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It is intended that all checklist items will be used when inspecting pile projects.


Yes No NA

1. Is the Contractor using the same approved hammer system provided in the Pile & Driving Equipment Data Sheet? 2. Do you have the Driving Criteria etter? !. "as the Contractor met the requirements #or Protection o# E$isting Structures %vi&ration and e$cavation'? (. "as the em&an)ment and e$cavation *or) &een completed according to Section ++,2+.(+a & &? ,. I# a co##erdam is required- has the Contractor su&mitted a design in accordance *ith the speci#ications? .. I# /etting is required- are the /ets and supporting equipment approved? 0. I# pre&oring is required- has the equipment and methods &een approved? 1. I# #ollo*ers are to &e used- *ere they approved &y the Engineer or speci#ied in the contract documents? 2. Do you have a re#erence elevation so that you )no* *here the pile cut3o## is and can determine tip elevations and penetration? 1+. Do you have the required inspection & reporting #orms?


STEEL (00520.43) 11. 4re the piles the right size, length, type and grade for the job? 12. 4re there any visual de#ects on the pile? I# yes- e$plain? 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 1!. Did the Contractor supply you *ith the mill certi#ication reports on the piles? 1(. Do the piles on site match the mill certi#icate lot num&ers provided? 1,. Is all pile splicing properly per#ormed %++,2+.(!#'? 1.. 4re the pile tips the right type and si6e and *elded on properly %rein#orced tips or closed end plates'? PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES (00520.44) 10. During delivery- are the piles &eing li#t &y the correct num&er o# pic)ups and at the correct points? 11. Do the piles have the required in#ormation on the pile %stamp- casting date- pile 7- length- prestressed yard 7'? 12. Is the casting date older than 21 days #or normal installation and !+ days #or e$posure to sea*ater and sul#ate soils? 2+. Is the length8cross3section8si6e8prestress con#iguration correct #or the /o&? 21. Did you physically measure the piles? 22. 4re the li#ting eyes removed and epo$ied? 2!. 4re there spalling8crac)s or other damage visually apparent? 4ny damage noted should &e reported to your supervisor #or evaluation. a' I# so- e$plain55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 2(. 4re prestress strands cut o## &elo* sur#ace o# concrete? 2,. 9or storage on /o& site- is dunnage placed at correct li#ting positions and is placed so that it *on:t settle? 2.. ;ther special details that are in the speci#ications- such as vents- centerhole /et pipes- voids or other. E$plain.

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Yes No NA

20. Is the ;D;> Pile ?ecord @oo) properly #illed out. 21. "as all availa&le pre3driving data &een entered in the Pile ?ecord @oo)? 22. Is a sa$imeter &eing used to record stro)e? !+. "as the ABinimum >ipC mar) &een determined? !1. "as the AStop #or Set3Chec)C mar) &een determined? !2. 4re the piles *ithin allo*a&le tolerances %++,2+.(1#'? !!. 4re the piles mar)ed in the correct intervals? !(. Is the hammer *armed up and set on the proper #uel setting #or starting out? !,. I# using /etting to advance pile- has the Contractor removed the /ets a minimum o# , #t. a&ove the speci#ied tip elevation and used an impact hammer to drive to the required &earing capacity %++,2+.(+e'? !.. I# concrete piles require splicing- is it in accordance *ith ++,2+.((? !0. I# steel piles require splicing- is it in accordance *ith ++,2+.(!#? !1. 4re the proper num&er o# record piles &eing recorded? !2. I# using a pile cushion- does it need replacing? (+. Is the hammer cushion &eing regularly chec)ed?

(1. Is there a ?equired >ip Elevation speci#ied? (2. I# Des- has the pile reached the ?equired >ip Elevation? (!. I# no ?equired >ip Elevation is speci#ied- has the pile achieved Binimum Penetration requirements %++,2+.(1c'? ((. Is the top o# pile *ithin 2 #eet o# Cut3o## elevation? (,. "as the pile met the Driving Criteria speci#ied &y the Eeotechnical Engineer? (.. "as the pile reached Practical ?e#usal? (0. "ave any o# the piles heaved? %++,2+.(+g'

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