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MS Word

The history of the concept of "engineering" stems from the earliest times when humans began to make clever inventions, such as the pulley, lever, or wheel, etc. The exact etymology of the word engineer, however, is a person occupationally connected with the study, design, and implementation of engines. The word "engine", derives from the Latin ingenium (c. 1 !"#, meaning "innate $uality, especially mental power, hence a clever invention." %ence, an engineer, essentially, is someone who makes useful or practical inventions. &rom another perspective, a now obsolete meaning of engineer, dating from 1' !, is "a constructor of military engines". (ngineering was originally divided into military engineering, which included construction of fortifications as well as military engines, and civil engineering, non)military construction of such as bridges. The first electrical engineer is considered to be *illiam +ilbert, with his 1,"" publication of -e .agnete, who was the originator of the term "electricity".

/uestions 1. Type the heading 0(ngineering1 at the top of the -ocument. 2se wordart to do this. . 3ustify all the text '. &ormat the last paragraph so that they have a hanging indent 4. 5lace a border around the full page !. 6nsert the -ate and the phrase 0heading .7 Test1 into the %eader ,. 6nsert page numbers at the 8ottom and 9enter :. &ormat the document with 1.! Line 7pacing ;. 9hange the %eading to upper case <. 9hange the page layout to landscape 1". 9ount the number of words and place it in a text box at the bottom of the page 11. 7et a password to =pen and .odify this document 1 . -esign a table indicating the main names, inventions and dates from the passage above. 5lace this table at the end of the document. 1'. 6nsert an appropriate picture somewhere on this document 14. &ind all instances of the word 0engineer1 and replace it with 0designer1 1!. -raw a flow diagram showing the hierarchical structure of your $ualification e.g. 6.T. 8.Tech -ip Level sub>ects under each

MS Excel
Price List 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /uestions 1. 6nsert a new column called BTax@ after 0cost1 with 14C for each cell . 6nsert an 6& statement to insert the .argin if the cost is less than D "" the margin needs to be "C otherwise the margin needs to be 1!C Insert t e !"nction to calc"late# '. Total 9ost 4. 5rice for each item . !. 6ncome (total price#. ,. Everages 9ost insert after Aet 6ncome :. Aet 6ncome ;. .ax 6ncome <. 7ort the list in ascending order of item name 1". 5ut a double line border around all data 11. 9hange the fill colour of the totalsFcalculations to yellow. 1 . 6nsert a row between ; and < 1'. Depresent the 9ost for each 6tem as an exploded ')- pieG place this pie on a separate chart sheet. 14. Epply appropriate colours and patterns to display the information clearly 1!. Depresent each slice of the pie as a percentage Sales ?eyboards .ice .onitors 952@s &lash -rives Total 9ost 6ncome Aet 6ncome Cost :! '! '!" ;"" << Margin Price

MS Po$erPoint
1. 7tart .icrosoft 5ower5oint presentation . 7tart a new blank presentation '. 6nsert a 8ar 9hart
(dit the data 9ell E1 typeH 7ales Dep 9ell E typeH Elex 9ell E' typeH 9onnie 9ell E4 typeH (liJabeth 9ell E! typeH Aiki 9ell 81H Total 9ell 8 H I',!"" 9ell 8'H I;,'1" 9ell 84H I;,1:" 9ell 8!H I1',!,"

4. 7elect Dow 1 and &ormat the cells 8=L!. (dit the 9hart Dange to fit the data (no blank rows or columns# ,. &ormat the 9hart fill, color, background, add a Legend and Title
:. 6nsert a Aew 7lide at the end of this presentation with blank layout

;. 6nsert a Table <. 2se the same sample data that you entered in the 8ar 9hart 1". Epply /uick 7tyles to the Table 11. 9hange the text alignment to centered 1 . 6nsert a new column to the left of 9olumn 8. 1'. 7elect and .erge all the cells in 9olumn 9. a. TypeH &irst /uarter 7ales b. 9hange the orientation of the text in 9olumn 9 to vertica
14. 6nsert a Aew 7lide at the end of this presentation with blank layout 1!. Edd 5ictures similar to the preview below.

1,. Edd a light coloured background to all slides in the presentation. 1:. Edd also Transition effects between each slides and also different effects for all text and pictures it the presentation. 1;. 7lide must be the 1st slide in the presentation, change the order of slides so that slide is now slide 1

19. Save the presentation with your name.

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