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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Daily Digest
Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. 18, Concurrent Budget Resolution.
The House passed H. Con. Res. 95, Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year
The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 103, Adjournment Resolution.

United States Government for fiscal year 2006 and
Chamber Action including the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal
Routine Proceedings, pages S2875–S3094 years 2005 and 2007 through 2010, after taking ac-
Measures Introduced: Forty bills and eleven resolu- tion on the following amendments proposed thereto:
tions were introduced, as follows: S. 646–685, S. Pages S2875–97, S2899–S2910, S2911–26, S2929–67
Res. 84–91, and S. Con. Res. 20–22. Pages S2994–96 Adopted:
Measures Reported: By 52 yeas to 48 nays (Vote No. 58), Bingaman
S. 48, to reauthorize appropriations for the New (for Smith) Amendment No. 204, to create a reserve
Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route, with amend- fund for the establishment of a Bipartisan Medicaid
ments. (S. Rept. No. 109–41) Commission to consider and recommend appropriate
S. 182, to provide for the establishment of the reforms to the Medicaid program, and to strike Med-
Uintah Research and Curatorial Center for Dinosaur icaid cuts to protect states and vulnerable popu-
National Monument in the States of Colorado and lations. Pages S2875–86, S2919–20
Utah, with an amendment. (S. Rept. No. 109–42) Hutchison Amendment No. 218, to fully fund the
S. 188, to amend the Immigration and Nation- level of Border Patrol Agents authorized by the Na-
ality Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal years tional Intelligence Reform Act of 2004 and as rec-
2005 through 2011 to carry out the State Criminal ommended by the 9/11 Commission.
Alien Assistance Program. Pages S2875, S2922
S. 589, to establish the Commission on Freedom Salazar/Conrad Amendment No. 215, to provide
of Information Act Processing Delays. additional funding for rural education, rural health
S. 667, to reauthorize and improve the program access, and rural health outreach programs.
of block grants to States for temporary assistance for Pages S2875, S2922
needy families, improve access to quality child care. By a unanimous vote of 100 yeas (Vote No. 62),
Page S2993 Landrieu Amendment No. 219, to establish a reserve
Measures Passed: fund in the event that legislation is passed to pro-
vide a 50 percent tax credit to employers that con-
Condemning Violence and Criminality by the tinue to pay the salaries of Guard and Reserve em-
Irish Republican Army: Senate agreed to S. Res. ployees who have been called to active duty.
84, condemning violence and criminality by the Pages S2875, S2922
Irish Republican Army in Northern Ireland. Vitter Amendment No. 223, to express the sense
Pages S2910–11
of the Senate that Congress should provide dedicated
Private Relief: Senate passed S. 653, for the relief funding for port security enhancements.
of the parents of Theresa Marie Schiavo. Pages S2875, S2922
Pages S2926–29 Subsequently, the amendment was modified.
Concurrent Budget Resolution: By 51 yeas to 49 Page S2923
yeas (Vote No. 81), Senate agreed to S. Con. Res. By 63 yeas to 37 nays (Vote No. 64), Collins (for
18, setting forth the congressional budget for the Lieberman/Collins) Amendment No. 220, to protect

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the American people from terrorist attacks by restor- Lott Amendment No. 182, to express the sense of
ing $565 million in cuts to vital first-responder pro- the Senate on the acquisition of the next generation
grams in the Department of Homeland Security, in- destroyer (DDX). Pages S2930–32
cluding the State Homeland Security Grant pro- DeWine/Dodd Modified Amendment No. 153, to
gram, by providing $150 million for port security express the sense of the Senate concerning the care
grants and by providing $140 million for 1,000 new and treatment of children with HIV/AIDS.
border patrol agents. Pages S2875, S2923 Pages S2930–32
Vitter Amendment No. 224, to restore funding By 81 yeas to 19 nays (Vote No. 72), Talent
for Corps of Engineers environmental programs to Amendment No. 225, to provide the flexibility to
fiscal year 2005 levels. Pages S2875, S2923 consider all available transportation funding options.
By 68 yeas to 31 nays (Vote No. 66), Coleman Page S2932
Amendment No. 230, to fully fund the Community By 94 yeas to 6 nays (Vote No. 73), Conrad
Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Amendment No. 243, to express the sense of the
Pages S2894–97, S2999, S2924 Senate that the tax cuts assumed in the budget reso-
By 73 yeas to 26 nays (Vote No. 67), Cochran lution should include the repeal of the 1993 increase
Amendment No. 208, to modify the designation au- in the income tax on Social Security benefits.
thority for an emergency requirement. Pages S2915–16, S2932
Pages S2899–S2900, S2924–25 By 55 yeas to 45 nays (Vote No. 74), Bunning
By 51 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. 68), Kennedy Amendment No. 241, to repeal the 1993 tax in-
Modified Amendment No. 177, relative to education crease on Social Security benefits.
funding. Pages S2900–03, S2925 Pages S2914–15, S2033
Feinstein Amendment No. 188, to express the Boxer Amendment No. 259, to express the sense
sense of the Senate that Congress should enact a of the Senate regarding the need for a comprehen-
long-term reauthorization of the State Criminal sive, coordinated, and integrated national ocean pol-
Alien Assistance Program and appropriate icy. Pages S2935–36
$750,000,000 for the program in fiscal year 2006. Leahy Amendment No. 203, to express the sense
Pages S2909–10, S2911, S2929
of the Senate in support of full funding and avail-
Obama Amendment No. 159, to prevent and, if ability of the Crime Victims Fund. Pages S2937–38
necessary, respond to an international outbreak of the
avian flu. Pages S2930–32
Santorum Amendment No. 169, to reaffirm that
Leahy Amendment No. 160, to increase funding the United States maintain a one-to-two ration for
for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) contributions to the Global Fund, that the United
and other international organizations. Pages S2930–32 States not exceed contributing more than 33 percent
Grassley/Kennedy Amendment No. 164, to pro- of the Global Fund’s revenue. Page S2938

vide a reserve fund for the Family Opportunity Act. Lincoln Modified Amendment No. 192, to restore
Pages S2930–32
funding the COPS Methamphetamine Enforcement
Hatch Amendment No. 194, to provide a deficit- and Clean Up Program to 2005 levels.
Pages S2938–39
neutral reserve fund for the restoration of SCHIP
funds. Pages S2930–32
Baucus Amendment No. 253, to support full
Cochran/Byrd Amendment No. 209, to modify a funding for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area.
Pages S2939–40
provision defining advance appropriations subject to
limit. Pages S2930–32 Clinton Amendment No. 155, to establish a def-
Thomas/Conrad Amendment No. 226, to restore icit neutral reserve fund for influenza vaccine short-
discretionary funding levels for crucial rural health age prevention. Pages S2941–42
programs, such as the rural health outreach grant Snowe/Kerry Modified Amendment No. 216, to
program, the rural hospital flexibility grant program, increase funding for Small Business Administration’s
the small hospital improvement program, tele- programs. Pages S2941–42
health, trauma programs, and rural AED programs Bayh Modified Amendment No. 157, to express
to fiscal year 2005 levels. Pages S2930–32 the sense of the Senate regarding the amount of
Mikulski Modified Amendment No. 180, to pro- United States debt that is foreign-owned.
vide a deficit neutral reserve fund for the Hope cred- Pages S2941–42
it. Pages S2930–32 Santorum Amendment No. 163, to express the
Allen Amendment No. 198, to express the sense sense of the Senate regarding tax relief to encourage
of the Senate regarding funding for the National charitable giving incentives. Pages S2941–42
Aeronautics and Space Administration for subsonic Chafee Amendment No. 261, to express the sense
and hypersonic aeronautics research. Pages S2930–32 of the Senate that the total amount of payments to

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States from the Water Pollution Control State Re- participate in the negotiation of contracts with man-
volving Fund should be increased to ufacturers of covered part D drugs to achieve the
$1,350,000,000. Pages S2941–42 best possible prices for such drugs under part D of
Baucus Amendment No. 167, to express the sense title XVIII of the Social Security Act, that requires
of the Senate that the full amount of the President’s the Secretary to negotiate contracts with manufactur-
request for the administrative costs of the Social Se- ers of such drugs for each fallback prescription drug
curity Administration for fiscal year 2006 should be plan, and that requires the Secretary to participate in
funded. Pages S2941–42 the negotiation for a contract for any such drug
Clinton Modified Amendment No. 154, to express upon request of a prescription drug plan or an
the sense of the Senate concerning comparative effec- MA–PD plan, is reserved for reducing expenditures
tiveness studies. Pages S2941–42, S2943 under such part. Pages S2875, S2921
Kohl Modified Amendment No. 217, to restore By 44 yeas to 56 nays (Vote No. 61), Harkin
$1 billion to juvenile justice and local law enforce- Amendment No. 172, to restore the Perkins Voca-
ment programs funded by the Department of Justice. tional Education program and provide for deficit re-
Page S2942 duction paid for through the elimination of the
Salazar Modified Amendment No. 254, to restore phase out of the personal exemption limitation and
funding for the payment in lieu of taxes program itemized deduction limitation for high-income tax-
(PILT), in order to compensate rural counties for de- payers now scheduled to start in 2006.
creased tax revenues as a result of non-taxed federally Pages S2875, S2921–22
owned county lands. Page S2943 By 40 yeas to 59 nays (Vote No. 63), Conrad (for
Pryor Modified Amendment No. 252, to create a Dorgan) Amendment No. 210, to repeal the tax sub-
reserve fund for extension of the treatment of combat sidy for certain domestic companies which move
pay as earned income for purposes of the earned in- manufacturing operations and American jobs off-
come tax credit and the child tax credit. Page S2943 shore. Pages S2875, S2922–23
By 53 yeas to 46 nays (Vote No. 80), Levin Modi- By 49 yeas to 51 nays (Vote No. 65), Sarbanes
fied Amendment No. 238, to promote innovation Amendment No. 156, to restore funding for the
and U.S. competitiveness by expressing the sense of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) pro-
the Senate urging the Senate Committee on Appro- gram. Pages S2286–94, S2923–24
priations to make efforts to fund the Advanced By 46 yeas to 54 nays (Vote No. 69), Baucus/
Technology Program, which supports industry-led Conrad Amendment No. 234, to ensure that legisla-
research and development of cutting-edge tech- tion to make cuts in agriculture programs receives
nologies with broad commercial potential and soci- full consideration and debate in the Senate under
etal benefits. Page S2943
regular order, rather than being fast-tracked under
Leahy Modified Amendment No. 237, to increase
funding for Boys and Girls Clubs. Pages S2944–45
reconciliation procedures. Pages S2903–07, S2925–26

Gregg (for Grassley) Amendment No. 262, to ex- By 45 yeas to 55 nays (Vote No. 70), Biden
press the sense of the Senate with respect to pension Amendment No. 239, relative to funding to the Of-
reform. Page S2945
fice of Community Oriented Policing Services.
Pages S2908–09, S2926
DeWine/Leahy Modified Amendment No. 161, to
increase funding for Child Survival and Maternal By 45 yeas to 54 nays (Vote No. 71), Byrd/Bau-
Health Programs. Page S2945 cus Amendment No. 240, relative to transportation
Rejected: funding. Pages S2911–14, S2929–30
By 49 yeas to 51 nays (Vote No. 57), Gregg (for By 47 yeas to 53 nays (Vote No. 75), Reid (for
Frist) Amendment No. 229, to express the sense of Clinton) Modified Amendment No. 244, to expand
the Senate regarding Medicaid reconciliation legisla- access to preventive health care services that reduce
tion consistent with recommendations from the Sec- unintended pregnancy (including teen pregnancy),
retary of Health and Human Services. reduce the number of abortions, and improve access
Pages S2886, S2919 to women’s health care. Pages S2916–17, S2933–34
By 49 yeas to 51 nays (Vote No. 59), Carper By 45 yeas to 54 nays (Vote No. 76), Lautenberg
Amendment No. 207, to provide for full consider- Amendment No. 187, to strike the debt ceiling rec-
ation of tax cuts in the Senate under regular order. onciliation instruction. Pages S2917–19, S2934–35
Pages S2875, S2920–21 By 44 yeas to 54 nays (Vote No. 77), Boxer
By 49 yeas to 50 nays (Vote No. 60), Snowe Amendment No. 257, to establish a point of order.
Amendment No. 214, to ensure that any savings as- Page S2935
sociated with legislation that provides the Secretary By 45 yeas to 55 nays (Vote No. 78), Dorgan
of Health and Human Services with the authority to Amendment No. 211, to restore funding for tribal

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programs and provide necessary additional funding tain its arms export embargo on the People’s Repub-
based on recommendations from Indian country. lic of China. Pages S3088–90
Pages S2936–37 Concurrent Budget Resolution: A unanimous-con-
Feingold Amendment No. 258, to ensure that sent agreement was reached providing that when the
savings associated with legislation that reduces over- Senate receives H. Con. Res. 95 from the House, a
payments to Medicare Advantage plans is reserved concurrent resolution setting forth the congressional
for deficit reduction and to strengthen the Federal budget for the United States Government for fiscal
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund. Page S2937 year 2006, revising appropriate budgetary levels for
By 37 yeas to 63 nays (Vote No. 79), Dayton fiscal years 2005, and setting forth appropriate
Amendment No. 202, to provide full funding for budgetary levels for fiscal years 2007 through 2010,
the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act the Senate begin its consideration; that all after the
(IDEA) part B grants over five years. Pages S2940–41 resolving clause be stricken and the text of S. Con.
Pryor Amendment No. 213, to increase funding Res. 18, Concurrent Budget Resolution, as agreed to
for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Pro- be inserted in lieu thereof; that the resolution then
gram. Page S2943 be agreed to as amended, the Senate insist on its
Withdrawn: amendment, request a conference with the House
Allen Modified Amendment No. 197, to increase thereon, and the Chair be authorized to appoint con-
by $1,582,700,000 over fiscal years 2006 through ferees on the part of the Senate. Page S2971
2010 funding for Transportation (budget function Authorizing Leadership to Make Appoint-
400) with the amount of the increase intended to be ments—Agreement: A unanimous-consent agree-
allocated to the Vehicle Systems account of the Na- ment was reached providing that notwithstanding
tional Aeronautics and Space Administration for sub- the adjournment of the Senate, the President of the
sonic and hypersonic aeronautics research. Senate, the President Pro Tempore, and the Majority
Pages S2875, S2939
and Minority Leaders be authorized to make ap-
National Asbestos Awareness Day: Committee pointments to commissions, committees, boards,
on the Judiciary was discharged from further consid- conferences, or interparliamentary conferences au-
eration of S. Res. 43, designating the first day of thorized by law, by concurrent action of the two
April 2005 as ‘‘National Asbestos Awareness Day’’, Houses, or by order of the Senate. Page S3086
and the resolution was then agreed to, after agreeing Authority for Committees: A unanimous-consent
to the following amendment proposed thereto: agreement was reached providing that notwith-
Pages S3086–87
standing the adjournment of the Senate, all commit-
Frist Amendment No. 264, to amend the pre- tees were authorized to file legislative and executive
amble. Pages S3086–87 matters on Wednesday, March 30, 2005, between
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust the hours of 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Pages S3086–87
Fund: Senate passed H.R. 1270, to amend the Inter- Signing Authority—Agreement: A unanimous-
nal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the Leaking consent agreement was reached providing that dur-
Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund financing ing this adjournment of the Senate, the Majority
rate, clearing the measure for the President. Leader, Assistant Majority Leader and Senator War-
Page S3087 ner, to be authorized to sign duly enrolled bills or
Financial Literary Month: Senate agreed to S. joint resolutions. Page S3090
Res. 88, designating April 2005 as ‘‘Financial Lit- Appointments:
eracy Month’’. Page S3087
United States Holocaust Memorial Council: The
Montana Future Farmers of America: Senate Chair, on behalf of the President pro tempore, pur-
agreed to S. Res. 89, congratulating the Montana suant to Public Law 96–388, as amended by Public
FFA on its 75th Anniversary and celebrating the Law 97–84 and Public Law 106–292, appointed the
achievements of Montana FFA members. following Senators to the United States Holocaust
Pages S3087–88 Memorial Council: Senators Feingold and Lauten-
Holocaust Commemoration Week: Senate agreed berg. Page S3090
to S. Res. 90, to designating the Week of May 1, Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the fol-
2005, as ‘‘Holocaust Commemoration Week’’. lowing nominations:
Page S3088 George M. Dennison, of Montana, to be a Mem-
Arms Export Embargo on China: Senate agreed ber of the National Security Education Board for a
to S. Res. 91, urging the European Union to main- term of four years.

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James William Carr, of Arkansas, to be a Member Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine
of the National Security Education Board for a term Corps. Page S3092
of four years. Messages From the House: Pages S2991–92
Harold Damelin, of Virginia, to be Inspector Gen-
eral, Department of the Treasury. Measures Referred: Page S2992
David B. Balton, of the District of Columbia, for Measures Read First Time: Page S2992
the rank of Ambassador during his tenure of service
as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and Executive Communications: Page S2992

Fisheries. Executive Reports of Committees: Pages S2993–94

Joseph R. DeTrani, of Virginia, for the rank of Additional Cosponsors: Pages S2996–98
Ambassador during his tenure of service as Special
Envoy for the Six Party Talks. Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:
Pages S2998–S3073
John Thomas Schieffer, of Texas, to be Ambas-
sador to Japan. Additional Statements: Pages S2989–91
Kiron Kanina Skinner, of Pennsylvania, to be a Amendments Submitted: Pages S2073–83
Member of the National Security Education Board
for a term of four years. Notices of Hearings/Meetings: Pages S3083–84
R. Nicholas Burns, of Massachusetts, to be an Authority for Committees to Meet: Page S3084
Under Secretary of State (Political Affairs). Privilege of the Floor: Page S3084
C. David Welch, of Virginia, to be an Assistant
Secretary of State (Near Eastern Affairs). Record Votes: Twenty-five record votes were taken
Jeffrey Clay Sell, of Texas, to be Deputy Secretary today. (Total—81) Pages S2919–26, S2929–30, S2932–37,
of Energy. S2941, S2944, S2965
Christopher R. Hill, of Rhode Island, to be an As- Adjournment: Senate convened at 9 a.m., and ad-
sistant Secretary of State (East Asian and Pacific Af- journed at 11:48 p.m., until 4 p.m., on Monday,
fairs). March 21, 2005. (For Senate’s program, see the re-
Rudolph E. Boschwitz, of Minnesota, for the rank marks of the Majority Leader in today’s Record on
of Ambassador during his tenure of service as Rep- page S3092.)
resentative of the United States of America on the
Human Rights Commission of the Economic and So-
cial Council of the United Nations. Committee Meetings
35 Air Force nominations in the rank of general.
37 Army nominations in the rank of general. (Committees not listed did not meet)
2 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral.
Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Marine NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS
Corps, Navy. Pages S3084–86, S3092–94
Committee on Armed Services: Committee concluded
Nominations Received: Senate received the fol- open and closed hearings to examine current and fu-
lowing nominations: ture worldwide threats to the national security of the
Joseph H. Boardman, of New York, to be Admin- United States, after receiving testimony from Porter
istrator of the Federal Railroad Administration. J. Goss, Director of Central Intelligence; and Vice
John Robert Bolton, of Maryland, to be the Rep- Admiral Lowell E. Jacoby, USN, Director, Defense
resentative of the United States of America to the Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense.
United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambas-
sador, and the Representative of the United States of BUSINESS MEETING
America in the Security Council of the United Na-
tions. Committee on Armed Services: Committee ordered favor-
John Robert Bolton, of Maryland, to be Rep- ably reported the nominations of John Paul
resentative of the United States of America to the Woodley, Jr., of Virginia, to be an Assistant Sec-
Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Na- retary of the Army, James William Carr, of Arkan-
tions during his tenure of service as Representative sas, George M. Dennison, of Montana, and Kiron
of the United States of America to the United Na- Kanina Skinner, of Pennsylvania, each to be a Mem-
tions. ber of the National Security Education Board, An-
Stephen L. Johnson, of Maryland, to be Adminis- thony Joseph Principi, of California, to be a Member
trator of the Environmental Protection Agency. of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Com-
John D. Negroponte, of New York, to be Director mission, and 5,664 nominations in the Air Force,
of National Intelligence. Army, Navy and Marine Corps.

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BUSINESS MEETING Subcommittee on Administrative Oversights and the

Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: Courts: Senators Sessions (Chairman), Specter, Grass-
Committee ordered favorably reported an original ley, Kyl, Schumer, Feinstein, and Feingold.
bill entitled ‘‘The Federal Public Transportation Act Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and
of 2005’’. Consumer Rights: Senators DeWine (Chairman), Spec-
COAST GUARD BUDGET ter, Hatch, Grassley, Graham, Brownback, Kohl,
Leahy, Biden, Feingold, and Schumer.
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Sub- Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil Rights and Prop-
committee on Oceans, Fisheries and Coast Guard erty Rights: Senators Brownback (Chair), Specter,
concluded a hearing to examine the President’s pro- Graham, Cornyn, Coburn, Feingold, Kennedy, Fein-
posed budget request for fiscal year 2006 for the stein, and Durbin.
Coast Guard Operational Readiness/Mission Balance,
after receiving testimony from Admiral Thomas H. Subcommittee on Corrections and Rehabilitations: Sen-
Collins, Commandant, and Master Chief Petty Offi- ators Coburn (Chairman), Specter, Sessions, Cornyn,
cer Franklin A. Welch, both of the United States Brownback, Durbin, Leahy, Biden, and Feingold.
Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security; and Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs: Senators Graham
Margaret T. Wrightson, Director, Homeland Secu- (Chairman), Grassley, Kyl, DeWine, Sessions,
rity and Justice Issues, Government Accountability Coburn, Biden, Kohl, Feinstein, Feingold, and Schu-
Office. mer.
Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citi-
BUSINESS MEETING zenship: Senators Cornyn (Chairman), Grassley, Kyl,
Committee on Finance: Committee ordered favorably DeWine, Sessions, Brownback, Coburn, Kennedy,
reported the nomination of Daniel R. Levinson, of Biden, Feinstein, Feingold, Schumer, and Durbin.
Maryland, to be Inspector General, Department of Subcommittee on Intellectual Property: Senators Hatch
Health and Human Services. (Chairman), Kyl, DeWine, Graham, Cornyn,
NOMINATION Brownback, Coburn, Leahy, Kennedy, Biden, Fein-
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions: stein, Kohl, and Durbin.
Committee concluded a hearing to examine the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland
nomination of Lester M. Crawford, of Maryland, to Security: Senators Kyl (Chairman), Hatch, Grassley,
be Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Cornyn, DeWine, Sessions, Graham, Feinstein, Ken-
Health and Human Services. nedy, Biden, Kohl, Feingold and Durbin.
Committee on the Judiciary: Committee ordered favor-
ably reported the following business items: Committee on Veterans’ Affairs: Committee concluded a
S. 188, to amend the Immigration and Nation- hearing to examine the report entitled, ‘‘Back from
ality Act to authorize appropriations for fiscal years the Battlefield: Are we providing the proper care for
2005 through 2011 to carry out the State Criminal America’s Wounded Warriors?’’, after receiving tes-
Alien Assistance Program; timony from Jonathan B. Perlin, Acting Under Sec-
S. 589, to establish the Commission on Freedom retary of Veterans Affairs for Health; Major General
of Information Act Processing Delays; and Kenneth L. Farmer, Jr., Commanding General,
The nominations of William Gerry Myers III, of North Atlantic Regional Medical Command and
Idaho, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, United States
Ninth Circuit, Paul A. Crotty, to be United States Army; Cynthia A. Bascetta, Director, Health Care—
District Judge for the Southern District of New Veterans’, Health and Benefits Issues, Government
York, and J. Michael Seabright, to be United States Accountability Office; Major Tammy Duckworth,
District Judge for the District of Hawaii. United States Army National Guard; Joseph J.
Also, committee announced the following sub- Costello, Vista Vet Center, Vista, California; and
committee assignments: David J. Hosking, Vet Center, Madison, Wisconsin.

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House of Representatives
Debated Wednesday, March 16: Hensarling
Chamber Action amendment in the nature of a substitute (Republican
Measures Introduced: 96 public bills, H.R. Study Committee), No. 2 printed in H. Rept
1356–1451; and 34 resolutions, H.J. Res. 38–39; H. 109–19, that replaces the current 19 functional cat-
Con. Res. 103–120, and H. Res. 167–180, were in- egories with four functions: Defense, Homeland Se-
troduced. Pages H1690–96 curity, Non-Defense Discretionary and Mandatory
Additional Cosponsors: Pages H1696–97 Spending, and Interest; and accepts the Iraq Oper-
ations Reserve Fund and creates a new ‘‘rainy day’’
Reports Filed: Report were filed today as follows: fund for non-military emergencies (by a recorded
H. Con. Res. 53, expressing the sense of the Con- vote of 102 ayes to 320 noes, Roll No. 83).
gress regarding the issuance of the 500,000th design Pages H1633–40
patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Watt amendment in the nature of a substitute
Office (H. Rept. 109–22); (Congressional Black Caucus), No. 3 printed in H.
H.R. 683, to amend the Trademark Act of 1946 Rept. 109–19, that calls for an additional $36.3 bil-
with respect to dilution by blurring or tarnishment, lion in spending and a $4 billion deficit reduction
amended (H. Rept. 109–23); for FY 2006 (by a recorded vote of 134 ayes to 292
H.R. 1038, to amend title 28, United States noes and 3 voting ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 85);
Code, to allow a judge to whom a case is transferred Pages H1641–53
to retain jurisdiction over certain multidistrict litiga- Spratt amendment in the nature of a substitute,
tion cases for trial (H. Rept. 109–24); No. 4 printed in H. Rept. 109–19, that projects
H.R. 366, to amend the Carl D. Perkins Voca- spending and revenue levels that would eliminate
tional and Technical Education Act of 1998 to deficits and result in a balanced budget by FY 2012
strengthen and improve programs under that Act, (by a recorded vote of 165 ayes to 264 noes with 1
amended (H. Rept. 109–25); and voting ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 87); Pages H1654–65
H.R. 185, to require the review of Government Motion to rise: Rejected the Blumenauer motion
programs at least once every 5 years for purposes of that the Committee rise by a recorded vote of 101
evaluating their performance (H. Rept. 109–26) ayes, to 313 noes and 1 voting ‘‘present’’, Roll No.
Page H1690
86. Pages H1653–54
Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2006: The H. Res. 154, the rule providing for consideration
House passed H. Con. Res. 95, establishing the con- of the measure was agreed to yesterday, March 16.
gressional budget for the United States Government Suspensions—Proceedings Postponed: The House
for fiscal year 2006, revising appropriate budgetary agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following
levels for fiscal year 2005, and setting forth appro- measures which were debated yesterday, March 16:
priate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2007 through
2010, by a yea-and-nay vote of 218 yeas to 214 Expressing concern regarding the occupation of
nays, Roll No. 88. The bill was also considered yes- the Republic of Lebanon by the Syrian Arab Re-
terday, March 16. Pages H1627–40, H1641–74 public: H. Con. Res. 32, amended, expressing the
Agreed by unanimous consent that a final period grave concern of Congress regarding the occupation
of general debate be in order at the conclusion of of the Republic of Lebanon by the Syrian Arab Re-
consideration of amendments. Pages H1640–41 public, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay vote of 419 yeas to 1
Yesterday it was agreed that during further con- nay and 4 voting ‘‘present’’, Roll No. 84; and
sideration of the bill, the Hensarling amendment Page H1640
(No. 2 printed in H. Rept. 109–19) may be consid- Agreed to amend the title so as to read: concur-
ered out of the specified order. rent resolution expressing the grave concern of Con-
Rejected: gress regarding the occupation of the Lebanese Re-
Obey amendment, No. 1 printed in H. Rept. public by the Syrian Arab Republic. Page H1640

109–19, that increases $15.8 billion in FY06 new Expressing concern regarding the continued vio-
BA and outlays for veterans, education, health care lations of human rights and civil liberties of the
needs, homeland security, the environment and infra- Syrian and Lebanese people by the Government of
structure; and reduces the FY06 tax benefit for those the Syrian Arab Republic: H. Con. Res. 18,
earning more than $1 million; (by a recorded vote amended, expressing the grave concern of Congress
of 180 ayes to 242 noes, Roll No. 82); regarding the continuing gross violations of human
Pages H1627–33 rights and civil liberties of the Syrian and Lebanese

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people by the Government of the Syrian Arab Re- of the Air Force: Peter B. Teets, Acting Secretary;
public, by a 2⁄3 yea-and-nay vote of 402 yeas to 3 and GEN John P. Jumper, Chief of Staff.
nays, Roll No. 89. Pages H1674–75 The Subcommittee also met in executive session
Spring District Work Period: The House agreed to hold a hearing on Air Force Acquisition. Testi-
to H. Con. Res. 103, providing for a conditional ad- mony was heard from the following officials of the
journment of the House and a conditional recess or Department of the Air Force: Peter B. Teets, Acting
adjournment of the Senate. Page H1675
Secretary; and LTG John D. W. Corley, Principal
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Acquisitions.
Calendar Wednesday: Agreed to dispense with the
Calendar Wednesday business of Wednesday, April DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY
Meeting Hour: Agreed that when the House ad- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the De-
journ today, it adjourn to meet at 2 p.m. on Mon- partment of Homeland Security held a hearing on
day, March 21, unless it sooner has received a mes- Citizenship and Immigration Services. Testimony
sage from the Senate transmitting its concurrence in was heard from Eduardo Aguirro, Jr., Director, Bu-
H. Con. Res. 103, in which case the House shall reau of Citizenship and Immigration Services, De-
stand adjourned pursuant to that concurrent resolu- partment of Homeland Security.
tion. Page H1675

Speaker Pro Tempore: Read a letter from the DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, HHS,
Speaker wherein he appointed Representative Wolf, EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES
or if not able to perform this duty, Representative APPROPRIATIONS
Tom Davis (VA) to sign enrolled bills and joint res- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the De-
olutions through April 5. Page H1675 partment of Labor, Health and Human Services,
Quorum Calls—Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes Education, and Related Agencies held a hearing on
and five recorded votes developed during the pro- the Secretary of Labor. Testimony was heard from
ceedings of today and appear on pages H1632, Elaine L. Chao, Secretary of Labor.
H1639–40, H1640, H1653, H1654, H1664–65,
H1674, and H1674–75. There were no quorum DEPARTMENTS OF TRANSPORTATION,
Adjournment: The House met at 10 a.m. and at APPROPRIATIONS
6:15 p.m., pursuant to the provisions of H. Con.
Res. 103, it stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on Mon- Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on the De-
day, March 21, unless it sooner has received a mes- partments of Transportation, Treasury, and Housing
sage from the Senate transmitting its adoption of the and Urban Development, the Judiciary, District of
concurrent resolution, in which case the House shall Columbia, and Independent Agencies held a hearing
stand adjourned until 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, on the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop-
2005. ment. Testimony was heard from Alphonso R. Jack-
son, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.


AGRICULTURE, RURAL DEVELOPMENT, Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Inte-
FDA AND RELATED AGENCIES rior, Environment, and Related Agencies held a
APPROPRIATIONS hearing on Bureau of Indian Affairs. Testimony was
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Agri- heard from James Casen, Assistant Deputy Secretary,
culture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Admin- Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior.
istration, and Related Agencies held a hearing on
Under Secretary for Rural Development. Testimony SCIENCE, THE DEPARTMENTS OF STATE,
was heard from Gilbert Gonzalez, Acting Under Sec- JUSTICE, AND COMMERCE, AND RELATED
retary, Rural Development, USDA. AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Science,
DEFENSE APPROPRIATIONS the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and
Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense Related Agencies held a hearing on the SBA. Testi-
held a hearing on Air Force Posture. Testimony was mony was heard from Hector V. Barreto, Adminis-
heard from the following officials of the Department trator, SBA.

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The Subcommittee also held a hearing on the Fed- STEROID USE IN BASEBALL
eral Prison System. Testimony was heard from Har- Committee on Government Reform: Held a hearing enti-
ley G. Lappin, Director, Bureau of Prisons, Depart- tled ‘‘Restoring Faith in America’s Pastime: Evalu-
ment of Justice. ating Major League Baseball’s Efforts to Eradicate
IRAQ—CURRENT OPERATIONS AND Steroid Use.’’ Testimony was heard from Senator
POLITICAL TRANSITION Bunning; Nora D. Volkow, M.D., Director, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, Department of
Committee on Armed Services: Held a hearing on cur- Health and Human Services; the following officials
rent operations and the political transition in Iraq. of Major League Baseball: Allan H. Selig, Commis-
Testimony was heard from public witnesses. sioner; and Elliott J. Pellman, M.D., Medical Advi-
NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION sor for Major League Baseball, Office of the Commis-
BUDGET REQUEST FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 sioner; Sandy Alderson, Executive Vice President of
Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Ter- Baseball Operations, Major League Baseball; the fol-
rorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities lowing Major League Baseball baseball players: Curt
held a hearing on the Fiscal Year 2006 National De- Schilling, Frank Thomas, Sammy Sosa, and Rafael
fense Authorization budget request—United States Palmeiro; and the following former Major League
Special Operations Command policy and programs. baseball players: Jose Canseco and Mark McGuire.
Testimony was heard from officials of the Depart-
ment of Defense: Thomas W. O’Connell, Assistant AFGHANISTAN—U.S. COUNTERNARCOTICS
Secretary, Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict; POLICY
and GEN Bryan D. Brown, USA, Commander, U.S. Committee on International Relations: Held an oversight
Special Operations Command. hearing on U.S. Counternarcotics Policy in Afghani-
HIGHER EDUCATION—TRACKING stan: Time for Leadership. Testimony was heard
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS from Maureen E. Quinn, Coordinator on Afghani-
Committee on Education and the Workforce: Sub- stan, Department of State; Mary Beth Long, Deputy
committee on 21st Century Competitiveness and the Assistant Secretary, Counternarcotics, Department of
Subcommittee on Select Education held a joint hear- Defense, and Michael A. Braun, Special Agent, Chief
ing entitled ‘‘Tracking International Students in of Operations, DEA, Department of Justice.
Higher Education: A Progress Report.’’ Testimony
was heard from Victor X. Cerda, Counsel to the As- HUMAN RIGHTS—GLOBAL VIEW
sistant Secretary, Immigration and Customs Enforce- Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on
ment, Department of Homeland Security; Stephen Africa, Global Human Rights and International Op-
A. Edson, Managing Director, Visa Services Direc- erations held an oversight hearing on A Global Re-
torate, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of view of Human Rights: Examining the State Depart-
State; Randolph C. Hite, Director, Information ment’s 2004 Annual Report. Testimony was heard
Technology Architecture and Systems Issues, GAO; from Michael G. Kozak, Acting Assistant Secretary,
and public witnesses. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor,
Department of State; and public witnesses.
Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on OVERSIGHT—U.N. AND THE FIGHT
Health held a hearing entitled ‘‘Setting the Path for
Reauthorization: Improving Portfolio Management at AGAINST TERRORISM
the NIH.’’ Testimony was heard from Elias Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on
Zerhouni, M.D., Director, NIH, Department of International Terrorism and Nonproliferation held an
Health and Human Services. oversight hearing on the United Nations and the
Fight Against Terrorism. Testimony was heard from
Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Cap- The Subcommittee also held a briefing on this
ital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored subject. Testimony was heard from Stephen J. Sted-
Enterprises held a hearing entitled ‘‘A Review of the man, Special Advisor to Secretary-General United
Securities Arbitration System.’’ Testimony was heard Nations.
from William Francis Galvin, Secretary, MA; and
public witnesses. OVERSIGHT—U.N. OIL-FOR-FOOD
Committee on Financial Services: Subcommittee on Fi- Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on
nancial Institutions and Consumer Credit held a Oversight and Investigations held an oversight hear-
hearing on H.R. 1185, Deposit Insurance Reform ing on The United Nations Oil-for-Food Program:
Act of 2005. Testimony was heard from Donald E. The Cotecna and Saybolt Inspection Firms. Testi-
Powell, Chairman, FDIC. mony was heard from public witnesses.

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CHILD INTERSTATE ABORTION women in the United States scientific community;

NOTIFICATION ACT; OVERSIGHT—U.S. and H.R. 798, amended, Methamphetamine Reme-
COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS diation Research Act of 2005.
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con-
stitution approved for full Committee action, as NATURAL GAS PRICES
amended, H.R. 748, Child Interstate Abortion Noti- Committee on Small Business: Subcommittee on Rural
fication Act. Enterprise, Agriculture and Technology held a hear-
The Subcommittee also held an oversight hearing ing entitled ‘‘The High Price of Natural Gas and its
on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Testimony Impact on Small Businesses: Issues and Short Term
was heard from the following officials of the U.S. Solutions,’’ Testimony was heard from Representa-
Commission Civil Rights: Russell Redenbaugh, and tive Terry; and public witnesses.
Michael Yaki, both Commissioners; Kenneth
Marcus, Staff Director; and George Harbison, Direc- OVERSIGHT—COMMUNITY ECONOMIC
tor, Human of Resources and Active Chief of Budget DEVELOPMENT
and Finance. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Sub-
OVERSIGHT—PATENT APPEALS committee on Economic Development, Public Build-
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Courts, ings and Emergency Management held an oversight
the Internet, and Intellectual Property held an over- hearing on The Administration’s ‘‘Strengthening
sight hearing on Holmes Group, the Federal Circuit, America’s Communities’’ Initiative and its impact on
and the State of Patent Appeals. Testimony was economic development. Testimony was heard from
heard from public witnesses. David A. Sampson, Assistant Secretary, Economic
Development, Department of Commerce; and public
Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on
Terrorism, and Homeland Security approved for full Health held a hearing on Managing the Use of Im-
Committee action H.R. 32, Stop Counterfeiting in aging Services. Testimony was heard from Mark Mil-
Manufactured Goods Act. ler, Executive Director, Medicare Payment Advisory
The Subcommittee also held an oversight hearing Commission; and public witnesses.
on Responding to Organized Crimes Against Manu-
facturers and Retailers. Testimony was heard from GLOBAL UPDATES; BUDGET HEARING
Chris Swecker, Assistant Director, Criminal Inves- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Met in execu-
tigative Division, FBI, Department of Justice; and tive session to hold a hearing on Global Updates.
public witnesses. Testimony was heard from departmental witnesses.
OVERSIGHT—OFF RESERVATION GAMING The Committee also met in executive session to
RESTRICTIONS hold a hearing on the Budget. Testimony was heard
Committee on Resources: Held an oversight hearing on from departmental witnesses.
a measure to amend the Indian Gaming Regulatory f
Act to restrict off-reservation gaming. Testimony COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR FRIDAY,
was heard from public witnesses.
MARCH 18, 2005
OVERSIGHT—NATIONAL PARK SERVICE (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)
Committee on Resources: Subcommittee on National Senate
Parks held an oversight hearing on the Fiscal Year No meetings/hearings scheduled.
2006 National Park Service Budget. Testimony was House
heard from Fran Mainella, Director, National Park
Service, Department of the Interior. Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on the De-
partment of Labor, Health and Human Services, Edu-
MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES cation, and Related Agencies, hearing on Quality Teach-
Committee on Science: Ordered reported the following ers, Principals and High Schools, 10 a.m., 2358 Rayburn.
measures: H.R. 1023, Charles ‘Pete’ Conrad Astron- Subcommittee on the Departments of Transportation,
Treasury, and Housing and Urban Development, the Ju-
omy Awards Act; H.R. 1158, To reauthorize the diciary, District of Columbia and Independent Agencies,
Steel and Aluminum Energy Conservation and Tech- on Secretary of Transportation, 10 a.m., 2358 Rayburn.
nology Competitiveness Act of 1988; H.R. 28, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on
amended, High-Performance Computing Revitaliza- Oversight and Investigations, hearing entitled ‘‘A Review
tion Act of 2005; H. Con. Res. 96, amended, Rec- of Security Initiatives at DOE Nuclear Facilities,’’ 10
ognizing the significance of African American a.m., 2123 Rayburn.

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Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

4 p.m., Monday, March 21 2 p.m., Monday, March 21

Senate Chamber House Chamber

Program for Monday: Senate will be in a period of Program for Monday: To be announced.
morning business.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue.

HOUSE Franks, Trent, Ariz., E511 Pombo, Richard W., Calif., E503
Gutierrez, Luis V., Ill., E513 Portman, Rob, Ohio, E511
Akin, W. Todd, Mo., E514 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E482, E490, E494 Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E481, E486
Baker, Richard H., La., E496 Hayes, Robin, N.C., E497 Reynolds, Thomas M., N.Y., 507
Baldwin, Tammy, Wisc., E497, E501 Hensarling, Jeb, Tex., E481, E487, E489, E493 Rogers, Mike, Ala., E480, E486
Berry, Marion, Ark., E497 Herger, Wally, Calif., E507 Rohrabacher, Dana, Calif., E505
Bilirakis, Michael, Fla., E500 Holt, Rush D., N.J., E511 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Fla., E508
Blunt, Roy, Mo., E503 Hunter, Duncan, Calif., E513 Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch, Md., E512
Bonner, Jo, Ala., E480, E485, E489 Inglis, Bob, S.C., E511 Schakowsky, Janice D., Ill., E483
Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E488 Israel, Steve, N.Y., E491 Schiff, Adam B., Calif., E479, E484, E488, E491, E494,
Calvert, Ken, Calif., E480, E486 Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E482, E487 E496, E499, E502, E505
Capito, Shelley Moore, W.Va., E496 Jefferson, William J., La., E494
Sensenbrenner, F. James, Wisc., E484
Capuano, Michael E., Mass., E504 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E494
Sessions, Pete, Tex., E484
Cardin, Benjamin L., Md., E491 Kennedy, Mark R., Minn., E510
Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E502
Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E488 Kennedy, Patrick J., R.I., E512
Solis, Hilda L., Calif., E508
Cooper, Jim, Tenn., E499 Kirk, Mark Steven, Ill., E506
Cuellar, Henry, Tex., E479, E484, E488, E490, E493, Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E500 Tauscher, Ellen O., Calif., E482, E490, E493
E494, E496, E499, E502, E505 Lantos, Tom, Calif., E510 Towns, Edolphus, N.Y., E479, E485, E489, E492, E495
Davis, Jim, Fla., E512 Larson, John B., Conn., E507 Udall, Tom, N.M., E498
DeGette, Diana, Colo., E504, E507 Lofgren, Zoe, Calif., E513 Upton, Fred, Mich., E513
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Fla., E510 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E483, E490, E501 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E499
Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E503 Mica, John L., Fla., E504 Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E506
Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E506 Moran, James P., Va., E498 Weldon, Curt, Pa., E501
Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E510 Norwood, Charlie, Ga., E500 Wexler, Robert, Fla., E509
Farr, Sam, Calif., E512 Pickering, Charles W. ‘‘Chip’’, Miss., E479, E485, E489, Wilson, Joe, S.C., E509
Filner, Bob, Calif., E505 E492, E495, E508 Wolf, Frank R., Va., E501
Ford, Harold E., Jr., Tenn., E503 Platts, Todd Russell, Pa., E501 Wynn, Albert Russell, Md., E498

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