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DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200500181

Resorcin[4]arene Cavitand-Based Molecular

By Vladimir A. Azov, Andrew Beeby, Martina Cacciarini,
Andrew G. Cheetham, François Diederich,* Markus Frei,
James K. Gimzewski, Volker Gramlich, Bert Hecht, Bernhard Jaun,
Tatiana Latychevskaia, Andreas Lieb, Yoriko Lill, Federica Marotti,
Anna Schlegel, Reto R. Schlittler, Philip J. Skinner, Paul Seiler,
and Yoko Yamakoshi

Resorcin[4]arene cavitands with four quinoxaline bridges are a family of macrocycles that adopt, at elevated tempera-
ture, a contracted, vase-type conformation, capable of guest inclusion, whereas at low temperature they switch to an
expanded, kite-type conformation with a large flat surface. The present investigations lay the foundation for the use of
such dynamic cavitands as miniaturized mechanical grippers for supramolecular construction at the single-molecule
level. New vase–kite switching modes, stimulated by pH changes or stoichiometric metal-ion complexation, have been
discovered and monitored by 1H NMR and optical absorption spectroscopy. The solid-state geometries of the two
states have been revealed by X-ray crystallography, and the kinetics and thermodynamics of the switching processes in
solution as well as their solvent dependency has been investigated in great detail. Monolayers of the cavitand in the
vase form have been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy at molecular resolution; conformational switching is
also observed in Langmuir monolayers at the air/water interface. Synthetic protocols have been developed for prepa-
ration of partially and asymmetrically bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitands, which are also shown to undergo confor-
mational switching. These synthetic advances pave the way to new, dynamic molecular receptors for steroids, tetrathio-
fulvalene-bridged grippers with the potential to undergo electrochemically induced conformational switching, and
systems with greatly extended, rigid cavity walls functionalized at the termini by dipyrrometheneboron difluoride dyes.
The latter cavitands are shown by fluorescence resonance energy transfer to undergo geometrically precisely defined
motions between a contracted (≈ 7 Å linear extension) and a strongly expanded (≈ 7 nm linear extension) state.

– 1. Introduction
[*] Prof. F. Diederich, Dr. V. A. Azov, Dr. M. Cacciarini, A. G. Cheetham,
M. Frei, Prof. B. Jaun, Dr. F. Marotti, A. Schlegel, Dr. P. J. Skinner,
P. Seiler, Dr. Y. Yamakoshi One of the most fascinating classes of receptors for molecular
Laboratorium für Organische Chemie, ETH-Hönggerberg recognition studies comprises the resorcin[4]arene cavitands
HCI, CH-8093 Zürich (Switzerland)
E-mail: bridged by four quinoxaline moieties introduced by Cram and
Dr. A. Beeby co-workers (Fig. 1).[1] These compounds, for example, 1 (Fig. 1),
Department of Chemistry, University of Durham are conveniently prepared in two steps by condensation of
South Road, Durham DH13LE (UK) resorcinol and an appropriate aldehyde to give an octol,[2] fol-
Prof. J. K. Gimzewski, R. R. Schlittler lowed by fourfold bridging with 2,3-dichloroquinoxaline.
IBM Research, Zürich Research Laboratory
Säumerstrasse 4, CH-8803 Rüschlikon (Switzerland)
Prof. V. Gramlich
Laboratorium für Kristallographie, ETH-Zentrum [**] Support by the Swiss National Science Foundation via the NFP 47
Sonnegstrasse 5, CH-8092 Zürich (Switzerland) Supramolecular Functional Materials and the NCCR Nanoscale
Prof. B. Hecht, Dr. T. Latychevskaia, Dr. A. Lieb, Dr. Y. Lill Science is gratefully acknowledged. We thank the Japan Science Tech-
Nano-optics group, Institut für Physik, Uni Basel nology Corporation Overseas Fellowship program for a postdoctoral
Klingelbergstrasse 82, CH-4056 Basel (Switzerland) fellowship to Y.Y.

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2006, 16, 147–156 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 147
V. A. Azov et al./Resorcin[4]arene Cavitand-Based Molecular Switches

potential of these systems to act as molecular grippers for

nanoscale molecular manipulation. The cavitands should be
able to capture a single molecule in the vase form and hold it
during translocation, releasing it upon changing to the kite con-
formation. Applications of this molecular-gripper-type function
could be envisioned in the construction of smart cantilever tips
for atomic force microscopy (AFM), but also in the develop-
ment of dynamic receptors, sensors, and molecular machines.[6]
However, several fundamental issues needed to be addressed
before these objectives can be reached. These include: i) the
Figure 1. Original quinoxaline-bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitand reported invention of more practical switching modes and the applica-
by Cram and co-workers [1]: top and side views of the vase conformation, tion of optical spectroscopy in their detection; ii) a detailed
showing approximate dimensions and domain names. investigation of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the vase–
kite conformational equilibrium and its dependence on envi-
ronmental polarity; iii) the modification of the cavitand legs to
A particularly interesting property of these systems is the re- allow monolayer formation as well as surface immobilization;
versible, temperature-dependent switching between a closed and iv) the development of new synthetic protocols for altering
vase conformation (C4v symmetry), with a hydrophobic cavity and extending the cavitand walls, leading to larger, but still pre-
(about 7.5 Å wide and 5.6 Å deep)[3] suitable for guest encap- cisely defined, molecular expansion/contraction motions. Here-
sulation,[4,5] and an open kite conformation (C2v symmetry), in, we describe the advances made in our laboratory towards
with a flat, extended surface approximately 12.5 Å × 18 Å in the optimization of the dynamic resorcin[4]arene cavitands for
size (Fig. 2). The vase conformation is prevalent at room tem- potential applications in organic nanoscale science.
perature and above, whereas the kite conformer is predomi-
nant at temperatures ≤ –60 °C. According to Cram and co-
workers,[1] the temperature dependence of the vase–kite equi- 2. Vase–Kite Switching: Structural and Mechanistic
librium is caused by solvation effects. At low temperatures, sol-
vation of the larger, solvent-exposed surface favors the kite
conformer, whereas at higher temperature, the entropic term
Both the vase and kite conformations of bridged resor-
TDSsolv for solvation of the larger kite surface becomes unfa-
cin[4]arene cavitands have been structurally characterized in the
vorable and the vase conformation predominates.
solid state; their contrasting geometries are depicted in Figure 3.
The controllable switching of bridged resorcin[4]arene cavi-
Although several crystal structures of vase conformations have
tands resembles the movement of a mechanical gripper, and
been known since the early 1990s,[1b,4,7,8] the solid-state character-
this analogy initiated our research program to investigate the
ization of the kite conformation remained elusive until recently.
We observed by 1H NMR spectroscopy (see below) that the oc-
tanitro derivative 2[9] exists exclusively in the kite conformation,
even at room temperature and above, possibly owing to dipolar
repulsion between the eight nitro groups in the vase form:[8]
we confirmed this finding by solving the solid-state structure
(Fig. 3b). Previously, crystal structures of kite conformers had
only been recorded for so-called velcrands.[1c,10,11] In these qui-
Figure 2. Molecular models of the vase and kite conformers of the qui-
noxaline-bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitands, methyl substituents
noxaline-bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitand 1. The equilibrium is tempera- in the ortho-positions to the two oxygen atoms of each of the four
ture- and pH-dependent. H atoms and legs are omitted for clarity. resorcinol moieties prevent (for steric reasons) the formation of

Born in the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg (1952), François Diederich studied chemistry at the Uni-
versity of Heidelberg (1971–1977). He joined the group of Prof. Heinz A. Staab for his diploma
and doctoral thesis which he completed in 1979 with the synthesis of kekulene. Following postdoc-
toral studies with Prof. Orville L. Chapman at UCLA (1979–1981), investigating arynes in argon
matrices, he returned to Heidelberg for his Habilitation at the Max-Planck-Institut für Medizi-
nische Forschung (1981–1985). Subsequently, he joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry at UCLA where he became Full Professor of Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
in 1989. In 1992, he returned to Europe, joining the Department of Chemistry and Applied Bio-
sciences at the ETH Zürich. His research interests, documented in more than 440 publications, span
from medicinal chemistry, with a focus on molecular recognition studies, to dendritic mimics of
globular proteins, and to fullerene and acetylene-based advanced materials with novel opto-elec-
tronic properties.

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V. A. Azov et al./Resorcin[4]arene Cavitand-Based Molecular Switches

in velcrands (≈ 147°)[12] and 2 (≈ 140°) are
quite similar.
Cram and co-workers found that the
vase–kite equilibrium in chloroform solu-
tion can be conveniently monitored by
H NMR spectroscopy.[1] In the vase form,
the methine proton Ha appears at
d ≈ 5.5 ppm, whereas upon switching to the
kite form, this resonance shifts upfield to
d ≈ 3.7 ppm (Figs. 4a,b). We later found
that the interconversion can also be moni-
tored by characteristic changes in the UV-
vis absorption spectrum.[7]
In the course of that work, we discovered
another way of inducing vase–kite switch-
ing. Acidifying a solution of 1 and re-
lated cavitands in deuterated chloroform
(CDCl3) or dichloromethane (CD2Cl2)
with TFA (trifluoroacetic acid, CF3COOH,
0.3–0.5 M) at room temperature led to
complete conversion into the kite confor-
mation.[7] This acid-triggered switching pro-
cess is fully reversible: upon addition of
base (potassium carbonate, K2CO3, or ter-
tiary amine), the vase form is quantitatively
Figure 3. Oak Ridge Thermal Ellipsoid Plot (ORTEP) representations of a) a quinoxaline-bridged recovered. The driving force for vase → kite
cavitand similar to 1 but with shorter legs (atomic displacement parameters obtained at 295 K and interconversion at low pH is presumably
drawn at the 50 % probability level) featuring the closed vase conformation and b) octanitro-cavitand
2 (atomic displacement parameters obtained at 253 K and drawn at the 30 % probability level) fea-
the protonation of the mildly basic quinoxa-
turing the extended kite conformation. line N atoms, which leads to repulsive Cou-
lombic interactions in the vase form. Proto-
the vase geometry. Velcrands exclusively adopt the kite form nation of the quinoxaline moieties is clearly indicated by a
and exist as face-to-face dimers (so-called “velcraplexes”),[1c,10] downfield shift of their resonances Hd and He in the 1H NMR
whereas the crystal lattice of 2 shows infinite “head-to-tail” col- spectrum (Fig. 4c). Recently we also showed that the vase → kite
umns with voids filled by Me2CO (Me = CH3) molecules.[8] The transition can be triggered by addition of ZnII ions (see Sec-
angles between the planes of the two opposite aromatic bridges tion 3).[12]

Figure 4. 1H NMR spectra of 1 (concentration c = 1 × 10–2 M, 300 MHz, CD2Cl2) under different conditions: a) Temperature (T) = 295 K; b) T = 193 K;
c) T = 308 K, 0.5 M trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) added; d) T = 243 K, 0.5 M TFA added. Only the aromatic region of the spectra is shown.

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More detailed, variable-temperature Table 1. Thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for different switching modes of cavitands 1 and 2.
(VT)-NMR studies with protonated cavi- (1 kcal = 4.184 J.)
tand 1 in acidic CD2Cl2 later led to
Cavitand Conditions Switching Mode DH DS DH‡ DS‡
the discovery of a second, kite 1–kite 2, –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1
[kcal mol ] [cal mol K ] [kcal mol ] [cal mol K ]
switching process (Scheme 1).[13] This
2 (CD3)2CO kite 1–kite 2 [a] [a] 10.1 ± 1.5 –12.9 ± 3
equilibrium is fast on the NMR timescale
2 CDCl3 kite 1–kite 2 [a] [a] 10.9 ± 1.5 –14.0 ± 3
at room temperature; thus, the 1H NMR 1 CD2Cl2 kite 1–kite 2 [a] [a] 21.2 ± 1.5 –26.6 ± 3
spectrum of the protonated cavitand at 0.75 M TFA
298 K is dynamically averaged and indi- 1 CD2Cl2 vase–kite –5.8 ± 0.5 –25.2 ± 1.5 3.8 ± 2 –33.2 ± 4
cates an apparent fourfold symmetry of 1 CD2Cl2 kite–vase –5.8 ± 0.5 –25.2 ± 1.5 9.7 ± 2 ––7.8 ± 4
the kite conformer (Fig. 4c). Upon cool- [a] Degenerate equilibrium.
ing to about 250 K, the number of signals
doubles and the spectrum becomes consis-
tent with the presence of two slowly interconverting kite con- As the temperature-triggered vase–kite isomerization is a
formers with C2v symmetry (Fig. 4d). The same change in the solvation-driven process, we undertook a solvent scan to inves-
number of resonances was also observed by cooling a solution tigate solvation effects on the equilibration.[13] Not unexpect-
of neutral cavitand 1 in CD2Cl2 to 193 K, as a result of switch- edly, a large influence of the solvent was detected. Both tem-
ing from the C4v symmetrical vase into two slowly exchanging, perature- and pH-triggered vase → kite conversions of 1
C2v symmetrical kite forms (Fig. 4b). These processes could proceed smoothly only in non-polar, non-aromatic solvents,
also be monitored by 13C NMR spectroscopy, with a doubling such as CDCl3, CD2Cl2, C2D2Cl4, and CCl4; the acid-induced
of the resonances seen at low temperature for both neutral and vase → kite switching is reversible upon addition of base
protonated cavitand 1. (K2CO3). In neutral deuterated toluene, the cavitand was fro-
By means of iterative line-shape fitting of the 1H NMR zen in the vase form upon cooling to 193 K. Also, large quanti-
spectra, the activation parameters for the kite 1–kite 2 equili- ties of TFA, ten times more then required for complete switch-
bration of both 1 and 2, and the kinetic and thermodynamic ing in CD2Cl2, were necessary to induce the vase → kite
parameters for the vase → kite transition of 1, were estimated transition in the deuterated aromatic solvents toluene, ben-
using the method described by Sandström (Table 1).[14] The zene, and fluorobenzene. The bulkier deuterated mesitylene,
similarity in the activation parameters for the kite 1 → kite 2 however, was found to be a special case. In contrast to the find-
switching of 2 to those determined for the kite → vase transi- ings in other aromatic solvents, the vase–kite switching behav-
tion of neutral 1 led us to assume that both switching processes ior of cavitand 1 in mesitylene is similar to that in CDCl3 or
proceed through similar, presumably partial-vase-like, transi- CD2Cl2. These results imply that the vase–kite equilibrium is
tion states. In addition, we confirmed the prediction of Cram not only dependent on solvent polarity but also on solvent
and co-workers, that vase → kite switching at low temperatures size.[15] Toluene, benzene, and fluorobenzene can nicely solvate
is an enthalpy-of-solvation-driven process, whereas the entro- the inner space of the vase conformation, thereby stabilizing
pic term favors the reverse process at elevated temperature.[13] this structure. On the other hand, mesitylene is too big to fit
into the vase cavity, which remains unsolvated and, in
return, facilitates the vase → kite conversion. These ex-
planations are in agreement with the complexation abil-
ity of self-assembled supramolecular capsules formed by
modified resorcinarene cavitands, as studied by Rebek
and co-workers.[3,5] Thus, the vase–kite equilibrium is
affected by solvent effects in both states involved.

3. Cavitand Monolayers

The visualization of single cavitand molecules and the

construction of practical devices required their immobili-
zation on various types of solid supports. Therefore, a
substantial effort in our research program was aimed at
the synthesis of cavitands suitable for surface immobili-
zation. Previously reported modifications include the in-
troduction of HO–[16] or amino-terminated legs for i) en-
hancing the solubility in aqueous media,[17] ii) covalent
bonding to surfaces,[18] and iii) coordination studies.[11,19]
Scheme 1. Interconversions between vase, kite 1, and kite 2 conformers of resor- We selected dialkyl thioether legs owing to their well-
cin[4]arene cavitands with four quinoxaline flaps. known affinity for gold surfaces under formation of

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stable self-assembled monolayers (SAMs).[20,21] Three cavi-
tands with dialkyl thioether legs of different length were con-
structed, employing slightly different synthetic strategies.[7,22]
SAMs formed by 3 (with the longest legs) on Au(111) were
successfully prepared from solution and imaged by ultrahigh-
vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (UHV-STM) at the
molecular level, showing a well-ordered monolayer (Fig. 5).
The individual, tightly packed cavitand molecules are fixed in
the vase conformation.[22] Cavitands with shorter legs afforded
only poorly ordered SAMs.

Figure 6. Pressure–area (P–A) isotherms of cavitand 4 on the pure water

subphase (black line) and in the presence of increasing amounts of
Zn(Ac)2 in the water subphase (blue, green, and red lines).

umes of a 7.3 mM solution of Zn(OAc)2 in a mixture of

CHCl3/MeOH (7:1) on the water subphase which was nearly
saturated by Zn(OAc)2. At [4] = 0.0016 mM and [Zn(OAc)2] in
the subphase = 8 mM, upon addition of 0.10 mL of the
Zn(OAc)2 solution, the area-per-molecule became nearly iden-
tical (270 Å; red isotherm in Fig. 6) to the theoretical value cal-
Figure 5. STM image of a SAM of cavitand 3 adsorbed on Au(111) show- culated for a monolayer of cavitand 4 in the kite conformation.
ing the structural model. The ellipses outline individual molecules of 3. Further addition of Zn(OAc)2 solution did not change the ob-
The image was taken using a tungsten tip in constant current mode with served area-per-molecule.
tunneling current It = 4.63 pA and voltage Vt = 1.9 V.
Clear proof for the ZnII-ion-induced vase → kite conforma-
tional change, discovered in the Langmuir studies, was ob-
Also, the cavitand with four 3,5-di-(tert-butyl)phenyl legs, tained in CDCl3 by 1H NMR spectroscopy, monitoring the
which can be sublimed in ultrahigh vacuum, was prepared for methine proton resonance as described above (see Fig. 4).
single-molecule studies on a solid support.[7] It has been pre- Furthermore, a Job plot analysis suggested that the switching
viously shown that these legs provide good adsorption of large to the kite form results from specific complexation between
molecules (such as porphyrins) on copper or silver surfaces for the cavitand 4 and ZnII ions, with a 1:2 binding stoichiometry.
STM imaging.[23,24] STM investigations are currently underway This hypothesis was further supported by molecular modeling,
in collaboration with T. Jung (NCCR Nanoscale Science, Basel). which suggested that the kite form is stabilized by the coordi-
Cavitand 4, with carboxylic ester legs,[8] was prepared for nation of two ZnII ions to the two pairs of neighboring qui-
Langmuir monolayer formation on an aqueous subphase. We noxaline N atoms.[25] Such coordination is evidenced experi-
hypothesized that the macrocycles would arrange themselves mentally by the substantial downfield shift of the quinoxaline
in monolayers in which the ester groups comprise the polar H NMR resonances.
part of the molecule and the quinoxaline flaps the hydrophobic
head group. Because the molecular area requirements esti-
mated from X-ray crystal structures for the vase (120 Å) and 4. Synthesis of Partially and Differentially Bridged
kite (270 Å) forms differ greatly, we hoped to detect conforma- Cavitands
tional switching in monolayers at the air–water interface by
evaluating the pressure–area (P–A) isotherms.[12] Upon lower- A variety of modifications of the cavity walls to tune the size
ing the pH from 7 to 1 by adding TFA, the area-per-molecule and the inner properties of resorcin[4]arene-based cavitands
indeed increased from 125 Å to 225 Å, suggesting formation of have been previously reported.[4b,5,9,17,18,26–28] Whereas most of
a monolayer of 4 in the kite conformation. The fact that the that work involved the “symmetric” replacement of all four
theoretical value of 270 Å for the kite form was not reached quinoxaline moieties (Fig. 1) by four new, identical wall com-
can be explained by incomplete protonation of the cavitand. ponents, some “asymmetric” systems with one flap differing
The monolayer was subsequently investigated upon addition from the residual three have also been reported.[4b,26,28] To
of Zn(OAc)2 to the water subphase (Fig. 6). The experiments reach some of the objectives outlined in the Introduction, such
involved spreading a solution of 4 in CHCl3 and different vol- as the formation of new receptors and sensors, redox-switch-

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able cavitands, and systems undergoing observable multi-nano- completely switched to the kite form upon addition of TFA; this
meter-sized contraction/expansion motions, good access to par- process was reversible upon addition of base (K2CO3). Large
tially and differentially bridged cavitands is required. linear expansion/contraction motions occur during the switch-
The first goal was to construct cavitands bearing one or ing: thus, molecular modeling suggests that the anti-bis-dye-la-
two fluorescent BODIPY (dipyrrometheneboron difluoride) beled cavitand 11 expands from ≈ 7 Å in the vase to ≈ 35 Å (dis-
dyes[29] for mechanistic investigations of the vase–kite switch- tance between the two B-atoms) in the kite geometry.
ing process by means of single-molecule confocal fluorescence Remarkably, even the partially bridged resorcin[4]arenes
microscopy.[30] Octol 5 was obtained by condensation[31] of 6–8 all underwent switching. For diol 6, low-temperature ex-
resorcinol with heptanal (Scheme 2). Bridging with two periments revealed that the switching was not complete; that is,
equivalents of 2,3-dichloroquinoxaline yielded a mixture of both kite and vase conformers were present in about a 1:1 ratio
products, from which the desired bowls 7 and 8, with the novel at 193 K (in CD2Cl2). On the other hand, complete conversion
double bridging patterns, could be isolated by column chroma- from vase to kite occurred upon addition of TFA at room tem-
tography in 4 % and 20 % yields, respectively, together with perature. For tetrols 7 and 8, low-temperature scans could not
triply bridged cavitand 6 (up to 20 %) and fully bridged 1 be performed because they started to precipitate from the solu-
(3–5 %).[8,32] Later, a more efficient synthesis of 7 by the con- tion below 273 K. Adding TFA at room temperature led to
trolled removal of two bridges of 1 was described in the litera- complete transition from vase to kite.
ture.[33] Bridging of 6–8 with the substituted dichlorodia- Preliminary confocal fluorescence microscopy of 10–12 in
zaphthalimide derivative 9, with an appended BODIPY dye spin-coated films in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), or
moiety,[29b,c] provided the dye-labeled cavitands 10–12. neat on glass microscopy cover slides, confirmed the stability
The fully bridged cavitands 10–12 all underwent both temper- of the BODIPY dye labels and their compatibility with meth-
ature- and pH-triggered conformational switching,[13] although ods of single-molecule microscopy.[34]
in the thermal process, they showed a higher preference for the
kite conformation than the parent structure 1. Cavitands 10–12
5. Modular Construction of Cavitand
Switches Undergoing Large Expansion/
Contraction Motions

The interest in molecular-scale devices capable of

controlled mechanical movements on the nanoscale,
and mimicking the corresponding natural phenom-
ena such as muscle expansion/contraction, has been
growing steadily over the past decade.[6] A number of
elegant molecular and supramolecular systems pro-
viding large motions between states of profoundly
different geometries, induced by electrochemical or
ionic reactions, have been reported.[35–37] As already
illustrated by the vase–kite equilibration of 11, which
involves expansion/contraction motions with changes
in linear extension from ≈ 7 Å to ≈ 35 Å (see Sec-
tion 4), the resorcin[4]arene cavitand platform is
ideal for the construction of molecular switches un-
dergoing geometrically precisely defined, multi-
nanometer-sized movements between two stable
states. We became interested in further extending
these motions while at the same time introducing at
the termini a BODIPY donor–acceptor dye pair for
monitoring the dynamics by fluorescence resonance
energy transfer (FRET).[38] Theoretical considera-
tions[39] suggested that a large decrease in the intra-
molecular FRET efficiency would be measurable at
distances > 5 nm between donor and acceptor dyes.
To attain this goal, we developed a general proto-
col for the modular construction of cavitands with
Scheme 2. Synthesis of partially and differentially bridged cavitands. a) 2,3-Dichloro-
quinoxaline, K2CO3, Me2SO; ≤20 % (6), 4 % (7), 20 % (8). b) 9, K2CO3, Me2SO; 73 % one or two greatly extended cavity walls using the io-
(10), 54 % (11), 66 % (12). dinated and ethynylated cavitands 13–15 (Scheme 3)

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cin[4]arene cavitands in both vase and kite confor-
mations,[6,12] suggested a ≈1000 % difference in the
distance between the dye pair in the contracted
(≈ 7 Å) and expanded (≈ 7 nm, distance between the
two B atoms) states (Fig. 7).
The large-scale expansion/contraction movement
of 16 (Fig. 7) was clearly proven by both 1H NMR
and FRET measurements. Reversible vase–kite
switching, induced by changes in temperature or pH,
was undoubtedly evident from the 1H NMR spectra,
which featured the characteristic chemical shifts for
Scheme 3. Iodinated and ethynylated cavitands are key intermediates for the modular the methine proton resonances of the resorcinarene
construction of extended molecular switches by Sonogashira cross-coupling. macrocycle in the two states (see Fig. 4). Further-
more, upon adding TFA, the fluorescence of the ac-
ceptor dye (kmax = 630 nm) almost completely van-
as key intermediates.[40] Note the two additional ortho-Me- ished, whereas the emission of the donor dye (kmax = 542 nm)
groups on the phenyl spacers as compared to the related cavi- doubled in intensity. In the expanded kite state, with a spatial
tands 10–12 (Scheme 2): these facilitate the synthesis and, in separation of donor and acceptor of ≈ 7 nm, the FRET efficien-
particular, greatly increase the stability of the imides against cy was dramatically reduced. This result could only be obtained
nucleophilic attack. Starting from 13–15, the functionalized with a rigid structure such as 16, with limited available confor-
cavity walls can be enlarged to the desired size by Sonogashira mational space.
cross-couplings[41] with rigid, terminally ethynylated or iodi- Further modification of 16 offers intriguing potential for the
nated oligo(phenylene ethynylene) oligomers. modular design and construction of dynamic supramolecular
The recently accomplished synthesis of the donor–acceptor devices of interest for molecular recognition, molecular infor-
BODIPY-dye-labeled cavitand 16[38] nicely illustrates the mation transfer, and development of molecular grippers for
highly convergent, modular assembly of extended cavitands use in device construction at the single-molecule level. As an
from readily accessible building blocks (Scheme 4). The core example, additional recognition sites could be attached instead
14a was prepared by bridging 7 with imide 17, and the sequen- of the dye labels in 16 for enhancing the selectivity for specific
tial attachment of the oligo(phenylene acetylene)-appended guest binding or, alternatively, two donor–acceptor moieties
donor (18) and acceptor (19) dyes yielded 16. Computer mod- (such as one porphyrin and one fullerene) for creating switch-
eling, based on X-ray crystal structures of bridged resor- able electron-transfer systems.

Scheme 4. Modular synthesis of the FRET system 16. a) K2CO3, Me2SO, 38 %. b) [Pd(PPh3)4], CuI, Et(i-Pr)2N, THF, 8 % (over two steps).

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we designed cavitands with two tetrathiaful-

valene (TTF) flaps, as illustrated in Fig. 9.
TTF and related derivatives are known to un-
dergo facile reversible oxidation to a stable
dication TTF2+, which can be reduced back to
the neutral form.[46] When the two anti-orient-
ed TTF flaps are in the neutral form, we ex-
pect the vase conformation to be preferred.
Upon oxidation, the two TTF dications
should undergo strong Coulombic repulsion,
leading to a transition to the kite conformer.
The neutral vase form—with its two electron-
rich TTF flaps—should complex in its cavity
suitably sized electron-deficient guests, such
Figure 7. Donor–acceptor dye-labeled cavitand 16 and its extensions in the contracted (vase) as 1,4-dicyanobenzene, quinones, or 7,7,8,8-
and expanded (kite) states. In the models, the alkyl legs of the cavitand are omitted. tetracyano-p-quinodimethane (TCNQ). The
synthesis of a bridged resorcinarene with one
TTF flap has already been accomplished, with
6. Novel Resorcin[4]arene Cavitand-Based the aim of working out the (non-trivial) synthetic protocols for
Receptors introducing the redox-active component.

The access to partially and differentially bridged resor-

cin[4]arene cavitands opens new perspectives in molecular re-
ceptor design that are currently being pursued in our laborato-
ry. It had previously been shown that octols, such as 5, bind
sugars and oxygen-rich steroids by hydrogen bonding in non-
competitive solvents such as chloroform.[42] On the other hand,
resorcin[4]arenes self-assemble with various stoichiometries in
this solvent, with a hexameric capsule, capable of guest encap-
sulation, being the most prominent structure.[43] Such self-as- Figure 8. Partially bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitands are investigated as
sembly should be much less favorable in the case of 6–8 owing molecular receptors featuring hydrophilic (red) and hydrophobic (blue)
to the presence of the quinoxaline flaps. Rather, these struc-
tures feature an interesting monomeric receptor site, character-
ized by a hydrophilic region, an array of phenolic HO-groups
for hydrogen bonding, and hydrophobic regions, the quinoxa- 7. Conclusions and Future Directions
line flaps (Fig. 8). We anticipated preferential complexation of
extended lipophilic guests with polar residues, in particular by In this research program, ultimately targeting molecular grip-
anti-bridged 7, which could sandwich these lipophilic substrates pers for nanomanipulation, several milestones have been
between its two aromatic flaps. reached: i) synthetic strategies were developed that provide
A preliminary screening of the recognition properties of access to the construction of partially and asymmetrically
cleft-type receptor 7 in CDCl3 by 1H NMR spectroscopy bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitands; ii) the protocols for vase–
showed that sugar derivatives such as octyl pyranosides[44] are kite switching of bridged resorcin[4]arene cavitands were
only weakly bound, whereas stable complexes (association con- greatly expanded by introducing pH changes and metal-ion
stants Ka up to 103 L mol–1 (298 K)) are formed with se-
lected steroids.[45] A comprehensive investigation of ster-
oid recognition by 7, using 1H NMR binding titrations,
has recently been made possible through the gift of a
larger library of structurally related steroids by the com-
pany Schering AG. This ongoing study already shows
that the most stable complexes are formed by steroids
featuring a flat A-ring to sandwich between the quinoxa-
line flaps and two polar, hydrogen bonding functional-
ities in rings A and D. In all binding titrations, the ex-
change rate was fast on the NMR time scale.
In another project, we combined our aim of control-
ling guest recognition by vase–kite switching with the de- Figure 9. Principle of guest complexation of a dynamic resorcin[4]arene cavitand
sire to explore new switching modes. For this purpose, with two TTF flaps.

154 © 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Funct. Mater. 2006, 16, 147–156
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