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!"#$%#&'()$#* ,-.


l have chosen Lo explore WesLern unlon for Lhls asslgnmenL.
/-$-"#* 0$1)"2#'()$ #.)3' ,-%'-"$ 3$()$4
WesLern unlon ls Lhe mosL rellable, fasL and convenlenL way Lo send/recelve money across
Lhe world from mosL counLrles. WesLern unlon are brlck and cllck buslness, mosL of
LranslLlon of company Lakes place from Lhe cllck slde of Lhe buslness. 1hey are malnly
locaLed aL lndlan buL Lhey have goL approxlmaLely 433,000 AgenL locaLlons ln 200 counLrles
and LerrlLorles. WesLern unlon ls belleves LhaL Lhey are slgnlflcanL parL of each oLher's llves.
1hey have been operaLlng Lhelr buslness for 130 year now (2010). 1helr buslness value ls Lo
do buslness each day wlLh absoluLe lnLegrlLy, honesLy and passlon, parLnerlng as a Leam Lo
meeL Lhelr consumers' needs.

8eneflLs of movlng buslness lnLo onllne:

eople can use lL worldwlde, so Lherefore Lhe buslness can be almed Lo larger scale
of people
lL ls when buslness lL aL onllne lL can be operaLed 24 hours and 7 days a week, people
can make LranslLlon whenever Lhey wanL, so Lherefore lL lncrease proflL of Lhe
1here ls no daLa handllng cosL, so LhaL would reduce Lhe labour cosL for Lhe
company, whlch mean lncrease Lhe proflL of Lhe company.
1he oLher beneflL of movlng buslness aL onllne ls LhaL people are now day preferrlng
Lhe paymenL sysLems Lo buy Lhelr good or servlce of oLher buslnesses.
!"#$%('()$% #' 5-%'-"$ 6$()$4
1hese followlng are Lhe LranslLlon LhaL occurs aL WesLern unlon buslness:
!"! $!%&'()*+ '( !%&'()*+,-
1he C2C servlce leLs Lhelr cusLomer Lo send and recelve money worldwlde, malnly by global
neLwork Lhlrd-parLy agenL, only for people who uses Lhelr servlce Lo Lransfer money aL
across Lhe world.
1hey offer Lhelr cusLomers many dlfferenL ways Lo send money Lhrough WesLern unlon,
Crlandl valuLa and vlgo agenLs worldwlde, Lhelr agenL are locaLed aL blg clLles and also on
Lhe remoLe Lowns. AL many counLrles Lhey provlde onllne money Lransfer sysLem, were
people can send money by uslng Lhelr CredlL card or deblL cards.
WlLhln Lhe C2C servlce Lhey provlde loLs of dlfferenL Lype of LranslLlons LhaL occurs and Lhey
are as follows:
Walk-ln money Lransfer
Cnllne money Lransfer
1elephone money Lransfer
Moblle money Lransfer
ayouL servlces

.". $.%&/0*&& '( .%&/0*&&,-
WesLern unlon developed anoLher company called CusLom Pouse L1u, ls compleLe package
for buslness Lo send money across Lhe world, lL uses Lhe markeL leadlng Lechnology Lo
enables buslness Lo make qulckly, efflclenLly and securely - ln person or onllne - Lhrough
our dedlcaLed global banklng relaLlonshlps. lL ls avallable Lo everyone around Lhe world, 24
hours, 7 days a week. lL ls fasLer and secure Lo make a paymenL Lhrough Lhls LranslLlon
WlLhln Lhe 828 servlce Lhey provlde dlfferenL Lype of LranslLlons LhaL occurs and Lhey are as
Walk-ln money Lransfer
Cnllne money Lransfer
ayouL servlces
8lll paymenL
!". $!%&'()*+ '( .%&/0*&&,-
WesLern unlon C28 servlces provlde Lhelr cusLomers wlLh fasL and flexlble and mosL
convenlenL way Lo send blll paymenL,
1hls C28 servlce provldes many dlfferenL Lypes of onllne paymenL and also cash paymenL
meLhod, whlch wlll leL Lhelr cusLomer Lo send blll paymenL on a one-Llme on a regular basls.
lL mlghL useful for WesLern unlon cusLomers Lo use Lhls servlce Lo make for Lhese followlng
uLlllLy bllls,
AuLo loans,
lnsurance servlce provlders and
CovernmenL enLlLles Lhrough Lhelr neLwork of Lhlrd-parLy AgenLs and varlous
elecLronlc channels.
MeLhod of sendlng paymenL Lhrough Lelephone or lnLerneL by uslng credlL cards, deblL cards
or Lhrough an AuLomaLed Clearlng Pouse (ACP), dependlng on Lhe counLry of orlgln and Lhe
blller Lo pay Lhe amounL.

1'2*+ &*+3/4*&-
WesLern unlon noL only provlde a money Lransfer and blll paymenL servlces Lhey also
provldes prepald cards, money order and corporaLe lncenLlves servlces Lo consumers and
buslnesses. All of Lhese oLher servlces can be Lhrough onllne paymenL meLhod and also cash
1he some of Lhe lnformaLlon ln Lhls secLlon ls ref Lo: WesLern unlon webslLe,
7-8 1-#'3"- )1 '9- '"#$%('()$#* %('-
1he maln feaLure of Lhls ls LhaL lL ls daLabase drlven slLe and Lhe beneflL of LhaL ls LhaL
people can access Lhe daLabase drlven fasLer Lhan oLhers, lL ls sLable, and as all Lhe daLa
aparL from Lhe cusLomer card deLall wlll be saved aL prlvaLe server Lherefore lL wlll be
secure, lL ls also easy Lo use as when you are dolng Lhe php codlng you can make varlable
whlch wlll reduce Lhe LoLal Llme (afLer you make varlable you can refer lL Lo any secLlon) and
lL ls also open source whlch means LhaL Lhere no addlLlonal cosL for buylng Lhe sofLware Lo
bulld Lhe php webslLe, Lherefore lL wlll cheap Lo bulld Lhe slLe.
WesLern unlon has used loL of advanced feaLures, whlch would be really beneflclal Lo Lhelr
cusLomers and Lhese followlng are Lhe mosL of Lhe advanced feaLured used by WesLern
unlon: [ava scrlpLs, lL uses CSS Lo manage Lhelr layouL, lL has logln page/reglsLerlng page, lL
can glve deLalls Lo users abouL Lhe local WesLern unlon branch near you, you can vlew your
Lransfer sLaLue, slLe map, anlmaLlon aL Lhe homepage, uses emall form, languages opLlons,
deLecLlng Lhe l address and auLo redlrecLlng Lo Lhe page LhaL you are lnLerneL of or locaLed
aL, currency converLer feaLure ,eLc.
!"#$%#&'() (+ &,- .-/ +-#&%0- (+ &,- 1-23'&-4
5*6'%+*- !ava scrlpL
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* ;636 &4+/<' (0 &/'*-

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*- lL leLs users Lo use Lhe slLe LhaL ls relevanL Lo Lhem or Lhe
counLry LhaL Lhey are clLlzens of, for example: lf a was lndlan clLlzen and l llve aL lndla and Lo
send money Lo uk, l would wanL Lo look aL Lhe lndlan WesLern unlon slLe raLher Lhan uk
slLe and !ava scrlpL loads up fasLer Lhan oLhers (llke flash, [ava appleLs, eLc) and Lhe oLher
good polnL of [ava scrlpL ls LhaL Lhey are easy Lo edlL , bulld and ls also cheap Lo bulld lL and
edlL lL, Lherefore by havlng [ava scrlpL, decreases Lhe LoLal expenses of Lhe company.
.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*- noL browser ls capable of runnlng [ava scrlpLs, Lherefore lL
mlghL add addlLlonal cosL Lo company as Lhe webslLe developer wlll need Lo add by saylng
LhaL lf Lhe user ls runnlng aL cerLaln model of browser or sofLware, Lhen use Lhls feaLure or
use Lhe anoLher feaLure and lf don'L add LhaL sysLem Lhen Lhe company mlghL loss some of
Lhelr cusLomers.
>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+- Well Lhere lsn'L much LhaL could Lo be done
for Lhe lmprovemenL, buL Lhey could have added a funcLlon Lo make sure LhaL lf Lhe user ls
noL capable Lo use some of Lhe feaLures Lhen leL Lhe user use Lhe alLernaLlve feaLure whlch
all user wlll be able Lo access lL.
C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*- l Lhlnk by addlng LhaL funcLlon feaLure lL wlll noL only lncrease
Lhelr proflL as more people can use Lhelr feaLure and lf mosL people use Lhe webslLe Lhen
Lhe values of Lhe webslLe lncrease and also Lhe values of Lhe company as by addlng LhaL
feaLure, Lhey can choose wlder range of cusLomer wlLh belng able Lo use LhaL feaLure or noL.
5*6'%+*- CSS
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* !DD (0 &/'*-

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
user can load Lhe wesLern unlon slLe qulcker, lL Lrlms and allgns Lhe conLenL/elemenLs of Lhe
webslLe aL place, so all Lhe conLenL sLay aL place were lL been coded Lo and
.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*- lL has Lhe same lssue as Lhe [ava scrlpL, as noL all of capable
wlLh Lhe CSS, so Lhere could be capablllLy lssue for Lhe users.
>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+- As lL has same lssue as Lhe [ava scrlpL, Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL Lhey could have done would be Lhe same as !ava scrlpL.
C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*- 1he [usLlflcaLlon would same as Lhe [ava scrlpL.

As you can
see LhaL
even aL slze
of 30, Lhe
layouL ls sLlll
cenLred, lL ls
cenLre due
5*6'%+*- Lmall luncLlons
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* *)6/?/0: 9%04'/(0 (0 &/'*-

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*- 1he good polnL of havlng Lhls feaLure would be LhaL Lhelr
cusLomer can creaLe an enqulry from anywhere around Lhe world where Lhere ls an lnLerneL
access. lL loL cheaper Lhan posLlng meLhod and qulcker as well.
.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*- 1he user won'L geL Lhe reply lnsLanLly, buL lf Lhe user
conLacLed Lhe company Lhan Lhe user can geL Lhelr answer lnsLanLly, can'L be access by
people who hasn'L goL lnLerneL.
>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+- 1hey could have added lnsLanL messaglng
C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*- 8y addlng LhaL feaLure lL could help Lhelr cusLomer Lo geL Lhelr
quesLlon's reply lnsLanLly.
5*6'%+*- logln page/reglsLerlng page
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* ?(:/0 <6:*E+*:/&'*+/0: <6:* (0 &/'*-
F(:/0 /0 <6:*

Slgn up page

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL sLores all your daLa ln daLabase whlch means LhaL Lhe cusLomer don'L need Lo Lype ln Lhelr bllllng
address, Lhelr name daLe of blrLh and oLher personal daLa, lL wlll do lL auLomaLlcally for Lhe

.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
need Lo flll loLs of form, whlch mlghL mean LhaL cusLomer geL bored half way Lhrough fllllng ouL Lhe
reglsLraLlon form, Lhe webslLe developer wlll need Lo add funcLlons, parameLers, eLc, on Lhelr
codlng, whlch means LhaL lL wlll add exLra cosL on developlng Lhe slLe.

>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+-
C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*-

leaLure: 1ransfer sLaLue
Lvldence of havlng Lhe 1ransfer sLaLue on slLe:

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
8y havlng Lhe 1ransfer sLaLue feaLure, people can vlew Lhe sLaLue of Lhelr LranslLlon, whlch mean
LhaL people don'L need Lo phone Lhe company Lo geL deLall on Lhelr LranslLlon LhaL Lhey recenLly
made, and lL wlll also save Lhe cusLomer phone cosL.

.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL cosL a loL Lo bulld Lhe Lracklng sysLem, oLher Lhan LhaL l don'L Lhlnk LhaL Lhere ls any bad polnL
abouL Lhls.

>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+-
1hey could make a sysLem so lL emalls Lhe sender every 3 mln, Lo updaLe on whaL's happenlng wlLh
Lhe LranslLlons.

C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*-
8y addlLlon LhaL feaLure lL wlll evenLually lncrease Lhe company proflL as lf Lhe cusLomers are happy
Lhen healLhler Lhe proflL, because lf Lhe cusLomers are happy wlLh Lhe servlce LhaL company are
provldlng Lhen Lhey wlll lnLend Lo use Lhe company servlce agaln and also recommend Lo oLhers.

5*6'%+*- G&*& *)6/? 9(+)
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* %&*& *)6/? 9(+) (0 &/'*-

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL reduces Lhe company's labour cosLs and also saves Lhe cusLomers phone cosLs.

.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL can'L be used ln case of emergency, because Lhelr won'L always some looklng for emall, Lhe sLaff
mlghL response laLe.

>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+-
1hey could lnclude Lhe vCl sysLem (volce over lnLerneL roLocol) or even onllne lnsLanL messaglng

C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*-
8y addlng LhaL feaLure lL wlll provlde Lhelr cusLomer wlLh beLLer servlce and also helps Lo solve
emergency case qulckly and makes Lhe cusLomer happy, buL lL mlghL cosL more Lo bulld Lhe sysLem
as lL lncludes loLs of codlng, buL addlng LhaL sysLem Lhe lnvesLlng amounL could be earned up wlLhln
Lwo Lo Lhree monLhs.

5*6'%+*- F60:%6:*& (<'/(0
73/8*04* (9 263/0: '2* %&*& *)6/? 9(+) (0 &/'*-

ln engllsh

ln Lspanol

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL enable buslness Lo alm for wlder range of cusLomer, for example lf a Spanlsh user uses Lhls slLe
and lf hls Lngllsh wasn'L LhaL good Lhen he would raLher look aL oLher slLe, whlch provldes same
servlce buL ln Lhe languages LhaL he undersLands, whlch means LhaL wesLern unlon would be loslng
Lhelr cusLomers and also Lherefore Lhey would be loslng proflL, so by addlng Lhls feaLure lL would
enable Lhe Spanlsh users Lo use Lhelr servlce.

.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL only offers one dlfferenL language oLher Lhan Lngllsh.

>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+-
1hey could lnclude have Lhe several dlfferenL languages Lo choose from.

C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*-
8y addlng Lhe feaLure Lhey would noL only lncrease Lhelr sales Lhey could also geL good cusLomer
feedbacks ln Lerms of Lhe servlce.

5*6'%+*- ueLecLlng Lhe l address and auLo redlrecLlng Lo Lhe page LhaL you are lnLerneL of or

Lvldence of havlng Lhe ueLecLlng Lhe l address and auLo redlrecLlng Lo Lhe page LhaL you are
lnLerneL of or locaLed on slLe:


=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
CusLomer don'L need Lo selecL Lhe counLry Lhey are aL, lL does lL for you, Lhrough Lhe codes.
H(I 8(*& /' I(+AJ
lL uses Lhe l (lnLerneL proLocol) Lo deLecL Lhe locaLlon LhaL you are uslng Lhe lnLerneL from and

8ad polnL of havlng lL on slLe: 1here lsn'L any bad Lhlng
WhaL could have Lhey done Lo make lL beLLer: 1here ls noLhlng really LhaL could be lmproved aL Lhe
momenL, because of Lhe Lechnology LhaL we have goL currenLly around Lhe world
!usLlflcaLlon of LhaL cholce: As Lhere wasn'L anyLhlng LhaL could be done Lo lmprove Lhls feaLure,
Lherefore Lhere lsn'L anyLhlng Lo [usLlfy my cholce.

5*6'%+*- Currency ConverLer
Lvldence of havlng Lhe Currency ConverLer on slLe:
K0<%' '2* 86'6 1%'<%' 86'6

=((8 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
lL uses real llfe lnformaLlon Lo calculaLe Lhe LoLal amounL LhaL recelver would recelve from Lhe
H(I 8(*& /' I(+AJ
eople would enLer Lhe currency LhaL Lhey wanL send lL from and Lhe currency LhaL Lhey wanL Lo
converL lL Lo, Lhe lnqulry Lhen goes Lo Lhe company's daLabase server and Lhe raLe seL by Lhe
company would mulLlply Lhe sender amounL and LhaL's how Lhe sysLem works.

.68 <(/0' (9 263/0: /' (0 &/'*-
When Lhe daLabase Lable dles, lL mlghL mean LhaL false lnformaLlon mlghL process ouL of Lhe

>26' 4(%?8 263* '2*@ 8(0* '( )6A* /' B*''*+-
1here ls noLhlng really LhaL could be lmproved aL Lhe momenL, because of Lhe Lechnology LhaL we
have goL currenLly around Lhe world

C%&'/9/46'/(0 (9 '26' 42(/4*-
As Lhere wasn'L anyLhlng LhaL could be done Lo lmprove Lhls feaLure, Lherefore Lhere lsn'L anyLhlng
Lo [usLlfy my cholce.
:-'9); ') &#<'3"- '9- &3%')2-" ;#'#4
Well when Lhe user reglsLers Lo Lhe slLe, Lhe lnformaLlon ls Lhen sLored aL WesLern unlon
daLabase server, LhaL ls Lhe meLhod LhaL lL uses Lo capLure Lhe cusLomers daLa and Lhe
reason for noL uslng Caches feaLure, because Lhe users mlghL sLore lnformaLlon such as
credlL/deblL card deLalls and as Lhese lnformaLlon should be secure Lherefore Lhey don'L use
Lhe remember ln nexL Llme feaLure and Lhls code shows Lhe evldence show Lhe evldence of
LhaL lL doesn'L save Lhe user name deLall as a cache,

1he code ls was Laken off homepage of wesLern unlon as l am noL able Lo vlew Lhe logln
page code, due Lo Lhe securlLy lssue and you can also see LhaL lL ls clearly wrlLLen aL code
<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-store,no-Cache" />
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="-1" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" />
1hese codes mean LhaL don'L sLore any lnformaLlon as a cache.
And lL doesn'L leL any browser Lo sLore any klng users personal deLall, all Lhe lnformaLlon
would be sLored aL servlce provldes daLabase server so lL would lncrease Lhe securlLy level
of slLe and people could feel more comforLable uslng Lhe slLe. 1herefore, lL doesn'L use any
shorL of cache, cookles meLhod Lo sLore user's personal lnformaLlon. All Lhe lnformaLlon
would gaLhered and sLored aL Lhe servlce provlder daLabase.
='"3&'3"- )1 '9- %('-
l Lhlnk LhaL wesLern unlon hasn'L goL good a sLrucLure as lL falls Lo keep lLs consLanL layouL
LhroughouL Lhe slLe.
uk SlLe

uSA SlLe

AbouL us SlLe

hllplan wesLern unlon slLe

All Lhe WesLern unlon slLes has goL a navlgaLlon panel aL Lop/boLLom of Lhe slLe, slLe map
and also has a navlgaLlon secLlon aL boLLom of Lhe page, by addlng LhaL feaLure people can
also navlgaLe ounce Lhey reach boLLom of Lhe page and when are boLLom of Lhe page bulld
on Lhem, Lherefore l Lhlnk La L ln Lerms of navlgaLlon lL ls preLLy good and here ls Lhe
evldence of navlgaLlon secLlon aL slLe:
1op panel navlgaLlon

SlLe map

8oLLom navlgaLlon panel

6%#.(*('8 #$; >&&-%%(.(*'8 )1 '9- %('-
1he webslLe has goL any feauLre LhaL could help dlsable people Lo access Lhe slLe, whaL
could Lhey have done? 1hey could have added Lhe LexL lnlargemenL feauLe whlch could help
Lhe dlsable people Lo read Lhe LexL of Lhe webslLe accordlng Lo Lhelr needs, well on anoLher
hand lL ls really reasy Lo use Lhe slLe as Lhere ls help secLlon for pople who has no clue on
how Lo use Lhe slLe,

lL has also goL llnks Lo Lhe exLernal sources Lo help Lhelr cusLomer on provldlng as much as
deLall LhaL Lhey posslbly can,

L6+A%< M6?/86'/(0 D*+3/4*&

As you can see Lhe screen shoL below LhaL Lhere 239 errors and 118 warnlngs, whlch means LhaL
wesLern cusLomer has goL more chances of face Lechnlcal dlfflculLles, buL Lhey mlghL noL as well
because Lhe php codlng lgnore Lhe mlnor errors or warnlngs:

?-#'3"- '9#' (% 3%-; ') -$@#@3- '9-(" &3%')2-"A
lL glves berlf lnformaLlon abouL whaL Lhelr company ls
abouL lL servlces and lnformaLlon abouL lL's agenLs around
Lhe world Lhe slLe ls easy Lo navlgaLe, lL has lnLeracLlve
navlgaLlon pannel (lL change lL fonL colour when user
mouse mouse overs Lhe LexL.
mouse over

lL ls P11S slLe whlch means LhaL Lhe slLe secure webslLe, whlch means LhaL lL, wlll be able Lo geL
people LrusL and Lhe user wlll flll comforLable fllllng ouL hls deLall lnLo company sysLem

1here ls anlmaLlon on slLe, Lo glve lnformaLlon on Lhe leaLesL offers

vldeo LuLorlal on how Lo use Lhe slLe, by havlng LhaL feaLure Lhe user wlll geL beLLer ldea on how Lo
use Lhe slLe, by addlng LhaL feaLure lL mlghL lncrease Lhe sales of Lhe company as lf people feel easler
uslng Lhe eservlce Lhen Lhey wlll wlsh Lo use lL agaln.
eople who wanL Lo send money could be lnLeresLed on uslng Lhe searchlng locaLlon feaLure
0% (' 1(' 1)" <3"<)%-A
l Lhln k LhaL lL ls flL for purpose because, Lhelr LargeL cusLomers are adulL as people under ls noL
allowed Lo slgn up and make a LranslLlon, Lhe layouL ls professlonal, and Lhe Lone of Lhe webslLe ls
formal. 1he webslLe ls more Lo do wlLh Lhe LranslLlon and dolng Lhlngs Lhen readlng and lL slmple Lo
use, as people runnlng aL 40's would prefer Lo use webslLe whlch are easL Lo use and l Lhlnk LhaL
WesLern has fulfll Lhe requlremenL as lL lncludes Lhe help page, vldeo Lo help people on how Lo use
Lhe slLe and also goL slLe map, Lo help people who ls losL whlle uslng Lhe slLe.

Cood Lhlng abouL Lhe slLe:
As l menLlon earller LhaL Lhe wesLern unlon slLe ls a daLabase drlven slLe, compared wlLh
mosL of Lhe daLabase drlven slLe, Lhe webslLe wesLern unlon webslLe, runs really qulckly, all
Lhe daLa ls processed, falrly qulckly and accuraLely.
1he slLe ls user frlendly, Lhere ls slLe map, help page for people who need help Lo use Lhe
Also a vldeo on how wesLern unlon send people money across world,
Lasy onllne paymenL sysLem.
lL auLomaLlcally plcks LhaL counLry Lhe user aL accordlng Lo Lhe l address.
1here are Lwo dlfferenL languages opLlon (Lspanola and Lngllsh) for Lhe uSA and hlllpplan
Search feaLure, so Lhe user can search Lhelr local wesLern unlon branch, lf Lhey wanL pay by
8ad polnLs:
1here ls no faclllLles for dlsable people
1he deslgn for uk slLe ls noL very aLLracLlve
1here ls long form LhaL people have flll Lo creaLe an accounL wlLh wesLern unlon
eople have Lo scroll aL Lhe home page

D3%')2-" -E<-"(-$&-
As Lhe wesLern unlon hasn'L goL lLs own forum were Lhe user could posL Lhelr experlence, l some of
Lhe frlend who prevlously had made a LranslLlon wlLh Lhe wesLern unlon for Lhe 828 servlce.

1hese were hls followlng commenLs abouL Lhe slLe:

lL webslLe ls very user frlendly, lL ls really slmple Lo use, can make a LranslLlon wlLhln mlnuLes, can
Lrack LranslLlon and Lhe sysLem lLself sends a conformaLlon on wheLher Lhe paymenL has been
recelved by Lhe wesLern unlon or noL."

As you can see LhaL Lhe webslLe lL's self ls very easy Lo use, Lhe LranslLlon could be made wlLhln a
mlnuLes, and Lhe dlsadvanLage of noL belng able Lo make LranslLlon fasL could mean Lhe daLa Lhlef,
as people can hack Lhe pc geL all Lhe lmporLanL lnformaLlon such as credlL card lnformaLlon, address,
emall, daLe of blrLh, eLc.

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