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I(a) Distinguish between Job and Process costing. Job Costing It is used where production is undertaken under specific orders. Cost is determined for each job separate ! #ach job is separate and independent of the other. #ach job is usua ! a sing e comp ete unit and there is no work in progress after comp etion. &here are no transfers from one job to another un ess there is a surp us or e'cess production. Job costs are ascertained on ! when jobs are comp eted. &he items of prime cost can be traced with job cost. Cost contro is difficu t due to di+erse nature of jobs.

3 marks Process Costing It is used in continuous and mass production industries producing homogenous products. Costs are compi ed for each process on time basis. Products are manufactured continuous ! and the! ose their indi+idua identit!. &here can be work in progress at the end of the costing period. ,s the product mo+es from one process to another the cost is transferred to ne't process. &he costs are ascertained at the end of the costing period. Prime cost cannot be traced with a particu ar order due to continuous production. Cost contro is comparati+e ! easier because the products are homogenous and production is stab e. 7 marks

1. 2. ". $. %. (. ). *.

1. 2. ". $. %. (. ). *.

(b) -hat are the assumptions and uses of .argina Costing/

,ccording to the &ermino og! of Cost ,ccountanc! of the Institute of Cost and .anagement ,ccountants0 1ondon0 .argina Cost represents 2the amount of an! gi+en +o ume of output b! which aggregate costs are changed if the +o ume of output is increased b! one unit3. &he Institute of Cost and .anagement ,ccountants0 1ondon0 has defined .argina Costing as 2the ascertainment of margina costs and of the effect on profit of changes in +o ume or t!pe of output b! differentiating between fi'ed costs and +ariab e costs3. ,ssumptions4 1. , e ements of cost5 production0 administration and se ing and distribution5 can be segregated into fi'ed and +ariab e components. 2. 6ariab e cost remains constant per unit of output irrespecti+e of the e+e of output and thus f uctuates direct ! in proportion to changes in the +o ume of output. ". &he se ing price per unit remains unchanged or constant at a e+e s of acti+it!.

$. 7i'ed costs remain unchanged or constant for the entire +o ume of production.


%. &he +o ume of production or output is the on ! factor which inf uences the costs.

8ses4 1. 9e ps management in Production P anning. 2. 7aci itates ca cu ations of important factors ike :.#.P. ". 6a uab e aid to management for decision making. $. 7aci itates stud! of re ati+e profitabi it!. %. 9e ps in cost contro . (. Profit p anning. (c) -hat is &ransfer Pricing/ 8nder what conditions transfer prices are necessar!/ #'p ain brief ! the t!pes of transfer pricing. 10 marks 2, transfer price is a price used to measure the price of goods or ser+ices furnished b! a profit centre to other responsibi it! centres within a compan!3. &he e+a uation of manageria performance within the compan! through profit centres is impossib e without determining transfer price. In case +arious profit centres of the compan! e'change goods and ser+ices. In such situations0 there is need to determine the monetar! +a ues0 ca ed transfer price0 at which the transfer shou d take p ace so that costs and re+enues cou d be proper ! assigned. &!pes4 1. Cost price 2. Cost p us a norma mark5up ". Incrementa cost $. ;hared profit re ati+e to the cost %. .arket price (. ;tandard price ). <egotiated price *. Dua or two5wa! price. II. Differentiate between .argina and ,bsorption Costing. ,bsorption Costing .argina Costing 5 marks


1. , costs whether +ariab e or fi'ed are treated as product costs e+en though fi'ed cost are period costs and ha+e no re e+ance to current operations. 2. &he stock of finished goods and work in progress is +a ued at tota cost. ". In absorption costing arbitrar! apportionment of fi'ed costs0 o+er the products0 resu ts in under or o+er5 absorption of such costs. $. .anageria decision5making is based upon =profit> which is the e'cess of sa es +a ue o+er tota cost. Part :

1. ?n ! +ariab e costs are treated as product costs0 fi'ed cost is treated as period cost @ is charged to PA1 aAc for that period. 2. 7B and -IP are +a ued at margina cost ie +ariab e cost on !. ". It e'c udes fi'ed costs and the Cuestion of under or o+er absorption of fi'ed costs does not arise. $. &he manageria decisions are guided b! =contribution> which is the e'cess of sa es +a ue o+er +ariab e cost.

I (a) 7rom the fo owing particu ars find the most profitab e product mi' and prepare a statement of profitabi it! of that product mi'. 10 marks Particu ars 8nits budgeted to be produced and so d ;e ing priceA unit EeCuirementsAunitsF direct materia Direct abour 6ariab e ?9s 7i'ed ?9s Cost of Direct materia Akg Direct abour hour rate .a'imum possib e units of sa es Product , 1*DD Es. (D % kg $ hrs Es. ) Es. 1D Es. $ Es. 2 $DDD Product : "DDD Es. %% " kg " hrs Es. 1" Es. 1D Es. $ Es. 2 %DDD Product C 12DD Es. %D $ kg 2 hrs Es. * Es. 1D Es. $ Es. 2 1%DD

, the three products are produced from the same direct materia using the same t!pe of machines and abour. Direct abour0 which is the ke! factor0 is imited to 1*(DD hrs. Particu ars Product , Product : Product C


(b) Gour compan! has a production capacit! of 2 akhs units per !ear. <orma capacit! uti iHation is reckoned is IDJ. 6ariab e production costs are Es.11 per unit. &he fi'ed cost are Es. "(DDDDA!ear. 6ariab e se ing costs are Es. " per unit and fi'ed se ing costs are Es. 2)DDDDA!ear. &he unit se ing price is Es. 2D. In the !ear which ended on "1.".2D120 the production was 1(DDDDunits and sa es were 1%DDDD units. &he c osing in+entor! on "1.".2D12 was 2DDDD units. &he +ariab e production costs for the !ear were Es. "%DDD higher than the standard. Calculate the profit for the year by the Absorption and Marginal Costing methods and comment on the results. 15 marks Particu ars (,) ;a es in units ;e ing price per unit ;a es (:) 6ariab e production costs 6ariab e se ing costs ("K1%DDDD) 7i'ed cost 7i'ed se ing cost &ota cost L opening in+entor! ,bsorption costing 10%D0DDD 2D "D0DD0DDD 1)0I%0DDD $0%D0DDD "0(D0DDD 20)D0DDD 2*0)%0DDD M .argina Costing 10%D0DDD 2D "D0DD0DDD 1)0I%0DDD $0%D0DDD M M 220$%0DDD M


2*0)%0DDD 5 C osing in+entor! Cost of goods so d "0(D0DDD(1*K2DDDD ) 2%01%0DDD

220$%0DDD 20*D0DDD(1$K2DDDD) 1I0(%0DDD

?perating profit 5 5 7i'ed cost 7i'ed se ing cost <et profit

$0*%0DDD M M $0*%0DDD

1D0"%0DDD "0(D0DDD 20)D0DDD $0D%0DDD

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