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Simple and straight forward essay.

Encik Zain- family stopped fallen tree- road Encik Zain is a very busy person and he would like to spare some of his time with his beloved family. He had planned an outing to the beach. Last Saturday, it was a hot and fine day so, Encik Zain and his family went to the beach. His son, Amir was so excited that day. However, in the middle of the way, they had to stop because a tree had fallen across the road. There was a heavy storm the previous night. He could not carry the fallen tree because it was heavy. Boys came help- carried sideTwo boys saw the incident and came to help. Encik Zain and the boys carried the tree to the side of the road. They were exhausted and rested for a while. They wanted to go home. Thanked- gave- money- journey Encik Zain thanked the boys because they had helped him.He gave some money but they refused politely. Encik Zain insisted and finally they accepted gladly. Encik Zain and his family continued their journey. It was an unforgettable incident for them.


Parts of the animals /plants




the man - orang lelaki the men - ramai lelaki Boy - budak lelaki the boys - ramai budak lelaki the girl - budak perempuan the girls -ramai budak perempuan the people - ramai orang the children -kanak- kanak he is - dia untuk lelaki she is - dia untuk perempuan they are

Tree - pokok Bag - beg Chair - kerusi Table - meja Shelf - rak Car - kereta Bus - bas Bicycle - basikal Cup - cawan Food - makanan Glass - gelas Book - buku

road - jalan raya house - rumah Classroom - kelas Field - padang Shop - kedai Kitchen - dapur living room ruang tamu Garden - taman bunga Park - taman playground - taman permainan canteen - kantin school - sekolah

is/are walking - sedang berjalan is/are running - sedang berlari is/are sitting - sedang duduk is/are standing - sedang berdiri is/are eating - sedang makan is/are playing - sedang bermain is /are buying - sedang membeli is/are selling - sedang menjual is/are pushing - sedang menolak is/are pulling sedang menarik is/are carrying sedang membawa is/are wearing sedang memakai

Grammar Preposition On In basket Under tree At playground - on the chair - in the - under the - at the

There is a There are many

Adjective Small boy Young man Tall girl Fat woman Big house Black cat

- mereka there is a

- di sana ada satu there are many - di sana ada banyak the old man - orang tua lelaki the old woman orang tua perempuan


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