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Master Kuthumi Ascension Day Channelling

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on May !""

#his transcript has been published free of charge by $ntellectual %roperty o&ner Michelle Manders and %alace of %eace in support of people see'ing clarity, healing and peace( #herefore, &e appreciate the )a& of $ntegrity being honoured and as' that no person, group, organisation, or any body of any sort under any circumstance alter any part of this document or publish it in part or in full for personal financial gain( *ou are &elcome to publish an e+cerpt &ith the lin' to the do&nloadable full transcript on &&&(palaceofpeace(net Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channelling Being and a similar process facilitated with you, which is just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the live channelling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, iming ! Purpose. his transcript was revised and updated by "ichelle "anders in "ay #$%#

& am 'uthumi and & come forward upon the rays of (ove and )isdom to greet you at this time and bring to you blessings of lightness, awareness, peace and upliftment, greetings beloved ones. *nd it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of +od. Beloved ones, upon this ascension day a new wave of energy is filtering into the etheric sheath of your world. his energy pulsates through every atom of energy, which in turn feeds every reflection of its energy. his grid is meant to accelerate humanity,s collective awakening process, as well as serve as additional support for (ightworkers so that you have an easier time penetrating the defences, distortions and destructive beliefs brought about by the old paradigm. he integration you are e-periencing will continue to serve you as a (ightworker, and over the past #. hours you have been e-periencing an even deeper shift, one where you have stepped into a higher octave and e-pression of the grid of the /ew 0arth. )e have spoken before of the different 0arths. )e have spoken of the /ew 0arth. his is a reality. he process of transition is fully active. & have mentioned to you before that you are in the world but no longer of it. his is another dimension of the energy we have been working through with you. his is a blessing in e-change for the time and energy you have invested in your personal 1uest for truth, healing, remembering and awakening. Penetrating the grids of the old world are essential for the purpose of manifesting higher fre1uencies and, therefore, purer 1ualities of energy so that you as (ight Beings may continue your service work. he penetration is also necessary for the &ndigo, Crystal, +olden Children, and a number of the new races of children coming in the not too distant future. he purpose for this is to ensure that they2 the new children, are supported in maintaining their high vibration of energy, even though for some their parents or other members of society who they will be interacting with are locked in old paradigm consciousness. his new "ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

grid ensures a higher level of light making it possible for the 1uantum field of energy to penetrate the conditionings you still hold on to, and in so doing, taking your personal program of development and ascension to the ne-t level. he ne-t level is relating to the consciousness of the eight dimension. oday is supporting you in integrating two new layers of 1uantum consciousness. hese layers are rooted firmly in the 5th dimension. apping into this fre1uency of light is your Divine 4ight because you have committed to a path of awakening. Because you have chosen ascension, you deserve the opportunity to e-plore the realms of higher wisdom and greater knowledge. You deserve to integrate it consciously and apply the wisdom you gain as a result. You will continue maintaining this flow of energy and you will find it necessary to involve yourself in activities, regardless of their nature, which will enhance your sensitivity to the 1uantum field of energy. 0lectromagnetically you have already set this in motion, because of the intentions you have set, you will see with greater clarity how your intentions impact on the world you live in. he impact of this energy will reveal many new opportunities as a result of the 1uantum world you have chosen to be a part of. his will continue to assist you in building your confidence and self assurance in your ability to lead your life as a leader of light. &t is important to realise that the old paradigm is old, it is the past. ake time to consider the prophesies of the past. hese have been written down in a number of different books including 6oly books, yet a number of them have not come to fruition. )hy7 Because the world you live in has moved into a completely new time line, a new dimension of e-pression. You still observe your world as it was years ago. You still perceive it as the world you were born into. he most mind boggling thing for you to now realise is that you are now living in more than one dimension at the same time. Your conditioning perceives the old world you were born into, but your actions are taking place in a different world. You are creating new ways in different a dimension. You are already in the new world. Your vision is all that needs to catch up with the change in fre1uency so that you can perceive the new world. )hen a person leaves their physical body, they are still aware of the physical world. &t takes time getting used to being in a new energy field2 being in a completely different world, and realising the world they have just left, they cannot return to in the form they inhabited prior to their leaving. he same applies to the ascension you all made in the recent past. oday you are taking one of your most important steps toward the final step into the new world. You are living multi8dimensionally. his is the reason why you are here, receiving the energy and the blessings we deliver today, because you are the leaders of the future, the pioneers who shall bring those who are ready into multi8dimensional living. Parts of your human nature still reacts to your perception of the old world. 6owever, other aspects of you are responding differently. his is one of the reasons why you are e-periencing rapid shifts in your perception of past and present behaviour. You are seeing the world shift not because it is, but because you are. 0very thing you perceive is as a result of what you are e-periencing 8 your perceptions of other people changing, becoming different2 it is not them changing, it is you changing. *our transformation results in a different perception, different observations, opinions and ac'no&ledgement . Your truth changes, therefore, how you observe the world you were a part of changes, and every person who undergoes this will e-perience a change in the world. he world is not 9changing,: you are. his results in changes happening within the world. You need to

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integrate and accumulate the energy and see it as your change rather than something separate from you, or outside of you changing. You have successfully manifested a different world because you are different. 6ow many times have you heard, 9in order to change the world, you must become the change: you have done this beloved ones. You have achieved so much on your path already, and on this *scension Day we take great joy in acknowledging this with you and we ask as your celebration to do e-actly this and look at your perception of the world and observe how your transformation has transformed much around you as a result of the way you see things as being different. he energy you are currently absorbing into your energy field 8 into the cells of your brain specifically, will assist you in grasping the notion of perceiving yourself as currently living multi8dimensionally. You have ascended an important rung of the ladder, and every year on this day you will e-perience another aspect of your ascension, and much smaller ascensions which you will undergo in between the annual *scension Day Celebration. ;ver the past < days there have been %<< $$$$ souls who have stepped into 5th dimension to hold the light with you, their fellow brothers and sisters currently working between fifth and seventh dimension, and to help you draw the energy of humanity into the higher world. he old paradigm world is very different, but now you are in a new paradigm, a new dimension and this is where things are very different. his is why in truth there are no prophecies for the new world, #$%# is simply a time line, and every #=$$ years there are shifts in energy, and every #= years there are shifts in energy. 0very #= to #< $$$ years there are even greater shifts taking place. +eologically you are able to pin point many of these cycles, they are time lines bound to the linear world you have become used to. You are now moving out of linear time into 1uantum e-perience, therefore, time lines which separate disappear and everything becomes an integrated e-perience, a multi8dimensional world of e-perience, and so everything moves through every level. his is how you come to see the impact of energy and thoughts projected. You see how 1uickly the energy manifest. You know it as 9instant karma.: hat in fact is not truly a proper description of the energy, but certainly a description that your mind will understand. "any descriptions have been given to people to help them understand a concept >pirit is presenting them with. /ow you are ready for much more than you have been accustomed to. You have been prepared for this and because you are transforming somewhat faster than others in a generalised sense relative to society, you are undergoing 9crash courses: in the energy, but you have certainly been prepared. You asked for it and you have it. You have grasped it. *nd now it is a new world of e-perience. You will interact with people of the old world, but you will not and absolutely need not be bound by their demons. You are not bound by their conflict, fears and conditioning. You have 9studied: for a very long time. /ow the demonstration and practical application of the theories you have indulged in is before you. &t is in your turn to take centre stage in the 9play of your life9. herefore, where others get caught up in fear, in the collective consciousness of poverty, lust, feeling?being victim, being controlled by conditions, you are not, or rather, Y;@ /00D /; A You have taken much of your power back. /ow you have the opportunity to apply it, live it, walk your talk, and put into practice what you know. Bor years great teachers have presented wisdom such as this, urging humanity to move forward and reclaim their power, to look at the self, feel for the self, think for the self, be in the moment, protect oneself and make choices regarding environments one places oneself in willingly, to realise that one has the inherent power to change every single situation one "ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

finds oneself in. *nd Ciola, here you areA You have worked through many of those levels, you have moved through and 9peeled many onions.: &n fact you have pickled them, now you e-perience your just reward of e-panded awareness of an even greater unlimited potential. &n fact, reaching for the stars now is very mediocre. 4each much higher, beyond what you can even imagine, living Duantumly brings an abundance of possibilities and potential into your space. 4emind yourself that when you look at your world, you are perceiving it the way you have been conditioned to. he more you remind yourself of that the easier it becomes to see it from a multi8dimensional aspect. his is where you begin to disassociate yourself from the issues of others. his means you become empathetic and compassionate, but you do not become caught up in a process. he difference is vital to discern. his is what non8 attachment means. ,hen you detach from drama, you are not bound by it( *ou observe it, respond to it ho& you must, and move on &ithout losing yourself in the petty drama-s and non.sense of such e+periences, &hich in the past distracted you from &hat is truly important( )hen a person becomes caught up in another person,s process it draws their energy down. )hen you stand in a point of centeredness2 a point of power, standing within the power of your inner knowingness and the person or people you observe are going through the initiation out of the old world into the new world, you will be in a position to facilitate what they need to ensure their transition be completed, for you will have completed it ,and you will see and feel that no longer do you have a desire to 9rescue: in order to make the other person,s world better for them. You will be able to stand there as a pillar of energy and let them make their transition and discover their power and what they are 9made of.: Do you all understand the difference, still a little new to you, or do you truly grasp it7 CommentE &t is so different, & suppose we all do, we dive in with friends and family and drag them along to bring them up to our level, but & suppose they have to do it themselves. ('E Precisely, it does not mean you are disconnecting and denying their feelings, their pain or sorrow. You are simply standing from a different perspective observing, you are an observer of the situation. You will still be able to give love, support, and advice, but you will not become lost in their pain, sorrow and suffering, do you understand7 4emember this, how many times have you been in a situation and you thought to yourself, & should be feeling sad right now, but & am not, or & should be feeling guilty right now, but & am not, have you e-perienced that7 *udienceE Y0>A ('E here you goA Your conditioning tells you, you should be feeling sad or guilty, but your authentic self is showing you, you do not have to. You have broken the mould, now it is about getting your 9ducks in a row.: hus, instead of forcing yourself back into the old way, because that is how you are supposed to be feeling, simply embrace that sense of centeredness in the midst of chaos. Do you see how you have already stepped into it but not recognised it7 /ow you can own that feeling and feel safe in it knowing that even though you stand feeling free with a clear conscience, that the person who may be e-periencing lack or loss is undergoing their personal journey, and you can allow them that growth?healing opportunity without feeling guilty, without having to give your power to them so that you don,t feel bad about not feeling bad and about what you have achieved.

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Beloved ones celebrate your success and achievementA You have worked so hard to achieve it, you do not have to hide your success or achievement. You do not have to stand in the shadow and put on the face of pain to be accepted and acknowledged. You are not of the old world. You are already in the new world, you can still see the old world, but it is not your home any longer. &s this clear7 *udienceE Yes. *s the energy rays filter into all your energy bodies as we speak, you are developing a magnetic system within your electromagnetic field which acts as a mechanism of support, maintenance and guidance for those who are ready to leave their old home and step into the new world2 into the new home. ;nes such as yourself integrating the energy we deliver today, are the +ate 'eepers of the world being created between = th and 5th dimension. *nd you specifically here today, and who shall come to read or hear my words in the future, assisted by the %<< $$$$ who have made their transition over the past seven days, are the +ate 'eepers to the 5th dimension. You shall make many transitions over the ne-t few months in preparation for stepping into that light. he 5th of the 5th will be another very important day for all of you as you integrate another level of your 5 th dimensional consciousness. You have only just began to grasp the <th dimension, so we will not 9short circuit: you completely however, as one level of energy is brought in and the more it is integrated, so the ne-t level begins to come. &magine an escalator, as on step of emerges another disappears, as the ne-t one disappears a new one emerges, and it is simple, a cycle, a rotation of the same stairs, but being seen as at different times, and this is how you can see the rotation of energy through the dimensions. *s you filter your current = th and <th dimensional awareness through the other levels it will move into third dimension, that movement of energy will cause shifts, it will begin to shake and the dirt moves, and as it moves, it brings back up with it some of that dirt which the higher vibrations then clean away. >o it becomes kind of recycling plant. Do you understand7 *udienceE Yes >o what you are working with now is moving into a higher vibration, but as you bring in from the higher vibrations, so it comes down and meets with what you are bringing to the fore and what you are integrating, and so it causes even greater shifts within your being. 6ow many of you are finding that one day you feel a certain way, and a few days later you suddenly realise you have changed something, you have shifted a perception, or dropped a heavy energy, but you are not clear as to e-actly how you did it7 6ave you e-perienced this7 his is a taste of the higher dimensional ways of moving through energy. *s you build more of your 5th dimensional body you become aware, slowly but surely, of how important it is to keep your consciousness aligned with positive abundance consciousness. Positive *bundance Consciousness is Duantum Consciousness. @nderstanding the Duantum Bield is vital in order to understand abundance. &t has been made known that the Duantum field is of such an immense energy and power that one cubic meter of that energy is enough to boil all the oceans on your planet. &magine how much power is in that energy. You can,t. But that gives you an idea of the immensity of energy available. he abundance of it. herefore, aligning your consciousness consciously with abundance consciousness means that as the 5 th dimensional energy filters into the 0arth plane, you will have stepped into that abundance awareness and will be manifesting FpositiveG abundance over and over and over again. his is not limited to finance, and that is in actual fact far down the list. )e are speaking of the abundance of life. 0nergy to motivate your bodies. he abundance of joy. he abundance of healing energy available to humanity, the abundance of energy available that "ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

can fuel your lives physically, electrically2 therefore your homes, your motor vehicles, which moves deeper into sustainable development within all areas of life. *nd it is the grounding of this abundant force of the 5 th dimension that will manifest as the catalyst for the old world and the new world in bringing in new systems of energy to propel your world in the future 8 new technology that harnesses more of the power of nature2 the power of the Duantum Bield. *s you go forth now on your path into the world you have stepped into, you come across people. &n your interactions with these people, know that you interact with them from another level, and that standing by your side are the "asters of (ight assisting and guiding you, your actions, thoughts and words. Beloved ones with your ascension initiation today, embrace your ability to be conscious of what you feed your body. )hat thoughts do you feed your body7 )hat truths do you invest energy in which in turn feed your body7 )hat words do you speak7 Do they feed your energy or deplete it7 )hat are your actions7 *re they for your higher good or do they create chaos, limitation and frustration7 his is your time to be observant of your behaviour, to be aware and conscious, alert patterns that show the shadow part of their face. Being alert to these patterns means you can nip it in the bud before it becomes a cycle you need to tackle all over again. his wave of light is about reminding you of the power inherent within you that empowers or dis8 empowers everything around you. he energy you weave through your intentions, your thoughts, words, and your truths create spirals of energy and light which move in all directions. hese spirals penetrate all areas of life and either empower of dis8empower them. You have created billions of these spirals already, the result of those spirals is what you e-perience now, as an *scension Being actively consciously e-periencing an incarnated form, working multi8dimensionally. ;ne of your challenges will be to stand confidently in your truth and not be swayed by the scepticism and the fear of those still in the old world. 4oot yourself firmly in your 9new home.: Do not take their processes personally. *lways be considerate, acknowledge and listen. But do not take it personally. he ego reacts and takes an attack as personal. *s the masters teach, you have no enemy. You are only teachers and students mastering an e-perience called 0arth (ife. (et me add at this point that in the completion of this integration you will have been fully integrated into the first few levels of your new world, very similar to the process an infant undergoes when it is born into the earth world. You will undergo similar transitions and developmental stages. D. 'uthumi, & was speaking to "ichelle and at least the two of us are e-periencing this, sometimes when you look there appears to be a heat wave in front of you.. Can you e-plain what it going on7 ('. his is one of the first phases of penetrating the denser vibration of H rd dimension. *s one works with this higher vibration one begins to visually e-perience shifts in density as well. he 9heat waves: is the = th dimension that you are beginning to see. >ome people have also been e-periencing it in the sense of a mist, as if there is a fog or smoke in the room, they may even rub their eyes but it is still there. >o you are seeing things. FlaughterG D. >o (ord 'uthumi does that mean that before long, or over a period of time, one be able to actually visualise or see things of the = th dimension7 will

('. Yes you will, the more you work with the conditioning you were programmed with in the old world and transcend it, the more you will see. *s more of your brain becomes "ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

active and responsive in relation to recognising the other dimensions it previously denied the easier it will be for you to grasp new concepts, which will automatically dismantle the old concepts and you will see a lot more. D. & have been like a sleeping beauty, and it has been going on for 1uite some time now, and for me its like amaIing, at the same time it is pretty shocking, because & can sleep almost all day long and even when & get up in between, & keep telling myself, sleep, sleep and & just fall asleep, and & am really scared about that. &s this laIiness, to be able to just fall asleep just by saying sleep. ('. Do you see how the human nature puts on in a position of guilt based on the perception that sleeping is laIy behaviour. &n fact, the sleep you are e-periencing is a healing sleep. &n that state your 6igher >elf, the +uides and "asters and 6ealing *ngles who work with you can work a lot easier than when you are awake and all sorts of other things are filtering through your mind. Your lower ego is by8passed and hey can get straight to 9the point.: his is the inner child,s safest space of healing2 the sleep state. >o go with it and surrender to your healing taking place. here is absolutely no harm in it. &f you have the time and the space to do it, then why not7 D. (ord 'uthumi, every now and again, with my eyes closed, & see scenes where the latest one was seeing people at a beach. )hat am & looking at7 ('. You are tapping into the other dimensions. You are seeing into the other time lines. )hen one moves into a state of multi8dimensional living, such as you are all doing now, it becomes easier from this higher vibration to see into parallel realities, and into the other dimensions, and that is e-actly what you are doing. >ome people are able to sense and feel them, others are able to see them and others hear them. herefore clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience are not a mystical gift, they are simply a science, which each and every person can master when the 1uantum world is more widely discovered and understood. he fact that you are now getting pictures, which do not mean much to you, will increase and e-pand. he more you feel comfortable with seeing the different time lines the snap shots in time will become clearer, more realistic and perhaps linger a little longer to show you something specific. D. (ord 'uthumi, & would like for you to please e-plain a little bit more about this 9living multi8 dimensionally: and a 9new world,: & am a bit confused. ('. )ell, that is 1uite normal, it is a side effect of moving into multi8dimensional living, because you are coming out of a world that has been 9flat: so to speak, it has been one way or another, yes or no, black or white. he conditioning you have been raised with has rooted that perception in you mind. Birst of all, understand your perceptions are what determines how you e-perience the life you have created based on your conditioning. Do you understand that part7 4esponseE hat is also a part that & am working with. )hat is happening now is that & am witnessing in the work that & do not much change in consciousness, although & see the structures crumbling around me, but the people seem to be still very stuck in old paradigm consciousness. ('. &magine an echo taking a physical form called earth, and that physical echo is e-perienced in a number of places, all at the same time, each of those going through a life e-perience. )here you are now is the point that every ascended master reaches in his or her transition into fully embracing the 1uantum world. his is where one realises that everything that is being considered mystical or illusionary from the perspective of mainstream society, is in fact science and truth. he tables "ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

turn, you see the other side of the coin, initially it is confusing, so allowing you that confusion is important, but do not become complacent in it. Bearing in mind what we said to you earlier on about perceptions and conditions, you will begin to sway more and more into the understanding of how it is possible to perceive consciously, different realities at one time. You are already doing it. You are perceiving the old world paradigm where you are saying not much is shifting there, yet in your world, things are. Brom your perspective, in what you are doing, you are like a +uide or "aster working from another dimension assisting a lower consciousness, just like all the +uides and *ngels that are unseen working to assist a lower consciousness, and this & do not say in a derogatory fashion. he only reason you do not see us is because you believe you can,t. But as that belief changes and you become more familiarised with 1uantum energy and the structure and the mechanics of it you will hit yourself on the third eye and say, 9)hy did & not see this before7 &t has been here all alongA: D. & have noticed, particularly in the last two days with regards to the place of work that & am at, & almost felt, & don,t know if 9disconnected: is the right word, but & got eight new cases referred to me at once, it felt like that, given to me all at once, and & felt myself kind of, & don,t know if 9not really caring: is the right words to use, but at this time, oh well, & did not engage in it, is that what you are speaking of, & have been feeling a bit traumatised over the past few moths. ('. >ister, it is a bit of both, and your disengagement is in actual fact part of what is re1uired to help you process the trauma you have e-perienced with regards to what you have witnessed in your job so that you can apply the higher dimensional energy you are currently integrating and learning about to assist those in the old world and help them heal without adding to your trauma or denying the healing potential you embody. Beloved (ightworkers, the journey that lies before you is one that will turn your person into a new e-pression. his means your journey is a voyage of rediscovery of aspects of your soul. hese aspects are ones that have been froIen in time which you shall reclaim, reintegrate and create a new you. &t will enhance what you have become, it will strengthen feed and nurture all the beautiful parts of you, and so your preparation to move into the world of ensuring the light be maintained within the hearts and the souls of the children of this planet, will come into being. (ook into the eyes of people and children you meet, and they will be touched by your soul,s light. People do not know how powerful eye contact healing can be. People can look into one another,s eyes, and with a focused flickering of eyes, and holding certain intentions one can trigger a whole new reality. &t can activate codings. his is another reason why it is important to look a person in an eye, and 9shifty: people have been considered ones who do not make eye contact. he eyes hold the core light of the soul as you know. )hen you connect with children, they see your light, as you see theirs, and just that glance, that recognition2 you acknowledging their light, is a sufficient boost of energy to keep them on their path, and you have done it. D. & just want to thank you very much "aster 'uthumi for all the support and love and kindness that you have given me over the yearsJJ thank you. You are always welcome.

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& echo that (ord 'uthumi, in this physical manifestation & have known you for a little while and the wisdom and the love that you shower on us, & have learnt so much and have grown so much in just a few short months and & want you to know how much & appreciate this and how much & love you. You want to make me blush yes7 FlaughterG hank you and blessings be with you. You are all always welcome. "ay you all be blessed. *nd so it is then precious ones that we embrace you in the new world, in the new light on your new way in new ways, may you continue on your new path and in your new way continue to trust in the many invisible arms that hold, carry and comfort you, and know that we are always there. "ay the (ight of "other?Bather +od be eternally with you, nurturing you, protecting and guiding you, and may all always be well in your world. & am 'uthumi, (ord of (ove and )isdom, and & greet and bless you in (ove. *donai.

&f you have access to Bacebook, you can join our Palace of Peace +roup for guidance and support from the community. You can also join *1uarian 4ising #$#$ K 0arth +rid and Portal *ctivations )orldwide +roup, or visit our website for more teachings and messages such as this one to help you along.
Copyright /otice 8 )e ask that you honour the (aws of rust and &ntegrity and acknowledge that none of this information may be used for monetary gain, be altered, translated, reproduced, digitally recorded or deleted in part or whole or built upon in any way whatsoever. he Palace of Peace has assigned translators for the channellings and may not be translated by anyone other than these people. Please contact us if you would like this channelling in another language, or if you would like to translate this material into your language. his information remains the sole intellectual property of "ichelle "anders at all times.

"ichelle "anders 3 *ll 4ights 4eserved

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