

1&-4ur company will send a big---------------to the international meeting% d-delegation d " company d " heads d " by d " receptionist 1( " 0 company send a -----------to speak for it at a meeting% 1+ " )olice officers and nurses wear special------------------1. " We are proud ------------------our country% 1< " 0 person who works for newspapers is a ----------------------

0!,ranslate into 0rabic9 0ll the Bgyptians are proud of 1r 2agdi 3acoub because he is a great heart surgeon who carried out a lot of serious operations all over the world% :!,ranslate into Bnglish9 %16(. 5 <% ?); C (+& " H"> ( +& +( " %:9+ ( + /+ @ G ?); C)' (#:F + #( - 1

With my best wishes


present simple present continuous 1-4or$ation9 s-es-ies! 8 "we " you- they ! he/ she /it

0li/he likes football very much% 8 like football very much% 2-;sage% 1 " to express facts9 IJ;2 > #+ ,he moon goes round the sun% &-to express habits9 &F> #+ 'e always comes late%
9 9 ! verb to be ) '*') ,,-& + )'*' %'( %&" #$ - 1 always-sometimes-usually-often-rarely-never always-sometimes-usually-often-rarely-never

1-'e always comes late%

&-'e is always late%

9 1 /0 . ) %'(" #$

every----/atnight/in night/inthe themorning/at morning/atnoon/in noon/inthe theevening evening every----/at

(-We watch ,> every night% +-'e doesn$t help the poor% = 'e never----------------------------------.-,hey don$t come early% 7 don$t/doesn$t '7( /+ % !"#$K " &

= they never---------------------------------: O$+ M'N+ C>L"(& # -3

8 remember his name%

:>#$+ M'N+> < ( #+ Q+):'F P*)+)' 9+ D%"! ( #$-1

8f you play well* you will win% ( S+ @ )@ T>9< ------------------after/before ! .( /(S+ O<>+"! ( #$ -( % ;#$( >L 0fter he arrives* we will eat% ,hey will not go until he gives them money%

8 hate his bad behavior% +*+"! ( #$ -& if ! (R+

Carmers grow plants%


7 am/is/are/7 p%p-----

9 D)0+ /+ A -+ )lants are grown by farmers%

2-The present Continuous Tense 1-4or$ation%

1-'e is reading a story% &-8 am running fast%

% 7 am/is/are 7 > 7 ing

(-,hey are cooking lunch% 2-;sage% 1-to express actions that are happening now % 8 can$t see you now* 8 am revising for my test% 2y sister is studying Bnglish% &-,o express future &>#+( : ;#$+ % U2 > ,hey are travelling on 2onday% 9 "! (#$

Dow- at the moment-at present-still-look-listen

think/believe/know/remember/understand 9 >#+ D% -& own/belong/posses-want/cost 9 V#+ D% " +


see/hear/smell/touch/feel/taste 9 P*)+ D% " 1 like/hate/love/dislike/forgive 9 Q+ D%( "

9 > (#$+ M'N+"! #$ 9 ()( (

8 own a flat% ! 8 am owning a flat%

D)0+ /+ A
#he is reading a magazine%
D) (+ a$ /is/are + being + p'p ---

0 magazine---------------------------

-The past simple

1-4or$ation % + K.+ X>7#+ ( O$+ W+)@ #

'e visited his friends%

,hey watched the film% 9 didn$t 7 inf ! !"# </+ #

'e didn$t visit his friend% 2-;sage % We studied Crench last week%

W+ % R0#K U2 O$+ W+ " > 1 W+ % 1F > -& 7 F> % U2 XA( " 8f ! T>9+ ( )? K.+ +*+ % " + Y > & #+"! ( #$ " . ;;2 >Z W> (#

0yman used to play tennis* when he was young% 0li found a bag *then he went to the police% 8f he helped us* we would win%

1 " 8 wish 7 O$< W (7

(-8 would rather 7 O$< W (7 % 8 wish 0li played well% 8t$s time he arrived% 8 would rather she helped him% 3esterday " ago " last " once " in the past --;ast week* 8 went to 0lexandria% ,wo months ago* We flew to ;ondon% D)" ! (as#"ere ! p$p D)0+ /+ A " ? Y >& #+ ( O$+ W+"! #$< "

&-8t$s time 7 O$< W (7 %

'e wrote the e-mail%

,he e-mail was written by him%

%-The &ast 'ontinuous


'e was reading a book%

% 7 was / were 7 v 7 ing

> (#$+ W+)@ #

,hey were walking in the garden% 2-;sage % W+ % >#$( @: U2 " 1 >LY U2 6> #$( @: U2 " & 9 O<>+"! ( #$ 9 > #$+ W+>

8 was sleeping at ? o$clock yesterday% #he was eating when they arrived% 1-While /as/just as--------- O$< W(----- >#$( W( While 8 was sleeping* the thief entered% = 0s 8 was sleeping* the thief entered% &-When------ >#$( W(------------- O$< W( When she called me* 8 was doing homework%

While 8 was reading* my sister was cooking% Bman was reading while 2ona was eating% While playing* 8 fell down%

>#$( W*[@ (+ while ! " ( @ (1

& (E2,-(

v 7 ing ! <% while <+ & " \ noun ! v 7 ing ! < during ! !"#$K " (

While he was watching the film* he slept% 1uring! 1uring watching the film* he slept% 1uring the film* he slept% While he was walking* he met 0li% 4n! 4n walking* he met 0li%

v7ing ! ] <

on ! !"# " +


1-'hoose the correct ans"er( 1-When the telephone rang* they--------------the match% a- watched a " climbed a- leave a " watch b-had watched b-climbs b-left b-watches c-were watching c-was climbing c-were leaving c-watched c-driving c-going c-is cleaning c-is drawn c-was cooking c-had phoned c " was playing c " driving c " had run c " builds d-watch d-will climb d-will leave d-watching d-drive d-goes d-cleans d-draws d-cooking d-would phone d " had played% d " drive d " are running d " build &-'e-------the tree when he suddenly fell down% (-,hey -----------for Bngland an hour ago% +-4n--------------the film* 0li came% .-,hey saw the fighting people while-----------------home% a- were driving b-drove a- go a- cleaned a -was drawn a " cook a " phoned a " play a " were driving a " ran a " building b-went b-was cleaning b-drew b-cooked b-was phoning b " played b " drove b " were running b " built <-'ow did he--------------to 0swan yesterday= ?-2y sister------------the room while 8 was making tea% @-,he first map-----------------------by BlEidrissi % 6-#he cut herself while----------------------1--What were you doing when 8 ------------you last night% 11 " 'e-------------the guitar* when 8 saw him% 1& " ,hey saw the accident while----------------home% 1( " ,hey ------out of the bank when the policeman caught them% 1+ " ,he )yramids were-----------------by the ancient Bgyptians%

1. " While she was cooking * her sister -------------homework% a " was doing a " drops b " did b " dropped c " does c " had dropped d " had done d " was dropping 1< " 0s he was carrying the vase* he ------------------it on the floor% 2))ind the mistakes* then "rite the sentences correctl+( 1-,hey didn$t helped the old man% &-8t$s time he comes to school% (-4n scored a goal* he fell down% +-We don$t know the cause for his death% .-1r 2agdi 3acoub is a famous writer% <-0 nurse helps doctors in a clinic%

5ommunication skills

<iking and disliking

1-1o you like---------------------------------= &-What do you think about------------------= (-What do you think of----------------------= +-What is your opinion of--------------------= (o e2press liking we use% 8 like it/them 8t is fantastic/great/brilliant 8 am mad about/crazy about------8 am fond of-----------------------8 am keen on----------------------(o e2press disliking% 8 don$t like--- / 8 dislike------ 8 am not very keen-----------8 am not fond of-----------8 detest / loathe / despise 19< 89+ 1> !"#$K (8 % =" '_ D^$+

)rofessor /agdi 6acoub


/agdi 6acoub is a world-fa$ous heart surgeon' =e was

born in -gypt in the village of 0elbis in 1#3>,the son of a surgeon who worked in different places around the country' (he fa$ily had to $ove every few years, so 6acoub learnt to adapt to different situations and enjoyed $eeting different people' When his aunt died because of a heart proble$, =e decided to beco$e a heart surgeon' =e studied $edicine at 7airo ;niversity and ?ualified in 1#> ' &n the 1#6@s , he taught at 7hicago ;niversity in the ;3+ and worked with $any of the world*s best heart surgeons' 8ow he had the ?ualifications and e2perience to do great things' &n 1# 3, he beca$e a heart surgeon at =arefield =ospital in -ngland' ;nder his leadership, =arefield beca$e the $ost i$portant transplant centre in the country' &n the early 1#"@s, he was part of the tea$ which did the first 0ritish heart transplant operation' +t this ti$e , he travelled thousands of kilo$eters in s$all planes and helicopters to find healthy hearts for transplants' 6acoub beca$e professor of =eart 3urgery at <ondon ;niversity in 1#"6' +lthough he retired as a surgeon in 2@@1, he continued to research new treat$ents' 9ecently he was part of tea$ which $ade new heart parts fro$ hu$an cells' &f you ask why he continuous to work in his @s , he will say that he believes he can $ake a difference to people*s lives' 4or this reason, he works for a charity in +frica which helps children with heart proble$s' do or make decision difference $istake $ake parts cake -2ercises

do operation research on ho$ework housework e2ercise


1-7hoose the correct answer fro$ a, b , c or d % 1 . 3urgeons ------------operations on people in hospitals' a . do b . $ake c . sell d . take 2 . 7an you ---------------a decision about the $atter' a . $ake b . do c . reply d . play 3 . 6our work can -----------------a difference to people*s lives' a . do b . $ake c . take d . send 3 . -veryone---------------$istakes when they are learning so$ething new' a . $akes b . does c . tries d . buys : . )eople should learn to ---------------to new environ$ent' a . adapt b . adopt c . sleep d . heal > . 6acoub decided ------------------beco$e a heart surgeon' a . that b . to c . in d . of 6 . =e is ill and needs a heart---------------------a . transplant b . transport c . attack d . failure' . /agdi 6acoub was one of the first surgeons to------heart transplant operations' a . do b . $ake c . have d . send " . 9etire $eans to ----------------------a . begin working b . stop working c .cancel working d . buy working # . 6acoub --------------------as a doctor' a . ?ualified b . played c . slept d . died 1@ . 6acoub had the ?ualifications and --------------to do great things' a . e2perience b . e2pression c . e2pectation d - ene$y 2 . 4ind the $istake and write the sentence correctly% 1- & $ade $y ho$ework correctly' 2 . =e did a great decision' 3 . )lease, don*t do this $istake again' : . =e works with tourists he is a civil engineer' > . 3urna$e $eans your father*s na$e' 6 . =e is not single , he is double'

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