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Harveys individual fine motor plan

Name: Harvey Cole DOB: 29.06.2006 Age: 7 years Harvey attends St Josephs Catholic Primary school at Bardon. Harvey has been striving to improve his fine motor skills throughout the year with Anne Gole. Justine Brinkworth has designed this plan to improve his fine motor skills, in particular his handwriting. Harvey is left handed. Harvey is a pleasure to work with. Summary of strengths: Harvey has dedicated and supportive family Excellent work ethic and perseverance Interest and enthusiasm Gross motor skills Visual perceptual and visual motor integration skills Harveys hand writing at the beginning of the year:

GOAL 1: Graphotmotor automaticity of uppercase, lowercase and number formation Harvey was able to write the numbers from 1-10, with several numbers facing the opposite direction. He has difficulties forming the letters of the alphabet.

Strategies utilised: Focus on lower case letter formation by grouping together similar shaped lattersmagic c, bouncing letters, straight letters, and loopy letters. - Straight letters- start at the top and then go down o f, i, j, l, t, v, w, x, y Magic letters- most start with a c shape

o a, c, d, g, o, q, e, s bouncing letters- draw a line from the top downwards and then bounce back up to the right o b, h, k, m, n, r, p Loopy letters- made up of a loopy u shape

o u, w, y

Repetition and graded introduction to develop Harveys graphomotor automaticity Writing with eyes closed to help integrate the motor pattern into Harveys motor memory (rather than relying on visual) Writing checklist focusing on spaces, line placement and counting the number of words to ensure no words were missed

Current standard: Harvey is now able to form numbers, lowercase and uppercase letters correctly. He has almost established graphomotor automaticity and is able to write neatly. Harvey is able to use appropriate line placement and spacing. He is working on checking his work to ensure he has not missed any connecting words. GOAL 2: Pencil grasp and fine motor skills Harvey grasped the pencil in his left hand in a tripod grasp with his thumb hyperextended. Harvey gripped the pencil tightly and held the pencil vertically to allow him to see what he was writing. Strategies utilised: Hand strength and endurance Construction activities Strengthening and efficiency activities Use of a jumbo grip to promote a more efficient grasp Apps such as Dexteria

Current standard: Harvey is able to sustain an appropriate pencil grasp using a jumbo grip to support his thumb, and he is able to sustain a dynamic grasp independently for approximately 5 minutes. Goal 3: Self-regulation and metacognition Harvey has difficulties maintaining a stable posture at the table, concentrating, monitoring his work and using his working memory. Strategies utilised: Cushion on the chair Ensure his feet are flat on the floor and his back is supported on the chair Reduce visual and auditory distraction where necessary Auditory memory activities Proprioceptive warm up

Plan/review: Harvey has made considerable improvement whilst I have attended St Josephs in term 4 Further teacher assistance should focus on: o Cursive writing o Content generation for longer written pieces Harvey is a determined student who requires assistance with his fine motor skills Harvey requires goals to be set each week for his handwriting to improve

2013 Justine Brinkworth.

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