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ENGLISH LITERATURE PAPER-1 TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NOTE: Attempt FIVE questions in all, including question

No.7 which is Compulsory. Select questions from each Part. All questions carry equal marks. PART - I 1. Wordsworths verdict about Blake (on his death) was that "There was no doubt that this poor man was mad, but there is something in the madness of this man which interests me more than the sanity of Lord Byron and Walter Scott". Elaborate with reference to Blacks works. 2. Discuss Wordsworths work as "an expression in an age of doubt of the transcendent in nature and the good in man" (J.S. Mill) 3. Shelleys weaknesses as a writer have always been evident; rhetorical abstraction; intellectual arrogance; and movements of intense self-pity. But in great poems like the "West Wind" or great prose works like "Defence", it is precisely these limitations that he transcends, and indeed explodes. Discuss. OR In spite of diverse material and frequent digressions DON JUAN (Byron) does have a strong principle of thematic unity exemplified by the recurring motif of appearance versus reality. Comment and illustrate. PART - II 4. Discuss J. S. Mill as an important figure in British empiricism. OR Lamb seldom permitted his profounder views of life to appear above the humorous, pathetic and ironical surface of his writings. Discuss with reference to his "Essays". 5. George Eliot is generally credited with changing the nature of the English Novel. Discuss the change with reference to the novelists works 6. Write short notes on TWO of the following: (a) The Cult of Art for Arts sake (b) Negative Capability (c) Decadence (d) Liberal humanism


IIN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2001 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER I NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks. PART - I 1. All that is valuable in Blake is in his lyrics. Discuss. 2. If nature leads to God, she also leads to Man. Discuss the significance of the human element in Wordsworths Prelude in the light of this statement. 3. In the best of Shelleys poetry, there is a splendour of movement and realization of visionary intensity. Discuss it with reference to Shelley's poems. OR How the Odes of Keats reflect his growing concern with the relation between art and life, beauty and reality? PART - II 4. Above all Charles Lamb was a refined humanist whose smile could be both satirist and tender. Discuss this statement with reference to his essays. OR What was the general, social, economic and moral atmosphere in the Victorian age? Write your answer with reference to the writings of Ruskin. 5. People are Brownings passion: men and women, revealed through their ambitions and failures, love and hatred. Discuss with reference to his poems. 6. The novels of Hardy are of intensely dramatic and epic nature; his characters move progressively towards a crisis. Discuss it with reference to his novels. 7. Write short notes on the following: (a) Tenny as a consummate craftsman in verse. (b) Humour and pathos in Dickens novels. FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IIN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2002 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER I NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks.

PART - I 1. Critically discuss Blakes Songs of Innocence and Song of Experience as Poetry. 2. Hobbes, the English Philosopher (1588 1679) believed that Man was merely a Body, or better a Machine in motion. Thus, what is the Heart but a Spring, and the Nerves but many Strings and the Joints but so may Wheels. How did Wordsworth (1770 1850) restore this mechanical image to its human form? 3. Discuss Shelleys Prometheus Unbound as an allegory of Mans Emancipation in an Age of Hope and Deliverance. 4. Discuss the image of the Serpent Woman in Lamia and also image of The Cruel Woman in La Belle Dame Sans Merci (Keats). OR Byrons Don Juan is a success because it is a satirical panorama of the ruling classes of his time (W. H. Auden). Discuss. PART - II 5. Discuss the Ending of George Eliots The Mill on the Floss as a manipulated ending to a narrative directed by cause-and-effect. 6. What is the principal Quest of J. S. Mills mind? Give an analytical study of his thought in support of your arguments. OR How does the Romantic Sensibility appear in Charles Lambs Essays? 7. Write short notes as short essays on Two of the following: (a) Significance of the ROAD in Hardys novels. (b) Brownings Dramatic monologue. (c) Oscar Wildes Ballad of Rending Goal (d) Dickens Under World (e) Ruskins Social Criticism FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IIN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2003 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER I NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks. PART - I 1. For Wordsworth, The greatest Paradox was that though it is by the proper exercise of the eye and ear that man reaches his full moral and intellectual stature Revelation flashes upon him when the lights of sense goes out. Discuss. 2. Synaesthesia in Keats is a natural concomitant of other qualities of his poetry. Discuss

illustrating from his poems. 3. Tennyson worked with words like a jeweler, weighing them against each other, tasting their luster, placing them in their foil; yet they are mostly current coinage. Discuss. PART -II 4. Lambs essays are lyric poems in prose. How far this remark is true? Illustrate with special reference to ESSAYS of Elia. 5. Ruskin founded in England what was really a new religion, wherein the quest for beauty in the daily lie of all, even the most humble, become a sort of duty. Discuss. 6. Are Dickens the humorist and Dickens the reformer complementary or hostile to each other? Discuss in detail. 7. Write detailed notes on TWO of the following: (a) Hardys characters are subservient to plot. (b) Adonis is a triumphant elegy. (c) Tradition and Individual Talent. (d) Brownings Obscurity. FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IIN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2004 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER I NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks. PART - I 1. Critically evaluate W. Blake as a writer of lyrical poetry. 2. How far does Wordsworth follow his critical principles in his best poems? Give examples. 3. Discuss Brownings monologues as beautiful psychological analysis of characters belonging to different countries. PART - II 4. Write a Critical note on Charles Lamb as a prose writer. In what particular ways was he different from the prose writers of his age? Give examples. 5. It is said, Dickens has his own sentimental way of solving social problems. Discuss with examples. 6. It is said by C. Rickett. In his earlier writing, Sweetness and bitterness are Contrasted but in

his later novels of Hardy, the gloom is needlessly intensified. Discuss with examples. 7. Write detailed notes on Two of the following: (a) Shelley as revolutionary poet (b) Byron as a Satirist (c) Contrast between Romantic and Victorian poets (d) Keats as a writer of Odes

FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IIN BPS 17, UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2005 ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER I NOTE: Attempt five questions in all, including question no. 8 which is compulsory. Select Two questions from each part. All questions carry equal marks. PART - I 1. Legouis says Wordsworth saw Nature and Man with new eyes. Examine this new vision critically. 2. Shelley was inspired by love, that is not limited to mankind only. Discuss. 3. Free from all moral degree, Keats poetry has the most compiling enchantment for lovers of pure beauty. Discuss. PART - II 4. Ruskin expressed his ideas in a magnified poetic and decorative prose. Discuss with examples. 5. Dickens set so personal a stamp on his books that at every turn he seemed to be an innovator. Discuss. 6. Do you think that George Eliot is the first English novelist who has shown tremendous psychological insight? 7. Write detailed notes on TWO of the following: (1) Main literary trends in Victorian Age. (2) Main characteristics of Romanticism with special reference to English romantic poets. (3) Robert Brownings interest in psychological analysis of characters from different countries. (4) The concept of fate in Hardys novels. ENGLISH LITERATURE - I


PART - 1

Q.1 William Wordsworth exalts familiar reality through the strenght of a reflective sensibility. Critically analyze the statement. Q.2 Keat's odes depict a skillful fusion of a seeking of beauty which endures and an impassioned meditation of death. Comment. Q.3 The predominant almost exclusie theme of W.Blake's short poems is based on the feeling of a child's unpassioned soul, the tone is simple while the emtions possess a pure ardour. Discuss. PART - II

Q.4 In ' 'Tess', Hardy has rebelled against tradional and orthodox views'. Comment. Q.5 'The one gift necessary to the great Novelist is the capacity to create living characters'. Discuss any two novels by Dickens in the light of this comment. Q.6 'Gulliver's Travel' "expresses despair or that its import is nihilistic, is radically to misread the book". Justify or reject the statement. Q.7 Write critical notes on any TWO of the following: (a) The use of the dramatic monologue by Robert Browning (b) Conflict between love and duty in G.Eliot (c) Romantic themes in W.Blake's poetry (d) Charles Lamb as a prose writer FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BPS 17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2007. ENGLISH LITERATURE, PAPER - I TIME ALLOWED: THREE HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NOTE: (i) Attempt FIVE questions in all including question No. 8 which is compulsory. All questions carry EQUAL marks. (ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered

(iii) Candidate must draw two straight lines (==================) at the end to separate each question attempted in Answer Books. PART I 1. One can distinguish in Wordsworths poetry a marked transition from the realm of pathos to that of ethos. Do you agree? Discuss. 2. Mathew Arnold describes Shelley a beautiful and ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain. What does he mean? Elaborate. 3. Keats had no religion save the religion of beauty, no God save Pan; the Earth was his great consoler, and so passionately did he love her, with a love far more concrete and personal than that of Wordsworth or even Shelley. Discuss. PART - II 4. Hardy is neither a feminist, nor a misogynist, but a realist. How far is this statement true? Discuss. 5. Dickens novels reflect the contemporary Victorian urban society with all its conflicts and disharmonies, both physical and intellectual. Discuss. 6. In what way do we consider George Eliot as the first modern novelist in the English Literature? Discuss. 7. Write critical notes on any TWO of the following (a) Swift as a satirist (b) Byrons attitude towards nature (c) Salient features of Blakes poetry (d) Ruskins prose style

PART - II NOTE: (i) PART-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book. (ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II selecting TWO questions from each SECTION. All questions carry EQUAL marks. (iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be considered. SECTION I Q. 2. In his youth Wordsworth was a rebel and a revolutionary and reacted against the

conventions of this age although he began to decline as a poet and he grew older. Comment on this criticism of Wordsworth, giving reasons why you agree/disagree.. Q.3. For mercy has a human heart Pity a human face And love the human form divine And Peace the human dress And all must love the human form, In heathen Turk or Jew: Where Mercy, Love and Pity Dwell There God is dwelling too. Who wrote these verses? Comment on whether you thing they are merely moral platitudes or spring from the poets sincerity. Q.4. Keats was a romantic poet who believed in the importance of sensation and its pleasures which included taste, touch and smell as well as hearing and sight. How far do you think he fulfills these beliefs in his poems? SECTION II Q.5. Browning had a robust optimism unlike the other Victorian poets who were worriers and doubters. Do you agree with this? Explain your answer through examples of Brownings poetry. Q.6. Do you believe that it was Hardys intention to depict Tess as a victim of divine sadism? In your opinion how successful was he in creating feelings of anger, frustration and resentment in the reader? Q.7. How far do the stories of Dickens reflect the social evils of the Victorian Age? Explain with reference to any two of his novels. Q.8. Write critical notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Characterization in the novels of George Eliot (b) Depiction of upper class society in the plays of Oscar Wilde (c) The influence of the occult in the poems of Blake (d) Shelley as a revolutionary poet SECTION I Q.2. The 19th century Romantic Movement has been variously interpreted as the convalescence of the feeling of beauty, renaissance of wonder, split religion and erotic nostalgia. Comment on the aspects giving your own assessment of the movement as it relates to the

prescribed poets. (20) Q.3. To many readers Shelleys genius is primarily lyrical: which commonly implies emotional. This is very doubtful intense and uremitting intellectual activity seems to have been the main characteristic of his mind. Justify or refute this remark by Graham Hough illustrating from the poems you have read. (20) Q.4. Wordsworths Philosophy of Nature is nothing more than a case of pathetic fallacy because he cannot shake off his egocentricity even when he tends to be philosophic. Comment. (20) Q.5. Keats has been called a mystic through the medium of the senses. Examine the statement in relation to his major odes. (20) SECTION II Q.6. Hardy is neither an optimist nor a pessimist. He is essentially a meliorist. Discuss in relation to Hardys novels that you have read. (20) Q.7. Charles Lambs essays are called Lyric Poems in Prose. Give your own comments on this statement referring to Lambs Essays of Elia. (20) Q.8. Write a detailed critical note on Brownings Dramatic Monologue with special reference to The Last Ride Together and My Last Duchess. (20) Part II Section-I Q.2 Define Romanticism and narrate itsd influence on Romantic Literature in early 19th century. Q.3 Write a critical note on Shelley's Utopianism Q.4 'Byron was the melodramatic exploiter of his own emotions'. Discuss Q.5critically analyze the proportion of imagination and reality in Keats's Odes Section-II Q.6 ' Browning did not invent the 'dramatic monologue ' but made it particylarly his own'. Discuss Q.7 Discuss the roles of Ruskin and Carlyle in the development of Victorian prose. Q.8 Do you agree with the view that Dickens is a social Novelist? Discuss with reference to his major novels.

PART - II Section - I
Q.2: During the Victorian Era, art forms part of a coherent social whole. The call for order and discipline comes from all directions. Elaborate Q.3: Shelley's life was one of passionate devotion to intellect; his poems show a philosophical and social force working in the same direction. Illustrate giving examples. Q.4: Wordsworth's poetry is based on an effort to convey by simple means the impression of intensity. Comment. Q.5: Keats' art is full of passion, the object of this desire is not the "intellectual beauty" of Shelley but is caused by the enchantment of the senses. Discuss

Section - II

Q.6: Dickens writes of the lower middle class not as a detached observer, but as one on their own level and instinctive fraternity can be traced in his novels. Discuss. Q.7: Coleridge chooses the supernatural themes which he invests with the semblance of the truth. Comment considering some of his poems. Q.8: Browning's art reflects an intellectual curiosity, a systematic quest of truth and desire for rationality characteristic of his age. Give detailed comments. English Literature-I Part-II Note:Attempt only Four questions.Selecting Two questions from each section.All questions carry equal marks.

Section-I Q#1-"Above all Charles Lamb was a refined humanist whose smile could be both satiric and tender". Elaborate the truth of this statement. Q#2-Does keats escape from the realities of life?Justify your answer to this question through citation from his works.

Q#3-What is the relationship between Shelley's. 'Love's Philosophy' and the 'Idea of Romanticism'? Q#4-George Elliot's works depict her firm grasp of social relations.Discuss in detail. Section-II Q#5-Discuss Charles Dickens as a critic of his age. Q#6-Hardy's works portray fate or destiny as malignant and cruel agent of nature lurking at the prospect of human well-being.Discuss Critically. Q#7-Robert Browning belongs to the Victorian age.Justify the statement.

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