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CSci 5131 Advanced Internet Programming Project Proposal

Kaushik Sonduri Panthangi Murali Sangubhatla Praveen Herur

Problem Statement To build a web based multi-user gaming application using Web Services Framework. Introduction ou are pla!ing a great web-based game with an opponent. ou are almost through and

so "ar so good. #ll o" a sudden$ !ou are reminded o" an impending appointment in another %& minutes but never want to 'uit the game without winning. To !ou all that matters is Winning. How about getting some online help and "inish the game on a winning note( )urrentl! most o" the e*isting gaming applications provide a networked solution "or workstations and stand-alone solutions "or hand-held devices. The need "or interconnectivit! between di""erent t!pes o" devices is "orever growing rapidl!. +n this pro,ect we achieve the same$ apart "rom gaining a hands-on e*perience on the technologies such as -ava Server Pages .-SP/$ -ava 0eans$ -ava Web Services .-WS/$ 1atabase )onnectivit! .-10)/ with M!S'l etc.$ We developed a Tic-Tac-Toe .both %2% and 323/ game that can be played from a handheld as well as "rom a conventional desktop. We have also devised an e""icient wa! to represent Solution space in the database to provide valuable tips to the pla!ers on demand. The Solution Space Servers use a ranking methodolog! to give the best tip possible and also provide a Web Service inter"ace. !oals We plan to build a simple gaming application using Web-services and 2M4 technologies. Progress on this goal would be achieved b! "irst building a server which supports the gaming application. Secondl! we would like to connect to this server "rom di""erent devices .clients/ and launch the application. Furthermore we would devise a suitable representation o" the states in the game$ which can be stored and assigned a rank

based on a ranking methodolog! we would devise. Whenever a game is won$ the server distributes the se'uence o" winning moves to the solution space servers which use -10) technologies "or storage and in"ormation retrieval. The clients can contact these solution space servers in order to obtain tips. !ame Server S"S" Server

Mobile )lient

Web Services Framework

Mobile )lient

)lient #igure 1"$

%esign The overall gaming architecture consists o" the "ollowing components5 6. Clients5 Pla!ers can connect to our 7ame Server through an web browsing application. We use -SP in coordination with a pla!er -ava 0ean residing on the 7ame Server to track the game session and process the client events. The re'uest and response between the )lients and the 7ame Server use HTTP. 8. Central Game Server5 The centrali9ed game server maintains complete state in"ormation o" all the pla!ers connected at an! instance. The 7ame Server retrieves tips on demand b! acting as a Web Service )lient. +n addition$ it publishes the Solutions to the Solution Space Servers. %. Solution Space Web Server5 The solution space web server provides two Web Services


)entral 7ame Server

Solution Space Web Server

-10) HTTP



M!S'l 1atabase
Figure 8.6 : ;verview o" the <etwork 7aming #rchitecture

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