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7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson

Lesson One Name: What Would You Do? Blacks and The American Revolution Length of Lesson: 5 days
Lesson escription: Students will be able to investi ate and analy!e the com"le# issues $acin
A$rican Americans durin the American Revolution and to $ace the real world decision o$ What would you do? The American Revolution was not only the American colonies $i ht to ain their inde"endence $rom %n land but the A$rican Americans& lar est slave revolt' There was an inherent contradiction in the whites o$ the () colonies decryin their lack o$ $reedom and liberty $rom a tyrannical %n land while enslavin A$rican Americans at the same time' This contradiction has its roots in the white conce"t o$ liberation as o""osed to that o$ the enslaved blacks' To white Americans the war meant $reedom and liberty in a "olitical*economic sense rather than in the sense o$ "ersonal $reedom $rom bonda e $or enslaved Americans o$ A$rican descent' The white $i ht $or $reedom ave A$rican Americans the "er$ect o""ortunity to cast their own bid $or $reedom' They increased the number o$ $reedom suits and "etitions to the state le islatures' +ndividual slaves could brin u" their own $reedom suits, but in order to $ree many slaves at once they had to et to ether and $orm a "etition' The inconsistency between the ideals o$ the Revolution and the institution o$ slavery $ueled the black movement $or $reedom' When the %n lish made the o$$er to $ree any A$rican American who -oined the British army, thousands made the decision to esca"e enslavement and $i ht a ainst the Americans'

%ndurin .nderstandin s

!istory" /nowled e o$ the "ast hel"s us understand the world and make better decisions about the $uture' Identity# +dentity is cultivated over lon "eriods o$ time throu h shared e#"eriences, belie$s and culture' Guiding Essential Questions# +1 2ow does culture and identity in$luence who we are? ++1 2ow do time, culture and history in$luence works o$ art and3or the advancement o$ science and technolo y? +++1 What can + do to "ositively im"act my community? $eading $!"%&'"(" 4ite s"eci$ic te#tual evidence to su""ort analysis o$ "rimary and secondary sources' $!"%&'"2" Determine the central ideas or in$ormation o$ a "rimary or secondary source5 "rovide an accurate summary o$ the source distinct $rom "rior knowled e or o"inions'

%ssential 0uestions

4ommon 4ore Standards

)riting )!S*"%&'"7" 4onduct short research "ro-ects to answer a 6uestion 7includin a sel$* enerated 6uestion1, drawin on several sources and eneratin additional related, $ocused 6uestions that allow $or multi"le avenues o$ e#"loration' )!S*"%&'"'" 8ather relevant in$ormation $rom multi"le "rint and di ital sources, usin search terms e$$ectively5 assess the credibility and accuracy o$ each source5 and 6uote or "ara"hrase the data and conclusions o$ others while avoidin "la iarism and $ollowin a standard $ormat $or citation' )!S*"%&'"+" Draw evidence $rom in$ormational te#ts to su""ort analysis re$lection, and research' Spea,ing and Listening



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson
SL"7"(" %n a e e$$ectively in a ran e o$ collaborative discussions with diverse "artners on rade : to"ics, te#ts, and issues, buildin on others& ideas and e#"ressin their own clearly' SL"7"2" Analy!e the main ideas and su""ortin details "resented in diverse media and $ormats and e#"lain how the ideas clari$y a to"ic, te#t, or issue under study' SL"7"-" ;resent claims and $indin s, em"hasi!in salient "oints in a $ocused, coherent manner with "ertinent descri"tions, $acts, details, and e#am"les5 use a""ro"riate eye contact, ade6uate volume, and clear "ronunciation' SL"7"." +nclude multimedia com"onents and visual dis"lays in "resentations to clari$y claims and $indin s and em"hasi!e salient "oints'

4o nitive Skills

Attention needed to de/elop good group 0or, ha1its Selective attention: 7$ilter out distractions, i nore irrelevant in$ormation1 Sustained attention: 7$ocus $or lon "eriods o$ time1 Divided attention: 7$ocus on more than one thin 1 E2ecuti/e functions ;lan <le#ibility: chan e direction i$ not workin 5 ado"t multi"le a""roaches Strate y use: ability to re$lect on strate y and select a""ro"riate strate y *hin,ing s,ills Reasonin about concrete items versus abstract ideas Analy!in 3evaluatin ar uments Develo"in a lo ical ar ument +nductive reasonin : usin s"eci$ic e#am"les3observations and $ormin a more eneral "rinci"al Deductive reasonin : use stated eneral "remise to reason about s"eci$ic e#am"les A""reciation: reco nition o$ the value o$ somethin Res"ondin to novelty: ability to react a""ro"riately in a novel situation Sel$*re$lection: ability to think about onesel$ in relation to the material


3uilding 4no0ledge *hrough *e2ts %lements o$ cultural identity include lan ua e, reli ion, clothin , race, shared e#"eriences and socio3economic customs' +nternal and e#ternal $orces sha"e identity' The cultural clashes and the issue o$ race durin the 4olonial ;eriod still "la ue the .nited States today' =ur society still re$lects the cultural tensions that e#isted between A$rican Americans and White Americans in the >orthern, ?iddle and Southern colonies o$ the (:th and (@th centuries' 9an ua e has meanin and can be used to unite and to divide "eo"le and cultures'

Assessments Summative Te#t3Resources

D%BAT%: Resolved * A$rican Americans 2ad a Res"onsibility to Assist the () 4olonies in Their War o$ +nde"endence' Rou h dra$t o$ the Declaration o$ +nde"endence Declaration o$ +nde"endence



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson
9ord Dunmore&s ;roclamation Bir inia&s Res"onse to 9ord Dunmore&s ;roclamation Websites: (1 A$rican Americans in the revolutionary war, why $i ht $or the ;atriots, why $i ht $or the British Websites: a1 3lac, Loyalists# htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3ourCstory'htm


Rebellion: htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3rebellion 'htm htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3esca"e' htm

ii1 %sca"e and Bonda e:

iii1 9ord Dunmore&s ;roclamation:

htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3dunmor e'htm

iv1 The %thio"ian Re iment:

htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3ethio"ia' htm

v1 The ;hili"sbur ;roclamation:

htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3"hili"sb ur 'htm vi1 The Black ;ioneers: htt":33blackloyalist'com3canadiandi italcollection3story3revolution3"ioneers 'htm 15 3lac, 6atriots# i1 <ree "rimary source e*book * The 4olored ;atriots o$ the American Revolution, With Sketches o$ Several Distin uished 4olored ;ersons: To Which +s Added a Brie$ Survey o$ the 4ondition And ;ros"ects o$ 4olored Americans: htt":33docsouth'unc'edu3neh3nell3nell'html

c1 African Americans in the $e/olution $esource 4it#

htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3inde#'html i1 A""licable 4ontents ii5 III" eclarations of Independence# 7(1 A' ;eo"le D %vents 7a1 4ris"us Attucks htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3A"AE'html 7i1 ;ortrait o$ 4ris"us Attucks in Boston ?assacre htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah)(E:'html 7b1 ;rince 2all htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3A"):'html 7c1 The Boston ?assacre htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3A"A5'html 7A1 B' 2istorical Documents 7a1 F=$ the >atural Ri hts o$ 4olonistsF htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah(@'html 7b1 FThe Bloody ?assacre'''F htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah@)'html 7)1 4' ?odern Boices 7a1 David Bli ht on the Declaration o$ +nde"endence and morality



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson
htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ai(GHH'html

7b1 4olin ;owell on the Declaration o$ +nde"endence and how it

a""lied to black "eo"le htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ai(GH('html 7c1 4olin ;owell on the s"irit o$ liberty htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ai(GH@'html Debate Rules and Rubric

9earnin Activities Day (

What Would You Do? A$rican Americans and The American Revolution: There will be petition after petition [during the Revolutionary era] to the Massachusetts Colonial Assembly and then later to the Continental Congress !etitions [were] sent by African slaves themselves saying that we are demanding that you give us the same "ind of freedom that you are demanding from #ngland $ohn %ope &ran"lin' %istorian 2ow revolutionary was the American Revolution? This lesson uses a variety o$ "rimary and secondary sources to e#"lore the revolutionary rhetoric o$ White British American colonists as well as the narratives o$ both ;atriot and 9oyalist A$rican Americans, and how the rhetoric o$ the "eriod a$$ected the lives o$ enslaved and $ree blacks' As American colonists invoke the lan ua e o$ liberty to "ress $or economic $reedom $rom British rule, A$rican Americans, both enslaved and $ree, use the same lan ua e to $i ht $or $reedom $rom chattel slavery and the re"ressive laws'

+>TR=D.4T+=> To students: Welcome (ou and your team are to read li"e historians and assess the comparative claims made by African Americans' other historians and e)perts' that African Americans' both enslaved and free' should either help or not help the White American Colonists in their efforts to gain their independence from the *ritish or should or should not +oin the *ritish in putting down the Colonist,s insurrection (ou are to read both primary and secondary resources' participate in collaborative discussions within the entire class and then wor" with your team to prepare to formally debate the issue through a series of end of lesson debates Your ?ission (our mission is to read' discuss and evaluate the sources and then prepare notes and a three minute oral presentations as part of -The .reat /ebate on the Role of African Americans in the American Revolution0 (ou will use the resources listed on the materials page as well as resources found independently to discover all you can about the arguments and issues faced by African Americans in deciding how they should respond to the events affecting them during the American War of 1ndependence (ou will need to assess and analy2e the motivations and reasons for the events' proclamations and decisions made by all



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson
parties' and be able to argue and defend your conclusions with sound reasoning and facts from the documents The 2ook *earing in mind the various groups of people who lived in the American colonies' who do you thin" fought in the Revolutionary War? 3n which side? Why? /iscuss the meaning of the words freedom' liberty' and slavery %ow might different groups in the American colonies 44 men' women' blac"' white' 5ative American 44 define those words? 8ettin Started *egin by using a 6W%7 chart to record what you "now about the Revolutionary War 3nce you have decided what information you need' you may wish to divide up your tas"s depending on how many people are on your team &or e)ample' one person might be the historian who records information about the African Americans who decided to +oin the *ritish and another might do the same for African Americans who decided to +oin the !atriots' while another might record the various proclamations and how they impacted the decisions of the African Americans Another person might be in charge of collecting graphics' pictures' and other visual material for use in helping to clarify the issues A$ter Researchin and >ote Takin 0uestions to consider or "ose to students includeI Who su""orted the idea o$ a war $or American inde"endence? Who o""osed it? Why? 2ow did the in$ormation "resented in the sources su""ort or chan e your "revious knowled e about the American Revolution? 2ow did 9ord DunmoreJs ;roclamation chan e the course o$ the war? 2ow did the "roclamation unite the American colonists? =n which side o$ the Revolutionary War do you think blacks should have $ou ht? Why?

%#"lorin ;rimary Sources 2ow could the reality o$ American slavery co*e#ist with the ideal o$ American liberty? Why was a "assa e in the $irst dra$t o$ the Declaration o$ +nde"endence, blamin /in 8eor e +++ $or A$rican slavery in the colonies, deleted $rom the $inal version? To e#"lore colonial "ers"ectives on $reedom and slavery, read and summari!e the Ke$$erson 6uotation $rom the "revious section and the documents below, as a class or in small rou"s' FDe$ense o$ Slavery in Bir inia, ;eter <ontaine, (:5: htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3AhG'html F>atural Ri hts o$ 4olonists,F Kames =tis, (:GE htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah(@'html



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson
Slave ;etition to the ?assachusetts 8eneral Assembly, (::) htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3AhAA'html The Watchman8s Alarm' Kohn Allen, (::E htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3AhA('html Rou h dra$t o$ the Declaration o$ +nde"endence htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah))'html ;etition to the ?assachusetts 8eneral Assembly, (::: htt":33www'"bs'or 3w bh3aia3"artA3Ah)A'html

2ave students discuss the meanin o$ the $ollowin statement: FResolved: A$rican Americans in the American 4olonies were never a "art o$ the War o$ +nde"endence'L >ow ask students to ima ine that Thomas Ke$$erson, Benture Smith, 8eor e Washin ton, Abi ail Adams, Kohn Allen, Ben-amin Banneker, 9ord Dunmore, Kames =tis, and ;hillis Wheatley have met to debate the statement' Which side o$ the debate would each o$ these "eo"le be on and why? Workin individually or in teams, have students use the Declaration o$ +nde"endence and other "eriod documents to research each historical characterJs views on slavery, $reedom, individual ri hts, American inde"endence, and citi!enshi"' Then have them "resent their $indin s to the class by holdin a mock debate or actin as re"orters coverin the debate'

Days A M E
Allow one to three class "eriods $or research' <act atherin should su""ort the student&s "oint o$ view' Three to $ive resources are recommended' Students need a structured $ramework to uide their research' A tem"late $or takin notes is shown below' We stron ly su est students understand the model be$ore the media visit' +t will make your media visit much more "leasantN

Day 5

The 8reat Debates

Debates o$$er that natural avenue $or teachers to $acilitate analytical thinkin ' 4lassroom debates enable students to work coo"eratively, brainstorm ideas, develo" vocabulary and read to su""ort an o"inion' By conductin research, students are takin notes to summari!e, to 6uestion, and to clari$y in$ormation' Students are identi$yin the main idea, deletin less im"ortant in$ormation, colla"sin , cate ori!in , and labelin in$ormation' 0uestionin allows students to e#"lain and to e#"lore additional $acts $or clari$ication "ur"oses' These com"rehension skills are essential $or students to become com"etent readers and writers linkin debates directly to the entire curriculum' Debates allow students to become more "ro$icient in s"eakin , researchin , readin , and writin skills, and they "romote reasonin as well as communication skills' <act*$illed and "assionate debates "rovide the incentive $or students o$ all academic and socioeconomic levels to become



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson

en a ed and to "artici"ate in the debate "rocess' +n addition, debates, both $ormal and in$ormal, are a vehicle $or students to e#"ress their o"inions assertively in a res"ect$ul manner on a relevant issue or to"ic' Be$ore the debate A debate is a discussion in which "artici"ants articulate, -usti$y, and clari$y their "ositions on an issue' +n this in$ormal debate "lan, rebuttals attem"t to re$ute statements made by the o""osin side' SELEC* *!E *O6IC The to"ic $or a debate evolves $rom what you are teachin ' <or e#am"le, as students study World War ++, students could debate the bombin o$ 2iroshima and >a asaki' =ther debates to"ics may include: 9hould recycling be re:uired? 9hould all the countries of #urope be re:uired to +oin the #uropean ;nion? 9hould 5orth Carolina begin a lottery? * A4 E A S * AN Who&s "ro and who&s con? %very debate has two sides, the a$$irmative side and the ne ative side' The a$$irmative side, O"roL, su""orts a "ro"osition' The o""osin or ne ative side, OconL, o""oses the "ro"osition' The teacher can divide the class into "ros and cons, or students may choose their own stance' L E * * ! E $ E S E A$ C ! 3 E G I N Allow one to three class "eriods $or research' <act atherin should su""ort the student&s "oint o$ view' Three to $ive resources are recommended' Students need a structured $ramework to uide their research' A tem"late $or takin notes is shown below' We stron ly su est students understand the model be$ore the media visit' +t will make your media visit much more "leasantN

Opinion# I 1elie/e that African Americans should ha/e fought on the side of 777777777777777777777777" Source P(: <acts:



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson

Source PA: <acts: Source P): <acts:

The debate S E L E C * A 8 O E $ A* O $ The moderator directs the debate and may be the teacher or a student' A student moderator should be able to s"eak clearly and kee" everyone on task in a res"ect$ul manner' The moderator $ormally introduces the debate to"ic and reco ni!es students to s"eak alternatin between "ro and con' E N S 9 $ I N G E Q 9 I * A3 L E 6 A$ * I C I 6 A* I O N Distribute E # Ginde# cards' =n the $ront side, students will write their names and either ;R= or 4=> in lar e, bold letters' Raisin the card will indicate the student&s re6uest to s"eak' Students will track their "artici"ation by makin a $old in the card every time they s"eak' To ensure e6uitable "artici"ation, a$ter three $olds, students should not s"eak until all students have had an o""ortunity to voice their o"inion' 7The back o$ the inde# card will be used in a "ost*debate activity'1 O 6 E N I N G AN C L O S I N G S * A* E 8 E N * S

Students may volunteer to make o"enin and closin statements, or the teacher may a""oint students' Settin the tone $or the debate, the students should have a "re"ared s"eech 7one to three minutes1' The debate be ins with an o"enin statement $rom the "ro side, $ollowed by a statement $rom the con side' ="enin statements should include each side&s o"inion with a brie$ overview o$ the su""ortin evidence' The debate ends with closin statements $rom both sides' A ain, the "ro side s"eaks $irst $ollowed by the con side' The "lanned closin statements 7one to three minutes1 should restate the o"inions with stron su""ortin evidence' E 3 A* E O:S

Students need e#"ectations s"elled out' +t may be a ood idea to develo" a list o$ Debate Do&s to ether as a class' The $ollowin items should be on the list' We su est that these Debate Do&s be



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson

"osted in the classroom and re$erenced o$ten: Be "olite and courteous' 9isten attentively' Be res"ect$ul and su""ortive o$ "eers' Avoid ina""ro"riate noises' S"eak only when reco ni!ed by the moderator' Allow others to e#"ress their o"inions5 do not mono"oli!e the debate' .se rammatically correct lan ua e' S"eak clearly, slowly, and loud enou h to be heard by the audience' S"eak with "assion and e#citement'

A$ter the debate The debate is over, it&s time to review and evaluate' $E;LEC*IONS The inde# card used to desi nate "ro or con will now be used $or debate reflections .sin the back o$ the card, students will e#"ress their reactions to the debate in a media o$ their choice' Su estions include summari!in the debate in a "ara ra"h or a "oem, desi nin a cartoon, billboard or a bum"er sticker, or creatin a ra"hic that re"resents their o"inion'

$93$IC This rubric, desi ned $or student success, uides teachers and students in the evaluation "rocess' %#tra credit can be awarded to the o"enin and closin s"eakers and to students who use more resources' We like to sta"le the rubric to the com"leted assi nments' There a ain, work smarter and not harder'

$e<uirement Research 8uide

Num1er of 6oints )H

6oints Earned



7th Grade Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter 2 Launch Lesson

<acts listed )*5 sources documented

+nde# 4ards >ame and "osition on $ront Re$lection on back )H

Debate Do&s Teacher observation


All work is neat, le ible, and turned in on time' %#tra 4redit Grade



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