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Should students learn a foreign language?

62% Say Yes

Learn foreign language

It is better to learn a second language because...Learning a second language can benefit our life in many different ways. It makes us communicate better in foreign countries, meet more friends and we also learn it for fun. I feel that all student should learn a foreign language, preferably starting younger that age 10.

Give it a go!

I think you should learn a language because it Gives you a chance to learn a language and have a advantage over other people plus it will look good on you CV! Although it is hard give a try anyway you'll regret when you get older. Give it a second thought and give languages a go!

How is this even a question?!

Being in college and having a part time job I have come to realize that in order to be successful in not only my desired career but in certain social settings it would be beneficial to learn a foreign language. In addition, I hope to study abroad, and knowing a foreign language will not only allow me the confidence and freedom to roam the European continent freely but it will allow me a sense of appreciation before I even get there.

Benefits out weigh the (if any?) disadvantages.

I feel that all students should learn a foreign language, preferably starting younger than age 10. I notice many arguments against saying that learning a foreign language is a waste of time. Though I have to agree, there should be a desire to learn the language if one wants to be successful, it is absolutely ridiculous to say that learning another language is wasting time. Yes. Learning a language is HARD. But all good things in life are hard. Learning advanced algebra was difficult for me, I didn't like to do it, and I probably won't use it in my job - regardless, it is a school subject and going through the course isn't something I regret. Gaining knowledge in a subject, or at least the attempt to, should never be regarded as a waste of time. Learning a foreign language is a lot like any other subject in school, and actually can be compared to math. Some people like it, some people don't; both are subjects that are known to improve problem solving and can even delay Alzheimer's disease; and also, both are difficult. Other benefits are the fact that learning a foreign language never hurt anyone on a job resume. Any career will look favorably upon someone who is fluent in a foreign language (especially Spanish or Chinese.) It also opens up opportunities for travel or studying abroad which increases cultural awareness. Americans can be especially ethnocentric most of the time - and as an American, I can say this. ;) We feel that everyone who comes to our country should speak in English, as it's the 'polite' thing to do, but we often don't know a foreign language ourselves and get frustrated when we go abroad, and god forbid, someone in a tourist area doesn't speak English.

If other first world countries are learning to speak English in primary school, maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so ridiculous for America, the world's superpower, to invest in the globalization of our society and actually allow our children the wonderful opportunities of bilingualism.

Students Should Learn a Foreign Language

In an extremely connected world, there is a high demand to fill positions requiring fluency in a second language. Many young people of other countries are already bilingual, having learned a second language at an early age. If students were introduced to a foreign language in high school, it would be easier for them to become fluent while learning the language in college, giving them a chance to compete with other people in the world for the high demanding jobs requiring fluency in another language. Even if students do not plan on using a foreign language in their future, the course would help them to gain a basic understanding of a new language while broadening their minds learning about a new culture, as well. Although our educational system is already demanding on high school students, I strongly believe that the requirement of a foreign language course would be highly beneficial to students by increasing their academic grades, job opportunities, and diversity understanding. Learning another language assists in the development of critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, and memory, per the Connecticut State Department of Education. A 2007 publication cited several studies showing that students who study a foreign language have high scores on standardized tests in math, reading, and social studies, as well as college entrance exams like the ACT and SAT and have higher academic achievement rates overall. They also show that there is a link between second language learning and increased cognitive abilities in students. Learning languages develops the skills that are at the core of a liberal arts education, such as: intellectual skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, mental agility, and making interdisciplinary connections, self-confidence, including increased self-reliance, ability to adapt new situations, pro-activity, and willingness to take on responsibilities, and people skills, such as effective interpersonal communication, leadership, presentation skills, ability to do team-work, and cross-cultural understanding. Foreign language study will teach you to think creatively, communicate effectively and interact appropriately with people from different cultural backgrounds. Language is key to increasing one's understanding of today's world. As our world becomes more globalized and diverse, being able to speak more than one language becomes an invaluable skill and opens up more career choices and advancement opportunities. The internationalization of travel, the arts, media, politics, science and technology, the economic interdependence of the world's nations, and the increasingly multicultural character of American society have created a very real demand for multilingual professionals in nearly every profession. Knowing many languages is a real asset in today's marketplace, not only because you might need to use that language to communicate with native speakers in the U.S. Or abroad, but also because of the personal, cultural and intellectual skills you develop when you learn a foreign language. Studying languages and interacting with people from other cultures while in college is the way to acquire that ability. For many employers, your ability to communicate in a foreign language may be equally important to the specialist skills you will need to work.

Yes, Students Should

In an extremely connected world, there is a high demand to fill positions requiring fluency in a second language. Many young people of other countries are already bilingual, having learned a second language at an early age. If students were introduced to a foreign language in high school, it would be easier for them to become fluent while learning the language in college, giving them a

chance to compete with other people in the world for the high demanding jobs requiring fluency in another language. Even if students do not plan on using a foreign language in their future, the course would help them to gain a basic understanding of a new language while broadening their minds learning about a new culture, as well. Although our educational system is already demanding on high school students, I think the requirement of a foreign language course would be highly beneficial.

Pourquoi est-ce que vous ne voulez pas comprendre une langue etrangere?

Learning a foreign language has been proven to help put off Alzheimer's and dementia. In addition to that, learning foreign languages helps you multitask and improves the way you think. Knowing another language also aids in being able to make better financial decisions, as shown by a study conducted by the University of Chicago. Knowing a second language can also help in job opportunities. America is known as the melting pot for a reason: we are a very immigrant-friendly country. Out of all of the immigrants we have, there are many who do not speak English; as such, it is important that there are people who can speak those languages in order to communicate with them. After all, how are you supposed to live if can't communicate? You need communication skills for every aspect of life: grocery shopping, working, making friends, filling out various forms for the government, banking, etc. The point is, being able to communicate is vital, and if you can speak more than one language, then you can communicate with just about anybody. In the business world, that is an especially vital tool in the current globalized economy. Trade is on an international scale now; if you can't communicate with people, then you can't sell your product to them. If you don't sell your product, then you don't make money. In America, in particular, Spanish would be a useful language. 34% of Americans speak a second language. Of that 34%, 60% speak Spanish. That equates to about one-fifth of the country being able to speak Spanish. Out of every five people you know, one of them speaks Spanish (Gallup: "For Bilingual Americans, Spanish is Most Common Second Language"). If you're in international business, then you should learn Chinese, because their economy is the fastest growing right now and will soon overtake America's (if it hasn't already). In regards to education, I wish it started at a younger age. I started taking French in 8th grade, and I continued through 11th grade. You would think that after 5 years of the language, I would have a better grasp on it. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I have a decent vocabulary and I can conjugate verbs okay in the present tense; however, outside of that, I have very few French skills. I am planning on studying abroad in France my junior year of college (I am currently a freshman), but I am concerned that I will not be as prepared for it as I could have been had I started French at a younger age. I hope to become a French teacher in order to teach children French so that they may be able to broaden their horizons and increase their mental capabilities, as well as improving their chances for success in the future.

Yes Students Should

Learn a foreign lannguage because its helps with thinking more, and be creative more. Higher test scores and get to have new experiences. Understand foreign shows and travel the world. Plus who doesn't want to be bilingual? Taking foreign classes are good for college applications and high school credit, too.

Yes they shoud

There are some main reasons for learning a foreign language. One is that the study of another language improves our use and our understanding of our own. Learning the grammar of a second language is likely to help you understand the grammar of your native language. Reading great literature in its original language is usually more enjoyable than reading a translation. Poetry, especially, suffers from translation. Another is that learning to use another language is the epitome of "thinking outside the box," because every language "thinks" about things differently. Third, it is a lot of fun to talk to foreigners. When you get to travel somewhere you will be able to easily undetstand other people if you learn their language. The fourth reason is in the form of a negative: Not knowing any other languages keeps us parochial, isolated and ignorant. Isn't that enough? After all, most of the world is bilingual at least, and to most people this question would seem absurd. Why learn another language? You might as well ask Why learn to read? Oh, we could add that it might help you get a job, if we thought that was a good reason for learning something you would not otherwise care about. Besides, the idea "might help you get a job" is clearly implicit in the idea of " making you well-spoken and able to think in more ways than one."

Students should learn a foreign language

Because it can be an 'add' to any job and can make new friends and by learning a new language gives extra knowledge. Moreover, can enjoy with friends who doesn't understand the language that you learnt. The best thing about learning a new language is that you are upgrading your self and making yourself more aware about things you do not understand. In addition, by learning a new language, the list of things that you do not understand minimizes, it increases the level of things you understand.

It helps people with America's 2nd language

If people learn foreign language they get accepted to more colleges. They also let you become manageable to speak as an interpreter. Interpreters make alot of money so trust the voice of truth and reliability. The world is speaking, many should understand what is being said to each nationality, am I right.

Yes to learning other languages.

In my country (Morocco) we learn many languages. At the kindergarten we start with the two principal languages (Arabic and French) at the same time. At the secondary level, students choose from: English, Spanish, German and Italian. Once at the university, we have another choice: Russian, Hebrew, Japanese, Chinese and Perce. Hence, learning other languages does not hurt, at the opposite it helps people to communicate with different people. Maybe, because my country relies economically on tourism, this is why they give so much importance to Learning other languages.

It is better to learn a second language because...

Learning a second language can benefit our life in many different ways. Forexample it make us communicate better in foreign countries, meet more friends and we also learn it for fun. Many people think that learning a second language can cause language confusion and problems like that. In fact, it can maintain our homeostasis and make us smarter. Since learning a second lanuage, you need to memorize a lot things. Therefore, for those people who say that learning a second language is bad for us! I can judge you by saying NO because of reasons above!

Of course they should.

Most countries you visit, even the children are near enough fluent by the age of 16. It doesn't seem right that we visit a foreign country only to have everyone there speak to you in English. It makes us as a country seem uneducated and lazy and I personally find it embarrassing.

Yes, high school students need to learn a foreign language.

High school students need to learn a foreign lanuage for the same reasons anyone else would need to, so they know. Imagrants move to the U.S., Canada and Mexico every year. If people do not understand what others are saying, everything will fall apart in a lack of miscomunnication. People who go on vacation a lot need to know what they are doing also. This applies to the high school stundents and the world.

Learning a new language(s)

Well, let's just say that learning a new language gives to you a totally new point of view for so many things: you will get inside to a completely different culture from your own, you will keep your brains and mind in very active state, etc. Etc. And you might get new, life long friends from other countries. And if I have some spelling mistakes, it's because ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE, IT'S FINNISH!

It's important to communicate

Learning a second language is important because it help us to communicate with other persons and to qualify for better jobs. It give us the opportunity to move to other places and to expand our knowledge. To grow as an individual thinker and to complete in an easy way our goals.

Traveling without being an outcast

If you learn a second language you can travel many places without feeling like an outcast. Also, you're able to get more culture when you travel. Plus, you can under stand the lyrics of the band Rammstein "Ich will morgenstern." Lastly, you will just be smarter than you were before.
Posted by: Anonymous

Yes they should learn it.

Most students don't realize the important of learning another language. In my school, a lot of foreign exchange students and ESL students have been coming in, and how are we to help them if we don't even know the language that they are speaking? Learning another language can also expand the brain and help the student learn. The mind needs a challenge or else it won't work as well as it used to. So why not challenge it by learning something new? Like another language. But school should also offer more foreign language courses besides Spanish. If they offered German, French, Italian, or Dutch, students would be interested in learning. Students want to venture out in other countries and the best way for us to prepare them, is to teach another language.

All student should definitively learn another language

Since the U.S. is expanding more, more foreigners are going to come. And with them comes a new language. So for us to help them,we must know the language first. Students could also get a higher salary. People say that if you know two languages, you are worth two people. Learning another language could also help the brain expand. And once you know Spanish, you can pretty much learn any other language.

Should Students learn a different language

I say yes because people come different countries and they might not be able to speak another language. What if adults or kids go to another country and they do not speak that language, yes some people might speak English. Scientists proofed that English is the hardest language to learn. It could be useful if some people learn sigh-language because some people can not speak too.

Yes of course we should learn other languages!

Knowing 1 or more languages can help you get Higher Test Scores, Bigger View Of The world, and Greater opportunities for college and careers. I have just been away on holiday and most people could speak my language so why shouldn't I learn theres. The more us children learn about foreign languages, the more they understand about our own language.

38% Say No

Its up to the person.

If the student wants to learn another language then they can learn another language. It is up to them if they decide but some people don't even speak their own language or even spell some words at that. So why should you be forced to learn another language if you don't even know half of your language? So their goes your reason why, I mean its stupid

It should be optional.

Kids don't pay attention while learning a second language and they always say they don't understand. One time, my Spanish teacher asked, "Is anyone Savera's friend?" and no one raised their hand except Savera because we all thought she said, "Who is Savera?" This is why language in school should be optional.

Not required in my opinion

Any foreign language in my opinion isn't required unless you plan on exploring the world or have plans to work at a call area or being a teacher for students who WANT to learn a new language. Not many people want to speak another language I for one don't but yet is forced on students who don't want to learn another language and they don't get a say in it and thus makes it harder for any student who doesn't want to learn a new language as they have to sit am examination on it and focus on something they don't find important or interesting for there present or future life this applies pressure on them and distracts there attention away from other subjects such as maths science and English witch then in turn affects there grade as there attention is focused on foreign languages.

It Should Not Be Required

Although learning a foreign language is a huge plus for any individual, it should not be a requirement. Furthermore, not everyone has the desire to learn a foreign language, therefore they should not be forced to do so. Those who do wish to learn another language will benefit from it, but it should be optional.

It's a complete waste of time.

People barely know how to speak English, why should they be forced to learn another language? How would you feel if schools made everybody learn about biochemical engineering and said the reason is to expand our thought processes? I don't plan on leaving the United States at all, nor do I plan on doing anything that involves me speaking another language. However if you plan on doing something that helps you if you are bilingual than by all means yes, if not don't do it.

Language: learn or not to learn

A 2nd language is great if you want to learn one but many people just like it. I love learning but a new language is hard for my sponge-like brain to pick up I still try but I'm not required so it's my fault that I'm taking a other language. It's hard sometimes

No point on learning it.

Why students should not learn foreign language? Student should not learn foreign language because if they learn foreign language then it would be wasting their time learning something that they do not want to learn. They would learn something that they think is useless and ridiculous. They wont even pay attention in class if they dont find it interesting. Students should have the choice whether they want to learn a foreign language or not. If that student has interest in another subject then why learn foreign language? It is a waste of time. You may think that it helps them to benefit and helps them in the future but whats the use? When they grow up, they will probably already forget what they learn when they were younger unless they kept practicing. How would you feel if the school makes you learn a boring subject and a subject that doesnt really helps u in the future? The language that you are learning right now might help you to communicate when you travel overseas, but when you grow older and get a job, what are the chances of speaking that language? You may already forget what you learn when you were still at school. Foreign language is not that important so the school should focus on a subject that is more important than foreign language. Students should have a say whether they want to learn foreign language or not. So why should we be forced to learn a foreign language if you dont even know half of your own language?

Waste of Time

In college I only took Spanish because I was required to. I was absolutely miserable in these classes and didn't get a thing from them. I still can't speak good Spanish. I can say a few words, maybe even a few sentences, and could probably read some Spanish too. This doesn't get me anywhere. Classes in high school and college is not going to make you fluent in another language. Learning a foreign language must be a choice. For immigrant, if they want to come to America, they need to learn our language, we should not have to learn theirs. If you want a country of people who speak your language, go find one. America isn't it.

Foreign language is a waste of time

It shouldn't be required just because a few people think foreign language is great. They should let the people who think its great take. Why does everyone else have to struggle through foreign language just because they think it helps with scores and getting into better universities. No one if pays attention any way so what is the point.

More advanced classes can be taken.

Students who are interested in majoring in a science or math field should not be required to take a foreign language because it could take a slot in their schedule that could be used to take a more advanced course in math or science. However, many colleges in America require at least two years of a foreign language. Time that is spent taking these foreign language classes takes away opportunities that the student has at getting a better understanding of the field they want to pursue. An engineer or scientist will have little need for foreign languages in their career.

Choice or No Choice?

I feel that the students should be able to make the decision on whether or not they want to learn a foreign language. It is up to them, not the school. Besides, they could be using the time to learn subjects that interest them more than learning a foreign language.

Because some people are against learning a different language

Maybe their family is against it and don't wont their kid to learn a different type of language like mine don't wont me to learn a different language because my moms dad wouldn't let her learn a different language in school and he don't want his grandkids to learn a new language.......

It should be the student's choice.

Students should not be forced to learn a second language. Especially in America. I can understand people in Europe learning multiple languages because if they drive 500 miles in any direction, they'll be in a different country that speaks a different language. In America, many people can't afford to pay for these language classes, and definitely can't afford to go to a different country. And if someone is going on vacation to a different country, they're probably not going to be there long enough to make learning their native tongue worth it. If students want to learn a different language, good for them. I don't believe EVERYONE should be forced to

learn a different language. There's so many different languages out there, how do you decide which one is more important than the others? If emigrants are coming into America, it's their job to learn our native language, not have us accompany them by learning as many languages as possible. Forcing students to learn a different language is not right in America. Students don't NEED it to survive or to make it in life. How do I know? Well I know plenty of people (both in my family and out) that are very successful in life and don't remember a single thing from their foreign language classes in high school. If you really want to learn a different language, it's a lifelong commitment. You can't tell students to take a class for two years and expect them to remember it their whole life. I finished my first year of German class, and when I came back for the second year, it took me about two months to start to remember what learned the year before. It should be the student's choice to learn a different language, not the school boards' or the government's.

It should NOT be required

Taking foreign language classes should not be required in high school or college. A majority of students will not use a foreign language in their career. High schoolers who must take 2 credits of a language wate about 288 hours (based on trimesters). This time could be used to take classes that would benefit the career they wish to pursue.

Whats the point?

As a student, I am taking a Spanish class. In my future, I never plan on leaving the country, and have no need to learn any other language. While I believe it shouldnt be required, I think a foreign language should be an elective, you don't have to take it. All of the immigrants coming to the USA can learn English, if we go to their country, we can learn their language.

No learning Languages!

Some people want to learn a different language but you shouldn't be REQUIRED to take a language course. Some people would like to take other classes and you only get a certain amount of classes a quarter. Maybe your Mexican and you already know Spanish and English you shouldn't have to learn a second language.

Should not be required

Some people have a serious problem learning a foreign language. They should not be required to learn a foreign language. It should be an option in high school. Some of these kids are very bright students, but when it comes to learning a foreign language they are lost and it will ruin their gpa. Its not like they didn't try to learn the language. That's why it should just be an option instead of a requirement

Focus on more important classes

As a 9th grader, Italian is hard for me. It will not affect 95% of people except for immigrants and translators (Translators are not needed anymore because you can just download it on your smartphone). This year I had to work 2 hours a day just to pass Italian. I would rather focus that time to important classes like math and science. So, just to recap, it is useless and difficult.

Australia is multicultural country and the main language is English.

It's difficult to learn another language while study other subject for e.G. English,math, science, etc, and it should be a matter of choice to choose. Australia is multicultural country and the main language is English. 10% of bilingual people can make more money out of their second language will not likely to use it. Don't overburden yourself in high school. Everyone should enjoy their high school time. Once it is gone, it will not come back. If you want to learn a second language, you can do it in college

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