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10-29-2009, 06:49 AM #1

Member Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Dialogue with Zabihullah Mujahid the official spokesman of the Islamic

Emirate of Afghanistan regarding todays Kabul operation 28/10/09

(0-,+‫ ا‬/.-,+‫&'( ا* ا‬

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Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Dialogue with Zabihullah Mujahid the offi... - Military News for Canadians


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Ad'iyah: 31 K‫ه‬6I3 *‫ ا‬H0&‫ ذ‬/ F03E9D‫ن ا‬6B'A6@?‫رة أ‬63‫( إ‬9;& :.9,+‫ ا‬8765+‫ ا‬43 ‫ار‬1-
70 ad'iyah in 30 posts

28/10/2009 :ML‫ر‬6B+‫ا‬

.S&6‫ آ‬F5LK3 Sb‫م دا‬10+‫ح ا‬6ZU FL‫د‬6_^B9‫ت ا‬6.I‫ ه‬:? VA6\[‫ ا‬/3 ,0Z‫د آ‬KW V0U‫ وا‬SBR

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.‫ام‬,n+‫اء ا‬,cj+ mB.\,i ‫م‬KcA :jL 6.0?‫ و‬،‫اث‬K-[‫ ا‬kji ‫ل‬1- ،F03E9D‫ن ا‬6B'A6@?‫أ‬

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Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Dialogue with Zabihullah Mujahid the offi... - Military News for Canadians
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‫ن‬6Z+67 - F03E9D‫ن ا‬6B'A6@?‫رة أ‬63D :.9‫ ر‬4R13

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Retrieved 311716UTC Oct 09

4 of 4 31-10-2009 13:14
The Al-amara Website (AW) Interview with Zabiullah Mujahid about the... - Military News for Canadians

The Al-amara Website (AW) Interview with Zabiullah

Mujahid about the Martyrdom-seeking Attack in Kabul
Saturday, 31 October 2009 15:24 administrator

AW: Mujahideen, targeting the UNAMA guesthouse in Kabul, carried out a martyrdom-seeking attack Digg
today. Could you tell us about the casualties inflicted on the enemy as a result?
Mujahid: Mujahideen launched a martyrdom-seeking attack against UNAMA guesthouse in Shirpur, in
Kabul city early in the morning. A great number of foreigners, who are to monitor the coming runoff submit
elections, are staying in the guesthouse. Share

Being equipped with weapons, the Mujahideen succeeded to enter the guesthouse and opened fire on security guards
pointblank inside the compound of the guesthouse. When security forces from other parts of the city arrived at the
scene, Mujahideen engaged them in fighting. After putting up strong resistance, the Mujahideen detonated their
explosives, killing or injuring about 50 foreigners. Other Mujahideen report from Kabul city that only four Afghans
have been killed and the rest are all foreigners killed in the assault.
AW: There are other reports of missiles attacks on the Presidential Place and the Serena Hotel. Please give details
about these attacks.
Mujahid. According to a previously worked out plan, Mujahideen fired 5 missiles at the Presidential Palace and the
Serena Hotel at nine o’clock which resulted in casualties among foreign nationals, staying in the hotel. Eyewitnesses
say, vehicles were seen racing out with dead bodies and injured persons. Our information emphasizes, some members
of the monitoring team for the next runoff elections including staff workers and advisers were residing in the hotel.
AW: Bashary, a spokesman of the ministry of interior of the Kabul surrogate regime says that the attack resulted into
insignificant casualties. Do you verify that?
Mujahid: This has now become a routine habit of the puppet regime to play down their casualties. In some cases,
even they deny their causalities. The enemy is completely unable to prevent the Mujahideen from carrying out
attacks and they have failed to maintain security, so they are trying to play down thier casualties. They think, this is
also a sort of victory to hide the casualties.
AW: As you know the runoff elections are about to be held soon. What programs the Mujahideen have on hand to
foil this process?
Mujahid: The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has issued a statement, calling the election a sham, having been
engineered by the Americans. The statement urges the Afghans to stay away from casting their votes and boycott the
polling as they did in the past elections. Similarly, the leadership has instructed all Mujahideen to foil the process,
target the polling stations and workers. I believe the election process will fail, but we call on all our countrymen to
avoid taking part in the elections and keep away from polling stations because the Mujahideen have hammered out
plans of attacks on these centers.
AW: Thank you for taking time to share your information with us.
Mujahid: You are welcome.

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