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American History 9.

09 Assignment Trivia Questions 4/11/14

Questions and Answers: 1. Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy, and what was he known for? Senator Joseph McCarthy was known for the witch-trial-like hunts for Communist traitors in the 1950s. 2. What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee? The purpose of the HUAC, led by Senator McCarthy, was to weed out Communist traitors. 3. What was McCarthyism? McCarthyism refers to accusing people of being Communist traitors to the United State s. 4. What was the baby boom? The baby boom refers to the time after World War II in which many children were born for how much time had passed. 5. What entertainment technology became very popular in the 1950s? The television became very popular in the 1950s. 6. What is the name of one rock-n-roller that was popular in the 1950s? Elvis Presley/Chuck Berry/Buddy Holly were all famous rock-n-rollers. 7. What famous fast food restaurant, the first of its kind, opened in the 1950s? McDonalds first opened in the 1950s. 8. What was France fighting for in Vietnam in the 1950s? France wanted to take back control from their Communist leader. 9. What was the name of the play written about McCarthy and his hunts by author Arthur Miller? The Crucible was the name of the play. 10. What kind of reaction did McCarthy gain from his anti-Communist campaign? The reaction started out mostly positive, but quickly degraded and McCarthy grew to be hated.

Juror: Susan Cornforth Answers:

1. Who was Senator Joseph McCarthy, and what was he known for? An anti-Communist leader in 1950s America. 2. What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee? To root out homegrown Communists. 3. What was McCarthyism? The wave of anti-Communist sentiment that McCarthy rode into power. 4. What was the baby boom? The rise in economic status of the average American after WWII led to an increase in the birth rate. 5. What entertainment technology became very popular in the 1950s? Television. 6. What is the name of one rock-n-roller that was popular in the 1950s? Bill Halley and the Comets. 7. What famous fast food restaurant, the first of its kind, opened in the 1950s? McDonalds. 8. What was France fighting for in Vietnam in the 1950s? No clue. 9. What was the name of the play written about McCarthy and his hunts by author Arthur Miller? Death of a Salesman? 10. What kind of reaction did McCarthy gain from his anti-Communist campaign? Ultimately people rejected it for the witch hunt it was and he lost all of his influence.

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