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Garrett Kheshtinejad Grade: 6th-8th Patter Songs and Green Eggs and Ham Lesson Plan Plan: Behavioral

l Objective: By the end of this lesson students will be able to perform an original patter song with a success rate of 80%. Cognitive Objective: Students will be able to interpret musical foundations such as rhythm, keeping a steady beat, text, and composition. Experiential Objective: Students will compose, sing, and play original patter song for the class. Constructive Objective: Students will realize how a text can be interpreted differently in a musical context. Partner: Ask students to bring in words from a Dr. Suess book that they have read or would like to discuss in class or words that rhyme. This could include lyrics from an appropriate rap or other popular song. Have a few of them read words out loud for the class. Discuss prior to the lesson with one person to read the text really quickly when he is asked (characteristic of patter song set-up) Ask the entire class what was different about each persons reading. Ask if each student who read gave a different interpretation. How? Play Youtube clips of Billy Joels We Didnt Start the Fire, Carl Orffs In taberna quando sumus Ryan Johns Green Eggs and Ham Ask class about their overall thoughts. Is this cool? What was different about these interpretations of a text? How does this compare to what you brought in? Break students up into three groups. Assign each group a specific patter song to discuss keeping in mind elements such as rhythm, keeping a steady beat, composition, and text. After 2 minutes, students will discuss their thoughts about each YouTube clip and their interpretation of patter song

Garrett Kheshtinejad Grade: 6th-8th Patter Songs and Green Eggs and Ham Lesson Plan

Focusing Question: In what ways did each recording display characteristics of a patter song and how can we incorporate this into our own compositions?

Present: 1. Hand out copies of In taberna quando sumus and We Didnt Start the Fire. Ask specifically what they notice about the text and rhythm, beat, or tempo 2. Address specific characteristics of patter song (moderately fast with rapid succession of rhythmic patterns in which each syllable of text corresponds to one note. tongue twisting rhythms). Do they notice this in the music? Why are patter songs important? Because they have been a part of history in music. Because they are comedic and often entertaining for an audience to listen to. Because they are a staple of comic opera. Humor empowers students to be creative without the fear of judgment amongst their peers. 3. Put students into groups of 5 to share individual thoughts on the musical elements of these two pieces. 4. While this discussion is taking place, ask students to go through the words of Dr. Suess Green Eggs and Ham or other lyrics they brought in. Ask students to choose which one they would like to start composition projects on. 5. Ask students to begin thinking about how they are going to create their own original patter song keeping the characteristics and musical elements of a patter song in mind. 6. Discuss why we are using these words. Because this is a tongue twisting rhyming text. Make sure

Garrett Kheshtinejad Grade: 6th-8th Patter Songs and Green Eggs and Ham Lesson Plan that rap lyrics are school appropriate and that they enunciate 7. Using iPads and various apps see if students can come up with a small portion of their original patter song using the rhyming lyrics of their choice. This of course may change once original composition is performed. Ultimately want to see what they can come up with in a short amount of time using apps on iPads. Assessment Formative: - Each student is to write what he or she noticed about rhythm and text for each patter song played. - In groups of 5(these will also be iPad ensembles) Share individual thoughts and come up with some ideas on how you would create your own patter song. Summative: Come up with final musical elements to apply to composition of patter song. Hand out specific rubric with guidelines for performance of original composition. Go over each groups composition privately before the performance date and give feedback. Grade students on basis of whether requirements were met. Personalize 1. Ask students to describe music in their own words. 2. Demonstrate how different approaches and interpretations of musical elements can be acceptable. Perform Perform my own looped patter song from specific rubric and guidelines discussed in class first. Students will present and perform original compositions on iPads as groups. Ask class which performance they liked best and why? What should the prize be for most creative?

Garrett Kheshtinejad Grade: 6th-8th Patter Songs and Green Eggs and Ham Lesson Plan Materials: Looping app on iPad, Garage band app for iPad, hard copies of Carl Orffs In taberna quando sumus and Billy Joels We Didnt Start the Fire, 6 iPads, Youtube links to patter songs, sound system, white board. Green Eggs and Ham words.

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