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Household Structure Household is Paka House More people are living in paka (cement built) houses.

is telling the story. However, the facts are changed when viewed in bits.

Household is Rented House More people are living in rented houses, across the two divisions. Figure 4.30 is evident in this regard where the working kids are predomi-nantly living in rented houses. Household usually has One Room 73% people, sindh & punjab provinces ,are living in a one room household. 59.4% of the total working kids are living in these one room households Household Space in Number of Rooms

conclusion Household Income is less than Rs.10,000 a month The average household incomeof the family of the crippled kids is very low, to say at least.

Education of the Household Head

He is Not going to School merely 29.51% of the surveyed kidsare attending some kind of school. These figures should be read in the context of 70%drop out rate in Punjab schools Schooling is Too Expensive merely 3.53% of the people aresaying that schooling is afordable. 66% are saying that schooling is too expensive forthem. Schools are Too Far As 38.65% are saying that schools are at least 1 to 3km away from their households. Schooling

Afordability of Schooling

Q.2) What is your age? o Below 10 o 12-15 o Above 15

Ages of the child
Below 10 12-15 Above 15 16.00% 77% 7.00%




) How long do you work ? o o o o

6 hours 17%

6 Hours 8 Hours 10Hours More than 10 hours


working hours during labour.

10 hours

More than 10houra


6 hrs 8 hrs 10 hrs more than 10 hrs

Which gender is discriminated in labour? male female both Number of kids employed Male Female 42% 34%

Both 24%

No.of kids Employed

Male Female Both

do society discourages the child labour yes no neutral s

Child labour Discouraged by society Yes No 48% 30%

Neutral 22%

child labour discouraged by society




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