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Whenever people deviate from the path of nature, they trap in huge disasters, plaque and
viral disease. Believe me there are thousands of new born disease that was never heard
before 50 years back. The mechanics of man is built on nature. We cant go against the
principle of nature. If somebody tried he never succeed.
God has prohibited us to keep away from pork and do not keep pig as cattle as it
aggregate of disease. There are thousands of people each year are infected by taking pork
as meal.
Recently, we have another example relating to the same animal is swain flu. The disease
spread due to the presence of influenza type A virus found in pigs. This influenza type
has four further subclasses, it spread very quickly through infected people. Influenza
rarely kill pigs but it spread in the environment due to breathing where these infected pigs
are kept and induce rapidly to the person taking care of these animals and become vitim
of subclass of type A that is H1 and N1 virus.
The symptoms of Swain FLU is similar to the normal flu that is cold or shivering of
weakness, head ache, fever, muscular pain, nasal flow, throat no feel of hunger and
In the last few decades we encountered several diseases more or less harmful but this is
on top of everyone as it spread very quickly and in no time the whole family becomes
victim if the infected one is around them. In the first three months of 2009 year, the
infected people in USA were 215, as the world shrunk. The traveling become easy. The
infected foreigners take along these disease and it spread in other countries wherever they
go it never quiet until it completely remove from the victim body. Always remember
virus grow very quickly they multiply themselves the process of their growth is known as
replication. There are some more countries where infected patients of type are found in
great quantity are Canada, Malaysia, Philippine, Spain, Mexico and some parts of India.
Type A contain all the properties of its four subclasses. Doctor haven’t found the
medicine for the disease yet. It takes one week to effect an adult person and two weeks
for the children.
There is no vaccine yet discover for this disease. Therefore prevention is the only
remedy. During sneezing and coughing put tightly cloths on your mouth and nose to
prevent the environment from the disease. The contaminated cloth should not throw into
the bin. Burn it or buried deep into the soil.
Patient should stay at home so other person could safe. Try as much as possible to keep
away from healthy people. Person who take care these patients should not sit or come
infront of them. They should not come in the way of patient breathing, coughing or
Thermal screen are located at every international airport to scan the patients and
safeguard other healthy people. The infected foreigners after screening are shifted to
quarantine area of the hospitals until they cured completely.
According to British newspaper there are some medicine and instrument (medical)
companies are busied in spreading of new born disease and filling their pockets

Ishal or motion is the second biggest cause for the death of children less than 5 years or
less after pneumonia. According to statistics every year there are one million children
died of fecal disease, two third of that live in underdeveloped countries. One among the
several factors of fecal disease is mothers do not breast feed their child at initial stages.
Children who had mother feed have got the greater internal resistance and strength and
they are naturally protected form fecal disease. Research tells there is substantial decrease
infecal disease in children who are fed by their mother.

There are some factors responsible for the fecal disease and we have to take
preventive actions against them.
Bottles of milk that are not boiled.
Germs contaminated fuzla in contact with the children.
Use of contaminated food and water.
Children in contact with the person who is suffering from fecal diosease.
Improper sanitation.
Too many people living in the house.

Illiterate mother do not advice their children about proper hygiene. As a result children
infected by fecal disease
Microorganisms including virus, bacteria and protozoa are responsible for the fecal
disease in children.

The most important remedy is to maintain the hydration level in children

Symptoms of dehydration are thirsiness,dryness in mouth and eyes, talu fall down, loose
skin trigger, slow capillary refill, high blood pressure, fast breathing, slow or fast pulse,
the decrease in the quantity of urine is also an indication of dehydration.
By these indications we get to know the dehydration level in child, whether low, medium
or high the remedy should take place accordingly.
The dehydration in children should maintain within 4 to 6 hours. Oral Rehydration Salt
(ORS) are given to child to maintain hydration level that lost very quickly during fecal

PCOS Polycystic and Syndrome is one of the major problems people facing today and
most of them don’t know until they reach at critical stages. It may effect period of
menses, female hormone and their property to give birth as well as inhibits the growth of
insulin and disturb the blood vessel. Women having problem of PCOS have great
quantity of male hormone known as androgen. The period of menses are disturbed and
moreover affect the ovary where small bags of liquid are placed.
PCOS is the birth problem in women relates to birth hormones. This is one of the major
factor in infertility in women. If the remedy is made in the right direction than these
female is able become mother. It means the disease can be cured but negligence of the
disease could make them infertile forever.
Experts haven’t found yet the real cause of PCOS and why it happens?
It is found that PCOS patients are usually fat. PCOS disturbs the level of insulin that
maintain the balance of androgen (male hormone)

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