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Basically, sentences are classified in three basic forms. They are Nominal sentence, Verbal sentence and use of Formal It and There. In writing sentence, students have to understand the forms of what sentence they want to write. The followings are the classification of basic sentence patterns. 1. Nominal entence ! " sentence that has no an activity #$. ! a. he is a nurse % Noun& b. 'e is clever. %"d(ective& c. )y friend is in hospital % "dverb& Begin with *reposition ! in, at, on, to, into, under, up, down etc. +. Verbal entence! " sentence that is doing an activity. #$. ! a. ,e study #nglish every wee-. % Verb. Transitive& b. ,e go to campus everyday. % Verb Intransitive& c. The patient loo-s better now. % Verb .in-ing& /. Formal It and Formal There #$. ! a. It is very important to give immuni0ation to newborn. % Formal It& b. There are so many patients in hospital this month. % Formal There&

Below, the commonly basic patterns of verbal sentences.

1. +. /. 3. 5. 6. a. b. S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V Intransitive V .in-ing V Intransitive V Transitive V Transitive V Transitive V Transitive 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 " 4 4 I.4 7.4

1 1 1

2 7.4 prep


*8#7I2"T# V( intransitive ) ,e breathe "ll 'uman will die "ll fish can swim It doesn9t matter The sun is shining S 'is father 'e V(linking) is becomes C a doctor wea-


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+ 'is voice That woman :our s-in The mil3. S The students The lecture "ll teachers The mist The birds "ll my student sounds loo-s feels turns V(Intrans) live begins come spreads are flying study noisy annoyed soft and smooth sour A near the campus at eight on time over the hills very fast diligently O my ;uestion our serious games me the patient honest people their house C flat pinour president 2hi <abida better heroes "O a safe (ourney a -iss nothing hot coffee a letter red flowers


S Nobody ,e all "ll the young people The bell I They S The smith That young man ,e 'is fans I The drugs The people

V(transitive) answered en(oyed strucsurprised love will sell

V(transitive) O hammered the metal dyed his hair elected )egawati call him name my daughter ma-e him declared them V(trans) wish blew denied will ma-e must send has given I.O you her dad her me your mother Tini

!. S a They he The man )y wife :ou Tono

S b The teacher They I :ou 'e The driver


".O announced described have bought should open borrowed demanded

A the test the robbery new clothes the door some money =1>> to the students to the police for my children for them from her from them

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/ The doctor prescribed medicine for the patient

#$. ! Verb .in-ing. 1 appear %be& become feel get go grow -eep looremain seem sound smell taste turn #$% t$ &i''erentiate( ,e study #nglish ,e study hard ,e study here ,e study at night

ternyata, -elihatan ada, adalah, berada men(adi merasa, terasa terasa, merasa, men(adi men(adi men(adi, tumbuh tetap, terus tampa-, -elihatan tetap tampa-, -elihatan tampa-, -elihatan berbau terasa ternyata

,e study ,hat? %Trans& ,e study 'ow? %Intrans& ,e study ,here? %Intrans& ,e study ,hen? %Intrans&

)se $' *$r+al It an& There in senten,e. Formal ! It 1 Is 1 "d( ,as )ust be 'as been )ust have been etc@. Is 1 Noun "re ,as ,ere )ust be ,ill be 4ught to be 'as been 'ave been )ust have been etc@ 1 To VI

Formal there ! There 1

.atihan 1

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3 2arilah mana elemenAelemen S atau V dari masingAmasing -alimat yang merupa-an #lemen *rimary dan carilah elemen 2omplementary apa sa(a-ah yang mengumpliti elemen primary tersebut. 1. I am a student. I come from a remote village far from here. +. I have been living in :ogya-arta for about four years /. )y father, mother, sisters and brothers are not here 3. "ll of them become poor farmers but they en(oy their life 5. None of them came to this town before I began to study here 6. Nearly all of people in my village want their children to study B. The generation of my parents is different from mine C. In the past parents wished their children to be farmers D. "t the time most parents had wide land to cultivate 1>. They preferred their children to wor- in the farm 11. Farmers everywhere always wor-ed very hard everyday 1+. Those people must strangle hard to support their lives 1/. The time I have now is different from they had 13. There is no enough land for their children to cultivate 15. Their income can not be compared with the urban peopleEs 16. Those village people reali0e what they are facing now 1B. The young people also want to improve their lives for future 1C. )ost of them migrate to other islands, big cities or even other countries 1D. Those migrants want to do whatever (ob available for them +>. In their village (ob are seasonal and low paid +1. In big cities there are lots of (obs available for them ++. The only problem they have is whether they want to wor- hard in the cities or they want to live la0ily in the rural areas +/. )igrating to other promising areas is a challenge for them +3. They have no choice to migrate to other area if they want to survive .atihan II Ter(emah-an -alimat beri-ut ini dengan mengguna-an -aidahA-aidah -alimat yang telah anda pela(ari. 1. "da sebuah cerita menari-, ada tiga ,ono yang sama tapi beda. +. /. aya seorang lela-i se(ati. edih untu- mengetahui diri-u. aya dari ,onosari tapi se-arang di ,onsobo.

3. 7i desa-u sangat panas setiap hari. udah lama tida- ada hu(an. 5. 7i wonogiri (uga -ering, tapi untung sudah ada bendungan.
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5 6. 7i wonosobo dingin setiap pagi, air melimpah selalu ada. B. ulit hidup di ,onosari. 7i wonogiri hidup (uga sulit. C. ,onosobo, ,onosari,,onogiri memang sama tapi beda. D. ,ono artinya hutan tapi ada bedanya ari, obo, dan Firi. 1>. "pa-ah anda dapat mengetahui bedanya? pasti harus ada bedanya. 11. )emang obo, ari dan Firi amat berbeda tapi sama. 1+. 7i wonosobo hu(an terus, -emarin hu(an, se-arang hu(an. 1/. 7i ,onosari -ering terus, -emarin -ering, se-arang (uga. 13. 7i ,onogiri air ada tapi dibendungan. 15. Istri-u canti- bagai bidadari, dia dari pegunungan di ,onogiri. 16. "na--u hanya dua, satu lela-i dan satunya perempuan gemu-Agemu-. 1B. "na--u yang pertama berumur 1> tahun yang -edua berumur B tahun. 1C. )ere-a bela(ar di se-olah 7 semua -arena ingin pandai. 1D. Nasib mere-a harus lain dengan nasib -edua orangtua mere-a. +>. Itulah sebabnya -ami semua se-arang tinggal di ,onosobo. +1. "-u pen(ual ba-so ter-enal, istri-u pen(ual (amu. ++. 'idup itu lucu. -ami -eluarga mis-in tapi -ami bahagia betul. +/. Tiada wa-tu tanpa bahagia, hidup itu indah betul. +3. Gami bahagia dengan -eadaan -ami se-arang, apapun namanya. .atihan III emua -alimat dibawah salah. *i-ir-an apa sebabnya dan betul-an 1. #nglish very important for us to learn. +. cientific is not mean perfect. /. 'e will not to come here tonight. 3. :ou must trying hard. 5. 7o you can spea- #nglish with fluent. 6. I am can not spea- #nglish with good. B. ,here are you live now? C. I am live in Hl. )agelang No. ++. D. 7o you parents there too? 1>. Is your parents spea- #nglish? 11. No, he is can not spea- #nglish. 1+. :ou must happy because your parents rich. 1/. )y sister is not study in this Iniversity.
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6 13. he will go to abroad ne$t month. 15. )y brother is four and my sister is two. 16. 'ow is your old? )y old is +1 years. 1B. )y age is /> years old. 1C. If you want to success, you must diligent. 1D. )y mother didnEt went there yesterday. +>. I am stud hard because e$amination. +1. I will to tell you the story Ha-ating-ir. ++. ,hat your father wor- at that town? +/. "fter I until in Bantul, I buy gepla-. +3. ,hy are you li-e to study #nglish? +5. ,hen did you born? I burned in 1DB>.

Then- s$+e ele+ents sta+. %ith the senten,e. SENTENCE

1. +. /. 3. 5. 6. B. C. Noun Noun *hr. Noun 2l. *ronoun Ferund Ferund *hr. To Inf. To Inf. *hr.

1. .in-ing Verb

1. N 1. N 1. N +. N. *hr. +. N. *hr. +. N. *hr. /. Noun 2l /. Noun 2l. /."dv. +. Trans. Verb. 3. *ronoun 3. *ronoun 3. "dv. *hr 5. Ferund 5. Ferund 5. "dv. 2l 6. Ferund *hr 6. Ferund *hr. 6. To Inf. /. Intrns.Verb B. To Inf. B. To Inf. B. To Inf.*hr. C. To Inf. *hr. C. To Inf. *hr C. *res. *art.
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D. "d(. 1>. "d(. *hr 11. "d(. 2l. 1+. *res. *art. 1/. *rep. 13. *rep. *hr. D. *res.*art.*r. 1>. *ast *art. 11.*ast *art.*r. 1+.*rep. 1/.Inf.*hr. 1. "u$.Verb To Be 1.

!I ,as "m ,ere "re Be pecial Verbs ! "ppear Become Feel Fet Fo Frow mell

Geep .oo8emain eem ound

Taste Turn

JTransitive Verbs JIntransitive Verbs

! Verb yang memerlu-an suatu 4b(ect ! Verb yang tida- perlu suatu 4b(ect


InsurAInsur ub(ect! a. Noun Noun *hr. b. *ronoun c. Ferund F. *hrase d. To Inf To Inf *hrase e. Noun clause

!8aflesia is a flower. !" big, beautiful flower is 8aflesia ! he is very charming. ! leeping is my hobby. ! leeping in a spring bed is comfortable ! To sleep s a need ! To -now me is to love me. ! ,hat he dreams becomes the truth.

InsurAunsur 4b(ect ! Gata -er(anya harus transitive verb.

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C 1. Noun ! 'e loves animals Noun *hrase ! 'e gives a beautiful flower to her +. *ronoun ! he saw me yesterday /. Ferund ! ,e finish studying F. *hrase ! Hohn loves reading #nglish very much 3. To Inf. ! I want to study To inf phrase ! he li-es to read novels 5. Noun 2lause ! I -now that you are proud etiap clause mesti punya sub(ect and verb bai- Ind. 2lause K pun sub clause


IN I8AIN I8 2omplement ! a. Noun ! "frican is blacN. *hrase ! he is a very intelligent student b. *ronoun ! It is I K me c. "d(ective ! I am sic"d(. *hrase ! )y bone Is very painful d. *reposition ! 'e is off now *rep. *hrase ! Hane was at home e. Ferund ! 'e remains reading F. phrase ! 'e remains reading a maga0ine f. To Inf . ! )y hobby is to swim To Inf. *hrase ! )y hobby is to swim in to river g. *resent *art ! I saw them .aughing *resent *art. *hrase ! I saw them catching apples h. *ast part ! The girl seems 4ffended *ast *art *hrase ! The girl seems very offended i. "d(. 2lause ! he is whom I met yesterday (. "dv. 2lause ! The ne$t is after you finish studying -. Noun 2lause ! The ;uestion is how he will get money J Remember : After linking verb harus diikuti dengan complement Unsur-unsur point a - k *erhati-an point F L .aughing dan eating applesM di sebut ob(ect complement artinya complement yang meleng-api ob(ect yaitu them. 2ontoh lain ! I find it difficult . he ma-es me cra0y
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InsurAInsur "dverb. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Noun ! ,hen will you go home? N.*hrase ! I will go home after tomorrow morning. "dverb ! .ydia @ well. "dderb *hr. ! 8eni @ perfectly well. *reposition ! They stay inside. *rep. *hr. ! #ry lives in front of the campus. To inf. ! I was born to win To inf. *hr. ! I come here to teach you. *resent *art. ! The went sailing yesterday. *res. *art. *hr. ! he came crying her fatherEs death. *ast *art. ! *ainted, the house loo-s nice. *ast. *art. *hr. ! Brought by the cra0y man, the son cried. "dverb 2lause ! I come late because I got a traffic Ham. etelah Gata Ger(a Intransitive tida- boleh dii-uti dengan tepatnya dii-uti dengan adverb. ob(ect

J 8emember ! NO)N

7erivational form of noun 1. uffi$es changing verb to noun a. )enyata-an -ondisi ! age, al, ance, or ence, %e& ry, ment, t, tion or sion, ure. #$ ! marriage, weight, arrival, allowance, persistence, bribery, arrangement, deviation, failure, etc. b. c. )enyata-an orang ! ant, or ent, er or or, or eer, %i& an, or, arian, ist. #$ ! defendant, attendant, manager, governor, auctioneer, etc. Bentu- gerund

+. #nding distinguishing noun from verb erb Believe *rove .ive 7efend Noun belief *roof .ife 7efence
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/. "d( to noun ! ity, ness, th. #$ ! activity, happiness, warmth. 3. uffi$es distinguishing noun form "d( #$ ! Intelligent intelligence Brilliant brilliance 5. From concrete nouns to abstract noun ! hood, ism, and ship. #$ ! 2hild hood, heroism, friendship, etc.


N.2 Is a subAclause that consists of a sub(ect and predicate That function as noun it self.%N.2 adalah ana- -alimat yang terdiri dari sub(ect dan predicate yang fungsinya sebagai noun itu sendiri.& 1. N.2. )engguna-an Introductory con(unction 1. Nuestion words ,hen ,hoK,hom ,here ,hat ,hy ,hich 'ow ,hose +. Fungsi N.2 sebagai ! 1. ub(ect +. ub(ect "fter It /. 2omplement 3. 4b(ect 5. 4b(ect of prep. 6. "ppositive +. ,hether If /. That

! That she had to be hospital was necessary. ! It was necessary that she had to be hospital. ! )y opinion was that she had to be hospital. ! 'e e$plained that an operation was necessary. ! I thin- of what I said. ! 'is opinion that an operation was necessary was right.

/. N.2. berasal dari ! a& tatement he is sic- ! That she is sic- is right. b& " ;uestion
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#$pecting yesKno answer Is she ill? ! The problem is whether %if& she is ill %or not& Interrogative Nuestion ,ords. ,here does she live? ! I donEt -now where she lives. c& " re;uest 7rin- some aspirin! The doctor suggested that I have to drin- some aspirin. d& "n e$clamation ,hat a beautiful girl! ,e tal-ed about what a beautiful girl she is.


7erivational Form of "d(. 1. uffi$es changing noun to "d(. ! %al, ar, ary, e;, en, es;ue, ful, licial, istic, less, li-e, ly, ous, word, wide, y& #$ ! )onumental, familiar, elementary, talented pictures;ue, painful, historical, 2haracteristically, useless, life li-e, famous, windy, etc. +. uffi$es changing verb to ad(. ! %able or, ible, ent or ant, ed, ile, ing, ive, at or y&. #$ ! ensible, dependent, frustrated, hostile boring, attractive, congratulation, etc. )a-ers of ad(. "d(. dapat ditandai dengan adv of degree! very ;uite, rather, e$tremely, so, too, etc. 7egree of 1. 8egular comparison *ositive degree %as& tall %as& %as& beautiful %as& +. Irregular comparison good bad far little mush O many old 2omp degree taller more ad( than better worse fartherKfurther less more olderKelder most oldestKeldest uperlative degree The tallest The most ad( well worst farthestKfurthest least

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A"0ECTIVE C/A)SE "d( clause ! "na- -alimat berfungsi men(elas-an noun %head word& dalam noun phrase yang dihubung-an dengan subAordinate con(unction %relative clause& seperti ! ,ho, whom, that, where, when, whose, and which. #$ ! 1. 'ead word nya orang The doctor who suggested that he stop smo-ing is a radiologist. The nurse that loo-s after me every day seems interested in me. 2an you show me the patient whom you a special treatment. +. 'ead word nya benda %binatang& That is the problem that we must solue. The hospital which lies in town is different from one which lies in a country. /. 'ead word nya menun(u--an tempat 8aflesia is a nursing academy where we study nursing. 3. 'ead word nya menun(u--an wa-tu I donEt remember the date when I was born. 5. :ang menun(u--an possessive The student whose parent wor- in hospital will not get any problem in nursing. A"VER1 7erivational form of "dverb uffi$es changing "d(ective to "dverb! "d(ective 1 .y #$ ! Beautiful P beautifully erious P eriously 'appy P 'appily #tc. A"VER1 C/A)SE Adv! "! is a sub- clause that consists of sub#ect and predicate that function as an adverb modifies main 1. )engguna-an subAordinate con(unction. ,hen, before, where, if, after, because, so %that& etc. +. Fungsi sebagai -ata -eterangan ! #Q !
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a. Time

! ,hen she is on early shift, she goes on duty at B a. m. and comes off duty at / p. m. ! 7uma lives where her house is near the campus. ! Because fatty tissue deposits vary among individuals, the si0e of labia ma(or varies. ! Form time to time, the toes of his in(ured leg were e$amined to see if they were warm and pin-, and his pulse and blood pressure were ta-en halfAhourly. he is a student nurse so % that & she does not wor- in the word every day.

b. *lace c. 2ause d. 2ondition

e. *urpose !


7erivation forms consist of prefi$es&.

! en, i0e, fy, ate, %as suffi$es& and en dan , be

% as

#$ ! deepen, coloni0e, beautify, differentiate, enlarge, be friend.

2ers$nal S345e,t I :ou :ou ,e They 'e he It 2ers$nal O45e,t )e :ou :ou Is Them 'im 'er It 2$ssessive A&5e,tive )y :our :our 4ur Their 'is 'ers Its 2$ssessive 2r$n$3ns )ine :ours :ours 4urs Theirs 'is 'ers Its

*lease change to each other. *ossessive "d(ective This is my syringe This is @@ file This is our class I loo- at @@ boo- on my table. I borrow her maga0ine I correct @@homewor-

*ossessive *ronoun ThatEs @@ ThatEs yours. ThatEs @@ I loo- at his on my table I borrow @@ I correct theirs

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13 he is .elaEs patient. The nurses chec- @@. blood pressure. he is @... The nurses chec- ours.

2omplete the blan-s below with the pronouns according to the forms and function. 1. +. /. 3. 5. @@am a midwife in ismadi Nursing "cademy and @@friends, too. a discipline lecture @@....father is a good parent. @@..are students of #nglish 2ourse and @@@.will have an e$am the ne$t wee-. @@are given good facilities by our institution. @@@.didnEt go to the wedding ceremony because their mother has been hospitali0ed since a wee- ago. 6. @@@.canEt cry loudly although his mother gets serious illness. B. @@@doesnEt earn much money because she is an uns-illful person. C. @@@.. is good to prepare medical instruments before operating this patient. D. he has given me true love although @@@.. cannot truly love her . 1>. I love her so much but @ @@..refuses @@..

" preposition is generally used to show the relationship between its ob(ect and other words in the sentence. The -inds of relationships which can be shown are as follows! 1. +. /. 3. 5. *lace %in$ on$ under$ over$ etc& The cotton is in the des- drawer. 7irection %to$ to%ard $into$ etc& The student nurse run into the class. Time %in$ on$ at$ etc& ,e can meet at three oEcloc-. "gent %b&& This boo- was written b& 4*N#T Instrument %b& %ith& I heard the news b& telephone. % communication &. he came b& plane. % transportation & 'e opened the door %ith a -ey. % instrument, tool & NOTE 6 Ise by 1 N %no article& for communication and transportation. #$amples! by phone, by radio, by telegram and by train, by car and by boat. "ccompaniment %%ith& They li-e spaghetti %ith red sauce. )rs.Hones went to the clinic with her husband. *urpose %for& 'e went to the store for bread. NOTE 6Never use for 1 V 1 Ing to #$press the purpose of the verb. #$ample! 'e went to the store for buying bread. ,84NF *artition K possession %of& 'e bro-e the top of the table. )easure %b&$ of& ,e buy medicine b& the pound.
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6. B.

C. D.

15 1>. 11. *lease buy a ;uart of mil-. imilarity %like& Hohn loo-s like his father 2apacity %as& Bill wor-ed as a lifeguard this summer.

Fill in the blan- with at, on or in 1. @@@.)onday, I go on duty@@@seven oEcloc-@@@@the morning and off duty@@@@@..two oEcloc-@@@@@@@.the afternoon. +. ,e study #nglish @@@@)onday and Thursday /. It begins @@@1+./> a.m. I always go to class with my friend. 3. 'e never wor-s@@@@@night. 5. 'e was born @@@@..1DB5. 6. 'is birthday is@@@@Hanuary. B. 4ur e$amination will be @@@the end of this month. C. ,e have holidays@@@@@. unday D. ometimes @@@@.the evening, we always watch R2inema Rtogether with friends. 1>. @@@@night we get home

2omplete the following sentences with the correct word from this list on $ $ from $ back $ off $ up $ of $ in $for $ to $ %ith $ do%n $ out $ against ! 1. +. /. 3. 5. 6. B. C.

b& $ as

'eEs got a pain @@@@@. his chest. ,ould you lie down@@@@the e$amination couch, please? he wor-s@@@@@@@@a surgical ward. They always go @@@@.wor-@@@@..bus. ,hen sheEs@@@@@an early shift, she goes@@@@..duty at B a.m. This morning we are attending lectures @@@@..physiology and hygiene. This patient has a rash@@@@@@..his stomach. )ary is now wor-ing@@@@@@.a staff nurse in an ear, nose and throat ward. D. Hane is learning to set trolleys@@@@@..sterile procedures. 1>. This patient is suffering@@@@@@@cerebral hemorrhage. 11. The sister is e$plaining@@@@@@..the students the doses of various drugs. 1+. This e;uipment is obtained@@@@@.the 2. . .7. 1/. The trolleys are mopped@@@@@@an antiseptic. 13. terile e;uipment is placed@@@@@..the top shelf@@@@@.the trolley. 15. terile instruments are handled@@@@@@..2heatleEs forceps. 16. "s- the patient to roll@@@@@.his sleeve , please . 1B. "s- )r. mith to ta-e@@@@@..his shirt , please. 1C. Now as- him to put it@@@@@@..again.
)a-e good sentences % 2hoose 5 words& 1. ,ea- %"d(.& +. 7iarrhea % Noun& /. 'appiness % Noun& 3. *ainful % "d(.& 5. 'ealth % Noun&
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16 6. 'ope % Verb& B. Visit % Verb& C. Badly % "dverb& D. )edicine %Noun& 1>. *atiently % "dverb&

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