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Instructional Phase

Mini-Unit #1 Vocab from Chapter 5 section A 1. Define vocabulary in a job searching environment and identify methods of obtaining a job, how to job search, and interviewing techniques. IV. Directed Teaching 1. To begin class, the teacher will explain to the students the lesson object for this miniunit. In order to stimulate the students minds, the teacher will ask the students something like this What are employers looking for in general and why? As the teacher asks the students this question, the teacher will handout the vocab list to the students (See appendix B-1). The teacher will then instruct the students on the vocab via an input story (See appendix B-2). The teacher will read through the input story and by doing so will be circumnavigating the vocab words for the students. V. Guided Practice 1. At the end of the directed teaching, the teacher will put on the smart board a list of 510 questions the students will answer in their groups (See Appendix B-3). The teacher during this time will go from group to group to monitor their progress and to answer their questions. The goal here is for students to use Spanish as much as possible if not the entire time. If time allows, the students will complete activity 7 on page 210 in their textbook (Realidades 3rd edition, Prentice Hall). The activity is a fill-in the blank activity using vocabulary from the chapter 5a. VI. Independent Practice 1. For this part of the lesson, students will play a game called reverse fish bowl. In this game, the teacher will instruct students to write out definitions (in their own words) of 5 vocab words. The teacher will give them a few minutes to do this and then the teacher will collect the words and put them in a bowl. The teacher will pick words out of the bowl randomly and read the definitions out to the class. The students will then guess which vocab word the definition is describing. The goal here is practicing circumlocution for the students. If time permits, the teacher will instruct VII. Formative Evaluation

1. Students will take the last 5 minutes of the class and use exit cards. On these cards the students will put down what they think they will remember from this lesson later on in the week. The teacher will have a power point slide with a specific question pertaining to the lesson. VII. Differentiating Instruction Re-teaching Activities

1. Using activity 10 on page 211 of the textbook (Realidades 3rd edtion, Prentice Hall), the teacher will organize the students into pairs. The teacher will read the instructions to the activity and provide a model for the students to follow. The teacher will instruct students to perform the activity then as a group they will discuss some of their answers. Extension Activities 1. Vertical Extension intended to raise the level of cognitive development to higher level on Blooms taxonomy from that of the mini-unit sub-objectives: The teacher will ask students if they have been interviewed for multiple jobs. The students will be asked to describe and contrast the different job interviews. The students will write down their response and then share with a neighbor. 2. Horizontal Extension intended to develop learner skills in the social or affective domains and provide a different mode: The teacher instructs students to turn to page 211 in their textbook (Realidades 3rd edition, Prentice Hall) and read over the instructions for activity 9. The students will work in pairs. Before starting the activity, the teacher will model the behavior with a volunteer student. Accommodations and Modifications While students are doing guided practice and independent practice, the teacher will walk around the room monitoring students understanding of the material. If the teacher sees misinterpretations of the vocabulary words, the teacher will point these mistakes out to them. If the teacher notices a pattern in the class, the teacher may pause work of the guided practice or fish bowl activity and take a moment to reteach the material to the whole class. From my discussions with Ms. Wood, I found out that she does not have any students with IEPs.

Mini-Unit #2 the Spanish Perfect Tenses 1. Discover the differences between the 2 perfect discussed in this chapter and construct sentences in the perfect tenses. IV. Directed Teaching 1. The teacher will hand out to students a packet for note taking (See appendix B-4). The teacher will directly instruct the students on these notes. Some guided practice will be provided during the lecture as the teacher will ask students to answer several example questions in the notes, but most of this teaching will be teacher orientated. V. Guided Practice 1. The teacher will hand out to the students an activity using the 2 present perfect tenses taught in class today (See appendix B-5). The teacher will put the activity on the overhead projector and go through the activity 1 by 1 asking students to answer each one. The teacher will provide assistance circumnavigating the vocabulary in the sentences if the students do not understand what the sentence is saying in Spanish. VI. Independent Practice 1. After completing the GP, the teacher will hand the students another more extensive packet for them to complete in groups (See appendix B-6). The teacher will walk around and monitor as the students do the activity. VII. Formative Evaluation 1. To close the lesson, the teacher will draw a Venn diagram on the dry erase board for the students to compare and contrast the 2 perfect tenses learned today in class (See appendix B-7). VII. Differentiating Instruction Re-teaching Activities 1. The teacher will instruct students to turn in their grammar workbooks to page 69 and complete activity 7. The teacher will read the instructions and model the activity for the students. The teacher will then do the activity with the students 1 at a time. The teacher will call on students to describe the clip art in the book and then ask them to write 2 phrases describing the clip art. Extension Activities 1. Vertical Extension intended to raise the level of cognitive development to higher level on Blooms taxonomy from that of the mini-unit sub-objectives: Students will be instructed to turn in their textbooks to page 217 and to perform activity 18 (Realidades 3rd edition, Prentice Hall). This is a reading

and writing activity which will involve the students selecting which form of the pluscuamperfecto that fits each sentence. The students will do this individually and then as a group the class will review their answers. 2. Horizontal Extension intended to develop learner skills in the social or affective domains and provide a different mode: Students will be instructed to form two lines in the classroom (they will be sitting in their desks). One line will be line A and the other line B. The game the students will play is cara o cruz or heads or tails. The students will be instructed to ask each other (the person across from them) what 3 things they did in the past year were. It will require the students to use the perfect tenses they learned in class today. Every minute, the teacher will ring a bell signifying the students need to switch partners. One line will stay put while the other moves to the next person. Accommodations and Modifications While students are doing guided practice and independent practice, the teacher will walk around the room monitoring students understanding of the material. If the teacher sees misinterpretations of the vocabulary words, or problems with the grammar points of this lesson, the teacher will point these mistakes out to them. If the teacher notices a pattern in the class, the teacher may pause work of the guided practice or independent practice activity and take a moment to reteach the material to the whole class. From my discussions with Ms. Wood, I found out that she does not have any students with IEPs.

Mini-Unit #3 the Classifieds 1. Explain the impact of prominent Hispanic individuals and the immigration of the Hispanic culture into the U.S. upon the culture of the U.S. 2. Analyze and compare differences between classifieds in Spanish cultures and in U.S. culture. IV. Direct Teaching 1. The teacher will begin class with a power point presentation on prominent Hispanic individuals and the immigration of Hispanic immigrants to the United States (See Appendix B-8). As the teacher is doing the power point presentation, the students will be filling in notes on a graphic organizer that coincides with the presentation (See appendix B-9). The teacher will lecture on the slides, but as the presentation progresses, he will ask questions to the students about their opinions on the topic. 2. The teacher will ask students to turn in their textbook to page 209 (Realidades 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall). The teacher will put the picture of the classified on the overhead projector. The teacher will read through each add explaining their significance and asking students questions about the structure of the adds. V. Guided Practice 1. The guided practice for this lesson will be the graphic organizer used during the lecture by the teacher. Students will be able to ask questions to the teacher if they do not understand what certain sections of the graphic organizer mean (See appendix B9) 2. Students will be asked to complete activity 5 on page 209 (Realidades 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall). This will be a reading and writing assignment for the students. The students will write down their answers to the questions as a group. Each group will have one student to write down the groups answers. After the groups finish the activity, the class will come together to give their answers. VI. Independent Practice 1. Students will direct their attention to the smart board. The teacher will assign the students a brief essay (1/2-1 page) on what they think are the biggest impacts upon the U.S. culture prominent Hispanics and the Hispanic culture have had. They will also be asked to write about what they think will change in the U.S. culture in the future due to the Hispanic influence. 2. Students will be given two classifieds. One will be a classifieds add page from a prominent U.S. paper and another from a prominent Hispanic paper (See appendix B10). The students will be asked to analyze and compare and contrast the ads via a Tchart. After they have completed this T-chart, they will create their own ad using their new found information.

VII. Formative Evaluation 1. Students will be asked to perform a 3-2-1 activity. They will be asked to give 3 differences between U.S. ads and Hispanic ads, 2 effects of the Hispanic culture on the U.S. culture, 1 question you still have about the topic. They will write their answers down on a piece of paper and hand it into the teacher. VIII. Differentiating Instruction Re-teaching Activities 1. The teacher will direct students to turn in their practice workbook to page 65. The teacher will read the instructions to the students. The students will be listening to a group of advertisements and picking individuals that best coincide with what the job is looking for. The students will listen to the activity twice. Extension Activities 1. Vertical Extension intended to raise the level of cognitive development to higher level on Blooms taxonomy from that of the mini-unit sub-objectives: Students will be asked to turn to page 212 of their textbook (Realidades 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall). The teacher will read the Fondo Cultural to the students. The students will read the essay question/prompt below the Fondo Cultural and compose a brief essay answering the question/prompt. 2. Horizontal Extension intended to develop learner skills in the social or affective domains and provide a different mode: Students will be asked to turn to page 215 in their textbook (Realidades 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall) and read the En voz alta paragraph about Antonio Machado, an Hispanic poet. The students will discuss the questions at the bottom of the page amongst their group members. Accommodations and Modifications While students are doing guided practice and independent practice, the teacher will walk around the room monitoring students understanding of the material. If the teacher sees misinterpretations of the vocabulary words, or a culture point from the lesson, the teacher will point these mistakes out to them. If the teacher notices a pattern in the class, the teacher may pause work of the guided practice or independent practice activity and take a moment to reteach the material to the whole class. From my discussions with Ms. Wood, I found out that she does not have any students with IEPs.

Mini-Unit #4 Spanish Job Interview (PBL) 1. Compose a mock interview and role-play the interview out with other students in the group. IV. Problem Overview and Introduction The teacher will hand out the following memo to each group. They will read it silently and then the class will read it together.
Competicin para Estudiar Espaol El Sr. Luis Caballero Calle Lagasca 16 03201 Madrid Estimados estudiantes de MBHS, Tengo muchas compaas en la ciudad de Madrid y mis compaas van a tener una feria de trabajo para estudiantes come ustedes que estn estudiando espaol. He odo que han aprendido mucho de espaol y de los anuncios clasificados y yo los he escogido para competir para la oportunidad de vivir y estudiar en Madrid por un verano. En grupos de 2 o 3 estudiantes, van a crear una simulacin de entrevistas y basado en sus habilidades, caractersticas, experiencias en el mundo de trabajo en las simulaciones de entrevistas, voy a escoger a un grupo de ustedes para vivir y estudiar en Madrid. Los ganadores van a quedarse en la mansin que yo tengo en Madrid. Espero que Uds. ganen la competicin. Buena Suerte, Luis Caballero

After the students read the memo, the teacher will begin class by handing out a rubric, assignment sheet, and group evaluation form for this project to the groups of students (See appendix B-11, B-12). During this part of the class the teacher will begin by introducing the project to the students and reminding them how the unit has been building up to this group project. V. Problem Analysis After the students have had a chance to read their memos, rubrics, assignment sheets etc., the teacher will pull up on the overhead a sheet of paper that is divided into four sections labeled: Information, Learning Issues, Hypotheses, and Action Plan. The teacher will lead a discussion and write down the students responses. The following questions will guide the discussion: 1. What information do we have from reading the memo? 2. What does Luis Caballero want us to do? 3. What do we know about job interviews? What makes a good or bad interview?

4. What types of challenges will your group face as you create and role-play a mock interview? 5. What steps does your group need to take to finish your project? Information Participating in a competition Creating and roleplaying a mock interview Working in groups of 3-4 Opportunity to study and live in Spain Learning Issues Using Vocabulary Using Grammar (perfect tenses) What makes a good interview? Working in groups will be challenging Hypotheses Action Plan See packet for action plan

Interview will have to impress Luis Caballero Good dialogue makes a good interview

VI. Teacher Resources Needed The teacher will draw upon the following resources in planning the unit and after the unit begins, during group deliberations to provide information upon request in response to student questions: Realidades 3rd Edition (2008). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. Comercial Websites: VII. Anticipated Learning Issues Students are expected to acquire mastery of the following information/facts, concepts, relationships, and processes during the course of creating their mock interview in this miniunit. Evidence of this mastery should be revealed in one form or another during their group problem-solving process or presentations of solutions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Vocabulary Interview setting Interview questions Job world setting Classified ads Talking about ones past experiences in Spanish, using the unit vocabulary Participating in conversations with classmates about daily routines Role-playing a mock job interview

VIII. Group Deliberation and Problem-Solving Activities 1. Students are told they have 1.5 days (48 minute periods) to create the script for the mock interview and of a day to edit and correct the script. 2. Students continue to work in their four-person small groups they were assigned to the first day of the unit. They will turn their desks toward each other to make communication easier. 3. Teacher will visit each group to answer any questions they have, check on each group members responsibility, and provide each group a copy of the group evaluation form (See appendix B-12). 4. Students will role-play their mock interviews in front of the class and teacher. IX. Student Learning Resources The following resources will be made available to students as they work in their small problem-solving groups: Realidades 3rd Edition (2008). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. Realidades 3rd Edition Practice Workbook (2008). Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. Realidades 3rd Edition Guided Practice (2008). Boston Massachusetts: Pearson Prentice Hall. X. Formative Assessment (50 points total) Teacher will use the rubric to grade the students in their mock interview and script. (See appendix B-14) XI. Problem Follow-up After the students finish their video, teacher will ask if any changes need to be made on the problem analysis chart. Projected changes are: Information Info found from previous experience and knowledge Learning Issues Expressing oneself in an interview Working in groups Hypotheses None Action Plan None

Appendix B
Resources for the Instructional Phase B-1 Vocab List 5a B-2 Vocab Input Story 5a B-3 Questions over Vocab B-4 Perfect Tenses Notes Packet B-5 Practica con el presente perfecto y el pluscuamperfecto B-6 Practice UsingHaber + Past Participle (Present Perfect & Past Perfect/Pluperfect) B-7 Diagrama de Venn B-8 PowerPoint Presentation on Hispanic culture/influential people B-9 PowerPoint Presentation Notes B-10 Classifieds B-11 Job Interview Assignment B-12 Group Evaluation Form B-13 Formative Assessment B-14 Rubric for Mock Interview

Appendix B-1 vVOCABULARIO: Trabajo y Comunidad

A ver si recuerdas A Primera vista (vocab nuevo)

cualidades 1. obediente 2. trabajador 3. tranquilo 4. bien educado 5. corts 6. animado acciones 1. cortar el csped 2. cuidar nios 3. decorar 4. dibujar 5. hablar por telfono 6. lavar el coche 7. lavar los platos 8. limpiar 9. pasar la aspiradora 10. pasear perros 11. sacar fotos 12. tocar un instrumento lugares 1. el banco 2. la biblioteca 3. el centro comercial 4. el cine 5. la escuela 6. la estacin de servicio 7. la farmacia 8. el gimnasio 9. la guardera infantil 10. la librera 11. el museo 12. el teatro 13. la tienda PARTICIPIO PRESENTE 1. To form the present participle, drop the ending and add________ for ar infinitives and ________ for er/-ir infinitives. 2. The ando/-iendo ending means _______ in English. 3. A conjugation of __________ususally comes before the present participle. 4. The irregular 3rd person forms in the preterite have the same stem change in the pres. participle. Dormir___________ Pedir___________ Decir___________ rer___________ 5. Infinitives that end in aer, -eer, -uir, and the infintives ir, and or have pres. participles that end in yendo. ir___________ or___________ caer___________ leer___________ destruir___________ Ejemplos: 1. We are sleeping: _____________________ 2. He is reading. _____________________ 3. She is keeping the secret. ____________________ En el trabajo 1.el anuncio clasificado 2. los beneficios 3.el/la cliente/a 4. la compaa 5. el/la dueo/a 6. la fecha de nacimiento 7. el/la gerente 8. el puesto 9. el salario 10. el sueldo 11. la solicitud de empleo 12. el empleado Los trabajos computacin 2. el /la consejero/a 3. el/la mensajero/a 4. el/la niera 5. el/la repartidor/a 6. el/la recepcionista 7. el/la salvavidas 8. el/la agente de viajes 9. el/la atleta 10. el/la bombero/a 11. el/la cajero/a 12. el/la camarero/a 13. el/la cientfico/a 14. el/la dentista 15. el/la detective 16. el/la empleado/a 17. el/la entrenador/a 18. el/la fotgrafo/a 19. el/la locutor/a 20. el/la piloto/a 21. el/la reportero/a 22. el/la vendedor/a Cualidades y caractersticas 1. agradable/s 2. dedicado/a/os/as 3. flexible/s 4. puntual/es 5. la responsabilidad 6. responsable/s El trabajo 1. atender 2. cumplir (con) 3. encargarSE de 4. presentarSE 5. reparar 6. repartir 7. seguir (+ gerund) 8. soler (ue) 9. solicitar 10. llenar 11. a tiempo parcial 12. a tiempo completo

Acciones 1.Beneficiar 2. educar para la entrevista 1. los conocimientos 2. la entrevista 3. la habilidad 4. la referencia 5. el requisito 6. la experiencia

Appendix B-2
Todos los estuidantes queran un puesto durante el verano. Por eso, ella tena que buscar por la Red o por el peridico. Ella ley los anuncios clasificados. Los anunios clasificados tienen el nombre del puesto que se necesita. A veces tienen el sueldo/salario. Es el dinero que pagan por este trabajo. A veces tienen los requisitos-las habilidades que una persona necesita tener para el puesto. Este anuncio de la computacin es de una compaa que busca un empleado de tiempo parcial (solo 10 horas cada semana). El sueldo es $11 por hora. Los requisitos : son habilidades de los programas de Word, Excel, Access, y otros que el empleado tiene. El empleado necesita tener por lo menos 18 aos. Este anuncio es de consejero de un campo de la naturaleza por 4 semanas en junio y 1 en julio. Es a tiempo completo. Buscan estudiantes entre 16 y 18 aos. El sueldo es $200 por semana, pero incluye 3 comidas por da porque los consejeros viven en el campo durante la semana. Los requisitos son ser agradable, dedicado, flexible, y responsable con los nios. Tienen que tener un amor de nios y actividades que se ahcen en la naturaleza. Este anuncio es de niero/a. Es a tiempo completo. El sueldo es $9 por hora. Los requisitos son muchas experiencias en atender a nios. Atender es cumplir sus necesidades y cuidarlos. Deben ser agradables . Este anuncio es de repartidor/a. Es a tiempo parcial. Quiere una persona que reparta los peridicos por la maana muy temprano. El sueldo es $11 por hora. Los requisitos son tener un modo de transportacin-sea biclieta, motocicleta o automvil. Este anuncio es de recepcionista. Es a tiempo completo (por lo menos 40 horas por semana). El sueldo es $18 por hora. Los requisitios son tener habilidades en computacin y Este anuncio es de salvavidas. Es tiempo completo. El Sueldo es $15 por hora. Los requisitos son estar en forma y tener conocimientos de primeros auixilios. Tiene que seguir haciendo ejercicio. Manuela busca un trabajo a tiempo parcial. A ella le gusta pasar tiempo con los nios. Por eso, sus opciones son ninera o consejera del campo. Ella se present para los dos puestos. Este significa que ella llen las dos solicitudes de empleo va a la entrevista de los dos puestos. Ella tenia una entrevista con el gerente del campo-- el gerente es la persona que dirige a los empelados y los controla. Durante la entrevista, el Sr. Aguas (el gerente) le hizo muchas preguntas a Manuela sobre sus

conocimientos de la naturaleza- por ejemplo si ella saba como hacer una fogata, pescar, y navegar en bote. Despus ella fue a su entrevista de niera. Ella conoci la madre y su nio de 2 aos. La madre quera saber 3 personas de referencia a quien ella pudo llamar. Le dijo a Manuela que ella se encargara del beb 8 horas por da y tendra que trabajar 5 das por semana. Manuela tena que pensar en los beneficios de cada trabajo. Si ella eligiera el puesto de consejera, no tendra que comprar comida y pudo guardar todo el dinero que ganara, pero si fuera niera, ganara ms dinero por hora. Aunque ganara ms dinero como niera, pensaba que le gustara trabajar en el campo mejor porque le encantan todas cosas de la naturaleza. El gerente del campo llam a Manuela y la ofreci el trabajo. C/F 1. Tipicamente, para presentarse necesitas llenar un anuncio clasificado. 2. Manuela busca un trabajo a tiempo parcial. 3. Manuela fue a una entrevista con el gerente del campo y con la madre de un nio. 4. Durante la entrevista, la madre le hizo muchas preguntas sobre su conocimiento de la naturaleza. 5. Manuela eligi tomar el puesto de consejero porque recibira ms dinero

Elige la palabra correcta. beneficios salario sueldo





1. Cuidar es sinnimo de ______________________. 2. El _________________ es la cantidad de dinero que recibes por trabajar y su sinnimo es ________________. 3. _________________ es cumplir la solicitud de empleo y entregarlo. 4. El nombre del trabajo es el ______________. 5. Los _______________ son los conocimientos o las experiencias que son necesarios para el puesto. 6. Los ________________ son lo que una persona gana (dinero o cosas abstractas) por el puesto.

Appendix B-3 1. Describe a su grupo un trabajo que has tenido en el pasado. Qu trabajo has tenido? 2. Tienes un trabajo ahora? Qu haces en este trabajo? Es un puesto a tiempo parcial o tiempo completo? Te gusta este trabajo? Por qu no o por qu si? 3. Cul es su trabajo de sus sueos? Cules son los requisitos para obtener este trabajo? 4. Cuando hablas con un jefe de un puesto, te pones nervioso? Por qu no o por qu si? 5. Si no tienes un trabajo ahora, por qu no tengas un trabajo? 6. Qu es ms importante para ti? a) un buen salario b) vacacionas largas c) un horario flexible. Por qu? 7. Qu habilidades tienes?

Frases para ayudar.. Yo hace dos veranos, yo trabaj en la piscina. Ahora, yo tengo un trabajo y soy la niera.. Me gustara trabajar en nueva york como un. Yo no me pongo nervioso cuando hablo con un jefe porque Yo no tengo un trabajo ahora porque. Para m, un buen salario es ms importante porque. Tengo muchas habilidades. Puedo.

Appendix B-4 GRAMTICA

REGULARES DE PARTICIPIOS PASADOS To conjugate the past participle, take off the ar, and add __________. Take off the er/-ir and add _______________. Hablar-____________=____________ comer-________________=_____________ IRREGULARES de PARTICIPIOS PASADOS 1. Verbs that have two vowels in the infinitive form (except ui) require an accent mark on the ____ in the past participle form. Infinitivo Part. Pas ingls Infinitivo Part. Pas ingls caer or traer rer leer creer 2. These Spanish infinitives are irregular. Infinitivo Part. Pas ingls Infinitivo Part. Pas ingls abrir resolver decir romper escribir ser morir ver poner descubrir frer devolver volver envolver hacer ir

1. The present perfect tense in English and Spanish are used in the _______ way. The present perfect is used to talk about an action in the ________ that is still relevant in the _______________. 2. The present perfect tense has two parts in English and Spanish: In Spanish: 1) the present _________of HABER participle + 2) _______

He Hemos stem + -ado / -ido Has Habis Ha Han (irregular form) 3. All negative words and pronouns go __________ the conjugation of haber. EJEMPLOS 1. El gerente me ________ __________ mi sueldo. The ______ has told me my __________. 2. Sarita NO _____ _________ los anuncios clasificados.

Sarita has not read the ______________________. 3. Manolo y su hermano ______ _________ ________ de la tienda de sus padres. Manolo and his brother have been in charge of _______ ____________ _______________.

1. The pluperfect tense in English and Spanish are used in the _______ way. The pluperfect is used to talk about an action in the ________ that happened BEFORE another action in the ______. 2. The pluperfect tense has two parts in English and Spanish: In Spanish: 1) the ____________of HABER + 2) _______ participle
stem + -ado / -ido (irregular form)

Haba Habas Haba

Habamos Habais Haban

3. All negative words and pronouns go __________ the conjugation of haber.

EJEMPLOS 1. Cuando entr mi casa, la niera ________ ________ a mi hija con su tarea de escuela. When ____ _______ my house, the _________ had assisted my daughter with her homework. 2. Despus de la entrevista, la recepcionista ____ ________ ________ todos mis papeles de referencia. After the ______________, the ______________ had returned to me all my ___________ papers. 3. Despus del verano, yo _______ __________ mucho de trabajar con los nios. After the ________________, I had benefited a lot by ____________ _____ ______________.

Appendix B-5
Practica con el presente perfecto y el pluscuamperfecto Completa las oraciones con la forma apropiada del presente perfecto o el pluscuamperfecto. 1. Ella lo _________________ con una manta. (cubrir) 2. Creo que ellos _________________ otro planeta. (descubrir) 3. Estoy muy triste porque mi perrito ________________. (morir) 4. Yo ya ____________ cuando l entr. (salir) 5. T quieres saber lo que yo ___________ hoy? (hacer). Pues, yo ya __________ los platos. (lavar) 6. Los ladrones ____________ y despus el perro ladr. (salir) 7. Mi novia ______________ varias cartas. 8. Su padre ____________ en Barcelona por 2 semanas con su trabajo. 9. La sra. Wood __________ las respuesta cuando nosotros miramos a la pizarra. 10. Mi padre ya ____________ la cuenta cuando yo regres a la mesa.

Appendix B-6 Practice UsingHaber + Past Participle (Present Perfect & Past Perfect/Pluperfect) Write the following sentences in Spanish.*Pay special attention to the underlined verbs to determine whether to use the present perfect or the past perfect. 1.) I have traveled to El Salvador three times. 2.) We had said many bad things. 3.) You have done many good things. 4.) They had already opened the door for us. 5.) Marcos has danced the salsa many times. 6.) You guys had put the book on the table. 7.) We have already read this book. 8.) I had told him the truth. 9.) They have seen many interesting things 10.) We have played soccer for 3 years. Complete con el verbo indicado en el presente perfecto o pluscuamperfecto. 1. Lupe y Ana no (ver) ________________ esa telenovela. 2. Mi amigo (jugar) _______________ baloncesto cuando mi amigo gan el campeonato. 3. Ana y yo (hacer) _______________ palomitas de maz. 4. El famoso actor (salir) _____________ cuando llegaron sus admiradores. 5. Los nios (abrir) _______________ el refrigerador muchas veces hoy. 6. Muchas personas (morir) _________ en las guerras del mundo. 7. Yo (repetir) _____________ el nmero del telfono tantas veces que lo saba de memoria. 8. Su loro (decir) ____________ muchas tonteras 9. J.R.R. Tolkien todava no (terminar) __________________ de escribir el libro cuando muri. 10. Ellas (llegar)____________ a la reunin antes de los hombres. 11. Quien te (dar) _____________ buenos consejos. 12. Mi hijo no (hacer)___________ nada ilegal. 13. A las siete de la maana nosotros ya (desayunar). 14. Uds. (recibir) ______________ malas notas porque Uds. No estudiaron para el examen. 15. El camarero (traernos) ____________ ms tapas.

Appendix B-7 Diagrama de Venn

Pres. Perf.

Past Perf.

Appendix B-8 PowerPoint Presentation

Appendix B-9 Student Notes on PowerPoint Presentation

Appendix B-10 The Classifieds

Job Summary Company DDI Vantage Location Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Industries Healthcare Services Nonprofit Charitable Organizations Job Type Part Time Employee Years of Experience Less than 1 Year Education Level High School or equivalent Career Level Entry Level Salary 9.55 - 9.55 $ /hour Contact Information Linda Ivie DDI Vantage 565 East 4500 South, Suite A220 Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Phone: 801-266-3979 Fax: 801-270-8587 Job Coach/Assisted Living About the Job DDI VANTAGE Adult & Youth Services Program is looking for a part-time (15-19 hr/wk) Support Specialist to work with adults with disabilities. In this rewarding position you will be assisting clients to be successful in the workplace and/or providing assistance in the home. This is the perfect job for students as we work very well around school schedules. We prefer experience with adults with disabilities, but will look at all applicants on an individual basis. You must be at least 21 years of age, have reliable transportation, a good driving record, and car insurance. Mileage is reimbursed at 50 cents per mile. We provide vacation, sick leave, 401(k) options, and a flexible schedule. We will run a background screen and a motor vehicle report on all new hires.

Asistente Administrativo Publicado por Y flores el: 25/02/2014 Ubicacin- D.F., Miguel Hidalgo Sector- Otros Contrato- Permanente Tiempo completo / Medio Tiempo- Tiempo Completo Descripcin Se solicita asistente administrativo responsable y honesto (gnero indistinto) experiencia no necesaria, es indispensable que tenga: 1) Iniciativa, 2) Sentido comn 3) Disposicin de aprender 4) Buena ortografa y redaccin 5) Pulcritud 6) Capacidad de organizacin 7) Trato amable 8) Tolerancia 9) Capacidad de resolver problemas de forma asertiva 10) Buena presentacin El trabajo a desempear es dentro del Departamento de Escolares, enviando y respondiendo correos de alumnos, revisando expedientes, proporcionando informacin va telefnica, archivando documentos electrnicos y fsicos, entre otras actividades ms operativas como escaneo o fotocopiado. - Sueldo entre 4 y 5 mil pesos mensuales - Seguro Social - Tiempo completo - Horario de lunes a viernes de 8 a 6pm o de 9 a 7pm Ideal si te interesa tener un trabajo estable, en un ambiente sano con deseos de tener un crecimiento acadmico y profesional a futuro.

Appendix B-11 Job Interview Assignment

Nombre:_______________________ Esp 3 Adv.

La Entrevista
In groups you will be writing and performing a mock job interview **Each person should have equal dialogue GRADE BREAKDOWN and DUE DATES Plan Guin Mock Interview Group Member Evaluation Total: 20 pts. - Group grade-due ___________________ 80 pts. - Group grade-due ___________________ 50 pts. - Group grade-due ___________________ 10 pts. (After project is turned in.) 160 pts.

In the entrevista: __ 5 points __ 5 points __ 10 points __ 10 points __ 20 points pick a job that a students could work (preferably, but doesnt have to be a student job) determine the schedule for the job and if it is part or full time include the benefits and salary make a list of the job requirements and what the applicant should wear to the interview write an ad for the job opportunity

50 points total

El Plan de Entrevista Martes, el 11 de marzo Miembros del grupo: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Using your knowledge of the vocab from 5a and the activities done this unit, choose which aspects your interview will include: Type of job- ________________________________________ Successful Interview? ________________________________ Mandatory Elements(Applicant and interviewers introduce themselves)- ________ (Q &A between applicant and interviewers)- ______________

Characters in the Mock InterviewNombre - _______________ Nombre - _______________ Nombre - _______________ Nombre - _______________ Personaje - _____________________ Personaje - _____________________ Personaje - _____________________ Personaje - _____________________

Palabras de Vocabulario de Cap 5A que se puede usar: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________ Nombre de Personaje Nombre de Estudiante _______________________________________ - _________________________________________ _______________________________________ - _________________________________________ _______________________________________ - _________________________________________ _______________________________________ - _________________________________________

Appendix B-12 Group Evaluation Form Group Evaluation Form My Name: _____________________________________

Fill out the following form after careful reflection about your own and your team members contributions to the core team of which you are a member. Only yourself and the teacher will read your response. These reports are intended as constructive feedback, and you will get a grade based on the honest completion of the form, not your performance rating. I. Self-Evaluation of work during Unit 2: (5 superior 1 needs work) I have served my group in the following roles throughout the project: Some of my best contributions have been: Some areas of group work that I want to work harder at are: As a team member, I rate my performance in the following areas as: 1. cooperative participation in all speaking and writing activities: 5 4 3 2 1 2. listened to all group members and teacher during appropriate times: 5 4 3 2 1 3. accepts and completes individual assignments: 5 4 3 2 1 4. promptness and neatness of completed assignments: 5 4 3 2 1 5. did my best to finish all homework assignments as accurately as possible: 5 4 3 2 1 6. Other? _____________________________________________________________ 5 4 3 2 1

II. Evaluation of other group members during the project: Group member: __________________________________________ overall rating 1-5: ______ Comments: Group member: __________________________________________ overall rating 1-5: ______ Comments: Group member: __________________________________________ overall rating 1-5: ______ Comments:

Appendix B-13
Grupo:_________________________ Evaluacin Formativo Fecha:______________ Clase:______

Dnde estamos?

Dnde Necesitamos estar?

Tenemos preguntas?

Appendix B-14 Nombres: ______________________________________________________ Esp III

Rubric Guin de Telenovela:

When Writing the Script, you must. 10 pts. Use vocab words from chapter 5a. 5 pts. Use them correctly Intro In the introduction part of the interview 10 pts. Applicants and Interviewers introduce themselves to each other. 5 pts. Interviewers announce what job title for the interview. Body: (includes the present perfect, preterite, and imperfect when the applicants and interviewers talk about past job experiences. 10 pts. Use present perfect, preterite, and imperfect conjugation correctly when talking about past job experiences. 10 pts. Questions asked of the job applicant make sense for the job interview/title 10 pts. Job applicant asks the interviewers at least 3 questions about the job or their past job experience. 5 pts. Por and para correctly at least once each. 5 pts. Use present tense and use it correctly. 10 pts. Be creative with the job title and interview. Ask good questions and have fun with it! Script Total: 80 pts.

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