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Journal of Paleolimnology (2006) 35:441–465  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s10933-005-1995-2

Human impact since medieval times and recent ecological restoration

in a Mediterranean lake: the Laguna Zoñar, southern Spain

Blas L. Valero-Garcés1,*, Penélope González-Sampériz1, Ana Navas2, Javier Machı́n2,

Pilar Mata3, Antonio Delgado-Huertas4, Roberto Bao5, Ana Moreno1, José S. Carrión6,
Antje Schwalb7 and Antonio González-Barrios8
Pyrenean Institute of Ecology – CSIC, Apdo 202, E-50080 Zaragoza, Spain; 2EEAD-CSIC, Apdo 202,
E-50080 Zaragoza, Spain; 3Facultad Ciencias del Mar y Ambientales, Geologı´a, Campus Rı´o San Pedro, s/n
11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain; 4Estación Experimental del Zaidı´n (CSIC), Prof. Albareda 1, 18008
Granada, Spain; 5School of Sciences, University of A Coruña, Campus da Zapateira s/n, E-15071 A Coruña,
Spain; 6Department of Vegetal Biology (Botanic Area), Faculty of Biology, Campus de Espinardo, University
of Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain; 7Institut für Geowissenschaften, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany; 8Cátedra de Medio Ambiente ENRESA, Campus Rabanales, Edificio
Aulario Averroes, Córdoba University, 14071 Córdoba, Spain; *Author for correspondence (e-mail: blas@

Received 11 February 2005; accepted in revised form 1 August 2005

Key words: Ecological restoration, Human impact, Late Holocene, Olive cultivation, Paleohydrology,
Western Mediterranean


The multidisciplinary study of sediment cores from Laguna Zoñar (3729¢00¢¢ N, 441¢22¢¢ W, 300 m a.s.l.,
Andalucı́a, Spain) provides a detailed record of environmental, climatic and anthropogenic changes in a
Mediterranean watershed since Medieval times, and an opportunity to evaluate the lake restoration policies
during the last decades. The paleohydrological reconstructions show fluctuating lake levels since the end of
the Medieval Warm Period (ca. AD 1300) till the late 19th century and a more acute dry period during the
late 19th century – early 20th century, after the end of the Little Ice Age. Human activities have played a
significant role in Laguna Zoñar hydrological changes since the late 19th century, when the outlet was
drained, and particularly in the mid-20th century (till 1982) when the spring waters feeding the lake were
diverted for human use. Two main periods of increased human activities in the watershed are recorded in
the sediments. The first started with the Christian conquest and colonization of the Guadalquivir River
Valley (13th century) particularly after the fall of the Granada Kingdom (15th century). The second one
corresponds to the late 19th century when more land was dedicated to olive cultivation. Intensification of
soil erosion occurred in the mid-20th century, after the introduction of farm machinery. The lake was
declared a protected area in the early 1980s, when some agricultural practices were restricted, and con-
servation measures implemented. As a consequence, the lake level increased, and some littoral zones were
submerged. Pollen indicators reflect this limnological change during the last few decades. Geochemical
indicators show a relative decrease in soil erosion, but not changes in the amount of chemical fertilizers
reaching the lake. This study provides an opportunity to evaluate the relative significance of human vs.
climatic factors in lake hydrology and watershed changes during historical times. Paleolimnological
reconstructions should be taken into account by natural resources agencies to better define lake manage-
ment policies, and to assess the results of restoration policies.

Introduction activities (Valero-Garcés et al. 2000a; Bradbury

et al. 2004; Kienel et al. 2005). Paleolimnological
Lakes in the inland areas of Spain have been part studies have shown the effects of intensified ero-
of the cultural landscape for several millennia. sion caused by land clearance in small (Hutchinson
Human activities around the lakes included not 2005) and large (Cohen et al. 2005) lakes, the
only the use of water, but also other associated development of hypereutrophic conditions
resources as salt minerals, fishing and hunting, and (Bradbury et al. 2004) and the effects of tour-
farming. Some archaeological sites suggest a ism development and industrialization (Tylmann
significant use of the lake resources and the 2005). Reconstruction of environmental, anthro-
watersheds since the Neolithic, with an increase pogenic and climatic forcings during historical
during Roman times, and particularly in the last times is also problematic because of the difficulties
few centuries (Ebro Basin, Davis 1994; Salines of obtaining an accurate chronology.
Lake, Giralt et al. 1999; Estaña Lake; Riera et al. Here, we present results of paleolimnological
2004). In Mediterranean areas, where water re- investigations at Laguna Zoñar, the deepest (up to
sources are scarce, historical human activities have 15 m) lake in the lowlands of Andalucı́a (Spain).
been a decisive factor in the lake hydrology and, The lake is spring-fed and has no surface outlet,
particularly, agricultural practices a main forcing making it a good candidate for paleohydrological
in the depositional dynamics of the lake systems reconstructions. The lake is located in the Campiña
(e.g., Salada de Chiprana, Ebro Basin; Valero- Cordobesa, a region south of Córdoba with a long
Garcés et al. 2000a). On the other hand, most history of agricultural practices and currently
paleorecords indicate that vegetational and dedicated almost exclusively to the cultivation of
hydrological changes in the Mediterranean regions olive trees. Archaeological and historical records
of Spain during the last glacial cycle were re- suggest that the lake and its watershed have been
sponses to effective moisture crises rather than to affected by human activities since Roman times
temperature fluctuations (Pons and Reille 1988; and particularly in the late 19th and 20th centuries
Davis 1994; Peñalba et al. 1997; Giralt et al. 1999; (Montilla Archaeological Museum Archives). In
Valero-Garcés et al. 1998, 2000b, 2004; Carrión the 1960s, the waters from the springs were diverted
2002; Carrión et al. 2003; González-Sampériz for human use, lake level lowered, and the outlet
2004). Paleohydrological tools applied to lake re- creek became non-functional. Since the area was
cords may provide the needed rainfall and effective declared Natural Park in the early 1984, some
moisture reconstructions to better understand conservation measurements have been imple-
climate fluctuations in Mediterranean Spain, and mented, lake level has recovered, and some vege-
also contribute to unravel the relationship between tated littoral areas have been submerged. The rapid
the different cultures with the environment in the response of the lake system during the last decades
past. During the last 20 years, government agen- to hydrological fluctuations and to human impact
cies have tried to implement plans for lake and in the watershed provides an opportunity to assess
watershed management in many of the Spanish how decadal to centennial hydrological and envi-
wetlands. In most cases, little was known of the ronmental changes are archived in lake sediments.
lake dynamics and the previous history of the Paleolimnological studies in Laguna Zoñar allow
system, and consequently neither the ‘‘pristine’’ an assessment of the interaction between humans
stage to be preserved nor the results of the con- and the environment against a background of cli-
servation efforts could be evaluated. In these cases, mate variability, and help to define conservation
the study of the sedimentary record bring the only policies in Mediterranean wetlands and lakes.
consistent way to establish targets to be achieved
in any management plan to restore those natural
conditions (Hutchinson 2005; Cohen et al. 2005). Study site
Climate and human impact are main factors
controlling lake dynamics, but they have played a Physical setting
variable role through times, particularly in his-
torical periods, and it is usually difficult ascribing The Laguna Zoñar is located in the southern
specific limnological changes to specific human margin of the Guadalquivir River Basin, close to

the Sub-Betic tectonic domain of the Betic Range 538 mm of annual rainfall (range 1100–300 mm)
(IGME 1988) (Figure 1). Marine formations (yel- (Figure 1a) and an average temperature of
lowish sandstones, siltstones, marls and calcare- 16.1 C. Over 70% of the precipitation occurs in
nites) were deposited over the allochthonous late fall and early winter (November–December).
sub-betic formations during the Upper Miocene. Evapo-transpiration is estimated between 1500
Triassic rocks composed of carbonates, claystones, and 1750 mm yr 1 (Enadimsa 1989).
evaporites and igneous rocks (ophiolites) outcrop Laguna Zoñar (3729¢00¢¢ N, 441¢22¢¢ W, 300 m
along the faults. Karstic processes affecting the a.s.l.) is the deepest (up to 15.4 m) and largest
limestone and evaporite formations resulted in (37 ha, surface area) of the 10 lakes that belong to
large and shallow depressions filled with fine the Natural Park of the Southern Córdoba (Fig-
clastic materials and reddish soils. Permanent and ure 1). Its origin has been related to tectonic,
ephemeral lakes are located in larger depressions, karstic and diapiric activity (Moya 1984; Sánchez
likely related to faults. Laguna Zoñar, Rincón and et al. 1992). The elongated lake shape, following
Amarga are permanent brackish and saline lakes; the dominant regional tectonic direction (N 45–
Laguna Salobral, Tiscar and Jarales are ephemeral 50 E), indicates a clear tectonic control. On the
saline lakes. other hand, the location close to Triassic outcrops
The southern area of the Cordoba province has stresses the importance of diapirism in the genesis
a semi-humid Mediterranean climate with about of these structures. Finally, an open doline has

Figure 1. Geographic and Geological setting of Laguna Zoñar. (a) Annual Rainfall distribution in Spain (Capel Molina 1981) and
location of the Laguna Zoñar (Z). (b) The Laguna Zoñar watershed. The main three spring are from SW to NE: Eucaliptus, Zoñar and
Escobar. (c) Geological map of the Zoñar Lake (IGME 1988).

been mapped between the mouths of the Lobo and springs are the most important (average flows,
Moro creeks to the south and east of the lake 3.5 l s 1 and 1 l s 1, respectively). Springs waters
(IGME 1988), raising the possibility of a karstic are (HCO3 ) – (Ca2+), while lake waters are (Cl )
origin at least for some areas of the Zoñar Basin. – (Na+). Currently, Laguna Zoñar does not have
The lakes and wetlands comprise unique envi- a surface outlet, although historically the Arroyo
ronments where some endangered species as the de las Salinas in the northwestern corner of the
White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala) live. lake was functional and evacuated the water to the
Aquatic submerged vegetation is dominated by Cabra River and into the Genil River watershed.
Naja marina and Zannichellia pallustris. A wide (5– This outlet connected with a smaller, shallower
15 m) area with littoral emergent vegetation lake (Laguna Chica) and some saline wetlands that
(Phragmites australis, Typha domingensis) sur- occupied the valley.
rounded the lake before the early 1980s. The The input to the lake during an average year
southeastern depression close to the mouth of the (Enadimsa 1989) is as follows: rainfall, 0.177 Hm3;
Lobo Creek is totally occupied by littoral vegeta- runoff, 0.168 Hm3; groundwater, 0.4 Hm3;
tion. springs, 0.073 Hm3. The only output is through
evaporation, estimated as 0.8 Hm3 per year. The
surface area of the Lobo and Moro creeks water-
Limnology and hydrology sheds are about 9.64 km2 (Enadimsa 1989). Sev-
eral small watersheds (8.23 km2) are located over
The estimated lake water volume ranged between aquifer formations draining into the lake, and they
2.8 · 106 m3 during the 1980s (maximum water are also part of the hydro-geological watershed of
depth was 15.7 m) to 1.9 · 106 m3 in the early the lake. The main aquifers are the Miocene cal-
1990s (maximum water depth was 12.3 m) (de- carenites and the Quaternary alluvial deposits, and
tailed references in Enadimsa 1989 and Valero- the Laguna Zoñar is the discharge area for both
Garcés et al. 2003). Waters are saline (2.4 g l 1), aquifers. A hydrological survey during the year
alkaline (alkalinity values in surface waters be- 1984–1985 (Moya 1986) and the data collected by
tween 3–5 mg l 1; pH between 7.1 and 8.4) and the regional government since 1982 show that both
dominated by (Cl ) – (SO42 ) and Na+ (Table 1). lake level and spring flows quickly respond to
The lake is monomictic with a water temperature rainfall during the hydrological year and also at a
range between 9 and 27 C and an average Secci decadal time scale. During the prolonged dry
Disc depth of 3 m. It shows a thermocline and period of 1992–1995, lake level dropped to a
oxycline at about 4 m depth between May and minimum of 11 m (Figure 2), but quickly recov-
September (anoxic below 6 m), and it is mixed in ered after the humid 1996–1997 years. The isoto-
winter (November–February). pic composition of the lakewaters plots to the right
Several ephemeral creeks enter the lake, but the of dD- d18O meteoric water line (Valero-Garcés
main water input are the Zoñar, Escobar and et al. 2003), suggesting that evaporative processes
Eucaliptus springs located in the southern margin play a significant role in the lake hydrology.
of the lake. (Figure 1b). The Zoñar and Escobar

Table 1. Main limnological parameters of Zoñar Lake.

Lake Surface 37 ha The Laguna Zoñar watershed was identified and

Watershed 876,78 ha mapped using topographic and geological maps.
surface area Water chemical composition, lake level fluctua-
Max. depth 15.4 tions and changes in land uses monitored since
Salinity 1–2.4 g l 1
E.C. 2.5–3 mS cm 1
1982 by Andalucian Government Environmental
Water type Cl–(HCO3)–(SO4)//Na–(Mg)–(Ca) Agencies were compiled. A seismic survey was
Alkalinity 3–5 mg l 1 (surface) conducted with a 3.5 Khz seismic profiler in June
pH 8–9 (surface), 7.4–7.8 (bottom) 2002. Unfortunately, sediment penetration was
Chemocline May–September (3–6 m water depth) extremely poor and only bathymetry and bottom
Oxygen Anoxic bottom from May to September
basin morphology could be reconstructed (Valero-

Figure 2. Relationship between annual water input (rainfall and spring flow) and lake level (maximum and minimum) during the
period 1985–2000 (Data from the Environmental Agency of the Andalucian Government).

Garcés et al. 2003). Low seismic penetration is et al. 2004) it provides a useful characterization of
commonly caused by the presence of gas, and in the sediment composition and the sedimentary
Zoñar Lake it could result from decomposition of facies. Whole sediment mineralogy was charac-
the abundant organic matter, both transported terized by X-ray diffraction, and relatively mineral
from the watershed and originated in the lake. abundance was determined using peak intensity.
Two sediment cores (ZON-01-1A: 1.72 m long, Grain size was determined using a Coulter particle
and ZON-01-1B, 1.17 m long) were retrieved in size analyzer (Buurman et al. 1997). Samples were
the deepest area of Laguna Zoñar (14.5 m water treated with 10% hydrogen peroxide in a water-
depth). The 1.17 m long core was sub-sampled in bath at 80 C to eliminate the organic matter, a
the field at 0.5 and 1 cm intervals for 210Pb and dispersant agent was added and ultrasound treat-
Cs dating. Magnetic susceptibility was mea- ment was used prior to measurement.
sured with a Bartington magnetic susceptibility Bulk sediment samples (0.5 g) were digested
bridge every 2 cm only in core ZON-01-1A. The with HF (48%) in microwave (Milestone
ZON-01-1A core was split in two halves and sed- 1200 mls). Analyses for main elements composi-
imentary facies were defined by macroscopic visual tion were performed by atomic emission spec-
description including color, grain-size, sedimen- trometry using an inductively coupled plasma
tary structures, fossil content, and by microscopic ICP-OES with solid state detector (Perkin Elmer
smear slide observations (Schnurrenberger et al. Optima 3200 DV).
2003). The core was sub-sampled for organic Pollen grains and spores were sampled every
matter, carbonate, grain size, mineralogy, trace 10 cm and extracted in the laboratory by the
element geochemistry, pollen, diatoms, and ostra- classic chemical method (Moore et al. 1991) using
codes. Organic matter content was determined by Thoulet dense liquid (2.0) for palynomorph con-
loss-on-ignition analyses at 450 C (Heiri et al. centration) and Lycopodium clavatum spore tablets
2001) and carbonate content with a Barahona to calculate pollen concentration. Pollen diagrams
calcimeter (CSIC 1976). Although LOI is not an were constructed using Tilia, TiliaGraph and Co-
accurate stand-alone technique for the estimation rel Draw software. Ostracode valves were sepa-
of the carbon content (Boyle 2004; Santisteban rated from 2-cm-thick slices taken every 20 cm,

following the procedure described by Forester very high rate of burial, which accounts for the
(1988). Samples for diatom analysis were taken low and irregular 210Pb activities due to dilution
every 10 cm and prepared following standard of the atmospherically-derived 210Pb by eroded
procedures (Renberg 1990). At least 400 valves soil material. The sharp drop-off in 137Cs below
were counted per sample at 1000· using a Nikon 70–71 cm in Zoñar is also due to the lowest
Eclipse 600 microscope with Nomarski differential concentration of 137Cs below the 1963 peak,
interference contrast optics. Raw diatom counts according to the global pattern of the radioiso-
were converted to percent abundances. tope fallout during the early period of atmo-
The chronology is constrained by two AMS 14C spheric nuclear testing. Another factor in
dates from the longer core ZON-01-1A addition to the lower 137Cs inputs was dilution
(593 ± 3814C yr BP at 124–126 cm depth, and from high erosion during this period in which
1771 ± 3814C yr BP at 166–167, Table 2) analyzed soils had not yet become enriched in 137Cs. A
at the Arizona Dating Facility and by 210Pb and likely date of 1963 at 70–71 cm in core ZON-01-
Cs dating in the parallel shorter core (ZON-01- 1B represents a mean sedimentation rate of
1B) performed at the St. Croix River Station 1.5 cm/yr 1 or 1.0 g cm 2 yr 1 during the last
(University of Minnesota). Both cores were cor- half century.
related using sedimentary facies, grain size, and The 14C AMS dates (593 ± 3814C yr BP from
organic matter profiles (Figure 3). aquatic macrophyte remains at the 124–126 cm
depth, and 1771 ± 3814C yr BP from pollen con-
centrate at 166–167 cm interval) indicate that the
Results Zoñar core ZON-01-1A covers almost the last
2000 yrs and suggest the presence of a hiatus be-
Chronology tween the dated intervals (Figure 5). Sedimento-
logical data support the presence of a hiatus at
The 210Pb activities in the measured samples 140 cm depth where an erosive surface is evident.
range between 0.384 and 1.658 pCi g 1 and Based on the age of the upper sample (about AD
fluctuate irregularly throughout the core (Fig- 1350), and the 1963 horizon correlated between
ure 4). There is no discernable down-core trend both cores, the average sedimentation rate for that
and dates cannot be reliably modeled from the interval (Sedimentary Units 3 and 2, see below) is
Zoñar 210Pb data. The low 210Pb activities values about 1.6 mm yr 1. The 210Pb and 137Cs analyses
are somehow unexpected in a semi-humid region in the parallel core ZON-01-1B indicate a much
(average annual precipitation more than 500 mm) higher sedimentation rate for the upper Unit 1
and it could be related to dilution of the atmo- (between 0.7 and 1.8 cm yr 1). This fits with the
spheric 210Pb by high amounts of eroded soil. assessment of large fluvial input from the Lobo
There is measurable radio-caesium to a depth of and Moro Creek during the last decades. The
75 cm in core ZON-01-1B with a clear peak at different thickness of the upper Unit 1 in core
70–71 cm. Although given the high variability in ZON-01-1A (25 cm) and core ZON-01-1B (70 cm)
sedimentation rates it is not possible to exclude (Figures 3, 4 and 5) suggests an uneven sedimen-
Cs percolation, we feel confident that the peak tation rate over the basin, characteristic of lim-
represents the 1963 horizon. The cumulative mass nic systems dominated by fluvial processes.
of sediment overlying this 1963 peak indicates a Sedimentation rates for laminated facies (Unit 2)

Table 2. AMS results for core ZON-01-1A.

Sample Material Lab number d13C 14

C fraction Fm error 14
C yr BP 14
C yr Calibrated
Modern Error year BP(2r)

124—126 cm Aquatic AA47855 28.0 0.9288 0.0044 593 38 537–651

166–167 cm Pollen AA60921 27.1 0.8021 0.0038 1771 38 1591–1817

cm ZON-01-1B ZON-01-1B


Units ZON-01-1A cm
40 0
1 ZON-01-1A
60 20
2 C
80 40
F 50
100 60

120 80
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40
Grain Size % O.M. 90
3 B




4 A
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40
Grain Size % O.M.

Figure 3. Correlation between the two cores ZON-01-1B and ZON-01-1A using sedimentary facies, grain size, and organic matter

are likely to be smaller than for massive facies of Sedimentology

Unit 1 where clastic input is higher.
The age model including the 137Cs-derived The 170 cm long core (ZON-01-1A) is composed
chronology for the upper Unit 1 and the 14C AMS of decimeter-bedded, massive, brownish and gray
dates is coherent with the pollen data. The sharp sediments with an intercalated (24–59 cm depth)
increase in Olea pollen percentages between 30 and interval composed of finely laminated, variegated
40 cm in core ZON-01-1A (Figure 6) and between sediments (Figure 5). Sediments are mostly
75 and 100 cm in core ZON-01-1B (Figure 4) composed of silicate (quartz and clays) and car-
marks the Olea rise horizon due to the increase in bonate (calcite) grains, lacustrine and terrestrial
olive tree cultivation in the region during the late organic matter and biogenic particles (diatoms,
19th century. ostracodes). Eight sedimentary facies have been


Units Olea

0 2000

20 1990

40 1980


100 0 200 400 600 800 1000
3 Rainfall (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 20 40 60 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 20 20 40 60
Grain Size % O.M. % clay minerals Cs-137 Activity Pb- 210 Activity Pollen (%)
(pCi / g) (pCi / g)
2 - 50 µ
> 50 µ

Figure 4. Sedimentary Units, sediment composition indicators (grain size distribution, organic matter and clay mineral content),
selected pollen taxa, and profiles of 210Pb and 137Cs age from core ZON-01-1B. Sedimentary Units are correlated with those described
in core ZON-01-1A. The inset shows the annual rainfall in the nearby Aguilar Meteorological Station since 1950s.

identified after integration of visual description, conditions for Facies 4 characterized by higher
microscopic observation, grain size, and sediment energy and higher fluvial input. These conditions
composition analyses (LOI and XRD) (Table 3). would occur in the littoral environments of
Facies 1–5 are massive to faintly laminated car- Laguna Zoñar and also during flooding episodes
bonate mud with variable composition and bed- that could reach the deepest areas of the lake.
ding. Facies 6–8 are organic-rich, finely laminated Gray facies represent mixed lacustrine and alluvial
facies. Facies are described in detail in Table 3 and deposition in the central areas of the lake during
in Valero-Garcés et al. (2003). flooding episodes. Brown layers, with higher car-
The eight facies in the Zoñar core group in two bonate and diatom content and presence of os-
Facies Associations. Facies Association I inte- tracodes, would point to more littoral conditions,
grates cm- to dm- bedded, massive to slightly and, consequently, to lower lake levels. Lake level
laminated calcite muds (F 1, 2, 3 and 4). Facies fluctuated during deposition of facies association I
Association II integrates finely laminated (F 7 and at relatively higher stand, close to today’s levels.
8), organic-rich (F 6) and cm-thick, massive, cal- Facies Association II represents deposition in
cite mud (F 5) facies. Facies Association I repre- Laguna Zoñar during a period of lower clastic
sents deposition in Laguna Zoñar during periods input, and chemical and limnological conditions
of variable, but significant clastic input. The more conducive to development of benthic bac-
absence of lamination in the sediments indicates terial–algal communities. Preservation of fine
intense bioturbation activity, and likely frequent laminations indicates absence of bioturbation,
oxic conditions in the water column. Although most likely provoked by reduced oxygen in the
salinity and lake level during deposition of these bottom waters. The irregular nature of the lami-
calcite mud could vary, the lacustrine system nation suggests laminae are not varves. Varie-
remained a freshwater lake. The higher siliciclastic gated, organic-rich laminated facies occur in
content, the presence of macrophyte rests and many brackish-saline lakes where conditions are
intraclasts, and the erosive nature of the lower more suitable for algal–bacterial communities
contacts in some layers indicate depositional than for other lacustrine biota and where anoxia
Figure 5. Sedimentary facies and Units, magnetic susceptibility, sediment composition indicators (grain size distribution, organic matter and carbonate content), selected
geochemical profiles (values in ppm) and 14C AMS dates from core ZON-01-1A.

Table 3. Sedimentary facies in Zoñar cores.

Facies Description

Calcitic facies
Facies 1. cm-bedded, massive to These are cm-thick (Units 1 and 4) and dm-thick (Unit 3) layers with gradational
faintly laminated, brownish calcite boundaries. O.M. <10%, Quartz <10%. Presence of relatively large (40 · 10 microns)
mud. charcoal particles, and oxidized organic matter particles (soil-origin). Depositional su-
benvironment: sublittoral to distal lacustrine.
Facies 2. Laminated (1–5 mm), Layers are less than 5 cm thick, with sharp, planar contacts. Microfacies similar to
dark and light brownish calcite Facies 1. Fine-grained (<10 microns) calcite is commonly dominant. Quartz and sulfide
mud. contents are lower than in Facies 1. Depositional subenvironment: distal lacustrine.
Facies 3. Massive to faintly lami- These are cm- to dm-thick layers. Grain size coarser than Facies 1 and 2. Quartz grains
nated gray calcite silty mud. may be larger than 100 microns. Depositional subenvironment: sublittoral lacustrine
with alluvial influence.
Facies 4. cm-to dm-bedded, faintly Dark gray layers are between 5 and 10 cm thick and they commonly show sharp
laminated to massive, dark gray boundaries with the underlying beds and more gradational with the overlying beds. Both
silty calcite mud with organic calcite grains populations are present, although the coarser grains commonly dominate.
matter. Relatively high quartz content (up to 15%). Both carbonate and quartz grains are
coarser than in other facies. Sulfide content is the highest of the massive facies (1–4).
Organic matter remains showing cell-structures are common and also opaque, oxidized,
organic matter fragments. Depositional subenvironment: distal to sublittoral with allu-
vial influence.
Facies 5. cm-thick, massive gray Massive, cm-thick layers (1–2 cm thick) with sharp upper and lower boundaries. They
calcite silty mud. are composed of homogeneous dark gray silty calcite mud. Quartz content is relatively
higher than in previous facies, although never more than 10%. Sulfide content is high
(up to 15%). Depositional subenvironment: flood deposit in distal areas.
Organic facies
Facies 6. cm-thick, massive, dark These are cm-thick layers with irregular, erosive lower boundaries and sharp, planar
brown organic ooze. upper boundaries. Homogeneous, greenish–brownish, amorphous remains of aquatic
origin (algal). Diatom content is also high, up to 15–20%. Calcite content is relatively
low (about 30%) and mostly composed of rice-shaped, euhedral, about 10 microns long
crystals. Depositional subenvironment: benthic algal mat in distal areas.
Facies 7. Finely laminated (about Four different types of laminae: gray, brown, green and white. Organic matter content is
1 mm thick), variegated (gray, high (20–30%), and quartz is low (<10%), although always present. Sulfide content is
brown, white, green) organic ooze variable (5–15%), higher in the darker gray laminae. Small (<10 microns), rice-shaped
and calcite mud. crystals dominate the calcite components. Green laminae are mostly composed of dia-
toms and the sediment type ranges from diatom ooze to carbonate diatomaceous mud.
Brown laminae show large composition variability from organic (algal and diatoma-
ceous) ooze to organic, diatomaceous calcite mud. Whitish to light gray laminae are fine
calcite mud (euhedral crystals between 5–10 l long). Gray laminae are calcite mud with
higher content of coarser calcite grains, and lower diatom and organic matter content.
Clay minerals dominate over quartz grains. Depositional environment: brackish to saline
lake with benthic algal mat.
Facies 8. Irregularly laminated Similar to facies 7, but laminae are thicker and more irregular in thickness and the nature
(>2 mm thick) variegated (gray, of contacts varies from sharp to diffuse, and sometimes crenulated. Gray and brown
brown, green) organic ooze and laminae dominate. Depositional subenvironment: brackish to saline lake with benthic
calcite mud. algal mat.

is facilitated by chemical water stratification: laminated facies ranges from playa-lake settings
Lake Bogoria, Africa (Renaut and Tiercelin to relatively deep meromictic lakes. In Zoñar
1994), Mono Lake, USA (Newton 1994), Lake sediment core, diatom blooms and ‘carbonate
Hayward, Australia (Coshell and Rosen 1994), whitings’ events are registered as thin green and
Salada Chiprana, Spain (Valero-Garcés et al. white laminae, respectively. Coarser grain size in
2000a) are some examples. Water depth for this the laminated intervals from Unit 2 is caused by

the abundance of diatoms (Figure 5). Rare years. Peaks in Fe concentration coincided with
flooding episodes would deposit thin clay-rich peaks in the Fe/Mn ratio, which has been inter-
gray laminae (Facies 5). Clay mineral content is preted in other lakes as an evidence of changes in
higher in these laminated, organic-rich facies than supply from the catchment more than changes in
in the massive calcite mud (Figure 4) suggesting the redox conditions in the lake (Boyle 2001).
lower energy and deposition out of suspension. Potassium and lithium show constant composi-
Relatively higher salinities and lower lake levels tions through the sequence except in the organic,
could be expected in Laguna Zoñar during laminated facies of Unit 2. Metals such as zinc and
deposition of this facies association. copper used in fertilizers also show constant values
Four main units have been identified in core in Units 4 and 3 and increasing values in Units 2
ZON-01-1A (Figure 5): Unit 1 (0–24 cm) com- and particularly 1 (almost double for Zn and
posed of cm-bedded brown and gray sediments; threefold for Cu). No signs of lowering content of
Unit 2 (24–59 cm) composed of laminated sedi- those elements in the sediments occur at the top
ments; Unit 3 (59–140 cm) composed of decime- sample. Manganese values peak at the laminated,
ter-bedded gray and brown sediments, and Unit 4 algal mat intervals and coincide with lower values
(140–170 cm) composed of cm-bedded gray and of the Fe/Mn ratio. Higher Mn concentrations in
brown sediments. The boundaries between the the sediments seem related to strong redox gradi-
upper three units are defined by the occurrence of ents at the sediment/water interface, as those
fine (<1 mm) lamination in Unit 2; the limit be- expected during deposition of the laminated mats.
tween Units 3 and 4 is marked by the occurrence of Phosphorous concentrations are higher in the
an irregular, erosive surface. A number of subunits laminated facies of Unit 2 and Unit 1, and their
have been defined according to the facies (Figure peaks correlate with intervals of higher organic
5 and see also Valero-Garcés et al. 2003 for a de- matter content. Lower values of Sr in the upper
tailed stratigraphy). The upper three units have Unit 1 could be explained by dilution due to
been correlated between both cores using sedi- increased input of low Sr marine sediments
mentary facies, and sediment composition (organic (Miocene calcarenites).
matter contents and grain size). Facies association
II only occurs in Unit 2 and facies association I in Ostracods
Units 1, 3 and 4.
The ostracode assemblage from Zoñar (ZON-01-
1A) is characterized by individuals of Ilyocypris
Geochemistry sp., a few Candona sp. and Potamocypris sp. This
assemblage suggests an environment with shallow
The chemical composition profiles (Figure 5) show and flowing water likely affected by stream input.
more constant values in the lower Units 4 and 3 The number of ostracode valves in the sediment
and higher variability in the upper Units 2 and 1. samples is very low, and some samples lacked any
Aluminum and iron contents are relatively con- ostracods. The sample from the top sediments
stant in Units 3 and 4 (Fe: 1–1.2%; Al: 1.5–2.5%), (Unit 1: 2–4 cm) contains only Ilyocypris sp.,
slightly decrease at the base of Unit 2 (Fe: 0.5%; suggesting significant stream input into the lake.
Al:0.7%) and start an increasing trend at 50 cm Samples from Unit 2 (22–24, 42–44 cm intervals),
(base of subunit 2 F) till almost the top of Unit 1 the top of Unit 3 (62–64 cm interval) and another
(Fe: 1.8%; Al: 2.7%). The top sample shows a sample from a faintly laminated interval in Unit 3
slight decrease in both, aluminum and iron. Alu- (122–124 cm) are devoid of ostracodes. The pres-
minum reflects the Al-silicates content of the sed- ence of authigenic calcite in these intervals suggests
iments, so it can be considered as a proxy for that the absence of ostracodes is not due to
alluvial input. Iron is also an indicative of soil carbonate dissolution processes. Most likely,
erosion in the watershed, but it also may be ad- restricted water circulation and low oxygen con-
sorbed on clays, or precipitated as colloids and tents in the deep areas of the lake as indicated by
oxides. Both profiles are coherent with increasing laminated sediments impeded survival of benthic
erosion in the Zoñar watershed during deposition ostracodes. Most individuals in the remaining
of Unit 2 and 1, and a small decrease in the last samples from Units 3 and 4 are Ilyocypris sp.

(102–104, 142–144 cm), indicating oxic bottom though a growing trend in Olea suggests increasing
conditions and significant stream input into the cultivation at a regional scale or just around the
lake prior to deposition of Unit 2. Candona sp. is lake. Myriophyllum percentages remain low and
only present at 82–84 cm, which could indicate Tamarix disappears in the lower part of this unit.
relatively deeper waters with more restricted cir- Hygrophytes abundance and variety increase
culation. Finally, the sample from Unit 4 (162– (Cyperaceae, Juncus, Typha, Sparganium). In the
164 cm) is dominated by Potamocypris sp. indi- upper part of pollen zone II, corresponding to
viduals, a nektic ostracode that is typical of littoral sedimentary Unit 2, Myriophyllum decreases until
environments. disappearing at the top of the unit, and Sparga-
nium increases suggesting expanding littoral areas.
Algal spores are still well represented, although in
Pollen lower percentages than in zone III. This unit is
characterized by the highest percentages of fungal
Pollen assemblages in samples from both cores are spores and other palynomorphs: Palaeomycites,
typical of Mediterranean landscapes dominated by Monoporisporites, Chaetomium, Diporisporites,
Olea europaea, evergreenQuercus and Cupressa- Dyadosporites, Pluricellaesporites, Didimoporis-
ceae. Olea percentages are the highest in the top poronites, Dicellaesporites (Carrión et al. 2001).
samples (up to 80%) reflecting the large increase in These assemblages represent increasing littoral
olive tree cultivation since the late 19th century. areas colonized by plants and also an increase in
The relative abundances of pollen taxa in core trophic conditions in the lake, likely with an in-
ZON-01-1A are shown in Figure 6. A few samples crease in particulate organic matter in the water.
were analyzed in core ZON-01-1B (Figure 4) to Pollen Zone ZO-I (35–0 cm) corresponds to the
correlate both cores. Three pollen zones have been upper sedimentary Unit 2 and Unit 1. Olea is the
identified based on the pollen assemblages. dominant taxa, which reflects the large increase in
Pollen Zone ZO-III (160–140 cm). This zone olive tree cultivation since the late 19th century
corresponds to sedimentary Unit 4. Terrestrial (Ortega Alba 1975) The typical Mediterranean
plants are dominated by Mediterranean trees and component (Cupressaceae, evergreen Quercus,
shrubs (50–60%): evergreen Quercus, Pistacia, Lycium, Cistus, Ephedra, Genista-Adenocarpus,
Rhamnus, Thymelaea, Lycium, Cistus, Ericaceae, etc.) is well represented. Aquatic macrophytes taxa
Ephedra, Fabaceae (Genisteae), Lamiaceae, decrease and eventually Myriophyllum and Pota-
Hedera helix, etc. Olea is also present, but in lower mogeton disappear. However, Potamogeton and
percentages than in the upper zones. The sub- Tamarix appear again at the top of the sequence,
merged Myriophyllum spicatum reaches the maxi- suggesting a relative fresher waters and an increase
mum abundances in this zone, suggesting higher in lake level during modern times.
lake levels and fresh waters. The abundance of In pollen zones III and II, indicators of human
Botryococcus and the occurrence of colonies of activity are common: Rumex, Plantago, Vitis, Ci-
Pediastrum also points to relatively high lake lev- chorioideae, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Centau-
els. Algal spores and spiny acritarch show the rea, Urticaceae, and also Cerealia type. In pollen
highest percentages and fungal remains the lowest zone I, most of these taxa disappear. Algal spores
in the whole sequence. The presence of Zigne- are also greatly reduced. Fungal spores and
mataceae zigospores, Gloeotrichia sheats, Rivularia Ascomycete sporocarps are abundant, which sug-
heterocyst, the fungal spore types Pluricellaespor- gests that eutrophic conditions are similar to those
ites and Dyadosporites (Carrión et al. 2001), and of the previous pollen zone II. However, eutrophic
the microfossils 179 and 989 (Carrión and van conditions were not extremely high, because the
Geel 1999) indicate a mesoeutrophic aquatic fungal spores percentages are relatively small
environment. compared to other sites (Carrión and Navarro
Pollen Zone ZO-II (140–35 cm) includes sedi- 2002). The presence of Pseudoschizaea cysts has
mentary Units 3 and the lower part of Unit 2. The been interpreted as an indicator of seasonal sub-
AP/NAP ratio slightly increases. The low Pinus aerial exposure in the lake margins (Carrión 2002),
percentages suggest long distance input. Terrestrial although the paleocology of this organism remains
vegetation is similar than the previous zone, al- unclear (Scott 1992).
Figure 6. Pollen diagram with main taxa for core ZON-01-1A. (hatched pattern 5· exaggeration). Sedimentary facies associations are also shown. Dots indicate ‘presence’ with
percentages minor than 2%.

Only five samples were analyzed in core ZON- freshwater tychoplanktonic Fragilaria brevistriata.
01-1B to characterize the pollen assemblages of the These taxa suggest an environment characterized
main units defined (Figure 4). The location of the by open water conditions and moderate depth at
Olive rise (between 75 and 100 cm) provides a time the coring site.
horizon to correlate both cores.
Pollen assemblages from aquatic and littoral DAZ ZON-IV (141–111 cm)
plants serve as paleohydrological indicators. Pollen Fragilaria brevistriata and the freshwater benthic
samples from Zone III contain the highest per- Amphora pediculus are the main taxa in this zone.
centages of Myriophyllum spicatum and relatively The co-dominance of the latter in the assemblage
high of Potamogeton and Ruppia. Although Ruppia points to a lowering of the lake level compared to
is an indicator of moderate saline waters, the pollen the previous DAZ.
association suggest lake waters were fresher than
today, likely due to a higher fluvial input. In zone DAZ ZON-III (111–71 cm)
II, taxonomic diversity is the highest, and pollen Fragilaria brevistriata is still a co-dominating taxa
percentages of plants from vegetated lake margins in this zone, but the oligosaline benthic Cocconeis
(Tamarix, Sparganium) increase. Freshwater neothumensis becomes the predominant species,
aquatic plants progressively decrease and hygro- which suggests, as in the previous zone, lower lake
phytes plants typical of littoral vegetation reach the levels, but of more saline conditions.
highest percentages at the top of this zone. At this
time, littoral vegetated areas surrounding the lake DAZ ZON-II (71–51 cm)
would have reached the largest size and lake waters Both Fragilaria brevistriata and Cocconeis neot-
would be chemically more concentrated. In zone I, humensis show a decrease in this zone which is
the decrease in hygrophyte pollen content and the dominated by the planktonic Cyclotella menegh-
increase in Potamogeton and Myriophyllum is iniana, suggesting a new increase in water levels.
interpreted as a reflection of the decreasing surface
area occupied by the vegetated littoral zone when DAZ ZON-I (51–30 cm)
lake levels were relatively higher. This zone represents a substantial change in dia-
tom assemblages, which are now dominated by
benthic forms of both freshwater (mainly Cym-
Diatoms bella microcephala and Fragilaria capucina var.
gracilis) and saline (mainly Cymbella affinis,
Diatom assemblages in core ZON-01-1A are Cocconeis placentula and Nitzschia elegantula)
dominated by the tychoplanktonic Fragilaria preferences. This zone also shows an important
brevistriata, and the periphytic Cocconeis neot- increase in the allochthonous marine taxa such as
humensis throughout most of the core (Figure 7). Chaetoceros spp. and Thalassionema nitzschioides.
Some levels have also large numbers of the The dominance of benthic taxa suggest lower lake
planktonic Cyclotella meneghiniana and the peri- levels, but the mixture of freshwater and saline
phytic Amphora pediculus among others. Re- forms also points to rapid changes in the contri-
worked marine diatom taxa include Chaetoceros bution of freshwaters. Flooding episodes could
resting spores, Actinoptychus senarius, Thalassio- explain not only those changes, but the increase
nema nitzschioides, Asteromphalus sp. and Neo- in the percentages of marine reworked taxa as
denticula sp. Their presence indicates periods of well.
increased sediment input to the lake from the The upper 30 cm of the core is considered a non-
Miocene marine calcarenites, the dominant countable interval. Some levels show no diatom
lithology in the watershed. Five diatom assem- preservation, and the levels where diatoms were
blage zones (DAZs) have been defined (Figure 7). preserved are almost 100% composed of non-
countable Thalassionema spp. small fragments.
DAZ ZON-V (161–141 cm) This zone denotes an increase in the erosion
This zone is dominated by the salinity – indifferent activity of the basin responsible for the input of
(Tapia et al. 2003) euplanktonic Cyclotella me- allochthonous diatoms to the lake from the Mio-
neghiniana and, towards the top of the zone, by the cene marine rocks.
Figure 7. Diatom percent abundance diagram of ZON-01-1A for taxa ‡2% (nci = non countable interval). Sedimentary facies associations are also shown.

Discussion activity has been documented in several Iberian

river basins during the cooler Holocene climate
Results from the two studied cores provide a re- events such as the Early Medieval Ice Advance (6–
cord of past climate, environmental and human- 10th century) and the Little Ice Age (15–19th
induced changes in the Laguna Zoñar watershed century), and less significant fluvial dynamics oc-
since early Medieval times, and also an opportu- curred during the Medieval Climate Optimum
nity to test the impact of the restoration mea- (Peña-Monné et al. 1998; Benito et al. 2003). The
surements applied by the regional government 10–11th century is generally characterized in Eur-
during the last 20 years. In Figure 8, we summa- ope as one of the warmest historic periods (the so-
rize the proxy-records and compare them with the called Medieval Warm Period). In northern and
main historical events and the available climate central Europe severe winters were somewhat less
reconstructions. We distinguish six main periods frequent and less extreme during the MWP, AD
of human and climatic interactions in the 900–1300, than in the ninth century and from 1300
watershed: to 1900 (Pfister et al. 1998). In Spain, high flood
frequencies were registered in most of the Atlantic
watersheds during the late MWP (AD 1160–1210)
Period 6: prior to mid-13th century (Benito et al. 2003).
Probably, the regional vegetation during this
This period is represented by sedimentary Unit 4, period comprised sclerophyllous formations of
composed of facies arranged in cm-thick sequences evergreen Quercus, Olea europaea sylvestris,
that suggests relatively rapid changes in deposi- Ceratonia siliqua, Pinus, Juniperus and Mediter-
tional environments in a lake highly influenced by ranean shrubs; mesohygrophytic vegetation with
fluvial input, and with prevalent oxic conditions at deciduous trees in protected areas as humid gor-
the bottom of the lake. The boundaries between ges, rivers (Alnus, Fraxinus, Populus, Ulmus) and
the three subunits could correspond to deposi- some herbaceous extensions. The high percentages
tional hiati, however the only sedimentological of Olea in the Zoñar record since the base indicate
evidence for an unconformity occurs at the top of that olive trees were a significant element of the
the unit, where an erosive surface marks the base Mediterranean landscape. In diverse paleopaly-
of the next sequence. Chronological control for nological studies from the Mediterranean area of
this unit is provided by the basal AMS date Iberia, a notable presence of Olea has been de-
(165 cm, 1771 ± 3814C yr BP, ca. AD 300) and the tected since the last glaciation (Carrión 1992;
estimate age of the erosive surface at the top Burjachs and Julià 1994; Pérez-Obiol and Julià
(around 1250 AD). Most likely, the unit represents 1994; Carrión and van Geel 1999; Carrión 2002;
deposition during the post-Roman and early Vis- Pantaleón-Cano et al. 2003). As far as more recent
igoth Age; the sediments corresponding to the times are concerned, the presence of Olea is also
Muslim Period have been eroded. detected in northern regions of Iberia from the
A strong fluvial influence in this sediment Early Holocene (Davis 1994; Riera and Esteban
interval is marked by coarser, more clastic facies 1994), and the mid-Holocene in the Balearic
arranged in fining upward sequence, and the islands (Yll et al. 1996, 1997).
presence of Potamocypris sp., a nektic ostracode Nevertheless, the expansion of Olea in historical
typical of littoral environments. The dominance of times is due to human intervention. The cultivated
planktonic diatoms and aquatic plants such as olive was introduced in Spain by the Phoenicians
Myriophyllum points to relatively higher lake levels and Greeks, although wild olive was probably
than today and probably fresh waters with low used by the indigenous people. An increase in
chemical concentrations. The Arroyo de las Sali- pollen percentages around 5–10% appears in sev-
nas outlet was likely functional and lake level was eral sites in Portugal (Van den Brink and Janssen
at the highest. The large flooding episode at the 1985) and northeastern Spain (Saladas de Alcañiz:
base of Unit 3 (140 cm, facies 4, magnetic sus- Davis 1994; Estaña lake: Riera et al. 2004) coin-
ceptibility peak) was more related to climatic fac- ciding with the Roman Period. Various tree and
tors (increase in precipitation) than to increased shrub taxa (Olea, Castanea, Juglans, Vitis, Fraxi-
disturbance of the watershed. Enhanced fluvial nus, Platanus, etc.) are clearly cultivated from
Figure 8. Summary of the environmental and climate changes reconstructed from several proxy records in the Zoñar cores and correlation with the main historic events in the
watershed. Sedimentary facies and Units as in Figure 4. The rainfall index (Rodrigo et al. 1999, see text) is also indicated.

3000 yr BP onwards in the western Mediterranean gest lower lake levels and more concentrated wa-
(Davis 1994; Sadori and Narcisi 2001; Pantaleón- ters. A general trend to increased percentages of
Cano et al. 2003). In Central Italy, cultivation of benthic diatoms of saline condition supports this
Castanea, Juglans and Olea started at 3000– interpretation.
2900 cal yr BP (Mercuri et al. 2002). The first A relatively small decrease in olive pollen occurs
significant spread of Olea in Lago di Pergusa at the base of this unit that could be related to
(Sicily) occurs between 3300 and 3000 years BP some of the events in the Guadalquivir Valley
and it could be interpreted either as the beginning during the 13–14th centuries, although the inter-
of extensive cultivation or increasing arid condi- pretations must be cautious because the coarse
tions; however, the maximum expansion of Olea pollen and chronological resolution. The city of
clearly related to human activities occurs between Cordoba was conquered by the Christians in AD
2600 and 2400 years BP (Sadori and Narcisi 2001). 1236, and the Guadalquivir River Valley was re-
The Visigoth period (415–711 yr AD) is gener- populated during the 13th and 14th centuries.
ally characterized by a progressive depopulation of However, till the conquest of the Kingdom of
urban areas and lower agricultural use of the land. Granada (1492), the region was the border be-
However, some pollen records do not show chan- tween Christian and Muslim Kingdoms and mili-
ges in olive percentages, suggesting that areas al- tary incursions were frequent. The forest and fields
ready farmed during Roman times continued in were usually burnt during the military fights, and
production (Van den Brink and Janssen 1985; consequently, some farmland was abandoned and
Riera et al. 2004). Changes in agricultural use of farming substituted by sheep and goat husbandry.
the land were more significant during the Arab The small decrease in pollen percentages at the
period in southern Spain and particularly the base of pollen zone II could be a reflection of the
Guadalquivir River Valley. Lagoa Comprida in agricultural regression during the 13th and 14th
Portugal (Van den Brink and Janssen 1985) shows centuries in the Guadalquivir Valley.
a sharp rise in olive percentages up to 20% during Historical data show three periods of acceler-
this period. The city of Cordoba attained a pop- ated human impact on the landscape of the Cor-
ulation over 500,000, the largest and most pros- doba Province characterized by increasing
perous city in Europe and the Mediterranean cultivated land (Ortega Alba 1975): (i) between the
Basin. Although there is no sediment record from Christian conquest of the Guadalquivir River
this period in the analyzed Zoñar cores, historical valley and the 18th century, (ii) the 19th century
documents show that the agricultural landscape of after Church-owned land was expropriated and
the Campiña Cordobesa was dominated by olive more intensively cultivated, and (iii) the mid-20th
tree orchards since the Roman times. century. The progressive increase in olive pollen in
Unit 3 is a reflection of the intensification of
agriculture in the Campiña Cordobesa since the
Period 5: From the Christian conquest till the end 15th century. Once the border between Christian
of the ‘golden age’ (13–18th centuries) and Muslim kingdoms was more secure and par-
ticularly after the fall of Granada, the Campiña
This period corresponds to sedimentary Unit 3 experienced a period of rapid transformation of
and it is characterized by two sequences (subunit the landscape due to the new structure of the land,
3B and 3A), both showing an upward trend to- the increase in agricultural exploitations, and a
wards lighter colors, and increasing lacustrine higher olive production. This would be the ‘first’
(authighenic and biogenic) component in the sed- olive rise that occurs in the record at about 125 cm
iments: gray, massive carbonate mud (F 3), mas- depth. Olive pollen doubled and maintained a
sive brown (F 2), and finely laminated brown slightly increasing trend throughout this period.
sediments (F 1). These sedimentological features Chemical profiles do not show an increase in soil
point to reducing fluvial input into the lake and the erosion; aluminum concentrations slightly decline
dominance of ‘lacustrine’ processes in the deepest upcore as an evidence of smaller alluvial contri-
area were the core was retrieved. The decrease in bution to the lake sediments.
Myriophyllum spicatum and other aquatic plants The rise in olive cultivation started in the 14th
and the generally low values during this unit sug- and 15th centuries throughout Spain, and contin-

ued during the 16–17th centuries characterized by show that changes in the rainfall regime have been
an increased agricultural intensification. In north- more important than those in the temperature
eastern Spain, when the Christian conquest was during the last centuries (Rodrigo et al. 1999). A
completed there are not references to olive groves, rainfall index for the last 500 years has been cal-
but later, in 1300 AD, vineyards were replaced by culated by Rodrigo et al. (1999, 2000) based on
olive cultivations and the production of oil documentary and instrumental sources for the
reached a peak in the 14th century (Riera et al. period 1791–1997 (Figure 8). Seasonal indexes
2004). Many olive curves from Spanish pollen sites derived from documentary sources were assigned
show the largest increase during the Holocene at as follows: 2 (Very dry, absence of rain together
about the 16th century, particularly in central and with information on drops in river and water
northeastern sites (Davis 1994; Riera et al. 2004). spring levels), 1 (Dry, absence of rain without
In spite of some unfavorable climatic conditions additional information), 0 (Normal, no news, no
during the first part of the LIA, as frequent severe comments on impacts), +1 (Wet, hard and/or
frost during the winter in Córdoba and periods constant rainfall), +2 (Very wet, rain-induced
when the Guadalquivir River froze over at the end flood). The index values derived from instrumental
of the 16th century (Font 1988), pollen record in sources for the period 1791–1997 are expressed as
Zoñar shows high values and a slight increase. The follows (R = rainfall; Ri: ith-percentile of the
significant decline observed in Lagoa Comprida at instrumental series): Very dry: R < R10; Dry:
about 500 yrs BP, interpreted as a decline in R10 < R < R25; Normal: R25 < R < R75; Wet:
agricultural productivity (Van den Brink and R75 < R < R90; Very wet: R > R90. The Annual
Janssen 1985) and other periods of known social index is the sum of the four seasonal indices and its
unrest and population crises as the 15th century do value ranges from 8 to +8, although lack of data
not show in the Zoñar record. However, the rela- relating to the summer prevents such extreme
tively low resolution of our sampling precludes values to be reached. The results suggest a fluctu-
any conclusion on the impact of such events on ating evolution since the end of the Medieval
olive production in the Campiña Cordobesa. Warm Period, with the wettest intervals during the
The Modern Age Period (17–18th centuries) late 16–mid-17th centuries (AD 1590–1650) and at
would correspond to subunit 3A (AD 1660–1760) the end of the 19th century. The driest periods
composed of another fining upward sequence with occurred during the first half of the 16th century
gray, more clastic facies 4 at the base topped by (AD 1501–1589) and during the AD 1650–1750
brown facies 1 and finely laminated facies. A period, and a general trend to more arid condi-
general decrease in fine particles (<2 microns) tions started in the early 20th century (Rodrigo
indicates a reduction in clastic input to the lake et al. 1999, 2000).
towards the top of this interval. Microscopic The rainfall index must be interpreted as a
observations indicate that the higher percentages measure of the behavior of weather anomalies or
of large particles reflect the increase in diatom extreme phenomena, rather than average values,
content and not of coarse clastic particles. This because it is based on historical documents
sequence represents another gradual transition reporting only exceptional socio-economical im-
from a clastic-dominated lake subenvironment pacts. Although our chronology is not accurate
with significant fluvial input, to a mixed clastic- enough to compare with these climatic fluctua-
authigenic subenvironment. Aluminum content, a tions, some tentative correlations can be estab-
chemical indicator of watershed erosion, decrease lished. The wettest interval (late 16–mid-17th
during this interval. Iron content also decreases centuries; AD 1590–1650) could correspond to the
although because of the higher chemical mobility top of Unit 3B and the transition to 3A. In subunit
of this element it is not a straightforward indicator 3A, the presence of more clastic facies 4 at the base
of catchment erosion. Higher values of Cyclotella of a fining-upward sequence suggest increased
meneghiniana (DAZ ZON-IV) suggest another fluvial activity in the creeks, although aquatic
episode of relatively higher lake levels at the top of pollen and diatoms do not indicate a particularly
Unit 3. high lake level phase. Sedimentological features,
Climate reconstructions in Andalucı́a based on aquatic pollen and diatom assemblages mark the
documentary data and instrumental measurements top of Unit 3 (subunit 3A) as a period of higher

lake levels that could correspond to a secondary Wet anomalies also dominated between AD
wet period between the late 17th and the early 18th 1750 and 1850 (Rodrigo et al. 1999, 2000) a period
century. In another Andalucian lake, the Laguna that, according to our chronological model would
de Archidona (Málaga Province), a dry period correspond to the deposition of the lower part of
during the mid-17th century dried out the lake and Unit 2 (G, F, E and D subunits) characterized by
some weak soil formation processes took place laminated sedimentary facies, biological evidence
(Luque et al. 2004); during the following period for decreasing lake levels, and the presence of
between AD 1650–1850 lake level rose, forest clastic facies indicative of floods in the lake wa-
recovered, and agricultural practices were favored tershed (particularly in subunit E).
instead of grazing. Documentary sources also
indicate the presence of larger shallow lakes in the
Doñana National Park prior to the 19th century Period 3: 19th century (olive rise) till mid-20th
(Sousa and Garcı́a-Murillo 2003). century (introduction of modern farm machinery)

Subunit C contains the best-laminated, organic-

Period 4: the late 18th–early 19th century period rich facies of the core (Facies 7). During this per-
iod, lake level remained lower than present, fluvial
A large limnological change occurred in the lake input was low, and chemical concentration in-
during the late 18th–early 19th century prior to the creased. Benthic diatoms dominate the assem-
sharp increase in olive pollen. Better-defined lami- blages (DAZ ZON-I), aquatic plants abundances
nation and progressive dominance of brown lami- decrease and the littoral vegetated area with
nae in subunits 2G and 2F indicate that suitable Sparganium increases. Rainfall reconstructions
conditions for the establishment of benthic bacte- during the 19th century show wet anomalies dur-
rial and algal communities at the bottom of the ing the early and mid-decades, dry anomalies
lake were reached. These communities were dis- during the 1860–1880s, and the onset of a dry
turbed by deposition of two cm-thick layers of fine trend from the late 19th century (Figure 8). This
sediments (Facies 5) that reflect two large flooding period of more arid climatic conditions during the
episodes in the lake (Subunit E). Thin (about 1 mm late 19th and the early 20th century corresponds to
thick) clastic, gray laminae also occur at the base of the deposition of the organic, finely laminated fa-
subunit D, and consequently, fine grain percent- cies of subunit 2C to 2A indicative of the lowest
ages remain high. The mixture of diatoms of both lake level in the cores. Other wetlands and lakes in
freshwater and saline character in DAZ ZON-I Andalucı́a show evidence of a more negative
could be an indication of the short-term changes in hydrological balance after the mid 19th century.
salinity as an effect of the freshwater flooding epi- Reduction of surface area occupied by shallow
sodes. A brackish to saline lake, with anoxic bot- lakes in the Doñana National Park at the end of
tom waters that prevented bioturbation and the LIA indicate an increase in aridity (Sousa and
facilitated the development of bacterial and algal Garcı́a-Murillo 2003) that could correlate with the
benthic communities was established during this onset of unit 2 in the Zoñar records. In the Laguna
time. The low clastic input and the higher salinity Archidona, located in the Málaga Province, a
suggest generally lower lake levels than during transition from laminated sediment to increasingly
previous units. Both, the decrease in Myriophyllum gypsum-rich sediments occurs after AD 1850 and
values and increase in Sparganium in Unit 2 point it is interpreted as increasing aridity after the end
to a period of more concentrated waters and rela- of the LIA (Luque et al. 2004).
tively lower lake levels with increasing littoral Since the end of the 19th century, a progressive
vegetation. This enhanced macrophytic develop- decrease in rainfall took place, only interrupted by
ment is also corroborated by the increase in benthic a relatively wet period during the 1960s (Figure 4).
diatoms of an epiphytic condition. The lake prob- Increased human use of the water for irrigation
ably experienced a significant siltation as indicated could have also helped to lowering lake level
not only by the dominance of benthic diatoms but during this period. Several historical documents
also by the increase in tube-dwelling diatom forms provide some information on past lake level in
such as Cymbella (Figure 7). Laguna Zoñar. In the mid-19th century Madoz

(1850) described Laguna Zoñar and reported two particles (bioclasts and diatoms) and the disap-
springs and one creek feeding the lake. He noted pearance of green and brown laminae stresses
the depth of Laguna Zoñar as 34 ‘varas’ (1 ‘vara’ another abrupt limnological change that antici-
equals about 84 cm, so the depth was about pated the onset of Unit 1. Although lake levels
28.5 m). Although it seems unlikely that the lake remain low, conditions are not longer conducive to
was that deep, Madoz’s description indicates that the development of bacterial mats.
the lake level was high during the mid-19th cen-
tury. Reconstructed rainfall for the late 19th cen-
tury also shows some positive anomalies (Rodrigo Period 2: mid-20th century to declaration
et al. 1999). Dantin (1940) estimated the size as of the lake as protected area (1982)
2000 · 250 m and recorded that the surface outlet
was functional and that Laguna Chica existed as a The base of Unit 1 (Subunit 1C) still shows some
different lake. faint lamination (Facies 2). Dark gray, massive
The onset of an increasing trend in Fe and Al sediments (Facies 4) with high magnetic suscepti-
concentrations in the sediments marks the begin- bility values and low organic content constitute
ning of a period of significant soil erosion in the subunit B. This period correlated with the intro-
basin. Olive pollen sharply increases. All these duction of machinery around the mid-20th century
indicators point to large human disturbance in the that provoked a rapid increase in soil erosion in
Zoñar watershed during the mid and late 19th the watershed. Aluminum and iron concentration
century. The agrarian crisis of the 18th century did sharply increase. Reworked marine diatoms dom-
not have an impact on the continued expansion of inate as a consequence of intense erosion of the
olive in Spain. On the contrary, many records Miocene marine bedrock in the watershed. Olive
show that olive production in Spain peaked in the pollen maintains high values, and the decrease in
18th and 19th centuries. Some regions were dedi- Olea at the base of Unit 1 may be a reflection of
cated to specific crops required by industry, such increased littoral vegetation around the lake more
as hemp, though there were large areas of olives than to changes in agricultural practices. Lake
and cereals and some regions expanded its olives levels are still low as indicated by the extension of
groves and doubled their oil production (Davis hygrophytes (high Cyperaceae and Poaceae val-
1994; Riera et al. 2004). Several factors may have ues). Geochemical indicators show that this is the
helped: expropriation of church in 1837 brought period of most intense human disturbance of the
more land for intensive cultivation, changes in the catchment and the lake hydrology. In the 1960s,
pattern of land ownership, and reduced frequency the waters from the Zoñar and Escobar springs
of winter frost at the end of the LIA. The sharp were diverted for human use to the nearby Aguilar
increase in olive pollen in Zoñar likely occurred de la Frontera town, lake level lowered, and the
during the late 19th century. Several laws signed outlet creek Arroyo de las Salinas became non-
by the Spanish Government during the late 19th functional. The width of the littoral vegetation
and early 20th century favored the drainage of zone surrounding the lake, increased. In the late
wetlands and most likely, the deepening and 1970s water diversion for human consumption
drainage of the Arroyo de las Salinas occurred at progressively stopped and lake levels begin to
that time. recover. Farming activities in the watershed
Subunit 2A is composed of variegated, lami- remained intense, and consequently erosion as
nated Facies 7 that become more irregular and detected by Fe and Al profiles increased. The in-
dominated by gray laminae towards the top. It is a crease in copper reflects the increasing use of fer-
transitional interval between the laminated facies tilizers since the 1960s. A general decreasing trend
of Unit 2 and the massive facies of Unit 1. Organic in precipitation is observed after 1960 (Rodrigo
matter values decrease towards the top, till values et al. 1999). A dry period during the early 1970s
below 10%. Although the upper part of this sub- could correlate with the deposition of faintly
unit is still laminated, a clear change occurs in the laminated, brown sediments with higher organic
composition of the sediments: higher clastic input matter content in subunit 1A. Increasing grain size
is marked by the increase in finer particles and in at the top of the core is related to the abundance of
magnetic susceptibility values. A decrease in large large oxidized organic matter remains, soil

particles and littoral plant remains, and it parallels tially and altered in their composition, although
a large increase in magnetic susceptibility. some taxa are present in the Zoñar area.

Period 1: restoration (since 1982) Conclusions

After the lake was declared a protected area in The study of two sediment cores from Laguna
1982, the spring waters were not diverted for Zoñar (Andalucı́a, Spain) provides a detailed
human consumption and farming stopped in some record of environmental, climatic and anthropo-
fields bought by the regional government. Average genic changes in a Mediterranean watershed since
lake level recovered and some littoral areas were Medieval time. The direct relationship between
submerged. The Laguna Chica was flooded again, rainfall and lake level observed during the last
and re-connected with the Laguna Zoñar, but the decades suggests that climate variability is a main
outlet creek did not reopen; currently, Laguna controller of lake level in the past. Sedimentolog-
Zoñar does not have a surface outlet. ical and biological proxies indicate that higher lake
The top sample analyzed in the core is repre- levels dominated prior to the 13th century. En-
sentative of the modern status of the lake system. hanced fluvial influence at the end of the Medieval
The Al content is smaller compared to previous Warm Period (ca. AD 1300) could be responsible
values and magnetic susceptibility also decreases, for some erosion at the coring site and the gener-
which suggest that reducing the surface of farming ation of an erosive hiatus. There is not a direct
has helped a little to alleviate the erosion rate in correlation between rainfall anomalies recon-
the basin. Iron and phosphorous contents have structed for the last 500 years from documentary
also declined. Olive pollen maintains the same records and the inferred lake level changes in Zo-
values. Copper remains high, which suggest that ñar (Figure 8). This may be due to the fact that the
the total amount of fertilizers reaching the lake rainfall index only reflects extreme events and the
have not substantially changed. Myriophyllum lake filters and smooth the climatic signal and also
spicatum appears again as an indicator or rela- to the uncertainty of our chronological model. The
tively higher lake levels and fresher waters. The most significant limnological change started in the
decrease in Poaceae pollen seems to reflect the late 18th century where more finely laminated fa-
decrease of the littoral vegetation, now partially cies deposited and it corresponds to a period of
submerged. dominant wet anomalies. A dry period at the end
Since 1989 the Andalucian Environmental of the 19th century corresponds to the onset of
Agency has started a restoration program with deposition of finely laminated, organic – rich facies
autochthonous species as Quercus ilex, Quercus during a low lake level stage. This dry phase at the
coccifera, Olea europaea var. sylvestris, Ceratonia end of the LIA has been identified in historical
siliqua, Populus alba, Tamarix gallica, Ficus carica, documents and also in other lake records in the
Celtis australis, Crataegus monogyna, Pistacia region. The Zoñar record shows fluctuating lake
lentiscus, Arbutus unedo, Viburnum tinus, Retama levels since the end of the Medieval Warm Period
sphaerocarpa, Myrtus communis, etc. The shoreline till the late 19th century and a more acute dry
of the Laguna Zoñar is vegetated with Phragmites period during the late 19th century – early 20th
australis and Typha dominguensis while Juncus century, after the end of the Little Ice Age. This is
maritimus and Tamarix canariensis develop in the in agreement with historical records document
waterlogged littoral areas. Dry shorelines are high climate variability during the 14–19th century
covered with Polypogon maritimus and Plumba- in the Iberian Peninsula, with periods of intense
ginaceae as Limonium echioides. Zannichellia pa- rainfall and droughts (Rodrigo et al. 1999, 2000)
lustris is the main submerged plant. All these and with dendroclimatic reconstructions that show
species appear in the modern pollen rain samples outstanding oscillations during the LIA (Manri-
and also at the top samples of the cores. The que and Fernández-Cancio 2000). Although the
natural vegetation would be characterized by onset to lower lake levels characteristic of Unit 2
sclerophyllous formations with some patches of does not correlate with a dry rainfall anomaly, the
mesohygrophytic vegetation very restricted spa- deposition of finely laminated, organic-rich facies

correlate with the arid period during the late 19th REN 2000–1136 Project ‘‘Arid periods in the
century (end of the LIA) identified in documentary Mediterranean areas of the Iberian Peninsula since
records and also in several other sites in the region. the last glacial maximum: chronology, character-
Water consumption for human use and farming ization and paleoclimate implications’’. Funding
during the late 19th and early-mid-20th century by projects REN 2003–02499GLO and PI 17/739/
likely intensified this trend. FS is also acknowledged. We thank the Director
Two main periods of increased human activities and the staff of the ‘‘Southern Cordoba Lakes
in the watershed are recorded in the sediments. Natural Reserve’’ for their help during fieldwork
The first started with the Christian conquest and and also for access to unpublished data. Dirk
colonization of the Guadalquivir River Valley Verschuren (Gent University, Belgium) helped to
(13th century) particularly after the fall of the retrieve and sample the cores. We are grateful to
Granada Kingdom (15th century). The second one Piero Guilizzoni and Bill Last for their comments
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