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As law students were learning skills that will serve us well not ust in a legal !areer" #ut also in $an% #usiness &ields and '(ossi#l%) li&e in general* +owever" there are so$e !o$(letel% ridi!ulous e,(e!tations that (eo(le have o& law students that no $atter how hard we stud%" we ust !annot live u( to* +ere are so$e o& the e,(e!tations (eo(le" generall% &riends and &a$il%" have o& $e when - talk to the$ a#out $% studies.* GETTING OUT OF TRAFFIC FINES Peo(le alwa%s assu$e that - know how to get out o& (arking or s(eeding &ines" like its a su# e!t thats o&&ered in &irst %ear* Sure" in so$e !ir!u$stan!es there $a% #e so$e $itigating &a!tors #ut un&ortunatel%" as we all know" the%re generall% stri!t lia#ilit% and i& %ouve got a ti!ket" %oure stu&&ed* The onl% (ro#le$ is how do %ou e,(lain it to a ti(s% un!le at a &a$il% //01 DECIPHERING JUDGE JUDY Shes a 2 udge and were law students" #ut thats where the !o$$onalit% ends* Sure we have !o$(arative law su# e!ts and we understand so$e o& the si$ilarities and di&&eren!es #etween udi!ial s%ste$s" #ut none o& those skills or knowledge will hel( %ou to $ake sense o& what goes on in 3udge 3ud%s !ourtroo$* The #est e,(lanation to give so$eone is to e,(e!t the !o$(lete o((osite i& the% are ever going to !ourt" or to suggest the% tr% wat!hing Rake instead* AWESOME GOOGLING SKILLS Sure" - have great resear!hing skills 4 - know how to look u( all 5a#o de!isions and the Tas$anian Da$s 6ase 4 #ut that doesnt $ean -$ an% #etter at 7oogling so$ething* Pro#a#l% like $ost o& %ou" an% sear!hes - do on 7oogle are ust (ot lu!k* -nsert rando$ words and ho(e &or the #est or &ailing that at least a &unn% $e$e* 5% real skill is sear!hing through videos on YouTu#e* -ts a$a8ing what %ou !an &ind when %oure tr%ing to avoid uris(ruden!e stud%* BEING ARGUMENTATIVE Now #eing argu$entative is not su!h a #ad attri#ute to have in law" and the a#ilit% to read #etween the lines to in&er a !ertain take on so$ething !an #e (rett% hel(&ul too* A&ter all" thats what statutor% inter(retation is all a#out* So$eti$es (eo(le alwa%s take it too &ar" thinking ust #e!ause %ou e,(ress an o(inion and are a#le to #a!k it u(" that %oure argu$entative* Not to $ention i$(l%ing that %ou ust love to twist words and #utter (eo(le u( so %ou !an e,tra!t what %ou want &ro$ the$* Personall%" - take that as a !o$(li$ent* -ts good to know $% nearest and dearest think - will #e killer at !ross9e,a$ination" #ut it does get tireso$e when (eo(le dont realise that %ou !an swit!h o&& %our law%er #rain and that we are nor$al" &riendl% (eo(le that dont have to have the last word* COMPLETING A MARATHON :inall%" ever%one see$s to e,(e!t that ust #e!ause -ve al$ost survived the long haul o& a law degree" - !an survive the long haul o& running ;<*<k$* Strange how &riends and &a$il% $iss the stark !ontrast #etween #eing lo!ked in a roo$ surrounded #% #ooks and su&&ering a $assive la!k o& vita$in D" and #eing outside and running &or hours* Nothing - have had learned in law s!hool has hel(ed $e with running" save that - know how to get awa% &ro$ an e,a$ !entre da$n =ui!k* These are ust so$e o& the unrealisti! e,(e!tations o& law students that -ve en!ountered* Share %ou stereot%(e e,(erien!es in the !o$$ents se!tion #elow>



:eeling #ored1 A(atheti!1 -s the #est (art a#out %our law degree ski((ing !lass to lun!h with &riends1 You know assess$ents and e,a$s will #e here to ruin %our earl% se$ester reverie soon enough" #ut %oure &eeling unins(ired* -t was e,!iting #a!k when %ou started this !ra8% little thing !alled law" #ut this se$ester %ou like law s!hool a#out as $u!h as ?olde$ort liked +arr% Potter* No wonder %oure (rett% keen to #ail* /ut should %ou1 +ere are so$e reasons to tough it out***

When %ou enrolled in law %ou were thrilled at the (ros(e!t o& #e!o$ing a legal legend 4 like Denn% 6rane" or the slightl% ne&arious 6leaver 7reene* /ut now %ou would rather #e!o$e ust a#out an%thing other than a law%er. and thats !ool too* A#out hal& o& all Australian law grads do not end u( (ra!ti!ing* -nstead the% #e!o$e writers" entre(reneurs" %oga instru!tors" artists" wine $akers 4 an%thing the% want" reall%* A #asi! grounding in legal (rin!i(les is attra!tive to $an% e$(lo%ers" and the versatilit% o& a law degree" (arti!ularl% in the anal%ti!al skills %ou learn" has hel(ed !ountless law grads talk their wa% into non9law o#s*

Even i& %oure keen to tr% so$ething else" !onsider &inishing %our law degree so %ou have so$e skills %ou !an &all #a!k on i& %our (lans dont work out or i& %ou !hange %our $ind a#out law%ering* You dont ne!essaril% need a relevant degree to work in ournalis$ or #usiness" #ut %ou do to #e!o$e a law%er*

So %oure a#out two %ears into the $ind9nu$#ing (ain o& %our law degree" and %oure ver%" ver% #ored* Thats oka%* The Priestl% AA !an do that* +old out &or law ele!tives 4 the%ll re$ind %ou that law !an #e interesting* :or $e $edia law was a total saviour*


-& %ou !lass %oursel& as a 2ver% average law student" %oure not alone* -t takes ti$e &or the kna!k o& thinking in that anal%ti!al" law%erl% wa% to ki!k in* -t ha((ens graduall%" #ut $ost things 'with the (ossi#le e,!e(tion o& e=uit%) $ake sense in ti$e*

-& %oure !onstantl% tired and stressed" its little wonder %oure &eeling anti9degree* /ut the grind o& !or(orate law !lass is generall% onl% (artl% to #la$e* Work out what else !ould #e #ehind %our aweso$e stress levels and shake things u( a little* -& %ou and %our degree #e!o$e estranged" there are other things %ou !an tr%* Plent% o& law students take a se$ester o&& or redu!e their stud% load" $aking ti$e to e,(lore other interests and" $a%#e" rekindling that s(ark*

+ow to Date a Law StudentB

Make Love Notes Long and Confusing Brevity and clarity make law school students feel uncomfortable and agitated, much like normal people feel at the DMV. For example, dont say, Lets head back home early for some fun. Instead say, Lets return early to the domicile for some malfeasance.

The Ten Students You will 5eet in Law S!hool

Posted #%B /-TTER 6ONTR-/UTOR on 3UNE A;" <CAC The% sa% %ou should kee( %our &riends !lose and %our ene$ies !loser* Whi!h" i& %oure in law s!hool" $eans %ou shouldnt let an% o& these ten rat #astards out o& %our site &or even a $inute*

AThe -$$a!ulate Altruist* Shes here to get a law degree so she !an save the ho$es o& (oor i$$igrant whales &ro$ &ore!losure* She disdains an%one who doesnt drea$ o& working non9(ro&it* To her" law" unlike an% other &ield o& stud%" is either a#out s(reading rain#ows and (ea!h !o##ler to the !orners o& the universe or greedil% snat!hing u( $one% whilst hel(ing Ri!h 6or(oration A sue Ri!her 6or(oration /* NoteB +er worldview onl% a((lies to law s!hool* -ts oka% i& geolog% students dont want to enter a !areer with the Pea!e 6or(s and dig wells &or A&ri!an tri#esDthe% !an ust like ro!ks* /ut a law studentwithout a Planeteer ring on is 7reed -n!arnate* <The 5aster De#ater* A t%(i!al !onversation with hi$ goes like thisB 5% (arents alwa%s told $e - should #e a law%er* You know wh%1 /e!ause - love to argue* - argue all the ti$e a#out ever%thing* And - alwa%s win argu$ents* Seriousl%" -ve never lost an argu$ent* What he $eansB +es a so!ial retard who &ights over ever%thing and a#solutel% re&uses to ad$it when hes wrong* +is (arents wanted hi$ to #e a law%er so he would &inall% &ind so$eone else to argue with and $a%#e sto( #eing su!h an asshole all the ti$e* Listen &or the &ollowing red &lags re(eated inter$ittentl% throughout his (re!ious argu$entsB E6learl%"F Eo#viousl%"F and Eits !o$(letel% unreasona#le to think that.F What %ou wont hearB Re&eren!es to &a!ts" !ases" statutes" or an% other re!ogni8a#le" non9sel&9!entri! authorit%* When he loses his ver% &irst argu$entDwhi!h he willDone o& two things will ha((enB 'A) +e will &all into a dee(" in!onsola#le" sel&9loathing de(ressionG '<) like O#i9Wan" he will #e!o$e a #igger asshole than %ou !an (ossi#l% i$agine" #la$ing the loss on an%thing and ever%thing e,!e(t his own la!k o& a#ilit%* HThe /londe /o$#shell with So$ething to Prove* Shes as rare as a 7iant Panda" #ut ever% &ew %ears she $ateriali8es in a AL !lass like a su!!ulent siren through the o!ean $ist* She has unusual nu$#ers &or law s!hool ad$issionB HI9<H9HH* She also reali8es that shes heart9sto((ingl% gorgeous" #ut #elieves thatDlike her heroine" the great EElle Woods" Es=uireFDshe !an over!o$e all stereot%(es and (rove hersel& as a valua#le asset to the

legal !o$$unit%* And shes hal&9right a#out the asset (artG however" she is doo$ed to either learn how to use her #eaut% to $ani(ulate others and work her wa% u( the law9s!hool ladder" or to live in ho(eless denial* Addendu$B Leave roo$ &or the (ossi#ilit% that an a#solutel% gorgeous and e,tre$el% intelligent &e$ale law student e,ists out there so$ewhere" #ut i& thats the !ase" the &a!t that she will never #e $% !o9!ounsel is too $u!h to #ear* And so" &or the sake o& (s%!hologi!al sel&9(reservation" - shall vehe$entl% den% her e,isten!e* ;The 5ight% 5ouse* Who is he1 -s he even in our HL !lass1 -ve never noti!ed hi$* Did he trans&er in1 This (erson is likel% in the to( JK o& %our !lass" i& not &lat9out Nu$ero Uno" #ut %ou swear %ouve never seen hi$ #e&ore in %our li&e* Thats #e!ause he never s(eaks a word voluntaril%" although when !alled u(on he &lawlessl% utters the insight o& a thousand Learned +ands !la((ing a o%ous s%$(hon% o& uris(ruden!e* +e shows u( &or !lasses and e,a$s" and then" like /at$an" he disa((ears into the $ist% night* 'No" he will not let %ou #orrow his outlines*) JThe Dri&ter* +al& the ti$e he doesnt even know hes in law s!hoolG the other hal& hes high* To hi$" law s!hool is another three.$a%#e &our.%ears o& dela%ing the dreaded Ereal world*F -n ever% !ourt o(inion" he !an see how The 5an kee(s hi$ down* Lu!% v* Leh$erB EWT:" $an> You !ant take his &ar$> +e was drunk" and he wrote the !ontra!t on an &9ing re!ei(t $an> Thats ust $essed u(*F Leonard v* Pe(si!oB EOh %eah" !or(orate A$eri!a o&&ers a harrier et thinking no one is going to a!!e(t* Then 3oe Ever%$an gets enough Pe(si Points to #u% it" and what do the% do1 The% &9ing take it #a!k* WT:" $an1> And the law ust lets it ha((en1F A&ter law s!hool" he will go on to #e!o$e a do!tor * * * in so$ething* +e will !ontinue like this until his a#sentee (arents or Sallie 5ae dis!overs hi$* IThe Wunderkind* +e started working in a law o&&i!e delivering intero&&i!e $e$oranda at age A<* +e learned Westlaw #e&ore 7oogle* +e was the all9 star high s!hool de#ate and $oot !ourt !ha$(ion all &our %ears* +is undergraduate degree1 Do - even need to sa% it1 -t was &9ing (re9law* To hi$" law s!hool isnt ti$e to learnG its ti$e to shine* A&ter a de!ade o& $entall% #en!h9(ressing volu$e a&ter volu$e o& 6or(us 3uris Se!undu$ and $e$ori8ing the :ederal Rules o& Eviden!e" its ti$e to oil u( those $us!les and &le,* +e doesnt see (eers" onl% hurdles* MEl Des(erato* +es in the li#rar% eight hours a da% 'ten on Saturda%s and Sunda%s)* +e owns $ore Nutshells than 5r* Peanut* +e has ever% (ro&essors o(en o&&i!e hours s!heduled into his /la!k/err%* Yet" &or the li&e o& hi$" he !ant see$ to (ull even a 69 on an e,a$* The realit% is that he was never !ut out &or law s!hool* /e it Nature or Nurture" he was designed &or a di&&erent o#* The good newsB +e will reali8e this* The #ad newsB At the (oint he does" hell owe NACC grand and will have lost $ost" i& not all" o& his hair* OThe Diversit% Student* When shes not #us% (osing &or (i!tures &or the law s!hools we#site and view#ook" shes en o%ing the sweet li&e o& a tuition9 &ree edu!ation* +ow do %ou s(ell the na$e o& that Native9A$eri!an tri#e again1 Oh %eah" E&9u9l9l r9i9d9e*F She doesnt worr% so $u!h a#out (re(aring &or !lass" taking e,a$s" or !areer outlooksDand wh% should she1 When her &or$er !lass$ates are sa!ri&i!ing $ovie nights ust so the% !an (a% #a!k the interest on their student loans" shell #e rela,ing in the !o$&% leather !hair o& her ;Jth9stor% downtown o&&i!e* A&ter all" %ou !an onl% #e a diversit% student &or three %ears until %oure a diversit% hire* PThe Savant* What the hell111 This gu% rando$l% de!ided to take the LSAT at the last $inute and s!ored a AMP 'and thats #e!ause two (ages stu!k together)* Our (ro&essor asks hi$ a =uestion a#out the Ne!essar% and Pro(er 6lause" and he takes the !lass on a glorious ro$( through the $eta(h%si!al world o& !onstitutional intransien!e* Did he even read the !ase1 Does he even outline his notes1 :u!k it* - hate this gu%* ACThe Nth 7eneration Law%er* Lets ust sa% that he likes to use his $iddle initial &or things* -n &a!t" hes (ro#a#l% a ESo$ething So$ething the :ourthF in his &a$il%" whi!h is !o$(rised !o$(letel% o& law%ers" legal s!holars" a udge or two" and so$e wives o& law%ers* +e didnt enroll in law s!hool" he inherited it* You ask hi$ what he would do i& he wasnt going to #e a law%er" and all %ou get in return is a #lank stare* A$ong the t%(es o& Law students $entioned" it is sa&e to sa% that - a$ the the third one B) +ahaha > :or what is the Q/log o& a Hot Law Student ChicQ i& -R$ not it B))

Pie!e o& Advi!eB What to do when whatRs on the #ook %ou read is di&&erent &ro$ %our Pro&essorsR (oint o& view*
In one of the lectures of your professor, you heard him say somewhat different from what you learned or read. What do you do? I mentioned before you may want to discuss the matter with him privately and in a respectful manner. But what if after the discussion he maintains his position, what then should your answer be if that would be asked in the exam? Then you have to give the answer as taught by your professor. emember he is the one who will check your booklet. !owever, be sure you know what the correct answer is when asked in the bar exam.

Piece of Advice: What to do when you did not study and just want to be absent from class.
You &eel like not going to s!hool #e!ause %ou did not stud%* You sa% #etter #e a#sent than get a J* Wrong* Unless %ou are reall% si!k" do not a#sent %oursel& &ro$ !lass* You will #e $issing a lot i& %ou do* /esides" ever%#od% has gotten a J at a !ertain (oint* DonRt #e dis!ouraged and do not #e a (er&e!tionist &or no one is* Also" %ou !an alwa%s (ra% that %ou will not #e !alled to re!ite s(e!iall% on !ases %ou &ailed to read*

ThereRs a di&&eren!e #etween an Attorne% and a Law%er>

You might have heard the words attorney and lawyer used interchangeably in TV or movies. So much so, that you might think that the words are synonyms, but in reality they're slightly different things! A lawyer is someone who is trained in the law. Anyone who has been to law school can consider themselves a lawyer. An attorney, however, is someone who has assed the bar e!am in the "urisdiction that they intend to work in.

This means in ractice, that someone who's strictly a lawyer can give legal advice, but only an attorney can legally re resent someone else.

No Boundaries
- ust heard &ro$ one o& $% &riends in Law S!hool that the The$e Song &or this %earRs /AR OPS is QNo /oundariesQ #% @ris Allen as (o(ulari8ed #% Ada$ La$#ert* - was ver% ha((% to hear it knowing that #e!ause sin!e - started $% ourne% o& #e!o$ing a law%er" it has #een one o& $% #oosters not to give u(" never to give u(> - alread% (osted here $% other the$e song su!h whi!h QThe 6li$#Q #% 5ile% 6%rus #ut the i$(a!t o& this song is reall% dee(> Oh well" let the l%ri!s s(eak &or itsel&* B)

Seconds, hours, so many days You know what you want, but how long can you wait? Every moment last forever. When you feel you've lost your way. What if my chances were already gone? I started believing that I could be wrong. ut you give me one good reason. !o fight and never walk away. So here I am, still holding on With every ste", you climb another mountain Every breath, it's harder to believe You'll make it through the "ain, weather the hurricanes !o get to that one thing. #ust when you think the road is going nowhere #ust when you almost gave u" on your dreams !hey take you by the hand and show you that you can !here are no boundaries. !here are no boundaries. I fought to the limit, to stand on the edge What if today is as good as it gets? $on't know where the future's heading ut nothing's gonna bring me down I've %um"ed every bridge and I've run every line I risked being safe but I always knew why I always knew why So here I am, still holding on With every ste", you climb another mountain Every breath, it's harder to believe You'll make it through the "ain, weather the hurricanes !o get to that one thing #ust when you think the road is going nowhere #ust when you almost gave u" on your dreams !hey take you by the hand and show you that you can You can go higher, you can go dee"er !here are no boundaries above and beneath you reak every rule 'cause there's nothing between you &nd your dreams

With every ste", you climb another mountain Every breath, it's harder to believe Yeah, there are no boundaries !here are no boundaries With every ste", you climb another mountain Every breath, it's harder to believe You'll make it through the "ain, weather the hurricanes !here are no boundaries. !here are no boundaries. !here are no boundaries.

Be nice to everyone, they are fighting a battle you know nothing about ...

Looks !an #e de!eiving* A (erson $a% look so oll% and all #ut #ehind those sill% okes and wide s$iles is a $elting heart* A heart that is longing &or !are and love &ro$ (eo(le around her* That #e!ause she looks so strong and #rave" (eo(le around her never even $ind asking i& sheRs going through tough things* That the onl% thing that (erson !an do is to !on!eal the (ain sheRs &eeling inside and &ake a s$ile*

5ost o& the ti$e" - &eel this wa%* -t &eels like -R$ alwa%s alone &ighting a #attle other (eo(le know nothing a#out* WhatRs worse1 The% udge %ou ust #e!ause the% see %ou the wa% the% look at %ou* - re$e$#er when - was still in the undergrad s!hool" - re!eived a letter &ro$ a &riend* -t was an unna$ed letter* - wonRt dis!lose ever%thing on that letter #ut - will tell %ou the $ost $e$ora#le thing a#out it* The (erson told $e to !hange who - a$" she said" - $a% #e going through a lot o& things #ut itRs not an e,!use to a!t the wa% - do* - want to re(eat it" that (erson was $% &riend" when %our &riend knows what %ou are going through" the% donRt udge %ou" the% si$(l% understands* That (erson didnRt know what - went through #e&ore #e!o$ing the (erson - a$ now* -R$ not sa%ing that all $% a!tions are (leasing nor a!!e(ta#le" #ut we all live in a world where (eo(le want us to live the wa% the% do" and - #elieve that #eing %oursel& in this kind o& world is an a!hieve$ent* - a$ living the wa% - want $% li&e to #e* -tRs #% &ar one o& $% greatest a!hieve$ents*

- want to share with %ou a (ost - read &ro$ the net* -tRs all the a#out the title o& this arti!le* - &elt guilt% when - &inished reading the (assage* - thought to $%sel&" ne,t ti$e the situation is not so &avora#le to $e" - have to think o& the other (eo(leRs situation &irst #e&ore doing an% a!tions* The% $ight have #een going through a lot o& struggles" ust like $e* - ho(e %ouRll also have %our own reali8ation*

/e Ni!e To Ever%one You 5eet*

The%re :ighting A /attle You +ave A#solutel% No -dea A#out*

/%B inC!ent#eaut%<H Written on Se(te$#er <Jth" <CAC

That erk that !ut %ou o&& in tra&&i! %esterda%. $ight ust #e a single $other hurr%ing to get ho$e to her kids that she doesnt see as o&ten as shes su((osed to #e!ause o& the long hours at her o#* That !ou(le in &ront o& %ou thats walking e,tre$el% slowl% $ight #e si$(l% tr%ing to savor ever% $o$ent the% have le&t #e!ause one o& the$ has ust #een diagnosed with !an!er* The rude sales lad% that %ou !o$(lained a#out &or hours a&ter leaving the store $ight #e struggling her wa% through her ever%da% li&e" tr%ing to live on $ini$u$ wage &ro$ (a%!he!k to (a%!he!k" #arel% #eing a#le to a&&ord her gro!er% #ills* The girl that %ou like to gossi( a#out ever%da% #e!ause shes rude and a !o$(lete ESSSSF. $ight ust #e dealing with an al!oholi! (arent that doesnt know when the%re taking it too &ar* The tea!hers that %ou like to $i$i! and $ake &un o& #ehind their #a!k. $ight #e !r%ing the$selves to slee( ea!h night &ro$ how alone the% &eel* The EgeekF that sits at the lun!h ta#le alone with no &riends that ever%#od% (oints at and laughs. $ight ust #e dealing with an a#usive &ather who has no !on!ern &or his or her wel&are* The &a$ous singer that gave a Ehorri#le (er&or$an!eF %esterda% that ever%#od% see$ed to hate. $ight ust have &ound out the worst news o& their li&e. #ut held it in and !a$e out an%wa%* The girl in !lass that doesnt know when to shut u( and ever%one !alls Eanno%ingF. $ight ust like to talk a lot #e!ause the%re a&raid o& the thoughts in their head when the%re =uiet* The EnerdF that %ou like to $ake &un o& ever%da% #e!ause the% stud% too $u!h and never have ti$e to hang out 4 the% $ight ust see their &a$il% #arel% surviving with the (a%!he!k 9 and striving to $ake a #etter &uture &or their !hildren* The $e$#er on %our (ro e!t tea$ that doesnt see$ to ever have ti$e or (ut in an e&&ort 4 $ight ust #e taking !are o& their entire &a$il% #e!ause o& a &ather thats never ho$e and a $other that has other !on!erns than her !hildrens wel&are* The !ashier %ou ust %elled at &or not getting %our order right 'Or the e$(lo%ee %ou ust %elled at &or not getting a !usto$ers order right) 4 $ight ust #e having a terri#le da% a&ter &inding out his &ather was laid o&& and his $other was leaving the$* Your &riend that %ou ust hung u( on #e!ause %ou were to (issed o&& to talk $ight have needed a shoulder to lean on a&ter #eing %elled at #% nu$erous (eo(le* The &riends %ou &eel like dont (ut enough o& an e&&ort into %our &riendshi( 4 $ight #e dealing with things %ou !ant even #egin to gras( 4 and una#le to &ake a s$ile when hanging out an%$ore* Truth is" we let our e$otions get the #est o& us" and never reall% !onsider how the% !an a&&e!t other (eo(le* We talk a#out others #e!ause its E&unF #ut &ail to !onsider how hurt the% would #e i& the% heard those things* We dont (la!e enough i$(ortan!e on how others $ight #e &eeling" how the things we sa% and do !an #e reall% hurt&ul* Ever%#od% has #attles the%re &a!ing" struggles that the% go through* None o& us are (er&e!t" and we all &all short o& the (erson we strive to #e* 5ost o& us sa% we dont !are a#out what others sa% or think. #ut s(eaking &or $%sel&" - know i& - heard so$ething #ad that was sad" it would hurt $e and u(set $e* And there are a lot o& others that would #e hurt and u(set #% the things we sa% as well* So let us take a $o$ent to !onsider how the things we sa% and do !an have the (ower to $ake or #reak a (ersons da%* Ever%#od%s &eelings $atter* Our o# is to $ake (eo(le as ha((% as (ossi#le. not &ind wa%s to #ring the$ down even &urther* So lets &orget the gossi(" the hate" and the anger we !arr%. #ut (ro$ote the ha((iness T love instead*

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