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"The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature." -- Lendon Smith MD

" once believed in !enner" once believed in #asteur. believed in vaccination. believed in vivisection. $ut changed my views as the result o% hard thinking." -- Dr &adwen MD

" have no %aith in vaccination" nay, look u'on it with the greatest 'ossible disgust, and %irmly believe that it is o%ten the medium o% conveying many %ilthy and loathsome diseases %rom one child to another, and no 'rotection whatever against small 'o(. ndeed, consider we are now living in the !)**)+ ,* e'och %or the slaughter o% innocents, and the unthinking 'ortion o% the adult 'o'ulation." -- W. !. -.LL *S, M.D., $.S., $.Sc. /Lond.0 M.+.-.S /Letter to 1accination n2uirer0

"The evidence /vaccines cause autism0 is now overwhelming, des'ite the misin%ormation %rom the -enters %or Disease -ontrol and #revention, the ,merican ,cademy o% #ediatrics and the nstitute o% Medicine." -- The /#retending to0 -ombat ,utism ,ct $y $ernard +imland

" am no longer 3trying to dig u' evidence to 'rove3 vaccines cause autism. There is already abundant evidence,...... This debate is not scienti%ic but is 'olitical. 4!uly 5, 6778 $log9letter: Discovering the causes, treatment o% autism." -- David ,youb, MD

*obody needs to be con%used but )1)+;$.D; better be darn well %rightened about taking ,*; vaccine, under ,*; circumstance, %or ,*; reason, at ,*; time in their li%e." -- Dr Dan Du%%y D-

" have been on the sta%% o% the *ew !ersey State De'artment o% &ealth, and was in com'lete charge o% the Monmouth -ounty -erebral #alsy Treatment -enter. <or the 'ast three years have been director o% the &omestead +ehabilitation nstitute /and still am as o% this writing0. My e('eriences have enabled me to observe %rom within the workings o% o%%icial medicine. ,t %irst could not believe what saw...Were the truth

concerning medical treatment and so-called 'revention ever to leak out, the stench o% it would obliterate the 'ublic con%idence in the medical 'ro%ession and 'ut an end to the %antastic drug 'ro%its." -- Dr. Milton <ried, D.-., =5>8 /#oisoned *eedle by Mc$ean '=560

"What, then, is the value o% vaccination? We %irmly believe that it has no value at all. ts su''osed value has been deduced %rom incorrect reasoning on the 'art o% its advocates. Were small-'o( as 'revalent and as %atal now as in the eighteenth century, it might even be @usti%iable to have recourse to inoculationAeither by variolous or vaccine matter. &istory, however, has demonstrated that towards the close o% the last century, when !enner introduced his system, small-'o( had gradually died out, as we shall 'resently show. )ven in !enner3s day small-'o( had lost its virulence." -- Dr. -harles T. #earce, M.D. 4=B8B $ookC )ssay on 1accination:

" t is di%%icult to conceive what will be the e(cuse made %or a century o% cow'o(ing" but it cannot be doubted that the 'ractice will a''ear in as absurd a light to the common sense o% the twentieth century as blood-letting now does to us. 1accination di%%ers, however, %rom all 'revious errors o% the %aculty, in being maintained as the law o% the land on the warrant o% medical authority. That is the reason why the blow to 'ro%essional credit can hardly hel' being severe, and why the e%%orts to ward it o%% have been, and will continue to be so ingenious." 4=BB5: !enner and 1accination , Strange -ha'ter o% Medical &istory by -harles -reighton M.D.

" % you want the truth on vaccination you must go to those who are not making anything out o% it. % doctors shot at the moon every time it was %ull as a 'reventive o% measles and got a shilling %or it, they would bring statistics to 'rove it was a most e%%icient 'ractice, and that the 'o'ulation would be decimated i% it were sto''ed." -- Dr ,llinson

"The anthra( vaccine was a''roved without every doing a controlled clinical study. There is no long term sa%ety data on the anthra( vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. t is a distortion o% the truth to say there is substantial sa%ety data." -- $art -lassen

"*ot one case receiving homeo'athic care died, while the "old school" doctors lost twenty 'ercent o% their /small'o(0 cases..... gave about three hundred internal vaccinations, %ive to adults acting as 'ractical nurses" to the man who installed the tele'hone and lights in the 'est-house" to mothers who sle't with their children while

they had small'o( in its severest %orm. ,ll o% these 'eo'le, e('osed daily, were immune." -- W. L. $onnell, MD

"During the last ten years, have treated and cured all kinds o% serious acute diseases without resorting to allo'athic drugs. n a very e(tensive 'ractice, have not in all these years lost a single case o% a''endicitis /and not one o% them was o'erated u'on0, o% ty'hoid %ever, di'htheria, small'o(, scarlet %ever, etc., and only one case o% cerebros'inal meningitis and o% lobar 'neumonia. These %acts may be veri%ied %rom the records o% the &ealth De'artment o% the -ity o% -hicago." -- -ha'ter =8C The Di'htheria ,ntito(in /*ature -ureC #hiloso'hy D #ractice $ased on the Enity o% Disease D -ure by &enry Lindlahr, M.D.0

"$ased on what now know, would not give my children the combined MM+ vaccine. would consider either using the vaccines singly /not available in this country but 'ossible in mainland )uro'e0 or not vaccinating at all. t may be sa%er %or healthy children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk o% immunisation." -- Dr +ichard &alvorsen

"Meningitis is not a transmissible disease, we do not "catch" it %rom one another. My %irst lesson in vaccine 'ro'aganda is when learned, back in the %orties, that the "e'idemics" o% meningitis amongst military recruits were not e'idemics but clusters, and the second thing learned was that only the %reshly vaccinated recruits "caught" meningitis. The mess sergeant didn3t, the drill sergeant didn3t, only the recruits did. *ot even the girls who worked at the base e(changes and service clubs, with whom the recruits 'layed kissy %ace "caught" meningitis - only the %reshly vaccinated recruits "caught" it. n over thirty years o% clinical 'ractice have never seen an in%ectious he'atitis "caught" by another member o% a household and believe me when say really looked high and low %or one o% those. % %ound one would look %or a source o% the 'oisoning, not %or a germ or a virus." -- Dr Daniel & Du%%y Sr" <amily doctor o% chiro'ractic Feneva, .hio ES,

", DS and S,+S are ways %or e'idemiologists /e.g., the -D-, W&., etc.0 to secure their @obs and continued %unding %or their agencies. *o new emerging e'idemics, maybe no -D-, no W&., so we3ve got an in%rastructure that +)GE +)S the "discovery" o% new, threatening e'idemics. ,nd the media 'ick a new one every year. This year, it3s S,+S. <or the 'ast cou'le o% years, it3s been West *ile 1irus. *e(t year it3ll be something else." -- Dr Dan Du%%y D-

"Soldiers D D die %ollowing the in@ections which contained mercurous chloride otherwise

known as -,L.M)L. There W,S a wides'read cam'aign %or mercury containing vaccines. There W,S also an out'ouring o% 'ro'aganda 4such as our 'resent day S,+S, M.*H);#.I, SM,LL#.I hy'e: to %righten the 'ublic, there W)+) large numbers o% deaths at the time, all blamed on JS'anish <luK. .% course the S'anish <lu was @ust as bogus in the early =577s as Swine <lu was in the L7s when #resident <ord %aked his vaccination and hel'ed set our country u' %or a +),L e'idemic 4vaccine induced, iatrogenic, Fuillaine $arre syndrome:. S'anish <lu was as bogus as the more recent W)ST * L) 1 +ES, , DS, S,+S, SM,LL#.I and M.*H);#.I is today. They are killing the innocent and the ignorant today, @ust as they have in the 'ast. The deaths %rom the great %lu e'idemic o% =5=B were caused by the use o% -,L.M)L, the ma@or biological 'oison used to treat Jse'sisK as it was called in those days. -,L.M)L is mercurous chloride and was used by the medical 2uacks o% that day %or Janything that ailed youK. Mercury is a deadly 'oison." -- Dr Dan Du%%y D-

" t is now M7 years since have been con%ining mysel% to the treatment o% chronic diseases. During those M7 years have run against so many histories o% little children who had never seen a sick day until they were vaccinated and who, in the several years that have %ollowed, have never seen a well day since. couldn3t 'ut my %inger on the disease they have. They @ust weren3t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were 'er%ectly well be%ore they were vaccinated. They have never been well since. " -- Dr. William &oward &ay

"My own 'ersonal view is that vaccines are unsa%e and worthless. will not allow mysel% to be vaccinated again. .....The bottom line is that in%ectious diseases are least likely to a%%ect /and to kill0 those who have healthy immune systems. no longer believe that vaccines have any role to 'lay in the 'rotection o% the community or the individual. 1accines may be 'ro%itable but, in my view, they are neither sa%e nor e%%ective. 're%er to 'ut my trust in building u' my immune system." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$

" t is clear to me that the government3s immuniNation 'olicies, both the military and civilian, are driven by 'olitics and not by science........The anthra( vaccine was a''roved without every doing a controlled clinical study. There is no long term sa%ety data on the anthra( vaccine. The government admitted this in congressional hearings. t is a distortion o% the truth to say there is substantial sa%ety data.... have 'ublished many articles linking vaccines and diabetes. n one study, a clinical trial on the hemo'hilus vaccine, showed that the risk o% the vaccine e(ceeds the bene%it. This is 'ublished by the $ritish medical !ournal." -- $art -lassen /testimony0

"The -D- did two studies, one study on diabetes and one on asthma. The studies re'resent 'ure @unk science that is 'rimarily 'ro'aganda." -- $art -lassen /letter0

"1accines are highly dangerous, have never been ade2uately studied or 'roven to be e%%ective, and have a 'oor risk9reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most te(tbooks o% medicine are inaccurate and dece'tive. ,lmost every disease is said to be idio'athic /without known cause0 or genetic - although this is untrue. n short, our main stream medical system is ho'elessly ine't and9or corru't. The treatment o% cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better o%% you will be." -- Dr. ,llan Freenberg =696O96776

"The 3victory over e'idemics3 was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result o% technical, social and hygienic im'rovements and es'ecially o% im'roved nutrition. &ere the role o% the 'otato...deserves s'ecial mention.....-onsider care%ully whether you want to let yoursel% or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ine%%ective and no longer necessary 'rocedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause %or the decline o% in%ectious diseases is utter nonsense." -- The 1accination *onsense /677O Lectures0 -- Dr. med. F. $uchwald S$* M-BMMO-6>7B-M 'age =7B.

3ll talk about vaccines. *umber one, vaccines make 'eo'le sick. They don3t work. They don3t 'rotect. The use o% vaccines is totally wrongP t3s 'er%ect nonsense based on %ear. t3s %ear o% the disease. So, in order %or you not to get the disease , as your doctor, am going to give the disease to you right away, but not as strong. This way your body will know about the disease and, i% you ever get it in the %uture, you won3t be as sick the second time......What they say is total nonsense. % came to you and said, " 3m going to 'er%orm a little se(ual assault on you---a small ra'e---because, one day you could meet a ra'ist and you could be ra'ed. $ut, it won3t be as bad the second time as the %irst time." This is e(actly the same thing as giving someone a vaccine, or a little bit o% disease. t3s nonsenseP mmuniNation is total nonsenseP More than that is what3s hidden %rom 'eo'le about vaccines. They are dangerous. .ne child out o% %ive has overwhelming disabilities %rom vaccines---neurological 'roblems, seiNures. 3ve got a whole list. There are 'lenty o% books on this sub@ect. Doctors don3t even read about this. ,n nterview With Fuylaine Lanctot, M.D. $y Henneth D Dee $urke

"The greatest threat o% childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ine%%ectual e%%orts made to 'revent them through mass immuniNation.....There is no convincing scienti%ic evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease."

-- Dr +obert Mendelsohn, M.D.

" n the EH the government &ealth ,uthority 2uotes %igures o% the measles vaccine as being 57Q e%%ective /which means that0 57Q o% the reci'ients o% the vaccine, 'roduce a certain level o% antibodies to the viral agents in the vaccine, =7Q have 'roduced no or undetectable levels o% antibody. This in%ormation has *.T been derived %rom 'o'ulation studies and as we have already acknowledged, this does *.T indicate what 'ercentage o% those 'eo'le are actually immune, /or, %or that matter, how long that a''arent immunity lasts0. So, to state that the vaccine is 57Q e%%ective is somewhat misleading and at any rate inaccurate with regard to a statement o% immunity in a real disease situation." -- Trevor Funn $Sc

"the ES *ational ,cademy o% Sciences 'ublished a re'ort in Se't =55M in which the ,merican ,cademy o% 'aediatrics rea%%irmed "its long standing 'osition that the bene%its o% immunisation %ar outweigh the risks". &owever, +ussell ,le(ander, a 'anel member and 'ro%essor o% e'idemiology at the Eniversity o% Washington, says he is disa''ointed that the 'anel did not com'are the risk o% vaccination with the risks o% going unvaccinatedP.....Since there was no com'arison o% immunisation with another 'rocedure, or with being unimmunised, the conclusions o% the ,merican ,cademy o% #aediatrics are not based on scienti%ic reasoning and are almost meaningless. Their 'osition only serves to illustrate the 're@udice that e(ists within many o% those interested in 'romoting vaccines." -- Trevor Funn $Sc

"#.,aby et al, #ediat n%ec Dis! BC=5L-677,=5B5---$y com'aring grou's o% children with a''arently di%%erent vaccination status, this study suggests that measles vaccination reduces mortality by M7Q. &owever, their com'arisons in this study would lead one to have serious misgivings about their conclusions. The grou' used as a "non-vaccinated" grou' were in %act vaccinated between certain dates. They were %ound to have undetectable levels o% antibody and there%ore it was assumed that the vaccine did not work, hence this was used as a RcontrolS non-vaccinated grou'. Most o% a second grou' o% =6M individuals, vaccinated at another time were %ound to have res'onded and were there%ore used as the vaccinated grou'. &owever => o% this vaccinated grou' did not seroconvert and they were e(cluded %rom the resultsP Three o% these children diedP" -Trevor Funn $Sc

was the %irst to announce the "autism e'idemic", in =55>, and 'ointed out in that article that e(cessive vaccines were a 'lausible cause o% the e'idemic. ,s you know, an enormous amount o% clinical laboratory research /as o''osed to e'idemiological

research0, has been accumulated since that time, su''orting my 'osition. / did not know then that the vaccines contained mercury, although had been collecting data since =58L %rom the mothers o% autistic children, on any dental work they may have had during their 'regnancy.0 The evidence is now overwhelming, des'ite the misin%ormation %rom the -enters %or Disease -ontrol and #revention, the ,merican ,cademy o% #ediatrics and the nstitute o% Medicine. The /#retending to0 -ombat ,utism ,ct $y $ernard +imland

"The evidence that vaccines are a ma@or cause o% the increase comes %rom a number o% directions. .ne direction that3s been largely ignored are the laboratory studies. There are at least seven laboratory studies, clinical studies, o% blood, cerebral, s'inal %luid, bio'sies o% autistic children which show huge di%%erences between autistic children and normal children in terms o% the 'resence o% things like measles vaccine virus in their intestinal tract, %or e(am'le, or their neurons. So, there3s one line o% evidence. ,nother, o% course, is that we have data %rom thousands o% 'arents who testi%y, o%ten with videota'es and 'hotogra'hs and eyewitness re'orts, that their kid was 'er%ectly normal. ,nd they can demonstrate it, as say, very conclusively with ta'es until a%ter the vaccine. The kid retreated into autism. There3s @ust converging evidence %rom many, many directions." -/*ov 67760 $ernard +imland #hD

"Mc-ully is but the most recent o% a long list o% 'ioneers who su%%ered outrageous in@ustices at the hands o% dogmatic authorities who are so sure that they are right that they never trouble themselves to consider the evidence. &ow many millions o% lives would have been saved i% the authorities had been less smug?" -- Dr +imland htt'C99www.autism.com9ari9editorials9dogma.html

"When the link between the use o% unsa%e, mercury-laden vaccine and autism, ,D&D, asthma, allergies and diabetes becomes undeniable, mainstream medicine will be s'orting a huge, sel%-in%licted and well-deserved black eye. Then will come the billiondollar awards, by enraged @uries, to the children and their %amilies. can3t wait." -- Dr +imland

",utism is not the only severe chronic illness which has reached e'idemic 'ro'ortions as the number o% /'ro%itable0 vaccines has ra'idly increased. -hildren now receive MM vaccines be%ore they enter school T a huge increase. The vaccines contain not only live viruses but also very signi%icant amounts o% highly to(ic substances such as mercury, aluminum and %ormaldehyde. -ould this be the reason %or the u'surge in autism, ,D&D, asthma, arthritis, -rohnSs disease, lu'us and other chronic disorders?" -- Dr +imland

"Much attention has been %ocused on the MM+ shot itsel%, whereas in all 'robability it is a combination o% the three %actors listed aboveC the increasing number o% vaccines, the large amount o% mercury, and the inherent danger o% the tri'le vaccine.....The MM+ vaccine is also es'ecially sus'ect because laboratories in )ngland, reland, and !a'an have %ound evidence o% MM+ vaccine viruses in the intestinal tracts o% autistic children, but not in control grou', non-autistic children." -- Dr +imland

"They claim that autism naturally occurs at about =B months, when the MM+ is routinely given, so the association is merely coincidental and not causal. $ut the onset o% autism at =B months is a recent develo'ment. ,utism starting at =B months rose very shar'ly in the mid-=5B7s, when the MM+ vaccine came into wide use. , coincidence? &ardlyP" -- Dr +imland

", number o% clinical laboratory studies demonstrate that vaccines may cause chronic damage to the F. . tract, immune system, brain, and other organs. Several such studies have been re'orted in 'ast issues o% the ,++ . Wake%ield, Sabra, Singh, .3Leary and Hawashima are among the authors whose work documents lingering vaccine e%%ect on children on the autistic s'ectrum, com'ared to normal controls. The .M re'ort 'ays little heed to this evidence, instead %ocusing attention on several dee'ly %lawed e'idemiological studies." -- Dr +imland

"The only sa%ety testing that has ever been done on the 'ertussis vaccine in the 'ast >7 years is an un'roven method called the Mouse Weight Fain Test. The "scientists" in@ect the vaccine to be tested into the stomachs o% baby mice. % the mice continue to gain weight and don3t die right away, it is assumed the vaccine is sa%e and e%%ective %or humans. That3s itP 3m not making this u'P.......The only to(icity test re2uired %or the initial licensing o% the D#T vaccine in the Enited States was this mouse weight-gain test 87 years ago." -- The Sanctity o% &uman $lood $y Tim .3Shea '. 85

"Whenever we read vaccine 'a'ers the MD researchers always assume that i% there are high antibody levels a%ter vaccination, then there is immunity /immunogencity0. $ut are antibody levels and immunity the same? *oP ,ntibody levels are not the same as MME* T;. The recent MEM#S vaccine %iasco in SwitNerland has re-em'hasiNed this 'oint. Three mum's vaccines-+ubini, !eryl-Lynn and Erabe /the one withdrawn because it caused ence'halitis0 all 'roduced e(cellent antibody levels but those vaccinated with the +ubini strain had the same attack rate as those not vaccinated at all, there were some who said that it actually caused outbreaks." A +e%C Schegal M et al -om'arative

e%%icacy o% three mum's vaccines during disease outbreak in SwitNerlandC cohort study. $M!, =555" M=5CM>6-M." -- Ted Horen D-

"The <T- lawyers said couldn3t criticiNe childhood vaccinations. They said /we0 terri%y 'arents with statements about chiro'ractic, childhood vaccinations and natural health care." -- Ted Horen D-

"-hildhood vaccines are giving us a world o% chronic illnessC autism, develo'mental disorders, ,s'erger3s Syndrome, brain tumors, leukemia, cancers, in%ormation 'rocessing disorders, im'ulsive violence, allergies, asthma, diabetes, -rohn3s disease, intestinal disorders./all conditions rare be%ore mass vaccination0 are @ust some o% the vaccine associated disorders." Ted Horen D-

"When was seven had 'neumonia. Dr. serson /MD0 made a house call and gave me a shot. t accidentally struck a nerve and was le%t 'artially 'aralyNed with unrelenting inner leg 'ain. walked around our a'artment grabbing %urniture so wouldn3t %all. When Dr. serson ne(t arrived my grandmother brought him to my bedroom to see me. "What did you do to my grandchild?" she yelled at him. &e stood there mute. She 'hysically threw him out o% our a'artment /really0 and called the chiro'ractor. ,%ter Dr. <riedland3s %irst ad@ustment could walk again. ,%ter the second one my 'neumonia was gone, and a%ter the third was as good as new. &e charged U>.77 a visit." -- Ted Horen D-

"Many viral in%ectious diseases have been cured and can continue to be cured by the 'ro'er administration o% 1itamin -. ;es, the vaccinations %or these treatable in%ectious diseases are com'letely unnecessary when one has the access to 'ro'er treatment with vitamin -. ,nd, yes, all the side e%%ects o% vaccinations...are also com'letely unnecessary since the vaccinations do not have to be given in the %irst 'lace with the availability o% 'ro'erly dosed vitamin -." -- Dr Thomas Levy M.D., !.D. /1itamin -, n%ectious Diseases and To(ins 'M70

",maNingly, vitamin - has actually already been documented in the medical literature to have readily and consistently cured both acute 'olio and acute he'atitis, two viral diseases still considered by modern medicine to be incurable." -- Thomas ). Levy, MD, !D

,ll three children had di%%erent doctors. The little girl under Hlenner3s care was given =7,777 mg o% vitamin - as a slow intravenous "'ush" with a >7 cc syringe every eight hours %or the %irst 6O hours and then every =6 hours %or two more doses. <ollowing this she was given =,777 mg o% vitamin - every two hours by mouth. Hlenner also notes that a O7,777-unit dose o% antito(in was in@ected into the little girl3s abdomen. The other two children received the antito(in as well, but they did not receive any vitamin -. They both died but Hlenner3s 'atient survived, later becoming a nurse. -- 1itamin -, n%ectious Diseases, and To(insC -uring the ncurable by Thomas ). Levy, M.D., !.D.

",cute viral he' easily and com'letely curable with treated 'rom'tly with ade2uate doses o% vitamin - ...some evidence indicates that a high dose o% vitamin %or a long enough 'eriod o% time would 'robably resolve /chronic he'atitis0 as well in many o% the cases......., signi%icant bene%it o% 'ro'erly dosed vitamin - would be the elimination o% any need or reason to vaccinate 'eo'le against he'atitis." -- Levy M.D., !.D. /1itamin -, n%ectious Diseases and To(ins 'gs 87, 880

",s a clinician, my current belie% which guides my 'ractice with these children is that any child given the &e'$ vaccination at birth and subse2uent boosters along with D#T has received unacce'table levels o% neuroto(in in the %orm o% the ethyl mercury in the thimerosal 'reservative used in the vaccine. n any child with a genetic immune susce'tibility /'robably about one in si(0 this sets o%% a series o% events that in@ure the brain-gut-immune system. $y the time they are ready to receive the MM+ vaccination, their immune system is so im'aired in a great number o% these children that the tri'le vaccine cannot be handled by the now dys%unctional immune system and they begin their obvious descent into the autistic s'ectrum disorder." -- !a2uelyn Mc-andless, M.D

" n =568, =M7 members o% the Dallas /Te(.0 -hamber o% -ommerce cancelled their tri' to Me(ico because vaccination was re2uired as a 'recedent to entrance. *early a =77 medical men, at a con%erence in Dallas, went to Me(ico, a%ter they obtained 'ermission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over be%ore you submit your child to this evil and su'erstitious rite." -- Dr Shelton D- 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

-dr. Megan +yan has %ound that women vaccinated %or anthra( during the %irst trimester have a higher rate o% birth de%ects in o%%s'ring than unvaccinated women. ,''arently this research was com'elling enough, des'ite an army study to the contrary, %or the <D, in 6776 to change the 'regnancy warning on the vaccine label %rom a - /no data on risk0 to a D /data suggests increased risk during 'regnancy0. &owever, the data have not yet

been 'ublished. Dr. Maria ,raneta, also associated with the *aval &ealth +esearch -enter and Eniversity o% -ali%ornia, has shown that FW veterans are also likelier than controls to have children with certain birth de%ects. My understanding o% the sa%ety o% anthra( vaccine and its role in FWS. -- Meryl *ass MD

"With the 'olio vaccine we are witnessing a rerun o% the medical reluctance to abandon the small'o( vaccination, which remained as the only source o% small'o(-related deaths %or three decades a%ter the disease had disa''eared. Think o% itP <or thirty years kids died %rom small'o( vaccinations even though no longer threatened by the disease." -- Dr +obert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"$eing a ske'tical soul, have always believed that the most reliable way to determine what 'eo'le really believe is to observe what they do, not what they say. % the greatest threat o% rubella is not to children, but to the %etus yet unborn, 'regnant women should be 'rotected against rubella by making certain that their obstetricians won3t give them the disease. ;et, in a -ali%ornia survey re'orted in the !ournal o% the ,merican Medical ,ssociation, more than 57 'ercent o% the obstetrician-gynecologists re%used to be vaccinated. % doctors themselves are a%raid o% the vaccine, why on earth should the law re2uire that you and other 'arents allow them to administer it to your kids?" -- Dr Mendelsohn MD

"Doctors maintain that the /MM+0 inoculation is necessary to 'revent measles ence'halitis, which they say occurs about once in =,777 cases. ,%ter decades o% e('erience with measles, 2uestion this statistic, and so do many other 'ediatricians. The incidence o% =9=,777 may be accurate %or children who live in conditions o% 'overty and malnutrition, but in the middle-and u''er-income brackets, i% one e(cludes sim'le slee'iness %rom the measles itsel%, the incidence o% true ence'halitis is 'robably more like =9=7,777 or =9=77,777." -- Dr Mendelsohn

" would consider the risks associated with measles vaccination unacce'table even i% there were convincing evidence that the vaccine works. There isn3t. While there has been a decline in the incidence o% the disease, it began long be%ore the vaccine was introduced. n =5>B there were about B77,777 cases o% measles in the Enited States, but by =586-the year be%ore a vaccine a''eared-the number o% cases had dro''ed by M77,777. During the ne(t %our years, while children were being vaccinated with an ine%%ective and now abandoned "killed virus" vaccine, the number o% cases dro''ed another M77,777. n =577 there were =M.M measles deaths 'er =77,777 'o'ulation. $y =5>>, be%ore the %irst measles shot, the death rate had declined 5L.L 'ercent to only

7.7M deaths 'er =77,777." -- Dr Mendelsohn, M.D.

"There are signi%icant risks associated with every immuniNation and numerous contraindictions that may make it dangerous %or the shots to be given to your child....There is growing sus'icion that immuniNation against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be res'onsible %or the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases since mass inoculations were introduced. These are %ear%ul diseases such as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multi'le sclerosis, Lou Fehrig3s disease, lu'us erthematosus, and the Fuillain-$arre syndrome." -- Dr Mendelsohn, MD

"Did you know that the whoo'ing cough germ, $acillus 'ertussis, when in@ected into animals, has long been known to lead to the secretion o% insulin? n =5L5, at the <ourth nternational Sym'osium on #ertussis, held in $ethesda, Maryland, it was shown that this same result occurs in those who have received 'ertussis vaccine. n their 'ublication, ",dverse +eactions a%ter #ertussis 1accination," Drs. W. &ennessen and E. Guast suggest, " t seemed o% interest to e(amine these reactions in com'arison with the hy'oglycemia syndrome. There was a close relation between the two.S % your child has @uvenile diabetes /a disease characteriNed by wide swings in blood sugar levels0, ask your doctor i% he has ever heard o% this e%%ect o% whoo'ing cough vaccine. Maybe itSs time to investigate whether the 'ertussis vaccine has anything to do with the ra'idly rising number o% 'eo'le with @uvenile diabetes, adult diabetes, and hy'oglycemic all disorders o% insulin metabolism." -- Dr Mendelsohn MD /the #eo'les Doctor 1ol 8 *o=70

"Study a%ter study has demonstrated that many women immuniNed against rubella as children lack evidence o% immunity in blood tests given during their adolescent years. .ther tests have shown a high vaccine %ailure rate in children given rubella, measles, and mum's shots, either se'arately or in combined %orm." -- Dr Mendelsohn

"$ecause routine immuniNations that bring 'arents back %or re'eated o%%ice calls are the bread and butter o% their s'ecialty, 'ediatricians continue to de%end them to the death. The 2uestion 'arents should be asking isC RWhose death?SK -- +obert Mendelsohn, MD

"<or a 'ediatrician to attack what has become the "bread and butter" o% 'ediatric 'ractice is e2uivalent to a 'riest denying the in%allibility o% the 'o'e. -- Dr +obert Mendelsohn, M.D.

"E' to 57Q o% the total decline in the death rate o% children between =B87-=58> because o% whoo'ing cough, scarlet %ever, di'theria, and measles occured be%ore the introduction o% immunisations and antibiotics." -- Dr ,rchie Halokerinos, M.D. / ntroduction to , DS Time $omb by !ohn West0

" n =5L8 was working in the Ful% -ountry around -a'e ;ork, in an aboriginal community o% about M77 'eo'le. The &ealth De'artment sent around a team and vaccinated about =77 o% them against %lu. Si( were dead within 6O hours or so and they weren3t all old 'eo'le, one man being in his early twenties. They threw the bodies in trucks to take to the coast where auto'sies were done. t a''eared they had died %rom heart attacks". -- ,rchie Halokerinos M.D.

"The role o% vaccines, 'articularly the whole-cell 'ertussis /whoo'ing cough0 vaccine can be understood when it is realised that this vaccine contains a variable and uncontrollable amount o% endoto(in that is in@ected and absorbed, unaltered, into the blood. t does not even go %irst to the liver where attem'ts to deto(i%y it could be made. % an in%ant ha''ens to be 'articularly sensitive to endoto(in when the vaccine is in@ected, brain damage or death can result.... t should be now a''arent that any in%ant with gastrointestinal 'roblems - abnormal organisms, intestinal 'arasites, loose bowel motions resulting %rom the use o% antibiotics, and malabsor'tion o% %ood /including lactose intolerance0 - is liable, when %urther stressed, to 'roduce endoto(in and this can end in a S DS.... % the 1itamin - status o% an in%ant is borderline, the administration o% a vaccine, 'articularly /but not only0 'ertussis vaccine, can result in endoto(aemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need %or 1itamin -, and the 'reci'itation o% some o% the signs and9or sym'toms o% acute scurvy. The onset o% this may be so ra'id that the classical signs o% scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden s'ontaneous bruising and haemorrhage /including brain and retinal haemorrhages0 may occur. &aemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the Rbattered baby syndromeS." -- Dr Halokerinos MD /Medical #ioneer o% the 67th century '=B8

", RcoldS, a viral in%ection, or anything that disturbs immune res'onses can result in subtle changes in the gram negative bacterial %lora o% the the gut, stimulating them to 'roduce endoto(in. This is absorbed into the blood stream, not ade2uately deto(i%ied, and results in in%lammatory res'onses in the mucous membrane linings o% the middle ear............ that endoto(in is the initial cause o% the in%lammatory res'onse in acute otitis media............ Dr +obert +eisinger in ,merica had %irst alerted me to this grou' o% substances and their relationshi' to S DS......The reason why 'ro'er breast-%eeding 'rovides a known and large amount o% 'rotection against otitis media becomes obvious. $reast-%eeding tends to 'revent the overgrowth o% abnormal %orms o% intestinal

organisms that tend, under certain conditions, to 'roduce endoto(in........<inally, there are two substances that are known to be e%%ective as ra'id deto(i%iers o% endoto(in 1itamin - and erythromycin -they are both in R,rchieSs tri'le in@ectionS. The relationshi' between S DS, sudden une('lained shock, sudden une('lained unconsciousness, and otitis media is worthy o% consideration. % endoto(in is the RcauseS o% otitis and also the RcauseS o% S DS, sudden une('lained unconsciousness and une('lained shock A as now know /at least there is a association0, then otitis media should be %ound in a signi%icant number o% S DS cases. That this is so is clearly demonstrated in a number o% re'orted studies." -- Dr Halokerinos MD /'M== Medical #ioneer0

" % the 1itamin - status o% an in%ant is borderline, the administration o% a vaccine, 'articularly /but not only0 'ertussis vaccine, can result in endoto(aemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need %or 1itamin -, and the 'reci'itation o% some o% the signs and9or sym'toms o% acute scurvy. The onset o% this may be so ra'id that the classical signs o% scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden s'ontaneous bruising and haemorrhage /including brain and retinal haemorrhages0 may occur. &aemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the Rbattered baby syndromeS." -- Dr Halokerinos MD /Medical #ioneer o% the 67th century '=B50

"%orced me to look into the 2uestion o% vaccination %urther, and the %urther looked the more shocked became. %ound that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoa(. Most doctors are convinced that they are use%ul, but i% you look at the 'ro'er statistics and study the instances o% these diseases you will realiNe that this is not so . . . My %inal conclusion a%ter %orty years or more in this business 4medicine: is that the uno%%icial 'olicy o% the World &ealth .rganiNation and the uno%%ical 'olicy o% the 3Save the -hildren3s <und3 and ... 4other vaccine 'romoting: organiNations is one o% murder and genocide. . . . cannot see any other 'ossible e('lanation. . . . ;ou cannot immuniNe sick children, malnourished children, and e('ect to get away with it. ;ou3ll kill %ar more children than would have died %rom natural in%ection." -- Dr Halokerinos / nternational 1accine *ewsletter !une =55>0

" t was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through ,%rica, South ,merica and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children...They thought they were wi'ing out measles, but most o% those susce'tible to measles died %rom some other disease that they develo'ed as a result o% being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an in%ection. Many got se'ticaemia, gastro-enteritis, etcetera, or made their nutritional status worse and they died %rom malnutrition. So there were very %ew susce'tible in%ants le%t alive to get measles. t3s one way to get good

statistics, kill all those that are susce'tible, which is what they literally did." -- Dr Halokerinos, M.D.

".nly a%ter realising that routine immuniNations were dangerous did achieve a substantial dro' in in%ant death rates." -- Dr Halokerinos

" well remember, some years ago, listening to a knighted medical researcher as he s'oke, on the radio, about vaccines. &e told two classical stories %orm the history books. The %irst concerned )dward !enner who, according to history, watched as the milkmaid caught cow'o( and this 'rotected her %rom small'o(. So !enner got some o% the 3cow'o(3 and inoculated it into someone3s arm - it %ostered and the 'us was then inoculated into someone else - =77Q success was claimed. =77QPP &ow absurd com'lete with all sorts o% germs including he'atitis, sy'hilis and whatever. % one did that today, without antibiotics, the death rate would be huge." -- Dr Halokerinos, M.D.

" n .ctober, =5L6. a seminar on rubella was held at the De'artment o% #athology, Eniversity De'artment, ,ustin &os'ital in Melbourne, ,ustralia. Dr. $everly ,llen, a medical virologist, gave overwhelming evidence against the e%%ectiveness o% the vaccine. So stunned was she with her investigations that it caused her, like a growing number o% scientists, to 2uestion the whole area related to herd immuniNations. Dr. ,llen described two trialsC the %irst trial concerned army recruits who were selected because o% their lack o% immunity as determined by blood tests. These men were given -endeva(, an attenuated rubella virus that is su''osed to 'rotect. They were then sent to a cam' which usually has an annual e'idemic o% rubella. This occurred three to %our months a%ter they were vaccinated, and B7Q o% the so-called immune recruits became in%ected with rubella virus. , %urther trial shortly a%ter this took 'lace at an institution %or mentally retarded 'eo'le with similar e%%ects. ,dditional disturbing evidence was sent to us by a Melbourne F# who was in the Enited Hingdom at the time that -hie% &ealth .%%icer Sir &enry ;ellowlees, had released a 'ress statement /<ebruary 68, =5L80 in%orming doctors that, in s'ite o% high vaccination %igures, there had been no detectable reduction in the number o% babies born with birth de%ects." -- Dr ,rchie Halokerinos D Flen Dettman "Does +ubella 1accination #rotect?," ,ustralian *urses !ournal, re'rinted in The Dangers o% mmunisation '>O

.ne %inding was that when vaccines are tested %or viral contamination, results o% these tests di%%er according to the time %rame in which they are 'er%ormed. +eading %rom the re'ort, Sneed says, JThe testing o% cell cultures used in vaccines is commonly done =O to 6= days a%ter the cells are 'lanted, the usual 'eriod %or most virologic studies. ,t that

time, only 6-O 'ercent show viral in%ections, but i% the same lots are e(amined 65 to >> days a%ter 'lanting, a signi%icantly higher 'ercentage o% cultures show viral in%ection.K -1accinesC , Second .'inion by Fary *ull

.ther viruses, Sneed states, a''ear in their com'lete %orm. She mentions the ebola virus. JThis is a virus commonly %ound in the green tree monkey. We also have a %lurry o% res'iratory illnesses in small children, called +S1. )veryone is saying that they donSt know why so many children are coming down with this disease. $ut it is a common contaminant o% the vaccines that children get at an early age.K -- 1accinesC , Second .'inion by Fary *ull

"*ow whatever virus is in the cancer cells, whatever virus is in the monkey cells, whatever virus is in the solutions that they use to make these cells grow, will 'ass in 'art together with genetic material %rom the monkey and genetic material %rom the cancer cells, there are 'ieces o% chromosome, some genes etc. into the brew we call vaccine. When you go to the doctor you may see a very clear li2uid in an in@ection or the 'ink brew that was given to us on sugar cubes. ,nd we may think it is very sterile and very 'uri%ied but itSs not. tSs @ust a bunch o% dirty monkey sou'." -- )va Snead, M.D.

"They are running a mono'oly and they will lie, cheat and steal to kee' it that way....... think that no 'erson would 'ermit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation i% they would really know how they are made, what they carry, what has been lied to them about and what the real 'ercent o% danger is o% contracting such a disease, which is minimal......,nd according to those %igures as com'ared to those %rom the )ncyclo'aedia $ritannica %or that same year they had inoculated /in ,%rica0 according to their statement, twenty million 'eo'le more that the total 'o'ulation, every man woman and child o% the countries in 2uestion. *ow i% you can lie so crassly and have enough 'eo'le to back you u' about lying about how many you inoculate the 2uestion may arise o% have you inoculated any at all? Did you use the same V..what did you do? We donSt know anything they are saying be cause they are lying %rom the moment go. So you know you really have very little %rame o% re%erence e(ce'ting that thereSs something very %ishy in the whole 'rocess." -- Dr )va Snead

"Within a %ew years o% the 'olio vaccine we started seeing some strange 'henomena like the year be%ore the %irst M77,777 doses were given in the Enited States childhood leukaemia had never struck in children under the age o% two. .ne year a%ter the %irst onslaught they had the %irst cases o% children under the age o% two that died o% leukaemia........ Dr &erbert +adnor observed that in a small area o% this little town, in an

area where no cases o% leukaemia had been e('ected or at the most one in O years according to 'revious statistics, they suddenly had a rash like an e'idemic within a %ew blocks." -- Dr )va Snead

"The %act is that sooner or later, ,ndrew Wake%ield will be e(onerated, his theory will be acce'ted and a vaccine-autism connection will be 'roven. ,s the *ew ;ear comes around, Wake%ield3s research is being du'licated in 'restigious centers in the Enited States. n addition, viral culture results are e('ected soon %rom the *ational nstitutes o% &ealth laboratories." 4letter $M! 677>: <. )dward ;aNbak

"The sub@ect o% 1accination, ... is, %ortunately, one on which anyone ca'able o% a''reciating %igures can %orm a sound o'inion." -- The -ase ,F, *ST 1accination $y M. $)DD.W $,;L; M.+.-.S., L.+.-.#.

-om'are these well vaccinated countries with ,ustralia, the least vaccinated country in the world. n =MO years, not one-%i%th o% the children born have been vaccinated. ;et only three ,ustralian children under %ive have died o% that disease. n the last >7 years, no child under %ive has died o% small'o(, and in the whole o% her history, less than one 'erson 'er annum has died o% it, although allowing %ive years 'rotective 'eriod, only 6 'er cent, o% her 'o'ulation have ever been "'rotected." 4=5M8 #am'hlet: The -ase ,F, *ST 1accination $y M. $)DD.W $,;L; M.+.-.S., L.+.-.#.

t would seem to be im'ossible %or a rational mind to conceive that a %ilthy virus derived %rom a small'o( cor'se, the ulcerated udder o% a cow, or the running sores o% a sick horse3s heels, and cultivated in scabbed %esters on a cal%3s abdomen could %ail to have disastrous e%%ects when inoculated into the human body. ,s #ro%essor Mclntosh remarked in the Lancet in =568, "Scienti%ically it cannot be dis'uted that %rom every 'oint o% view the in@ection o% virus ca'able o% multi'lying in the body o% the individual is bad."

Dr. Mc*alty told the -ongress o% the +oyal Sanitary nstitute, in =56L, that acute nervous diseases are on the increase, and are "taking the 'lace o% the old e'idemics." 4=5M8 #am'hlet: The -ase ,F, *ST 1accination $y M. $)DD.W $,;L; M.+.-.S., L.+.-.#.

&olland, on account o% this, sus'ended her com'ulsory laws, and in this country, more and more doctors are echoing the 2uestion raised by Dr. !ameson, when he wrote in the

Lancet last ,ugustC 33what @usti%ication had they %or risking children3s lives by vaccination as a 'rotection against a disease which does not im'eril their lives? " " t was only a matter o% time," he continued, " be%ore the 'ersons res'onsible %or the vaccination o% those children who die o% 'ost-vaccinal ence'halitis will be considered by some as guilty o% constructive murder." 4=5M8 #am'hlet: The -ase ,F, *ST 1accination $y M. $)DD.W $,;L; M.+.-.S., L.+.-.#.

Dr. Louis #arkes, -hairman o% the -ouncil o% the +oyal Sanitary nstitute, declared in =566C " .ur %reedom %rom small'o(, there%ore, could not be attributed to vaccination. t was largely due to the 'reventive measures taken at the 'orts, to the isolation o% cases in hos'itals, and to the ste's taken to control 'ersons who had been e('osed to in%ection." The -ase ,F, *ST 1accination $y M. $)DD.W $,;L; M.+.-.S., L.+.-.#.

"#erha's the greatest evil o% immuniNation lies in its diversion o% 'ublic attention %rom true methods o% disease 'revention. t encourages 'ublic authorities to 'ermit all kinds o% sanitary de%ects and social 'roblems to remain undressed, 'articularly in schools. t ignores the 'art 'layed by %ood and sunlight and many other %actors in the maintenance o% health. t e(aggerates the risk o% di'htheria and works u'on the %ear o% 'arents. The more it is su''orted by 'ublic authorities, the more will its dangers and disadvantages be concealed or denied." M. Meadow $ayly, M.+.-.S., =5OO

"The -hie% Medical .%%icer o% the $oard o% )ducation, S + F).+F) *)WM,*, has described the 'rocedure as a "sa%e, 'ractical and e%%icient method o% 'rotection." ...*o re%erence to the disasters which have been recorded in various 'arts o% the world, nor to the severe reactions which are a %re2uent se2uel to the inoculation, is made in these o%%icial statements." -- $eddow, $ayly

-awadias /=5>M0 has said that "the history o% medicine has shown that, whenever medicine has strayed %rom clinical observation, the result has been chaos, stagnation, and disaster."--$ritish Medical !ournal, .ct Bth, =5>>, '.B8L /Guoted in -linical Medical Discoveries by $eddow $ayly0

" n the thirty years ending in =5MO, M,==6 'eo'le are stated to have died o% "chicken'o(," and only >L5 o% small'o( in )ngland and Wales. ;et all the authorities are agreed that chicken-'o( is a non%atal disease." -- M. $eddow $ayly, -ase ,gainst 1accination, London, !une =5M8, '. >.

"Dr. Thomas <rancis did not mention in his key evaluation o% the =5>O Salk %ield trials that those who contracted 'olio a%ter their %irst innoculation and be%ore their second inoculation were 'laced in the 3not-inoculated3 list." -- /Maurice $. $ayly, The Story .% The Salk ,nti-'oliomyelitis 1accine, =5>80.

"Dr. +. 1. Southcott /Med. !our. .,ust. =5>M. ii. 6B=0 believes that a child whose tonsils were removed at the usual age o% >-L yrs su%%ers trauma to the nerves o% the 'haryn( which increases susce'tibility to bulbar 'oliomyelitis %or at least ten years. n an outbreak in South ,ustralia in =5OL-OB he %ound that in M> out o% M5 cases o% bulbar 'oliomyelitis the 'atient had been tonsillectomised0." -- M. Meadow $ayly, M.+.-.S.

"There is no doubt, however, that the risk has been, %or some years, vastly e(aggerated, seemingly to 're'are the 'ublic mind to acce't the new vaccine." -- M. Meadow $ayly, M.+.-.S.

"There can be little doubt, there%ore, that even the vaccination o% children against 'oliomyelitis itsel% may 'rovide the very conditions which %avour an attack and so increase the incidence o% the disease." -- M. Meadow $ayly, M.+.-.S.

" n the $ritish Medical !ournal, !une >th, =5ML /'. ==B60 will be %ound an account o% the death o% a Water%ord girl, aged =6, and the illness o% 6M other children, tuberculosis having develo'ed %ollowing the inoculation o% To(oid ,ntito(in <loccules." -- $eddow $ayley /=5M5 $ookC The Schick noculation ,gainst Di'htheria0

n =5=5, at Dallas, Te(as, E.S.,., ten children were killed and si(ty others made seriously ill by to(in-antito(in which had 'assed the tests o% the *ew ;ork State &ealth De'artment. The Mul%ord -om'any, at #hiladel'hia, the manu%acturers, 'aid damages in every case. 6. n =56O, twenty-%ive children in $ridgewater and twenty in -oncord, E.S.,., were 'oisoned by to(in-antito(in. Many had high %evers, and their arms turned black and swelled to two or three times their normal siNe. M. n =56O /Se'tember0 o% O7 children immunised with to(in-antito(in in a home %or in%ants at $aden, near 1ienna, si( died and a number su%%ered %rom skin necroses o% various siNes at the site o% the in@ection.....O. n =56B, the Lancet o% <ebruary Oth /'. 6O50, re%ers to "a more recent +ussian disaster " /$ull. &ygiene, ,ugust =56L, '. 88L0 in which " =O children received to(in in 'lace o% anato(in /i.e., to(oid0" eight o% them died within two weeks, %our o%

'olyneuritis within a month and two recovered a%ter sym'toms o% general into(ication." >. n =56L also there were %ive deaths in immunised children in -hina, thirty-seven others being made seriously ill. 8. n =56B, at $undaberg, ,ustralia, twelve children out o% seventeen who were inoculated with to(in-antito(in died, the %ive others being critically ill %or some time. The material had been issued and declared sa%e by the #ublic &ealth De'artment o% Gueensland.....L. n =5M7, at Medellin, -olumbia, South ,merica, %ortyeight children were inoculated, with the result that many were taken ill during the same night, one died the %ollowing a%ternoon, %ourteen others within si(ty hours and two more within si( weeksAa total o% si(teen deaths. ......B. n =5M6, at -harolles, in <rance, =L6 children were immunised with anato(in /to(oid0. ,ll were taken ill soon a%terwards, develo'ing local abscesses with abundant su''uration, necessitating surgical intervention in several cases. n one case the child died. The 'arents o% the children demanded an o%%icial en2uiry, but no e('lanation o% the tragedy has so %ar been %orthcoming......... n the 'rovince o% -hiavari over B7 inoculated children were gravely a%%ected, some being 'aralysed in arms and legs, others having their sight in@ured. .ne child died. n 1enice and +ovigo severe sym'toms, including 'aralysis, su'ervened and death occurred in ten cases." -- $eddow $ayley /=5M5 $ookC The Schick noculation ,gainst Di'htheria0

" n =5M=, D+, . &,++ S.* TEM#))+ described the %ollowing case /!ournal o% ,merican Medical ,ssociation, ,'ril 6>th, =5M=, '', =MLa-80C-, girl o% %ive years had received the usual three in@ections o% to(in-antito(in in =568 when one year old. n =56L she was 'ronounced Schick-negative. She develo'ed di'htheria in =5M7, and an in@ection o% serum was given in the le%t gluteal region, %ollowed three days later by a second dose on the o''osite side. n three bours the buttock began to swell and became e(tremely tender, until eventually the whole region became black and gangrenous. ..... n s'ite o% assiduous irrigation o% the wound she became ra'idly worse, su%%ering considerable 'ain. <ollowing a blood trans%usion on the twenty-seventh day o% illness, she became cyanotic, vomited, lost consciousness and died a %ew hours a%terwards..... The third case ... re'orted .... occurred in a boy aged two years and %our months. /!ournal o% ,merican Medical ,ssociation, <ebruary =Bth, =5MB, '. O57.0 .... The three usual to(in-antito(in inoculations had been 'er%ormed at the age o% eleven months. The serum was in@ected into the buttocks and was %ollowed by an urticarial eru'tion over the entire body, the edematous swelling o% the %ace being su%%icient to close the eyes. ..... &e was then given a %urther in@ection o% serum in the le%t buttock" within an hour the site became 'ur'le, and on the %ollowing day a similar in@ection into the right buttock resulted in a similar reaction. During the ne(t %ew days the areas o% 'ur'le swelling e(tended %rom the buttocks over the %ront o% the abdomen and right thigh, and large blebs about one and a hal% inches in diameter a''eared" si( days later these gave rise to a bloody watery discharge. ,t this time the child was admitted into hos'ital, and 'resented gangrenous areas on both buttocks, both sides o% the abdomen, and the thighs. There was a 'atch o% 'neumonia in the right lung and a le%t otitis media. Des'ite the removal o% large masses o% necrotic tissues, surgical drainage and three blood trans%usions, the

child died in twenty-one days %rom admission to hos'ital. /See <igs. O, > and 8.0" -$eddow $ayley /=5M5 $ookC The Schick noculation ,gainst Di'htheria0

They say that i% children are not vaccinated against measles millions o% children could die during a measles e'idemic. They know this is nonsense. What they are using is e(am'les taken %rom develo'ing countries with 'oor nutrition and 'oor immune %unction in which such e'idemic death can occur. n the Enited States we would not see this because o% better nutrition, better health %acilities and better sanitation. n %act, most deaths seen when measles outbreaks occur in the Enited States occur either in children in which vaccination was contraindicated, the vaccine did not work or in children with chronic, immune-su''ressing diseases. n %act, in most studies these children catching the measles or other childhood diseases have been either %ully immuniNed or 'artially immuniNed. The big secret among "vaccinologists" is that anywhere %rom 67 to >7Q o% children are not resistant to the diseases %or which they have been immuniNed. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

They were obviously terri%ied that the in%ormation would leak out to the 'ublic. Stam'ed in bold letters at the to' o% each 'age o% the study was the words-"D. *.T -.#; .+ +)L),S)" and "-.*< D)*T ,L." This is not the wording one would e('ect on a clinical study o% vaccine sa%ety" rather you would e('ect it on to'-secret *S, or - , %iles. Why was this in%ormation being secreted? The answer is obvious-it might endanger the vaccine 'rogram and indict the %ederal regulatory agencies %or ignoring this danger %or so many years. .ur society is littered with millions o% children who have been harmed in one degree or another by this vaccine 'olicy. n addition, let us not %orget the millions o% 'arents who have had to watch hel'lessly as their children have been destroyed by this devastating vaccine 'rogram. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

&e continues by saying that the increase in neurobehavioral 'roblems is 'robably real. &e tells them that he works in a school system with s'ecial education 'rograms and " have to say the number o% kids getting hel' in s'ecial education is growing nationally and state by state at a rate not seen be%ore. So there is some kind o% increase. We can argue about what it is due to." /'age 67L0 T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

,t this 'oint Dr. !ohnson tells the grou' o% his concerns %or his own grandchild. &e says, /'age 6770 "<orgive this 'ersonal comment, but got called out at eight o3clock %or an emergency call and my daughter-in-law delivered a son by c-section. .ur %irst male in

the line o% the ne(t generation and do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on. t will 'robably take a long time. n the meantime, and know there are 'robably im'lications %or this internationally, but in the meanwhile think want that grandson to only be given Thimerosal-%ree vaccines." So, we have a scientist sitting on this 'anel which will eventually make 'olicy concerning all o% the children in this country, as well as other countries, who is terri%ied about his new grandson getting a thimerosal-containing vaccine but he is not concerned enough about your child to s'eak out and try to sto' this insanity. &e allows a cover-u' to take 'lace a%ter this meeting ad@ourns and remains silent. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

t is only during the last day o% the con%erence that we learn that most o% the ob@ections concerning the 'ositive relationshi' between thimerosal-containing vaccines and ,DD and ,D&, were bogus. <or e(am'le, Dr. +a'in on 'age 677 notes that all children in the study were below age 8 and that ,DD and ,D&D are very di%%icult to diagnose in 'reschoolers. She also notes that some children were %ollowed %or only a short 'eriod. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

Several o% the 'artici'ants tried to im'ly that autism was a genetic disorder and there%ore could have nothing to do with vaccines. Dr. Weil 'ut that to rest with this comment, "We don3t see that kind o% genetic change in M7 years." n other words, how can we suddenly see a M77Q increase in a genetically related disorder over such a short 'eriod? t is also known that there are two %orms o% autism, one that is a''arent at birth and one that develo's later in childhood. The %ormer has not changed in incidence since statistics have been ke't" the other is e'idemic. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

*ow this ne(t statement should shock everyone, but es'ecially the 'oor who in any way think that these "vaccinologists" e('erts have their best interest in mind. Dr. !ohnson says on 'age =L, "We agree that it would be desirable to remove mercury %rom E.S. licensed vaccines, but we did not agree that this was a universal recommendation that we would make because o% the issue concerning 'reservatives %or delivering vaccines to other countries, 'articularly develo'ing countries, in the absence o% hard data that im'lied that there was in %act a 'roblem." So, here you have it. The data is convincing enough that the ,merican ,cademy o% #ediatrics and the ,merican ,cademy o% <amily #ractice, as well as the regulatory agencies and the -D- along with these organiNations all recommend its removal as 2uickly as 'ossible because o% concerns o% adverse e%%ects o% mercury on brain

develo'ment, but not %or the children in the develo'ing countries. thought the whole idea o% child health 'rograms in the Enited States directed toward the develo'ing world was to give 'oor children a better chance in an increasingly com'etitive world. This 'olicy being advocated would increase the neurodevelo'mental 'roblems seen in 'oor children /also in this country0 o% develo'ing countries, im'airing their ability to learn and develo' com'etitive minds. +emember, there was a re'resentative o% the World &ealth .rganiNation /W&.0, Dr. !ohn -lements, serving on this 'anel o% "e('erts". &e never challenged this statement made by Dr. !ohnson. t also needs to be a''reciated that children in develo'ing countries are at a much greater risk o% com'lications %rom vaccinations and %rom mercury to(icity than children in develo'ed countries. This is because o% 'oor nutrition, concomitant 'arasitic and bacterial in%ections and a high incidence o% low birth weight in these children. We are now witnessing a disaster in ,%rican countries caused by the use o% older live virus 'olio vaccines that has now 'roduced an e'idemic o% vaccine related 'olio, that is, 'olio caused by the vaccine itsel%. n, %act, in some ,%rican countries, 'olio was not seen until the vaccine was introduced. The W&. and the "vaccinologist e('erts" %rom this country now @usti%y a continued 'olio vaccination 'rogram with this dangerous vaccine on the basis that now that they have created the e'idemic o% 'olio, they cannot sto' the 'rogram. n a recent article it was 'ointed out that this is the most deranged reasoning, since more vaccines will mean more vaccine-related cases o% 'olio. $ut then, "vaccinologist" have di%%iculty with these "uncertainties". -- /!acob !T. , develo'ing country 'ers'ective on vaccine-associated 'aralytic 'oliomyelitis. $ulletin W&. 677O" B6C >M->B. See commentary by D.M. Salisbury at the end o% the article.0 T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

t should also be noted that it is a misnomer to say "removal o% thimerosal" since they are not removing anything. They @ust 'lan to sto' adding it to %uture vaccines once they use u' e(isting stocks, which entails millions o% doses. ,nd, incredibly, the government allows them to do it. )ven more incredibly, the ,merican ,cademy o% #ediatrics and the ,merican ,cademy o% <amily #ractice similarly endorse this insane 'olicy. n %act, they s'eci%ically state that children should continue to receive the thimerosal-containing vaccines until new thimerosal-%ree vaccine can be manu%actured at the will o% the manu%acturers. ,re they a%raid that there will be a sudden di'htheria e'idemic in ,merica or tetanus e'idemic? The most obvious solution was to use only single-dose vials, which re2uires no 'reservative. So, why don3t they use them? .h, they e(claim, it would add to the cost o% the vaccine. .% course, we are only talking about a %ew dollars 'er vaccine at most, certainly worth the health o% your child3s brain and %uture. They could use some o% the hundreds o% millions o% dollars they waste on vaccine 'romotion every year to cover these cost %or the 'oor. ;et, that would cut into some %at-cat3s budget and we can3t have

that. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

,s they begin to concentrate on the 'roblem at hand we %irst begin to learn that the greatest 'roblem with the meeting is that, they know virtually nothing about what they are doing. .n 'age =>, %or e(am'le, they admit that there is very little 'harmacokinetic data on ethylmercury, the %orm o% mercury in thimerosal. n %act they say there is no data on e(cretion, the data on to(icity is s'arse, yet it is recogniNed to cause hy'ersensitivity, it can cause neurological 'roblems and even death, and it is known to easily 'ass the blood-brain barrier and the 'lacental barrier.

There%ore, what they are admitting is that we have a %orm o% mercury that has been used in vaccines since the =5M7s and no one has bothered to study the e%%ects on biological systems, es'ecially the brains o% in%ants. Their de%ense throughout this con%erence is "we @ust don3t know the e%%ects o% ethylmercury." 4677O: T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious e%%ects o% mercury on numerous enNymes, mitochondrial energy 'roduction, syna'tic %unction, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and e(citoto(icity, yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated with an ever increasing addition o% thimerosal-containing vaccines. T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

This is an incredible admission. <irst, what is a vaccinologist? Do you go to school to learn to be one? &ow many years o% residency training are re2uired to be a vaccinologist? ,re there board e(ams? t3s a stu'id term used to describe 'eo'le who are obsessed with vaccines, not that they actually study the e%%ects o% the vaccines, as we shall see throughout this meeting. Most im'ortant is the admission by Dr. !ohnson that he and his %ellow "vaccinologist" are so blinded by their obsession with %orcing vaccines on society that they never even considered that there might be %actors involved that could greatly a%%ect human health, the so-called "uncertainties." <urther, that he and his %ellow "vaccinologists" like to think in concrete terms-that is, they are very narrow in their thinking and wear blinders that 'revent them %rom seeing the numerous 'roblems occurring with large numbers o% vaccinations in in%ants and children. Their goal in li%e is to vaccinate as many 'eo'le as 'ossible with an ever-growing number o% vaccines. .n 'age =L his "concrete thinking" once again takes over. &e re%ers to the $ethesda meeting on Thimerosal sa%ety issues and says, "there was no evidence o% a 'roblem, only a theoretical concern that young in%ants3 develo'ing brains were being e('osed to an organomercurial." .% course, as shall 'oint out later, it is a lot more than a

"theoretical concern". &e then continues by saying, "We agree that while there was no evidence o% a 'roblem the increasing number o% vaccine in@ections given to in%ants was increasing the theoretical mercury e('osure risk." t3s hard to conceive o% a true scientist not seeing the incredible irony o% these statements. The medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious e%%ects o% mercury on numerous enNymes, mitochondrial energy 'roduction, syna'tic %unction, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and e(citoto(icity, yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated with an ever increasing addition o% thimerosal-containing vaccines. t is also im'ortant to note that these geniuses never even saw a 'roblem in the %irst 'lace, it was 'ressure %rom outside scientists, 'arents o% a%%ected children and grou's re'resenting them that 'ointed out the 'roblem. They were, in essence, reacting to 'ressure %rom outside the "vaccinologist club" and not discovering internally that a 'roblem "might" e(ist. n %act, i% these outside grou's had not become involved these "vaccinologists" would have continued to add more and more mercury-containing vaccines to the list o% re2uired vaccines. .nly when the 'roblem became so obvious, that is o% e'idemic 'ro'ortion /close to that now0 and the legal 'ro%ession became involved would they have even noticed there was a 'roblem. This is a recurring theme in the government3s regulatory agencies, as witnessed with %luoride, as'artame, MSF, dio(in and 'esticides issues. 4677O: T&) T+ET& $)& *D T&) 1,-- *) -.1)+-E# $y +ussell $laylock, M.D.

"There have never been any sa%ety studies done %or any vaccine in use today that would meet the criteria o% scienti%ic 'roo%. ,ll we have are e'idemiologic studies, which are indicators but not 'roo% in and o% themselves." 4.ct 677O: Letter to the $ritish Medical !ournal by &arold ) $uttram, MD

" n =55M 1i@endra Singh, #hD Eniversity o% llinois, 'ublished a study in which they %ound antibodies to myelin basic 'rotein in >7 to 87Q o% autistic children tested. +ecently at a 'ublic meeting Dr. Singh 'resented in%ormation on an un'ublished, 'reliminary study o% 6L autistic children in which he %ound nearly >7Q correlation between MM+ antibodies and antibodies to myelin basic 'rotein in serum drawn %rom the children. Dr. Singh em'hasiNed that this study was very 'reliminary and that no conclusions could be drawn %rom it. &owever, it does raise a higher inde( o% sus'icion that the MM+ vaccine may result in ence'halitis and its various com'lications on a %airly large scale." -- &arold $uttram, MD

"Most in%ants have been receiving u' to => doses o% mercury-containing vaccines by the time they are 8 months old. t is almost inconceivable that these heavy burdens o% %oreign immunologic materials, introduced into the immature systems o% children, could

%ail to bring about disru'tions and adverse reactions in these in these systems." -- &arold $uttram MD

" n =5>8 Dr. +imland, whose #h.D. is in research 'sychology, had a son who was later %ound to be autistic. n his annual D,* /De%eat ,utism *ow0 con%erences Dr. +imland is %ond o% telling the story about the early days with his son during which he had great di%%iculty in %inding a 'ediatrician who knew anything about or who had ever seen a case o% autism. &ow di%%erent it is now. -hildhood autism has become so 'revalent that there are very %ew who do not know o% a %amily with an autistic child." -- Dr $uttram MD htt'C99www.whale.to9v9buttram>.html

"Sa%ety studies on vaccinations are limited to short time 'eriods onlyC several days to several weeks. There are *. /*.*)0 long term /months or years0 sa%ety studies on any vaccination or immuniNation. <or this reason, there are valid grounds %or sus'ecting that many delayed-ty'e vaccine reactions may be taking 'lace unrecogniNed at to their true nature." -- Dr $uttram MD

",ccording to the records o% the Metro'olitan Li%e nsurance -om'any, %rom =5== to =5M> the %our leading causes o% childhood deaths %rom in%ectious diseases in the E.S.,. were di'theria, 'ertussis, scarlet %ever, and measles. &owever, by =5O> the combined death rates %rom these causes had declined by 5>Q be%ore the im'lementation o% mass vaccine 'rograms." -- Dr $uttram MD

"The 3victory over e'idemics3 was not won by medical science or by doctors--and certainly not by vaccines.....the decline...has been the result o% technical, social and hygienic im'rovements and es'ecially o% im'roved nutrition. &ere the role o% the 'otato...deserves s'ecial mention.....-onsider care%ully whether you want to let yoursel% or your children undergo the dangerous, controversial, ine%%ective and no longer necessary 'rocedure called vaccination, because the claim that vaccinations are the cause %or the decline o% in%ectious diseases is utter nonsense."--The 1accination *onsense /677O Lectures0 -- Dr. med. F. $uchwald S$* M-BMMO-6>7B-M 'age =7B.

"The /small'o(0 unvaccinated Fabriele did not become ill as the vaccinated Waltraut. This did not agree with medical o'inion. n their Te(tbook on n%ectious Diseases, the authors FS)LL and M.&+ re'roduced a 'hoto o% the two girls, but without their heads, and claimed that the girl with considerably more 'ustules on her body was the unvaccinated Fabriele, the girl with the less 'ustules the vaccinated Waltraut. t was

however e(actly the other way roundC The unvaccinated Fabriele was less ill than the vaccinated Waltraut." -- The 1accination *onsense /677O Lectures0---Dr. med. F. $uchwald S$* M-BMMO-6>7B-M 66 )uro 'age B=.

" n the @ournal ",)F S M#ELS" *o. =L9677O, 1lado #etek-Dimmer shows in his article "#olio". ,n illness caused by 'esticides?" that the number o% 'olio cases very closely matches the 'roduction %igures %or chlorine-based 'esticides and es'ecially the a''lication o% DDT. &e concludesC " t is 2uite clear that the authorities are kee'ing certain in%lrmation secret. They do their best to hide their contributing role concerning the 'roduction and misuse o% DDT behind a 'olio-virus and a su''osed miracle-vaccine. The whole o% medicine and every medical doctor is thereby made a victim o% arbitrariness and %inancial interests." -- The 1accination *onsense /677O Lectures0 -- Dr. med F. $uchwald S$* M-BMMO-6>7B-M 'age O=.

"Dr. med Martin &irte writes on 'age 67 o% his book 31accination--#ro and -ontra3C "To create %ear among 'arents to strengthen their motivation to vaccinate is an im'ortant 'art o% the 'ublicity used to 'romote vaccinations. , whole branch o% research is e(amining the 2uestionC 3What level o% %ear needs to be created to a''ear as convincing as 'ossible?3" -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=7O0

"The reason vaccinations are 'romoted with such intensity is to 'revent 'eo'le %rom realising that vaccines do not 'rotect and also in the event o% an outbreak or an e'idemic the vaccinated are as much at risk o% becoming in%ected as the unvaccinated. The truth can be ke't hidden i% 'eo'le3s vaccination status remains unknown and i% everyone is vaccinated, making a com'arison with unvaccinated 'eo'le im'ossible. This is also the real reason %or the relentless 'ush to vaccinate as many children as 'ossible." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=7=0

"1accinations are now carried out %or 'urely commercial reasons because they %etch huge 'ro%its %or the 'harmaceutical industry......There is no scienti%ic evidence that vaccinations are o% any bene%it, but it is clear that they cause a great deal o% harm...Today there are B77,777 children and youngsters under the age o% => years /Fermany0 with asthma. B77,777P *eurodermitis, once a rare com'laint, has become so common that there are several su''ort networks with many thousands o% members. The 3<ranken'ost3 o% ,'ril 677O re'orted an estimated 6L million 'eo'le now su%%er %rom hay%ever, neurodermitis and allergic asthma in Fermany." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline

o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=M7, =M6, =MO.0

" n the 'ublications o% the 'harmaceutical industry the blessings o% vaccinations in general are being 'raised with 'rayer-like re' instil the belie% in the bene%it and the necessity o% vaccinations....)vidence which dis'roves such claims is conveniently ignored." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=MO.

"When in Fermany, vaccinations against whoo'ing cough were sus'ended between =5L> and =55=, the declining trend in the number o% deaths %rom the disease continued as be%ore." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=M>0

"During =7 outbreaks o% small'o( between =5OL and =5LO nearly =77 'eo'le became ill with small'o(---even though they had been vaccinated." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=MO0

"-lear and certain medical knowledge, namely that the $-F-vaccine is not only ine%%ective but also harm%ul, was ke't 2uiet %or 6L years /in Fermany0 while the vaccine continued to be used and children were being harmed by it....almost >77 /estimated0 cases o% vaccine damage 'er year." -- The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '==59==L.

" have lectured all over the world... have always had a s'ecial interest in news'a'ers. ,ll o% them have one thing in common, there is always some re%erence made to some e'idemic in some 'art o% the world. <or instance, two years ago, one 'a'er re%erred to a 'olio e'idemic in &olland. <or the 'ast three years, our news'a'ers have commented on the di'htheria e'idemic in +ussia. $y these means, the 'o'ulation is constantly threatened with e'idemics, they have been made to %ear them, and the re'orts always concludeC "Fo and get vaccinated". -- Dr $uchwald MD

" t turned out that the material 'roduced and used %or vaccination contained neither cow'o( viruses or did it contain the human small'o( virus, but that it in %act contained viruses which until then had been unknown and which were later called "small'o( virus

vacciniae" or "vaccine viruses". This virus- u' to that time unknown - has never been %ound in nature and is there%ore only known to e(ist in the vaccine. ,t the time it was claimed that the cow'o( virus had - while arti%icially 'ro'agated - changed into the vaccine virus. , dis'ute among the vaccine doctors was the result. Ferman doctors claimed it was 'ossible to change the cow'o( virus into the vaccine virus by arti%icial 'ro'agation. .thers dis'uted such a 'ossibility and were o% the o'inion that the two %orms o% viruses were two com'letely di%%erent entities. The <renchman -haveau was the chie% 'ro'onent o% this o'inion, together with numerous <rench and )nglish authors. t turned out that these viruses are indeed two di%%erent entities and that it is not 'ossible to modi%y cow'o( viruses into vaccine viruses or back the other way during 'ro'agation. n other words, the claims made by "researchers" that they had succeeded in breeding vaccine viruses %rom cow'o( viruses were a %abrication. t is with this vaccine material which does not occur in %ree nature, o% which the origin is unknown, which is com'letely unknown 2uantity and o% which it can only be said "its origin vanishes in the darkness o% the 'ast "- that we have vaccinated millions o% our children with %or the 'ast =77 yearsP" -- Dr F $uchwald MD /$ookC 1accination--, $usiness $ased on <ear0

"1accines have never had the 'roclaimed 'reventive e%%ect on in%ections. The regression o% in%ectious diseases started over 677 years ago, which means long be%ore the introduction o% vaccination, and it was due to the im'roved social conditions o% the 'o'ulationC nutrition and hygiene. -ontrary to general belie%, the vaccinations have had a negative in%luence on the decrease o% the in%ective maladies and mortality. Statistics started o%% at a 'eriod when the in%ectious diseases were already on the downgrade. -are%ul studies over a 'eriod o% many years have revealed that each introduction o% a mass vaccination has obtained only one result the immediate recrudescence o% the malady that the vaccine should have 'revented, but which has solicited instead. The tem'orary but immediate isolation o% in%ected 'atients has each time 'roved su%%icient to 'revent an e'idemic...1accines donSt 'rotect. but do harm. , scienti%ic 'roo% o% their use%ulness has never e(isted, whereas the severe, sometimes %atal, damages they cause are a 'roven %act." -- Dr. $uchwald MD in - 1 S *ewsletter by &ans +uesch, *o B, 'M

"Today, there are about =>7 vaccines being worked on, and within the ne(t decade, we could have a %lu vaccine %or the le%t nostril and one %or one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a 'in cushion. <or every vaccination, minimal ence'halo'athy destroys brain cells. ,s a result, in Fermany, there are =.6 million children who have contracted hy'erkinetic syndrome who are then treated with #sycho'harmeca /a drug similar to +italin0 used to calm them down... We have hundreds o% thousands o% so-called minimal cerebral dys%unction cases and millions o% neurodermatitis 'atients. n Fermany, there are millions o% 'eo'le with allergies. We donSt @ust 'roduce minimal ence'halo'athies in the brain, but we also 'roduce modi%ications o% the genetic code." -- Dr $uchwald MD

" n =B88, an )nglish 'hysician described a very strange illness. -hildren looked like Mongols. &is name was Down. ThatSs why we call it DownSs Syndrome today... should add that this syndrome is a result o% the vaccinations carried throughout )ngland by !enner in =L58... t /DownSs Syndrome0 is 'robably the %irst congenital disease caused by vaccinations. n Fermany, the %irst child with evidence o% DownSs Syndrome was re'orted in =566. Today, one in every L77 newborns has it... $ut the most terri%ying %act is still to come... We already know today o% O,777 illnesses caused by genes. Ten years ago, Fermany had M million illiterate 'eo'le. Today, itSs O million. ,merica has three times the 'o'ulation, about 6O7 million, meaning they should have about =6 million illiterate 'eo'le..." -- Dr $uchwald MD

"&e'atitis $ stayed at the same level even a%ter vaccine introduction. t was believed in Fermany that we made a mistake, it3s not being 'assed through blood but by se(ual contact. We e('ected the res'onse to be to vaccinate everyone where the event o% se(ual intercourse would be a %actor...&owever, the res'onse was to vaccinate everyone. ,nd this is where you can see that it all revolves around money." -- Dr $uchwald.

"There is no such thing as a %lu vaccine. We have to distinguish between, on one side, a cold-like sym'tom %or which there is no vaccination... The vaccine will only 'rotect against in%luenNa, but because it sounds good in terms o% advertising, they still stick to the term "%lu" in Ferman because nobody would take any vaccine i% it were called in%luenNa vaccination." --Dr $uchwald MD

"1accinating against measles is not @ust useless, but harm%ul. n the 'ast, in%ants would not get measles. They would get the 'rotection through their mothers, who used to have measles themselves. Mothers who were vaccinated against measles cannot 'ass on the 'rotection to their in%ants, so in%ants now get measles." -- Dr $uchwald MD

",s soon as homose(uals signed u' as guinea 'igs %or government-s'onsored he'atitis $ vaccine e('eriments, they began to die with a strange virus o% unknown origin. The he'atitis $ e('eriments began in Manhattan in the %all o% =5LB" the %irst %ew cases o% , DS /all young gays %rom Manhattan0 were re'orted to the -D- in =5L5. Scientists have also %ailed to e('lain how a brand new her'es virus was also introduced e(clusively into gays, along with & 1, in the late =5L7s. This her'es virus is now believed to be the cause o% Ha'osi3s sarcoma, the so-called "gay cancer" o% , DS. $e%ore , DS, Ha'osi3s sarcoma was never seen in healthy young men. denti%ied a decade a%ter & 1,

in =55O, this HS virus is closely related to a 'rimate cancer-causing her'es virus e(tensively studied and trans%erred in animal laboratories in the decade be%ore , DS. ,lso down'layed to the 'ublic is a new microbe /Myco'lasma 'enetrans0, also o% unknown origin, that was introduced into homose(uals, along with & 1 and the new her'es virus. Thus, not one but three new in%ectious agents were ine('licably trans%erred into the gay 'o'ulation at the start o% the e'idemic /& 1, the her'es HS virus, and M.'enetrans0." -- ,lan -antwell MD 677=

" n an e%%ort to 2uell concerns about the sa%ety o% vaccines, scientists are %inally taking another look at the "non-in%ectious" 'articles o% bird-cancer viruses /avian leukosis virus0 in the mum's9measles9rubella vaccines routinely given to kids. -ould this be the reason the <D, held a meeting in Se'tember, =555, to reconsider using human tumor cell lines /like &eLa0 rather than monkey kidneys and chicken embryos which are no longer guaranteed =77Q sa%e? ... The big 2uestion everyone seems to avoid isC -an vaccines cause cancer? There is certainly evidence connecting contaminated vaccines to , DS. ,nd & 1 is a cancer-causing virus. +obert Fallo, the co-discoverer o% & 1 in =5BO, has clearly stated , DS is an e'idemic o% cancer. ,nimal and avian viruses can contaminate vaccines and have all been studied as cancer-causing agents. ,nd cancer and vaccine research would be much more di%%icult without the use o% cell lines, some o% which are derived %rom cancer." -- Dr -antwell

"Esing kids as guinea 'igs in 'otentially harm%ul vaccine e('eriments is every 'arents3 worst nightmare. This actually ha''ened in =5B5-=55= when Haiser #ermanente o% Southern -ali%ornia and the -enters %or Disease -ontrol /-D-0 @ointly conducted a measles vaccine e('eriment. Without 'ro'er 'arental disclosure, the ;ugoslavian-made "high titre" )dmonston-Wagreb measles vaccine was tested on =,>77 'oor, 'rimarily black and Latino, inner city children in Los ,ngeles. &ighly recommended by the World &ealth .rganiNation /W&.0, the high-'otency e('erimental vaccine was 'reviously in@ected into in%ants in Me(ico, &aiti, and ,%rica. t was discontinued in these countries when it was discovered that the children were dying in large numbers." -- Dr ,lan -antwell MD

The serious 'roblem o% &eLa cell contamination in cancer and vaccine research is revealed in Michael Fold3s ", -ons'iracy o% -ellsC .ne Woman3s mmortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal t -aused." )ven !onas Salk, who develo'ed the legendary Salk 'olio vaccine, was %ooled when &eLa cells contaminated his animal cell lines. &e admitted this years later in =5LB be%ore a stunned audience o% cell biologists and vaccine makers. n e('eriments 'er%ormed in the late =5>7s on dying cancer 'atients, Salk tried in@ecting them with a cell line o% monkey heart tissue A the same cell line he used to harvest 'olio virus %or his %amous vaccine. &e ho'ed the monkey cell in@ections would

stimulate the immune system to %ight cancer. &owever, when abcesses develo'ed at the site o% in@ections Salk began to sus'ect that he might be in@ecting &eLa cells rather than monkey cells, and he sto''ed the e('eriment.

"There is no 2uestion that & 1 was introduced into the E.S. male homose(ual 'o'ulation via the gay he'atitis $ vaccine e('eriment that took 'lace between =5LB and =5B=. My research clearly su''orts the outbreak o% , DS cases in Los ,ngeles and San <rancisco shortly a%ter the e('eriment began in those cities. *ot sur'risingly, the government has re%used to release data on the number o% , DS deaths that have occurred in the large grou' o% gay men who initially volunteered %or the vaccine e('eriment." -- Dr ,lan -antwell

"My own 'ersonal view is that vaccines are unsa%e and worthless. will not allow mysel% to be vaccinated again. .....The bottom line is that in%ectious diseases are least likely to a%%ect /and to kill0 those who have healthy immune systems. no longer believe that vaccines have any role to 'lay in the 'rotection o% the community or the individual. 1accines may be 'ro%itable but, in my view, they are neither sa%e nor e%%ective. 're%er to 'ut my trust in building u' my immune system." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

"Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was in =5B5 threatened with e(tinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to 'rotect them against rabies but more than a doNen 'acks then died within a year T o% rabies. This ha''ened even in areas where rabies had never been seen be%ore. When researchers tried using a nonin%ectious %orm o% the 'athogen /to 'revent the deaths o% the remaining animals0 all members o% seven 'acks o% dogs disa''eared. ,nd yet the rabies vaccine is now com'ulsory in many 'arts o% the world. s it not 'ossible that it is the vaccine which is kee'ing this disease alive?" -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

".ne o% the medical 'ro%essionSs greatest boasts is that it eradicated small'o( through the use o% the small'o( vaccine. mysel% believed this claim %or many years. $ut it sim'ly isnSt true. .ne o% the worst small'o( e'idemics o% all time took 'lace in )ngland between =BL7 and =BL6 T nearly two decades a%ter com'ulsory vaccination was introduced. ,%ter this evidence that small'o( vaccination didnSt work the 'eo'le o% Leicester in the )nglish midlands re%used to have the vaccine any more. When the ne(t small'o( e'idemic struck in the early =B57s the 'eo'le o% Leicester relied u'on good sanitation and a system o% 2uarantine. There was only one death %rom small'o( in Leicester during that e'idemic. n contrast the citiNens o% other towns /who had been vaccinated0 died in vast

numbers. ......Doctors and drug com'anies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, 2uarantine and better living conditions got rid o% small'o( T not the small'o( vaccine...... t is worth 'ointing out that )dward !enner, widely %eted as the inventor o% the small'o( vaccine, tried out the %irst small'o( vaccination on his own =7 month old son. &is son remained mentally retarded until his death at the age o% 6=. !enner re%used to have his second child vaccinated." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

"1accination against tuberculosis is o%ten given as the reason why this disease sto''ed being 2uite the threat to li%e that it had been in the =Bth century. $ut again, this isnSt true. +obert Hoch discovered the 'athogen that causes T$ back in =BBM. ,%ter that $-F vaccination was introduced and then, subse2uently, mass treatment 'rogrammes were devised with chemothera'y. *one o% these discoveries or introductions had any e%%ect on the incidence o% tuberculosis. -ontracting T$ doesnSt 'rovide any immunity against a second in%ection. ,nd i% a natural in%ection doesnSt 'rovide 'rotection then a vaccination certainly wonSt 'rovide 'rotection. &ow on earth can it? t was noticed decades ago that in the lung sanatoriums that s'ecialised in the treatment o% T$ 'atients there was no di%%erence in the survival rates o% 'atients who had been R'rotectedS against T$ with $-F vaccination when com'ared to the survival rates o% 'atients who had received no such R'rotectionS. The tuberculosis vaccination /the $acillus -almette-Fuerin T known as $-F0 consists o% a weakened, living bovine mycobacterium. The vaccine was used %or many years but a W&. trial in ndia showed that the vaccine o%%ers no 'rotection against the disease. ndeed, when new cases o% tuberculosis increased annually in the areas where 'eo'le had been vaccinated against the disease the trial seemed to suggest that there might be a link between the vaccine and outbreaks o% the disease." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

"1accination against di'htheria was introduced to Fermany in =56>. ,%ter the introduction o% the vaccine the number o% cases o% di'htheria steadily increased until, shortly a%ter the Second World War, 'roduction o% the vaccine was halted. There was a decline in the incidence o% the disease which coincided with the %act that the vaccination was no longer being used. When the vaccine was subse2uently reintroduced the decline in the incidence o% the disease slowed down. ,s with whoo'ing cough, tetanus and other diseases the incidence, and number o% deaths %rom di'htheria, were in decline long be%ore the vaccine was introduced." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

"The whoo'ing cough vaccine has never had much o% an in%luence on the number o% children dying %rom whoo'ing cough. The dramatic %all in the number o% deaths caused by the disease came well be%ore the vaccine was widely available and was, historians

agree, the result o% im'roved 'ublic health measures and, indirectly, the use o% antibiotics. ..... The introduction o% the vaccine really didnSt make very much, i% any, di%%erence to the %all in the incidence o% the disease. )ven today /=5BB0 thirty years a%ter the introduction o% the vaccine, whoo'ing cough cases are still running at about =,777 a week in $ritain. Similarly, the %igures show that the introduction o% the vaccine had no e%%ect on the number o% children dying %rom whoo'ing cough. ....My second 'oint is that the whoo'ing cough vaccine is neither very e%%icient nor is it sa%e..... the government /in the %orm o% the D&SS0 has consistently lied about the whoo'ing cough vaccine, has distorted the truth and has deceived both the medical 'ro%ession /%or the ma@ority o% doctors and nurses who give these in@ections acce't the recommendations made by the D&SS without 2uestion0 and millions o% 'arents. The D&SS may have saved itsel% a tidy sum in damages. $ut the cost to the nationSs health has been enormous. ,nd this, remember, is merely one more e(am'le o% the way in which the truth has been distorted by those whom we trust to 'rovide us with honest, accurate advice about medicine and health care." -- Dr 1ernon -oleman M$ htt'C99www.vernoncoleman.com9vaccines.htm

"The Salk vaccine %ailed com'letely /we3ll issue a s'ecial re'ort on that at a later date0. ,nd the Sabin vaccine was a disaster. t caused many cases o% 'olio and showed no relationshi' to the disease e(ce't %or an increase in 'olio during the early 387s, caused by the vaccine itsel%. ,nd now we have the sensational %indings %rom the ,nnals o% the *ew ;ork ,cademy o% Sciences, which strongly indicate that 'olio did not go away at all, but now mani%ests itsel% as chronic %atigue syndrome......When the -o(sackie viruses were %irst isolated %rom -<S 'atients, it wasn3t realiNed that we were sim'ly dealing with a new %orm o% 'olio. This new 'olio was caused by the re'lacement o% the 'olio viruses with their brothers, the -o(sackie viruses. ,s the researchers didn3t get the connection at %irst, these new 'olio cases were labled 3'ost-'olio syndrome,3 3chronic %atigue syndrome,3 and 3myalgic ence'halomyelitis.3" -- William Douglass MD

"What the vaccinators don3t tell you is that communicable diseases have been declining at a steady rate %or =>7 years and that there is no relationshi' between the various diseases and the onset o% immuniNation. Without e(ce'tion, the vaccine 'rogram %or each o% the childhood diseases was inaugurated a%ter that 'aticular diseases had begun to disa''ear. -ontrary to what you have been told, this includes 'olio. What the vaccines have done is cause the various childhood diseases to become adulthood diseases-- with %ar more serious im'lications, mum's in men and rubella in women %or e(am'le." -William Douglass MD

"The evidence %or indicting immuniNations %or S DS is circumstantial, but com'elling. &owever, the kee'ers o% the keys to medical-research %unds are not interested in researching this very im'ortant lead to the cause o% an ongoing, and 'ossibly

'reventable, tragedy. ,nything that im'lies that immuniNations are not the greatest medical advance in the history o% 'ublic health is ignored or ridiculed. -an you imagine the economic and 'olitical im'ort o% discovering that immuniNations are killing thousands o% babies?" -- Dr Douglass M.D.

"1accination sto's children having their childhood diseases at the bene%icial age /MOyrs0. -hildren are now susce'tible to +ubella and Mum's at @ust the age when girls can conceive and boys can be made sterile. ,ntibodies %rom vaccination do not cross the 'lacenta to make very young babies immune with the result that children o% less than one year old are more likely to get them. n the case o% Whoo'ing cough this is @ust the time that the disease is likely to cause neurological damage." -- Dr !ayne Donegan

" vaccinated both my children with the MM+ @ab, but this was be%ore started my research into the 'roblems associated with it. Hnowing what know now, would not vaccinate my children and run the risk o% them getting diabetes, asthma, ecNema, becoming more susce'tible to meningitis and ending u' chronically disabled." -- Dr !ayne Donegan

", study by +onne /Lancet, >9>9B> =->0 showed that adults who had had natural measles with a rash had a decreased incidence o% various cancers, including cervical. ,nother study showed that women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer i% they have had mum's during childhood." -- Dr !ayne Donegan

"When heard about the =O year old boy who died o% grou' - meningitis remember wondering how soon be%orehand he had had his $-F vaccination /another vaccine with a RliveS organism0." -- Dr !ayne L M Donegan

"$-F is a goldmine %or ear, nose and throat s'ecialists." -- Dr !ean )lmiger MD

")very time you hear o% the tragic death o% an in%ant, carried o%% in the %irst weeks o% li%e by Rviral meningitisS, you have the right to sus'ect that $-F is at work, even i% the auto'sy con%irms a viral diagnosis. My wi%e lived through this tragedy in a ma@or Swiss hos'ital where she worked. The auto'sy o% the child revealed the tubercular nature o% the RviralS meningitis %ollowing a $-F inoculation, but all the assistants and nurses had received very clear instructions to say nothing or risk terrible conse2uences. ,s with all

secret societies, the law o% silence is absolute among doctorsP" -- Dr !ean )lmigar /+ediscovering +eal Medicine0 S$* =B867O=55L0

"The launching o% the $-F vaccine was a model o% economic gangsterism, a gigantic dishonest commercial o'eration. *othing is missing %rom the scenarioC an eccentric inventor, %alsi%ied laboratory e('eriments, a 'seudo-scienti%ic varnish, garbled statistics, shameless 'ublicity, the 'urchased su''ort o% 'ower%ul magnates, and, the %inal masterly touch, a 3%ree3 'roduct %inanced by the ta('ayerP <or the <rench 'ublic, un%ortunately used to scandals, none o% this is very uncommon. $ut what really sets the $-F story a'art is the heights o% machiavellism that it reaches. <or -havanon reveals that the 67 or so %amilies that hold hostage the nation3s health -i.e. its teaching, its laboratories, its tem'les... and its commerce- succeeded in =5O5 in having the <rench government hurriedly vote to make the $-F vaccination com'ulsory. Since that black year not one <rench 'erson has esca'ed this %atal to(in." -- Dr !ean )lmigar /+ediscovering +eal Medicine0

"Severe constraints are 'laced on the media in the name o% "res'onsible @ournalism" with the result that the ,merican 'ublic very seldom hears both sides o% the vaccination story, and comes to have an un2uestioning %aith in vaccinations as our greatest ho'e against %uture imagined disease 'lagues. n this %ear-based scenario, the 2uestioning voice o% reason is drowned out amid the hysteria surrounding the emerging "killer in%ections" which are such a %avorite media to'ic. This 'ro'agation o% %ear by the media and by its sources in the 'ublic health industry has resulted in a growth o% 'ower o% this industry %ar beyond the usual checks and balances o% our democracy." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $ 1accination Testimony

"Since !uly =557, =L,O5L cases o% hos'italiNations, in@uries and deaths in ,merica %ollowing he'atitis $ vaccination have been re'orted to the 1accine ,dverse )vent +e'orting System /1,)+S0 o% the E.S. government. This %igure includes =O8 deaths in individuals a%ter receiving only he'atitis $ vaccine without any other vaccines, including LM deaths in children under =O years old. n =558 alone there were BL6 serious adverse events in children under =O years old re'orted to 1,)+S. 8>B o% those in@uries were %ollowing he'atitis $ vaccination in combination with other vaccinations and 6=O o% these in@uries were a%ter he'atitis $ vaccination alone. n these children under =O years old, there were M> deaths a%ter he'atitis $ vaccination in combination and =M deaths a%ter he'atitis $ vaccination alone, %or a total o% OB deaths. -om'are these statistics with the total number o% he'atitis $ cases nationwide re'orted that same year /=5580 in children under =O, @ust 6L5, and the conclusion is obvious that the risks o% he'atitis $ vaccination %ar outweigh its bene%its." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $ 1accination Testimony

", critical 'oint which is never mentioned by those advocating mandatory vaccination o% children is that childrenSs health has declined signi%icantly since =587 when vaccines began to be widely used. ,ccording to the *ational &ealth nterview Survey conducted annually by the *ational -enter %or &ealth Statistics since =5>L, a shocking M=Q o% E.S. children today have a chronic health 'roblem , =BQ o% children re2uire s'ecial health care or related services and 8.LQ o% children have a signi%icant disability due to a chronic 'hysical or mental condition. +es'iratory allergies, asthma and learning disabilities are the most common o% these." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $ 1accination Testimony

" observed that my unvaccinated children were healthier, hardier and more robust than their vaccinated 'eers. ,llergies, asthma and 'allor and behavioral and attentional disturbances were clearly more common in my young 'atients who were vaccinated. My unvaccinated 'atients, on the other hand, did not su%%er %rom in%ectious diseases with any greater %re2uency or severity than their vaccinated 'eersC their immune systems generally handled these challenges very well." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $ 1accination Testimony

"The best way to determine the risk-bene%it 'ro%ile o% any vaccination is well known and in theory is 2uite sim'leC Take a grou' o% vaccinated children and com'are them with a matched grou' o% unvaccinated children. % the grou's are well-matched and large enough and the length o% time the children are observed %ollowing vaccination long enough, then such a study is deemed the "gold standard" o% vaccine research because its data is as accurate a re%lection as medical research is ca'able o% achieving o% how vaccinations are actually a%%ecting our nationSs children. ncredible as it sounds, such a common-sense controlled study com'aring vaccinated to unvaccinated children has never been done in ,merica %or any vaccination. This means that mass vaccination is essentially a large-scale e('eriment on our nationSs children." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $ 1accination Testimony " n my medical career 3ve treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children and the unvaccinated children are %ar healthier than the vaccinated ones.3" -- #hili' ncao, MD, Denver, -.

" n those in%ants who died under one month o% age, most o% the deaths are classi%ied as Sudden n%ant Death Syndrome /S DS0. &owever, in the 'ast this syndrome has never struck in%ants so young, and S DS is o%%icially de%ined as beginning only a%ter one month o% age. With 8,777 children dying o% S DS every year, we have no idea how many o% these deaths are actually caused by he'atitis $ vaccination." -- ncao3s &e'atitis $

1accination Testimony

" % we look closely, we realise that health %or all, according to the W&., means medicaliNation and vaccinations %or all. That is to say sickness %or all." -- Fuylaine Lanctot, M.D.

"We are taught by the authorities that vaccines 'rotect us against eventual aggressive viruses and microbes, and, there%ore, 'revent contagious illnesses and e'idemics. This lie has been 'er'etuated %or =>7 years des'ite the *)<<)-T 1)*)SS o% vaccines in 'rotecting against illnesses...the ES)L)SS*)SS o% certain vaccines, notably, T$ D Tetanus..Di'theria.... n%luenNa and he'atitis $." -- Fuylaine Lanctot, M.D.

"So, more than that, vaccines are used to test biological wea'ons. / n my research0 %ound that vaccines are used to s'read diseases. They are used %or targeted genocides." -- ,n nterview With Fuylaine Lanctot, M.D. $y Henneth D Dee $urke

"The reason vaccinations are 'romoted with such intensity is to 'revent 'eo'le %rom realising that vaccines do not 'rotect and also in the event o% an outbreak or an e'idemic the vaccinated are as much at risk o% becoming in%ected as the unvaccinated. The truth can be ke't hidden i% 'eo'le3s vaccination status remains unknown and i% everyone is vaccinated, making a com'arison with unvaccinated 'eo'le im'ossible. This is also the real reason %or the relentless 'ush to vaccinate as many children as 'ossible." -- Dr $uchwald /The Decline o% Tuberculosis des'ite "#rotective" 1accination by Dr. Ferhard $uchwald M.D. '=7=0

"Today, there are about =>7 vaccines being worked on, and within the ne(t decade, we could have a %lu vaccine %or the le%t nostril and one %or one right nostril. Mankind will be used as a 'in cushion. <or every vaccination, minimal ence'halo'athy destroys brain cells. ,s a result, in Fermany, there are =.6 million children who have contracted hy'erkinetic syndrome who are then treated with #sycho'harmeca /a drug similar to +italin0 used to calm them down... We have hundreds o% thousands o% so-called minimal cerebral dys%unction cases and millions o% neurodermatitis 'atients. n Fermany, there are millions o% 'eo'le with allergies. We donSt @ust 'roduce minimal ence'halo'athies in the brain, but we also 'roduce modi%ications o% the genetic code." -- Dr $uchwald MD

"There are 6>,777 o% us in the Enited Hingdom, and we stick together more closely than any other 'ro%ession. ;ou may take the Law or the -hurch, and you will %ind in neither the same intense devotion to cor'orate interests. % one makes a mistake, the others are ready to hide it. Many coroners are medical men, and when a case occurs that is not %avourable to the 'ro%ession, it is more or less de(terously slurred over. $y means o% this trade unionism we have ac2uired immense 'ower, which is yearly increasing. Law and -hurch will soon be accounted second and third. #eo'le cannot be born without us" they cannot die without us" and it will come to 'ass that they cannot be married or take a situation without us. ,ll this tends to make the medical 'ro%ession 'retty unanimous on a 2uestion which is su''osed to be one o% its ,rticles o% <aith. ..........,nd then the money we make out o% itP .......Seeing how it 'ays, you certainly must not go to the 'arties 'aid %or disinterested advice. % you want the truth on vaccination you must to those who are not making anything out o% it. % doctors shot at the moon every time it was %ull as a 'reventive o% measles and got a shilling %or it, they would bring statistics to 'rove it was a most e%%icient 'ractice, and that the 'o'ulation would be decimated i% it were sto''ed. They are bred in the %aith that vaccination is a 'reventive o% small-'o(, and go on to 'ractise it and to live by it. $e %air, there%ore, to the doctors, and ask yourselves whether you would not believe as they do, and act as they do, i% your training and interest coincided with theirs. We believe our teachers. never heard o% antivaccinators e(ce't as %ools and %anatics, whose e(istence was marvellous. The only knowledge o% vaccination had was %rom a medical lecture e('laining the nature o% the 'rocess and the usual e%%ects that %ollow it." -- Dr ,llinson =BBM htt'C99www.whale.to9vaccines9small'o(67.html

"The body res'onds to the vaccine with an immune reaction that attacks its com'onents. Sometimes the immune reaction also attacks a constituent o% the body itsel%, which bears some chemical resemblance to a constituent o% the vaccine. +e'orts o% cases in which nerve cells have been attacked have been 'ublished %or tetanus, in%luenNa and measles vaccines. The "sel%-attack" is the result o% a cascade o% biochemical changes which takes at least %ive days to cause clinically observable disease, and may take at least u' to si( weeks." -- Marcel Hingsbourne

"1accination and sul'ha drugs have been recognised as being directly res'onsible %or the 'roduction o% leukemia in humans." -- Dr $. Du'errat o% the Saint-Louis &os'ital in #aris, writing in the <rench medical @ournal #resse Medicale, march =6, =5>>.

",ll vaccination has the e%%ect o% directing the three values o% the blood into or toward the None characteristics o% cancer and leukaemia...1accines do 'redis'ose to cancer and leukaemia." -- #ro%essor L. 1incent - %ounder o% $ioelectronics

",lready 'ublished re'orts, as well as our own observations indicate that small'o( vaccination sometimes 'roduces mani%estations o% leukemia. n children and adults observed in the clinics o% -racow, small'o( vaccination has been %ollowed by violent local and general reactions and by leukemia." -- #ro%essors !ulian ,leksandrowickN and $oguslave &alileokowski o% the Medical ,cademy o% -racow, #oland wrote as re'orted in Lancet, May 8, =58L.

"&ad my mother and %ather known that the 'oliovirus vaccines o% the =5>7s were heavily contaminated with more than 68 monkey viruses, including the cancer virus S1O7, can say with certainty that they would not have allowed their children and themselves to take those vaccines. $oth o% my 'arents might not have develo'ed cancers sus'ected o% being vaccine-related, and might even be alive today. " -- Dr ErnovitN

"During the 'olio e'idemics it was %ound that 'eo'le who had their tonsils removed were M-> times more likely to develo' 'aralysisV.There were many at that time that suggested that 'olio was an iatrogenic diseaseV..we caused thousands o% cases o% 'aralysis. We did not cause the 'olio , but we converted 'eo'le who would have recovered %rom a vial illness into 'eo'le with a 'aralytic illness." -- Dr Mark Donohoe M$ $S

"Since vaccine develo'ment in%ormation is considered 'ro'rietary 4'rotected by nondisclosure 'olicies: government o%%icials and researchers must shield 'otential sa%ety issues %rom 'ublic scrutiny. This censorshi' is rationaliNed by the all too 'ersuasive argument that vaccines cannot be criticiNed lest the 'ublic become non-com'liant in taking them. <inally, this silence is buttressed by the small number o% 'eo'le ca'able o% critically evaluating vaccine manu%acturing and sa%ety testing 'rocedures. n essence, health care 'ro%essionals and the general 'ublic know little about the 'ossible dangers o% live viral vaccines." -- Dr !ohn Martin

" n s'eaking with an ,M, lobbyist, understood they "would not want the 'ublic to know that their doctors were not in the knowledge loo'"......The world and, in 'articular, its children a''ear to be at risk %or stealth ada'ted viruses. The contribution o% vaccines to the %ormation and dissemination o% these viruses should be an o'en to'ic %or scienti%ic discussion. This is not occurring with those 'resently in charge o% overseeing the sa%ety o% the *ation3s immuniNation 'rogram." -- Dr !ohn Martin htt'C99www.ccid.org9sa%ety.htmX

",s an illustration, the issue o% 'ossible simian cytomegalovirus /S-M10 contamination o% live 'olio virus vaccines has been su''ressed since =5L6. .n the eve o% *i(on3s war on cancer, a @oint Lederle -or'oration9<D, $ureau o% $iologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, im'orted %or 'olio vaccine 'roduction, tested 'ositively %or S-M1. The reluctance o% the <D, to act on this matter was revealed in a cor'orate memo delivered the %ollowing year. )ven in =55>, %ollowing a re'ort to <D, o%%icials concerning a 'atient in%ected with a S-M1-derived virus, no new in-house testing o% 'olio vaccines %or S-M1 has occurred. Moreover, this author3s s'eci%ic re2uests %or vaccine material to undertake s'eci%ic testing, were denied on the basis o% 'rotecting "'ro'rietary" interests." -- Dr Martin

",s an illustration, the issue o% 'ossible simian cytomegalovirus /S-M10 contamination o% live 'olio virus vaccines has been su''ressed since =5L6. .n the eve o% *i(on3s war on cancer, a @oint Lederle -or'oration9<D, $ureau o% $iologics study showed that eleven test monkeys, im'orted %or 'olio vaccine 'roduction, tested 'ositively %or S-M1. The reluctance o% the <D, to act on this matter was revealed in a cor'orate memo delivered the %ollowing year. )ven in =55>, %ollowing a re'ort to <D, o%%icials concerning a 'atient in%ected with a S-M1-derived virus, no new in-house testing o% 'olio vaccines %or S-M1 has occurred. Moreover, this author3s s'eci%ic re2uests %or vaccine material to undertake s'eci%ic testing, were denied on the basis o% 'rotecting "'ro'rietary" interests." -- Dr Martin

"The %irst rule o% medicine is to do no harm. ;et, we know that immuniNing children against he'atitis $ con%ers almost no bene%it and sub@ects our children to harm." -Fregory Tetrault, M. D.

"$ased on what now know, would not give my children the combined MM+ vaccine. would consider either using the vaccines singly /not available in this country but 'ossible in mainland )uro'e0 or not vaccinating at all. t may be sa%er %or healthy children to catch these illnesses rather than run the risk o% immunisation." -- Dr +ichard &alvorsen

"The vaccinations are not working, and they are dangerous.. We should be working with nature." -- Lendon Smith MD

"!ust a word about vaccines. tell all my clients not to take the #neumova( /vaccine %or 'neumococcal 'neumonia0, and under no circumstances take the %lu vaccine, @ust don3t bother. There3s no evidence that these vaccines work in 'eo'le with , DS. $ut there3s a

lot o% evidence that the vaccines are very detrimental. ,s %ar as general & 1 vaccines go, they3re being researched to the tune o% a lot o% media hy'e, su''osedly to 'rotect us against the , DS virus. Well, there is some disconcerting evidence and statistics that won3t go away, that the , DS virus may have been introduced into our 'o'ulation by means o% a vaccine. ,nd can tell you no one is ever going to stick an ", DS vaccine" into my body. 3d rather take my chances with the , DS virus. ,t least then know what 3m dealing with, rather than whatever virus is in the so-called vaccine." -- !oan #riestley, M.D. htt'C99www.orthomed.org9links9'a'ers9'riest.htm

"1accination enables the selection o% 'o'ulations to be decimated. t %acilitates targeted genocide. t 'ermits one to kill 'eo'le o% a certain race, a certain grou', a certain country. ,nd to leave others untouched. n the name o% health and well-being, o% course." -- Dr Lanctot MD

"My own view, based u'on some years o% observation and e('erience, is 2uite %irm. su''orted the use o% the vaccine in =5>= and subse2uently with very little hesitation until about =5L6, and gave 'ertussis vaccine between =5>= and =5>8 to each o% my %our children. would not dream o% doing so again because it has become clear to me not only that the vaccine is incom'letely 'rotective, but also that the side-e%%ects which thought to be tem'orary are in %act dangerous, un'redictably so. There is no doubt in my mind that in the EH alone some hundreds, i% not thousands, o% well in%ants have su%%ered irre'arable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those o% their 'arents have been wrecked in conse2uence." -- #ro% Fordon Stewart =5B7

" % we look closely, we realise that health %or all, according to the W&., means medicaliNation and vaccinations %or all. That is to say sickness %or all." -- Fuylaine Lanctot, M.D.

"Delay o% D#T immuniNation until 6 years o% age in !a'an has resulted in a dramatic decline in adverse side e%%ects. n the 'eriod o% =5L7-=5LO, when D#T vaccination was begun at M to > months o% age, the !a'anese national com'ensation system 'aid out claims %or >L 'ermanent severe damage vaccine cases, and ML deaths. During the ensuing si( year 'eriod =5L>-=5B7, when D#T in@ections were delayed to 6O months o% age, severe reactions %rom the vaccine were reduced to a total o% eight with three deaths. This re'resents an B> to 57 'ercent reduction in severe cases o% damage and death. /+e%6=0." -- Dr .bomsawin #hD

" t is 'athetic and ludicrous to say we ever van2uished small'o( with vaccines, when only =7Q o% the 'o'ulation was ever vaccinated." -- Dr Flen Dettman.

"There is insu%%icient evidence to su''ort routine vaccination o% healthy 'ersons o% any age." #aul <rame, M.D., !ournal o% <amily #ractice

"Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin #olio 1accines, being made %rom monkey kidney tissue, has been directly res'onsible %or the ma@or increase in leukaemia in this country." -- <. Hlenner MD

" always said that 'rivate interests were hidden behind o%%icial vaccination 'olicy making. was wrong. t is not hidden, it ha''ens in the o'en. The 'owers concerned do not even %eel the need to be secret about it. They %eel so almighty they can 'ublicise their malicious intentions in Ro%%icialS re'orts without any signi%icant o''osition to it. The vaccination lobby shamelessly takes all the children o% this world as hostages to still their greed %or money and 'ower. They relentlessly abuse our com'assion %or the weaker and our concern about health to 'romote their giga-business. *o matter what. *o matter how many more vaccine victims will su%%er death or side-e%%ects. *o matter how many %inancial resources this strategy devours at the e('ense o% essential social investments like housing and em'loyment. *o matter what. ShockingP" -- Hris Faublomme MD

" t is a 'retty bad habit o% vaccine researchers to give several vaccines simultaneously where the e%%ect o% only one o% them has to be studied and evaluated. .bviously this leads to con%ounding results..........%or evaluation o% side-e%%ects in most studies was restricted to OB to L6 hours. *eedless to say that many serious adverse e%%ects show u' long a%ter that time s'an" by de%inition they could never be mentioned in those studies. *evertheless most o% these studies 'retend to 'rove the sa%ety o% the vaccine." -- Hris Faublomme MD

)veryday we ask ourselves what did we do that was 'erceived as so wrong that an entire government, or at least a very strong and controlling %action in our government and military, should mount a continual harassment cam'aign against our %amily? n truth, all we wanted to do was hel' our soldiers, and now their %amily members and many o% our citiNens, to overcome a horri%ic chronic illness that is diagnosable and treatable. We never intended to uncover a massive, illegal $iological Wea'ons develo'ment and testing 'rogram, nor was it our intent to embarrass the De%ense establishment or certain sectors o% the scienti%ic community. $ecause o% our naive %aith in our government, we

ultimately set ourselves u' %or a 2uest that involved betrayals %rom 'eo'le with whom we have worked %or over two decades and whose very careers and livelihoods were hel'ed signi%icantly by our unswerving loyalty. htt'C99www.immed.org9re'orts9gul%YwarYillness9criene.html

"There were several 'otential sources o% chronic biological agents in the #ersian Ful% Theater 45, 6M:. <irst, de'loyed soldiers were given multi'le inoculations, in some cases with e('erimental vaccines in un'roved immuniNation schemes, such as vaccines that were given all at once instead o% using an a''ro'riate schedule o% inoculations over months or years. Multi'le vaccinations given simultaneously can result in immunosu''ression and leave an individual susce'tible to o''ortunistic in%ections. Some o% these e('erimental vaccines could also have been contaminated with small amounts o% slow-growing microorganisms. n %act, some o% the vaccine lots to be sent to the Ful% were removed because o% "microorganism contamination." Dr *icolson htt'C99www.immed.org9testimony9gul%YwarYillness9ct==5B.html

;et our medically controlled &ealth $oards cook u' %ake e'idemics, create 'anics %or 'ro%it, such as the ones in Hansas -ity in =56=, #ittsburgh in =56O, #hiladel'hia, $altimore, Washington in =56>. ,n e%%ort was also made to create a 'anic in *ew ;ork in =56>, but due to the o'en %ight against it by the *ew ;ork )vening Fra'hic, the -ommissioner o% &ealth called it o%%. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

;ou are vaccinated and have small'o(. The vaccine was o% "insu%%icient 'otency," although this was discovered too lateAthat is, a%ter you have the small'o(. ;ou are vaccinated and do not develo' small'o(Ait is assumed that the vaccine was 'otent. t is like the old test %or mushroomsAeat them and live they are mushrooms" eat them and die, they are toad stools. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

The whole 'ur'ose o% this 'ro'aganda is not to secure the health and wel%are o% children, but to guarantee the steady in%low o% 'ro%its to the 'hysicians and manu%acturing drug houses. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

n =56O at -oncord and $ridgewater, Mass., other grou's in schools su%%ered severely. The white-wash in these cases was that the serum had been allowed to %reeNe be%ore using. n =568 when the %amous 'ublicity stunt was 'ulled o%%, whereby, a dog team carried serum over land to *ome, ,laska, which did not have an e'idemic o% di'htheria

and which knew nothing o% the &erculean e%%orts to save it, it was e('lained that %reeNing the serum does not damage it. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

$itten on the hand by a dog on ,ug. M anti-rabies shots were started the %ollowing day. These are said to have been %ollowed by a "mild reaction," that is, mild sym'toms o% 'oisoning. &e was sent home and then "trouble struck hard." &e was rushed to the 'ost hos'ital where he died. The %act that they thought he was out o% danger and sent him home reveals how little they know. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

"The serum em'loyed was that concocted by the notorious -almette, o% <rance, the $. -. F. vaccine that is said, though %alsely, to 'revent tuberculosis. This vaccine has le%t a trail o% disaster behind it wherever it has been used. t does not and, o% course, cannot 'rotect %rom tuberculosis. The only 'revention o% tuberculosis is scru'ulous hygiene. Fiven this and no one need %ear the disease. *ot even children o% tubercular 'arents, though in constant association with them, will develo' tuberculosis, i% they are cared %or hygienicalily." 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

"The ,merican Medical !ournal, March =8, =565 tells us that two -hicago 'hysicians sent out a 2uestionnaire to O,O68 'icked medical men, asking their o'inions on vaccine and serum thera'y. Some =,68= 'hysicians re'lied. Their re'lies are described as "e(ceedingly un%avorable," while over 57Q o% those re'lying state that they do not em'loy vaccines and serums. They sayC ".% the M58 'hysicians in the list who answered as members o% the -ongress o% ,merican #hysicians and Surgeons, not one considered the use o% vaccines a su'erior method o% treatment o% in%ectious diseases." -- Dr. Shelton D-

*orway sus'ended vaccination because o% hoo% and mouth disease being s'read by the 'ractice. n this country our De'artment o% ,griculture traced the e'idemics o% %oot and mouth disease in =576, =57B and =5=O to small'o( vaccine. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

Lock@aw is a com'aratively rare disease e(ce't where a vaccination e'idemic rages. n his #rinci'les and #ractice o% Medicine, Sir Wm. .sler says o% tetanus as a disease transmitted by vaccinationC Mc<arland collected 5> cases 'ractically all ,merican. Si(tythree occured in =57=, in which +. W. Wilson demonstrated the tetanus bacillus. Most o% these cases occurred about #hiladel'hia." 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert

Shelton /c=5O73s0

The States #ublic &ealth +e'ort, March 67, =56> says that several %atal cases o% tetanus in vaccinated individuals has recently occurred in the Enited States" The +e'ort %or !une 68, =56>, contains accounts, in its %irst si( 'ages, o% eleven cases o% tetanus %ollowing vaccination. $oys are more susce'tible than girls to 'ost-vaccinal tetanus. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

n a letter dated ,ug. 5. =565, and addressed to Senator +obt. <. Wagner, Dr. &ugh S. -ummings. Surgeon Feneral o% the E.S. #ublic &ealth Service, says the %igures which his letter shows are incom'lete, %or deaths due to 'ost-vaccinal tetanus are as %ollowsC =56>---65" =568---=>C =56L---=L, =565---=. ,s most o% these deaths occur a%ter school o'ens in Se'tember, at which time the great orgy o% vaccination begins, the a''arent reduction in =565 is 'robably very dece'tive. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

n the early 'art o% =56>, while the whole o% the )ast was in the throes o% a vaccination e'idemic, the *ew ;ork )vening Fra'hic uncovered at least two deaths %rom 'ostvaccinal tetanus, and many other cases o% vaccinal in@ury in $altimore. ,%ter they 'ublished the accounts o% these cases, the hos'itals in $altimore established a rigid censorshi' and su''ressed the horrid truth about this criminal 'ractice. $ut a truce with tetanus" the news'a'ers carry %re2uent re'orts o% such deaths and can only touch the high s'ots here. )veryone can know o% these cases who cares to investigate. 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

n the $rooklyn Times, March 6=, =565, &ealth -ommissioner Wynne, *ew ;ork, is re'orted to have said in an address to the .'tometrical -lubC "&ere is the answer /to the 'hysicianSs economic 'roblem0. Let them take in 67 children an hour, one hour a day, M days a week at a charge o% U> %or each anti-di'htheria inoculation. That will bring a revenue worth while to the doctor." 1accines and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

These various organiNations collect many millions o% dollars yearly %rom a generous and well meaning, but unin%ormed 'eo'le, s'end the ma@or 'ortion o% the money in %at salaries and overhead or administration costs, s'ending much o% it to 'ay %or cruel and %utile e('eriments on animals /research0 and 'recious little o% it %or the 'ur'oses %or which it is given. Like all organiNed charity, these things are soulless rackets. 1accines

and Serum )vils by &erbert Shelton /c=5O73s0

"The best, indeed the only, method o% 'romoting individual and 'ublic health is to teach 'eo'le the laws o% nature and thus teach them how to 'reserve their health. mmuniNation 'rograms are %utile and are based on the delusions that the law o% cause and e%%ect can be annulled. 1accines and serums are em'loyed as substitutes %or right living" they are intended to su''lant obedience to the laws o% li%e. Such 'rograms are sla's in the %ace o% law and order. $elie% in immuniNation is a %orm o% delusional insanity." /#+ *- #L)S .< *,TE+,L &),L *F A '. OLB -- Shelton0

" would not go so %ar as to say that vaccination has never saved a 'erson %rom small'o(. t is a matter o% record that thousands o% the victims o% this su'erstitious rite have been saved %rom small'o( by the immuniNing 'otency o% death. $ut it is a %act that the o%%icial statistics o% )ngland and Wales show unmistakably that, while vaccination has killed ten times more 'eo'le than small'o(, there has been a decrease in small'o( concomitant with the decrease in vaccination. . . t might be a''ro'riately asked, in the words o% the 1accination n2uirer /London, <eb. =5OL0 R&ow could an o'eration that was declining be res'onsible %or the e(termination o% small'o(?" /1accine and Serum )vils, '. 6M, by Dr. &. M. Shelton0

"Let me e('lain why am o''osed to vaccination and why have had none o% my %our children immunised %or anything, all o% whom are healthy.......My ob@ections are that it does not work" it is unnatural, that the human race has survived healthily %or countless generations without them and that homeo'athy 'rovides a better alternative that is both sa%e and e%%ective. ;et, am not ty'ical because many o% those who o''ose vaccination know nothing about homeo'athy, and as you say, they ob@ect %or 'olitical or religious reasons, that lie beyond the sco'e o% medical 'ractice. &owever, once you use homeo'athy and can rely on it, as have done %or over twenty years, then one can see the dangers and 'it%alls o% vaccination as another +ussian roulette game not worth the risk.....Doctors essentially believe the 'ro-vaccine 'ro'aganda and @ust kee' re'eating it like a mantra without looking at the %acts. t is like a %orm o% voluntary brainwashing. n truth, every ma@or in%ection %or which vaccines e(ist was originally in massive decline be%ore a single vaccine was introduced. This certainly a''lies to Di'htheria, Tuberculosis, Whoo'ing -ough and Measles." 4eLetters 6777 -M,: 1accinationC the wider 'icture? n res'onse toC 1accinationC re%uting the re%usals by #eter Morrell

"*ot one case receiving homeo'athic care died, while the "old school" doctors lost twenty 'ercent o% their /small'o(0 cases..... gave about three hundred internal

vaccinations, %ive to adults acting as 'ractical nurses" to the man who installed the tele'hone and lights in the 'est-house" to mothers who sle't with their children while they had small'o( in its severest %orm. ,ll o% these 'eo'le, e('osed daily, were immune." -- W. L. $onnell, MD

"&omeo'athy is wholly ca'able o% satis%ying the thera'eutic demands o% this age better than any other system or school o% medicine." A Dr. -harles Menninger M.D., <ounder Menninger -linic

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