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Kindergarten Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter Launc! Less"n

T#E$E% Culture, Dignity, and Identity CONCE&T% Lessons from Africa - Living, Learning and Working Together: Connecting people, places, and cultures to develop pride and dignity in who you are CONTENT TO&IC% E !loring literary and historical themes: res!ect for oneself and others and a!!reciating one"s !ersonal and cultural identity through fiction and nonfiction te ts 'NIT TITLE% #eo!le - The $ame and Different %uarter: & Week ( Day ( 'nit: ( )*+ective,s-: $tudents .ill com!are and contrast African cultures/ $tudents .ill *e a*le to gather information from sources a*out African culture/ 0aterials12esources: Africa Is Not A Country *y 0argy 3urns 4night, Anne $i*ley )53rien Living in Urban Communities *y 4ristin $terling 6enn Diagram

CC$$ $tandards: 2L/4/7: With !rom!ting and su!!ort, com!are and contrast the adventures and e !eriences of characters in familiar stories/ W/4/8: With guidance and su!!ort from adults, recall information from e !eriences or gather information from !rovided sources to a 9uestion/ Sample Student Outc"me Statements

Students (ill )e a)le t" *** (it! African and African American Studies C"nnecti"ns $tudents .ill *e a*le gather information a*out the African culture/

Students (ill )e a)le t" *** fr"m Literacy and S"cial Science &lanning +uides $tudents .ill listen to informational te t read aloud to res!ond to te t de!endent 9uestions that re9uire students to recall information/

,I -O IT.
Ada!ted from :arden :rove 'nified $chool District, )ffice of $econdary Education De!artment of ;-(< Instructional $ervices

Input & Modeling L(


Kindergarten Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter Launc! Less"n

Teac!er says/ The teacher gathers students at the rug and states the o*+ectives for the lesson: = oday we are going to discuss the topic of culture! "e will read a boo# to try to understand how different African cultures are similar and different from our cultures!$ The teacher .rites the .ord culture on a chart !a!er/ The teacher says to students, %"e defined culture as the way of life or the traditions or things that we do in our families &li#e the foods we eat, clothes we wear, etc!'! Listen while I read aloud the te(t, Africa is Not a Country!$ 2ead aloud !age &/ In this African family, the children Arim and )frem get up in the morning and put on a school uniform to go to school *ust li#e you do! his way of life for the children is the same for you and this family in Africa! +owever, when the children say goodbye to their parents they spea# a different language, )ritrea! his is how we-re different! "e spea# )nglish./panish but, this African family spea#s a different language!$ ,YO' -O IT TO+ET#ER. Collaborative Learning Teac!er says/ % hin# about the assessments that you too#! In small groups, or with a partner, tell what country your family is from &nationality' and then discuss how your own culture is different and the same as your partners- culture!$ ,0E -O IT. 0uided Instruction As students give their res!onses, the teacher .rites them on the chart !a!er/ &"ssi)le student resp"nses/ =I"m from India and .e s!eak A*rahamic at home/ We are 0uslim/> =I"m from India and .e s!eak A*rahamic, *ut .e are Christians/> =I"m from 3angladesh and s!eak 3engali and I am a 0uslim/> Teac!er d"es/ The teacher .rites on the chart !a!er the students statements/ $he states, =/tudents A is from India and spea#s Abrahamic at home! /tudent 1 is also from India! his is what is the same about the two students!> The teacher asks for students to tell the difference *et.een the t.o students/ The teacher .ill inform students to thin# about the activity that we *ust completed in order to help us throughout this unit! "e will compare and contrast, meaning telling how something is the same and different by loo#ing at Africa-s- culture to our culture! Students d"/ $tudents !artici!ate in a discussion *y volunteering ans.ers and 9uestions and colla*orating .ith !artners/ Teac!er says/
Ada!ted from :arden :rove 'nified $chool District, )ffice of $econdary Education De!artment of ;-(< Instructional $ervices



Kindergarten Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter

Launc! Less"n

=Now I am going to show you a map of the world! Can you locate or find Africa on the map?> If students are una*le to hel! locate, !rom!t students/ =Is Africa a city2 If not, what is Africa?> The teacher gives students a friendly definition for city, country and continent/ Student d"es / $tudents try to locate Africa/ The teacher !rovides su!!ort if needed/ $tudents try to determine if Africa is a city *y giving their res!onses/ $tudents determine the location of Africa/ $tudents color Africa to identify the sha!e/ Teac!er says/ =Now I am going to continue reading aloud Africa is Not a Country! As I read, thin# about the ways that the African culture is the same or different from our culture/> )n chart !a!er the teacher .ill make a 6enn diagram and la*el one side Africa Culture and the other side 3ur Culture/ =4uring the reading, if you hear or see something that is the same or different, ma#e sure to share your thin#ing with the group and I-ll record it on our class chart!> 2ead the te t to the class, making sure to !rom!t, 9uestion and cue .hen needed/ Student d"es / $tudents listen as the teacher reads the story Africa Is Not A Country *y 0argy 3urns 4night, Anne $i*ley )53rien/ $tudents share their thinking .ith the class/ Teac!er d"es/ Take a !icture and .alk through the *ook/ @ave an o!en discussion a*out the !ictures/ Ask students to descri*e the !eo!le ,charactersand setting of the story/ @o. is the setting different from the setting .here you live and ho. are the !eo!le different? @o. is the climate? ,#rovide students .ith e am!les to su!!ort the discussion/ The teacher .ill read the story, sto!!ing along the .ay, sharing think alouds and asking te t de!endent 9uestions/ The teacher calls students" attention and asks students to share their ideas .ith the class/ The teacher .ill .rite their statements on chart !a!er/ &"ssi)le student resp"nses/ In Africa, Arim and Efrem .ears uniforms to school like us/ In Africa, some !eo!le carry +ugs on their heads and sell milk/ 4ids don"t .ear shoes to school/
Ada!ted from :arden :rove 'nified $chool District, )ffice of $econdary Education De!artment of ;-(< Instructional $ervices



Kindergarten Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter Launc! Less"n

,YO' -O IT TO+ET#ER. Collaborative Learning Teac!er says/ = oday you will wor# in groups! 5ou will listen to another story and then compare it with the story Africa is not a Country! he recorder for the group will write down the information for the group /> =5ou will use the 6enn diagram to compare the culture of the people in the two stories/> =Ma#e sure to list the information under the correct section /> Teac!er d"es/ The teacher introduces the story, %Living in Urban Communities,$ *y 4ristin $terling/ 3efore reading the story, ask students to tell you .hat they think a community is/ Inform them that today .e .ill learn a*out the ty!e of community that .e live in ,Chicago as a city-/ During the read aloud, ask students to !ay close attention to the setting and characters ,!eo!le- in the story/ After reading the story, on chart !a!er, .rite .hat students note a*out the setting and the !eo!le in the story/ The teacher assigns a recorder for each grou!/ The teacher .ill .alk around assisting students .ith the structure of the sentence and any other as!ect of this lesson/ The teacher .ill also 9uestion students a*out their understanding of the activity and give an e am!le of one thing that is the same and one thing that is different a*out the cultures of the !eo!le in the t.o stories/ Students d"/ $tudents .ork colla*oratively deciding and discussing the things that are the same and different a*out the cultures of the !eo!le in the t.o stories/ $tudents use correct grammar usage .hen s!eaking/ After students have com!leted the task, they .ill share their .ork .ith the class/ ,YO' -O IT ALONE. Independent 7ractice Teac!er d"es1says/ =Now you will wor# alone or individually! 5ou are going to receive a sheet of paper! 5ou will thin# about the stories that we have read about the different cultures of different people! 3n that sheet of paper, you will compare your family-s culture to the culture of the people of Africa by writing and.or drawing/> Students d"es% $tudents .ill dra. or .rite .ords or sentences to descri*e the differences and similarities *et.een their !ersonal culture and the
Ada!ted from :arden :rove 'nified $chool District, )ffice of $econdary Education De!artment of ;-(< Instructional $ervices



Kindergarten Interdisciplinary African and African American Studies Quarter

Launc! Less"n
culture of the !eo!le of Africa/ $tudents .ill dra. a !icture to go de!ict to story line/ ,CLOS'RE "f LESSON. whole group reflection

Teac!er says/ = oday we have loo#ed at and discussed two stories that showed the culture of two different peoples or communities! "e have also ta#en a loo# at our lives and determined how our cultures are similar and different from Africa-s culture!$ ASSESS$ENT
What .ill you ask? When .ill you ask during the lesson? What .ill kids say or do to demonstrate understanding of the o*+ective?

Bormative: 6enn diagram )*servation notes during turn1talk and small grou! discussions

$ummative: $tudents .ill *e asked to .rite a*out ho. you .ill com!are your family"s culture to the African culture .riting and1or

Ada!ted from :arden :rove 'nified $chool District, )ffice of $econdary Education De!artment of ;-(< Instructional $ervices


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