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The Drugs (Appellate Board) Rules, 1976 S. R. O. 595 (1)/76, dated 2lst u!

e, 1976" In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 43 of the Drugs Act, 1976 ( I of 1976!, the "eder#$ %o&ern'ent is p$e#sed to '#(e the fo$$owing ru$es, the s#'e h#&ing been pre&ious$y pub$ished #s re)uired by sub*section (3! of the s#id section, n#'e$y +** 1. Short t#tle a!d $o%%e!$e%e!ts" (1! ,hese ru$es '#y be c#$$ed the Drugs (Appe$$#te -o#rd! .u$es, 1976/ (0! ,hey sh#$$ co'e into force #t once/ 2. The Appellate Board" (1! ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ consist of the fo$$owing 'e'bers, n#'e$y +** (#! Secret#ry, 1e#$th Di&ision, %o&ern'ent of 2#(ist#n, who sh#$$ be its ex*officio 3h#ir'#n/ (b! Secret#ry, 1e#$th Dep#rt'ent, %o&ern'ent of the 2un4#b, ex*officio or his represent#ti&e, not be$ow the r#n( of #n officer in -2S 19, who is #n expert in '#chine, ph#r'#co$ogy or ph#r'#cy/ (c! Secret#ry, 1e#$th Dep#rt'ent, %o&ern'ent of Sind, ex*officio or his represent#ti&e, not be$ow the r#n( of #n officer in -2S 19, who is #n expert in '#chine, ph#r'#co$ogy or ph#r'#cy/ (d! Secret#ry, 1e#$th Dep#rt'ent, %o&ern'ent of -#$uchist#n, ex*officio or his represent#ti&e, not be$ow the r#n( of #n officer in -2S 19, who is #n expert in '#chine, ph#r'#co$ogy or ph#r'#cy/ (e! Secret#ry, 1e#$th Dep#rt'ent, %o&ern'ent of the 5orth*6est "rontier 2ro&ince, ex*officio or his represent#ti&e, not be$ow the r#n( of #n officer in -2S 19, who is #n expert in '#chine, ph#r'#co$ogy or ph#r'#cy/ (f! 7ne 2rofessor of 'edicine, to be no'in#ted by the "eder#$ %o&ern'ent/ (g! 7ne 2rofessor of 2h#r'#co$ogy, ph#r'#co$ogy or 'edicine to be no'in#ted by the "eder#$ %o&ern'ent/ (h! 7ne represent#ti&e of the 8#w Di&ision, %o&ern'ent of 2#(ist#n/ (i! 3h#ir'#n, 9u#$ity 3ontro$ Authority, 1e#$th Di&ision, %o&ern'ent of 2#(ist#n, who sh#$$ be its ex*officio Secret#ry, (4! 7ne represent#ti&e of the :inistry of 8#w #nd 2#r$i#'ent#ry Aff#irs, %o&ern'ent of 2#(ist#n, ((! 3hief 3ost Accounts 7fficer of the :inistry of "in#nce/ (0! ,he 'e'bers, other th#n ex*officio 'e'bers, of the Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ ho$d office for # period of three ye#rs #nd sh#$$ be e$igib$e for reno'in#tions/ (3! ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ 'eet #s #nd when re)uired to perfor' its functions/ (4! ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ h#&e powers to #ppoint # 3o''ittee of ;xperts for det#i$ed in&estig#tion of #ny '#tter #nd report to the -o#rd/ (<! 5o #ct or proceeding of the Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ be in&#$id 'ere$y on the ground of the existence of #ny &#c#ncy in, or #ny defect in the constitution of the -o#rd/ &. 'o(ers o) the Appellate Board" ,he 'e'bers of the Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ exercise #$$ the powers of #n Inspector without restriction #s to #re#, #nd such other powers #s '#y be necess#ry to perfor' their functions/ *. 'ro$edure o) Appeal" (1! Any person #ggrie&ed by # decision of the .egistr#tion -o#rd, the 3entr#$ 8icensing -o#rd or # $icensing #uthority '#y, within sixty d#ys of receipt 7f such decision, sub'it #n #ppe#$ to the Appe$$#te -o#rd/ (0! An #pp$ic#tion for #ppe#$ under sub*ru$e (1! sh#$$ be in trip$ic#te #nd be #cco'p#nied by # copy of the decision #ppe#$ed #g#inst, #nd sh#$$ cont#in #$$ '#teri#$ st#te'ents #nd #rgu'ents re$ied on by the #ppe$$#nt #nd # fee of one thous#nd rupees for e#ch #pp$ic#tion / (3! ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$ tr#ns'it # copy of the #pp$ic#tion for #ppe#$ referred to in sub*ru$e (0! to the .egistr#tion -o#rd or the 3entr#$ 8icensing -o#rd or the $icensing #uthority #g#inst whose decision the #ppe#$ h#s been '#de/ #nd such -o#rd or #uthority sh#$$/ on de'#nd, produce before the Appe$$#te -o#rd the record of the c#se $e#ding to the decision/

(4! ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd sh#$$, #fter gi&ing the #ppe$$#nt #n opportunity of being he#rd, p#ss such orders #s it thin(s tit #nd such orders sh#$$ be fin#$/ </ .e&ision+ ,he Appe$$#te -o#rd '#y, of its own 'otion #t #ny ti'e, c#$$ for the record of #ny c#se for the purpose of s#tisfying itse$f #s to the correctness, $eg#$ity or propriety of such order #nd '#y p#ss such order in re$#tion thereto #s it thin(s fit/

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