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Copyright 19972000 MEV Ltd, Baxall Business Centre, Ads ood !d "ndustrial Estate, #to$%port, #&' (L)*

+he Windows 32 ADIO Drivers are ,indo s '2 -it so.t are dri/ers that support a range o. A0pli$on digital and analogue data a$1uisition $ards* +hey $onsist o. lo le/el dri/ers, a $o0prehensi/e appli$ation le/el ,indo s '2 2yna0i$ lin% li-rary 32LL4 inter.a$e and exa0ple so.t are* +he so.t are $an handle 0ost analogue and digital signal types* +he dri/ers supports the .ollo ing .un$tional $ategories

0* 1* 2* 3*

2igital "5* Counter +i0er )un$tions* Analogue "nput* Analogue output* ith ,indo s 2000, ,indo s 6+7*0, ,indo s 98, ,indo s

+he dri/ers are .ully $o0pati-le 9( and ,indo s ME

Prod !"s s ##or"ed

+he dri/ers ere initially de/eloped to support the A0pli$on 200 series o. digital "5 $ards* +he dri/ers ha/e sin$e -een expanded to support a nu0-er o. "#A analogue data a$1uisition $ards* 9C" data a$1uisition $ards ill soon -e added* Prod !" N $%er 9C212E1 Prod !" T&#e "#A 2igital ":5 : Counter:ti0er 9C" A2C : Counter:ti0er 'rie( Des!ri#"ion 12 $ounters, $lo$%:gate sour$e, 27 line digital ":5 ' $ounters, 1; 0ultiplexed A2C $hannels ith )")5

1 2

#upported sin$e Version 1*0 o. the dri/er* #upported sin$e Version 2*1 o. the dri/er* ' #upported sin$e Version 2*1 o. the dri/er, inter.a$e $hanges in Version 7*0 7 #upported in Version 7*02 o. the dri/er 8 #upported in Version 7*10 o. the dri/er ; #upported in Version 7*20 o. the dri/er

7 (

#upported in Version 7*'0 o. the dri/er #upported in Version 7*'1 o. the dri/er



+he sel.<extra$ting exe$uta-le installs the .ollo ing so.t are into the target dire$tory* #u-< 2ire$tory =

#et<up utility to install the dri/er #yste0 2LLs



+he su- dire$tory E@?VB $ontains the exe$uta-les and sour$e $ode .or a nu0-er o. exa0ple appli$ations ritten in Mi$roso.t Visual Basi$ 8*0, ser/i$e pa$% 2* +he sour$e $ode $an -e re$o0piled .or Visual Basi$ ;*0 ith no $hanges*

'ASIC DIGITAL IO , INOUT.E+E +he A"6 5B+C exa0ple de0onstrates -asi$ 2igital "5 using the (2C88 peripheral port inter.a$e* "t runs on all supported A0pli$on $ards that ha/e 2igital ":5 resour$es, 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C272E, 9C';A+, 9C';L9, 9C2;', 9C'0A+, 9C"218, 9C"2'0, 9C"2';, 9C"2;' and 9C"272*

"t allo s the user to sele$t 99" ports as inputs or outputs, set outputs high or lo and 0onitor their a$tual state* "t does not use interrupts*

'ASIC TIMER , 'ASICTMR.E+E +he ABasi$ +i0erC exa0ple de0onstrates setting up and using the (2C87 $o0pati-le ti0ers on #eries 200 2igital "5 Cards* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C21(E, 9C27E:9C28E, 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"218, 9C"227, 9C"2'0, 9C"2'7 and 9C"2;0* "t allo s the a/aila-le ti0er resour$es to -e progra00ed in a /ariety o. 0odes 3rate, single shot et$*4 and .re1uen$ies* "t does not use interrupts*

)RE-UENC. MULTIPLIER , )RE-MULT.E+E +he A)re1uen$y MultiplierC exa0ple de0onstrates using the A+C0ultiply)re1C .un$tion on #eries 200 2igital "5 Cards* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C21(E and 9C"218 digital $ounter ti0er $ards* "t 0easures a .re1uen$y using one set o. ti0er $hannels and produ$es a 0ultiplied /ersion o. that .re1uen$y on another* "t does not use interrupts EVENT RECORDER , EVENTREC.E+E +he AE/ent !e$orderC exa0ple de0onstrates the use o. the A+CsetE/ent!e$orderC .un$tion on #eries 200 2igital "5 Cards* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C"218 and 9C"2'0* "t starts a 0illise$ond ti0er and re$ords hen 99" @ Bit C' interrupt o$$urs* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*


+he AExtended 2"5C exa0ple de0onstrates sending -u..ers o. in.or0ation to the (2C88 99" inter.a$e under interrupt $ontrol* A stro-e pattern is played out the 99" port* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C'0A+, 9C"218 and 9C"2'0 $ards* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*


+he AMeterC exa0ple is a 0ulti<$hannel /oltage 0eter exa0ple* "t runs on the 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2;0 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* "t does not use interrupts*


+he A2AC#etC exa0ple uses a slider to rite /alues to a 2AC $hannel* "t allo s the Du0per

settings in use to -e set and the $hanel to -e $hosen and displays the nu0eri$ /alues ritten to the dri/er and the real /alue o. the output in /olts or 0illia0ps* "t 0ay -e o. use .or $ali-ration o. the 2ACs* "t runs on the 9C27E:9C28E, 9C'0A+, 9C"227, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2'7* "t re1uires Visual Basi$ 8*0 #92 or higher* "t does not use interrupts*

'OARD LISTER , REG'OARD.E+E +he A!egBoardC exa0ple atte0pts to register ea$h -oard in turn and lists details o. the -oards it 0anaged to register using in.or0ation pro/ided -y the /arious .un$tions in the 2LL*


+he su- dire$tory E@?2EL9E $ontains the exe$uta-les and sour$e $ode .or a nu0-er o. exa0ple appli$ations ritten in Borland 2elphi '*0* +he sour$e $ode $an -e re$o0piled .or ne er /ersions o. 2elphi*


+he A+i0erC exa0ple de0onstrates setting up and using the (2C87 $o0pati-le ti0ers on #eries 200 2igital "5 Cards* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C21(E, 9C27E:9C28E, 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"218, 9C"227, 9C"2'0, 9C"2'7 and 9C"2;0* "t allo s the a/aila-le ti0er resour$es to -e progra00ed in a /ariety o. 0odes 3rate, single shot et$*4 and .re1uen$ies* "t is si0ilar in operation to the Visual Basi$ ABA#"C+M!C exa0ple* "t does not use interrupts*

'ASIC DIGITAL IO , INOUT.E+E +he A"6 5B+C exa0ple de0onstrates -asi$ 2igital "5 using the (2C88 peripheral port inter.a$e* "t runs on all supported A0pli$on $ards that ha/e 2igital ":5 resour$es, 9C212E,

9C217E, 9C218E, 9C272E, 9C';A+, 9C';L9, 9C2;', 9C'0A+, 9C"218, 9C"2'0, 9C"2';, 9C"2;' and 9C"272* "t allo s the user to sele$t 99" ports as inputs or outputs, set outputs high or lo and 0onitor their a$tual state* "t is e1ui/alent to the Visual Basi$ A"65B+C exa0ple* "t does not use interrupts*

DIGITAL IO WIT* INTERRUPTS , PDIO/E+.E+E +he AExtended 2"5C exa0ple de0onstrates sending -u..ers o. in.or0ation to the (2C88 99" inter.a$e under interrupt $ontrol* A stro-e pattern is played out the 99" port* "t runs on the 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C'0A+, 9C"218 and 9C"2'0 $ards* "t is e1ui/alent to the Visual Basi$ A2"5?E@C exa0ple* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*

VOLTMETER , METER.E+E +he AMeterC exa0ple is a 0ulti<$hannel /oltage 0eter exa0ple* "t runs on the 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2;0 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* Bnli%e the Visual Basi$ AME+E!C exa0ple, this one uses interrupts*


+he A#$opeC exa0ple de0onstrates a si0ple lo .re1uen$y t o $hannel os$illos$ope .un$tion ith adDusta-le trigger le/el* 2epending on $o0puter per.or0an$e it $an -e $on.igured ith a sa0ple .re1uen$y o. up to 28&hF on the 9C'0A+ $ard* "t runs on the 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2;0 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*


+he A#igGenC exa0ple is a si0ple signal generator that de0onstrates sending data -u..ers to 2AC $on/erters under interrupt $ontrol* "t $an generate sine, s1uare, triangle and pulse a/e.or0s on up to 7 2AC $hannels* "t runs on the 9C27E, 9C28E, 9C'0A+, 9C"227, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2'7 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*


+he su- dire$tory E@?VEE $ontains the VEE exa0ples ritten in VEE 7*0 and VEE 8*0* "t also $ontains Adio?/ee*hC the header .ile that allo s 2"5?+C*2LL to -e i0ported into VEE and Adio?t$?li-*/eeC hi$h $ontains a nu0-er o. VEE helper .un$tions*

ADC TEST , ADCTEST.VEE +he A2C test exa0ple i0ple0ents a si0ple os$illos$ope in VEE* "t runs on the 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2;0 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts* DAC TEST , DACTEST.VEE +he 2AC test exa0ple i0ple0ents a si0ple signal generator .un$tion in VEE* "t runs on the 9C27E, 9C28E, 9C'0A+, 9C"227, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2'7 $ards* Care 0ust -e ta%en to set up any $ard Du0pers $orre$tly* "t re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*

DIGITAL INPUT , DIGINPUT.VEE +he 2igital "nput exa0ple de0onstrates si0ple digital "5 in VEE* "t runs on the series 200 digital "5 : $ounter ti0er $ards, 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C272E, 9C';A+, 9C"218, 9C"2'; and 9C"272* "t does not re1uires that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*

TIMER DEMO , TIMERDEM.VEE +he +i0er 2e0o exa0ple de0onstrates using ti0ers in VEE* "t runs on the series 200 digital "5 : $ounter ti0er $ards, 9C212E, 9C217E, 9C218E, 9C21(E and 9C"218* "t does not re1uire that the $ards -e installed ith interrupts*


+he su-<dire$tory E@?C $ontains exe$uta-les and exe$uta-les .or ,in'2 $onsole 3$hara$ter 0ode4 exa0ples ritten in C* +he exa0ples ha/e -een de/eloped ith Mi$roso.t Visual CHH 7*2, using the C language 3rather than CHH4* +hey run in the ,in'2 $onsole 325# -ox4 and 0a%e use o. standard C li-rary .un$tions and ,in'2 li-rary .un$tions, in addition to the A0pli$on 2"5?+C*2LL li-rary .un$tions* +he *M29 .iles are proDe$t .iles .or Mi$roso.t Visual CHH 7*0 on ards* As supplied, they de.ine I**=2"5?C52EI as an additional in$lude dire$tory 3under Build <J #ettings <J C:CHH <J CategoryK 9repro$essor4 and add **=2"5?C52E=dio?t$*li- to the list o. 5-De$t:li-rary 0odules 3under Build <J #ettings <J Lin%4* ". things are 0o/ed around then the proDe$t settings need to -e adDusted a$$ordingly 3in hi$h $ase it is pro-a-ly easiest to $opy the adio$tl*h, dio?t$*h and dio?t$*li- into the sa0e dire$tory as the rest o. the appli$ation .iles4* +he .ollo ing header .iles .ro0 the **=2"5?C52E dire$tory are $o00on to all the appli$ationsK adio$tl*h dio?t$*h "n addition the standard C header .iles and the ,in'2 header .iles are re1uired, -ut should already -e in the standard in$lude path* )or Mi$roso.t Visual CHH, the appli$ations are lin%ed to **=2"5?C52E=dio?t$*li-, hi$h is a stu- li-rary .or 2"5?+C*2LL* 6ote that **=2"5?C52E=dio?t$*li- is not $o0pati-le ith other non<Mi$roso.t $o0pilers su$h as Borland CHH -uilder, -ut it is relati/ely straight.or ard to $reate a dio?t$*li- .ile $o0pati-le ith other $o0pilers .ro0 the supplied 2"5?+C*2LL or **=2"5?C52E=dio?t$*de. .iles, e*g* using the "M9L"B utility .or Borland C* "n addition to dio?t$*li-, the standard C li-raries and ,in'2 li-raries are lin%ed to* #ee the !EA2ME*+@+ .ile in the E@?C su-<dire$tory .or 0ore in.or0ation a-out the exa0ples*

CAPTURE ANALOGUE INPUT TO CSV )ILE , ADCAPTURE.E+E +his exa0ple de0onstrates ti0ed $apture o. analogue input data to a $o00a<separated /aria-le 3C#V4 .ile, hi$h 0ay then -e opened in a spreadsheet progra0 su$h as Mi$roso.t Ex$el* "t runs on the 9C2;A+, 9C27E, 9C'0A+, 9C"2'0 and 9C"2;0 $ards* "t allo s the user to $hoose a supported $ard .ro0 a list, then as%s a series o. 1uestions a-out the $apture progress* 2e.ault ans ers in s1uare -ra$%ets $an -e sele$ted -y pressing the $arriage return %ey* All user input to the progra0 is .ro0 standard input so ans ers to 1uestions $ould -e pro/ided -y redire$ting standard input .ro0 a .ile* 5n$e the user has set up the $apture pro$ess, it is started and $aptured input data is


$on/erted to A#C"" C#V .or0at and ritten to the output .ile, either as ra dri/er or as /oltage /alues*

nu0-ers .ro0 the

+he exa0ple uses interrupts* #ee the !EA2ME*+@+ .ile in the E@?C su-<dire$tory .or 0ore details*


+he 2"5?C52E su- dire$tory $ontains the .ull sour$e $ode and do$u0entation .or the appli$ation inter.a$e li-rary 32"5?+C*2LL4* +he ,indo s 2yna0i$ Lin% Li-rary 32LL4 $ontains o/er 80 .un$tions and pro/ides an $o00on Appli$ations 9rogra0 "nter.a$e 3A9"4 to the supported -oards* +he li-rary .un$tions allo the -oards to -e easily applied to 0any di..erent appli$ations, and also pro/ide an easy ay o. a$$essing the -oardIs .eatures* +he '2<-it 2LL $an -e $alled -y any language hi$h uses ,indo s $alling $on/entions* +he li-rary $an -e -uilt in Mi$roso.t Visual C /ersion 7*0 or greater using 2"5?+C*M29, or ith Borland C /ersion 7*2 using 2"5?+C*"2E* +he 2"5?+C*2LL pro/ides a $o0pati-le progra00ing inter.a$e ,indo s '*11 2LL shipped ith the #eries 200 2igital "5 : Counter +i0er $ard range* A A!ead0e*+@+A installed ith the sour$e $ode .ile details the di..eren$es -et een the A2"5'2 A9" and the original #eries 200 2"5 ,indo s '*11 A9"* +he A!ead0e*+@+C .ile should -e read in $onDun$tion ith the 9C218E 0anual .ound in the C0anualC dire$tory o. the AA0pli$on #o.t0anC C2* +he A2"5C+L*!+) .ile do$u0ents the lo <le/el "5C+L inter.a$e to the dri/er* Bnder 0ost $ir$u0stan$es it is re$o00ended that the 0ore user .riendly 2LL inter.a$e -e used*

+his dire$tory $ontains Mi$roso.t Visual Basi$ and Visual C syste0s 2LLs that 0ay -e re1uired to run the exa0ples* Bnder nor0al $ir$u0stan$es these 2LLs ill ha/e already -een installed onto your syste0* ". you experien$e di..i$ulties running the exa0ples, $opy these 2LLs into the ,indo s=#yste0 dire$tory*


"n order to use the ,in'2 A2"5 dri/er so.t are and exa0ples* "t is ne$essary to install the dri/er on your syste0* +o install the dri/er you 0ust .irst run the A#etup*E@EC appli$ation that ill ha/e -een expanded to the target dire$tory* )or ,indo s 6+ 7*0, this installs the a$tual dri/er* )or /ersions o. ,indo s ith plug<and<play support it sets up a de/i$e A$lassC that is ne$essary .or installing "#A $ards, and the a$tual dri/er is installed using the operating syste0Ls AAdd 6e Eard areC 0e$hanis0* 3)or 9C" $ards, the operating syste0 dete$ts ne hard are and in/o%es this 0e$hanis0 auto0ati$ally*4 +he A#etup*E@EC appli$ation also installs the dyna0i$ lin% li-rary M2"5?+C*2LLL used -y the exa0ple so.t are and other user appli$ations* 5n$e the dri/er is installed, you 0ust $on.igure your $ard into the operating syste0* +he ay this is done depends on hi$h 5# you are using*

Addin3 4n ISA !4rd in WINDOWS 567 58 4nd ME

A.ter running #E+B9*E@E, install the dri/er .or the "#A $ard as .ollo sK<

1. Go to the Control 9anel -y pressing #+A!+ J #ettings J Control 9anel* 2. #ele$t IAdd 6e Eard areI, then press 6E@+* 3. +o the 1uestion I 2o you ant ,indo s to sear$h .or your ne hard areI sele$t I65I then
press 6E@+*

4. #ele$t IA0pli$on 2igital ":5 Counter +i0er CardsI 3i. this does not exist, sele$t M5therL4,
then press 6E@+*

5. #ele$t IEa/e 2is%I then 5&, -ro se .or the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory and sele$t the 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
A0pdioV7*in. .ile* #ele$t .ro0 the list the $ard you ha/e Dust installed then press 6E@+* Ma%e a note o. the setting ,indo s has de.aulted the $ard to 3 ":5 !ange and "nterrupt 4 then press 6E@+ J )"6"#E* ". the ,indo s de.ault settings 0at$h the $ardLs Du0per settings then allo ,indo s to re-oot 3installation is no $o0plete4 else $arry on ith the .ollo ing K< ". the ,indo s de.ault settings do not 0at$h the $ard Du0per settings, do not re-oot yet* Go to #+A!+ J #ettings J Control 9anel * 2ou-le $li$% the I#yste0I i$on in the Control 9anel indo and then sele$t the M2e/i$e ManagerL ta- on the #yste0 9roperties page* 2ou-le Cli$% on IA0pli$on 2igital ":5 Counter +i0er CardsI* Cli$% on your $ard* #ele$t 9roperties J !esour$es* "n I#ettings Based 5nI $hange .ro0 MBasi$ Con.iguration 0L to MBasi$ Con.iguration 1L* Cli$% on ea$h ite0 that needs to $hange, press MChange #ettingL and edit the ite0Ls /alue* ,hen you are happy ith the settings, Cli$% 5& and allo ,indo s to !EB55+*

Addin3 4 PCI !4rd in WINDOWS 567 58 4nd ME

>ou $an let ,indo s install the hard are dri/ers auto0ati$ally on start<up 3 ith so0e 0anual assistan$e .or .inding .iles4 or install it 0anually* +he path .or .inding re1uired .iles ill -e either the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory on the hard dis% or the top<le/el 3root4 dire$tory on the C2<!5M* +o install the 9C" $ard auto0ati$ally on syste0 start<up do the .ollo ing K<


1. ". installing .ro0 C2<!5M rather than .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, ensure the
A0pli$on dri/ers C2<!5M is in the C2<!5M dri/e

2. ". ,indo s .ails to .ind a suita-le "6) .ile auto0ati$ally, $li$% on the M5ther Lo$ationsL 3. 4. 5.
-utton, -ro se to the root dire$tory o. the C2 3or the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory on the hard dis%4 and $li$% M5&L* ,indo s should $orre$tly identi.y the $ard* Cli$% on M)inishL* ". ,indo s as%s .or a dis% la-elled AA0pli$on 2"5 2ri/ers 2is%C hen trying to $opy .iles, $li$% A5&C to $an$el the alert -ox, then -ro se to the root dire$tory on the C2<!5M 3or the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory on the hard dis%4 and $li$% on M5&L* ,indo s ill $opy the .iles and install the dri/er*

Addin3 4n ISA !4rd in WINDOWS +P

A.ter running #E+B9*E@E, install the dri/er .or the "#A $ard as .ollo sK<

1. Go to the Control 9anel -y pressing #+A!+ J Control 9anel* 2. ". the Control 9anel is sho ing the Category Vie , either s it$h to Classi$ Vie or .ollo
the M9rinters and 5ther Eard areL lin% and sele$t the MAdd Eard areL lin% in the M#ee AlsoL list* ". the Control 9anel is sho ing the Classi$ Vie , dou-le $li$% on the MAdd Eard areL i$on* 5n the MAdd Eard are ,iFardL page, press M6extL* ,indo s ill sear$h .or 9lug and 9lay hard are* Assu0ing it .inds none, ,indo s ill as% M"s the hard are $onne$tedNL* #ele$t the option M>es, " ha/e already $onne$ted the hard areL and press M6extL* ,indo s ill sho a list o. hard are already installed on your $o0puter* #$roll to the end o. the list and sele$t the -otto0 entry, MAdd a ne hard are de/i$eL* 9ress M6extL* ,indo s ill as% M,hat do you ant the iFard to doNL #ele$t the se$ond option M"nstall the hard are that " 0anually sele$t .ro0 a list 3Ad/an$ed4L and press M6extL* ,indo s sho s a list o. hard are $ategories* #ele$t the $ategory MA0pli$on 2igital "5 Counter +i0er CardsL then press M6extL* 9ress MEa/e 2is%***L, -ro se to sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, then press M5&L* #ele$t the $ard type you ha/e installed .ro0 the list, then press M6extL* ,indo s ill install the dri/er and rea$h the MCo0pleting the Add Eard are ,iFardL page* 5n this page, press the lin% la-elled MVie or $hange resour$es .or this hard are 3Ad/an$ed4L to open the MAdd Eard are ,iFard 9ropertiesL page* 5n the MAdd Eard are ,iFard 9ropertiesL page, press the -utton la-elled M#et Con.iguration ManuallyL* ". the settings 0at$h the -ase address and "!O set on the $ardLs 2"9 s it$hes and Du0pers, then press M5&L, then M)inishL, then on the pop<up dialog press M>esL to allo ,indo s to re-oot* ". the settings do not 0at$h then $arry on ith the .ollo ingK< "n the M#ettings -ased onL drop<do n list, sele$t MBasi$ Con.iguration 0001L 3or sele$t MBasi$ Con.iguration 0002L i. the $ardLs "!O Du0per has -een re0o/ed4* "n the M!esour$e settingsL list, sele$t the resour$e you ish to $hange, press the MChange #ettingL -utton, $orre$t the /alue using the up and do n -uttons and press M5&L* !epeat .or the other resour$es you ish to $hange* ,hen you are happy ith the ne resour$e settings, press M5&L, then M)inishL, then on the pop<up dialog press M>esL to allo ,indo s to re-oot*

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Addin3 4 PCI !4rd in WINDOWS +P

)or a 9C" $ard, ,indo s ill dete$t the ne hard are auto0ati$ally and atte0pt to install the


dri/ers* +he dri/ers $an -e installed .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory or dire$tly .ro0 the C2<!5M* +o install the ne hard are auto0ati$ally on syste0 start<up 3 ith so0e 0anual assistan$e4K<

1. ". installing .ro0 C2<!5M rather than .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, ensure the
A0pli$on dri/ers C2<!5M is in the C2<!5M dri/e*

2. ,hen ,indo s dete$ts the ne hard are and opens the M,el$o0e to the )ound 6e
Eard are ,iFardL page, press M6extL*

3. ". installing .ro0 the C2<!5M, sele$t the M"nstall the so.t are auto0ati$ally 4.
3!e$o00ended4L option* ". installing .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, sele$t the M"nstall .ro0 a list or spe$i.i$ lo$ation 3Ad/an$ed4L option* 9ress M6extL* ". installing .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, sele$t the M#ear$h .or the -est dri/er in these lo$ationsL option, desele$t the M#ear$h re0o/a-le 0edia 3)loppy, C2<!5M***4L option, sele$t the M"n$lude this lo$ation in the sear$hL option, press the MBro seL -utton and -ro se to the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory* +hen press M6extL* ,indo s ill install the dri/er and rea$h the MCo0pleting the )ound 6e Eard are ,iFardL page* 5n the MCo0pleting the )ound 6e Eard are ,iFardL page, press M)inishL*

5. 6.

Addin3 4n ISA !4rd in WINDOWS 2111

A.ter running #E+B9*E@E, install the dri/er .or the "#A $ard as .ollo sK<

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Go to the Control 9anel -y pressing #+A!+ J #ettings J Control 9anel* 2ou-le $li$% on the IAdd:!e0o/e Eard areI i$on* 9ress M6extL* #ele$t IAdd:+rou-leshoot a de/i$eI* 9ress M6extL* ,indo s ill sear$h .or 9lug and 9lay hard are* Assu0ing it .inds none, it ill present a list o. installed de/i$es* #ele$t MAdd a ne de/i$eL* 9ress M6extL* +o the 1uestion I 2o you ant ,indo s to sear$h .or your ne hard areNI sele$t I6oI then press M6extL* #ele$t IA0pli$on 2igital "5 Counter +i0er CardsI then press M6extL* 9ress IEa/e 2is%I, -ro se .or the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, sele$t the AM92"5V7*"6) .ile, press M5penL, then press M5&L* #ele$t the $ard type you ha/e Dust installed .ro0 the list, then press M6extL* 5n the pop<up dialog hi$h says M,indo s $ould not dete$t the settings o. this de/i$eL, press M5&L* 5n the page listing the resour$es 3"nput:5utput !ange and "nterrupt !e1uest4, press M5&L* 5n the M#tart Eard are "nstallationL page, press M6extL* 5n the MCo0pleting the Add:!e0o/e Eard are ,iFardL page, press the M!esour$esL -utton* ". the settings 0at$h the -ase address and "!O set on the $ardLs 2"9 s it$hes and Du0pers, then press M5&L, then M)inishL, then on the pop<up dialog press M>esL to allo ,indo s to re-oot* ". the settings do not 0at$h then $arry on ith the .ollo ingK< "n the M#ettings -ased onL drop<do n list, sele$t MBasi$ Con.iguration 0001L 3or sele$t MBasi$ Con.iguration 0002L i. the $ardLs "!O Du0per has -een re0o/ed4* "n the M!esour$e settingsL list, sele$t the resour$e you ish to $hange, press the MChange #ettingL -utton, $orre$t the /alue using the up and do n -uttons and press M5&L* !epeat .or the other resour$es you ish to $hange* ,hen you are happy ith the ne resour$e settings, press M5&L, then M)inishL, then on the pop<up dialog press M>esL to allo ,indo s to re-oot*


Addin3 4 PCI !4rd in WINDOWS 2111

)or a 9C" $ard, ,indo s ill dete$t the ne hard are auto0ati$ally and atte0pt to install the dri/ers* +he dri/ers $an -e installed .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory or dire$tly .ro0 the C2<!5M* +o install the ne hard are auto0ati$ally on syste0 start<up 3 ith so0e 0anual assistan$e4K<

1. ". installing .ro0 C2<!5M rather than .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, ensure the
A0pli$on dri/ers C2<!5M is in the C2<!5M dri/e*

2. ". ,indo s opens the M,el$o0e to the )ound 6e Eard are ,iFardL page, press M6extL 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
and go to step '* ". ,indo s Dust as%s .or a dis% la-elled MA0pli$on 2"5 2ri/ers 2is%L go to step 7* #ele$t the M#ear$h .or a suita-le dri/er .or 0y de/i$e 3re$o00ended4L option and press M6ext* ". installing .ro0 the C2<!5M, $he$% the MC2<!5M dri/esL option* ". installing .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, $he$% the M#pe$i.y a lo$ationL option* 9ress M6extL* ". installing .ro0 the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory, -ro se to the dire$tory, press M5penL, then M5&L* 5n the M2ri/er )iles #ear$h !esultsL page, ,indo s should say M,indo s .ound a dri/er .or this de/i$eL* 9ress M6extL* ". ,indo s as%s .or a dis% la-elled MA0pli$on 2"5 2ri/ers 2is%L hen trying to $opy .iles, $li$% A5&C to $an$el the alert -ox, then -ro se to the root dire$tory on the C2<!5M 3or the sel.<extra$t target dire$tory on the hard dis%4 and press M5penL, then M5&L* ,indo s ill $opy the .iles and install the dri/er* 5n the MCo0pleting the )ound 6e Eard areL s$reen, press M)inishL*


Addin3 4n ISA !4rd in WINDOWS NT 9.1

+he $ard MB#+ -e installed into the 5# using the AM92"5 $on.iguration utility in the $ontrol panel* Add a ne $ard and $on.igure the resour$es to re.le$t your $ard*

Addin3 4 PCI !4rd in WINDOWS NT 9.1

#upported 9C" $ards are dete$ted, installed and $on.igured auto0ati$ally -y the dri/er* ". a 9C" $ard has -een per0anently re0o/ed .ro0 the syste0, use the AM92"5 $on.iguration utility in the $ontrol panel to delete the 2"5 port entry to .ree it up .or other $ards*

)or support /isit A0pli$onIs e-site +el )ax 3H774 127' ;0(''1 3H774 127' 870218 *0e/*$o*u%* *a0pli$on*$o*u% or $onta$t te$hni$al support on

,ritten .or A0pli$on Li/eLine Ltd -y MEV Ltd,


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