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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2009) 227231

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Technical note

Equivalent diameter of a prefabricated vertical drain

Hossam Abuel-Naga a,1, Abdelmalek Bouazza b, *
a b

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142, New Zealand Department of Civil Engineering, Building 60, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria 3800, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 2 February 2008 Received in revised form 21 October 2008 Accepted 8 November 2008 Available online 18 January 2009 Keywords: Consolidation PVD Numerical Flow rate Well Equivalent diameter

a b s t r a c t
The aim of this study is to evaluate numerically the equivalent diameter of a prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) using an equal ow rate approach. This approach requires that the equivalent circular well to be able to yield similar discharge as a PVD well when subjected to similar pressure-controlled pumping condition. Simple equivalent diameter equation was obtained from the numerical study. The proposed equation is discussed in light of the equivalent diameter equations and experimental results currently available in the literature. The outcomes of this study give more insight in this subject and improve the method of calculating the equivalent diameter of a PVD well. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction A prefabricated vertical drain (PVD), also referred to as wick or strip drain, is a composite geosynthetic system consisting of a polymeric inner core with formed ow path grooves on both sides and an outer nonwoven geotextile lter jacket. It is commonly used to accelerate consolidation or to dewater ne-grained soils (Li and Rowe, 2001; Bergado et al., 2002; Lorenzo et al., 2004; Shen et al., 2005; Rowe and Li, 2005; Abuel-Naga et al., 2006; Sinha et al., 2007; Rowe and Taechakumthorn, 2008; Chai et al., 2008). A comprehensive overview about the use and geotechnical applications of PVDs is given elsewhere (Bo et al., 2003; Chu et al., 2004). Recent works have also adopted PVDs for in situ remediation of contaminated soils below the groundwater table. The technology is an enhancement of the soil ushing technique (Gabr et al., 1996; Quaranta et al., 2000; Warren et al., 2006; Sharmin et al., 2008). For the case of remediation above the groundwater, i.e. in the vadose zone, Collazos et al. (2002, 2003) and Abuel-Naga et al. (2008) investigated the possibility of incorporating prefabricated vertical drains into soil vapour extraction (SVE) systems to enhance their effectiveness, to reduce the time required for clean-up, and to lower

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 61 3 9905 4956; fax: 61 3 9905 4944. E-mail addresses: (H. Abuel-Naga), malek.bouazza@ (A. Bouazza). 1 Tel.: 64 9 373 7599x89067; fax: 64 9 373 7462. 0266-1144/$ see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2008.11.006

the residual contaminant levels achieved at the end of the treatment. The design of prefabricated vertical drains varies according to the specic application. One of the key parameters usually addressed in the PVD design is the determination of the equivalent diameter of band-shaped drains with radial drains which dictates the size of the inow surface (the focus of this paper); other parameters such as discharge capacity of the drain, drain spacing, well resistance, effect of smear disturbance and installation methods are not addressed in the present paper. PVDs are oblong in cross sectional and not round. In order to design a PVD, for geotechnical or remediation purposes, an equivalent circular drain diameter must be used. There are many methods and procedures for determining the equivalent diameter of a PVD with an oblong cross section (Welker et al., 2000). Table 1 shows the most commonly used formulations to determine PVD equivalent diameter. These equations were developed using different methodologies. The Hansbo (1979) equation is based on the surface area of a PVD. Long and Covo (1994) used an electric analogue approach to develop their equation. The Atkinson and Eldred (1981) equation takes into account throttle that takes place close to the drain. Fellenius and Castonguay (1985) established their equation considering the cross-sectional area of a PVD. However, no denitive recommendation is available regarding the validity of these equations. Welker et al. (2000) and Welker and Herdin (2003) investigated experimentally the validity of two different approaches that can be

228 Table 1 PVD equivalent diameter equations References Hansbo (1979) Long and Covo (1994) Atkinson and Eldred (1981) Fellenius and Castonguay (1985)

H. Abuel-Naga, A. Bouazza / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2009) 227231

Equations deq deq deq deq 2w t =P 0:5w 0:7t w t =2 4wt =P0:5

approach was used to solve Eq. (1). Taking the advantage of the symmetrical behaviour of the problem, only one quarter of the area was used in the model as shown in Fig. 1. The boundary conditions of the numerical experiment pumping test conducted are described as follows:  Steady uniform pressure head, Pr, at the perimeter of the tested cell.  No ow boundary is applied along the two axis of symmetry (X, Y).  Steady uniform pressure head, Pw, is applied along the PVD or equivalent circular cross-section circumference. The mode of pumping (extraction/injection) can be controlled by the pressure values (Pr and Pw). However, it should be mentioned that the mode of pumping should not theoretically inuence the relation between the oblong cross-section well and its equivalent circular cross-section well. The size of PVD used in the numerical modelling was varied from t/w 0.03330.0875 where t and w are the thickness and width of the PVD, respectively, to cover most PVD sizes available commercially. 3. Test result and discussion The PVD ow rate (Q) obtained from the numerical test for different PVD sizes under constant soil transport properties (k 5 107 m/s) and boundary conditions (Pw Pr 5.0 m) is plotted in the dimensionless plane Q/(kHS) (t/w) to generalize the output of this study as shown in Fig. 2. The term S is the difference in pressure head (Pw Pr), and H is the thickness of the soil layer (H 1.0 m for the two-dimensional numerical analysis shown in Fig. 1). The results show that for a constant PVD width, varying the thickness of a PVD has insignicant effect on the total PVD ow rate (Q) whereas varying the PVD width and keeping the PVD thickness constant affects the total PVD ow rate. The ow rate contributions of the PVD width (Qw) and thickness (Qth) to the total PVD ow rate

w is the prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) width and t is the PVD thickness.

used to evaluate the equivalent diameter of PVD namely; equal equipotentials and equal ow rate approach, respectively. The rst approach requires that both the oblong well and the equivalent circular well to generate equal equipotentials behaviour in the ow zone when subjected to similar ow-controlled pumping/injection condition. The second approach requires that the equivalent circular well to be able to yield similar discharge as the oblong well when subjected to similar pressure-controlled pumping condition. Welker et al. (2000) indicated that evaluation of PVD equivalent diameter should not be based on equal equipotential approach since the change in the well shape from oblong to circular impacts the head values to such an extent that the equipotential lines will never be similar. Welker and Herdin (2003) investigated experimentally the PVD equivalent diameter equation based on the equal ow rate approach. However, no rm conclusions were reached on the equivalency calculation. The objective of this paper is to determine numerically the equivalent diameter of a PVD-well based on the equal ow rate approach and to improve its method of calculation. 2. Numerical experiment program Determining the equivalent diameter of PVD numerically offers the possibility of eluding the following uncertainties that might affect the outcomes of the investigation if a laboratory experimental approach is used:  Homogeneity and repeatability of tested soil samples.  Level of saturation of tested soil samples.  Disturbance in the ow regime due to piezometer installation around a PVD well.  Difference in well resistance between a PVD and an equivalent circular section well which might lead to different pressure gradients within the tested soil sample for each well type at equal ow rate condition.  Efciency of top cover sealing during the extraction/pumping process. Moreover, as similar PVDs cross-section dimension can have different well resistance (Quaranta and Gabr, 2000), the well resistance change can also affect the general applicability of the acquired experimentally relation. In this study numerical pumping tests were conducted on cylindrical unit cell soil specimen (1.0 m in diameter and height) that includes a central vertical drain. Pressure-controlled condition was employed. It involves applying different steady uniform pressures along the intake section of the well (PVD/circular cross section) and determining the ow rate to the well. Considering the validity of Darcys law and the homogeneity of the tested soil, the transport behaviour of fully saturated porous media in two dimensions can be expressed by the following governing equation:



t/2 w/2



    v vP v vP k k 0 vx vx vy vy


where k is the hydraulic conductivity and P the uid pressure head. A nite element solver, FlexPDE, with an automatic adaptive mesh

Fig. 1. Typical nite element conguration. (a) PVD well. (b) Equivalent circular crosssection well.

H. Abuel-Naga, A. Bouazza / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2009) 227231



t w

2.25 t = 0.005m


t = 0.007m w = 0.12m w = 0.11m w = 0.1m w = 0.09m w=0.08m

i H = 1.0 m


t = 0.004m

t = 0.006m

Equipotential lines

1.5 0.03




Fig. 2. Flow rate of PVD well for different PVD sizes (re 0.5 m).

(Q Qw Qth) were determined as shown in Fig. 3. For the case where the PVD thickness varied while keeping its width constant, the increase in Qth was cancelled by the decrease in Qw as illustrated in Fig. 3a. On the other hand, if the PVD thickness is kept constant and its width varied, Qw increases and minimal effect is observed on Qth as shown in Fig. 3b.
Fig. 4. Hydraulic gradient at PVD wall.



140 120 w/2 t/2

Q/(kHS) [m]







60 0.5 40 20 0.05 0.06 0.07 t=3, w=100 mm t=6, w=100 mm 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.0 0.04




140 t=6, w=100 mm t/2 120 100 w/2 t=6, w=80 mm


Q/(kHS) [m]

1.5 80 60 40 0.5 20 0.0 0.04 0 0.045 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0 10 20 30 40 50 60




Fig. 3. Effect of PVD thickness and width change on PVD ow rate. (a) At constant width (w 0.1 m). (b) At constant thickness (t 0.005 m).

Fig. 5. Evolution of hydraulic gradient at PVD wall as PVD cross-section dimensions change.


H. Abuel-Naga, A. Bouazza / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2009) 227231

3.5 3

0.08 deq = 0.4546w 0.06 R2 = 0.9983


Q/(kHS) [m]

2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1

deq (m)
Numerical Analytical



0 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16

w (m) deq (m)

Fig. 8. Relationship between deq and w.

Fig. 6. Flow rate of equivalent circular cross-section well at different deq (re 0.5 m).

This behaviour can be explained using Darcys equation which determines the PVD discharge (Q kiA), where i is the hydraulic gradient at the PVD wall, and A is the PVD surface area (A 2H[t w]) as shown in Fig. 4a. The non-uniform distribution of i along the PVD wall is attributed to the elliptical shape of the equipotential lines close to the PVD as shown in Fig. 4b. Darcys equation states that for a given soil, Q is function of both i and A. However, i and A are also interrelated as changing the PVD crosssection dimensions (t, w) will also change the distribution of i along the PVD wall. Therefore, the change in Q, as the PVD cross-section dimensions (t, w) vary, can be equal to zero if the product of i by A stays constant. To verify the above, the evolution of i along the PVD wall was determined numerically for different PVD cross-sections as shown in Fig. 5. The term iA, for each case, can be determined by calculating the area delimited by the hydraulic gradient curve and x-axis. Fig. 5a shows that if w is constant and t increases then this area stays relatively constant. Thus Q does not change much. However, if t is constant and w increases then this area increases as shown in Fig. 5b, consequently Q increases. 3.1. PVD equivalent diameter Fig. 6 shows the variation of the normalized ow rate Q/(kHS) against deq for a circular cross-section well tested under similar soil

transport properties and boundary conditions as in the PVD-well case. The relationship between Q/(kHS) deq was established numerically and analytically to validate the numerical approach. To evaluate the PVD equivalent diameter under equal ow rate condition, the normalized ow rates Q/(kHS) given in Fig. 3 were replaced by deq using Q/(kHS) deq relationship given in Fig. 6. Thus, a relation between deq and t/w can be determined, at equal ow rate conditions, as shown in Fig. 7. This relation indicates that for the practical range of PVDs (0.0333  t/w  0.0875) the thickness has insignicant effect on the calculated equivalent diameter. Fig. 8 shows that the relation between deq and w, for 0.0333  t/w  0.0875, can be expressed as follows:

deq 0:4546w


To evaluate the effect of re/w on the above relation (re is radius of unit cell sample), numerical tests of a given PVD size (w 0.1 m) and its deq according to Eq. (2) were conducted at different re/w ratios and under similar soil transport properties and boundary conditions. Fig. 9 shows that the total ow rates of the PVD (QPVD) and its equivalent circular cross-section Qdeq are almost equal for different re/w ratios. Consequently, it can be concluded that Eq. (2) is (re/w) independent over the practical range of PVD size and spacing (PVD with w 100 mm and t 5 mm, square pattern with spacing 1, 2, 3 m). The experimental evaluation of deq of different drain types conducted by Suits et al. (1986) and the four different equivalent


w = 0.1m, t = 0.05m, deq = 0.04546m


t = 0.005m

t = 0.007m w = 0.12m

deq (m)


w = 0.11m w = 0.10m



0.04 t = 0.004m

w = 0.09m w = 0.08m


t = 0.006m

0.02 0.03




0.0 0 5 10 15 20

Fig. 7. Equivalent circular cross-section well diameter at different PVD sizes (re 0.5 m).

Fig. 9. Effect of re/w ratio in Eq. (2).

H. Abuel-Naga, A. Bouazza / Geotextiles and Geomembranes 27 (2009) 227231



Abuel-Naga, H.M., Bergado, D.T., Chaiprakaikeow, S., 2006. Innovative thermal technique for enhancing the performance of prefabricated vertical drain system. Geotextile and Geomembranes 24 (6), 359370. Abuel-Naga, H.M., Bouazza, A., Bowders, J., Collazos, O., 2008. Numerical evaluation of prefabricated vertical drain enhanced soil vapour extraction system. Geosynthetics International 15 (3), 216223. Atkinson, M.S., Eldred, P.J.L., 1981. Consolidation of soil using vertical drains. Geotechnique 31 (1), 3343. Bergado, D.T., Balasubramaniam, A.S., Fannin, R.J., Holtz, R.D., 2002. Prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) in soft Bangkok clay: a case study of the new Bangkok International Airport project. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 39, 304315. Bo, M.W., Chu, J., Low, B.K., Choa, V., 2003. Soil Improvement: Prefabricated Vertical Drain Techniques. Thomson Asia Pte Ltd, 341 p. Chai, J., Miura, N., Bergado, D.T., 2008. Preloading clayey deposit by vacuum pressure with cap drain: analyses versus performance. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 26 (3), 220230. Chu, J., Bo, M.W., Choa, V., 2004. Practical considerations for using vertical drains in soil improvement projects. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 22 (12), 101117. Collazos, O.M., Bowders, J.J., Bouazza, A., 2002. Prefabricated vertical drains for use in soil vapour extraction applications. Transportation Research Record 1786, 104111. Collazos, O.M., Bowders, J.J., Bouazza, A., 2003. Laboratory evaluation of prefabricated vertical drains for use in soil vapour extraction systems. Ground Improvement 7 (3), 103110. Fellenius, B.H., Castonguay, N.G., 1985. The Efciency of Band Shaped Drains: a Full Scale Laboratory Study. Report to National Research Council and the Industrial Research Assistance Programme, 54 pp. Gabr, M.A., Wang, J., Bowders, J.J., 1996. A model for efciency of soil ushing using PVD-enhanced system. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 122 (11), 914920. Hansbo, S., 1979. Consolidation of clay by band-shaped prefabricated vertical drains. Ground Engineering 12 (5), 1618. Li, A.L., Rowe, R.K., 2001. Combined effects of reinforcement and prefabricated vertical drains on embankment performance. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 38, 12661282. Long, R., Covo, A., 1994. Equivalent diameter of vertical drains with oblong cross section. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 120 (9), 16251630. Lorenzo, G.A., Bergado, D.T., Bunthai, W., Hormdee, D., Phothiraksanon, P., 2004. Innovations and performances of PVD and dual function geosynthetic applications. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 22 (12), 7599. Quaranta, J.D., Gabr, M.A., 2000. Prefabricated vertical drains ow resistance under vacuum conditions. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 126 (1), 8184. Quaranta, J.D., Sabodish, M., Gates, K., Gabr, M.A., 2000. Enhanced subsurface ushing of mixed waste: a eld study. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 105, 132141. Rowe, R.K., Li, A.L., 2005. Geosynthetic-reinforced embankments over soft foundations. Geosynthetics International 12 (1), 5085. Rowe, R.K., Taechakumthorn, C., 2008. Combined effect of PVDs and reinforcement on embankment over rate sensitive soils. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 26 (3), 239249. Sharmin, N., Kunberger, T., Gabr, M.A., Quaranta, J.D., Bowders, J.J., 2008. Performance modelling and optimization of contaminant extraction using prefabricated vertical wells (PVWs). Geosynthetics International 15 (3), 205215. Shen, S.L., Chai, J.C., Hong, Z.S., Cai, F.X., 2005. Analysis of eld performance of embankments on soft clay deposit with and without PVD-improvement. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 23 (6), 463485. Sinha, A.K., Havanagi, V.G., Mathur, S., 2007. Inection point method for predicting settlement of PVD improved soft clay under embankments. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 25 (6), 336345. Suits, L.D., Gemme, R.L., Masi, J.J., 1986. Effectiveness of prefabricated drains on laboratory consolidation of remolded soils. In: Yong, R.N., Townsend, F.C. (Eds.), Consolidation of Soils: Testing and Evaluation, ASTM STP 892. ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 663683. Warren, K.A., Gabr, M.A., Quaranta, J.D., 2006. Field study to investigate WIDE technology for TCE extraction. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 132 (9), 11111120. Welker, A.L., Gilbert, R.B., Bowders, J.J., 2000. Using a reduced equivalent diameter for a prefabricated vertical drain to account for smear. Geosynthetics International 7 (1), 4757. Welker, A.L., Herdin, K.M., 2003. Evaluation of four equivalent diameter formulations for prefabricated vertical drains using ow rates. Geosynthetics International 10 (3), 103109.




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Suits et al. (1986) Long and Covo (1994) Atkinson and Eldred (1981) Hansbo (1979) Fellenius and Castonguay (1985) This study 0.045 0.055 0.065 0.075

0 0.035

Fig. 10. Comparison between different PVD equivalent diameter equations.

diameter equations given in Table 1 as well as Eq. (2) were plotted in deq/w t/w plane as shown in Fig. 10. The equivalent diameter equations proposed by Hansbo (1979) and Fellenius and Castonguay (1985) can be considered as the upper and lower limits, respectively, for the possible equivalent diameter zone in deq/w t/ w plane. It can be noticed that the four equivalent diameter equations listed in Table 1 are function of t/w ratio which is not the case of Eq. (2). Moreover, it can also be observed that the experimental results reported by Suits et al. (1986) are in acceptable agreement with the equivalent diameter equations proposed by Atkinson and Eldred (1981), Long and Covo (1994), and Eq. (2). This nding suggests that the possible equivalent diameter zone in deq/w t/w plane can be contracted to be between Eq. (2) and Long and Covo (1994) equation. The observed scatter in the experimental results reported by Suits et al. (1986) can be attributed to the uncertainty in smear effect evaluation that might have affected the equivalent diameter back-calculation process. 4. Conclusions The numerical study conducted to establish an equivalent diameter of a PVD well considering equal ow condition shows that for such oblong section (0.0333  t/w  0.0875) the equivalent diameter is only function of PVD width. The equivalent diameter equation presented in this study is close to the equations proposed by Atkinson and Eldred (1981) and Long and Covo (1994), and is in agreement with the experimental results reported in literature. It is suggested that the proposed equation together with Long and Covo (1994) equation can establish the boarders of possible equivalent diameter zone in deq/w t/w plane.

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