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Students Feedback on the Guest Lecture

A teaching observation feedback form has been given to the students to assess this guest lecture. he feedback form has had ! statements that re"resent students o"inion about a number of as"ects of the lecture. #ts a likert-ty"e scaling $here each statement have three ordinal categories such as %ery much agree& some$hat agree& and %ery much disagree. Students have been asked to check the category for each of the res"ective statement. Follo$ing is the summary "resentation of the students o"inion able '( Fre)uency Distribution of the Students *"inion Students Rating Criteria/Teaching Qualities %ery much agree The lecture/presentation challenged you intellectually '+ You learned so ething !aluable "ro lecture/presentation You understand the #as trying to teach the ,ain points that the guest instructor '. The lecture/presentation #as #ell organi$ed ,, The guest instructor used help"ul and interesting e%a ples and illustrations ,' &" this guest instructor #ere teaching a course' you #ould de"initely #ant to take it ! '! 0 0 ' 0 , / ' ! ' ', ' Some$hat agree

%ery much disagree

he above fre)uency distribution sho$s that a total of /!1 students agreed very much "lus some$hat agreed on the statement 2the lecture3"resentation $as $ell organi4ed5 and 6, 1 of them checked very much agree $hilst only 7 18 '9 students checked very much disagree category. /!1 students thought that they $ere intellectually challenged 8very much and some$hat9 by this lecture. Again& table sho$s that /!1 8,-:!9 students understood the lecture and learned something valuable from the lecture. Moreover& for the statement 2#f your guest lecture used hel"ful e;am"les and illustrations5 /!1 students agreed $hereas .61 of them strongly agreed.

N.Deb1 Students Feedback on my Guest-lecture on the Michel Foucault

ST+,-.TS/ -.TS/ F-F--,01C2 3. T4- G+-ST8L-CT+R L-CT+R(*

5(6 students !ery uch agree agreed on this category


756 students stu !ery uch agreed on this category



The lecture/presentatio resentation challenged you intellectually You learned something omething valuable from the lecture/presentation you understand nd the ma main points that the guest instrutor was trying to teach t The lecture/presentatio resentation was well organized The guest instructor tructor use used helpful and interesting examples and nd illustrat illustrations If this guest instructor structor w were teaching a course, you would definitely finitely wa want to take it
k on my Guest-lecture on the Michel Foucault N.Deb( Students Feedback

1nalysis o" Qualitati!e e ,ata:

his "art of the analysis lysis is b based on the students direct comments s on the lecture. hey have made a number of very us useful and note$orthy comments about ut the strengths and $eaknesses of my lecture. . #n "arti "articular& their comments on the limitations ns of the lecture have hel"ed me a lot to focus u"on th the "ortions that # need to im"rove. # al$ays have h believed& teaching is a constant "rocess rocess o of learning. Follo$ing is the gra"hical l "resentation "resen of the )ualitative data of the students ents fee feedback

Graphical phical ; ;resentation o" Qualitati!e ti!e ,ata





%ery $ell <;ecellent =ell Great organi4ed use of visual clarif clarification kno$ledge and easy to aids on the of to"ic follo$ sub>ect %ery "assionate about teaching S"eech a little slo$er Do not n abbreviate abbre so much m #nteraction is limited

k on my Guest-lecture on the Michel Foucault N.Deb9 Students Feedback

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