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helle Elo""# 13th $E%TEMBER& '(() *ohanne+,urg& R$A Th + n"or-at on -a. ,e +hared / th other +our!e+ on +tr !t !ond t on+ that no n"or-at on + altered or deleted and the +our!e o" the n"or-at on ,e a!0no/ledged1 To " nd out -ore a,out M !helle 2 The L ght/ea3er 4lea+e 3 + t ///1thel ght/ea3er1!o15a %lea+e note that read ng th + n"or-at on / ll ha3e an e""e!t on .ou1 6ou / ll energet !all. ,e l n0ed / th the Channel ng ,e ng and a + - lar 4ro!e++ "a! ltated / th .ou1 It + not e7a!tl. the +a-e a+ ,e ng n the 4re+en!e o" the !hannel ng Ma+ter& ho/e3er the e""e!t+ are 8u+t a+ 4o/er"ul1 Do not !on!ern .our+el" too -u!h regard ng t -e l ne+ g 3en to the 4art ! 4ant+ n the !hannel ng1 6ou / ll ,e ta0en through a + - lar one n a!!ordan!e / th .our D 3 ne %lan&T - ng 2 %ur4o+e1 I a- Kuthu- and I !o-e "or/ard u4on the ra.+ o" lo3e and / +do- to greet ea!h o" .ou at th + t -e and to ,r ng unto .ou the ,le++ ng+ o" / +do-& the ,le++ ng+ o" l ght& o" under+tand ng& and d 3 ne n+ ght1 Greet ng+& Belo3ed One+1 Greet ng+& Lord Kuthu- 1 And t + / th great 8o. and 4lea+ure n our heart+ that /e -a. gather / th ea!h o" .ou u4on th + da. a+ /e hold .ou " r-l. / th n the heart o" Chr +t and +e!urel. u4on the hand+ o" God1 Belo3ed leader+ o" l ght& ,e ng n the 4re+en!e o" the Chr +ted l ght o" all that I$& ,r ng+ o44ortun t e+ o" a/a0en ng to the 3er. de4th+ o" one9+ +oul1 $te44 ng nto the l ght o" one9+ 4otent al !an n t all. ,e a daunt ng 4ro!e++1 Ho/e3er& t + one .ou ha3e ,een through ,e"ore& and .ou ha3e all -a+tered a+4e!t+ o" .our 4er+onal t.& o" .our e-ot onal and -ental +el"& and ,rought the- to a +tate o" -a+ter1 A+ .ou ha3e +tood n .our role a+ Ma+ter& .ou ha3e / tne++ed the un"old ng o" .our 4otent al and .ou !ont nue to 4ro8e!t h gher a+4e!t+ o" that 4otent al n e3er. arena o" l "e1 Lord Buddha9+ " nal n t at on / th .ou u4on th + da. + one that ta0e+ .ou dee4er / th n1 It + a 8ourne. o" +el" d +!o3er.& o" al gn-ent / th the h ghe+t a+4e!t+ o" +el"& t + an ntegrat on o" Mother:;ather God1 The

3 ,rat on ea!h o" .ou e- t+ + "urther +u44ort ng all the , ll on+ o" o" energ. ,e ng an!hored nto the ether ! " eld o" .our 4lanet1 Th + 4ro!e++ + !ont nuou+ : e3er. ne/ le3el o" l ght a!0no/ledged and a!!e4ted on an ether ! le3el +trengthen+ Godde++ Ga a9+ energ. " eld1 Th + n turn& +trengthen+ .our energ. " eld& t e74and+ .our a/arene++& and t +trengthen+ .our re+ l en!e1 The !olle!t 3e !on+! ou+ne++ o" the an -al 0 ngdo- /el!o-e+ .ou nto the l ght o" all that +1 Godde++ Ga a /el!o-e+ .ou nto the l ght o" all that +1 And all the !reat on+ o" .our /orld !urrentl. u4on the a+!en+ on 4ath& e-,ra!e .ou& /el!o-e .ou nto the l ght o" all that +1 $urrender to th + 4re+en!e& ,reathe n the l ght ,rought to .ou& and ta0e .our+el" nto a +tate o" +t llne++ and 4ea!e1 <h le .ou do th +& I +hall ta0e -. lea3e and -a0e /a. "or Lord Buddha1 Ble++ ng+& ,elo3ed one+& I a- Kuthu- 1 ADONAI1 I a- Buddha1 <el!o-e1 M. -e++age toda. -a. !o-e a+ a +ur4r +e to +o-e o" .ou1 The +ur4r +e + that .ou are read. to -eet -ore o" .ou1 Man0 nd ha+ l 3ed l "e on l ttle , t+ o" !on+! ou+ne++1 The+e , t+ ha3e not ,een +u"" ! ent to +ho/ .ou ng1 No/ t -e + u4on .ou to -eet -ore o" .ou and a!!e4t .our greatne++1 Toda. /e ta0e .ou through a gate1 It + 13:13 +targate1 Th + + 3er. -4ortant n t at on "or d +! 4le+ o" 4ath o" a+!en+ on1 All o" .ou ha3e rea!hed h ghe+t le3el o" )th d -en+ onal n t at on1 6ou are no/ at le3el o" dee4er ntegrat on1 Th + -ean+ .ou -u+t e74er en!e nten+ " ed l ght /h !h / ll ta0e .ou nto dee4er n t at on and dee4er under+tand ng o" +el"1 Dee4er under+tand ng o" +el" ,r ng+ great re3elat on o" un 3er+e& and un 3er+e + 0e. to -u!h -ore 4otent al1 The 4otent al .ou ha3e !o-e to a!!e4t a+ all .ou are& + llu+ on o" l - tat on1 No +oul e3er rea!he+ !e l ng o" 4otent al1 All +oul+ -u+t !ont nue to gro/ / th the un 3er+e9+ e74anded a/arene++ o" all that + and all that + not1 6our gro/th !reate+ greater un 3er+e+1 6our under+tand ng o" dee4er a+4e!t+ o" +el" !au+e+ "or ne/ /orld+ to !o-e nto ,e ng1 ng + one l "e "or!e& l 3 ng n one n:,reath and one out:,reath& and tho+e /ho !hoo+e not to ,reath n and out and hold ,reath / ll not e74er en!e l "e "or 3er. long= 6ou ha3e !ho+en n:,reath and out:,reath1 6ou ha3e !ho+en a+!en+ on 4ath/a.& there"ore all n t ate+ -u+t a!!e4t re+4on+ , l t. o" 4ath/a. o" a+!en+ on and n t ate+ -u+t a!!e4t that t -e !o-e+ /here -ore + to ,e learned& /here -ore + to ,e ntegrated& and !on+! ou+ne++ !an e74and ,e.ond /hat one ha+ a!!e4ted to ,e one9+ greate+t 4otent al1 <e a!t 3ate / th .ou toda.& through th + n t at on& all 1' le3el+ o" 13th +trand o" DNA1 Th + n t+el" + great n t at on1 6ou ha3e had to -a+ter -an. o" .our une3ol3ed +el3e+1 6ou ha3e had to e-,ra!e nner !h ld and .ou ha3e had to a!>ua nt .our+el" / th .our adole+!ent +el"1

No/ all th + energ. + ,rought together n one "or!e& and -erged nto one ,e ng1 All ? lo/er ,od e+ ha3e e74re++ed the-+el3e+ "or 3er. long t -e1 No/ ? lo/er ,od e+ -o3e nto h gher 3 ,rat on and .ou ,e!o-e a )th d -en+ onal e74re++ on o" -a+ter.1 Th + re>u re+ -4ortant n t at on o" 13:13 gate/a.1 To a!t 3ate and !o-4lete 1' le3el+ o" 13 +trand n t at on& one + "a!ed / th o44ortun t. to addre++ all add !t on+& all ndulgent ,eha3 our+ and la5 ne++1 One -u+t al+o loo0 at a+4e!t o" +el" that dr 3e+ one to 4un +h +el" / th +tre++& / th /orr.& / th the add !t on+ that ,r ng de4let on o" energ.1 The 1' le3el+ o" under+tand ng the greater un 3er+e + the 4ro!e++ o" re3elat on "or +el"1 It + the t -e /here .ou !o-e to +ee /hat .ou ha3e -a+tered to th + 4o nt ha+ ,een the "oundat on u4on /h !h .ou +hall !reate "uture l "et -e+1 It + great honour to ,e n a 4h.+ !al ,od. n the !urrent t -el ne& "or the +4 r tual o44ortun t e+ are unl 0e that /h !h ha+ e3er ,een 4re+ented to +oul n hu-an "or- at an. one !olle!t 3e g 3en t -e1 In 4a+t t ha+ al/a.+ ,een 3er. +-all el te grou4+ /ho ha3e undergone +u!h n t at on+@ no/ the+e n t at on+ are 4re+ented to greater !on+! ou+ne++& greater !o--un t e+1 Th + +trengthen+ the energ. and all o" .ou -u+t honour /hat .ou ha3e ,rought to .our+el" u4on the -agnet ! l ne+ o" -an "e+tat on1 Ma tre.a& the Chr +t o" the /orld& ha+ alread. told .ou that no longer + there e7!u+e "or !o-4la!en!.1 I e!ho th + +tate-ent1 I !o-e to tell .ou that " .ou / +h to !o-e nto "ull ,od. o" a+!en+ on& .ou -u+t under+tand all the 4art+ o" .our+el" that 0ee4 .ou atta!hed to add !t on+ o" +el" 4un +h-ent& o" o3er ndulgen!e n energ. that !au+e+ .ou to "eel l - ted and /orthle++1 6ou are not le++er e3ol3ed than tho+e /ho ha3e /al0ed ,e"ore .ou1 6ou ha3e the / +do- o" the -a+ter+ n+ de o" .ou alread.1 6ou are + -4l. no/ ha3 ng to re-e-,er /hat .our -a+tered +el" 0no/+1 ;or 13 /ee0+ .ou / ll undergo the 1' n t at on+1 6our " r+t one o" the 1' ,eg n+ u4on th + da.1 ;or 1' /ee0+& "or A da.+ at one t -e& .ou / ll ,e ta0en nto the dee4er real- o" +el" to addre++ /hat .ou ha3e den ed n 4a+t1 ; r+t /ee0 .ou -u+t loo0 at a+4e!t+ o" +el" that re8e!t IN:de4enden!e& a+4e!t+ that re8e!t >ual t e+ a+ leader o" l ght1 6ou need to under+tand .our nd 3 dual t. n the greater 4lan o" God9+ !reat on1 6ou -u+t o/n .our -4a!t on .our en3 ron-ent1 6our +e!ond n t at on o" 1' / ll ta0e .ou dee4 / th n to +!rut n 5e under+tand ng+ and de" n t on o" ,alan!e and ho/ .our 4rogra-- ng and the !ond t on+ o" .our 4arent+ l - t .our a, l t. to +urrender to nner ,alan!e1 6ou / ll ,e +ho/n ho/ to !o:o4erate / th the un 3er+e& and ho/ to deter- ne the re8e!t on o" l ght .ou e-,od. ,. tho+e /ho do

not under+tand the -ean ng o" nner ,alan!e1 In .our th rd /ee0 .ou / ll ,e ta0en nto 3er. dee4 n t at on1 Th + + /here .ou +tand ,e"ore .our !reat 3e +el"1 The rea+on /h. th + one + dee4 one + ,e!au+e the 13 gate/a. + a,out the !reat 3e +el"& l - t ng t+ a, l t. to e74re++ and ,e ,e!au+e the +oul + a"ra d to -a0e !hange& to -o3e n the d re!t on o" "uture& and lea3e ,eh nd /hat ha+ !au+ed 4un +h-ent n 4a+t& to lea3e ,eh nd /hat ha+ !au+ed de+ re to re-a n add !ted1 In th rd /ee0 o" n t at on .ou -u+t g 3e .our e74re++ 3e +el" !reat 3e roo- to !reate1 In .our "ourth /ee0 .ou -u+t loo0 at +tru!ture o" .our !reat on& and /hat .ou !hoo+e t to ,r ng nto .our +4a!e1 6ou -u+t addre++ heart +4a!e& ho-e +4a!e& and ,e hone+t / th +el"1 It + t -e o" +!rut n.& o" "oundat on o" +tru!ture+ !reated n 4a+t that !au+e 4attern o" add !t on& 4attern o" l - tat on& 4attern o" 4un +h-ent and la5 ne++1 La5 ne++ + not al/a.+ ,eha3 our o" not do ng /or01 La5 ne++ + +o-et -e+ "ear o" /hat !au+e+ 4un +h-ent and add !t on1 La5 ne++ + another /ord "or den al1 ; "th /ee0 o" n t at on + t -e /here one -u+t an!hor de+ re+ to e74re++ "reel.1 One -u+t ,e !lear regard ng /hat one / +he+ to ,e "ree o"1 It + the /ee0 o" l ,erat on1 6ou / ll ha3e great o44ortun t. to r d +el" o" atta!h-ent+ that ha3e 0e4t .our !on+! ou+ne++ n de+tru!t 3e thought 4attern+ and att tude+1 In /ee0 + 7 .ou ta0e .our " "th /ee0 n t at on to dee4er le3el1 6ou are g 3en great o44ortun t. to +e4arate "ro- 4eo4le and 4la!e+ that do not +er3e /hat .ou ha3e !reated n .our "ourth /ee0 : the +tru!ture .ou / ll +!rut n 5e1 6ou / ll ha3e a, l t. to "eel dee4 lo3e "or +el" dur ng that t -e& and -an "e+t greater under+tand ng o" /hat t + .ou /ere de4r 3ed o" a+ .oung !h ld /h !h lead+ to add !t 3e ,eha3 our a+ adult1 6our +e3enth /ee0 ,r ng+ .ou nto a+hra- o" Lord Merl n1 He / ll tea!h .ou ne/ tool+ o" -an "e+t ng& o" - ra!le+& and "a! l tate greater ntegrat on o" under+tand ng o" -ag ! o" l "e1 Dur ng th + t -e .ou / ll +ee - ra!le n+ de .ou1 The - ra!le o" Mother:;ather God& re"le!ted n all .ou attra!t1 E ghth /ee0 a-4l " e+ .our thought+ and ,el e" +.+te-+ ,. !reat ng the- n real t.1 6ou / ll ,e 4la!ed n 4o+ t on aga n to ,e hone+t / th +el" and o/n one9+ !reat on o" l "e and trul. and !on+! ou+l. a!0no/ledge /here one9+ 4er+onal t. dr 3e+ one9+ l "e1 E ghth /ee0 + 3er. -4ortant n t at on too& "or dur ng that t -e .our energ. / ll e74and n re+onan!e and -erge / th energet ! " ,re+ o" ne/ .ear o" '((B1 The+e " ,re+ 4re4are .ou on e-ot onal le3el "or /hat .ou / ll

!reate n '((B through .our e-ot onal ,od. and e74re++ 3e +el"1 <ee0 n ne o" n t at on + great o44ortun t. to !o-4lete the under+tand ng o" /hat greater 4otent al -ean+1 It + o44ortun t. "or .ou to de-on+trate un!ond t onal lo3e o" +el" and el+e n .our +4a!e1 A44l !at on o" un!ond t onal lo3e + 3er. -4ortant 4art o" an. n t at on& "or " an. Ma+ter !annot a44l. +u!h ,eha3 our& then one + not true Ma+ter& and an. +oul re8e!t ng +el" and treat ng +el" / th ,eha3 our other than un!ond t onal lo3e + n the Ma+ter+9 e.e+& not .et -a+tered1 ;or onl. /hen the Ma+ter a44l e+ un!ond t onal lo3e o" +el" !an the Ma+ter trul. 4ra!t !e t n other area+1 The !hallenge o" un!ond t onal lo3e / ll +4 ll nto tenth /ee0 o" n t at on /here all o" .ou / ll e74er en!e grand tran+"or-at on o" 4er+onal t. and h gher +el"1 < +do- atta ned o3er 4re3 ou+ n ne /ee0+ / ll ,e ntegrated at a !on+! ou+ le3el and t+ a44l !at on / ll ,r ng another le3el o" l ,erat on to heart& - nd and +4 r t1 Ele3enth /ee0 o" n t at on + one /here .ou / ll e74er en!e /hat .ou ha3e a!h e3ed / th n +el"& re"le!ted n ng around .ou1 6ou / ll ha3e o44ortun t. to o,+er3e .our+el" n tho+e around .ou1 Ele3enth /ee0 +ho/+ .ou 4o/er / th n atta n-ent o" +el" -a+ter.& and /hat the 4ath/a. o" +el" -a+ter. trul. enta l+1 6ou / ll ha3e dee4er under+tand ng that 4ath/a. o" Ma+ter + !erta nl. not 4ath/a. o" +h r0 ng re+4on+ , l t.1 It + not 4ath/a. o" !o-4la!en!.@ t + 4ath/a. o" ded !at on& ntegrat on& and de3ot on1 In t/el"th /ee0 o" .our n t at on .ou / ll ntegrate the ded !at on& the de3ot on re>u red to ta0e .ou through other le3el+ o" n t at on +o that .ou -a. !o-4lete .our 4a++ ng through1 The th rteenth +trand o" DNA / ll ,r ng great !hallenge to .our /orld n the area o" relea+ ng add !t on+& 4un +h ng thought +.+te-+ and att tude+& and la5 ne++1 It + the a!t 3 t. that / ll turn the Ma+ter+ o" the L ght n the d re!t on o" the a+!ended 4ath/a.& and tho+e /ho "ear the a+!ended 4ath/a. / ll -o3e nto d ""erent real t.1 The th rteenth /ee0& the la+t /ee0 o" ntegrat ng /hat /e n t ate here toda.& / ll ,e the a!!u-ulat on o" all 1' /ee0+1 6our !ha0ra+ / ll ha3e ntegrated the >ual t e+ o" the 4a+t 1' /ee0+& and all 1' le3el+ o" .our 13th +trand / ll ,e n d 3 ne re+onan!e / th the Un 3er+al D 3 ne& natural a/arene++ a/o0en1 To ,e a Ma+ter ta0e+ 4er+e3eran!e1 6ou ha3e 4er+e3ered -an. !.!le+ and l "et -e+1 U4on th + 4ath/a. one "eel+ /ear.1 6our /ear ne++ + not the end o" the road1 6ou r +e to -eet greater l ght /hen .ou +tand ,e"ore .our !hallenge& and .ou +te4 n .our ,od. o" !ourage and !hoo+e to -o3e ,e.ond /hat a44ear+ to ,e l - t ng .ou1 No +oul !an 4a++

,e.ond th + le3el o" n t at on unle++ !ho !e to -a0e +u!h a !o-- t-ent + -ade1 No Ma+ter ha+ a!h e3ed h + le3el o" !on+! ou+ne++ / thout ha3 ng to -a0e +u!h a !o-- t-ent1 The !hallenge o" the -odern /orld + n t+el" 4art o" n t at on& "or !o-4la!en!. + an add !t on1 It + a 3 !e1 One -u+t ne3er re+t n an. -o-ent n the +en+e o" ,el e3 ng one ha+ a!h e3ed all one !an a!h e3e& "or n that -o-ent .ou are ta0en on ne/ 4ath/a.& o" ne/ le++on to ,e learned1 I& Buddha& ha3e ,rought th + great o44ortun t. to .our 4lanet +o that 3 ,rat on+ o" !on+! ou+ne++ !an -eet and ,e!o-e one / th the Ma+ter+ o" the h gher /orld1 An -al 0 ngdo- + n 3 ,rat on o" A+!ended Ma+ter /orld1 I" hu-an+ /ant to a!h e3e +a-e le3el o" 3 ,rat on then one -u+t e-,ra!e un!ond t onal lo3e1 One -u+t !hoo+e the 4ath/a. o" +el" -a+ter. and -o3e a/a. "ro- !ho !e to ndulge n +el" 4 t.& to /allo/ n 3 !t !on+! ou+ne++1 It + th + att tude that ha+ !au+ed earth to -an "e+t t+ d +ea+e& t+ d.+"un!t on& and t+ +u""er ng and 4a n1 The !.!le o" 4a n and +u""er ng ha+ ended a long t -e ago1 6our ta+0 + to ,rea0 the !ond t on+1 It + to relea+e .our+el" "ro- the add !t on to 4a n and +u""er ng1 Brea0 ng the ,el e" +.+te- o" tho+e /ho /al0ed ,e"ore .ou + -ore than l 0el.& -o+t !halleng ng n t at on o" .our l "et -e1 Rea+on "or +u!h nten+e !hallenge + ,e!au+e ent re l "et -e .ou ha3e ,een 4rogra--ed ,. /hat .ou ,el e3e to ,e true1 Be ng told that /hat .ou no/ +ee + llu+ on + d "" !ult to a!!e4t1 6ou ha3e& ho/e3er& a!!e4ted -an. ne/ truth+1 Th + + + -4l. ne/ le3el o" a!!e4tan!e1 Re"le!t on /hat .ou ha3e o3er!o-e1 Re"le!t u4on that /h !h .ou ha3e le"t ,eh nd .ou& the add !t on+ .ou ha3e -a+tered& the +tre++e+ .ou ha3e -o3ed 4a+t& and under+tand that all o" th + + a +ure + gn .ou !an do t aga n1 I& Lord Buddha& !o-e to -ot 3ate .ou to +ee the nner +el" and "eel t+ 4o/er& t+ !ourage and +trength1 I ta0e all the 3 ,rat on+ o" .our !ha0ra+& and /e +eal the- "or 3B hour+ n Bth d -en+ onal "re>uen!. o" "lu d lo3e to a++ +t .ou n "eel ng the nner 4otent al to -o3e ,e.ond the !o-4la!ent /orld o" !ond t on ng+& 4a n and +u""er ng& and e-,ra!e the A+!ended Ma+ter 4ath o" a+!en+ on and un!ond t onal lo3e1 6ou - ght a+0 /h. + a44l. ng un!ond t onal lo3e +o -4ortant /hen the /orld re"le!t+ ho+t l t.C That + e7a!tl. /h. t + +o -4ortant1 Kar-a + not a+ .ou ha3e ,een taught t to ,e1 It + the ant the+ + o" /hat .ou ha3e ,een +ho/n1 I" .ou !ont nue to l 3e .our l "e ,el e3 ng that the +!ale+ o" 8u+t !e -u+t ,e ,alan!ed n the -anner taught n +o-e o" the +!r 4ture+& .our /orld / ll not get 3er. "ar1 The a44l !at on o" un!ond t onal lo3e + the 0e. to the ne/ un 3er+e1 It + .our +huttle nto Golden Age !on+! ou+ne++1 Bel e3 ng /hat .ou ha3e ,el e3ed n the 4a+t / ll lengthen .our tran+"or-at on1 The good ne/+ + that all o" .ou ha3e !o-4leted -an. 3er. !halleng ng n t at on+1 The o,+ta!le+ o3er!o-e are not +olel. o" !urrent t -el ne& ,ut al+o o" 4a+t t -el ne1 $o-e !hallenge+ o" 4a+t

t -el ne+ ha3e ,een -ore !halleng ng than !urrent1 Be!au+e .ou alread. atta ned le3el+ o" +el" -a+ter.& !urrent n t at on+ / ll ,e ea+ er to 4a++ through& e3en " .our - nd tell+ .ou other/ +e1 Der. -4ortant to re-e-,er that .our - nd + the 4rodu!t o" the !ond t oned /orld1 6our !hallenge / th th + 4art !ular n t at on + to u+e -ental energ. o" un 3er+al ;ather and Mother God& and a44l. t 4h.+ !all. n 3rd d -en+ onal /orld1 Ta0 ng -ental ,od. and - nd ,e.ond t+ !ond t oned ,el e" +.+te-+ + /hat / ll !reate tre-endou+ 4h.+ !al +h "t+ n 4h.+ !al /orld1 6ou / ll re3er+e llne++1 6ou / ll o3er!o-e -an. 4h.+ !al !hallenge+1 6ou / ll ,r ng !urrent 4h.+ !al d +a, l t e+& o" -ental and e-ot onal nature+& and o" that / th n nature to a +ta,le +tate +o that .our /orld /el!o-e+ Golden Age rather than re8e!t ng t1 It + !urrentl. -o+t !ru! al t -e on %lanet Earth1 %a+t 3 .ear+ ha3e ,een 3er. nten+ 3e "or all +oul+ on earth1 Ne7t 3 .ear+ are !ru! al "or t + th + 4er od /h !h + the ,r dg ng t -e "or all h gher 3 ,rat onal ,e ng+ o" great l ght to -o3e nto greater +tate o" nner a/arene++1 B. the t -e .ou ha3e rea!hed '((E .ou -u+t ,e n dee4 under+tand ng& n dee4 a!!e4tan!e& and !o-4lete and total ntegrat on o" .our "ull. -a+tered +el"1 Th + ntegrat on / ll !erta nl. ha3e ,een on e-ot onal and -ental le3el1 No Ma+ter !an ,e n the /orld o" e-ot onal --atur t. and atta n h gher le3el+ o" -a+ter. re>u red to ta0e "ull !on+! ou+ne++ nto 1'th d -en+ on& and "un!t on n t+ 3 ,rat on1 The den+ t. o" e-ot onal --atur t. / ll !au+e o,+ta!le+ and dela.+ "or the +oul& /h !h + /h. /e !hallenge .ou l 0e /e do no/& /h !h + /h. .our +oul under+tand+ the !hallenge+ .our h gher +el" 4re+ent+ ,e!au+e t under+tand+ the t -el ne+ and / ndo/+ through /h !h one -u+t 4a++ + ,e!o- ng "e/er .et nten+ t. o" n t at on+ + n!rea+ ng 4ro"oundl.1 An. >ue+t on+C Fue+t on: 6e+& Lord Buddha& I /ould l 0e to a+0 .ou a >ue+t on1 In the la+t .ear -. "ather /a+ +hot ,. a -an n the heart& and th + 4art !ular -an ha+ ,een +et "ree ,. the !ourt o" la/& and -. de! + on at the t -e /a+ to +tand a+ de and allo/ the un 3er+e to 4la!e 8u+t !e /here 8u+t !e need+ to ,e& and -. >ue+t on here + around 0ar-a1 It +ee-+ that ea!h t -e I /al0 a/a. "ro- th +& he !o-e+ ,a!0 and t/ !e no/& th + -an ha+ !o-e nto our l 3e+1 The " r+t t -e he nearl. 0 lled -. "ather& the +e!ond t -e he d d 0 ll -. "ather& and he9+ +t ll there1 M. >ue+t on + & there9+ a 4art o" -e I93e had to o/n that +a.+ I /ant h - dead& 0no/ ng "ull /ell that + -. e-ot onal re+4on+e1 Ho/e3er& 0no/ ng the la/+ o" un!ond t onal lo3e& th + + 4erha4+ not the route to ta0e1 Can .ou ad3 +e -e a+ to ho/ to deal / th th + !on+tru!t 3el.C An+/er: Un!ond t onal lo3e doe+ not -ean one !ondone+ de+tru!t 3e ,eha3 our o"

another1 %ra!t ! ng un!ond t onal lo3e -ean+ +ett ng 3er. " r,oundar e+ and not tolerat ng de+tru!t 3e ,eha3 our1 It + -4ortant .ou a!0no/ledge e-ot onal "eel ng+& "or den. ng the- / ll !reate great nner tur-o l and re+ult n 3olat le rea!t on1 6ou ha3e o44ortun t. to deal / th th + ,eha3 our n other /a.+& /h !h + /hat +4 r t re>u re+ o" .ou1 %h.+ !all. /ant ng h + l "e to end / ll not !hange /hat he ha+ done1 6ou -u+t +et ,oundar. on -an. le3el+ / th th + +oul1 There + 4attern / th th + +oul and .our "a- l.1 6ou are !atal.+t o" end ng th +1 6ou are !alled ,. Coun! l Me-,er+ o" *u+t !e to +tand ,e"ore the- and d +!u++ alternat 3e+ to ,r ng ng true 8u+t !e1 Lord Ma tre.a / +he+ to gu de th + 4ro!e++& a+ doe+ Lad. Fuan 6 n1 The god Thor -u+t a++ +t th + 4ro!e++ too& and + / ll ng and 4re+ent to ta0e .ou through +te4+ o" "ree ng +el" e-ot onall. and -entall. "ro- the -4r nt !reated on energ. le3el+ n ?th d -en+ onal a+tral 4lane1 6e+terda. $t Ger-a n !ondu!ted -4ortant ) : "old "la-e a!t 3at on1 6ou -u+t 4er"or- th + !ere-on. "or 4ur4o+e o" relea+ ng atta!h-ent to ?th d -en+ onal a+tral 4lane& regard ng th + +oul1 6ou under+tandC 6e+& I do1 Than0 .ou1 Fue+t on: Lord Kuthu- & !ould .ou 4lea+e e74la n -ore n /h !h /a. /e under+tood 0ar-a /rongl.C An+/er: It /a+ under+tood that " .ou 0 ll .ou / ll ,e 0 lled1 I" .ou haranother t / ll ,e done unto .ou1 In Hol. $!r 4ture t + an e.e "or an e.e1 6e+C In ne/ /orld& t + that tho+e /ho ,rea0 Un 3er+al La/+ / ll re!e 3e o44ortun t. to a!t n hu-an tar an nature to ,r ng ,alan!e and heal ng "or /hat ha+ ,een de+tro.ed& -ot 3ated ,. the r nner /ound1 I" /orld !ont nue+ / th !on+! ou+ne++ and att tude o" e.e "or an e.e& .ou / ll de+tro. .our+el3e+ Gta4e end+H 11 D !t - 5er learn+ -ore o" 3 !t -9+ 4a n through hu-an tar an ,eha3 our than through !ont nu ng to ,e 3 !t - 5er1 It + n +tate o" hu-an tar an !on+! ou+ne++ and att tude one !onne!t+ / th heart !ha0ra and lo3e1 It + /hen one + 4ut n 4o+ t on o" hu-an tar an nature one ha+ l ttle !ho !e ,ut e3entuall. to +urrender to the 4o/er o" d 3 ne lo3e1 An. 3 !t - 5er 4la!ed n hu-an tar an 4o+ t on !annot den. and " ght lo3e "or etern t.1 It / ll e3entuall. get the ,etter o" h - or her1 Do .ou +ee the -ethod n the un 3er+e9+ -adne++C 6e+1 Fue+t on:

Lord Buddha& + t then e++ent all. !o-4a++ on / th ,oundar e+C An+/er: It + th +& .e+1 Fue+t on: $o Lord Buddha& n th + 4art !ular + tuat on& -. 4o/er to ta0e h - to re:o4en a !ourt !a+e and to ,r ng e3 den!e to +tand + n "a!t / th n -. d 3 ne order to do +oC An+/er: It +1 Than0 .ou 3er. -u!h1 Un!ond t onal lo3e + a tool o" l ,erat on "or t l ,erate+ .our +oul a+ -u!h a+ t / ll l ,erate +oul o" 3 !t - 5er1 $ett ng ,oundar e+ + honour ng +el"& not de-and ng ng d ""erent@ ho/e3er ,oundar. deter- ne+ ,eha3 our !ondu!ted a+ a!!e4ta,le or una!!e4ta,le1 <hen one lo3e+ another un!ond t onall. one doe+ not de-and !hange o" ,eha3 our1 One !o--and+ re+4e!t o" 4er+onal +4a!e and +el"1 Th + g 3e+ 3 !t - 5er o44ortun t. to -a0e a !ho !e regard ng ,eha3 our1 In relat on+h 4+ /hen un!ond t onal lo3e 4ra!t !ed& one !an re-o3e one+el" "ro+ tuat on1 It g 3e+ other 4art. o44ortun t. to !hoo+e !ont nuat on o" ,eha3 our or !hange o" +u!h1 Un!ond t onal lo3e 4la!e+ no l - t on "ree / ll1 It o4en+ arena "or !ho !e1 It e>u 4+ +oul+ / th 4o/er to 4ra!t !e +el" lo3e and re+4e!t1 Do .ou +ee 4o/er o" un!ond t onal lo3eC Do .ou all +ee th +C 6e+1 Do .ou +ee un!ond t onal lo3e + not l - tedC It + not the 4ra!t !e o" ,e ng "loor -at1 It + >u te o44o+ te1 6e+C 6e+1 13:13 Gate/a. ta0e+ .ou on the 8ourne. to -eet .our 4a+t Ma+tered $el3e+1 6our +lee4 t -e / ll ,e great ad3enture o3er "uture /ee0+= Der. -4ortant to 0ee4 8ournal o" .our +lee4 t -e a!t 3 t.& e3en " t -a0e+ l ttle +en+e to .our !on+! ou+ - nd1 6ou are unra3el ng -an. t -el ne+ o" n"or-at on1 6ou / ll ,e ta0 ng , t+ and 4 e!e+ and "or- ng , gger 4 !ture1 At " r+t t -a. ,e !on"u+ ng1 Ea!h o" .ou + !ont nu ng the 8ourne. a+ n t ate+& .et .ou are al+o ade4t+ o" the

4ath o" the ?th n t at on o" the 3rd /orld1 Th + -ean+ .ou ha3e !o-4leted 3 tal n t at on+ /h !h ,r ng the under+tand ng o" the l - ted e""e!t+ o" old /orld !on+! ou+ne++ on one9+ a, l t. to !o-e nto "ull l ght& "or n !o-4let ng n t at on+ .ou under+tand the 4o/er o" l ght& and .ou +ee dar0ne++ + 3er. l - ted1 It& n truth& ha+ no 4o/er1 It+9 4o/er + an llu+ on& and on!e llu+ on -a+tered t + rendered 4o/erle++1 Th + + greate+t -ot 3at on ,eh nd Ma+ter+1 It + the greate+t -ot 3at on ,eh nd A+!en+ on %lan "or Earth1 ;or /hen old +oul+ re!ogn 5e the 4o/erle++ne++ / th n the llu+ on& .ou are +et "ree1 The 4o/er .ou ,el e3e llu+ on ha+ o3er .ou + an llu+ on1 All o" .ou ha3e ta+ted >uantu- energ.1 6ou ha3e / tne++ed /here t / ll ta0e .ou1 No/ all o" .ou -u+t go "orth nto the /orld& and .ou -u+t 4lant the +eed o" the 13th +trand1 $o-e o" .ou here are -a0 ng -4ortant 4h.+ !al 8ourne.1 6ou are go ng to K -,erle.& .e+C 6e+1 6ou / ll o4en +lu !e gate o" truth1 All "a!et+ o" truth / ll 4our l 0e great ru+h o" /ater nto e-ot onal ,od. o" !olle!t 3e !on+! ou+ne++ o" hu-an t.1 The r ego + ,e ng "lu+hed out nto the +4otl ght o" true truth1 The geogra4h ! lo!at on o" /here .ou are go ng to + red ,utton "or !hange& to ,r ng dee4er under+tand ng o" add !t 3e ,eha3 our& o" add !t 3e nature+& and ho/ 4attern+ are add !t on+1 6our grou4 + enter ng ne/ 4ha+e o" e74er en! ng the golden un 3er+e1 Ea!h o" .ou + Buddha energ.1 One o" -. Ma+ter !hannel+ + here toda.1 6ou 0no/ /ho .ou are1 Toda. + t -e o" great turn around "or .our l "e1 I / +h not to 4u+h .ou or 4ut .ou n +4otl ght& ,ut I -u+t tell .ou .our role a+ tea!her& .our role a+ Ma+ter& + n .our hand+& t + on .our la4& t + at .our "eet& and toda. .ou -a0e -4ortant 8ourne. to la. that "oundat on to o4en the energ. o" 4lanet& to /el!o-e the / +do- .ou ,r ng to the /orld1 All other n t ate+ 4re+ent here toda. are energ e+ o" +u44ort !reat ng 4lat"or- "or .ou1 Do .ou / +h to -a0e .our+el" 0no/nC 6e+& Lord Buddha1 6ou are read.C I9- read.1 GlaughterH 6our t -e ha+ !o-e1 Ea!h o" .ou hold L ght o" Buddha1 <here .ou go L ght o" Buddha / ll tou!h heart+ and l 3e+ o" other+1 $oul+ / th great dar0ne++ n the r heart / ll attra!t .ou1 6ou / ll tou!h the r heart / th Buddha9+ L ght& and .ou / ll +ho/ the- o44ortun t. "or greater l "e u4on 4ath/a. o" L ght1 There are ne/ 4ath/a.+ "or all o" .ou here +4e! " !all. toda.1 Be!au+e .ou ha3e !ho+en 13:13 gate/a.& .ou are g 3en h gher 3 ,rat on o44ortun t. n +er3 !e to hu-an t.& and

to /al0 along+ de great Ma+ter+ o" .our /orld& +o-e n 4h.+ !al ,od.& other+ n l ght ,od.1 I a++ure all o" .ou here toda.& that .our l "e / ll not ,e the +a-e1 6ou / ll not -a0e 3B( degree turn1 It / ll ,e 1I(1 6ou a+0 /h. not 3B(C Be!au+e .ou are not !o- ng ,a!0 to 4o nt .ou are at r ght no/= That + 4attern1 <e turn .our energ. ,. .our re>ue+t1 6our h gher +el" ha+ !ho+en to turn a/a. "ro- that /h !h ha+ l - ted .our 4a+t1 There are a nu-,er o" .ou that ha3e ,een + tt ng / th hea3 ne++ n .our ,e ng1 Great& great hea3 ne++& ,e!au+e .ou "eel the l - tat on o" the 4a+t /a.+ u4on .ou1 There are tho+e o" .ou here +ee0 ng nner ,alan!e1 6ou are +ear!h ng "or ne/ /a.+ to e74re++ the L ght n+ de o" .ou& and the !reat 3 t. o" Mother:;ather God n+ de o" .ou1 Mar0 -. /ord+ u4on th + da.1 < th n the ne7t 13 -onth+& .ou / ll "orget the l "e .ou ha3e !o-e "ro-& ,e!au+e the ne/ l "e / ll ha3e !on+u-ed t1 6ou ha3e the 4o/er1 Th + + /h. th + n t at on ha+ ,een o" +u!h --en+e -4ortan!e& ,e!au+e .ou ha3e 4a++ed all other n t at on+1 6ou are on ne/ !.!le o" n t at on+1 It + 3 tal .ou under+tand th +1 Do .ouC 6e+1 not under+tand th +C No1 Be"ore - dn ght +tr 0e+ on th + da.& .ou -u+t + t n +t llne++ and !hoo+e 13 /ord+ or the-e+ or +.-,ol+ to re4re+ent another 4ha+e o" the 1' le3el+ o" the n t at on+ o" 13th +trand o" DNA1 Th + / ll /or0 n !on8un!t on / th /hat I ha3e told .ou .our 1' /ee0+ / ll ,e a,out1 It / ll al+o re"le!t n "uture 1' -onth+ lead ng u4 to the 13 -onth+ I +4ea0 o"1 6ou -u+t real 5e the energ. .ou ha3e a!!e++ to no/ + o" -u!h h gher "re>uen!. and re>u re+ dee4er thought o" /hat .ou / +h to !reate1 It re>u re+ -ore aggre++ 3e d +!ern-ent and tru+t1 6ou !annot a44l. old 4arad g- /a.+ o" th n0 ng and -a0 ng de! + on+ / th th + ne/ energ.1 Der.& 3er. -4ortant .ou re-e-,er t1 Rea!t ng n e-ot onal --ature /a. / ll !au+e regre++ on o" energ.& !au+e .ou to "eel "ru+trat on1 It re>u re+ +har4ne++ o" - nd& alertne++ o" heart& and >u !0 a!t on n 4h.+ !al1 6ou ha3e !reated ne/ -o-ent+1 The+e -o-ent+ / ll !o-e ra4 dl.1 The a!!elerat on o" th + !o- ng + /hat / ll ta0e th + !on+! ou+ne++ through greater le3el+ o" a/arene++ n order to ,r ng re+t o" hu-an t. to 4o nt o" a!!e4t ng the 4ath/a. o" a+!en+ on1 Th + / ndo/ 4er od o" B .ear+ : 3 .ear+ that are 4a++ ng& and 3 .ear+ o" .our "uture& are g 3 ng all the +oul+ !urrentl. n n!arnat on& and tho+e to !o-e dur ng that t -e& o44ortun t. to 4er-anentl. -o3e nto Golden Age !on+! ou+ne++ and not ha3e to e3er return nto !.!le+ o" 4a+t a+ .ou ha3e e74er en!ed1 And " at an. t -e .ou 3oluntar l. !hoo+e to n!arnate n l - ted t -el ne o" !on+! ou+ne++ .ou / ll n!arnate / th "ull -e-or. 4re+ent1 6ou / ll ne3er& e3er ha3e to

"orget e3er aga n1 No/ + that not a good enough n!ent 3eC 6e+1 GlaughterH <e all thought +o1 M. t -e o" tran+- ++ on + !o- ng to an end& there"ore I urge .ou to +4ea0 no/1 Fue+t on: Lord Buddha& !ould .ou e74la n ho/ the hu-an ,od. + u+ed a+ a !ondu t "or ground a!t 3at on+1 I under+tand that /e +.-,ol 5e or re"le!t the !ellular +tru!ture o" the earth& ,ut + there ng n add t on to thatC An+/er: Hu-an ,od. + 3er. ntr !ate -e!han +- o" energ.1 <hen hu-an ,e ng + ut l 5ed a+ !ondu t "or an!hor ng l ght t + done n -an. /a.+1 %h.+ !al -4r nt+ on earth -ade ,. a!t 3 t. o" /al0 ng en!ode+ 3 ,rat on+1 Tho+e 3 ,rat on+ !au+e +t rr ng / th n earth9+ !on+! ou+ne++ and "a! l tate a 4ro!e++ o" relea+ ng tra44ed energ.& 3er. + - lar to hu-an 4ro!e++ o" 4re++ure thera4.& l 0e +h at+u1 6ou under+tandC 6e+1 <hen one + n 4re+en!e o" a 4la!e& the energ. -a. ,e o" -ore e-ot onal nature1 Energ. + then !hannelled through hu-an ,e ng n "or- o" tear+ ,e ng +hed1 <hen the 4er+on + o3er/hel-ed / th e-ot on and +hed+ tear+& that /ater ,r ng+ l "e to the earth and +he too !an +hed her tear+ o" +adne++& gr e"& 4a n or anger1 That energ. "a! l tate+ heal ng / th n the hu-an ,e ng ut l 5ed / th the r 4er- ++ on to !hannel +u!h energ.1 6ou under+tandC <hen one + n en3 ron-ent on earth /here -u!h -ental energ. + 4re+ent& energ. + e74anded nto nd 3 dual9+ !on+! ou+ne++ and n+4 rat on+ are re!e 3ed& re3elat on+ and n+ ght+& dee4er under+tand ng o" o!!urren!e+ / th n that +4a!e1 Th + allo/+ "or anal.t !al - nd& le"t ,ra n& and !reat 3e - nd& r ght ,ra n& to ,r ng energ. o" ,alan!e nto that 4la!e /hen t ha+ ,een 3er. nten+e -ental energ.1 U+uall. 3er. !reat 3e 4eo4le are re>u red to ,e n that -ental +tru!ture to en+ure the d +-antl ng o" the anal.t !al - nd "or 4ur4o+e o" !reat 3 t. ,e ng "lu d energ. n that 4la!e1 Th + 4ro!e++ "urther "a! l tate+ l ,erat on o" !reat 3 t. "or all n that area& n!lud ng the an!hor o" that energ.& that 4er+on1 6ou under+tandC <hen t + 3er. +4 r tual energ. n 4re+en!e then t + 4er+on 3er. n tou!h / th +el" and

+4 r t1 One / ll a!!e++ the / +do- o" the +4 r t n that 4la!e and ,e a,le to +hare t / th other n t ate+ and other "ello/ tra3eller+1 <hen grou4+ o" 4eo4le 8ourne. to a 4h.+ !al 4la!e the energ. l 0e a 3orte7 + a/o0en and t relea+e+ d +:ea+ed energ.1 A 4re++ure 4o nt + o4ened l 0e +h at+u ha+ e74la ned& and g 3e+ o44ortun t. "or ne/ energ. to ,e an!hored there1 Ea!h 4er+on -a0 ng 8ourne. re4re+ent+ d ""erent >ual t. energ.1 Tho+e >ual t e+ are u+uall. g 3en ,. +4 r t to ea!h nd 3 dual& or ea!h 4er+on ta4+ nto the 4ur4o+e o" the r 4re+en!e /hen a!t 3at on ta0e+ 4la!e1 6ou under+tandC Fue+t on: <h. do .ou re>u re a hu-an ,od.C <h. don9t .ou 8u+t do t& a+ A+!ended Ma+terC <h. do .ou need u+C An+/er: Earth + 4h.+ !al1 Hu-an ,od. + 4h.+ !al1 It +trengthen+ the an!hor ng o" the energ.1 <hen +u!h energ. + a,+or,ed ,. 4h.+ !al !ondu t t ,e!o-e+ a 3e++el to !onta n +u!h energ.& and /here3er the 3e++el 3enture+& the energ. + !arr ed / th t& and e-anate+ t+ l ght1 It ha+ greater -4a!t on 4h.+ !al en3 ron-ent1 Be!au+e !erta n +oul+ on earth are not re!e4t 3e to h gh "re>uen!. o" energ. t + ne!e++ar. "or 4h.+ !al !ondu t to a!t a+ !atal.+t+ o" !hange n 4eo4le9+ l 3e+1 6ou under+tandC 6e+1 Fue+t on: Lord Buddha& I /ould 8u+t l 0e to a+0 "or .our a++ +tan!e / th regard+ to 4erha4+ a h gher le3el o" d +!ern-ent1 I93e ,een ha3 ng +o-e !hallenge+ n that regard& and I 8u+t a+0 "or .our a++ +tan!e on that1 An+/er: H gher le3el o" d +!ern-ent !hallenge+ ntu t on& t !hallenge+ the ego1 It + +oul9+ re+4on+ , l t.& .our re+4on+ , l t.& e3er. other +oul9+ re+4on+ , l t. to honour 3er. " r+t n+t n!t1 Honour ng " r+t n+t n!t / ll ,r ng h gher le3el o" d +!ern-ent nto 4h.+ !al a!t on1 6e+C 6e+1 Than0 .ou1 Fue+t on: Lord Buddha& .ou +4o0e a,out that /e +hould u+e the Un 3er+al Bra n o" Mother:;ather God& and not our hu-an ,ra n1 Ho/ do /e a!tuall. go

a,out a!!o-4l +h ng th +C An+/er: Con+tantl. >ue+t on ng ,el e" +.+te-+ o" +el" and other+1 E3er. t -e .ou ha3e great n+ ght or are e74o+ed to ne/ n"or-at on and greater / +do-+& e74lore t "urther1 Intend "or Un 3er+al M nd o" ;ather:Mother God to -erge / th .our o/n and to -ot 3ate 8ourne. o" +ear!h and d +!o3er.1 6e+C 6e+& I under+tand1 Than0 .ou1 Fue+t on: Lord Buddha& the or,+ that are a44ear ng 3 a our d g tal !a-era+ and that /e are ,e!o- ng -ore a/are o" at the -o-ent& /hat are the. and ho/ are the. a""e!t ng u+ and /hat + the r 4ur4o+eC An+/er: The. are ,e ng+ o" d ""erent d -en+ on+1 The+e are 4re+en!e+& not 4re3 ou+l. 4er!e 3ed ,. hu-an e.e1 D g tal !a-era + not l - ted l 0e len+ o" hu-an e.e& and !an 4 !0 the "re>uen!. u41 A+ .our 4h.+ !al e.e+ ad8u+t to ne/ "re>uen!. o" h gher 3 ,rat onal energ e+& and a+ .our !ond t on ng+ !hange& .ou / ll +ee -ore1 Man. ha3e altered ,el e" +.+te-+ regard ng +ee ng other energ.1 Ch ldren are not l - ted ,. the !ond t on ng o" 4h.+ !al /orld and are a,le to +ee1 <hen .our hu-an ,ra n 0no/+ /hat +o-eth ng loo0+ l 0e& t / ll +ee t1 I" t doe+ not 0no/ t / ll +hut out /hat t +ee+& ,e!au+e t !annot !al ,rate t n+ de1 6ou under+tandC I do1 <hat + the 4ur4o+e o" the+e or,+C <hat + the 4ur4o+e o" .our l "eC I / +h I 0ne/=C= <hat + the 4ur4o+e o" an. l "e "or-C E74lorat on1 It + true1 And 1C H gher !on+! ou+ne++1 11and ntera!t on& and a!>ua nt ng energ e+ / th one another to tea!h& to learn& to gu de1 The. ha3e al/a.+ ,een 4re+ent& onl. d ""eren!e +

4eo4le are ,eg nn ng to +ee1 6ou +eeC I do& than0 .ou1 I -u+t ta0e -. lea3e no/1 It + t -e "or all o" .ou to !lo+e .our e.e+ and honour the +a!redne++ o" .our+el" and g 3e than0+ "or /hat .ou ha3e !reated "or .our+el" toda.1 G 3e than0+ to all /ho "a! l tate .our 8ourne. o" +ear!h and d +!o3er.& and al/a.+ re-e-,er to ,le++ +el" and "ello/ tra3eller n lo3e1 I a- Buddha1 Ble++ ng+ u4on all o" .ou1 I a- Kuthu- & and I return at th + 4o nt1 Belo3ed one+& I / +h to ,r ng "urther a!0no/ledge-ent "ro- the Board o" A+!ended Ma+ter& Lord+ and Lad e+ o" the L ght and .our Un 3er+e& "or !hoo+ ng to ,e 4re+ent / th n the 4re+en!e o" L ght& "or -a0 ng .our !ho !e to enter through the 13th d -en+ onal 4ortal o" +tar l ght& and a!t 3ate th + energ. / th n .our ,e ng1 It ha+ ,een a 4ro!e++ o" nurtur ng and gu dan!e to a++ +t the n t ate+ o" the h gher 4ath o" a+!en+ on& to ,el e3e enough n the-+el3e+ to ta0e th + 4art !ular n t at on1 It + the la+t t -e n the .ear o" '(() that Lord Buddha / ll 4er"or- th + n t at on1 It + the la+t t -e he + ta0 ng +oul+ through the )th and Ath d -en+ onal 4ortal to enter though the 13:13 +targate1 Th + + /h. th + da. ha+ ,een +o -4ortant "or .ou a+ +oul+& and "or e3er. other +oul that / ll ,ene" t "ro- /hat ha+ ,een an!hored and a!t 3ated u4on th + da.1 <here3er .ou go& "or the re+t o" .our da.+ on earth& .ou / ll !arr. th + 3 ,rat on / th .ou1 6ou / ll ,e the !atal.+er+ that ,r ng the 13th d -en+ onal +tarl ght to earth1 A+ .our 13th +trand 3 ,rate+ through all 1' le3el+ o" !on+! ou+ne++& .our / +do- / ll ,r ng l ght to other+ and ,e a heal ng ,al- "or tho+e /ho " nd the-+el3e+ lo+t / th n the /orld o" ego !reat on1 <e al+o / +h to g 3e than0+ to the +oul+ o" the ego 4o nt o" .our 4lanet : the ,e ng+ o" Ne/ Orlean+& /ho ha3e +tood a+ ,ea!on+ o" the ne/ l ght& /ho ha3e e74er en!ed the "lu+h ng out o" the ego +o that the truth o" the e-ot onal --atur t e+& and -an 4ulat on o" 4o/er& !an ,e re3ealed n t+ "ull l ght1 The "all o" the 4o/er+ o" a,u+e / ll !o-e at a "a+ter and -ore "ur ou+ rate1 All e.e+ are on the ego no/1 It + no/ /here the e.e+ o" ! 3 l 5at on turn to the h gher / +do- o" the +oul "or !lar t.& "or !o-"ort& "or gu dan!e and +u44ort1 Th + + the t -e /here the earth ,od. rel n>u +he+ the !ontrol o" the ego to the +oul& "or /e ha3e +a d the ego and h gher +el" !annot e3er ,e !o:!reator+1 That truth ha+ landed on earth "or all to a!0no/ledge1 Ha3e I -ade -.+el" !lear& Belo3ed One+C 6e+& Lord Kuthu- 1 Der. /ell1 No/ are there an. >ue+t on+ regard ng /hat Lord Buddha ha+ d +!u++ed / th .ou toda. ,e"ore /e end th + tran+- ++ onC

Fue+t on: 6e+& Lord Kuthu- & I ha3e one >ue+t on1 $alo-e a+0ed ho/ hu-an+ are !ondu t+ o" energ.1 Can .ou e74la n a l ttle o" ho/ l on+ are the !ondu t+ o" the Golden energ.C An+/er: Certa nl.1 Belo3ed + +ter& the "el ne "a- l. + o" $ r an energ.1 The. are a 4art o" the $ r an ,od. o" L ght& a+ are dol4h n+& /hale+ and ele4hant+1 The "el ne+ are -ade u4 o" a 3ar et. o" +4e! e+ : the l on+ ho/e3er& hold the Golden 3 ,rat on /h !h the $ r an Ma+ter+ are an!hor ng on earth1 Be!au+e l on+ are $ r an energ. the. are the 3e++el+ -an. o" the $ r an Ma+ter+ ut l 5e& /h !h the. -an "e+t 4h.+ !all. n to an!hor that golden thread1 The l on+ re4re+ent the roar ng o" truth& there"ore the. an!hor the 3 ,rat on+ o" truth ,rought "orth ,. the $ r an Ma+ter+ to l ,erate all the throat !ha0r ! 4o nt+ and +a!ral !ha0r ! 4o nt+ on the 4lanet1 The throat !ha0ra + a !reat 3e !entre& a+ + the +a!ral !ha0ra1 6ou are a/are o" the "a!t that the t -e / ll !o-e /here the ,a+e !ha0ra& the $un !ha0ra& and the +a!ral !ha0ra& ,e!o-e one !ha0ra1 The. are : the golden l on+& that + : are the 4h.+ !al -e!han +-+ hold ng the energ. to -a0e th + 4o++ ,le1 Courage + the nternal thread re>u red "or e3er. +oul to +tand n the r truth and roar t1 Do .ou under+tandC 6e+& than0 .ou1 6ou are /el!o-e1 Fue+t on: Lord Kuthu- & !ould .ou e74la n a,out hor+e+ a+ /ellC <h !h energ. do the. re4re+entC An+/er: At th + 4art !ular t -e n earth9+ a+!en+ on 4ro!e++& hor+e+ are ,r ng ng the Denu+ an and Andro-edan energ. to the 4lanet1 The Denu+ an energ. and Andro-edan energ e+ are 3er. "e- n ne1 Th + "e- n ne energ. + ne!e++ar. "or hu-an t. to under+tand the -ot 3at on ,eh nd the h gher / +do- o" the Mother Godde++& the "e- n ne 4r n! 4le o" ;ather God1 A hor+e9+ a, l t. to !arr. -an +ho/+ that the "e- n ne energ. !an !arr. the l ght o" the -a+!ul ne energ.1 The "e- n ne energ. ha+ --en+e +ta- na and 4o/er& and the t/o : -a+!ul ne and "e- n ne : ha3e al/a.+ -eant to ,e one1 The hor+e 4re+en!e +ho/+ ho/ all energ. !an ,e !arr ed "or/ard nto the "uture& /hen ,oth under+tand the role o" the other1 No/ hor+e+ do !arr. /o-en& ,ut /e

+4ea0 o" the hu-an a+ the -a+!ul ne& and the hor+e a+ the "e- n ne1 Do .ou under+tandC 6e+& I do1 Der. /ell& ,le++ ng+ ,e / th .ou + +ter1 Fue+t on: Lord Kuthu- & !ould I a+0 .ou a >ue+t on a,out Ne/ Orlean+ aga nC I93e ,een 4lott ng the "etu+e+ a+ .ou re>ue+ted& and /hen .ou loo0 at the Gul" t+el"& the throat 4o nt : o" the Gul"& that + : "all+ on Ne/ Orlean+1 I+ that !orre!tC 6ou93e 8u+t +4o0en a,out t a+ ,e ng an ego !entre& I9- a++u- ng .ou9re +4ea0 ng o" the /hole o" A-er !aC An+/er: Th + + !orre!t& .e+1 OK1 Than0 .ou1 6ou are /el!o-e1 Belo3ed one+& the t -e ha+ !o-e to +eal .our energ e+ n the 3orte7 o" +tarl ght that Lord Buddha and /e& the A+!ended Lord+ and Lad e+ o" the L ght& ha3e 4re+ented .ou / th1 The h gher 3 ,rat onal "re>uen!. o" the an -al 0 ngdo- / ll a++ +t .ou and ,e at one / th .ou dur ng .our 13 /ee0 n t at on1 The "ollo/ ng 1' /ee0+ /e +ugge+t that .ou !hoo+e a -e-,er o" the an -al 0 ngdo- to a++ +t .ou : one that .ou "eel a dee4 !onne!t on / th1 O3er the ne7t 13 -onth+ the +a-e 4ro!e++ / ll un"old1 Brother+ and + +ter+& t + a t -e o" great !ele,rat on& a t -e o" dee4 nner +t llne++ e-erg ng a+ a re+ult o" the real 5at on o" /hat .ou ha3e a!h e3ed and /here .ou are1 It + ea+. "or the dar0ne++& the tur-o l& the 4a n and the +u""er ng o" .our /orld and .our o/n 4er+onal l "e to /e gh hea3 l. u4on .ou and te-4t .ou to +te4 o"" the 4ath1 But 0no/ th +& "or e3er. oun!e o" 4er+e3eran!e and !ourage .ou d +4la. the !lo+er .ou ,e!o-e to atta n ng "ull. !on+! ou+ +el":-a+ter.& and that + the " nal goal o" .our !ho !e to !o-e to earth1 <e are urg ng .ou to !ont nue ,e!au+e .ou do not ha3e to re4eat th + aga n1 It + a!!e4ta,le to "eel /ear.& to "eel de+4ondent& t + nor-al to "eel angr.& d + llu+ oned1 It + al+o the n+t n!t 3e / ll o" .our +oul to !ont nue t+ +ear!h "or !o-4let on o" /holene++1 $tr 3e "or that a+4e!t o" .our+el" to ,e .our -ot 3ator rather than "all ng nto the ar-+ o" the lo/er ego1 I a- Kuthu- & Chohan o" the Golden Ra. o" Lo3e and < +do-& and I greet and ,le++ .ou n lo3e1 Adona 1

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