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Purpose of this research is to gauge insights on factors contributing to brand loyalty and related factors at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

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1 0o you find KFC product prices reasonable2 1 3eing a price sensitive custo4er5 does change in prices affect the love of this brand2 1 %he products 6deals) offered by the co4pany are enough to generate satisfaction5 loyalty and love for the brand for a long period of ti4e2 1 0oes the increasing knowledge about healthier lifestyle stop you fro4 beco4ing a brand loyal towards KFC2 1 0o you think KFC provides the best fast food a4ong all the food chains in town2 1 0oes the food 7uality provided by KFC lead to brand love2 1 0o you think dine out perfor4ance of KFC is good enough to indulge its custo4ers in beco4ing brand loyal2 1 0oes your love for the brand rese4ble an interpersonal love that is passionate5 possessive and selfless in nature2 1 0oes association and love for the brand lead to preference for such product and services2 1 3y offering discounts for you to engage with the brand regularly5 would this help you develop a closer relationship and increase your brand loyalty with the brand in 7uestion2


1 0o you believe products specifically advertised by the celebrities are of

good 7uality2 1 0o you think celebrity endorse4ent is influential to a purchase decision2 1 +re popular celebrities good brand a4bassadors and investing in the4 is a good strategy2 1 0oes your favorite celebrity who is a brand a4bassador of a particular brand bring out custo4er loyalty in you for that brand2 1 8ill you stop buying a brand if your favorite celebrity endorsing it got involved in a scandal2 1 0o you think the sense of si4ilarity between yourself and the celebrity endorser as influential when 4aking a purchase decision2 1 .n a buying situation5 do you think price of the product is relatively less influential when your favorite celebrity is endorsing it2

1 0o you consider this brand your first choice when you are in a situation of buying food stuff2 1 .f this brand were to raise their prices5 . would continue to consider their products at the first place 1 0ue to the pro4inence of this brand5 you recall it first at the ti4e of purchase decision2 1 .n a buying situation5 you are often driven by 4ental 9cues: that trigger your thoughts around brand consideration sets2 1 0oes a recent bad e;perience affect negatively the recalling of that brand when you are to 4ake a purchase decision2 1 0o advertise4ent and 4edia which help in the recall of the products and services provided by KFC2 1 0o the place and space of the advertise4ent play an i4portant role in the recall of KFC when you are to 4ake a purchase decision2 1 0o the product:s styling and price5 the package:s shape and color5 the salesperson:s 4anner and dress5 the place:s d<cor place any i4age of KFC in your 4ind2

1 0o KFC products generate self=estee4 and dignity2 1 .f your self=identity is in line with KFC5 it can be argued that you are in a close relationship2 1 0oes the brand i4age of KFC enable you to identify the needs that the brand satisfies and to differentiate the brand fro4 its co4petitors2 1 .f the i4age of KFC is in line with your self=identity5 it increases the likelihood that you will purchase the brand2 1 0o the sy4bolic benefits of KFC are associated with the underlying needs for social approval or your personal e;pressions2 1 0o you relate your social self to a brand personality2

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