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Vocabulary: ACCOUNT FOR: synonym: explain or justify The focus on political and economics problems account for the

lac of an explanation about reli!ious phenomena" A#A$ANT: %tena&' firme( )hen the police arri*ed it faced adamant resistance by the demonstrators" +AN, ON: synonym' count on' rely on -oliticians bank on economic reco*ery +.O//O$: %florecer' !erminar' figurativo: tener 0xito( 1n crisis situations radical ideas blossom" 1n sprin! plants blossom" +.UN#2R: 3( synonyms: clumsy mista e %resbal4n' metedura de pata( $ariano Rajoy made a blunder a!ain' he 5as recorded tal in! badly about the unemployed" 6( To ma e a mista e" %e7ui*ocarse' meter la pata(" )e all hope he doesn8t blunder a!ain and +O./T2R 9/T:; 9/+;' synonym: support %refor&ar' apuntalar' fortalecer' reafirmar( :is !ood actuation in the candidates8 debate bolster his position" bolster sombody up" +OO/T: %encoura!e' support( The early !oal boosted Chelsea players" +oost: %noun( %push up' empuj4n' figurativo ayuda' est<mulo( The !oal 5as a decisi*e boost" +R1N= OUT: 3( elicit %suscitar' sacar a relucir( /alt brin!s out all the fla*our" 6( dra5 attention to' emphasi&e" The commentators brin! out the hi!h rate of abstention +ROAC:: /ynonym: /ubject' brin! up" %traer a colaci4n' abordar' mencionar( :e broach the problem of unemployment in southern 2urope" C.A> %arcilla' modelin! clay' plastilina? clay court' tierra batida(

The russian empire 5as a !iant 5ith feet of clay" %idiom( CONC2A.: %hide @ no5led!e' emotions or physically( %ocultar conocimiento o fisicamente A disimular una emoci4n( )hen his mother came -edro concealed the ci!arette" 1n his 5or the problem of exploitation is concealed by the study of nation" CONV2R/2.>: %a la in*ersa' al contrario' en cambio( :e is not a !ood influence' con*ersely he doesn8t beha*e in class and doesn8t respect either my nor his classmates" #AUNT.2// %Adj"( synonym: bra*e' bold ,in! Arthur pro*ed he 5as dauntless in the battle field" .enin made re*olution possible because of his dauntless decisions 2*en if their plan 5as bold they didn8t threat the !o*ernment" DISARRAY %adj"( synonym: mess' disorder" %-R2=UNTAR( )hen 1 arri*e to his house the itchen 5as in complete disarray" :e had spent all the afternoon coo in! but he didn8t clean anythin!" After the officer death the troops fled in disarray" %desordenado( After the First )orld )ar european economy 5as in desarray %totalmente desor!ani&ada' en caos( #1/$A. %adj"(' synonym: depressin! @ dar %deprimente' lB!ubre( The 5eather" The day 5as dismal %!loomy( To be in a dismal mood %sentirse abatido( A dismal failure %collocation( #RA) ON? synonym: use %distintos matices' usar' echar mano de' recurrir' *alerse de( :e dre5 on $arx ideas to analyses 1ndian society 2N#2AVOuR: 3( attempt' effort" 1t 5as his last endea*our before he !a*e up" 1n spite of my best endea*ours" 6( %*erb( try' attempt" 1 endea*oured to chan!e his mind but it 5as impossible" 2N#OR/2 %*erb( %appro*e' support( The /panish church didn8t participate in the preparation of the rebellion %uprisin!(" :o5e*er' the military putsch 5as endorsed %creo 7ue es mejor boost( by the ecclesiastical hierarchy" 2*entually' this 5as a decisi*e boost since hundreds of thousands of catholics 5ere 5illin! to fi!ht for it" :is claim 5as endorsed by the !o*ernment" FA.. OUT: %*erb( synonym: ar!ue"

They aren8t friends any more' they fell out because of football" =RA/-' 3(Verb' !rasp the rope so the do! doesn8t run a5ay? synonyms: firm hold" Noun' apret4n" 6( Verb' They didn8t !rasp the 5hole problem" /ynonym? understand" Noun' understandin!" ,2RN2. %noun(' synonym: meat of nut( %semilla' como una almendra' o el hueso de una fruta( Tambi0n puede ser el nBcleo o el meollo" >ou ha*e to loo further if you 5ant to !et to the ernel of the problem" $A,2 U-' 3( Verb' OU/T %*erb( someone' somebody? synonym: remo*e' eject %explusar' desalojar' destituir' despedir( 2*eryday' police men are oustin! people from their d5ellin!s in /pain" The mayor 5as oust because he 5as found !uilty of emble&&lement" R2C,ON %*erb( synonyms: estimate' calculate' thin ' !uess' )e still ha*e to 5ait fi*e minutes until he comes bac ' 1 rec on" Rec on that %ta e 9somethin!; into consideration" R1-2 %adj( maduro' listo' maduro %edad( 1f 5e 5ait the !o*ernment 5ill fall li e a ripe fruit" T:ORN %Noun(' synonym: pric le +e5are of roses' they ha*e sharp thorns To be a thorn on somebody8s side or flesh This police officer is a real thorn %molestia(' ma e him disappear" TO,2N %noun(' synonym: symbol' si!nal %s<mbolo' muestra o prueba( %adj( symbolic +efore 5e let you in 5e need a to en of your commitment" -resident8s last statements are a to en of his decision to fi!ht or!ani&ed crime" )A,2' 1n the %en la estela( 1n the 5a e of $arx he sees capitalism as a 5ay of exploitation human labor" )AR> %adj"( not trustin!' %receloso' preca*ido' cauteloso( After his last brea out he 5as still 5ary in his ne5 relations"

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