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The Voice of the Maltese

(driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 72


April 1, 2014

The scene is the same, the Freedom Day Monument at Vittoriosa; the occasion similar, but
theres a span of thirty five years between then
Prim Minister Dom Mintoff (right) in 1979,
and current PM Joseph Muscat in 2013, pay
tribute to a Malta Hielsa (a free Malta) by
lighting the flame in the ceremony that has
been held annually since March 31, 1979.

Malta marks
35th Anniversary
of Freedom Day
On March 31, Malta has just commemorated the day, in
1979, when it rid itself of foreign military basis with the
withdrawal of the British troops and Royal Navy and for the
first time in millennia, Malta was no longer a military base
of a foreign power and instead, for the first time, the Maltese took real control of their lives and their own destiny.
See special article by Prof. Godfrey Pirotta (pages 2
and 3) explaining the significance of Freedom Day
The Voice of the Maltese is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly publication
specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad, with emphasis on the Australian scene.
This electronic style magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free.
Editors (Australia) Lawrence Dimech: and
(Malta) Joseph Cutajar:

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Malta marks
35th Anniversary
of Freedom Day

n Malta people have not quite yet

grasped why we should be celebrating
Freedom Day (March 31) when we
also celebrate Independence Day, and
many voices have been raised to have one
national day instead of the five celebrated
every year.
Malta is not the only country to celebrate
both its Independence Day anniversary as
well as its Freedom Day anniversary as national days. Several countries in Eastern
Europe do much the same with the addition of a third important anniversary in the
shape of Liberation Day. The issue is why
Freedom Day.
As in other countries the reason for celebrating Freedom Day lies deep within history. Malta was not just a British colony
that acquired its independence on 21st
September 1964 but also a major British,
(and eventually NATO) fortress and naval
base, and remained so well after its independence. And there is enough evidence
to suggest that it would have remained so
well into the 21st century had not Malta
decided that enough was enough.
Indeed, Malta had served as a military
base for the Order of St John and the ousting of the Knights from Malta resulted in
a change of military masters rather than a
change in the status of Malta.
This explains why an Australian Broadcasting Corporation documentary on Malta,
Two Trumpets for St Andrew, filmed in
1968, started-off by describing the Maltese
as the camp boot polishers of every power
that rose in the Mediterranean.
Independence did not change that although it was hoped that it would eventually do that, but the strategic interests of
Britain had ingrained an economic dependence on British and NATO spending
that was difficult to change for several reasons. There are of course economic and
historical reasons for this.
When in 1800 Britain decided to hold on
to Malta it did so because in the words of
the Colonial Secretary of the time there
was no other place in Southern Europe
that could extend the strategic and commercial interests of Great Britain as the island of Malta.
Malta was not only strategically placed
at the very heart of the Mediterranean but
possessed the most magnificent natural
harbours in this sea, harbours that were
also very well protected by fortifications
of every sort.

Such was
the importance
Malta to
British military interests that in
his first in-

Prof. Godfrey Pirotta
structions to Maltas first military Governor, Sir Thomas Maitland, the Secretary of
State told him that the civil liberties of the
Maltese must necessarily be always subordinate to military exigencies. In fact,
with two or three exceptions, all those appointed to govern Malta were military officers of very high rank.
Not surprisingly, and in quite a short time
not only did Malta become increasingly
militarised but its entire economy came to
depend almost entirely on British military
In 1911-12, a Royal Commission sent out
to investigate the existing economic difficulties of Malta concluded that the whole
economy had been channelled into activities entirely imperial and unconnected
with the special interests of the colony.. A
sudden withdrawal of the British fleet and
garrison would reduce a large section of the
population to idleness and starvation
By this time such was the connection between British military interests and Malta
that the island began being described in official statements and correspondence as
fortress Malta or the fortress of Malta. And
fifty years later another commission, this
time one appointed by the Labour Government of Mr Dom Mintoff (1955-58),
reached a similar conclusion.
It is astonishing, and ominously significant, how much of the Report of the 1912
Royal Commission applies todayThe
civilian economy is in fact an economic
The Report of 1958 by Balogh and Seers
went on to describe the Maltese economy
as almost unique in the world. It is for
this reason that from the 1950s onwards
the most common used term to describe
what was required was diversification,
that is diversification of the economy
away from the military base.

Freedom Day monument at Vittoriosa

(Birgu), the focal point of celebrations
That was what the Labour Party wanted
in the years before Independence and what
the Nationalist Party wanted to achieve
after Independence. But it was practically
impossible to do so as long as Malta remained a British and NATO base.
In the first instance the fact that the whole
of tiny Malta constituted the military base
began to obstruct Government economic
plans. The government found itself needing
to negotiate with the British authorities over
its plans to expand the economic infrastructure and tourism development. Most of the
prime sites that now house Maltas tourism
centres, such as St Julians, were still after
Independence in British hands while Britain
controlled the civil airport and substantial
areas of the Grand Harbour.
While Britain did give up a number of
areas over the years it remained reluctant
to hand over any of the prime real estate it
controlled and its holdings remained practically unchanged until 1972 when they
were forced to do so under a new treaty.
Secondly, despite much talk to the contrary Britain and NATO were reluctant to
relinquish their control over Malta. While
it is accepted that given the opportunity
Britain would have left Malta to its own
devices, it remained convinced that Malta
was still of some use to NATO.
More importantly, knowing full well that
Malta had no other resources to fall back
on but its strategic location and military
facilities, it feared that if Britain and
NATO abandoned Malta the island would
have no alternative but to turn to some
other super power to make up the loss of
income and save thousands of jobs. And
of course the other superpower that
seemed capable of taking Malta under its
protection was the Soviet Union.
Thus, in order to ensure that this does not
happen, Britain increasingly allowed
NATO to extend its presence in Malta.
Continued on page 3

The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Freedom Day 2014

Continued from page 2
But NATO had not been a signatory to
the Defence Agreement signed between
Malta and Britain in 1964 and the rights it
enjoyed had been acquired by the organisation before the grant of Independence.
At Independence NATO had also refused,
despite its use of Malta, to give guarantees
that it would come to Maltas aid if it were
attacked. This was an important issue for
Dr George Borg Olivier but despite his
many efforts NATO remained unmoved.
Both Britain and NATO, however, continued to down play Maltas strategic importance since they had no intention of
aiding economic development in Malta.
But their public statements were not reflected in private actions. Thus, soon after
the MLP patched up its quarrel with the
Church, Britain and NATO became
alarmed at the prospect of Labour winning
the 1971 elections.
In 1969 Labour had publicly spelt out its
future position in which it made it clear that
Malta would no longer remain dependent
on foreign military spending but would
quickly build itself an economy based on
light manufacturing and the services industry. Military bases will only
be tolerated for a short period of transition.
So by 1970 the British
High Commission in Malta
and the US Embassy were
conspiring together to see
how they could help Borg
Olivier win the coming
elections. This interference in the Maltese
democratic process indicates that Britain
and NATO had every intention of keeping
Malta within an economic structure that
suited their interests rather than those of
the Maltese people.
Thirdly, and this is a significant point and
ties up closely with the above, British and
NATO behaviour had nullified the promise of an independent Malta as envisaged
by Dr Borg Oliviers government. The evidence is crushing.
In 1967 Maltas Prime Minister headed
to Italy on what was ostensibly an official
visit to that country. However, archive
documents in London and Rome show that
Borg Olivier had gone to Italy to seek
Aldo Moros assistance in the formers
difficulties with the Atlantic Alliance.
Borg Olivier in fact pleaded with Moro to
help protect the island from NATO's utter
rejection of Maltas sovereign status and
which, in the words of one Italian official,
was treating Malta as if it was still a
Borg Olivier tried to circumvent this situation by applying for NATO membership. He believed that it was only by
becoming part of the NATO Council that
Malta could protect its interests. But
NATO rejected this application and the
reason for that rejection demonstrates conclusively that in the view of the organisa-

March 31, 1979: British battleship HMS London leaving Grand Harbour 35
years ago. It marked the end of the presence of a foreign militry base in Malta
tion Malta was for all intent and purpose port in Malta for Labours policy of freestill a British colony. Malta, NATOs dom from British and NATO control over
council concluded, was still under the ju- their island, eventually continued to pay
risdiction of Britain. In other words there funds agreed under the Defence Treaty.
was no reason to admit it to NATO as its
But the events of 1964-1971 had incul-

Freedom Day represents the day when

for the first time the Maltese took
real control of their destiny
defence and external policy was still controlled by Britain.
Matters took a worse turn in that same
year when Britain decided that it would
scale down its operations in Malta knowing full well that its actions would result
in a jump in unemployment rate to over
25%. The crisis brought people out on to

In 1969 Labour had publicly

spelt out its future position in
which it made it clear that Malta
would no longer remain dependent on foreign military spending

the streets and Maltas Parliament, for a

second time in its history, united to resist
this measure.
In fact in a motion moved in Parliament
by Borg Olivier and seconded by Mintoff,
Maltas Parliament declared that Britain
and NATO were no longer allowed to use
Maltas military facilities as agreed in the
1964 Defence Agreement. What this
meant in practice was that Malta was rescinding that Treaty.
In time Britain and Malta made up on the
issue but the Treaty was never rehabilitated by Maltas Parliament and the
British, alarmed at the ever growing sup-

cated into the minds of most Maltese that

as long as Malta remained a military base
for Britain and NATO it would never be allowed to pursue its own interests and paths
to economic development. It was in Britain
and NATOs interests that the life of the
Maltese people remained inextricably tied
to their strategic interests. And these strategic interests had held the Maltese back
since the time of the Knights of St John.
They could no longer be allowed to continue to do so after Independence. Malta
needs to free itself from its history and
start afresh. The independence project as
piloted by Borg Olivier within a framework that envisaged a rapidly developing
Malta but still strongly attached, if not dependent, on Britain and NATO for an indefinite future had failed.
It had failed because Britain and NATO
saw their control of Malta threatened by
the prospect of economic development in
Malta. So Malta had no alternative but to
wrest freedom from the hands of these two
elements and chart a course based on neutrality and freedom of action. Freedom
Day represents the day when the Maltese
took real control of their lives for the first

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Dawk li ew onorati: Wara (mix-xellug): Sam Gatt, Dorothy Gatt, Tony Fenech, Gerry Carabez, Lilian Attard, Joe u Connie
Apap. Bil-qiegda: Joseph Zahra, Fr Carmelo Sciberras, Victoria Mizzi, Giovanna Matkovic, Elsie u Joe Magro, u Emanuel Grech

Imabbra l-14 magula bala

Seniors of the Year 2014
tal-komunita` Maltija ta NSW
Il-Maltin huma magrufa gallgenerozita taghom u fdan il-lejl
irridu nuruhom li ana wkoll
napprezzaw dak li qed tagmlu
fil-qasam tal-voluntarjat. Isservizz voluntarju jifforma wieed
mill-akbar teori umani sbie talimabba tal-proxxmu. Il-voluntarjat dejjem jii mill-valuri
tal-familja Maltija li hija
magrufa gall-eneroita
Is-sodisfazzjon ta min jagmel
xogol volontarju ma jiix millflus jew mis-suess personali,
ida mill-fatt li dawn qegdin
jikkontribwixxu biex titjieb ilkwalit tal-ajja tan-nies. Dan hu
l-akbar valur tax-xogol volontarju.
Hekk intqal fid-diskors ta
merba li Lawrence Dimech, ilPresident tal-Maltese Welfare
(NSW) gamel quddiem sala mimlija nies meta ngataw l-awards
annwali lill-anzjani Maltin waqt
il-Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition imtella bsuess kbir flAnnunciation Hall, Dar San
Duminku fi Blacktown NSW.
L-attivita saret fil-preenza talOnor. John Robertson, Kap talOppoizzjoni u l-Onor Andrew

Rohan li kien
qieged jirrappreenta
tac-ittadinanza u Affarijiet
fl-iStat ta
wkoll kien
hemm Kathie
Collins milluffiju ta
Michelle Rowland MP ilMinistru
Federali flOppoizzjoni
Lawrence Dimech, il-President tal-Malgall-Affarijiet
tese Welfare (NSW) jindirizza l-14-il
edizzjoni tal-Quiet Achievers Awards
L-Onor Andrew Rohan
a parti attiva
fil-lejla meta
ippreenta tard minn Greystanes, Gerry
ertificati tal-unur lil 14-il perCarabez minn Riverwood, Tony
suna magula bala s-Senior
Fenech minn Blacktown, Dorothy
Citizens of the Year 2014 tal-koGatt minn Greystanes, Sam Gatt
munita` Maltija fi NSW. Dawn
kienu l-koppja Joe u Connie
Ikompli fpana 3
Apap minn Blacktown, Lilian At-

The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Seniors of the Year 2014

tal-komunita` Maltija ta NSW
ta prestiju.
Nathalie Gatt ippreentat
bukkett fjuri lil Sr Giorgina Sultana OP bala ajr lis-St Dominics Home for the Aged
tal-koperazzjoni taghom u talli
jallu li din is-serata ssir fl-Annunciation Hall.
Il-kumitat kollu tal-Maltese Welfare (NSW) li gal 14-il sena nfila
ippreenta din is-serata aqqu lajr tal-komunita` kollha. ajr
ukoll lil Fiducian Financial Services (Tel: 1300 554 409) li kienu
rrappreentati gall-attivita minn
Marie Louise Muscat u ewha

L-Onor Andrew Rohan MP

(xellug) li ippreenta -ertifikati, flimkien ma Joe u
Connie Apap mill-amrun.
Iilhom l-Awstralja 49 sena.
Ikompli minn pana 2
minn Seven Hills, Emanuel Grech
minn Blacktown, il-koppja Joe u
Elsie Magro minn Warrawong
(Wollongong), Giovanna Matkovic
minn Seven Hills, Victoria Mizzi
minn Dural, Fr Carmelo Sciberras minn Summerland Point
(Central Coast) u Joseph Zahra
minn Greystanes.
Il-lejla bdiet bi preentazzjoni
elwa afna mill-ahwa Joe u Sam
Mifsud (Mifsud Brothers) li
kantaw kanzunetti popolari li
ferru lill-udjenza.
Id-diskors tal-geluq sar millOnor John Robertson li faar
bis-si ir-rwol li l-komunita`
Maltija tagti fil-qasam tal-voluntarjat, spejalment dawk l-erbatax li ew magzula fdin

Taht: Joe u Elsie Magro, laktar persuni avvanzati fl-eta

li ew onorati din is-sena.
Joe, ejtuni ta 84 sena u
Elsie, Bormlia ta 82 sena
Rita Kassas
mexxiet il-lejla
bis-soltu precizjoni waqt li
Dimech u
Doris Grima
kienu l-qarrejja.
Lawrence Gatt
kien il-koordinatur ta din
is-serata li
tibqa bala
wahda millajar li jigu
Maltija fi NSW,
kemm gal dik
li hi preentazzjoni u wkoll
il-livell goli

Parti mill-udjenza li attendiet gall-preentazzjoni tal-Quiet Achievers - Night of Recognition Awards fi NSW

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

TV apologies yet again!


his year, the PBS (Malta)-sponsored

programme on SBS TV failed to be
aired on three occasions, they being,
January 2 and 30, and the latest one on
Thursday March 20. (See the display the
viewers saw on their TV sets when it
was scheduled to be on at 8 am). Maltese
viewers are becoming frustrated with
these mishaps and we keep on receiving
numerous complaints.
The Maltese community in Australia is
repeatedly being told that every effort is
made to prevent this from happening.
As we always do, as we feel we have a
responsibility towards our readers, we
investigate the reasons for the non-delivery of such popular and anticipated programmes.
The first reaction we got this time from
SBS TV (Audience Relations) was the
usual line this is not our fault and we
hope that this problem will be fixed.
The Voice was not satisfied with this response and we delved deeper. The
Malta High Commission in Canberra
received this reply from Paul Williams,
the manager Overseas News Service
WorldWatch SBS TV.
My apologies from World Watch. An error occurred in
our programme recording area at SBS this morning resulting in 20th Marchs bulletin of Maltese news from
PBS Malta not being available to go to air in all markets
except Western Australia. Perth and WA did get the programme but they were the only ones.
We have thorough guidelines and workflow procedures
aimed at preventing this from happening but unfortunately there was a gap in our process this morning and an
error occurred.

On behalf of SBS please pass on my apology to the Maltese community and please also inform them the bulletin
is available online at SBS ON Demand at this location:
L-ahbarijiet is amongst the highest rating programmes
of SBS WorldWatch in language news bulletins. The
Voice will keep up its pressure until we do not have any
more blank screens on Thursdays or Sundays at 8 am on

Captain America

is a proud sponsor of
The Voice of the Maltese
Breakaway Travel
94 Corner of Main & Campbell Street,
Blacktown NSW
Tel (02) 9622 7799

eaders of The Voice of the Maltese are being urged to log on to
4, to read about a Euro Media Forum
held on March 24 at Europe House in
Valletta about Captain America: The
evolution & legacy of Joe Simon and
Jack Kirby's First Avenger, a film that
will be screened at the Eden Cinema
in Malta on Friday May 28.
During the forum that was supported by the US Embassy and Eden
Cinemas, Comic Book researcher
David Pace and Film researcher
Justin Camilleri gave an insight into
how Captain America was Marvel
Comics' most popular character during the 1940s wartime period, how
the first Avenger was one of the most
powerful forms of communication
and moral support for U.S Troops
during World War II.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday April 1, 2014

ECCV Culturally responsive project promotes

care available to those with life-limiting illness

any families are being left to care

for a loved one with a life-limiting illness on their own because
they are not aware of the range of palliative care services available to them. This
knowledge gap has led to the creation of a
new Palliative Care Project to inform migrant communities that help is available
and can be tailored to their cultural needs.
Many migrant communities, including
the Maltese community, have the perception that palliative care is just for the end
of life.
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria
(ECCV) Chairperson Eddie Micallef, explains: People often associate palliative
care with immediate death and loss of control over ones wishes and are thus reluctant to access palliative care services.
The Maltese community has low utilisation rates of palliative care services and is
one of five communities participating in
the Culturally Responsive Palliative Care
ECCV project workers have recently
been meeting with Maltese community
representatives and palliative care
providers to create bi-lingual palliative
care information for the Maltese community.
When reflecting on this process, Maltese
community reference group members told
ECCV workers that they have learnt that
palliative care is not the end of the road,
there is much to be done. Others said:
palliative care is flexible, provides sensitive care to a person and helps them live
life to the last minute.
During the meetings
community representatives also highlighted
some of the reasons behind the apparent reluctance to access palliative
care services: these in-

Summer time
in Malta
at 2.00 a.m.
of Sunday,
March 30.
It ends at
3.00 a.m. on
the last weekend of October 26

cluded community members being unaware that in many cases palliative care
can be received at home and that services
can be tailored to the individual and cultural needs of those receiving care, as well
as their families and carers.
This input will now be taken on board by
Maltese bi-lingual health workers, who are
being trained to deliver community education sessions later in the year.
The project is a joint venture between
Palliative Care Victoria (PCV), ECCV and
the Multicultural Centre for Womens
Health (MCWH) to inform communities
that palliative care can be accessed at any
stage from diagnosis and can help to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
The project also aims to deliver culturally
responsive care and thus increase migrant
communities access to and use of palliative care services.
One way for the wider Maltese community to participate in this project will be by
attending bi-lingual community education
sessions in Melbourne in the first half of
this year.
The sessions, to be delivered in Maltese
by trained Maltese bi-lingual health edu-

About ECCV

he Ethnic Communities Council

of Victoria Inc. (ECCV) is the
peak body for ethnic and multicultural organisations in Victoria. It is a
community based, member driven
organisation committed to empowering people from diverse multicultural
ECCV is proud to have been the key
advocate for culturally diverse communities in Victoria since 1974. For
over 35 years it has been the link between multicultural communities,
government and the wider community.
cators, are aimed at all Maltese community members who are interested in finding out which palliative care services best
suit their cultural and spiritual needs.
For more information about this project
and the Maltese community education sessions one should contact: Susan Timmins,
ECCV Project Officer on 9349 4122

More than 17,000 Victorians have received palliative

care in the past year.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

One of the oldest and most sought-after events organised for Good Friday and Easter are those by the St. Albans Good Friday Association that this year is celebrating its 30th anniversary since its foundation by Lewis Stafrace in 1984. During these 30 years he has
also been occupying the role of the associations president. Therefore who better than him to tell us about

in Melbourne

The statue of the Risen

Lord (L-Irxoxt) being
caried around St Albans

By Lewis Stafrace
(President and founder of St. Albans Good Friday Association)

he St. Albans Good Friday Association Easter Pageant now

known as Bacchus Marsh Good
Friday Association Inc will register a
huge milestone as it celebrates the 30th
Anniversary (1984-2014) of the first
Good Friday Procession held at the Sacred Heart Church, St. Albans (voted
the event of the year by the Brimbank
City Council on Australia Day 2003).
The Hon Steve Bracks, then Premier
of Victoria in 2003 presented to the Association the Award for Excellence in
presentation of the Pageant and Commitment to the Community in Victoria
The citation as presented by the Victorian Multicultural Commission states:
The St. Albans Good Friday Association Inc was established in 1992 to enhance and build upon the great work
already set in place in the Maltese
Community by the organisers of the
Good Friday Procession, which commenced in 1984.
Successful fundraising has ensured
that the pageant has become a spectacular event with visitors from far and
wide coming together to join in prayer
for peace and religious celebrations in
the western suburbs of Melbourne.
We acknowledge the great work done
by Fidel Gauci, Victor Bonnici, Nicholas Micallef, Charles Calleja and Carmelo Delia (all deceased). For the first
few years Fidel, Victor and Charles
conducted the procession.
We are grateful for the encouragement
and support Father John OReilly gave
to these volunteers and their helpers,
and all the community members who
attended all the Good Friday Processions over the years
The first Procession 1984 featured a few
individuals dressed in civilian clothes
and one portrait Of Our Lady of Sorrows painted by the late Charles Curmi.
The year 2014 will feature, Our Lady
of Sorrows Pilgrimage, Good Friday
Liturgy and Good Friday Procession

and the Feast of the Risen Lord (L-Irxoxt)

A number of Maltese Associations
play a very valued part in the procession carrying the allocated statues. A
team of 24 committees will have delegated tasks with some other 40 helpers.
Accessories were all imported from
Malta this year, and all the equipment
belongs to the Association with funds
raised and donations
We have to acknowledge all the help
from all Associations and individuals
in order to achieve our goals, and the
constant support we have received from
members of the Maltese community
who attended regularly our social functions.
When we look back and reflect of how
many events have been held from socials
to stage plays, the trips and excursions
that have been organised and the con-

stant advice and support it is no wonder

that our celebrations have attracted such
a wave of encouragement and a huge audience that gets increases every year.
Our Good Friday pageant is very traditional, educational and religious, it
has always been our ambition to give
more meaning to the Easter celebrations just as much attention as is given
to Christmas.
Most of us have been brought up in
this environment. We have participated
and appreciated the Easter Festivities
from the Church services to all the processions with all the pageantry.
We can try to achieve similar heights,
but to my mind, what has been established in Melbourne in the short span
of thirty years is nothing short of a miracle.
Continued on page 9

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Some of the statues being prepared to

be used in the Good Friday pageant

Continued from page 8

We are proud to have established an
event that has been rewarded for the
Here we need to work hard and encourage our younger people to join
with us and like a large family we can
spend Easter together and enhance the
future of this wonderful pageant and
The feast of the Resurrection that commenced twelve years ago has completed
our Festival. The work of art of the
Statue of the Risen Lord by Alfred Camilleri Cauchi is in our opinion a gem, and
one must see it in order to appreciate it.
All the members of the committee
have performed and are again expected
to carry out the tasks allocated to them
so we can maintain the excellence and
efficiency we have already displayed.
We are also grateful to our clergy, particularly the late Bishop Joe Grech for
his advice and understanding, the Mission of St. Paul, Father Denis Carabott
our friend, confidant and former Consul General Clemente Zammit, and Father Phillip Gambin MSSP.
It is very difficult for me to detail all
the work and just mention a few persons. Therefore,may I say thanks to:
My wife Maria, Joe and Phyllis Ellul, Emmanuel Brincat, Robert Carabott, Tony
Carabott, Gemma Orsini, Philippa Xuereb,
Manny Persiano, Joe Cutajar, Louis Attard,
Sam Baldacchino, Joe and Francis Busuttil,
and Dominic Manion, Kate Falzon, Ron
and Francis Offer, Frank Galea, Georgina
Agius, and Zarenu Agius.

The have helped and worked with us:

Edwin (dec) and Mary Baldacchino, Lino

and Lisa Spiteri, George Aquilina, Lino
and Lisa Spiteri, Mary and Charles Bonello,
Mary Medina, (dec), Peter Paul Portelli,
Louise and Ray Anastasi, Joe and Jason

Easter Festivities in Melbourne

Bartolo, Sylvia Busuttil, Alfred and Moddy
Azzopardi, Charles Calleja (dec), George
Gatt, Joe Bayona, Christine Farrugia, Tony
Sciberras, Mario Sammut, Alfie Xuereb,
Joe Ghirxi, G. Vella, Charles Attard, Paul
Bonnici (dec), Alfred Attard, Joe Camilleri,
Frank Sultana (dec) Terry Muscat (dec).
Special mention to Charles Belli, Carmelo
Delia (dec), George Cassar, Vince Pulis, Joe
Montebello, Waltzing Matilda Programme
(Josephine, Harry Zammit Cordina), Joe
Borg, Charles Baby Face Curmi (dec),
Good Day Malta (Aussie TV Programme),
board members and staff at Green Gully
SC, Brimbank CC and Councifficers.

Special mention also to:

Reskeon, Maltese Australian Lalor Thomastown, Stella Maris, St. Margaret,
St.Andrea, St. Sebastian, St. Maria, Hobsons Bay Maltese, Malta Star of the Sea,
Maltese Pensioners, Maltese Performing
Arts, Ghaqda Teatrali Maltija, Green Gully
SC, Floriana SC, and the Maltese Western
Region Community Council.

Apologies if unintentionally an individual or an association was omitted

Finally an appeal for all communities
particularly the Maltese, to attend our
Services, as your presence is of paramount importance.
For programme and up to date information, one is advised to listen to: 3ZZZ
(92.3FM) SBS Radio, Stereo 974, (Wednesday & Thursday), Radio 3RIM And Radio
North West F.M.
Lewis Stafrace can also be reached by
email: or telephone:
03 9317 3825 and 0418176912.

St. Maria, St. George, Stella Maris, St Sebastian, Reskeon, St.John, St. Joseph (Tal
Qala), Vittoria, St Margareta, St. Andrea,
Our Lady of Grace, Melton Maltese SC,
St.Albans Melita Band, Maltese Own Band,
Gozo-Malta City of Brimbank Band, Maltese Queen of Victories Band (SA), St. Albans Youth Club, St. Albans FC, all the
bearers, helpers, the children taking part,
their parents,
A section of the crowd that always attends the
friends, and
St. Albans Good Friday Association activities
also anyone
who in some
form or other
has in the past, and is still
helping us.
Over the
years many
have also donated funds
towards the
improvements of the
They include
the following

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Roundup of News About Malta

The four new faces in Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscats cabinet. From Left: Dr Justyne Caruana,
Dr Chris Fearne, Mr Chris Agius and Dr Michael Falzon. Below: Dr Godfrey Farrugia who resigned.

Malta PMAffects Cabinet Reshuffle

Just over a year into the 2013 government,
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has been
forced to make a reshuffle to his cabinet
due to the nomination of Minister Marie
Louise Coleiro Preca as President of the
Republic, but also following the resignation of Minister of Health Dr Godfrey Farrugia who thanked the Prime Minister for
offering him the post of Social Policy
Minister but said he could not accept the
position vacated by Minister Coleiro
Dr Farrugia said in his letter to Dr Muscat
that when he became Health Minister, he
saw this as a golden opportunity to
strengthen his services for the dignity and
needs of patients. He added that he was
convinced that in the year he had been in
office he and his colleagues had created
the basis for the sector to become sustainable.
Meanwhile The Prime Minister also announced that he has chosen Minister Karmenu Vella to become Maltas European
Commissioner in October, while Parliamentary Secretary for the disabled and active ageing, informed the PM three months
ago that he did not wish to be considered
for the new Cabinet as his vocation was
ophthalmology, and he wanted to return to
his practice.
As such, new ministerial responsibilities
have been announced with several ministers and parliamentary secretaries shifting
their responsibilities. Minister for Energy
Konrad Mizzi will not only retain responsibility for energy but will also gave the
added responsibility of health, with Dr
Chris Fearne, becoming parliamentary
secretary for the sector.
Karmenu Vellas tourism ministry is to
be handed to Edward Zammit Lewis, to

date parliamentary secretary for economic

Parliamentary Secretary Owen Bonnici is
to be promoted to Justice Minister, also
taking on responsibility for culture and
local government, while Stefan Buontempo who had been responsible for
sports, will be Parliamentary Secretary
under his ministry.
Michael Farrugia too is being promoted
to Minister for the family and social solidarity. To date he was responsible for planning and administrative simplication.
Gozitan Justyne Caruana finds herself in
the cabinet, as parliamentary secretary responsible for the disabled and active ageing that had previously been the
responsibility of fellow Gozitan Franco
Michael Falzon has been appointed parliamentary secretary in the Office of the
Prime Minister with responsibilities for
planning and administrative simplification, while a newcomer, Chris Agius will

be appointed parliamentary secretary for

research, innovation, youth and sports in
the Education Ministry. He had been
shadow minister for the sector in the previous administration.
Jose Herrera will change his responsibilities, from culture and local government to
competitiveness and economic growth in
the Economy Ministry.
The appointments will come into effect
on Wednesday April 2 after Marie Louise
Coleiro Preca relinquishes her post as
Minister to be appointed President.
With the reshuffle, the next Cabinet meeting have this line-up
Prime Minister: Joseph Muscat
Parliamentary Secretary (Planning): Michael Falzon
Deputy Prime and Minister for European Affairs and the implementation of
the electoral manifesto: Louis Grech
Parliamentary Secretary (EU Funds):
Ian Borg
Home Affairs and National Security
Minister: Manuel Mallia
Minister for Justice, Culture and Local
Government: Owen Bonnici
Parliamentary Secretary (Local Government): Stefan Buontempo
Social Policy Minister: Michael Farrugia
Parliamentary Secretary (Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and Active Ageing):
Justyne Caruana
Health and Energy Minister: Konrad
Parliamentary Secretary (Health):
Chris Fearne
Tourism minister: Edward Zammit Lewis
Education and Employment Minister:
Evarist Bartolo
Continued on page 11

Tuesday April 1, 2014

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Roundup of News About Malta

Delimara gas plant, LNG

vessel at Mxlokk approved

t the end of an eight-hour The crowd that attended the meeting that discussed the Marsaxlokk
meeting, the Malta EnvironLNG plant. Inset: MEPA Mr Vince Cassar who chaired the meeting
ment and Planning Authority (MEPA) has approved the
Delimara power station permit applications and could have put to
rest yet another controversy following objections from the Opposition.
The big debate centred around the
berthing of a floating gas facility in
Marsaxlokk harbour that the Enemalta project director said is to be
part of a national project intended
to provide security of supply, clean
air, a diversification of the energy
mix and reduce Enemalta's generation costs.
He went on to say that the project
was needed now because the energy com- tric Power on Chinese equity investment approved without all the necessary risk
pany was in urgent need of reform to avoid and the LNG power plant at Marsaxlokk studies having been carried out and that,
MEPA has taken a decision that puts the
serious economic and social conse- were all defeated.
In its reaction, the Nationalist Party said Prime Ministers partisan interests before
quences. We do not have luxury to postit was disappointed that the project was that of residents and their safety
pone decisions, he said.
MEPAs planning directorate said the reasons for the application provided enough
justification to recommend approval.
Answering objections by Engineer Arthur
Ciantar, who pointed out that any accident
to the floating gas facility could have a
and that even those who were close to him
"devastating" effect on the existing power Continued from page 10
were now providing proof that Dr Muscat
station, EUs expert George Papadakis, asParliamentary Secretary (Research, In- first used you then threw you away.
signed the risk assessment analysis of various accident scenarios said from a novation, Youth and Sports): Chris Agius It said that this was what he did with Dr
Farrugia and Dr Mercieca and what he had
preliminary risk study the risk of fatality Finance Minister: Edward Scicluna
done with the residents of the south
within the immediate area of the LNG terwith
his decision to anchor an LNG storMinister
Conminal was one in every 100,000 years. The
in Marsaxlokk Bay.
risk level dropped the further away from the Dalli
It said that not only did Dr Muscat put all
plant one moved.
Transport and infrastructure Minis- imaginable spokes in the wheel for Dr FarThe Marsaxlokk mayor said his council ter: Joe Mizzi
rugia not to be able to implement his rehad been campaigning for clean air since
sponsibilities as Health Minister, he also
Gozo Minister: Anton Refalo
2007, and after deliberation, the council has
Economy, investment and small busi- hid for several weeks Dr Merciecas resdecided it would support the project, includ- ness Minister: Chris Cardona
ignation from Cabinet and the people.
ing the floating gas storage unit because this
A Prime Minister who hid from the peoParliamentary Secretary (Economic
would enable all power generation units to Growth and Competitiveness): Jose ple a Cabinet ministers resignation was a
operate on the cleaner gas. He said the Herrera
Prime Minister who placed his political inquickest way to ensure clean air for his loSustainable Development, the Envi- terests before respect towards the people.
cality was the current project as proposed, ronment, and Climate Change MinisIt added that Dr Muscat had promised the
as long as the FSU was a temporary solu- ter: Leo Brincat
best Cabinet in Maltese history. After just
tion until the gas pipeline became available.
Parliamentary secretary (Agriculture, a year, this was another promise from a seTwo separate votes on the gas-fuelled Fisheries and Animal Rights): Roderick ries had already evaporated, the PN said.
power plant and the floating storage facility Galdes
Meanwhile, a source close to the Labour
were taken and both went through with nine
Meanwhile, Dr Godfrey Farrugia said Party told The Voice that the NPs statevotes against two.
that he had absolutely no intention of fad- ment but proves it is double-faced. It had
The decisions were taken in the presence ing away into the backbench wilderness, made Dr Farrugia the target of a dirty camof a large crowd at the Mediterranean Con- but would stay in the Labour movement, paign throughout, yet now it is tries to win
ference Centre in Valletta, that included a making sure the Malta For All (Malta some points by expressing sympathy with
number of MPs, mostly from the NP.
Tagna Lkoll) election slogan actually be- his position. When it comes to Dr MerSo for the third time in recent weeks, ob- comes a reality
cieca, his is not a resignation. He missed
jections raised by the Opposition to three
In its reaction, in a statement, the Oppo- his profession as ophthalmologist, a top
government projects, that included the IIP sition Nationalist Party said that the resig- one, and just wanted to return to his pracscheme, Enemaltas Agreement with Chi- nations continued to uncover the bad tice. The NP too targeted him for much
nese state-owned company Shanghai Elec- qualities of Dr Muscats management style, criticism throughout his tenure of office

Bonnici, M. Farrugia, and

Zamit Lewis now Ministers

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta President in
Audience with Pope

Malta President George Abela during

his privatge audience with Pope Francis

Pope gets unusual gift from Presidents grandson


n one of his final commitments before the

end of his five-year term of office on
April 4, President of the Republic of Malta
George Abela, accompanied by his wife,
children and grandchildren, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs George Vella made
an official visit to Rome where he met His
Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican.
Later, the Holy Father Francis received in
audience at the Vatican Apostolic Palace
President Abela who subsequently met
with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro
Parolin, accompanied by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations
with States.
During the private audience in the Pontiff's studio, two men spoke about the deep
mark of Christianity in the history, culture,
and life of the Maltese people, as well as
the good relations between the Holy See
and Malta.
They also spoke about the pastoral visits
of Popes Blessed John Paul II and Benedict
XVI. They made reference to the contribution of the Catholic Church in education
and welfare, as well as to a recently concluded agreement between the Holy See
and Malta aiming at a fruitful cooperation

in the service of the common good.

In conclusion, there was a discussion on
the contribution of Malta in the European
Union, as well as certain situations in the
Mediterranean region, and the issue of
migration to Europe, which involves both
the Church and government.
As everybody knows, like his papal
predecessors, Pope Francis receives all
kinds of official gifts from visiting dignitaries: plaques, religious icons and limited-edition books, however, it was
reported that in his meeting with the
Abela family, he received something
rather unique from little Luca Manconi,
the three-year-old grandson of the Maltese President, who tagged along for his
grandfather's audience with the pope.
When Luca and his parents joined
Abela's delegation at the end of the 20minute private meeting, he presented
Francis with a little plastic dinosaur.
The Pope seemed utterly charmed by
Luca and his two-year-old cousin Georgia-May, taking them both by the hand
and walking to his chair. He also gave a
tender kiss to Luca's six-week-old
brother, Matteo.

Pope Francis holds by their hands Luca,

left, and Giorgia May,

Survey reveals 9.6% increase in tourist arrivals in 2013

ompared to the preceding

year, tourist arrivals to Malta in 2013 registered a 9.6% increase, a Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association (MHRA)
survey conducted by Deloitte
reveals. It also shows the tourism sector reaching national record levels, with the hotel industry recording the highest occupancy levels over the last 5year period, recovering from the

dip experienced in 2009.

During the same period, when
it comes to hotel occupancy, an
increase of 8.7%, that is, an increase of more than 138,000
nights of guest nights was registered.
The MHRA said that compared to previous years, in the
last quarter of the past year that
halted recent trends of growth
by private accommodations;

hotels took the bulk of tourist

The total of guest nights have
exceeded the one million mark
per year; with hotels registering
an average of 7.25 nights stay
while private accommodation
registering an average of 10.8
When compared to the corresponding period in 2012, between October and December

2013, occupan- cy in five star

hotels increased by almost 7%;
four by 1.9% and three star by
The survey also shows that
2014 could also be another positive year for the tourism sector
and hotel accommodation as
the first two months of the year,
January and February have also
registered record tourist arrivals.

The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014


Morwell coalmine fire causes serious health risks to residents

One has to live in Morwell to realise

what the residents are going through

he toxic smoke from a seven-weeklong fire that has raged out of control at the disused Hazelwood
open-cut coalmine owned by multinational energy company GDF Suez in the
La Trobe Valley has caused health problems to the residents of the town of Morwell in Victoria, 150 km southeast of
Along with the majority of residents in
Morwell, that has a population of around
14,000, a large number of Maltese who
live in the area have also been affected by
the smoke from the coalmine and also face
serious health risks. The fire, that police
discovered to have
been deliberately by
lit, is causing even PAUL VELLA
with temperatures
rising as high as the 30s is the work of an
At one stage the Fire Services Commissioner Mr. Craig Lapsley said that much
of the fire had been suppressed, although
smoke was still coming from the open-cut
mine. The CFA and police got a warm reception with long applause at an organised
rally by the locals.
A teacher said that one of her children
had begun coughing and heaving after the
smoke and ash began drifting across the
town, even though his asthma was not
considered severe.
The La Trobe Valley consists mainly of
the towns of Moe, Morwell, Traralgon and
the surroundings. The open-pit coal mine
that is burning is located just on the outskirts of Morwell. Some schools and
homes that were shut down and evacuated
are located very close to the mine.
A picture of the affected area
as appeared on abctv news

The fire and smoke were very close to

Morwell, which is located in a valley. The
smoke from the mine slides down into the
valley and covers the town in a blanket of
My colleague and friend Mario Sammut,
who is also the Vice-Consul of Malta for
the La Trobe Valley and lives with his
family in Morwell, told me that nobody is
aware of how much damage to health this
toxic smoke is causing to residents.
Explaining the situation at a personal
level, he said that if one lived in a place
that is hot, he would switch on the air conditioner to cool
down; and if one
lives in a cold
place, he could turn
on a heater to
warm up. But, he
added: We are living in a place full
of toxic smoke that
is causing damage
to the health of residents and you cannot get rid of that. We
are often told to leave home, but one can
only leave for a certain time, and has to return home. It is not a situation in which
one simply packs up everything and goes
to live somewhere else.
On the health impact of the situation on
local residents, Mr Sammut said that it
was very difficult for anyone to imagine
what it is like to be in this kind of situation
unless one was physically in such a place.
We are being told that the consequences
are minimal as long as it is for a short period of time. But this short period has already been going for a number of weeks,
he added.
With the
closure of some schools
situated next
to the mine,
every morning buses take students
to other schools, some to
the next town
of Moe ten
minutes away by car,
which is not
affected by
the toxic smoke and ash.
Mario Sammut continued to say
that four we-

-V/Consul Sammut tells The Voice

eks after the
fires began,
the Victorian
State government offered
payments of
$500 per family to enable
them to leave
the area and
to temporarily
somewhere else,
maybe even Mario Sammut, very close
in a hotel for to the people of Morwell
two or three days respite, but $500 does
not go that far.
In the meantime, Mario Sammut has
thanked the High Commissioner of Malta
in Canberra Mr Charles Muscat and the
Consul General of Malta for the State of
Victoria Mr Victor Grech for staying in
constant contact with him in order to find
out whether they can be of any assistance
to the Maltese community in Morwell.
In the last few days, at the time of writing
this report (last week), the residents were
told by the authorities that the fire and
smoke were under control and they could
return home. However, Mario said that the
stench of gas was intolerable, and this was
the same the whole week.
Mario went on to say that he couldnt understand why the authorities were saying
that the situation was under control when
they are not. He said that a lot of the residents are very upset, particularly those
who have not been compensated although
they have young children and suffering
from asthma. He said they have not received any assistance because they dont
have a health card, are on old age or disability pension.
Morwell residents are now faced with another problem: the cleaning of their homes
and property from the ash resulting from
the fire. The State Government is providing some money and the loan of special
vacuum cleaners to do the job. In some
cases it has also promised the assistance
of professional cleaners.
Regarding the cleaning up of the ash
dust, residents are being urged to contact
their home insurance. However, it is worth
noting that in this case they would still be
liable to pay the excess for the claim, from
$100 to $500.
Mario told me, One has to live in Morwell to realise what the residents are going

14 The Voice of the Maltese


gandu jknu ankrat barra l-Port ta

Min-naa tiegu l-Gvern jinsisti li r-rapporti kollha li saru mill-esperti jippruvaw
li dan mhux minnu. Isostni li jekk it-tanker
jitpoa barra l-Port ikun ta periklu akbar
minabba l-elementi naturali, l-aktar ilbaar qawwi. Il-Gvern qed jgid ukoll li
malli ssir il-pipeline tal-gass li tgaqqad lil
Malta mal-Ewropa, dan it-tanker jitnea.
U fil-kwistjoni dalu wkoll l-gaqdiet
tas-sajjieda. Filwaqt li Raymond Bugeja
s-segretarju tal-Ko-operattiva Nazzjonali
tas-Sajd appella biex it-tanker jitpoa
barra l-Port, l-Gaqda Koperattiva tasFl-4 ta April President did Sajd ma qablitx mieghu. Sostniet li ma
se toezzjona gal dan it-tanker
gar-Repubblika ta Malta kinetx
fil-Port ta Marsaxlokk. Sadanitant Bugeja
l-ames snin ta George Abela bala
fismu u fisem martu ressaq ittra uffijali
President ta Malta jiskadu l-imga
fil-Qorti fejn talab li l-MEPA ma tiddisku4 ta April. Sadanittant, nhar it-Tlieta ltix u tiddeiedi dwar jekk gandux
1 ta April, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca
jingata permess alli t-tanker jii sorut
fMarsaxlokk qabel ma jsiru aktar studji.
ttemm l-impenji tagha bala Ministru
Sintendi, kif jiri dejjem, malajr bdew ilu membru Parlamentari bdiskors filkummenti fejn Bugeja, li bala avukat
Kamra tar-Rappreentanti. Imbaghad iltiegu kellu lill-Presidental-Kunsill tal-Parimga tingata uffijalment il-kariga
tit Nazzjonalista, ie mixli li qed jagmel
ta President tar-Repubblika ta Malta.
dan biex jagti palata lill-Oppoizzjoni.
Bugeja aad dan.
Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Sadanitant il-Koperattiva Nazzjonali
Inc. PO Box 5332, Greystanes LPO, NSW 2145
tas-Sajd mill-ewwel
gamlitha ara illi ssegretarju enerali
taghom kien qed
jieu dan il-pass
Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, mingajr l-approvazzjoni tal-membri
traditions and about the amazing history of this magnifil-ora.
cent Mediterranean island.
Saansitra ew
Our trained and experienced teachers are qualified in
imdeffsa wkoll finlanguage teaching and have Maltese study credentials.
nof il-ruq tal-murtali matul il-jiem
Classes available for students from 6 yrs to adults at all
tal-festa, gax kellanguage.
levels of ability in the Maltese
liema tal-Partit Nazzjonalista sostnew li
Classes are held at:
hemm il-possibilta
li d-delettanti ta
Marsaxlokk ma jitHorsley Park Public School
The Meadows Public School
allewx jaarqu n1759 The Horsley Drive, Horsely Park Fuller Street, Seven Hills
nar tal-festa minSCHOFIELDS - Terra Sancta College. Hambeldon Rd, Schofields
abba li dan jista
jkun ta periklu
For more information and all enquiries
gat-tanker tal-gass.
call Carmen Cassar on 0402 002 454
Sadanitant lejliet li

ix-xena politika, wara li battiet

sewwa d-diskussjoni dwar l-iskema
ta-ittadinanza, issa l-aktar materja
li tinsab fuq fomm il-politii, l-aktar dawk
Nazzjonalisti, u l-media lokali, hija dwar
it-tanker tal-gass li se jkun ankrat fil-bajja
ta Marsaxlokk. Dan it-tanker se jkun qed
iservi biex jinaen fih il-gass metie
biex l-impjant li hemm fDelimara
jienera l-elettriku.
L-Oppoizzjoni qed issostni li dan ittanker joloq periklu kbir gar-residenti
ta Marsaxlokk u l-madwar, u galhekk

Learn Maltese!

Tuesday April 1, 2014

kellha ttittieed id-deijoni dwar ittanker mill-MEPA, Joseph Muscat u

Simon Busuttil kellhom is-solitu priedka tal-add: tal-ewwel fBirebbua u
l-ieor fMarsaxlokk, il-lokalitajiet l-aktar
milquta mill-materja.
FBirebbua, wara li semma gadd ta
mpjanti, fosthom dak tal-mili tal-gass
fBirebbua u l-power station, Dr Muscat
qa: Dwar il-proett ta' Mars- axlokk
gamilna l-istudji kollha, qabbadna laqwa esp- ert li gandha l-Unjoni Ewropea u tana l-all clear. addieor biex
gamel impjant aktar perikolu (l-impjant
tal-mili tal-gass) m'gamel ebda rapport.
Nippretendu li l-Kap tal-Oppoizzjoni
joro jgid xja-seb minn dawn il-pastaati, qal Muscat.
Min-naa tiegu Dr Busuttil qal. Huwa
minnu, li l-gvern Laburista gandu mandat biex iraas il-kontjiet tad-dawl u lilma u li gandu l-obbligu li jibni power
station dida, ida, ied Busuttil,
m'gandux il-mandat li jpoi tanker talgass fil-port ta' Marsaxlokk. Muscat gandu bonn jaddotta l-politika tar-rauni.
ied isostni li r-residenti ta' Marsaxlokk
u Birebbua gandhom jgixu f'darhom
b'mohom mistrie u li galhekk l-gada
l-MEPAma kelliex tati permess biex
jinoloq periklu bla bonn.
Allega li l- Gvern gamel minn kollox
biex jabi r-rapporti dwar it-tanker talgass: L-aar rapport ie ippubblikat
inqas min-nofs siega qabel bdiet
diskussjoni fil-Parlament. Ooruhom laffarijiet kunu trasparenti. Gamlu minn
kollox biex ma jkunux trasparenti. Gidha
l-verit gax jekk m'gandekx min xhiex
tiba' tista' tgidha l-verit, sostna.

..... Jingataw il-permessi

Wara l-battibekki kollha u laqga ta

tmien siegat, il-Bord tal-MEPA approva l-permessi b9 voti favur u 2 kontra. ItTnejn li vvutaw kontra kienu, r-rappreentant tal-Partit Nazzjonalista u dak
tar-Ramblers Association.

addiema Barranin fMalta

l-aar ta Ottubru tal-2013 kien hawn

15,094 barrani li kienu jadmu fil-Gejjer Maltin. Minn dawn, 9,670 kienu ejjin
minn pajjii tal-Unjoni Ewropeja; il-bqija
minn pajjii ora.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Mix-xena tal-ajja Maltija 2

George Abela jtemm 5 snin ta esperjenza sabia

all-President ta Malta George

Abela, il-ames snin li gaddew bala
President ta Malta kienu esperjenza
sabia. Huwa qal dan tul diskors li gamel
waqt ikla mogtija fieu u s-sinjura
Abela mill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat
fil-Bera ta Kastilja l-amis li gadda.
George Abela qal: Kbirt u tgallimt filkariga. Veru li jiena u marti se mmorru ddar ida se nallu din il-kariga bertu
memorji. Sejrin lura d-dar bmemorji
Huwa ied jgid li galkemm il-perjodu

ta ames snin gall-bidu deher wieed

twil, i-mien gadda malajr. Qal li gamel
afna jarat barra minn Malta u huwa importanti li meta jsiru jarat barra minn Malta,
jakkumpanjaw lill-President delegazzjoni
tan-negozju u l-Ministeru tal-Ekonomija.
Il-President qal li Malta hija ixxurtjata li
gandha reputazzjoni tajba. Irridu nkomplu nadmu gal din ir-reputazzjoni. Minnaa tagha, il-Presiden- za trid tkompli
ssaa din ir-reputazzjoni taj-ba, qal.
Semma li sabu l-koperazzjoni ta
kuladd, u saaq dwar l-importanza li
jkompli jissa-a issettur vol-ontarju.
Huwa ege lill-Parlament li jagmel ir-riformi kostituzzjonali metiea alli jissaa irrwol tal-President. Qal li
hemm bonn li l-President ikollu awtonomija
politika akbar.
Fl-aarnett awgura lil
Marie Louise Coliero
Il-President George Abela Preca li se tinatar filjkellem lil dawk li attendew kariga ta President, u
ga-ena mogtija mill- fissirha bala, bniedma
Prim Ministru fieu
biela bru sojali.

Min-naa tiegu, il-Prim Ministru Joseph

Muscat qal li din hija sena importanti fejn
pajjina qed jielebra anniversarji importanti. Wada minnhom hija r-Repubblika
li din is-sena se nielebraw l-40 anniversarju tagha.
Qal li kien mument storiku dak ta
erbgin sena ilu meta twieldet il-Kostituzzjoni Repubblikana, li fiha l-pajji iddeieda li l-Kap tal-iStat ikun wieed jew
wada minn uliedu.
Huwa sellem lil dawk kollha li servew
fdin il-kariga. Qal li d-deijoni tal-Prim
Ministru Lawrence Gonzi, li fl-2009 atar
lil George Abela kienet wada tajba. Fisser il-Presidenza ta George Abela bala
simbolu ta gaqda, u li kienet Presidenza li ammet il-valuri tal-Maltin, u li
matulha fil-pajji iddalu drittijiet odda.
Din kienet Presidenza qrib in-nies li
kompliet tagti identit lil Malta u lil
Maltin, qal il-Prim Ministru.
Il-Kap tal-Oppoizzjoni Simon Busuttil
ukoll ta ajr lill-President Abela gallidma tiegu u qal li kienet Presidenza ta
poplu magqud. Qal li l-Presidenza ta
George Abela ammet l-gaqda u wkoll
ammet il-bogod mill-kontroversja politika.

Malta tirreistra Beda r-ros fil-kontijiet tal-enerija

tkabbir ta 2.4% I
l-ewwel sena tat it-tmexxija tal-Gvern
ta balissa, fl-2013, Malta irreistrat
tkabbir ta 2.4% fil-GDP u hemm ukoll
xjuri li d-deficit se jibqa tat it-3% taleurozone.
Il-Presidenza ta Coleiro Preca
Dan qalu l-Ministru responsabbli mill-Finanzi, il-Professur Edward Scicluna li ied
se tibda minn qrib il-vunerabbli
jgid li l-livelli ta nies mingajr xogol
(6.4%) baqgu stabbli. Qal ukoll lil luntrarju gal kif dejjem sar, meta nhar
Fi tmiem il-quddiesa se tibqa sejra solqien tax-xogol died bi 2.8%, u li
biex tiltaqa mar-residenti u
nolqu 5,000 post tax-xogol did, li
Coleiro Preca tinatar id-disa President tar- mbagad terilha gar-raal fejn twieldet,
l-Ministru Konrad Mizzi, responsabbli mill- Enerija u issa anke s-Saa (ara pani
10 u 11) abbar li mill-biera, 31 ta Marzu, beda r-ros fil-kontijiet tad-dawl u lilma, wegda li saret qabel l-elezzjoni. Se jkun ifisser 30 miljun fi bwiet in-nies u injezzjoni qawwija fl-ekonomija. Se jgawdu 47,000 familja li se jaraw ros ta bejn il-25
u l-35 fil-mija; 122,000 familja ora se jkollhom ros ta bejn it-30% u l-35%.
Dwar id-dekasteru tas-saa li wkoll ie fdat lilu war r-rienja t Dr Godfrey Farrugia, qal li l-problema hija wada manierjali use jieu vanta mill-esperjenza ta Dr
Chris Fearne li se jiffoka fuq l-esperjenza tiegu bala tabib.

1,500 minnhom kienu xogol part-time.

Huwa spjega li da-mien il-poplu qed
ikollu inqas ulied, li jfisser li se jkun inqas
nies minn kif kien isir fl-imgoddi qed
jidlu fid-dinja tax-xogol.
Tenna li l-gvern ta balissa ab direzzjoni dida u sens ta stabbilita, u filwaqt
li semma l-bidla fis-sors tal-enerija, ilqalba tal-power station bl-LNG, u l-investiment fl-Enemalta mi-ina, qal li dan
ab ukoll sens ta kredibilita.
Fl-istess waqt abbar li l-ministeru tiegu
se jwaqqaf taqsima dwar it-taxxi li fiha
tinkorpora fqasam wieed, ix-xogol
kollu li gandhom xjaqsmu t-taxxi
taxxa tad-dul, (Income Tax), mill-VAT u
mid-Dwana. Se jkunu jiffurmaw parti integrali mill-politika ekonomika.

Repubblika ta Malta, minflok fil-Kati-dral

ta San wann, il-quddiesa tal-inawgurazzjoni tagha, magrufa bala tal-Ispirtu sSantu, li se tii ikkon- elebrata
mill-Arisqof ta Malta Pawlu Cremona, se
ssir fid-Dar tal-Providenza fis-Siiewi.
Din hi xhieda ara tal-impenn tal-President il-did li n-nies bdiabilita, il-foqra
u t-tfal se jkunu fil-qofol tal-atra Presidenzjali.
Tabbar li l-programm ta madwar sitt
siegat fosthom siega gall-quddiesa
se jibda fis-2:00 p.m. meta sinjura Coleiro
Preca talli r-residenza tagha falBalzan ghal al-Luqa fejn se tiltaqa malpubbliku. Imbagad tibqa sejra lejn
id-Dar tal-Providenza gall-quddiesa.

al-Qormi biex tiltaqa mal-pubbliku, lewwe fil-pjazza quddiem il-knisja parokkjali ta San oe, u wara quddiem il-knisja
ta San Bastjan.
Minn hemm se tibqa sejr il-belt kapitali
Maltija Valletta fejn se tii milquga minn
emga ta tfal, u timxi tul Triq ir-Repubblika gall-Palazz Presidenzjali fejn se
tieu l-urament tal-atra.
Hija tagmel l-ewwel dehra tagha bala
President tar-Repubblika mill-gallarija talPalazz biex issellem lil dawk li jkunu
preenti fi Pjazza San or.
L-gada s-Sibt il-President se tmur
Gawdex u tiltaqa man-nies quddiem ilBanca Giuratale fejn se ssir ukoll quddiesa.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

A quick glimpse at Australia

The stench of corruption


orruption is reaching
the Liberal Party as
well. At the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption details
hinted at the prospect one
of the most senior Liberal
Ministers, Chris Hartcher
is being implicated in corrupt activities involving
Australian Water Holdings
and Eddie Obeid, the most
notoriously corrupt figure
in the discredited former
Labour Government.
It was said this was an
uncharacteristic display of
bipartisanship or that
corruption acquaints a man with strange
From State to Federal politics and the
six-month-old Abbott Government has
been plunged into its first ministerial crisis after Assistant Treasurer Senator
Arthur Sinodinos fell on his sword, becoming the first Federal victim of a
widening corruption investigation by
ICAC. The senator will step aside as As-

Arthur Sinodinos... had to step aside

sistant Treasurer for the duration of the
commission inquires.
Senator Fiona Nash the Assistant Minister for Health is also involved in a scandal. She is being accused of breaching
the governments ministerial code of
ethics and misleading the Senate about
Alastair Furnival her chief of staffs conflict of interest. He had to resign.

Intolerant attitude
he Abbott Government is determined
to repeal the legislation making it unlawful to offend, insult, humiliate or intim-

idate on grounds of race or ethnicity.

Such a drastic move to repeal section 18C
of the Racial Discrimination Act would
disempower the vulnerable or result in
hardening of intolerant attitudes.
This is the opinion of Indigenous Coalition MP, Ken Wyatt who also said that
Australia has come a long way in the last
30 or 40 years and what I wouldnt like
to see is regression that allows those who
have bigoted viewpoints to vilify any
group of people at all.
Attorney General Senator George Brandis describes the existing law as Extremely invasive and reaffirming the
governments intention to do away with
it. The PM says that the basis that freedom
of speech should not be restrained just to
prevent hurt feelings.
Brandis said, people do have a right to
be bigots, people have a right to say things
that other people would find insulting.
Ethnic, religious and indigenous groups
and leaders have urged the Government to
think again.

PM Abbott in Papua New Guinea


Sam Dastyari

am Dastyari, a Labour Senator of Iranian descent said that he thinks that future generations will look back on current
offshore asylum-seeking policies with the
same sense of embarrassment that Australians look back on the White Australia
He called for a renewed debate in the ALP
over offshore processing measures adopted
by former leader, Kevin Rudd. It is not
something that I am comfortable with.
There is criticism about the Federal Gov-

While visiting Malta Stay at:

The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

ernments handling of offshore processing

on Nauru and Papua New Guinea. This
includes the secrecy of Operation Sovereign Borders.
While welcoming Tony Abbot for a quick
visit to his island, the Papua New Guinea
PM, Peter ONeill made it plain that his
country would only resettle some asylum
seekers whose refugee claims are recognised, insisting that other countries in the
region should carry the same burden.
There are 1300 asylum seekers in PNG.

Malaysia Airlines
deeply regrets

fter a 17-day vigil flight MH370 has

been lost and none of those on
board survived. The flight ended its
journey in a remote area of the southern
Indian Ocean, killing all 239 passengers
and crew on board.
Australia was also involved in the recovery operation after analysis of satellite tracking data showed the plane
crashed into the South Indian Ocean
about 2,500 kilometres off the coast of

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday April 1, 2014

A quick glimpse at Australia

New chairman for SBS


oseph Skrzynski will not be appointed

to a second term as SBS chairman.
According to Fairfax Media, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull lobbied strongly for the investment banker
- whose five-year term expired, to remain in the position but was overruled
by the Prime Minister's office.
In a statement released, Minister Turnbull praised Skrzynski as an outstanding chairman and said SBS is a
stronger organisation for his leadership.
Joseph Skrzynski's departure means
SBS could be without a chair for up to
six months during a politically-sensitive
period for the public broadcaster.
The Abbott government has launched
an efficiency study into ABC and SBS
that is due to report back in April with

suggested cost savings.

Skrzynski was effectively sacked
around Christmas when he was informed he would have to reapply for his
job. Deputy chair, Hass Dellal will be
acting chairman until a permanent replacement is found.
Since his appointment in 2009, Joseph
Skrzynski has overseen successful programmes such as Go Back to Where You
Came From, the launch of NITV as a
free-to-air indigenous television channel
and an overhaul of foreign language
radio programmes.
Strzynski, a pioneer of the Australian
private equity industry, was made an
Officer of the Order of Australia in 2008
for his services to business and the nonprofit sector.

he two State elections held on the 15th March gave the Liberal a good result in Tasmania after 16 years in Opposition. Will Hodgman, 44, is the
new Premier. He is the son of Liberal veteran Michael Hodgman, former Immigration Minister who died last year. He led the Opposition for eight years
after rejecting a
chance of minority
Government in 2010
when the majority parties finished with 10 seats each and five to the Greens.
In South Australia, Labour will be returned for a fourth term thanks to the
support of Geoff Brock MP, an independent.
The March 15 election returned a hung parliament. At the close of counting Labour held 23 seats, the Liberals 22 with two going for the Independents. The Premier Jay Weatherill said Mr. Brocks decision offered South
Australia stable government.
Looking at the Australian political map, we find that the Liberal/Nationals
now hold the States of Western Australia, Victoria, NSW, Queensland, Tasmania and the Northern Territory. Labour holds only South Australia and the ACT.

Practically all blue

No room at the inn

ear 2015 is the Anzac Day Centenary.

More than 42,000 Australians have applied for the free pass in a ballot conducted
by the Federal Government, but only 8,000
will be granted for the centenary dawn service at Gallipoli. As well as the Australian allocation, 2,000 places will go to New
Zealanders and 500 VIPs.
The centenary service has attracted unprecedented interest but theres only enough space
at North Beach (Gallipoli) where the service is
held, for about 10,500 people. The Department
of Veterans Affairs has been advising people
without a pass not to travel to the service.

Bunyip aristocracy

ough Whitlam introduced the Australian

honours system in 1975 tossing knighthoods and the like aside but Tony Abbott
wants the Imperial honours back. The new
Governor General has now become Sir Peter
Cosgrove and the outgoing GG is now Dame
Quentin Bryce. Australia will now have four
new knights or dames a year.
Malcolm Fraser bravely introduced knight
and dames of the Order of Australia in 1976
but the Hawke Govt gave that away ten
years later. Are we heading for the House of
Lords in Canberra and Sir John Howard?

Found Guilty

raig Thompson 49yrs,

former Labour MP and
secretary of the Health Services Union was sentenced to
serve three months behind
bars, with nine months suspended sentence for two
years, for using more than
$24,500 of Unions funds for
personal benefit, including
paying for sex. Thompson appealed.
The case is scheduled to run
for ten days from November
24 in the Country Court.

Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg said the sum was not regarded at the higher end of
dishonesty offences but was
still significant. The court
heard that Thompson had
agreed to repay the money.
The Gillard Government
stuck doggedly to Thompson
mostly because of their situation on the floor of the house.
If Thompson would have resigned or be declared bankrupt and thus ineligible to
remain in the House the minority Gillard Government
could have fallen.

(Formed in November 2011)
Founder /Coordinator: Jim Borg
Structure: Secretary: Marisa Previtera; Treasurer: Rita Kassas
Official Bank Account: Commonwealth Bank of Australia:
BSB: 062 416 A/C 10199448
Aim of Association: Raising funds for Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta
Money raised so far: I2012/2013 - $ 2,500 and 2013/2014 $35,000.
Method of fund raising: Functions, tours, donations, raffles, sponsors. Percentage of funds raised donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza,
Malta 100%
Future fund raising: Donations direct to the official bank account,
sponsorships, tours, functions and raffles.
The Friends of Providence House NSW is the official
Ambassador of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta in Australia
Contact details: Jim Borg, Co-ordinator
Phone: (02) 9636 7767 (Mb) 0418 825 591

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Stedina - elebrazzjoni tal-Gid

fil-Kappella ta San Pawl De Piro House Stanley Street East Sydney

Fi tmiem il-Presidenza
tal-E.T. George Abela
Ma kontx naf illi twelidek
Hu lejliet festa hekk kbira
Ta San or megalomartri
Li d-dinja tobb, tammira!
Gamlu sewwa tawk dan l-isem,
Jiena ert lint kburi bih;
Kulfejn tmur, dlonk orru miegek
U tifirek fis agtih!
Il-Belt Pinto, bal Victoria,
Kburin bew tempji mis-sbie
Li lil dal-Martri ta Lydda
Iobbuh, ngouh bi si!
Illum jien se nitfa arsti
Fuq dal-Qaddis patrun tiegek
Biex fi tmiem dil-Presidenza
Pass pass issa jimxi miegek.
U flimkien ma martek Margret
Jidol jgammar fid-dar tagkom
U jagtikom gomor, saa,
U li tgawdu lil uliedkom.
Fisem dan il-poplu tagna
Niikajr mill-fond ta qalbi
Ta dak kollu lgamilt magna
Ibqa ert sa nommok ftalbi.
Il-Maltin u l-Gawdxin kollha
Huma afna mkabbra bik;
Int tassew iben denn Malta
Stima kbira gandhom galik!

s-Saerdoti Missjunarji ta San Pawl

jistiednu lill-kommunita` Maltija gaelebrazzjonijiet li se jsiru btifkira solenni, gall-Passjoni, il-mewt u l-qawmien
ta Sidna Gesu Kristu.
Il-Hadd 13 ta April: add il-Palm, iddala solenni tal-Mulej ferusalemm.
Ikun hemm it-tberik tal-palm u wara, fl10.00 am, quddiesa bas soltu, fil-Kappella ta San Pawl De Piro House Stanley
Il-amis 17 ta April: Fis-7.00 pm,
issir it-tifkira tal-ikla tal-Mulej, bquddiesa solenni; wara S-Seba Visti tasSepurklu.
Il-imga 18 ta April: Fis-2.30 pm,
tibda l-Via Sagra u fit-3.00 pm, ssir ilfunzjoni tal-passjoni ta Sidna Gesu
Is-Sibt 19 ta April: Fis-7.00 pm, tibda
l-funzjoni tas-sahra tal-lejl qaddis, talqawmien tal-Mulej mill-imwied.
Il-add 20 ta April: Jii ielebrat ilJum Qaddis tal-Qawmien tal-Mulej. Fl10.00 am issir quddiesa, u wara kuladd
mistieden gall-kafe`.
Fl-istess waqt, l-istss saerdoti qed ukoll
jistiednu lill-komunita` Maltija gall-funzjonijiet li se jiu organizzati fdawn ilknejjes minn Fr Benedict Sant.
Fil-knisja ta Our Lady Queen of
Peace, Old Prospect Road Greystanes:

Mit-Tnejn 24 ta Marzu sal-imga 28

ta Marzu fl-10.30: quddiesa. Wara jkun
hemm priedka, min Fr Benedict Sant
Fil-kapella ta San Pawl De Prio
House Stanley Street East Sydney:
Bejn nhar it-Tlieta 8 ta April u l-imga 11 fis-7.00 pm tibda l-quddiesa, u
wara l-priedka minn Fr Tarcisio Micallef
Il-imga 11 ta April huwa l-jum li fih
issir il-kommemorazzjoni tad-Duluri
Il-Kapillan tal-Maltin fSydney, Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP iege lil kuladd
biex jattendi. Jgid li wieed mgandux
jitlef l-opportunita li jisma l-kelma
tAlla, kif gad gandna din l-opportunita tant sabia, gall-okajoni tar-Randan u l-Gid fejn jiu ielebrati dawn
it-tifkiriet fatmosferra Maltija.
Fisem is-Socjeta Missjunarja ta San
Pawl, Fr Tarcisio Micallef (Chaplain for
the Community in Sydney), jixtieq l-Gid
it-tajjeb lil kuladd u jirringrazzja lil kull
min jattendi gall-funzzjonijiet
Ghal kull informazzjoni cemplu lil: Fr
Tarcisio Micallef fuq: 9380 8398

Il-Maltin fl-Awstralja gadhom jgou bis-si it-tradizzjonijiet li trabbew fihom,

jew huma stess, inkella missierijiethom jew ommijiethom fart twelidhom, Malta.
Bal ma jse fil-jiem tal-Milied, anke fil-imga l-Kbira u l-Gid il-Kbir l-uanzi
li trabbew fihom jginuhom jirrispettaw u jfakkru dawn il-jiem geie gar-Religjon Kattaolika.
Kif wieed jista jara mill-gadd ta avvii fdin il-ara ta The Voice, minn gadd
ta komunitajiet madwar l-Awstralja, afna jqisu dawn il-jiem importanti daqs, u
wud anke aktar mill-Milied. Ineu galhekk li wieed japprezza l-idma li ssir
minn gadd ta indvidwi li jistinkaw alli jommu dawn id-drawwiet ajjin billi jattendu gall-attivitajiet.
Infakkru wkoll li fil-ara li jmiss se jkollna artiklu enerali dwar i-elebrazzjonijiet
tal-imga l-Kbira fHorsley Park NSW.

Galiex bit-tbissima tiegek

Inti dalt ftagna l-qlub
U quddiem il-gwaj, in-niket,
Arak tmil, malajr iddub.
U allura dan il-poplu
Kif ma-mien jista jinsik!
Mur issa strie fil-familja
Dan-nazzjon hu kburi bik!
or Abela ie biex jibqa
U daal o qalb kuladd
Gal idmietu, irulitu
Minn quddiemna ma jgib qatt!
Kav Joe M Attard
Victoria Gawdex

Reskeon members enjoy barbecue lunch

n excellent weather conditions with temI112peratures

reaching around 26 C, around
members of Reskeon Seniors Group

were recently entertained to a barbecue

lunch prepared by members of the group
at Edwardes Lake Park.
After the meal some of the members enjoyed a chat while others took a walk
along the 2.5 km track around the beauti-

ful lake.
This is a family park that boasts of free
gas barbecues and other facilities that
were used by the members who did the
cooking. A good time was had by all and
thanks for making the day a pleasant and
so enjoyable must therefore go towards
those in charge of the cooking.
-Paul Vella (Secretary, Reskeon Seniors Group)

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Kemm-il darba waqajt? -

ekk gandek il fuq minn 65 sena u

waqajt darbtejn jew aktar fl-aar
sitt xhur, dan l-artiklu jista jginek
ittejjeb il-kwalit tal-ajja tiegek.
Galkemm afna waqgat ma jallux
konsegwenzi serji, orajn jistgu
jwasslu gal ksur fl-gadam, sara firras, u wkoll itellfulek l-indipendenza
tiegek u tista tispia fxi Dar jew
Hemm afna raunijiet gala persuna anzjana tibda taqa spiss. Xi
drabi dan jiri gal raunijiet li
mgandhomx xjaqsmu mas-saa,
fosthom oetti li joolqu periklu
ball-krakar u affarijiet fin-nofs fl-ambjent fejn ngixu.
Raunijiet ora jirriultaw minn kundizzjonijiet medii mobija bal:
nuqqas ta saa fil-muskoli minabba
puplesija; il-Parkinsons; problemi bittajrojd jew il-glandola tal-adrenal.
Jista jkun hemm problemi ora filmixi jew fil-bilan minabba l-artrite
jew bilan minabba problemi filwidna.
Tista taqa minabba konfujoni
mid-dimenzja jew problemi ora filmo. Hemm min jaqa minabba
ass ain gax tinillu l-pressjoni fdaqqa jew qalbu titlaq tiri jew timmissja.
Xi kultant waqga tista tirriulta
minn ri tal-puplesija jew attakk talepilessija. Min jixrob alkool eessiv
gandu riskju akbar li jaqa ta spiss,
mhux biss meta jkun tat l-effett taxxorb, u dan gax ix-xorb eessiv
jista jnawwar in-nervituri tas-saqajn
jew tal-mo.
Hemm ukoll min ibati bnuqqas ta

vista minabba katarretti jew inxif firrita tal-gajn. erti mediini jistgu
mediini tal-irqad, dawk li jadmu fuq
il-mo u dawk gall-pressjoni u l-epilessija. Jekk tieu aktar minn erbga,
jista jkollok riskju akbar li taqa.
Biex ma tibqax taqa:
* Gid lit-tabib jarak biex jeskludi lmard li semmejna
* Jekk gandek xi mard kroniku, jara
huwiex ikkontrollat bl-ajar mod
* Jipprova jnaqqaslek mediini li
mgandekx bonn


*Jagmillek appuntament gall-bone

density test biex jiekkja s-saa talgadam.
Biex tnaqqas ir-riskju
fl-ambjent fejn tgix:
* Nei twapet gar jew wajers li
jistgu jwaqqguk
* Tallix art imxarrba (spejalment filkamra tal-banju)
* Ixgel id-dawl a tara fejn int miexi
* aqlaq gamara li qiegda fin-nofs
* Ara li t-tapit jew il-poaman tattara hu mwaal sewwa
* Tilbisx krakar.

Lejla ta Tagrif dwar Kif

Nistgu Nevitaw Il-Waqgat
(Falls Prevention)

Qed titlef il-bilan?

Qed taqa ta spiss?
Wieed minn kull tlett anzjani jgaddi minn din
l-esperjenza kerha, bkonsegwenzi x'aktarx serji.
Xnistgu nagmlu biex innaqqsu dawn il-konsegwenzi koroh?
The Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc. se jkompli jaqsam
magkom tagrif dwar dan is-suett importanti
Nhar l-Erbga, 9 ta April 2014 fis-7.00 pm
Fi-entru San or Preca (meeting rooms),
Our Lady Queen of Peace, Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes NSW
Dan it-tagrif se jingata minn persuna ikkwalifikata bi ftehim
mal-Fairfield Hospital Fall Prevention Team.

Kuladd huwa mistieden. Dul bxejn.

Nitkellmu bil-Malti u bl-Ingli.
Gal aktar informazzjoni tista empel 9631 9295
Sponsored by:

u pai
Fil-pai u t-trankwilita` ta St
Francis of Assisi Centre, Somersby
(dejn Gosford), madwar 30 persuna qrib l-Gaqda tal-Past Pupils
& Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) iltaqgu
gal jum ta rtir, Lenten Reflection li
kien organizzat mid-direttur spiritwali
taghom, Fr Carmelo Sciberras. L-irtir
kien imqassam friflessjoni u diskussjoni
dwar: min int u fejn sejjer, ruarju, stazzjonijiet tas-salib u benedizzjoni. Kien
hemm ukoll in liberu u gall-ikel.

Dan il-jum ta talb u devozzjoni kien ittieni wieed li organizzat fdan il-lokal li
hu tassew idejali gax jinsab fost afna
onna u siar li jwasslek biex tirrifletti u
tersaq ukoll lejn il-tiijiet sagri. Kien
hemm trasport minn Wentworthville gal
dan il-post imwarrab, ida li fih tassew
tispikka l-emda u seran il-mo.

L-organizzaturi qalulna li se jibdew jorganizzaw dan it-tip ta rtiri darba fis-sena,

qrib mien ir-Randan. Kuladd hu mistieden jattendi. Huwa miftu mhux biss
gall-membri tal-Gaqda Past Pupils &
Friends ta Don Bosco (NSW) imma
wkoll gal kull min jixtieq jingaqad

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Community News
Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes

On SBS Radio - Latest schedule

Day Time Analogue Digital
Tuesday: 12:00 - 13:00 SBS Radio 3
Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3
Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2
To tune into digital radio you will need a
new receiver or device with a DAB+ chip.
Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on
digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38
and SBS.
Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is
the present FMwavelength. Digital radio
can also be accessed by a smart phone
and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:,
VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio
April 10, and 24; May 8 and 22 from 6
pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford. NSW.
Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.
Web streaming is also available on:

In MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last
Wednesday each month at 1pm.
In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM89.3, or
on demand on
In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00am to
8.15am and Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm
To listen to the Maltese Radio of
UNCLE SAM DJ from Australia tune in
to link:
FRED FENECH: Every Thursday from
5.00pm till 6.00pm on 2RRR FM 88.5.
Can be reached from the Parramatta and Holroyd region'
Maltese Programmes TV, Web
TVS is broadcast in Sydney.
Every Saturday at 2pm; Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am
Watch direct via HYPERLINK:;
The PBS MALTESE L-Abarijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at
8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2


IL-Kumitat tal-Klabb tal-amrun se jorganizza lejla spejali
gall-Mothers Day nhar is-Sibt 10 ta Mejju 2014 fill-klabb tagna
li jinsab f100 Jackson rd, Marsden Park. Il-in huwa mis-7.00pm sal-11.00pm
-------------------------------------------------------Ejjew u gawdu ikla ta tlett platti gal A$30. Ix-xorb mhux inklu, imma jkun
jista jinxtara mill-bar fejn wieed ikun isib Export Lager u birer orajn, Kinnie,
inbid u soft drinks, te u kafe.
ibu lill-biebkom. Iddevertu, ifnu u kantaw mal-popolari Vince Bezzina
-------------------------------------------------------Gall aktar tagrif emplu lil
Eddie Ellul: 0410 407 423; Jew lil Mary Said: 0421 285 698

Meetings of Maltese Seniors

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors
Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month
from10:00am to 12 noon.
The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr
of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Come and join us and make new friends.

For more information on any of the
Groups please contact the Maltese Welfare Officer, Marisa Previtera, JP, on:
0414 863 123

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of the

Computer Clases
for Seniors
The Maltese Community
Council (NSW) Inc. will be conducting Computer Clases for
seniors from the MRC cnr
Franklin and Young Street,
Parramatta West.
Lessons Saturday mornings
from 10.30 to 11.30

For more information phone:

Emanuel Camilleri on: 9822 0228

Stella Maris Maltese Assoc. Inc

(Melbourne) - Founded 1988

Activities for 2014

April 5th, May 3rd,
June 7th, July 5th.
All Family Get Together at St Joseph
The Worker
Watch for more activities on The Voice
The Committee for 2014
President Charlie Xerri, V/President: Lino
Fava; Secretary: Frances Fava Tel: 03
9449 7290; Asst Secretary: Lilian Wessley;
Treasurer: Paul Scerri; Asst Treasurer:
John Darmanin. Committee Members:
Sunny Micallef, Charlie Cach-ia, Carmen
Cachia, Antoinette Gauci, Manny Bugeja.

Notice to Former members of ...

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that
we invite you to join. It is called
We can be found online at:
It is open to anyone who is Maltese or
has an interest in the Maltese culture.
month in the Youth Room of OLQP
Church, 198 Old Prospect Road,
Greystanes from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.

Llandillo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of the
month at the Llandilo Community Hall,
Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Ongoing: We meet every First WednesMeets on the last Wednesday of the day of the Month from 10:00am. to 1:00pm
month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3
Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interGeneral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.
esting, informative & entertaining.
Note: The Groups also arrange regular
We also have regular outings.
Bus Trips.
Come Join us and make new Friends

For more information one should contact

our Coordinator Charles Mifsud
J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 mobile 0421
662 298
*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council, NSW)

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday April 1, 2014

La Valette Social Centre

Bacchus Marsh Easter Pageant

(Managed By Bacchus Marsh Good Friday Association Inc.)
Invites All Communities to Our Lady Ta Pinu
Shrine All Nations Marian Centre Flanagans
Drv, Bacchus Marsh, to attend and participate in:
(April 5): mass 2.30 p.m. and
Procession at 3.30 p.m.;
Passion Pageant: GOOD FRIDAY (April 18):
Liturgy at 2.00 p.m. and Pageant at 4.30 p.m.;
EASTER SUNDAY-Feast of Resurrection
(Sunday April 20): mass at 2.30 p.m. and Procession at 3.30 p.m.
Ten- Life Size Statues Biblical
Characters - Ornaments
(All Welcome to Participate in the Pageants:)
Men-Women and Children From all Communities
(Car Parking Entry from Flanagans Drv,
Bacchus Marsh, Melbourne)



Il-Hamis 10 taApril: Via Sagra fis-sala ta-entru. Tibda fi
10.30 am. Wara -entru jinfeta gall-ikel u t-tombla.
Il-imga 11 ta April: Festa tad-Duluri. Fis-6.30pm ikun
hemm quddiesa fil-kappella. Wara ssir il-purissjoni bilvara tad-Duluri gas-sala, fejn tibda l-Via Sagra bl-gana
tal-fatt fis-sala ta-entru
amis Ix-Xirka 17 taApril: Fis-7.00 pm quddiesa li fiha
jsir il-asil tar-rilejn. Wara l-quddiesa jsiru s-seba visti
u l-adorazzjoni tas-salib fis-sala ta-entru.
IL-imga l-Kbira 18 taApril: Fit-3,00 pm tibda l-funzjoni tal- imga l-Kbira fis-sala ta-entru.
Sibt il-Gid 19 ta April: I-entru jifta kmieni gall-ikel
fi 4.30pm. Fis-7.00 pm tibda l-funzjoni tal-Gid. Wara l
funzjoni tibda l bingo.
FSibt il-Gid ma jkunx hemm quddies fil-kappella
add il-Gid 20 taApril: Festa tal-Irxoxt. Ninabru
dejn i-entru. Fl-10.00 am ssir quddiesa u wara
purissjoni bil-mari u l-istatwa lejn il-kappella.
Kuladd mistieden gal dawn l-attivitajiet.
Il-kumitat jixtieq l-Gid it-Tajjeb lil kuladd.
Gal aktar tagrif emplu li-entru: 9622 5847

Now meets every 3rd Friday of the month (unless stated) 11 1 pm at MRC Cnr Franklin & Young x
Pitt Strs Merrylands (Mays Hills) at the Headmasters Cottage, behind Parramatta West Public School.
DATES: 2nd Friday: April 11, and: May 16; June 20; July 18; August 15; Sept. 19;
October 17; November 21, and 2nd Friday: December 12.
Give a senior friend a lift. Everyone welcome. No need to book. Just come and enjoy each others
company. Please bring a plate of food to share.
Free Parking close by. Any suggestions welcome. Speak to Fred, Rita, Nancy, Francis

Mothers Day Dinner Dance 3/5/2014
Special Guest Artist - Fortunato
To be held from 6.30 pm at Jindalee Bowls Club
Sinnamon Rd. Jindalee. Phone: 33761240
Members - $35/ Non Members $40 (includes
Show, Buffet Dinner, Desert, Tea & Coffee)
For bookings please ring Lucy on 38089557/
0423406482 or Alex on 32009321 /0400900199
Book early to avoid disappointment

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers Day Lunch & Dance At La Valette Social Centre
175 Walters Rd., Blacktown, NSW
On May 4, starting at 11.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m.
Entertainment: DJ Uncle Sam
Entre: Three platters per table consisting of Ham, Salami,
Cabanossi, Octopus, Olives, Crackers; Fresh Prawns per table
MAINCOURSE: Beef or Pork served with roast vegetables
and potatoes
DESSERT Cassata traditional ice cream; Tea & Coffee
served with pastizzi & cannoli
Complimentary wine 2 bottles per table
Beer and soft drink can be purchased at bar
Sponsored by CB Travel Adventures (02) 9622 5779
Donations $50 per person, tickets available through La Valette
Social Centre on (02) 9622 5847 Espedito Zammit: (02) 9625
2035 or 0414 674 936
Future events: Fathers Day Lunch & Dance: August 31

Attivitajiet Gaqda San Gejtanu (Melbourne)

Is-Sojeta` San Gejtanu ta Melbourne gadhom kemm ippubblikaw kalendarju bl-attivitajiet li gandhom ippjanati
gal tul is-sena 2014. Ikun sewwa kienu jkollna iktar
gaqdiet Maltin li jippublikaw bil-quddiem l-attivitajiet
taghom alli kemm jista jkun jonqsu l-attivitajiet tal-istess xorta fl-istess jiem.
Programm - dak li jmiss:
Il- add 27 ta April: Mothers Day Lunch 12 pm
Is-Sibt 10 ta Mejju: Festa San or Preca 7 pm

Il- add 18 ta Mejju: Laqga u ikla 12 pm

Il- add 15 ta unju: NSW bus trip
Is-Sibt 19 tal-Lulju: Anniversary Dinner 7.30 pm
L-attivitajiet (barra l-bus trips) isiru kollha fSt Martin de
Porres Avondale Heights (Melbourne)
Ikkuntatjaw lil: Jmmy Chirkop: 0435847173; Rita Hili:
93311430 jew Joe Cassar: 93742767.
It-tieni parti ta dan il-kalendarju jabbruh aktar tard.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Easter Monday Luncheon
Monday, April 21:
at Maltese Cultural Centre
6 Jeanes Street Beverley
Lunch Menu will be advertised on
the Radio and on the Notice Board
The Maltese Guild Centre and bar
will open from 9.30 a.m. onwards.
ADMISSION: Members: $7.00;
Non-Members -$10.00;
Children - $5.00
After lunch we will be playing
Bingo and other games.
To book: see or phone, Nina Abela:
8340 0345, Joseph Briffa: 8254 6988, or
anytime on the mobile: 0421 791;
George Craus: 82812329, or see
any committee member.

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Good Friday Activities 2014 (Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park)
Preparations for the Good Friday Procession in Horsley Park, NSW are well underway and the Organising Group wishes to advise readers of upcoming important dates and activities.
From Tuesday April 1 - Friday April 4: 7.00pm: Lenten excercises in Maltese led by Fr John Taliana.
Sunday April 10: From 7.00pm: Reconciliation in the Church
Friday April 11: From 7.00pm: The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The function begins with a celebration of the mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross outside and a procession with the
statue of Our Lady of Sorrows back into the Church.
Friday April 18: Good Friday. Help is greatly needed early in the morning to install outdoor equipment
necessary for the procession such as PA systems, lights and barricades.
Church service begins at 2.30pm. The Church can only hold a certain amount of people, so be there
early. At 4.00pm, the Maltese Cultural Association NSW Choir will perform traditional dirges and hymns,
alternating with Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band which will play funeral marches.
The procession begins at 5.00 pm. All participants should be present by 4.00 pm to prepare for the
procession, rain, hail or shine.
There is the possibility that costumes would be available to wear, particularly by adults. For more information about costumes, or any other, phone: Fred Cauchi on 0407 914 051.

SUNDAY 4th May 2014

Wentworthville Leagues Club 2 p.m.

----------------------------------------------SUNDAY 26th October, 2014

Wentworthville Leagues club 2.p.m.

St Helena Maltese/Australian
S.C.Inc. (Melbourne)
Activities for 2014

MAY 3: Saturday Feast of the Cross/

MAY 17: Saturday BYO at Errington,
JUNE 21: Saturday BYO at Errington,
JULY 19: Saturday BYO at Errington,
AUGUST 22: Friday Mass 7.30PM at
Croatian Church ARDEER
AUGUST 23: Saturday Feast Dinner
AUGUST 24: Sunday Feast & Concert
at Croatian Church Hall, ARDEER
OCTOBER 18: Saturday BYO at
Errington, ST ALBANS
NOVEMBER 15: Saturday BYO at
Errington, ST ALBANS
DECEMBER 20: Saturday Xmas Function at MELROSE TULLAMARINE.
For information, Bookings phone:
Victor: 0412 99 1325 or
Mary Abdilla: (03) 9370 5164

Ic-Cittadini sponsored by Bank of Valletta plc and Pendle Hill Travel

Maltese Language Schools

Maltese Language & Cultural Schools

If you wish to learn Maltese in SYDNEY call: 0402 002 454 or mail to:
In MELBOURNE, contact:
Edwidge Borg, MCCV Maltese Language Classes
Also in MELBOURNE, contact Emma Navarro on 0406 215 990 or
HYPERLINK mail to:

St Nicholas Festa Committee NSW

2014 Calendar:
6th July: L-iMnarja
19th October: Spring Fiera
29th November: Night of Entertainment (Rock n' Roll)
7th December: San Nicholas

Holy Trinity Association

Missions Fund Raiser
Functions and Outings for 2014

April 27: Picnic at Narragingi

June 14: Marsa Holy Trinity Dinner Dance
August 17: Bus to Central Coast
Santa Maria
September 14: Bus to St Marys
October 18: Missions night dinner
November 23: Christmas bus trip

Tuesday April 1, 2014

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports 1

Snooker: Malta become European Champions

or the third time in its history, the Malta national
snooker team, made up of Alex Borg and Duncan
Bezzina has become champions of Europe by winning the
European Championships just ended in the Romanian capital, Bucharest.
In the final Malta defeated the UK 4-2 after building a 20 lead following victories in the singles in which Borg defeated Callum Dowling, while Bezzina got the better of
Nick Jennings.
The UK team got back in with a chance after winning the
doubles, and then Dowling beat Duncan Bezzina. However, Alex Borg put Malta back on top by beating Nick Jennings, and then the Maltese players again combined to win
the second doubles event for a 4-2 winning score.
Malta had qualified to the finals after beating Poland 4-2
in the semi-final stage

Alex Borg (left) and Duncan Bezzina. They made

Malta proud in Bucharest

Michael Mifsud ends

A-League Adventure

alta national football team Malta international Michael

captain Michael Mifsuds Mifsud in the Melbourne Heart
adventure in the A-League jersey. He is back in Malta after
in Australia lasted only six months. only six months in the A-League
He is now back in Malta with his
family as a free agent and is talking
to local football clubs that are interested in securing his services.
Michael, 33 on April 17, signed a
one-year deal for Melbourne Heart
ahead of the 2013-14 season in September thought to be worth around
200,000, but he failed to find his
goal-scoring touch, the reason why
then coach John Aloisi signed him
and in fact he only made 14 appearances in the first team scoring only
one goal in the 10 2-1 defeat against
Sydney FC in Round 10. The Heart re- asked to be released from this contract.
In the meantime, Heart, who have been
leased him just six months into his contaken over by English Premier League
It is an open secret that Michael Mifsud club Manchester City, have announced
endured a frustrating stint in the A- that Head Coach John vant Schip would
League. It was made amply clear that he be staying on board at the Club for a furwas not in the new coach John van't ther three season.
Schips plans, even though he was in the The supporters of Melbourne Heart had
his teams, and Michaels only win against mixed feelings about Michael Mifsuds
short stay at the club. He was even called
Newcastle Jets in Round 15.
After that he did not figure in any of the a misfit, and at times ridiculed in comfive successive wins under the Dutch ments on a number of websites.
Most probably he did not live up to his
coach. That must have frustrated him and
in fact after turning out for the clubs Fox- reputation as a prolific scorer that pretel National Youth League team and per- ceded him. It could have become a burden,
forming quite well, Michael expected to particularly after Italian sports daily La
Gazzetta dello Sport called him Il Messi
be back in favour.
Michael said he was called up to join the Di Malta (Maltas Messi) after he scored
squad on two occasions after that, but had two goals to give Coventry City an unexto miss out as having been called up for pected 20 victory over Premier League
the Malta national team, heeded his coun- champions, Manchester United, at Old
trys call and returned to play for Malta. Trafford.
If anything, Michael Mifsud has so far had
He was never called up again and according to Mifsud, for personal reasons he a colourful football career. A prod- uct of

Sliema Wanderers, he made his

debut in the Premier League in
Malta during the 199798 season.
After that he joined Kaiserslautern in Germany, then returned with Sliema and in 2005
he was snapped up by Norwegian
Premier League club Lillestrm,
where he was at one stage voted
the best foreign player in the
league. He was the club's top
scorer in the 2006 season with 11
goals in 19 appearances.
In 2007 he joined Coventry City
in the Football League Championship in England and in September 2007 helped them beat
Manchester United.
After that, he also played for Barnsley before returning to Malta to join Valletta,
then Qormi where he failed to help them
avoid relegation, and once again Valletta
before signing for Heart.
Now back in Malta he is sizing up the offers, and in any case he cannot play for
any club this season.
He is adamant that he would end his
playing days and see out the final years of
his career in Malta.
Since his return to Malta, another of
Michaels former team-mates, Socceroos
legend Harry Kewell has announced he
will retire from professional football at the
end of the current Hyundai A-League season.
It was a career that has made Kewell arguably the best and most influential footballer in Australias history. During his
professional career that has spanned
nearly 20 years, Kewell managed to capture the publics imagination and inspired
debate like few other sportspeople.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Sports 2
No change at the top as Valletta keep pace with BKara

hile Birkirkara retained

their two-point lead at the
top six rounds into the Championship Pool after a narrow 1-0
win over Balzan, Valletta kept
apace after beating Sliema Wanderers 2-0. But two very important decisions were reached in the
top two divisions as Rabat got relegated, while Pieta Hotspurs won
promotion to replace them in the
top tier next season.
Birkirkara needed to fight really
hard to defeat neighbours Balzan,
and did so with a Paul Fenech
goal on 69 minutes when they

were playing with 10 men due to

the red carding of Joseph Zerafa.
Balzan are still pointless in the
second phase.
Valletta had what on paper
looked to be the tougher outing
against Sliema, but they won that
challenge by 2-0 in a disappointing game.
Valletta got the goals deep into
the halves, th first on 40 minutes
through Luke Montebello. The
second half followed the same
pattern with Valletta the better
side but not taking their chances
until a minute into added time

through substitute Lateef Elford- ol Naxxar condemned Rabat to

Alliyu. Four minutes earlier Slie- Division 1 after beating them 2-0,
while Qormi crept closer to safety
ma had Admir Vladavic sent off
In the other match Hiberians with a 2-1 win over Floriana, and
strengthened their hold on third Tarxien topped the pool folowing
spot drawing 2-2 with Mosta. Gi- a 1-1 draw against Vittoriosa.
anmarco Piccione got a brace for Standing: Tarxien (22), Florian
Mosta (41 and 58) while Hibs (21), Naxxar, Qormi (20), Vittogot
their levellers through riosa (15), Rabat (4)
Obinna Obiefule (51) Results: (Round 5, 6) Results: (Rounds 5,6)
and JPFarrugia (71). Championship Pool
Relegation Pool
Birkirkara v Valletta
Hibernians v Sliema
Mosta v Balzan
Birkirkara v Balzan
Hibernians v Mosta
In the Relegation Po- Valletta v Sliema

Standing: Birkirkara
(41 pts); Valletta (39),
Hibs (34); Mosta (28);
Sliema (27); Balzan (14)


Naxxar L. Vittoriosa v
Tarxien v Qormi.
Floriana v Rabat
Naxxar v Rabat A
Qormi v Floriana
Tarxien v Vittoriosa


Brisbane Roar claim Plate three from the end

risbane Roars dominance in the AWestern Sydney stay third however, hav- boosted their chances of
League was convincingly proven ing beaten Perth Glory 3-0.
a top-two finish with an
when they beat Melbourne Victory to Melbourne Victory missed a chance to unconvincing 1-0 win

claim the Premiers Plate in sensational climb to second as they were held to a 1-1
fashion with a late Luke Brattan goal to in draw in a dramatic end-to-end affair at
Round 24, and then in Round 25 overcame home to Sydney FC
the dismissal of Besart Berisha to defeat
Melbourne Heart suffered two losses,
Melbourne Heart 2-1 at Suncorp Stadium. first at home by Central Coast 1-2, and
The runner up position changed hands then against Brisbane. Adelaide United
once again with RESULTS - Round 24
P W D L F A Pts
Central Coast tak- Adelaide U v Sydney FC
25 16 3 6 42 22 51
ing over following Newcastle J. v Wellington Ph 5-0 Brisbane Roar 25
11 8 8 30 33 39
Cent. Coast M
two victories, 2-1 Brisbane Roar v Melbourne V 1-0 W.
Sydney W. 25 10 8 7 30 26 38
away against Mel3-0 Adelaide U. 25 10 7 8 43 32 37
Western Sydney v Perth G
bourne Victory, and Round
Melbourne V. 25 10 7 8 36 40 37
then 2-1 at home Brisbane R. v Melbourne H. 2-1 Sydney FC 25 10 3 12 34 36 33
against West Syd- Central Coast v West Sydney 2-1 Newcastle J 25 9 5 11 30 32 32
ney thanks to late Melbourne V v Sydney FC 1-1 Wellington Ph 25 7 7 11 34 43 28
winner by Bernie Wellington P v Adelaide U 0-1 Melbourne H. 25 6 7 12 32 37 25
2-1 Perth Glory 25 6 7 12 24 34 25
Perth Glory v Newcastle J

over Wellingtong, while

Wellington 5-0, but then lost 2-1 to bottom
team Perth Glory who scored two goals in
two minutes to snatch the unlikely win.

Supa IGA National Premier League 2

First Grade Results
Round 1
Paramatta Eagles v Fraser Park
Mounties Wanderers v CC Mariners 1-0
Round 2
Hills Brumbies v Parramatta Eagles 0-2
Macarthur Rams v Mounties W.
Parramatta Eagles next matches
April 6: Melita Stadium: 3 pm: v Spirit
April 12: Pluim Park: 6.30pm: v CC Mariners

Young Tara Junior show jumping champion at seven

rank and Draga Bonett live on large farmF
land in Bulla. Frank has always had a love
for horses, and their daughter, Melita, grew up

with the same love and interest. Now Tara, the

Bonetts granddaughter and Melitas daughter,
who is only seven, is following suite.
Tara has already claimed a number of achievements at the beginning of her equestrian future
by getting named as the Junior Highpoint
Champion for 2013 at the Oaklands Pony Club.
She won the award competing in the Under 12
Points were accumulated for horse and rider
performance in show jumping, showing and
cross country-handy mount, a time trial event
with a combination of both obstacles and speed.
Tara, who rode her pony, named Mate, was
presented with a sash, flower garland and a
medal for placing first.
A family history of horsemanship expands over
50 years; firstly with Frank, then his daughter
Melita and now Tara.
- Paul Vella

Tara with her pony, Mate

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