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The Secret of Dark Energy and Dark Matter and the Universe

By John Paily Grace New Age Research

Index Abstract Introduction

Chapter-1: Putting Things into New Perspective Chapter-2: The Reality of Parallel World Concept Chapter-3: The Key Point to Perceive Dark Matter and Dark Energy Chapter-4: The Secret of Dark Matter and Dark Energy Chapter-5: The Reality of Nature and the Universe Chapter-6: Knowing the Truth of Universe its Creation and Existence Chapter-7: How to Perceive Singularity and Duality Chapter-8: The Grand Design Chapter-9: Spiritual Scriptures and Truth of Dark Energy

Abstract Energy is the foundation on which everything exists. Everything is

formed out of it and connected due to it. Energy flows and sustains the whole system. Matter or atoms have lots of energy locked up in it. To know secret of Dark Energy and Dark Matter, we need to comprehend the Principle and Design behind energy and its flow, the formation of atom and complex systems and how they communicate and exist perpetually. Modern science is looking deep into space and into atoms to find Dark Energy and Dark Matter. They in the process have created complexities. One interesting fact is that, the picture that the space scientists have come up with directing their telescope to outer world seems to have a parallel with what the picture scientists have come up with directing their microscopes into life. To perceive the Dark Energy and Dark Matter we need some change in perception. We need to look the biological way. Life is constructed out of matter that is centripetal or gravitational in nature, yet it is characterized by instinctive actions that are directed opposite to gravity. Life transforms gravity force into anti-gravity and assimilates matter creatively to grow against gravity and time. Life can be traced to an atom and a pair of Quantum Particles [light particles] that vibrates in resonance to give life. [Read Strings and Atom of Life --] Life has the capacity to create new images of itself. From one cell in time they form the whole being consisting of trillions of cells or worlds. Life has parallel worlds; male and female and is bestowed with capacity to conquer time and death. E= mc2 suggest that the atoms are made of two light particles moving at huge speeds in opposite directions. Einsteins work also suggests that universe should have originated from Big Bang from a point. The second law of energy suggests that energy of this explosion at some point should wane leading to implosion thus leading to perpetual contraction and expansion. But physicists fail to perceive this picture sensibly. What scientist fail to perceive can be effortlessly be perceived when we look the biological way. Life starts form a point when the spirit, energy or information from the masculine world conceives to create that little perturbation or BIG BANG within the parallel world. This in time leads to conquering of time to start a New Time Cycle. Max Plancks works showed that smaller the Quantum Particle [Light] higher the energy it carries [Ultraviolet

Catastrophes]. When we visualize universe as living we end up in two parallel worlds; male and female and a phase where one world is stressed or wound to critical state ejecting a light particle with maximum energy into a parallel world that is unwound maximally and ready to implode on itself. The Light particle conceived within the parallel world now unwinds from within supporting the parallel world from collapsing. The process is EKPYROTIC. The BIG BANG is a short phase of oneness where masculine energy or Spirit exists within the feminine. The reality of the world is duality; oneness is a small face within the duality when the system conquers time and initializes. What Bangs and explodes and implodes needs to be visualized as energy [kinetic and potential] or spirit or information or Knowledge. Origin and creation needs to be understood as intrinsic perturbation of energy wave that spreads to the universe from within and divides to form dual and multiple worlds. Life we know creatively assimilates energy and matter. Unlike ordinary matter and energy which modern science studies and which is governed by gravity, living matter and energy actually works against gravity and time in material world. This suggests that life holds the secret to Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Dark Energy manifests when Quantum Dance in life becomes impure and associated with self and leads to accumulation of energy. The cause for creation of Dark Energy exists in adult humans, who become self-centered and slave to material force. It exists in Non-illuminated Minds that seek self. Here we can bring in the spiritual secrets written in ancient spiritual scriptures such as Vedas, Bible --- and unite it with science to evolve into new realm of knowledge and technologies. We are being stressed to evolve to know Truth and Reality of Nature and live in harmony with it. We are being stressed to make a break through from darkness to light and enter the Golden Age. It is a matter of properly perceiving the developments in science and putting them in right order.

Introduction: The subject Dark matter and Dark energy is assumed as Noble
Prize value, which many intellectuals in big temples of science are pursuing. I am not aiming for it. I as biologist with least knowledge of mathematics can never be a contender to a field that belongs to physicist. I am here with sharing an idea and

thinking revealed to me by Grace. My concern is for earth and humanity which in the absence of Truth is in danger due to criminal [self and material centered] minds occupying various key realms of our society 1] We have criminal minded rulers ruling us under partial knowledge and Power that science has contributed. 2] We have non illuminated self and material centered people ruling our mind in the Name of unseen God. Modern science came with hope of liberating humanity from clutches of religious people. But its own failure to advance to know the Truth has put the world in commotion. More we delay in awakening to simple TRUTH and LIGHT that exist next to our skin, greater would be the destruction and suffering we have to endure. I humbly request physicists and mathematicians, [the people who rule the modern temples of knowledge] to show some patience to read through the article before judging it. This idea was developed by Grace and is pursued relentlessly against odds because it is a Divine call that I could not do away with. It was developed from observation of nature from a point of freedom from all schools and a struggle to rearrange all the developments in science and thus lead to Truth hidden in spiritual scriptures from a logical and sensible point. Human quest to Know Truth of the universe is time immemorial. Modern science has grown to invent many theories of universe and its origin such as Big Bang Theory, Parallel World and Ekpyrotic Universe Theory, Chaos and Spontaneous Order Theory, Steady State Theory, Self-organizing Theory and so on. Recently they even got experimental proof for Big Bang Theory. But scientists are failing to put together their work to perceive it sensibly. Scientists are still to understand, what caused the Big Bang or WHAT BANGED? What caused the Big Crunch and so on? More perplexing fact is that scientist have only accounted for a small percentage of mass or matter and energy in the universe. They have failed to locate the missing matter and energy [dark matter and dark energy]. Simple change in our perception of nature can give us answers to Dark matter and dark energy and lead us to Truth of universe and its perpetual existence.

Chapter -1

Putting Things into New Perspective

Nature or the universe we try to understand is characterized by a phenomenon of perpetual cyclic flow of energy and motion that is accompanied by spin and displacement in space. Science assumes a basal motion but does not explain how the basic motion came into being. Much of science, [Newtonian, Einsteinian and Quantum mechanical world view] is built on a vision of force acting from outside world and that has a direction. For a change let us try to figure this flow and motion as intrinsic and cyclic and try to develop a new vision. Let us start with Strings; the newest idea in science. The string I propose consist of two parts a positive and negative in the ratio 4:3. Now we can visualize a Quantum Particle that dances eternally [See fig below].

The String and its Quantum Dance between two states A quantum flow of energy occurs from dominant to recessive leading to Quantum Dance in SPACE between two states; 4:3 and 3:4, where right changes into left and vice versa constantly. This creates a spiral wave. It is Important that we visualize this phenomenon. It is a dimensionless compression and expansion or pulsation in space that is accompanied by spin and curved displacement in space.


We see here 1] A Principle and Design and Perpetual Quantum Dance. The principle is to seek equilibrium towards the center. But quantum nature of energy transfer denies it leading to perpetual dance. 2] We can understand and visualize energy as state of change in the particle and that manifests as wave in the environment. It needs to be visualized as dimensionless compression and expansion in space. Important Note - The Quantum Dance is a three step process. There is an initial period when force is directed to the center. Beyond a center point [second critical point] it opposes [see fig below]. When it reaches the third critical point, it collapses and goes into reorganization by changing the direction of the flow. In other words it Quantum Dances. A Quantum Dance becomes inevitable because of Max Plancks Law of Quantum Nature of energy transfer. By virtue of nonequilibrium design it results in spin and curved displacement leading to spiral motion. In short it creates a TUNNELLING EFFECT

Second Critical Point Life maximum order


Death - maximum disorder

First Critical Point

Third Critical Point

Note from parallel world concept the center point now becomes the green see fig below

Important points one should note here are

1] The non-equilibrium design gives an inherent cause for gravity and motion. Thus it explains age old scientific question what creates Gravity? 2] The particle we visualized exists in one dimension. Thus in three dimensional spaces, it has highest degree of freedom. Thus it quantum dances with maximum speed. This particle can be visualized as light or electromagnetic particle of Einsteinian world. 3] Smaller the length of the string, higher the energy it carries, for it vibrates faster. Recall Ultra Violet Catastrophe of Max Planck. This is has some serious implications. It brings us the concept of God Atom, God Space and GOD PARTICLE that carries maximum energy and information. 4] The particle has defined right or left twist and bend, determined by the dominant portion. For every particle with right twist we can imagine left twisted particle pair that is QUANTUM ENTANGLED. Since the instinct of the system is to reach higher state of equilibrium in space, we can imagine pairing of them. This pairing results in atom [Hydrogen]. Recall E=mc2. It is important that the particle forming pair should exist in 4:3 ratios. Please bear with me for the assumption. 5] The most important fact is that much of the energy in atom exists neutralized and thus the gravity force that matter produces to the external world is very weak. THIS EXPLAINS WHY GRAVITY IS WEAK FORCE AND WHY ELECTOMAGENTIC FORCE IS A STRONG FORCE. 6] Importantly it unites the concepts of electromagnetism and Gravity. In fact electromagnetism is the only forces of the universe, rest of the forces are manifestations of this force. The strong nuclear is the binding force between two electromagnetic particle. The weak nuclear force possibly is the force emitted by the system from within so that it sustains the balance of the system in relation to system of which it is part.

7] Key point we must bear in mind is that everything from particle to the whole system is governed by an instinct to seek a state of equilibrium that is denied by design. The next best thing is that the system does is to try to exist in near equilibrium state. Thus the force in the system can act towards gravity and oppose when it goes beyond the equilibrium point. THIS EXPLAINS THE COEXISTENCE OF TWO TYPES OF MASS; GRAVITAIONAL AND INERTIAL. These masses give way to one another forming the Quantum Pulsation eternally driving the motion of the whole system. We thus logically explored an intrinsic reality of the particle and the material system [atoms] formed from these particles that account all major conceptual developments in science. However, the picture of the universe can only perceived from two parallel realities; two particle, two atoms, two systems that are creatively structured and designed out of these particles and atoms. They are all governed by one Principle and Design [Holographic Design]. The principle is instinct to seek equilibrium and this is denied by design. The whole system now is self-organizing one between to limits; an inner and outer. When the system is pushed to its inner limit, the instinct of the system reacts to oppose and thus expands. When it is pushed to the outer limit the system again reacts to contract the system. There is a perceiver in the whole system which perceives and acts to control the system.

Important Notes An assumption of 4:3 ratios at all levels becomes

inevitable to build a picture and understand the whole universe sensibly. Logical argument to it is that 1] Equal and opposite cancels and becomes a dead system. Nature has no dead systems. Everything receives and transmits energy and is capable of Quantum Dancing. Thus above ratio design becomes inevitable reality at the smallest Quantum Particle to the whole universal system. 2] Unless a system receives or emits light or energy there is no way we can know of its existence. The concept of Dark Matter and Dark Energy comes from this reality. To invent Dark Matter and Dark Energy we need to invent a matter that

ordinarily does not emit radiation but has potentials to do so and is capable of creatively locking up energy and matter. To understand these visions let us explore further. Much the same way as particles exist in pairs we must assume the existence of systems in pair. This means atoms are also born in pairs one with right twist and other with left twist. Recall H2 molecules. 5] Two hydrogen atoms with opposite twist can fuse to form helium atom that has stability in three dimensional spaces. The two hydrogen atoms fusing also should exist in 4:3 ratios; otherwise they cannot fuse. We know that inert atoms like helium cannot form bonds. They only get influenced by heat induced winding and unwinding. The following table gives the picture of Particle, hydrogen atoms and helium atoms.

Dimensions in Space


Light particle



Note Behind symmetery we see is asymmetry built on ratios. What is depicted in the above table is near eauilibrium point picture.
Technically we also should have two helium atoms in 4:3, one with right winding orientation and other a left winding orientation. We can extend our above basic vision to comprehend the whole of periodic table from the collision of pairs of light particle; one pair giving rise to hydrogen, 2 pairs giving rise to helium, 3 pairs giving rise to Lithium, 4 pairs giving rise to beryllium and so on. Chapter-2

The Reality of Parallel World Concept

An important conclusion, to which this thought would lead us to is the existence of Parallel and multiple worlds See fig below.
Energy Field

Helium or inert end

Hydrogen end Hydrogen end

Energy Field

Fig- Parallel periodic tables one dominant the other recessive in 4:3 ratio.

The idea of light colliding to form atoms means there should exist minimum of two worlds from which light emerges. The idea of a pair of hydrogen atom, calls

us to visualize 4 worlds. Similarly the idea of pairs of helium atoms should lead us to visualize 8 worlds and so on. This means existence of hierarchies of multiple worlds is a reality. What this means is that every atom has a unique space time reality and energy contained in it and all of them eventually get related to one

Primal Atom and Primal Particle or God Particle that gives life to
the system [Spin and Motion]. This idea calls us to change our perception of the whole universal system collapsing or originating from a single point, to a vision where the system vibrates and exist energetically by virtue of movement of God Particle between two States. We will explore this as we go on. Chapter-3

The Key Point to Perceive Dark Matter and Dark Energy

The key point on which I propose the new perspective of nature and the universe and account for dark matter and dark energy is the channels of spaces or grooves of spaces through which communication takes place between parallel worlds. The quantum particle we visualized above by virtue of its spiral design develops a groove that is open by . This groove becomes closed when two light particles unite to form a hydrogen atom. When two hydrogen atom fuse to from helium atom we end up in BLACK HOLE or groove that is closed but is amenable to opening and interaction with the environment in three steps. These three steps are vital to our understanding of nature. In the first step [first critical point] the 8 world dissolves into 4 world state. In the second step it further dissolves into 2 world state. In the third critical point it dissolves into one world before it reforms back into two world state, four world and 8 world state. The system here would have simply turned inside out and changed the direction or spin and flow in the system. Note - This reality is discussed in depth in my site and in most of my articles in relation to three steps by which life survives breathing, mitotic division and meiotic division. This is also discussed in relation to day and night and climatic cycles of energy.



The Secret of Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Now we can imagine two helium atoms in 4:3 ratio forming two parallel worlds which are independent systems but are Quantum Entangled. Ordinarily we know that helium atoms do not react to form compounds, but respond to heat induced winding and unwinding in three steps. As the helium atom is stressed by winding or unwinding force to its third critical limit, it collapses and goes into new order where its spin direction changes. This change occurs in relation to its Quantum Entangled pair.

External Space directed singularity Time

Fig - The inner space in the Helium atoms that opens in three steps and interacts with the external space and its quantum entangled pair.


In the last two decades I have been writing to call the worlds attention to the fact that 1] A pair of the inert atoms of the periodic table that are quantum entangled can fit the role of Soul or Atom of Life that can show creativity. These atoms have symmetry in three dimensional spaces and has the ability to respond to heat induced winding and unwinding. They have inner space that contains energy and information that constantly opposes the external space and its force creatively. The pairs of inert atoms have unique capacity to stand against the gravity forces of nature. When one atom experiences the winding force, the pair unwinds to balance the system. When it is stressed to critical limits, a physical exchange of information occurs between external and internal space. There are three quantum levels of stress management [See fig in page-4]. When it is stressed to first critical point it exchanges information on the left and right. This manifests as breathing in Biological systems. When stressed to second critical limit it creates information and its own images thus growing against the forces acting on it [Mitotic division]. When the system reaches third critical point, the inert atom that is wound to its limit collapses and pierces its pair releasing all its wound energy into its pair that has reached its limit by unwinding and is bound to implode [Ekpyrotic Scenario]. The energy and information released within the pair thus sustains the system from collapsing. 2] We can visualize a situation where the inert system can resist the forces pushing it to the critical limits by building resistance against the forces acting on it. This can account for of DNA and genes and the formation of complex living systems out of it. The gene and DNA needs to be visualized as weight added by a Balancer to balance the balance. The Balancer here is the Vacuum or Balck Hole and the Spirit or energy or Information contained in it is the perceiver and Balancer. Note This realization led me to visualize gene units not in pairs but as dynamic units of 4 pairs.


3] What this means the living matter and its inner space carries huge amount of energies that normally escapes our modern probing gadgets. Living matter absorbs energy and matter and transforms them into force that acts against gravity. Modern science cannot see, perceive and calculate this matter and its energy that acts against gravity. Modern science and its instruments can only perceive and calculate when light or energy is emitted from a system and flows towards it. Life and its inner space thus hold the secret of Dark Matter

and Dark Energy

4] We see here pairs of holes; white and black. Black hole is gravitational and tends to suck energy, matter and information and tends to contract. The second hole works opposite to it. It transforms energy, matter and expands into space. Thus it supports the material world from collapsing. Modern science that looks into nature and tries to comprehend nature through the five senses is seeing the one side of reality; the black hole and singularity and death see fig. It is failing to see the second force acting from within that works against it. In the ignorance of whole truth it is fast moving towards it.

Life Force

Material Force

Fig - Gravity and Singularity


5] Gravity is a reality. The inert atoms are governed by gravity and thus time direction into singularity is inevitable reality for the whole system called universe. Thus Big Bang Theory or origin from a point is inevitable. Modern science has even discovered gravity wave that is supportive of this theory. Scientist now feels all other theories of origin are in danger. The truth is that that there is a long way to go before we comprehend the Truth. This discovery of gravity wave does not answer the cause for the Big Bang and Big Crunch. In fact I feel the modern temples of knowledge will never perceive the Reality of Nature and the universe unless they shift gear changing the very foundation of their thinking. Chapter-5

The Reality of Nature and the Universe

The Reality of Nature needs to be understood from the above logical thinking. All life works against gravity. Second law of thermodynamics applied to living system and material systems shows this opposition. To completely comprehend the universal system, we need to incorporate life and its inner space that works against gravity. Life has always remained a mystery. Now that we have traced Life to a pair of inert atoms, the Big Bang can be traced to an inner space of one single Atom of Life and God Particle within it that carries maximum energy and information. Recall Ultra Violet Catastrophe of Max Planck. Big Bang Explosion now can be visualized as information or energy unfolding and enfolding from a single life [God Life], single atom [God Atom], God Space and single particle [GOD PARTICLE] that perceives and vibrates through God Space. When stressed, the God Space opens up releasing the energy and information contained in it to restore New Order When we visualize universe as living, the Big Bang Theory, Inflation Universe Scenario, Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario, Steady State Theory, Chaos and Spontaneous Order Theory, Electric Universe Theory, Self-Organizing Theory, all fit in and unites with ancient spiritual Knowledge written in spiritual scriptures. This is explored in much of my spontaneous writings. Life is not beyond time but is bestowed with the capacity to conquer time and perpetuate in time cycle.

We know that life is energy and information unfolding. Modern biology still lives in old mechanical world view. It thinks that life and its information are contained in Gene and DNA. Dr. Bruce Lipton very clearly argues that genes do not control life. He argues that the information is controlled by Epigenetic phenomenon [control from external environment]. More than two and half decades back, as biotechnologist cloning many commercial plants, the Epigenetic and environmental influence of life that Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks also struck me. This led me to search for Truth of Life and Nature in freedom. My spiritual initiation also revealed another new realm; the Endogenetic Nature of information control [Information control from an inside space]. It is to this key aspect I have been calling the worlds attention. The knowledge that life influences the nature and works against gravity, invariably forces us to seek the Truth of Nature in life than in material world. Here humans and His mind and Soul which investigates into nature take an important role. If you stand back and observe nature from a point of freedom we note that nature is self-organizing one. When gravity as a force winds to create disorder, life works to create order. Plants we know absorb light and heat and transform it into biological mass that grows against gravity. In short life is the source of Dark Matter and Dark Energy. If plants are not controlled the universe can go into Anti-Gravitational Collapse, thus we have herbivore controlling plants, carnivore controlling herbivore. The system is self-sustaining with plants and animals with no time direction. It is a Gaia as Noble laureate, James Lovelock, proved to the world. This reality however changes the moment we include the so called adult humans who were given the dominion over everything and was resisted form eating from the Tree at the Center. The Tree at the Center denotes the gravitational point to which the material world points. This resistance was a resistance to humanity from becoming self-centered and slave to material force. The earth is designed to sustain certain energy to matter ratio and thus heat and

temperature of the system. Earths functioning is challenged by only Humans. We are unilaterally heating the Earths environment and we are intruding into night cycle when Earth works to cool and create new order. We are destroying forests that trap light and heat and works cool the environment. In our ignorance of simple Reality of Nature and its functioning we are digging our own grave. Energy in such scenario is peaking and falling abruptly and gaining immense unwinding and winding force. This is leading to huge natural catastrophes. It is bound to increase exponentially. Due to exponentially increasing heat and unwinding of environment we are heading for huge destruction by fire and wind. The winding force of Earth to oppose the unwinding of environment invariably means we would experience huge flash floods/snows, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions. Our survival now exists in evolving our knowledge to know the Truth of Nature and its existence and take immediate remedial measures. Note The present state of the world, edging to disaster at all levels, due to increased heat of the environment, forms one of the two points on which much of my writing are focused. I wish some temples of science takes up this matter and looks into it.


Knowing the Truth of Universe its Creation and Existence

We saw a Principle and Design governing the smallest particle to the whole system. There is instinct to seek equilibrium in all systems and but this is denied by design. Below is a simple flow chart of energy and matter that speaks the truth. The gravity and instinct to seek equilibrium is a reality but equilibrium is death and by design it is denied. The next best thing the system does is to stay near the equilibrium point by constant expenditure of energy. This accounts for time direction to the universe. Time direction is inevitable from both material vision of the modern man and living vision of the ancient people. Truth can be only known when we comprehend how the time is conquered and sustained. Life

is bestowed with a process by which it conquers time and perpetuates in time cycle.

Energy Kinetic

Energy- Potential

The spiritual Reality

Non Inert Matter with ratio favoring Kinetic

Inert Matter with ratio favoring Kinetic and that has inner space that is amenable to open and interact with external environment and quantum entangled pair

Non Inert Matter with ratio favoring potential

Inert Matter with ratio favoring potential and that has inner space that is amenable to open and interact with external environment and quantum entangled pair


The material reality we see

Gravity and Singularity

Fig Gravity Singularity and Ekpyrotic Scenario

The best way is to explore the universe is to explore it from biological point. Since we have already noted that lifes core is a pair of inert atom, it naturally includes all the developments in science except that how we perceive it

changes. It is important to note that when we reduced life to an atomic and particulate level, we noted that the information by which life is sustained exist in the inner space through which God Particle perceives time and change and vibrates to sustain life. It is time we visualize the universe its origin and existence in time in relation to a pair of inert atoms and the information contained in it. The best way to visualize universe is to visualize it as information or Life Force unfolding to TRANSFORM the system and Enfolding to sustain the system. It is Ekpyrotic process, where the information and energy from one world is conceived with in the other and expands to reemerge from it changing the direction of the flow


How to Perceive Singularity and Duality

The Principle and Design and parallel world is a Reality of nature. Singularity is simply a part of this cyclic reality. The parallel world is evident in earths design into day and night cycle, the existence of male and female positive and negative. To understand the truth of the universe let us reduce it down to spiritual world or the inner space that carries the spirit energy or information. Science knows that energy or spirit is of two forms; kinetic and potential and that they exist in ratio. The parallel world is designed for the balance of the system see fig below. The below design helps the system sustain the balance. Duality is the Reality. When in one world the ratio increases in favor of kinetic energy in the other ratio favors the potential thus balancing the system. Since gravity is reality there is stress on the system to collapse into Black Hole. The system resists it but time is inevitable and thus singularity becomes inevitable. When gravity and time stresses the system it goes into Transformational State or SINGULARITY. The above figure explains it. Here the spirit and information of the dominant world conceives within the feminine to create that little perturbation of transformation and restoration process. This Truth becomes realizable when we deduce the


universe down to two Primal Inert Atoms or God Atoms and its inner space and visualize universe as Living. Inner space where ratio favor kinetic energy Inner space where ratio favor potential energy

Fig: parallel world and Inner space carrying ratio of kinetic and potential energy Duality

Fig : Oneness and Transformational state

This also brings to light Spiritual Truth written in Vedas, Bible and other Spiritual Scriptures. The fall of man and nature comes when humans become self and material centered and turn their face from Light, truth and knowledge to darkness, untruth and self. The antidote to the path humanity takes in time happened when the Primal Soul or God Soul became the self-sacrifice to release

the spirit or information of life within the black hole or darkness. This is explored in much of my writings. One key aspect of Max Plancks Work is the paradox of Ultra Violet Catastrophes accordingly the smaller the particle higher is its energy content. When we extend Einsteins work and try to trace origin of universe we end in a point [Big Bang Point]. Physically we need to visualize an atom [God Atom -male] at this point and we can extend this vision to an inner space in this atom and God Particle in it that carries the maximum energy. This God Atom exist quantum entangled with a pair [God Atom-Female]. When this pair is stressed, the God atom [Male] gets stressed and Female God Atom unwinds in response. Eventually by virtue of gravity we reach a point where the Male God Atom gets wound to the maximum and Female God Atom gets unwound to the maximum. We see here two scientific possibilities that scientist encounter when we extend time; 1] The universe unwinding and shearing down and vanishing into darkness 2] Universe winding into a point exploding in ball of light [Big Bang]. The biggest failure of science exists in its inability to comprehend the picture of origin and existence. When we visualize universe as living the scenario changes and we now end in a simple solution to the origin, which also incorporates and brings to light the spiritual knowledge written in the spiritual scriptures. Life conquers time when the spirit of the masculine or God Particle carrying all the Energy and information leaves its body and conceives deep in the womb of the feminine. This union of two spirits gives new vibration or New Life. We must recall that an egg cell will collapse if it is not given life by the Spirit and information from the masculine. We can extend this vision to visualize universe as Spirit, information unfolding and enfolding through a process of little perturbation of Male God Particle within the feminine Reality or Body. It needs to be visualized as transformation of the body and giving it New Life. Modern science already has invented parallel world concept and three scientist, Dr. Neil Turok, Prof. Paul Steinhardt and Prof. Burt Ovrut have even developed a new explanation to singularity [Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario]. Here at singularity

one world pierces and emerges on the opposite to start a New Time Cycle. Life conquers time by Ekpyrotic process that is essentially a Big Bang. This bang however is little perturbation of energy that gowns in time and eventually collapses to divide one world into two and multiple worlds. Recall the division of fertilized egg cell here. This vision actually accounts for all the developments in science and accounts for the Truth written in spiritual scriptures. Dualism and Monism are two basic philosophies of ancient spiritual scriptures. Monism here is creation state and dualism is sustenance state. In Monism the spirit of the male world exist at the center of feminine world. The gravity force now directs all energies into it. Thus the conceived spirit of the Father grows effortlessly. Eventually it reaches point where the Light emerges dividing the one world into two. We can compare it to centriole emerging in cell division process and twisting and dividing one cell into two. At the universal level we need to understand it as Spirit of Masculine or Light or Superior knowledge revealing to conquer time and death and initialize the system in to New Time Cycle. This is one time event that can be traced to one human being, one cell, one inert atom, one Supreme God Particle and the energy contained in it [Recall Ultra Violet Catastrophe of Max Planck]. Universe now needs to be understood as information, energy or knowledge unfolding to create life and enfolding to sustain life.


The Grand Design

The Grand Design is a design that falls in line with Principle and Design that we discussed for particle and the system. The universal system its design and its functioning needs to be understood from system point of view. Here the constant flux of energy or light particles plays an important role. The Grand Design is not beyond time. Thus it has all the four phases of life cycle from birth to death,

enclosed within it is the creation or big bang or information explosion. In simplicity the Grand Design is expressed in the fallowing figure.
Anti-Gravity or Life Force

White Hole that give Life and Light Point

Stellar system with Black Hole that radiate light

Where hydrogen atoms are formed

Stellar system with Black Hole that radiate light Earthly Creative Zone of Life

Black Hole that eats up Light and Information Death Hole or Gravity Point or Forbidden Center

Gravity or Death Force

Fig: Black Hole and Information Loss the Secret of Forbidden Cent
The figure speaks of two parallel worlds that are oppositely winding and have black holes in its center. The gravity force leads to winding of hydrogen atom and formation of helium atoms. These helium atoms in stellar system further winds in its quest to seek greater equilibrium. This leads to creation of light and its emission through the black hole that moves towards a center between the two stellar systems [see earthly realm in fig below]. The light particle ejected from a stellar system can get sucked back, but beyond a point it leads to formation of atoms and such atoms can fuse to form helium atom. The formation of atoms

necessitates another source of light. This source comes from the center. Here in the center point, hydrogen atoms can fuse to form helium atoms and pairs of helium atoms with opposite twist can co-exists forming living systems or souls that creatively resisting gravity force from leading the system to collapse [Life working against gravity]. The figure above speaks this. What this means earth that supports life takes a key point in the universe. The universe with Earth and all Life is self-sustaining with energy flowing into and out of it. But this flow of energy gets stagnated leading to accumulation of black energy when we include adult humans. Human soul, mind and body that become elf centered and slave to material force become the seat of Dark Energy and cause the time direction to the universe. The universe needs to be understood as Consciousness and Intelligence of Creator soul unfolding to create from within and enfolding to sustain life. It is Life or Light emerging from darkness and slowly fading to give way to darkness. It is energy or spirit or information unfolding and enfolding to sustain life. Universe is created by a transformation process by spirit or energy spreading from within the darkness. It is sustained by a process in which the spirit divides the one world into two and a law restraining the created from falling into Black Hole. Chapter-9

Spiritual Scriptures and Truth of Dark Energy

Spiritual scriptures do speak of a Supreme individual or life or Soul and its consciousness and intelligence as the reference point or Absolute Entity that creates and sustains the universe. It speaks of two basic virtues of God; Love and Truth and Justice. Love is the faculty that creates with free will and Truth and Justice is by which it sustains life. Creation occurs in monistic state where the Creator Spirits or His consciousness and intelligence exist in its created world conquering time and transforming the whole system from within. This monistic creation state eventually gives way to created state where the Creating Spirit splits one world in two. This could be visualized from one fertilized egg cell dividing into two cells. The monistic or creation state needs to be understood as

consciousness and intelligence of the creator or information unfolding from within. It is Big Bang in which time and death is conquered. We are in this phase of Big Bang creation where conscious and intelligence of creator is unfolding leading us from darkness to light. The information explosion is a step leading towards knowledge era and that brings true freedom and New Order The Vedas of East very clearly and logically argues that the universe is living and universal cycle is a cycle of deterioration of Truth and Justice. Bible tells us we are created in His image and we the humans were given dominion over His creations but we were resisted form eating from the Tree at the center the Tree at the Center is the black hole or gravity point towards which the system tends to collapse. The dominion invariably means we humans knew everything about Nature and had once lived in harmony with Nature. This Knowledge or Light was lost and time direction came to existence when we turned our face form Light and God and sought self and became slave to material force. Bible says this time direction to death was conquered when Christ Sacrificed His Life on the cross. We can visualize it as Big Bang explosion of Living Light within the darkness that is engulfing. The hope for the world exists in what happened in Calvary. The light and information is growing from within and in appointed time it will emerge to create New Order to Start a New Time Cycle. The dark energy enclosed in human population at this point will transform into white energy bringing Golden Age and the cycle repeats itself. Further reading -



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