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Notice of Recession and Revocation of All Signature for Good Cause

Parcel ID 02-2s-19-24130-000-1170
Tony Thompson V r! "en #! $ones CP% o& ' T (an) Corp ) ) ) ) ) Walton County

In RE: Alleged Account:


In the Common *a+, I- Tony Thompson man on the lan. .om/c/le. /n the o& #lor/.a state "epu0l/c I! here0y e1t/n2u/sh- resc/n.- re3o)e- cancel- a0ro2ate- annul- null/&y- ./schar2e- an. ma)e 3o/. ab initio all s/2natures- 0elon2/n2 to me- on all pre3/ously an. all a2reements- contracts an. po+ers o& attorneys real an. /mpl/e.- connecte. thereto to the a0o3e Alleged Account:0051001634- on the 2roun.s that my purporte. consent +as not 3oluntar/ly an. &reely o0ta/ne.- 0ut +as ma.e throu2h m/sta)e- .uress&rau.- an. un.ue /n&luence e1erc/se. 0y the purporte. loan o&&/cer! I +as /n.uce. 0y &rau. an. .uress to s/2n such &orms an. I +as .en/e. &ull ./sclosure o& the 3oluntary nature o& such &orms! I +as m/slea. 0y those +ho )ne+- or shoul. ha3e )no+n- /nto 0el/e3/n2 that &/l/n2 such &orms +as man.atory an.4or /mpl/e.- +ere unconsc/ona0le an. 2rossly un&a/r to me! I +as un.uly /n&luence. 0y the stron2er 0ar2a/n/n2 po+er o& 0an) an. loan o&&/cers an. acte. an /mpl/e. threat an. &ear &or non-compl/ance! %ny alle2e. consent /s null an. 3o/. as /t +as 2/3en .uress- 0y m/sta)e- an. 0y &rau.! 5ot+/thstan./n2 any /n&ormat/on +h/ch you may ha3e to the contrary- any &orms that ha3e 0een &/le. /n th/s cause- an. any /mpl/e. 6uas/ contracts that the r! "en #! $ones CP% o& ' T (an) Corp &or th/s cause may &eel /t may ha3e +/th me- +ere &/le. /lle2ally an. unla+&ully an. are +/thout &orce an. e&&ect! I &urther re3o)e- resc/n.- an. ma)e 3o/. ab initio all po+ers o& attorney perta/n/n2 to me &rom o&&/cers &or the 7T%T8 9# #*9"ID% an. &or any an. all 2o3ernmental46uas/4coloura0le a2enc/es an.4or Departments create. the author/ty o& %rt! I- 7ec! :- Cl! 17- an.4or %rt! IV- 7ec! 3- Cl! 2 o& the Const/tut/on o& the ;n/te. 7tates! %ll unconsc/ona0le contracts are su0<ect to resc/ss/on the common la+ &or &a/lure to ma)e the proper ./sclosures /n const/tute an acceptance- +here there /s no meet/n2 o& the m/n.s there /s no contract as re6u/re. 0y =22>!23?0)?1) re2ar./n2 not/ce o& r/2ht to resc/n. as set &orth /n In re Pearl a1+ell 3! #a/r0an)s Cap/tal Corporat/on- 2:1 (!"!101- 2002 (an)r! *e1/s 7@9! The ;CC a..resses unconsc/ona0/l/ty /n =2-302! I +a/3e an. re<ect any an. all 0ene&/ts e1press or /mpl/e. ar/s/n2 &rom any such s/2natures- all result/n2 contracts- a2reements or trust result/n2 &rom &orce- threat o& arms- /n3oluntary ser3/tu.e an. peona2e- comm/tte. a2a/nst mysel&! Affiants Jurat and Affirmation Walton County #lor/.a state ) ) )

Commerc/al %&&/rmat/on

I- Tony #am/ly Thompson- my o+n unl/m/te. Commerc/al l/a0/l/ty- procee./n2 /n 2oo. &a/th +/th clean han.s- &rom &/rsthan. )no+le.2e o& the &acts conta/ne. here/n- 0e/n2 o& soun. m/n. state an. a&&/rm that the &acts conta/ne. here/n are true- correct- certa/n- complete an. not m/slea./n2 /n any mater/al respect- the truth the +hole truth an. noth/n2 0ut the truth- to the 0est o& */0ellantAs )no+le.2e an. 0el/e& penalty o& Internat/onal Commerc/al *a+! I e1ecute the same as a true 0/ll /n commerce!

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Notice of Recession and Revocation of All Signature for Good Cause

(y, T95B TC9 P795 Toney &am/ly Thompson D a2ent;CC 3-402 ?0) ?1)

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE %uto2raph o& a la+&ul man /n h/s 7o3ran Capac/ty 59T%"B P;(*IC $;"%T I- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - 59T%"B P;(*IC #9" TC8 7T%T8 9# #*9"ID% .o here0y attest an. a&&/rm that the a0o3e name. */0ellant Tony Thompson +ho /s )no+n 0y me or sat/s&actor/ly /.ent/&/e. 0y me ./. e1ecute th/s .ocument as a true 0/ll- auto2raph /t /n my presence- %&&/rm/n2 that /t +as true- correct- complete- certa/n an. not m/slea./n2 /n any mater/al respect- that /t +as the truth- the +hole truth an. noth/n2 0ut the truth! Done an. .ate. th/s EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Day o& the #/rst onth /n the Bear o& Bahshua the Chr/st %!D! T+o Thousan. T+el3e at near the County o& Walton /n the 7tate o& #lor/.a! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5otary Pu0l/c 7/2nature ; 7eal EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5otary Comm/ss/on 81p/re EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5otary Pu0l/c pr/nt name

P;(*IC C%F%"D (95DI5G 9# C9"P9"%T8 %G85T7 %ll o&&/c/als are re6u/re. 0y &e.eral- state- an. mun/c/pal la+ to pro3/.e the name- a..ress an. telephone num0er o& the/r pu0l/c haHar. an. malpract/ce 0on./n2 company an. the pol/cy num0er o& the 0on. an.- /& re6u/re.- a copy o& the pol/cy .escr/0/n2 the 0on./n2 co3era2e o& the/r spec/&/c <o0 per&ormance! #a/lure to pro3/.e th/s /n&ormat/on const/tutes corporate an. l/m/te. l/a0/l/ty /nsurance &rau. ?1@ ;7C) an. /s pr/m-a-&ac/e e3/.ence an. 2roun.s to /mpose a l/en upon the o&&/c/al personally to secure the/r pu0l/c oath an. ser3/ce o& o&&/ce!

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