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Islamic History Paper 2011 ISLAMIC HISTORY AND CULTUR !

PAP R 1" # 1 MC#s 1- the pre- islamic era is known as: a) Modern age b) Age of ignorance c) Golden age d) none 2- Ma'rib dam was located in: a) iraq b) yaman c) egypt d) none - !"lers of #re- islamic iran were called:a) qaiser b) kisra c) shahan- shah d) none $- %a'bah is sit"ated in the &alley of: a) 'aran b) Makkah c) (aif d) none )- *a+re- Aswad means: a) pio"s stone b) black ston c) fo"ndation stone d) none ,- (he word -M"hammad- means: a) (he praised one b) .oble c) !espectf"l d) none /- (he first re&elation came to #rophet 0p1b1"1h) in: a) *ira b) (ha"r c) 2ar-e-Arqam d) none 3- (he d"ration of social boycott of M"sliam 4hi'b Abi (alib was for a) years b) ) years c) 15 year d) none 6- (he 7attle of 8had was fo"ght in the year : a) .ab&i b) 3 .ab&i c) 6 A1* d) none 15- 9ho signed the treaty of *"dabiya on the behalf of the :"resh; a) Ab" s"fyan b) Ab" <ahab c) Ab" al *akam d) none 11- 7an" :"ray=ah> 7an" :ayn"qa and 7an" .adir were three tribes of : a) :"raysh b) ?hristian c) the +ews d) none 12- :"ran was re&ealed in : a) 2) years b) 2/ year c) 2 year d) none 1 - *a=rat 8mer 0!1A) was assassinated in the month of: a) !amadan b) @iq'ad c) M"harram d) none 1$- M"saylama was:

a) philosopher b) poet c) false prophet d) none 1)- (he battle of Aamal was fo"ght between *a=rat Aisha and: a) ha=rat m"awiyah b) ha=rat talah c) ha=rat ali d) none 1,- (he capital of "myad dynasty was: a) 7aghdad b) ?airo c) %h"sran d) none 1/- Abbasid ?aliphate came into being in: a) 1 2 A* b) 122 A* c) 1$2 A* d) none 13- 4Ammarra was b"ilt by: a) Al-mans"r b) Al mahdi c)Al-m"st'asim d) none 16- Ai=ya is a :a) poll taB b) trade tab c) land taBd) none 25- (he ottoman dynasty fell in: a) 13)/ b) 162, c) 16$5 d) none

: SU$% CTI& Attempt $ :"estions from the following : 2-- ?omment on the moral> social and political conditions of the world at the ad&ent of Cslam1 -- ?ritically eBamine the effects of the teachings of the *oly #rophet #78* on Arabia1 $---Dstimate the character and achie&ements of *a=rat 8mar 'arooq !1A as a statesman1 )--- 9hat <imitation has :"ran set "pon speech and writing; Cn what respect does the Cslamic concept of <iterat"re differ from that of the non M"slims1 ----, (race the origin of 4h"ra in Cslam and gi&e a brief acco"nt of its working "nder the pio"s caliphs1 ----/ 7riefly describe the scientific and literary progress of the M"slims d"ring Abbasid period1 ---3 Asses the claims of 4"leman the magnificent to be the greatest of the Ettomans 4"ltan1 Islamic 'istory a() c*lt*re paper 2010 :1i- Arabia is a largest tract of co"ntry in the of Asia1 a-4o"th Dast

+,So*t' -est c-.orth Dast of these ii- is called in Arab tradition FGear of the elephantH a- ,)5A1? b- ),5A? c, ./0AC d- .one of these iii-A.4A! means a- defender +, 'elper c- r"lar d- .one of these i&-(he ninth year of the *i+ra is known in M"slim history as the a- Gear of elephant +, year o0 )ep*tatio(s c- year of embassies d- .one of these &-Cn 1$ *i+riI, ) A2 laid the fo"ndation of 7asra a-*a=rat 8mar b- %halid bin 9alid c,Ut'+a( +i( 1'a23a( of these &i-*a=rar 8sman was assassinated in the month of a-!am=an b-ra+ab c,4*l'i5a of these &ii-*a=rat %halid bin walid belonged to the tribe of a-*ashim b-8mayyah c,Ma6'2*m of these &iii- (he city of '84(A( was fo"nded by a, Amr +i( Al,As b- *a=rat 8mar bin %hattab c- *a=rat %halid bin 9alid d- .one of these

iB-%*A!AA is a-poor taB +,la() ta7 c-poll taB of these B- was the first caliph> who addicated the caliphate a-*a=rat Ali +,Ha2rat Hassa( c-*a=rat *"ssain d- .one of these Bi- (he tomb of *a=rat Ab" Ay"b Ansari is sit"ated at a-Ankara b-Madina c,Ista(+*l of these Bii-(he first capital of Abbasid ?aliphate was a- Al-*ashmiyah b- 4amrah c, $a8')a) d- .one of these Biii-Cbne-e-%ahld"n was a famo"s historian of cent"ry a-1)th +,19t' c-1 th of these Bi&- 2C9A. A< *C47A* was instit"ted by a-Mahdi b-*adi c,Har*( 0.ot s"re) of these B&- C2!C4C was a famo"s a-M"sician b-poet c,1eo8rap'er d- .one of these B&i-4CGA4A( .AMA was written by a-'irda"si b-Mas"di

c-Madwardi ), No(e o0 t'ese !Ni2am al,M*l6" B&ii-("l"nid 2ynasty was fo"nded by Ahmad ibn ("l"n in a-%h"rasan b-4yrea c-Craq ), No(e o0 t'ese ! 8ypt" B&iii- the capt"re of 7aghdad by *alak" %han took place in the year a-123) +,12.: c-12/1 d- .one of these BiB- ?onstantinople fell into the hands of the M"slims in a,19.; b-1)$ c-1 )$ b- .one of these BB-9ith the Ethman empire reached its =enith of glory and prestige a-7aya=id b-M"hammad CC c,Salim I d- .one of these :2-#oint o"t the ma+or world ci&ili=ations at the dawn of Cslam> with special emphasis on their intellect"al acti&ities and socio-political instit"tions1 : -*CA!A* was the t"rning point in the history of islam12isc"ess :$-(eachings of the *oly #rophet laid the fo"ndations of a new and re&ol"tionary world order1 ?omment :)-Cn what respect Cslamic political system is different from western sec"lar democracy> theocracy and monarchy; :,- Gi&e a critical st"dy of the ca"ses and conseq"ences of the political and ideological differences raised after the assassination of *a=rat 8sman Ghani; :/-9rite essay on Any Ene of the following i- 7aghdad "nder early Abbasids ii- #hilosophical progress of the M"slims d"ring the Abbasid period

:3- ?ritically e&al"ate the ottomans administrati&e reforms with special reference to (A.@CMA( T'e 0e)eral 8o<er(me(t= 200> Islamic History a() C*lt*re=Paper,1 #?1? select t'e +est optio(@a(s3er a() 0ill i( t'e appropriate +o7 o( t'e a(s3er s'eet?!20" 11(he *oly :"ran was first compiled d"ring the caliphate of *a=rat---------: a)M"hammad 0#78*) b)Ab" 7akar 4iddiq"e0!1A) c) 8thman 0!1A) d)none of these 21 *a=rat 8mer was ?aliph for---------------: a) 2 years b) $ years c) 15 years d) none of these 1(he orthodoB caliphate lasted for---------- : a) 2, years b) 26 years c) 2 years d)none of these $1*a=rat Ali was martyred in the year---------: a) ,)5 A2 b) ,), A2 c) ,,1 A2 d)none of these )1(he 8mayyad 2ynasty was p"t to an end in the year----------: a),,5 A2 b)/)5 A2 c)//5 A2 d).one of these ,1(he Abbasid 2ynasty r"led for +"st o&er---------:

a)fi&e cent"ries b)two cent"ries c)three cent"ries d)none of these /1(he Cslamic calendar0hi+ra) started in the year-----------: a),22 A2 b),25 A2 c),21 A2 d)none of these 31(he famo"s Al-M"watta was written by: a)Cmam Malik b)Cmam Ab" *anifa c)Cmam M"slim d)Cmam *anbal 61(he *oly #rophet 0#17181*) migrated to Madina in-------------: a) ,1) A2 b) ,22 A2 c) ,2) A2 d)none of these 151(he last 8mayyad r"ler at 2amasc"s was--------: a)Marwan CC b)Abd"l A=i= c) Abd"l !ahman d) none of these 111(he fo"nder of 8mayyad 2ynasty was---------: a)Ga=id b)Abd al Malik c)M"awiyah C d) none of these 1217aybars> the Maml"ke 4"ltan of Dgypt> took----------to install him as Abbasid caliph in ?airo on the year 12,1 A2: a) Al-M"stansir b) Al-*akim

c) Al-M"stakfi-C d).one of these 1 1(he fo"nder of 8mayyad 2ynasty in 4pain was-------: a)%halid bin 9alid b)Moosa bin .ysair c)Abd"r !ahman C d).one of these 1$1(he Ettoman 4"ltan 4alim took------from cairo to Cstanb"l to install him as ?aliph: a) Al-M"tawakkil CCC b) Al-:aJim c) Al-M"stamsik d).one of these 1)1 8nder which ?aliph> 4indh was in&aded by M"hammad bin :asim in /11 A2; a) M"awiyah b) Al-9alid C c) Abd"l Malik d).one of these 1,19hen did the Ettomans cross into D"rope: a) 1 )/ A2 b) 1)25 A2 c) 1))5 A2 d).one of these 1/19hen was *"ngary bro"ght "nder Ettoman r"le; a) 1)21 A2 b) 1)2, A2 c) 1) 5 A2 d).one of these 131%amal Attat"rk ended the Ettoman ?aliphate and deposed Abd"l Ma+id CC in----a) 1625 b) 1622 c) 162$ d)none of these

161 9hich Ettoman !"ler took the Abbasid ?aliphate to Cstanb"l; a) 4"laiman C b) 4alim C c) Al-M"stansar d).one of these 251 (he Ettoman Dmpire lasted for o&er---------a) 'i&e ?ent"ries b) 4iB ?ent"ries c) 4e&en ?ent"ries d).one of these

#?2? (he *oly #rophet peace and blessing be "pon him> ga&e a charter for the welfare of h"manity> disc"ss the salient feat"re of that charter1 #?;? (he *oly :"ran and 4"nnah set forth the path for belie&ers in the q"est of knowledge 12isc"ss the eBamples1 #?9? Gi&e an acco"nt on the eBpansion of the Cslamic state d"ring the period of ErthodoB ?aliphs1 #?.? 9rite short notes on A.G (9E on the following: 1) Ashra M"bashra 2) %h"lfa-i-!ashedin ) Al-M"watta $) Cbn-%hald"n )) 2amasc"s Mosq"e ,) 2ome of the !ock /) 4amarra #?A? *ow did the Abbasid ?o"rt patroni=e the philosophical> scientific and literary progress; #?/? 9hy do the D"ropeans call 4"laiman C> as 4"laiman the Magnificient; #?:? Gi&e an acco"nt of the the conq"est of D"rope by the Ettomans1


11 F(he Arabian in general and 7ed"in in partic"lar is a born democratH1 0#1 %1 *itti)1 %eeping this statement in &iew> disc"ss socio-political condition of Arabia before Cslam1 21 2isc"ss the steps taken by the *oly #rophet 0#78*) to ens"re peace and tranq"ility in a society of ac"te anarchy at Madina1 1 Dstimate the role of *a=rat Ab" 7akr> as a protector of Cslam1 $1 2etermine the basic characteristics of Dconomic 4ystem of Cslam1 )1 9rite an Dssay on the scientific and literary progress of the M"slims d"ring the Abbasid #eriod1 ,1 Dn"merate the &ario"s ca"ses of the decline and disintegration of the Ettoman ?aliphate and also describe its aftermath1 /1 9rite short notes on any 'o"r of the following: 0a) *ilf Al-'adh"l 0b) %ha=ra+ 0c) Aabia ?onference 0d) 7air Al-*ikmat 0e) 4amarrah 0f) Al-M"Jatta COMPULSORY #U STION :? -rite o(ly t'e correct a(s3er i( t'e A(s3er $oo6? Do (ot repro)*ce t'e B*estio(s? 01) 'irst compilation of the *oly :"ran was completed d"ring the period of *a=rat: 0a) Ab" 7akr 0b) 8mar 0c) 8thman 0d) .one of these 02) Cn 1$ *i+ri I , ) A2 KKKKKKKK laid the fo"ndation of 7asrah1 0a) *a=rat 8mar 0b) %halid bin 9alid 0c) 8tbah bin Gha=wan 0d) .one of these 0 ) *a=rat 8thman assassinated in the month of: 0a) !ama=an 0b) !a+ab 0c) @ilha+ 0d) .one of these

0$) *a=rat Ali shifted the capital from Madina to: 0a) 7asra 0b) '"stat 0c) 2amasc"s 0d) .one of these 0)) *a=rat %halid bin 9alid belonged the tribe of: 0a) *ashim 0b) 8mayyah 0c) Makh="m 0d) .one of these 0,) KKKKKKKK is known F'irst year of 8nification in the history of CslamH1 0a) $5 *i+ri 0b) $1 *i+ri 0c) /5 *i+ri 0d) .one of these 0/) KKKKKKKKK was the conq"eror of 4pain1 0a) Mohammad bin :asim 0b) :"taibah bin M"slim 0c) (ariq bin @iyad 0d) .one of these 03) (he last ?aliph of 8mmayads was: 0a) *isham bin Abd"l Malik 0b) Marwan CC 0c) Ga=id CC 0d) .one of these 06) 8mayyad ?aliphate lasted for KKKKKKKKKK years1 0a) 65 0b) 62 0c) 1 2 0d) .one of these 015) 7aghdad was fo"nded by: 0a) *ar"n 0b) Mam"n 0c) Mans"r 0d) .one of these 011) %itab Al-%hair was written by: 0a) Cmam Malik 0b) Cmam Ab" *anifa

0c) Cmam Go"s"f 0d) .one of these 012) LAi=yaJ is a: 0a) #oll taB 0b) <and taB 0c) #roperty taB 0d) .one of these 01 ) Abbasid ?aliphate came into being in: 0a) 122 *i+ri 0b) 1 2 *i+ri 0c) 1$2 *i+ri 0d) .one of these 01$) Cshaq"e M"sli was a famo"s: 0a) M"sician 0b) *istorian 0c) A"rist 0d) .one of these 01)) (he first 9a=ir to Abbasids was: 0a) Ab" 4alama %halal 0b) Ab" M"slim 0c) Gahha 7armaki 0d) .one of these 01,) (he first capital of Abbasid ?aliphate was: 0a) 7aghdad 0b) 4amara 0c) Al-*ashimiyah 0d) .one of these 01/) Ab" 7akr ibn @akaria al-!a=i 0!*A@D4) was a great: 0a) *istorian 0b) A"rist 0c) #hysician 0d) .one of these 013) L4iyasatnamaJ was written by: 0a) Al %indi 0b) .i=am"l M"lk ("si 0c) Al-'arabi 0d) .one of these 016) 4"ltan 4alim-C became first Esmani ?aliph in:

0a) 1)1/ 0b) 1)25 0c) 1)2) 0d) .one of these 025) Cnstit"tion of L%hilafatJ abolished by: 0a) Anwer #asha 0b) M"stafa %amal #asha 0c) Csmet Cnono 0d) .one of these

Islamic History a() C*lt*re Papers 200A SU$% CTI& PART

: M 1111 ?ritically analy=e the intellect"al> economic> religio"s> political and social state-of-affairs of the world before the ad&ent of Cslam1 *ow did Cslam bring abo"t reformati&e change in the sit"ation; : M 2111 9rite a note on Mithaq-i-Madina and 4"lh-i-*"daibiyya and highlight how #rophet M"hammad 0#78*) opted for peacef"l sol"tion of the crises ahead of him; : M 111 9rite a comprehensi&e note on the administrati&eImanagement and reforms of *a=rat 8mar 'arooq as caliph with partic"lar foc"s on how his principles can be practiced in today's world; : M $111 2isc"ss the ca"ses of collapse of the 8mayyads1 : M )111 *ighlight the contrib"tion of the Abbasids towards ed"cation> people's welfare and c"lt"re1 : M ,111 9rite a comparati&e note on the sit"ations d"ring which the %hawari+ and the 4hiites emerged1 Also compare their beliefs1 : M /111 9rite short notes on any two of the following: 0a) (he *oly #rophet 04A9) as a :a=iIA"dge 0b) 7attle of (ab"k 0c) Ettoman (an=imat 0d) Mamoon-al-!ashid

1- (he longest 4"ra of the :"r'an is: 0a) Al-.isa 0b) Al-i Cmran 0c) Al-7aqra 0d) Al-Maida 0e) .one of these 2- 4"ra al-."r speaks of: 0a) 9ars 0b) Mal-i-Ghanimat 0c) (he Aews 0d) 9omen iss"es 0e) .one of these - (he *oly :"r'an is generally printed in: 0a) .astaliq script 0b) %"fi script 0c) .askh script 0d) 4hikasta script 0e) .one of these $- Cmam 7"khari hailed from: 0a) Malaysia 0b) Cndia 0c) Dgypt 0d) ("rkestan 0e) .one of these

)- #rophet M"hammad 04A9) while immigrating to Madina took ref"ge in: 0a) ?a&e *ira 0b) ?a&e (ha"r 0c) 2ar-i-Arqam 0d) Mas+id-i-.abawa 0e) .one of these ,- #rophet M"hammad 04A9) &isited Ghar-i-*ira for: 0a) !ecitation 0b) Memori=ation 0c) Meetings 0d) MeditationI(ahan"th 0e) .one of these /- (he .a+ashi %ing of *abasha with whom the M"slims for the first time took ref"ge was a: 0a) Aew 0b) *ind" 0c) ?hristian 0d) M"shrik 0e) .one of these 3- (he d"ration of social boycott of M"slims in 4hi-b abi (alib was for: 0a) 15 Gears 0b) ) Gears 0c) Gears 0d) 3 Gears 0e) .one of these 6- 4"lh-i *"dibiyya was written by: 0a) *a=rat Ab" 7akr 0b) *a=rat Ali 0c) *a=rat 8mar 0d) #rophet M"hammad 0#78*) 0e) .one of these 15- Aws and %ha=ra+ li&ed in: 0a) Gemen 0b) Makkah 0c) .a+d 0d) *i+a= 0e) .one of these 11- Aws and %hi=ra+ were: 0a) Money lenders 0b) Agric"lt"ralists 0c) .omads 0d) ?ottage Cnd"strialists 0e) .one of these 12- (he Aewish tribe 7an" :ain"qa worked as: 0a) ?arpenters 0b) Gold 4miths 0c) Cron 4miths 0d) 'armers 0e) .one of these 1 - *a++a+ bin G"s"f was: 0a) 8mmayad 0b) Abbasid 0c) Ettoman 0d) M"ghal 0e) .one of these 1$- 4aif Allah was the title of: 0a) *a=rat 8mar 0b5 *a=rat 8sman 0c) *a=rat Ali 0d) *a=rat %halid bin 9alid 0e) .one of these 1)- *a=rat 4"haib belonged to: 0a) !ome 0b) Cran 0c) 4"dan 0d) *abasha 0e) .one of these 1,- Ab" 4"fyan lost his eye in the battle of: 0a) (ab"k 0b) Garm"k 0c) M"ta 0d) %handaq 0e) .one of these 1/- 7y=anti"m was: 0a) ?entral Asia 0b) Cberian #enins"la 0c) Middle Dast 0d) Dastern !ome 0e) .one of these 13- 4asanids r"les: 0a) Cndia 0b) 'ar Dast 0c) Dgypt 0d) #ersian Dmpire 0e) .one of these 16- Cmam Malik was a famo"s: 0a) #oet 0b) *istorian 0c) Architect 0d) A"rist 0e) .one of these 25- <iteral meaning of word %hilafat-e-!ashida isN 0a) 'o"r 4ahaba ?aliphs 0b) !ight g"ided caliphs 0c) 'ollowers 0d) #io"s people 0e) .one of these1

Islamic History a() C*lt*re Papers 200. C4<AMC? *C4(E!G A.2 ?8<(8!D 255)- #A#D!-1 .E(D :A((DM#( A.G 'COD > C.?<82C.G :: .E: 3 9*C?* C4 ?EM#<84E!G1 > A<<

:8D4(CE.4 ?A!!G D:8A< MA!%41 ::1: (*D A2OD.( E' C4<AM !D48<(D2 C. A .D9 4E?CE- #E<C(C?A<>D?E.EMC? A.2 !D<CGCE84 !DOE<8(CE. C. (*D *C4(E!G E' 9E!<2 12C4?8441 ::2: 9!C(D A 2D(AC<D2 .E(D E. (*D 2C''C?8<(CD4 A.2 48''D!C.G4 (*D *E<G #!E#*D( A.2 *C4 ?EM#A.CE.4 *A2 82D!GE 28!C.G MA%%A. #D!CE21 :: :9!C(D A ?EM#!D*D.4COD D44AG E. (*D (DA?*C.G4 E' (*D *E<G #!E#*D(04A9)1 ::$:*CG*<CG*( (*D ?*A!A?(D! E' *A@A!( 8MA! A.2 (*D DP#A4CE. E' M84<CM 2EMAC. 28!C.G *C4 ?A<C#*A(D1 ::):*CG*<CG*( (*D ?D.(!A< A.2 #!EOC.?CA< A2MC.C4(!A(COD 4(!8?(8!D E' (*D 8MAGGA21 ::,: A77A4C2 #D!CE2 9A4 (*D GE<2D. #D!CE2 'E! (*D #!EG!D44 E' (*D 2C''D!D.( 4?CD.?D4 A.2 A!(12C4?8441 ::/: 9!C(D 4*E!( .E(D4 A.G (9E E' (*D 'E<<E9C.G: a : the holy prophet as a teacher1 b: ha=rat "sman ghani c:battle of siffin d: waild bin adl malik COMPULSORY #U STIONS :13 9!C(D E.<G ?E!!D?( A4.9D! >2E .E( !D#!E28?D (*D :8D4(CE.1 1: (*D 4*E!(D4( 48!A* E' (*D :8!A. C4: A: A< MA8. 7 : A< 7AGGC.A* ?: A< %A8(*A! 2: A< A%*<A4 D: .E.D E' (*D4D1 2: (*D!D C4 .E7C4MC<<A* C. (*D 7DGC..C.G E' 48!A*: A A< 'AC(*A* 7: A< .C4A ?:A< .AMA< 2: A< (A87A* D: .E.D E' (*D4D : (*D :8!A. 9A4 !DODA<D2 C. : A : 2) G 7: 12 G ?:2 G 2: 25 G D:.E.D E' (*D4D $: (*D 14( !DOD<A(CE. ?AMD (E #!E#*D(04A9) A: 2A! A!:AM 7: *C!A ?: (*A8! 2: 4*C'7 A7C (A<C7 D: .E.D E' (*D4D ): (*D 7A((<D C. 9*C?* MEAMMA2 04A9) #A!(C?#A(D2 7I' .87899A*9A4: A: 2A*C4 7: 7AC( A:7A ?: 'CAC! 2: .E.D E' (*D4D ,: (*D 28!A(CE. E' 4E?CA< 7EG?E(( E' M84<CM4 C. 4*C'7 A7C (A<C7 9A4

'E!: A: ) G 7: 15 G ?: G 2: 3 G D: .E.D E' (*D4D /:(*D ?E.:D!E! E' %*7D! 9A4: A:8MA! 7: AA'A! ?: %*ANC2 7C. 9A<C2 2: A<C D: .E.D E' (*D4D 3: 9*E C4 ?A<<D2 (*D )(* G8C2D2 ?A<C#*: A: *A!8. 7: 9A<C ?: C7. @87AG! 2:8MA! 7C. A@C@ D: .E.D E' (*D4D 6: (*D 7A((<D E' AAMA< 9A4 'E8G*( 7I9 (*D AC4*A* A.2: A: (A<*A* 7: M8A9CGA ?: GA@C2 2: 8MD! D: .E.D E' (*D4D 15: DGG#( 9A4 ?E.:D!D2 28!C.G (*D ?A<C#*A(D E' : A: A78 7A%! 7: M8A9CA* ?: A<C 2: 8MA! D: .E.D E' (*D4D 11: *A@!A( 8MA! 9A4 (*D 4E. E' : A:A78 (A<C7 7: (A<*A* ?: A728<<A* 2: %*A((A7 D: .E.D E' (*D4D 12: A77A4C2 ?A<C#*A(D ?AMD C.(E 7DC.G C.: A: 115 A1* 7: 122 A1* ?:1 2 A1* 2:1$5 A1* D: .E.D E' (*D4D 1 : 7AC( A< *C%MA 9A4 D4(A7<C4*D2 7G: A: 9AC<2 7:*C4*AM ?: MA.48! 2: *A!8. D: .E.D E' (*D4D 1$: MA4AC2 :C7<AGAG. C4 4C(8A(D2 C. : A: *A74*A 7: MA%%A* ?: (AC' 2: MA2C.A D: .E. E' (*D4D 1): %*A<C2 7C. 9A<C2 9A4 !DMEOD2 '!EM (*D ?EMME.2 28!C.G (*D eBpedtion to: a: iran b: syri a c: yeman d: none of these 1,: the city of f"stat was fo"nde by: a: amr bin al a's b: abd al malik c: m"awiyah d: none of these 1/: eBpedition of tab"k place in: a:, A1* 7: / A1* ?: 6 A1* 2: .E.D E' (*D4D 13: *A@!A( 4A<MA. 9A4 '!EM: a: rome b: syria c: yeman d: faris 16: imam ab" hanifah was a famo"s: a: m"sician b: architect c: +"rist d: historian e: none of these

25: the total period of khalafat -i- rashidah was: a: $5 y b: 5 y c: 26 y d: none of these1 Islamic History A() C*lt*re=2009 11 9rite a comprehensi&e not$e on 2een-i-Cslam which is defined as a missionary !eligion1 Acco"nt any three missionary mo&ements which are &ery m"ch rele&ant to 4o"th Asia in term of 4"fisrn1 21 *ighlight the last 2 years of *olly #rophet M"hammad 0#78*)1 Cn way of the complete st"dy as a preacher of Cslam in &iew of *oly :"ran and 4"nnah1 1 1 9hat is polygamy; 2escribe the term .isaa in &iew of beha&ior> &al"e and characters of h"man life according to Cslamic tho"ght of 4chool $1 9rite a detailed note on the Agric"lt"ral #rosperity d"ring the regime of Ahbaside; )1 9rite a comprehensi&e note on the salient feat"res of Ettoman ("rks inarch towards D"rope1 ,1 9rite a note of Merits on any (9E of the following: 0a) *a=rat 8mar 'arooq"e 0b) *a=rat 8mer 7in Abd"l A=ia 0c) Mamoon !ash id /1 9rite an administrati&e policy note on A"dicial 4ystem d"ring the period of Abbaside1 COMPULSORY #U STION 31 9rite only the correct answer in the Answer 7ook> 2o noQ reprod"ce the q"estion> 01) 7efore Cslam Arab were engaged li&e systematically as: 0a) ?entral Go&ernment 0b) A"tonomo"s body 0c) (ribal fe"ds 0d) Ewn master mind 0e) .one of these 02) *adith was complied by:

0a) *a=rat Ab" 7akkar 0b) *"++a+ 7in Go"s"f 0c) 8mer 7in Abd"l A2i2 0d) *aroon !asheed 0e) .one of these 0 ) M"hammad 0#eace be "pon him) was born on the following date: 0a) 2nd A"g"st )/5 A2 0b) 1 0c)
th A"g"st )/5 A2

rd A"g"st )/1 A2

0d) 1$-'4ept1 )/1 A2 0e) .one of these 0$) *a + re-As wad means: 0a) #io"s 4tone 0b) 7lack 4tone 0c) *istorical 4tone0d) 'o"ndation 4tone 0e) .one of these 0)) %a'bah is sit"ated in the &alley of: 0a) Oalley %aran 0b) Oalley (aif 0c) Oalley Makka 0d) .one of these 0,) *a=rat Cmam *"ssain died in: 0a) ,35 A2 0b) ,31 A2 0c) ,32 A2 0d)1 ,3 A2 0e) .one of these 0/) (reaty of *"daibiyah was obser&ed in: -0a) )th*i+rah 0b) ,lh *i+rah 0c)1 /lh *i+rah1 0d) 3th *i+rah 0e) .one of these 03) #rophet M"hammad 0#17181*1) died on: 0a) March , A2 0b) April , A2 0c) May , A2 0d) A"ne , A2 0e) .one of these

06) *a=rat Ethman was m"rdered on: 0a) 1/th March> ,), A121 0b) 1/th April> ,), A121 0c) 1/th May> ,), A121 0d) 1/th A"ne> ,), A121
0a) Arabia 0b) #ersian 0c) ("rk 0d) 4yria 0e) .one of these

016) (he act"al name of Cbn 4ina was:

0a) Ab" Ali al-*"sayn

0b) Moosa bin shakir

0c) 4aif"l da"la

0d) .one of these

025) (he act"al name of the Akber the m"ghal emperor was:

0a) .oor"d-din M"hammad

0b) 4hahab-"d-din M"hammad

0c) @aheer-"d-din M"hammad

0d) Aalal-"d-din M"hammad

0e) .one of these


11 9rite a comprehensi&e note on the social> economic> religio"s and political state of affairs of the pre-Cslamic world and highlight the re&ol"tionary changes bro"ght by Cslam in h"man thinking and beha&ior1 21 DBplain in light of Mithaq e Madina> 4"lah *"daibiyya and ?onq"est of Makkah that #rophet M"hammad 0#78*) was a peacemaker and not a warmonger1 1 *ighlight *a=rat 8mar 'ar"q as a pioneer of the concept of welfare state1 $1 *ow did the 4hiJa and %hawari+ emerge; ?ompare their beliefs and political tho"ghts1 )1 9rite a note on the contrib"tion of the Abbasaids towards ed"cation1 ,1 9rite a comprehensi&e note on any Ene of the following: 0a) Ettoman 4"ltan 7aye=id Gildir"mJs conq"ests1 0b) Ettoman (an=imat /1 9rite short notes on any (9E of the following: 0a) Asabiyya 0b) Aabr wa :adar 0c) .i=am "l M"lk ("si 0d) Amir M"Jawiya COMPULSORY #U STION 31 9rite only the correct answer in the Answer 7ook1 2o not reprod"ce the q"estions1 01) 9hich is the rd 4"ra in Al-:"ran; 0a) Al-Maida 0b) Aal-e-Cmran 0c) AnK.isa 0d) .one of these 02) Cmam 4hafi was a: 0a) #hilosopher 0b) A"rist 0c) #oet 0d) .one of these 0 ) (igris is a ri&er of: 0a) 8=bekistan 0b) Craq 0c) %a=akhstan 0d) .one of these

0$) (he modern name of *absha is 0a) Africa 0b) Dthopia 0c) 4"dam 0d) .one of these 0)) 9ord M"hammad means: 0a) 9orthy of praise 0b) (he praised one 0c) .oble 0d) .one of these 0,) Aws and %har=a+ were two tribes of: 0a) (he Aews 0b) (he :"raish 0c) (he Ansar 0d) .one of these 0/) 7an" :"rai=a> 7an" .adir and 7an" :ain"qa were three tribes of the: 0a) M"slims 0b) ?hristians 0c) Aews 0d) .one of these 03) Arrange in chronological order: 0a) 7attle of 8h"d 0b) 7attle of M"ta 0c) 7attle of %handaq 0d) .one of these 06) (he capital of %h"rasan was: 0a) #eshawar 0b) 2aib"l 0c) .ishap"r 0d) .one of these 015) %hilafat-e-!ashida lasted for abo"t: 0a) ,5 years 0b) 35 years 0c) 5 years 0d) .one of these 011) 8mmayed ?aliph M"Jawiyah was son of: 0a) Ab" (alib 0b) Ab" 4"fyan 0c) Aafar

0d) .one of these 012) (he battle of :"disiyya was fo"ght d"ring the reign of: 0a) ?aliph Ab" 7akr 0b) ?aliph 8mar 'ar"q 0c) 4alah"ddin Ayy"bi 0d) .one of these 01 ) ("ghril was the fo"nder of: 0a) Gha=nawids 2ynasty 0b) Gha"rid 2ynasty 0c) 4al+"q 2ynasty 0d) .one of these 01$) %h"=estan is an area in: 0a) ("rkey 0b) Cran 0c) A=erbai+an 0d) .one of these 01)) 4"laiman> the Magnificent was an: 0a) Abbasid ?aliph 0b) Ettoman ?aliph 0c) M"ghal king 0d) .one of these 01,) (he Mongols defeated: 0a) 4alah"ddin Ayy"bi 0b) (he Abbasids 0c) (he Gha=nawids 0d) .one of these 01/) 7ait-al-*ikmah was established by: 0a) 7abar 0b) Akber 0c) *ar"n al-!ashid 0d) .one of these 013) ?arl 7rockelmann is the a"thor of: 0a) *istory of the Cslamic #eople 0b) (he 4amanids 0c) (he 'atimids 0d) .one of these 016) (he Ettoman 2ynasty fell in: 0a) 1315

0b) 162$ 0c) 16$5 0d) .one of these 025) M"sailama al %a==ab was: 0a) 9riter 0b) 'alse #rophet 0c) (rader 0d) .one of these

ISLAMIC HISTORY AND CULTUR =papers 2002 NoteD Attempt any 'COD q"estions in all> incl"ding :"estion .o1 3 which is ?EM#8<4E!G1 Ail q"estions carry D:8A< marks1 11 Gi&e a brief best meaning sketch of the socio-political conditions pre&ailing in the 7y=antine and the 4asanian empires on the e&e of the ad&ent of Cslam1 9hat was the significance of Cslam in the conteBt of those conditions; 21 .e&er in the annals of history any conq"est has been so peacef"l as the conq"est of Makkah1 #lease eBplain1 1 *ighlight the achie&ements of *a=rat Ab"-7akr Al-4iddiq"e as the first caliph1 $1 2isc"ss the emergence of the 8mayyads with special reference to the role of Amir M"a&iya1 )1 DBplain the progress of philosophy d"ring the Abbasid ?aliph with special reference to three 0 ) most celebrated philosophers of that period1 ,1 9rite a comprehensi&e note on any E.D of the following: ?haracter and achie&ements of: 0a) M"hammad al-'aith 0the conq"eror) E! 0b) 4"laiman the magnificent /1 9rite short note on any (9E of the following: 0a) Ai-4h"'"biyyah 0b) 8mar bin Abd-al-A=i=1 0c) AC-M"'ta=illah 0d) AC-7ir"ni
8. Write only the correct answer in the Answer Book. Do not reproduce the questions. (1) Total number o the !urahs o the "oly #uran is$ (a) %% (b) 11&

(c) 1'( (d) )one o these (') Write down the names o *hula a e +ashideen in chronolo,ical order. (-) .mam Abu "ani a was a$ (a) /hilosopher (b) 0aqih (c) /oet (d) )one o these (&) 1uphrates is a ri2er o $ (a) )orth A rica (b) .ran (c) .raq (d) )one o these (3) Arran,e in chronolo,ical order$ (a) Battle o *haibar (b) Battle o Badr (c) Battle o "unain (4) !ammara was a city o $ (a) A ,hanistan (b) Turkey (c) .raq (d) )one o these (5) 6usa bin )usair was the ,o2ernor o $ (a) 6akkah (b) 6adinah (c) )orth America (d) )one o these (8) 6uhammad Bin #asim conquered$ (a) !pain (b) .ran (c) !indh (d) )one o these (%) 7Al Ahkam al !utlania8 was written by$ (a) .bn *huldun (b) Al96awardi (c) Al 0arabi

(d) )one o these (1() The :antonment o Basra was ounded by$ (a) "a;rat Ali (b) "a;rat <mar (c) Al !a ah (d) )one o these (11) .mam al =ha;ali was the author or$ (a) Taha at al Taha at (b) (c) Taha at al 0alasa ah (d) )one o these (1') Alp Arsalan belon,ed to$ (a) The >ttomon (b) !al?uqid (c) 6amluk Dynasty (d) )one o these (1-) The battle o #adisiyaah was won by$ (a) Tariq bin @iyad (b) !alahuddin Ayyubi (c) !aAad bin Abi Waqas (d) )one o these (1&) Ba,hdad was the capital o $ (a) Banu <mayyah (b) Banu Abbas (c) Banu 0atimah (d) )one o these (13) Battle o *arbala occurred durin, the rei,n o $ (a) Amir 6uawiyah (b) "arun al +asheed (c) Ba;eed (d) )one o these (14) Al9.drisi was a$ (a) /hilosopher (b) 6uhaddith (c) =eo,rapher (d) )one o these

(15) Arran,e in chronolo,ical order the ollowin, rulers. (a) Amin al9+ashid (b) Walid bin Abdul 6alik (c) Al 6ansur (18) The battle o Camal was ou,ht between DDDDDDDDD and DDDDDDDDD. (1%) .mam Bukhari was a$ (a) :aliph (b) 6u assir (c) 6uhaddith (d) )one o these ('() Aswad Ansi was (a) /oet (b) 0alse /rophet (c) Trader (d) )one o these

PAP R , I COMPULSORY #U STION 31 9rite only the correct answer in the Answer 7ook1 2o not reprod"ce the q"estions1 01) (he first mosq"e b"ilt for M"slims was: 0a) 7ait-"l-Maqdas 0b) :"ba Mosq"e 0c) .ab&i Mosq"e 0d) .one of these 02) M"sailma %a==ab was killed by: 0a) %halid bin 9alid 0b) 9ahshi 0c) *a=rat Abbas 0d) .one of these 0 ) 7attle of 7A2! was fo"ght in the year: 0a) 2 A1* 0b) A1* 0c) $ A1* 0d) .one of these 0$) Grand Mosq"e at 2amasc"s was b"ilt by:

0a) Abd"l Malik 0b) 9aleed 0c) 8mar bin Abd"l A=i= 0d) .one of these 0)) At :adsia KKKKKKKK commanded the M"slim army1 0a) 4aad bin Abi 9aqas 0b) %halid bin 9aleed 0c) Ckrama 0d) .one of these 0,) 2ots on Arabic letter was introd"ced by: 0a) *a++a+ 0b) Gahya 7armaki 0c) *assan 7asri 0d) .one of these 0/) Abbasids adopted KKKKKKK colo"r for their official dress1 0a) !ed 0b) Green 0c) 7lack 0d) .one of these 03) Ab" M"slim %h"rasani was m"rdered in: 0a) / 5 A121 0b) /)) A121 0c) /)/ A121 0d) .one of these 06) @akariyya !a=i was a: 0a) M"fassir 0b) 4"fi 0c) #hysician 0d) .one of these 015) Ettoman 4"ltans were the direct descendants of: 0a) Esman 0b) (im"r 0c) ?hinge= %han 0d) .one of these 011) Mam"n-"r-!ashid following KKKKKKKKKK doctrines1 0a) Csmaili 0b) Ashari 0c) M"ta=illa 0d) .one of these

012) Al-%hwar=mi was a: 0a) 4oldier 0b) Astonomer 0c) Mathematician 0d) .one of these 01 ) KKKKKKKK signed the (reaty of *"daibiya on behalf of the :"resh1 0a) Ab" 4"fyan 0b) 4"hail bin Amar 0c) 8tba 0d) .one of these 01$) 7aghdad was conq"ered and sacked by *alak" %han in: 0a) 12)3 A121 0b) 12,5 A121 0c) 12,) A121 0d) .one of these 01)) ("laiha was a: 0a) (rader 0b) #oet 0c) 'alse #rophet 0d) .one of these 01,) %hayr-al-2in 7arbarossa was a: 0a) 4ailor 0b) :a=i 0c) Minister 0d) .one of these 01/) (ragedy of %arbala took place in the year: 0a) ,1 A1*1 0b) /1 A1*1 0c) 31 A1*1 0d) .one of these 013) KKKKKKKK was the ("tor of *aroon-"r-!ashid: 0a) %halid !armaki 0b) Gahya 7armaki 0c) Gha=ali 0d) .one of these 016) ?onstantinople was conq"ered by: 0a) M"hammad CC 0b) 4"leman

0c) M"rad 0d) .one of these 025) *amm"rabi> the law gi&er was a: 0a) 7abylonian 0b) Assyrian 0c) 0d) .one of these KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 2551 C4<AMC? *C4(E!G A.2 ?8<(8!D1 #A#D!-1
Time Allo3e)D T'ree Ho*rs Ma7im*m Mar6sD 100

.E(D: Attempt EI& q"estions in all1which is COMPULSORY? All q"estons carry eq"al marks1 ?redit will he gi&en for the grasp ol the s"b+ect and originality of tho"ght1 11 Gi&e a brief o"tline of the history and the ci&ilialion of ancient 7abylonia1 1 21 2isc"ss the achie&ements of the *oly #rophet 0#eace 7e "pon him) as

a 4ocial !eformer1

1 .arrate the achie&ements of *a=rat 8mar 0!1A1) as a co(B*eror and as an Administrator1 $1 7ring into light the administrati&e reforms of Ahd"l Malik1 2o yo" agree with the &iew that he was the real fo"nder of the 8mmayyad 2ynasty1 Gi&e reasons1 )1 7riefly describe the scientific and1 literary progress of the M"slims d"ring Abbassid #eriod1 ,1 9rite a detailed note on #akistan's relations with the 8nited 4lates1 /1 9rite short notes on any (9E of the -following: 0a) Abd"llah 7in @"bair1 0b) 7attle of @A71 - 0c) 7A!MA%C241

Islamic History F C*lt*re 2000 1 11 ?ritically analyse the political> social and military instit"tions "nder the 7y=antine empire before the rise of Cslam1 2isc"ss their infl"ence on the 8mayyad ?aliphate1 21 (he conq"est of Mecca was in fact a peacef"l re&ol"tion1 DBplain with reference to its importance in the history of Cslam:J 1 9ho were the %har+ites; 2isc"ss their political and religio"s ideas1

$1 7ring into light the administrati&e reforms of Abd"l MaCik1 2o yo" agree with the &iew that he was the real fo"nder of the 8mayyad 2ynasty; Gi&e reasons1 )1 7riefly describe the scientific and literary progress of> the M"slims d"ring the Abbasid period1 ,1 2isc"ss the salient feat"res of the administration "nder the Ettoman 4"ltans1 /1 9rite short notes on any (9E of the following: 0a) LM"akhatJN 0b) 7attle of :adsiyaN 0c) 'o"ndation of 7aghdad1 ?EM#8<4E!G :8D4(CE. 31 9rite only the correct answer in the Answer 7ook1 2onJt reprod"ce the q"estions1 01) !"lers of #re-Cslamic lran were calledKKKKKKKK 0a) :aisar 0b) %isra 0c) 4"ltan 0d) .one of these1 02) ?ontrol o&er city state of Mecca was regained by the :"raish "nderKKKKKK 0a) :"say 0b) Abd"l M"ttalib 0c) Amir *ani=a 0d) .one of these1 0 ) 7an" Adnan were the descendents ofKKKKKKKKKK 0a) Adi bin *atim 0C>) %h"srao" 0c) *a=rat Csmail 0d) .one of these1 0$) *a=rat *am=a accepted Cslam in the yearKKKKKKKKK 0a) .ab&i 0b) 3 .ab&i 0c) 2 A1*1 0d) .one of these1

0)) 7attle of 8h"d was fo"ght in the yearKKKKKKKK 0a) 2 A1*1 0b) A1*1 0c) $ A1*1 0d) .one of these1

0,) KKKKKKKKK signed the (reaty of *"daibiya on behalf of the :"raish1 0a) Ab" 4"fyan 0b) 4"hail bin Amar 0c) 8tba 0d) .one of these1 0/) Aswad Ansi was aKKKKKK

0a) General 0b) #oet 0c) 'alse #rophet 0d) .one of these1 03) Ab" 8baidah bin Aarrah was the conq"eror ofKKKKKKKKK 0a) Dgypt 0b) Cran 0c) Garm"k 0d) .one of these1 06) (ragedy of %arbala took place in the yearKKKKKKKKK 0a) ,1A1C-C1 0b) /1A1*1 0c) 31A1*1 0d) .one of these1 015) 7attle of Marie !ahat was fo"ght againstKKKKKKKK 0a) 'rance 0b) Cran 0c) ?r"saders 0d)1 .one of theses 011) 2ots on Arabic <etters were introd"ced byKKKKK 0a) *a++a+ 0b) Gahya 7aniiaki 0c) AshMi 0d) .one of these1 012) Grand Mosq"e at 2amasc"s was b"ilt byKKKKKKKKK 0a) Abd"l Malik 0b) 9alid 0c) 8mar bin Add"l A=i= 0d) .one of these1 01 ) 7attle of (o"rs was fo"ght inKKKKKKKK 0a) D"rope 0b) 4yria 0c) .orth Africa 0d) .one of these1 01$) Ab" M"slim %h"rasani was m"rdered inKKKKKK 0a) 1 5 A1*1 0b) 1 ) A1*1 0c) 1 / A1*1 0d) .one of these1 01)) Cndependent state of 4amania was established inKKKKKKKK 0a) ?entral Asia 0b) 4o"th Asia 0c) .orth Africa 0d) .one of these1 01,) Al-*awi was a book onKKKKKKKKK 0a) A"rispr"dence 0b) #hilosophy 0c) Medicine 0d) .one of these1 01/) Al-:an"n was written byKKKKK 0a) Ab" *anifa 0b) Cbn 4ina 0c) Cmam Gha=ali 0d) .one of these1 013) Al-7er"ni died in the yearKKKKK 0a) 15$3 A121 0b) 11)5 A121 0c) 1135A121 0d) .one of these1

016) 4amara was b"ilt byKKKKKKKK 0a) 9alid 0b) Mam"n 0c) M"tasam 0d) .one of these1 025) Ettoman ("rks were descendents ofKKKKKKKK 0a) *a=art 8sman 0b) ."r"ddin @angi 0c)1 *asan bin4abah 0d) .one of these1

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