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Soal-Soal Latihan Instrumentasi astronomi 1.

If the moon can be photographed in one second with a telescope of 45 cm aperture and 90 cm focal length, how long a time would be required to photograph the moon with a telescope of 90 cm aperture and 360 cm focal length !. "he !,4 m reflector can be operated as a f#6 prime focus or as f#1! cassegrain telescope. a. In which of these modes can an e$tended ob%ect be e$posed fastest, and b& what factor b. 'hich mode has a fainter limiting magnitude 3. (etermine parameters of one of the telescopes at )osscha *bser+ator&, -use 3 e&epieces. 5 mm, 15 mm, !5 mm/ 1. 'hat would be the si0e of the image of the moon, produced b& the 5,01 meters telescope with focal length 16,26 meters !. 'hat is the smallest angle that could theoreticall& be resol+ed b& the 5,01 meters telescope at a wa+elength of 5000 3 3. 'hat 4ind of telescope would &ou use to ta4e a color photograph entirel& free of chromatic aberration 'h& 4. *rdinar& 2 $ 50 binoculars magnif& se+en times -magnif&ing power. 2/ and ha+e ob%ecti+e lenses of 50 mm aperture. 5or light of 5000 3 what is the smallest angle that can be resol+ed b& the lenses of binoculars 6ould two stars separated b& this angle actuall& be seen as separate stars when +iewed through 2 $ 50 binoculars 'h& 5. 'hen 7ars is at its closest, it subtends about !48 in the s4&. "he diameter of 7ars is about 6100 4m. In principle, how close together could two features on 7ars be and still be distinguished with the 5,01 m telescope In practice, because of the limitations set b& the 9arth:s atmosphere, how close together can the& be 'ith a 60 cm telescope, could a person be sure that the ;canals: on 7ars were onl& 3 4m wide 'h& 6. <uppose that all stars emitted e$actl& the same total amount of light and that stars were distributed uniforml& throughout space. <how that the depth in space to which stars could be obser+ed would -ideall&/ be proportional to the aperture of the telescope used, 2. "&cho:s <uperno+a of 152! attained is greatest brilliance at magnitude =4 on appro$imatel& 1st *ctober, and thereafter began to fade, finall& becoming in+isible to the unaided e&e on appro$imatel& 1st 7arch 1524. If the apparent brightness at a time after 1st *ct 152! is related to the apparent brightness on the date b& the equation p > bo $ 10=t#" 1. 'hen performing photoelectric photometr& with a particular s&stem, it is noted as a 4th magnitude star generates 104 primar& photoelectrons per second. 'hat is the integration time required to achie+e accurac& 1? on a 9th magnitude star -assume the bac4ground count to be 0ero/. *leh. )apa4 @a4im A. 7alasan

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