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about sobre, acerca de

action accin
afternoon tarde
any algn, alguna, algunos / as
(ningn, ninguna, ningunos / as)
article artculo
boring aburrido / a, os / as (cosas)
cinema cine
clock reloj
comedy comedia
computer ordenador
day da
desk escritorio
eleven once
e-mail correo electrnico (electronic mail)
evening tarde, noche
family familia
film pelcula
first primer, primera, primeros / as
Good afternoon buenas tardes
Good evening buenas tardes (buenas noches)
Good morning buenos das
her su (de ella)
his su (de l)
hour hora
information informacin
its su (de ello referido a cosa / animal)
long largo
mayor alcalde
mobile phone telfono mvil
morning maana
office oficina
on sobre
our nuestro (a) / nuestros (as)
plant planta
programme programa
romance novela de amor
slow lento
telephone telfono
their su (de ellos, ellas)
time tiempo (hora)
today hoy
twelve doce
until hasta
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Megans job. Her first day
Part 1, 2, 3
week semana
well bien
Whose? De quin?
Monday lunes
Tuesday martes
Wednesday mircoles
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes
Saturday sbado
Sunday domingo
(Good) Morning Buenos das
(Good) Afternoon Buenas tardes
(Good) Evening Buenas tardes (noches)
Thats alright Est bien, no pasa nada
Anything else? Algo ms?
until hasta
any algo, algn, ninguno / a
three hours long dura tres horas
How is he? Cmo est l?
How are you? Cmo ests, est ud., estais,
estn uds.?
also tambin
What is ... like? Cmo es ...?
There is - There are
There is y there are se usan para decir hay. Si estamos hablando
en singular usamos there is y si estamos hablando en plural
usamos there are. Se pueden utilizar tanto en afirmativa como en
negativa como en interrogativa.
There is a book Hay un libro
There are some books Hay libros
Is there a book? Hay un libro?
Are there any books? Hay libros?
There is not a book No hay un libro
There are not any books No hay libros
There isnt a book No hay un libro
There arent any books No hay libros
Para responder se suele utilizar la forma corta, es decir, la forma
there seguida de is / are en afirmativa o negativa, en singular o
plural segn convenga. Esta forma de responder es mucho ms
usual en ingls.
Are there any books?
Yes, there are. / No, there arent.
Is there a book?
Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.
Con estas expresiones usamos normalmente los determinantes
some y any.
Some y Any
Son determinantes que se usan con palabras incontables y con
nombres en plural (tienen ms o menos el mismo significado que
el artculo indefinido a / an). Significan una cierta cantidad de.
Some se puede generalizar como la forma plural de a / an y one.
There are some biscuits Hay algunas galletas
Some: Se usa en oraciones afirmativas.
There is some milk in the fridge
You have some friends
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Any: Se usa en oraciones negativas e interrogativas.
There isnt any sugar in the cupboard
Are there any oranges on the table?
I dont have any brothers
This (singular) este, esta, esto
These (plural) estos, estas
That (singular) ese, esa, eso, aquel, aquella, aquello
Those (plural) esos, esas, aquellos, aquellas
Adjetivos posesivos
my book / my books mi libro / mis libros
your book / your books tu, su (de usted, ustedes),
vuestro libro / tus libros
his book / his books su libro (de l) / sus libros
her book / her books su libro (de ella) / sus libros
its book / its books su libro (de ello referido a cosa /
animal) / sus libros
our book / our books nuestro libro / nuestros libros
their book / their books su libro (de ellos / as) / sus libros
Genitivo sajn
En ingls, cuando hablamos de posesin con personas, es decir,
cuando algo pertenece a alguien, utilizamos lo que se llama
genitivo sajn, que consiste en colocar primero la persona que
posee algo seguido de la forma s, y despus la cosa poseda.
Poseedor + s + cosa poseda
Si decimos, por ejemplo, La casa de Mara, en este caso la
persona que posee es Mara y el objeto posedo es la casa, luego
la forma correcta sera: Maras house.
Tenemos que prestar atencin al hecho de que en espaol se usa
un artculo que en ingls se omite como hemos visto en el ejemplo
Cuando el poseedor es singular o no acaba en s, el genitivo se
forma con s, pero si el poseedor est en plural o acaba en s, el
genitivo se forma solamente con .
Eg.: my fathers wife my parents car
la mujer de mi padre el coche de mis padres
Por otra parte, cuando el poseedor es una cosa, expresamos
posesin con la preposicin of como en espaol.
Eg.: The capital of France La capital de Francia
Also y Too
Also significa tambin y se usa despus del verbo To be o
cualquier otro verbo usado como auxiliar. En estos casos, el
sujeto no se puede separar del verbo.
Sujeto + verbo To be + also + ...
Eg.: I am also a doctor Yo tambin soy (un) mdico
Sin embargo, cuando usamos cualquier otro verbo, also se coloca
entre el sujeto y el verbo. En este caso si podemos separar el
sujeto del verbo.
Sujeto + also + verbo + ...
Eg.: I also study Yo tambin estudio
Too significa tambin, pero siempre va colocado al final de
la frase, cualquiera que sea el verbo.
Eg.: I am a doctor, too Yo tambin soy (un) mdico
I study, too Yo tambin estudio
Plurales irregulares
foot - feet woman - women child - children
goose - geese tooth - teeth
man - men mouse - mice
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Vocabulary. Which word doesnt fit? (Vocabulario. Qu
palabra no tiene relacin con el resto?)
1) Monday Wednesday Friday Holiday Thursday
2) Comedy Romance Mayor Action Film
3) Eleven Computer Desk Fax Telephone
4) Time Minute Cinema Clock Hour
5) Parents Dog Child Father Mother
6) Morning Evening Week Afternoon
Make sentences comparing John and Karens lives.
When you want to say their situations are similar, write
two sentences, one with too and another with also.
(Haz frases comparando las vidas de Karen y Tom. Cundo
quieras indicar que sus situaciones son similares habrs de
hacer frases con too o con also como en el ejemplo.
Mejor haz dos frases, una con cada)
This is John. He is a tall man.
He is an American doctor from
Washington. His mother is a
doctor, too. His house is new
and beautiful. He is twenty-nine
years old and married.
This is Karen. She isnt married.
She is young, she is twenty-nine
years old. She is a short woman.
Her mother is a doctor. She is a
police officer. Her house is old
but beautiful.
John is a doctor. Karen is a police officer.
Karen is American. John is American, too.
John is also American.
1. Karens house is old. ________________________
2. Johns mother is a doctor. ________________________
3. Johns house is beautiful. ________________________
4. Karen is short. ________________________
5. John is married. ________________________
6. John is twenty-nine years old. ________________________
True or false? Correct the wrong sentences. (Verdadero
o falso? Corrige las frases que sean falsas)
1. There is one telephone in the office. False: There are two
telephones in the office.
2. There are three desks in the office. True
3. There is a plant.
4. There are two computers.
5. There is a book.
6. There is a camera.
7. There are two newspapers.
8. There is a fax.
9. There is a poster on the wall.
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Complete the chart with the possessive adjectives.
(Completa la tabla con los adjetivos posesivos)
Complete these sentences with the possessives.
Whats your name? __________ name is Bob.
Whats __________ name? Shes Helene.
Whats __________ name? Hes Jimmy.
This is my car and your car, too. Its __________ car.
Is this __________ pen? No, that isnt my pen.
Change two sentences into one. (Cambia las dos frases en una)
- This is Tom and that is his telephone.
That is Toms telephone.
- This is Sue and those are her books.
Those are ___________ ___________.
- This is Brenda and that is her family.
___________ is ___________ ___________.
- That is Edward and that is his car.
___________ ______ ___________ ___________.
- Those are Terry and Debbie and this is their family.
_________ _____ _________ _____ _________ _________.

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