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Interdisciplinary Research Studies

Status of Women

Alicia, Lakshitha, Misu and Shirley

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S2-08, 2014

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Contents page

1.Introduction Research JusticationPg 3 2. Methodology.Pg 5 3. Data Analysis.Pg 5 4. Discussion of ndingsPg 9 5. Recommendations Pg 10 6. Bibliography .Pg 10 7. Credits ..Pg 11
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IRS REPORT 2014 !2

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Research Justification
The difference for the Status of Women in a developed and developing country

Status of Women

1. Framing our research topic

Our chosen area of focus is The difference of status of women between a developed and developing country. As we all see, women and men are treated in equilibrium nowadays, which is very evident in Singapore.You can easily nd women on a train, going to work. You actually get to know someone, who is just a little older than you, going for her doctorate. Some women in the world have also earned themselves the nobel prize, such as Malala. Women have power to, but just how much? Malala stood up for her cause, but then she was shot in the head as people deemed her, and the rest of the women in the country she was living inferior to voice out. From this, we can see that, there is actually a difference between women living in a developed country, and women living in a developing country. Through this project, we hope to nd out the cause of all this, and also the differences which causes the issue stated here.

2. Feasibility of the research

There is a need for our research, as many people do not know the signicance of this issue, and how it actually affects the world in a way. If one day, the only men in the family falls ill and is unable to earn money to feed the family, would the women be given the same opportunity, and be treated the same way when



she goes out to work?Even in the workplace,will there be toilets for ladies or parking lots for those who are pregnant? It is possible to carry out and complete the project, although there might be a slight difculty in getting interviews from a person who had actually experienced any injustice due to her gender. However, we could seek the humble opinions of the public, and also on our seniors. The proposed course of action is logical and realistic as it can be completed with the help of students who would be willing to do a survey and with our diligence and group performance. Besides that, we are able to get credible information online, and our group also consists of people from different countries which helps us to share our experiences and thoughts. The research provides sufcient opportunity to let us voice out our thoughts, and also to nd out about others thoughts about this world issue. This research would greatly benet us as it would help understand the world, and also peoples thoughts about women in a developed and in a developing country better.

3. Manageability of the research

The timeline for the different components of the project will be decided later based on the situation then. As for overall, the project will be done as quickly and carefully as we can, trying our best not to go out of point and staying as close to the topic as possible. This research provides sufcient opportunity for group work as well as getting the required information, as everyone is from a different country in our group. We will get sufcient evidence to support our answers as we can nd sources from internet or in the books and talk. We will try our best to get as much information on rst-hand recount.

4. Accessibility of the information required

Information/knowledge that will be relevant to our research would be the difference people notice when they see a women of different nationalities. We will be obtaining this information from primary and secondary sources, depending on which one gives more reliable and useful information. Some alternatives that we have thought of would be to ask others for information and interview them about how they behave on social networks.



Some problems we anticipate while gathering our materials would be that the information that we can nd is not entirely relevant to our project and that that is already the closest piece of information among all others that we have found.

We sent out surveys to the pupils who are schooling, to see what the younger generation view about this topic. We sent out surveys as they are the fastest, most convenient and effective way for collecting the data we need.

Data Analysis
1. Do you understand the term "status of women"? 68% of the responses were that people knew what the Status of Women is. This number is relatively average. We expected almost everyone to know what this is, as the status of women has been becoming a greater world problem than ever.

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2. In your opinion, do you think that women are treated better, worse or equal, to men?









From the graph above, more than half of the people who responded think that equality is achieved for women. There are even 36% which think that women are treated better. Only 11% think that women are treated worse. The difference of answers could be because the context in which they used to answer this question (e.g the country the woman is from) is different. If one were to use a woman in the middle east fro example, they might think that treatment is worse. However, if one were to use an example of a woman from the States, they would think choose equality as their answer.

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3. Do you like the conventional way of letting women to be home makers? 50 % of the responses said yes, while the other 50% said no. Again, the reason due to the difference of response may be due to the context.

4. Most of the higher positions in a company are held by man. What do you feel? There was no clear answer for this question. However, the answers can be classied into 4 groups, Unfair, Positive View, Negative View and Neutral View. Answers are classied into unfair if there is a strong disagreement of man holding higher positions in most companies. Answers which are classied into Positive View are answers which states strong agreement to men holding the higher positions, with and without supporting reasons. Negative views are answers which states disagreement to this question, with supporting reasons. Neutral view are answers which do not take a side in this question, which means the person feels neither positive or negative about this question.



Unfair 7




Region 1

5. Why do you think women are treated differently? 6. From the graph above, the answers which gives the strongest reason for the difference is tradition. For example, women in Japan, once becoming mothers cease work. Even though they may be more qualied than their husbands, it has always been a tradition for them to be homemakers to cook for the family, educate the children and do housework.

IRS REPORT 2014 !7

7. Why do you think there are differences in status of women in developed country and developing country? 64% think that it is because of their lack of skill in their respective country, which is not wrong. Women in some countries, especially those which are still developing are deprived of education. Unlike Singapore, where education is mandatory, people who live in developing countries have difculties sending their children to school, and they would only send their sons if they needed to. Daughters are often neglected and thus they are more household inclined, due to the fact that they did not get the chance to go to school.

8. What do you think about women working in higher positions (e.g.President)? Most of the opinions received were positive and people were more then happy to have women take hold of the higher positions. One even stated that women are more meticulous in their work, and also stronger and competent than man. However, one factor that might effect them would be their inability to control their emotions and the lack of respect they might receive from their fellow male colleagues.

9. Do you think there has been an improvement in the status of women in Singapore?
Yes 20 No I don't know




Region 1 !8

From the chart above, many think that the status has been greatly improved over the past few years. We cannot agree more, as now there are also women who are part of our governing sector. This has shown that women can achieve great heights, and that their power is not controlled by their gender.

10. Why do you think there is a better status of women in developed country than developing country? There are two obvious answers to this question: education and tradition. It is believed by our responders that women who are in developed countries have a lower status than man because of their lack of education, and due to that, they are unable to voice out and make the change they want for them. Also, their lack in education can be because of two reasons, poverty, tradition or both. The second reason is that tradition is keeping women from getting education. There are still a few countries today which are gender biased, such as India, who favours male to females. Women living in rural areas are often raped and although many reports were made to the police, no actions are taken, as the rape cases are far too high to be even controllable. There are also little or few toilets in those rural parts of India, and that is why when women go out at dusk to excrete waste, they face this sort of turmoil.

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11. What do you think of the treatment of women in Singapore? Based on the bar graph below, out of the scale 1-5, most of the people think that women in Singapore are treated quite well.

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IRS REPORT 2014 !9

12. What are your thoughts on house husbands? Majority of them said it is acceptable, but there was a response saying that men are stronger so they should make full use of their abilities in the working world.

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13. Do you think there should be women rights? Nearly half of the people think that there should be women rights. 14. Any reason? (Pertaining to the previous question) Half of the response was that women rights should be implemented so as to ensure equality of both genders, while the others have no reasons for having women rights set up.

We had a clearer view of our topic, thanks to our ndings and survey responses. In conclusion,the main difference between developed country and developing country is that women in developing countries are having a lower status as due to poverty and lack education and thus are seen as inferior to the society. Their lack of education also means that they do not have the required competencies for them to emerge into the working world.

Women in developed countries most of the time have received the compulsory education, thus they are able to articulate and present themselves better in public. This can be seen in the United States, the woman, Sheryl Sandberg. People are often interviewed for their job post, thus women who are articulate and coherent tend to stand a better chance in society, as they would be looked up upon and be respected. Also, there are special cases in the world whereby women who are educated choose not to work or serve their country. As such, they are sometimes stereotyped as poorly educated and useless. There are a few people who might think otherwise.

In conclusion, compared to the IRS project we did last year, this years was better as our group kept in line with the timeline, and managed to gather the information which we need for our project. Also, our research question was correctly framed and we had a cleared idea of what we were striving to look for.



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Links used in our blogs and in this report: Malala

Status of women in India1. 2. 3.

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Does gender difference have a positive or negative effect on society? Status of women in China Status of women in Singapore's_Charter_(Singapore)

Other sources: 1. 2. B_090712_WomenTodayBook_English_WEB.pdf 3. 4.



Thank you Ms Ong for your continuos guidance and support, without you our success would be impossible.



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