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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

Underground LV up to 33KV Cable Installation

Document Ref ! SAF-EL-001 Re"ision ! 01 Date ! 20/10/2013 Summar# ! This is an Engineering instruction manual detailing the adopted standards and specifications used in the Emirate of Abu habi and are accepted as the absolute minimum re!uirement to properl" install L#$ %# and fiber optic cables to a satisfactor"$ safe and efficient manor& $repared b# !

Eng& %ohamed 'brahim Abdel-Fattah ( Technical %anager Eng& Abdel-Fattah 'brahim Abdel-Fattah ( )lanning * Safet" %anager

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

Table of Contents
1 Scope 2 References 3 !oc"ment Goals # On Site re$"irements # 1 !irect %"ried ca%les # 1 1 L& Ca%les # 1 2 11'& Ca%les # 1 3 22'& Ca%les # 1 # 33'& Ca%les # 1 ( )OC Ca%les # 2 Ca%les in !"cts * +&C Cond"its # 2 1 !"cts # 2 2 +&C Cond"its ( -rench !etails ( 1 L& Ca%les ( 2 11.& Ca%les ( 3 22.& Ca%les ( # 33.& Ca%les , Ca%le 1nstallation , 1 -rench 2edding , 2 Ca%le Covering -iles , 3 3arning -ape , # Ca%le Ro"te mar.ers 7 1nstallation +roced"re 7 1 45cavation * Ca%le laying 7 2 6ointing 7or.s to e5isting ca%les / Anne5"res / 1 Ca%le Covering -iles / 2 Ca%le Ro"te 8ar.ers / 3 -ypical Cross Section of #C 9L+4 L& Ca%le:grip / # Ris. Assessment 3 3 3 # # # ( ( ( ( , , , 7 7 / 0 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 1# 1# 1( 1, 17

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

1 Scope

This is an Engineering instruction manual detailing the adopted specification and standards used in the Emirate of Abu habi and are accepted as the absolute minimum re!uirement to properl" install L#$ %# and fiber optic cables to a satisfactor"$ safe and efficient manor&


The follo+ing resources are referenced and sited for the preparation of this instruction,

Reference S:AAA:CA2:1;S-:L& <Rev 0:2011= S:AAA:CA2:1;S-:8& <Rev 0:2011= S:AAA:CA2:1;S-:CO;-:)OC <R4& 0:2011= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 07 <L& CA2 -rench= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 0/ <11.& CA2 -rench= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 00 <22.& CA2 trench= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 10 <33.& CA2 -rench= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 11 <11:22:33 CA2 -rench= !3G AAA CA2 01 00 12 <8anhole !etails= S:AAA:CA2:G4; <Rev 0:2011= 31 12 07

!escription 1nstallation Re$"irements for L& Ca%les * 3ires in SS 2"ildings 1nstallation Re$"irements for 8& >ndergro"nd Ca%les 1nstallation Re$"irements for Control * )i%re Optic Ca%les -ypical L& Ca%le -rench Section -ypical Section Of 11.v Ca%le -rench -ypical Section Of 22.v Ca%le -rench -ypical Section Of 33.v Ca%le -rench -rench !etails of 11.&? 22.& * 33.&? * )OC 11.&? 22.& * 33.&? * )OC 8anhole !etails General Re$"irements A!8 Standard Specifications for Road and 2ridge constr"ction

Document Goals

The goal of the document is to pro-ide a complete and up to date instruction for the installation of different t"pes of cables directl" * indirectl" buried in ground this can be achie-ed b" sho+ing the follo+ing, T"pes * of the cables to be used and installed directl" * indirectl" in the ground Trench details including its depth$ la"out$ material to be used$ etc&&& )roper procedure for the pulling of the cables Site tests * inspections to insure the health of the installed cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

4 On Site requirements

4.1 Direct buried cables

irect burial of ne+ cables is the preferred installation state in the Emirate of Abu habi e/cept +here on site condition dictate other+ise& All 0ables to be )#0 sheathed to gi-e it protection against the harsh conditions of underground installation +hether that be salts$ insects$ etc&& to gi-e it a long ser-ice life&


L& Ca%les

The follo+ing table sho+s the most +idel" used L# 0ables for po+er distribution,

1o& of 0ores 2 0ore Si.e 0ore %aterial 2 Armoring 2 'nsulation 40/4mm5 40/;mm5 40/10mm5 40/1;mm5 40/2<mm5 40/3<mm5 40/<0mm5 40/=0mm5 40/><mm5 40/120mm5 40/1<0mm5 40/1?<mm5 40/240mm5 40/300mm5 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0 0u/6L)E/S3A/)#0


0/AA 0 ata sheet

-AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011: -AAA-0A7-L#- 7-40-4upto300 89e-&1-2011:

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

# 1 2 11'& Ca%les
The follo+ing table sho+s the most +idel" used 11@# 0ables for po+er distribution,

1o& of 0ores 2 0ore Si.e 30/><mm5 30/120mm5 30/1?<mm5 30/240mm5 30/300mm5

0ore %aterial 2 Armoring 2 'nsulation 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0


0/AA 0 ata sheet

-AAA-0A7-11-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-11-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-11-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-11-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-11-30 89e-&0-2011:

# 1 3 22'& Ca%les
The follo+ing table sho+s the most +idel" used 22@# 0ables for po+er distribution,

1o& of 0ores 2 0ore Si.e 30/><mm5 30/120mm5 30/1?<mm5 30/240mm5 30/300mm5

0ore %aterial 2 Armoring 2 'nsulation 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0


0/AA 0 ata sheet

-AAA-0A7-22-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-22-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-22-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-22-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-22-30 89e-&0-2011:

# 1 # 33'& Ca%les
The follo+ing table sho+s the most +idel" used 33@# 0ables for po+er distribution,

1o& of 0ores 2 0ore Si.e 30/240mm5 30/300mm5

0ore %aterial 2 Armoring 2 'nsulation 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0 0u/6L)E/STA/)#0


0/AA 0 ata sheet

-AAA-0A7-33-30 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-33-30 89e-&0-2011:

# 1 ( )OC Ca%les
The follo+ing table sho+s the most +idel" used FA0 0ables for po+er distribution,

1o& of 0ores 32 Fiber ;4 Fiber 144 Fiber


0/AA 0 ata sheet

-AAA-0A7-FA0- 7-32 89e- 0-2011: -AAA-0A7-FA0- 7-;4 89e-&0-2011: -AAA-0A7-FA0- 7-144 89e- 0-2011:

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

4.2 Cables in Ducts & P C Conduits

# 2 1 !"cts
Benerall" cables pass through ducts +hen the cable run is needed to pass under a 9oad or Street to feed a point on the other side of the road or under pa-ements * side +alCs +here e/ca-ation +orCs are not desired& These ducts shall be concrete encased to pro-ide safet" against load pressure applied on the conduits due to the passing of cars$ trucCs$ buses$ etc&& on the roads abo-e the installation&

# 2 2 +&C Cond"its
The main t"pes of cables that pass in )#0 0onduits are FA0 cables used for control purposes * L# po+er cables used in street lighting s"stems$ this t"pe of arrangement is beneficial for the ease and !uicCness of maintenance of such net+orCs +here the need to repair an" faults in the s"stems are critical& The outside diameter and minimum +all thicCness of )#0 electrical conduit shall be as follo+s,

1ominal Si.e 8cm: 2&0 2&< 3&2 3&? <&0 ;&0 10&0 1<&0 20&0

%inimum 3all ThicCness 8mm: 1&? 1&> 2&< 2&< 3&2 4&= ;&0 =&1 ?&2

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation


"renc# Details
$ Cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

!.2 11% Cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

!.3 22% Cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

!.4 33% Cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation


Cable 'nstallation
"renc# (eddin)

All 0ables shall onl" be laid directl" onto the bottom of the trench at a depth as sho+n in the trench details abo-e or as directed b" the Engineer& A sand bedding shall be constructed as sho+n in the trench details or as directed b" the Engineer to insure that the cables +ill not be damaged due to an" protruding elements from the ground such as stones$ rocCs$ etc&&


Cable Co*erin) "iles

0able 0o-ering Tiles shall be installed o-er all ne+l" directl" buried cables as a means of protection of the cables as sho+n in the dra+ings or as directed b" the Engineer& There is no re!uirement to install such tiles abo-e appro-ed ducts but it ma" be installed if it is deemed that additional protection is re!uired&


+arnin) "ape

3arning Tape shall be installed o-er all ne+l" directl" buried cables as a means of protection of the cables as sho+n in the dra+ings or as directed b" the Engineer& There is no re!uirement to install such tapes abo-e appro-ed ducts but it ma" be installed if it is deemed that additional protection is re!uired&


Cable Route mar%ers

'n installations of 11C#$ 22C#$ 33C# it is necessar" to sho+ the route of the cable run for future purposes of !uicC identification in case the necessit" of e/ca-ating the cables is re!uired&

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation


'nstallation Procedure*ation & Cable la/in)
1& 0able 9oute appro-al to be ac!uired from To+n )lanning department 2& 1A0 to be obtained from different authorities such as T9A1S0A$ )9F $ A %$ etc&& 3& 0able and routes to be appro-ed b" the Engineer/ AT/A 0 4& Trench route to be indicated b" the use of steel rods directl" installed in the ground <& A sur-e" has to be carried out on the proposed cable route to finali.e the cable length and the cable route itself and to confirm no obstacles +ill be meet during the +orC ;& 'f an" obstacles are found$ the" +ill be promptl" rela"ed to the 0lient/0onsultant for their re-ie+ and recommendation =& E/ca-ation to commence adhering to the route detailed b" the steel rods and to a depth as sho+n on the dra+ings or as detailed b" the Engineer

?& E/ca-ate to Locate +ill be done at site at inter-als of <0m from pit to pit to identif" an" and all ser-ices in the e/ca-ation area >& 'f ser-ices are found manual e/ca-ation +ill be used other+ise the use of machiner" +ill be utili.ed such as 7acChoes$ E/ca-ators$ etc&& 10& 3arning fences$ 3arning ropes$ danger notices$ etc&& +ill be used to insure public safet" around the +orCing area 11& 3hen E/ca-ation is to be done in side+alC area$ the remo-al of e/isting tiles +ill be done +ith care not to damage the tiles& The same +ill be reinstalled after bacC filling has been completed& 12& %aCing sure the trench bottom is clean from an" sharp obDects that +ould other +ise damage the cable outer sheath 13& 0onstructing Sand bedding at the bottom of the cables as detailed in the dra+ings 14& Trench inspection to be conducted and appro-al to be ac!uired from the Engineer 1<& Termination point inside the panels / e!uipment shall be considered for suitable spare length to be left a-ailable during pulling of cable termination& The ma/imum length shall be e!ual to depth 2 height 2 +idth of panels& 1;& 0able rollers to be installed at a distance of 2m center to center to allo+ unhindered mo-ement of the cable abo-e the roller to insure cables are not damaged 1=& 0hecC ade!uate place for Enloading the cable drums& 1?& 0hecC suitable position for placing the 0able pulling +inch depending on the length of the cable and the site condition& 1>& 0able +inch to be firml" fi/ed as to not mo-e/slide from its position due to the tension e/erted to pull the cable 20& The cable drum intended for cable pulling shall be identified as per that indicated in the drum schedule 21& The cable shall be fi/ed to the +inch$ if used$ b" means of a cable socC or gripper 22& Special care +ill be taCen +hen pulling the cable through cable ducts as to not damage the cable ends or outer sheath 23& 0able ucts/)ipes shall be cleaned using proper e!uipment to insure the smooth and safe passage of the cables +ith out damage or obstruction& 24& Lubricant to be applied around the cables to facilitate the eas" mo-ement of the cable in the duct

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

2<& 0able la"ing +ill generall" start from one end of the route length or at an" suitable point if re!uired 2;& 'n case of cable lengths +hich are more than one drum length$ all cables +hich can be laid from original position +ill be completed& And then the cable pulling set-up +ill be re-positioned to the ne/t location$ from +here the ne/t length +ill be pulled 2=& 0ables +ill be laid / pulled b" hand and / or +inch& 2?& uring pulling +ith +inch$ if re!uired$ the tension on the cable +ill not e/ceed that gi-en b" the manufacturer and this +ill be monitored b" means of "namo-meter&

2>& Enless the lengths e/ceed the ma/imum drum lengths Doints shall be a-oided 30& 7efore cutting the cable$ both ends must be inspected to ensure sufficient length is for proper dressing and end termination 31& Soon after completion of e-er" cable the cables +ill be tested for insulation resistance and +itnessed b" the Engineer 32& ail" progress report +ill be submitted for the acti-it" as +ell as summar" of used cable for each drum

33& Appro-al of laid cables to be ac!uired from the Engineer 34& Final Sand bedding le-el to be constructed and inspected b" the Engineer 3<& 0able 0o-ering tiles to be installed as detailed and or re!uired$ to be inspected b" the Engineer$ Tiles orientation to be as sho+ in FAnne/ure ?&1G 3;& La"er of natural bacC fill material in the area of +orC to be used as detailed in the dra+ings 3=& 3arning Tape to be installed as detailed to be inspected b" the Engineer 3?& 3arning Tape to ha-e the follo+ing arrangement$ notice to be made that depending on #oltage of cable +arning tape +ill be modified

"! #$ % &! *) ('+,- , ./ - %

3>& 7acC filling to final ground le-el +ith natural material at the area of +orC 40& 0able route marCers to be installed in case it is re!uired


0ointin) 1or%s to e.istin) cables

1& Location of Hoint connection to be agreed upon +ith AA 0 2& After appro-al is ac!uired E/ca-ate to Locate the cables to be Dointed 3& )ermit to +orC to be issued b" AA 0 4& LocC Aut Tag Aut s"stem of Electrical S+itch gear to be put into effect during the shut do+n period to allo+ us to perform our +orCs <& 7efore +orC to proceed on an" cables$ AA 0 to perform spiCe test on cabling to insure the correct cables ha-e been de-energi.ed ;& 3orC to proceed +ith Dointing +orCs b" appro-ed 0able Hointer =& SAT to be performed on the Doint in presence of AA 0 before energi.ation ?& 0learance from our side that all +orCs ha-e been completed and it is safe to energi.e the cables

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation


Cable Co*erin) "iles

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Method Statement UG Cable Installation

2.2 Cable Route 4ar%ers

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"/pical Cross Section of 4C 5$P- $ Cable6)rip

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority

Ty ical Cro!! "ectio# o$ %o& 'olta(e )%*E-+#!ulate, -our-Core .#,er(rou#, Cable /Co#,uctor "ha e,0
DWG AAA CAB 01 13 03-D

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Ris% 3ssessment
Ia.ard 3ho %ight be Iarmed 3orCers in the area 3orCers conducting manual handling 0ontrols in )lace All +orCers trained in good houseCeeping techni!ues& Bood houseCeeping to be maintained at all times& 3orC are to be cleaned before lea-ing& )ulling the cable as a team& Bood communications +ithin the team must be maintained +hen cable is pulled o-er a long distance& A braCeman is re!uired on the drum to ensure that the drum doesnJt o-er run 0lose super-ision is re!uired to ensure no o-er stressing of cable occurs& 0able pulls must be smooth and maintained at a reasonable rate to ensure control and tension re!uirements are met& Training on good handling and stead" rate pulling 0hecCing cable gripper periodicall" for loose connection& )ro-iding high grip glo-es and safet" boots to reduce risC of slipping& 7arrier off the area to reduce risC of public accidental approach& ispla" suitable signage to indicate e/ca-ation is present& )ro-ide access points into e/ca-ation +here necessar"& 7anCs-man a-ailable to guide -ehicles dropping off material nearb"& )ro-iding chocCs to nearb" parCed -ehicles/e!uipment& All ser-ices must be made dead before +orC if possible& 7arricading of the li-e ser-ices to Ceep +orCers a+a"& 9isC 9ating

9isC of Slips$ Trips and falls, 3aste around the site 0hanges in le-el %anual Iandling, 'nDur" from poor manual handling procedure&



Falling obDects, 0ables slipping +hen manual handling& Loose cable gripper on +inch& Falling from height, )eople& #ehicles& E!uipment/%aterial

3orCers pulling the cables or super-ising +inch pulling&


3orCers in the area& Beneral public&


Electricit", 3orCing near li-e ser-ices&

3orCers in the area&


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