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Despite the creation of the United Nations and the issuance of the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights, conflict

has continued in the postWorld War II era. Differences have set the British and then Irish apart and have also set apart the Hutus and the Tutsis. These conflicts ended in barbarous battles and genocide with large populations lost. Organizations around the world had attempted to aid in the end of the situations, unfortunately in some cases, these organizations had done little to nothing for the country and the people in danger.

Rwanda had experienced a past filled with murder, languish, bloodshed, assassination, and incriminating genocide. Two ethnic groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis had lived in Rwanda. For centuries, the Tutsis [15% of the population] dominated the Hutus. After the Belgium colonial power had left Rwanda in the late 1950s the Hutus took power. (Doc. 7) In the early 1990s the Hutu government of Rwanda had encouraged extremist Hutu groups to purchase weapons to arm themselves against Tutsis. The government soon encouraged the people to assault the Tutsi people. Extremists had assassinated the President of Rwanda by shooting down his plane. Shortly after the assignation Hutu soldiers had begun the genocide against the Tutsis who had in no way provoked the matter. Over the course of.. 100 days, a stupefying 1,000,000 [Tutsi] were slaughtered

more then 6 men, women, and children were killed ever 60 seconds (Doc. 8)

The Rwandan government had not enforced any idea of ending the genocide. The Hutu dominated government had encouraged the genocide. Organized groups such as the United Nations have not done a great deal to aid in the end of the genocide because no country involved in the administration had great trade, or investment in Rwanda. Due to the sheer Un-importance of the country, many leaders did very little to end the genocide. General Romeo Dallaire had said, Western powers bear criminal responsibility for Rwandas 1994 genocide because they did not attempt to stop it. Countries such as France, and China had supplied the Rwandan government with weapons. The United States had not shown much interest to end the genocide. In order to end the genocide it required soldiers to fight in Rwanda. Without the support of other countries and their soldiers the United States had not attempted to put soldiers on Rwandan ground inevitably ending the genocide in hopes to be sooner. Unfortunately this was not time that aid to heal a falling country had came without hesitation.

Great Britain had control over Ireland and had forced Ireland to practice religions and practices they had not wanted. Ireland was very frustrated and wanted a Irish-home rile. A pro-independence party had won

majority of seats in the general election. The Irish Republican Army has begun a Guerrilla War against the British administrations. This war was known s the Anglo-Irish war. Northern Ireland had chosen to be constitutionally bound to Great Britain and was partitioned in 1921. (Doc. 1) After the partition of Ireland Great Britain had split the Irish Catholics and the Catholic Protestants into two different groups which one of the parties would become favored and have economic advantages. Inevitably in this case, the Irish Protestants had the upper hand and were favored by the Royal Crown. The riots and bloodshed between the Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants had resulted in the murder of 3524 people. (Doc. 2)

Although Great Britain was one of the United States largest allies at the time, the United States had not let their soldiers set foot on Irish soil. The United Nations had also not taken a direct stance on the conflict because the United Nations had only believed that it would had only stalled the removal of British soldiers in Ireland. Southern Ireland had wanted Northern Ireland to be un-partitioned and be unified and nationalized with the rest of Ireland. The most logical reason that the Irish would want to become nationalized is because nationalism was still a strong force in the world. Countries were still building themselves and trying to become powerful. Northern Ireland had also proposed a great threat to Southern Ireland because un-partitioned Ireland could have been easily invaded by Britain and Northern Ireland. If this were to occur this could mean that

countries in the U.N. would have to come to power and step in because the war had become international and no longer a civil war.

Despite the creation of the United Nations and the issuance of the Universal Declaration of Humans Rights, conflict has continued in the postWorld War II era. Britain and Ireland had faced Civil War and conflicts due to nationalism as Rwanda had experienced grave genocide due to the unacceptance of the Tutsis. The fightings had ended in large bloodshed and genocide. Organizations around the world had attempted to aid in the end of the situations, unfortunately in some cases, these organizations had done little to nothing for the country and the people in danger. We unfortunately still see the conflict of countries being too afraid to step foot in foreign soil to fight for another countries cause today. Today countries such as the United States are hesitant to fight along side the people of Syria because we are hesitant of starting another war and sending more troops out to fight in our name. We are waiting patiently for a red line to be crossed so we will have a green light to fight in Syria for the Syrian people and their survival.

Frank Auletti V51 Mrs. Hartnett period 7

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